/* File: arraysub.c * Author: Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Arbitrary length arrays, stacks, associators * line breaking and all sorts of other goodies * These functions are declared in array.h * (part of regular.h - the header for libfree.a) * Exported functions: * See Header file: array.h (includes lots of macros) * HISTORY: * Last edited: May 25 16:32 2000 (edgrif) * * May 19 13:51 1999 (fw): make MEM_DEBUG the default for all * ops that demand memory, so we can track where the * code made that request. * * Nov 1 16:11 1996 (srk) * - MEM_DEBUG code clean-up * (some loose ends crept in from WIN32) * - int (*order)(void*,void*) prototypes used * uniformly throughout * * Jun 5 00:48 1996 (rd) * * May 2 22:33 1995 (mieg): killed the arrayReport at 20000 otherwise it swamps 50 Mbytes of RAM * * Jan 21 16:25 1992 (mieg): messcrash in uArrayCreate(size<=0) * * Dec 17 11:40 1991 (mieg): stackTokeniseTextOn() tokeniser. * * Dec 12 15:45 1991 (mieg): Stack magic and stackNextText * Created: Thu Dec 12 15:43:25 1989 (mieg) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: arraysub.c,v 1.63 2002/02/22 18:00:19 srk Exp $ */ /* Warning : if you modify Array or Stack structures or procedures in this file or array.h, you may need to modify accordingly the persistent array package asubs.c. */ #include "regular.h" extern BOOL finalCleanup ; /* in memsubs.c */ /********** Array : class to implement variable length arrays **********/ static int totalAllocatedMemory = 0 ; static int totalNumberCreated = 0 ; static int totalNumberActive = 0 ; static Array reportArray = 0 ; static void uArrayFinalise (void *cp) ; Array uArrayCreate_dbg (int n, int size, STORE_HANDLE handle, const char *hfname,int hlineno) { int id = totalNumberCreated++ ; Array new = (Array) handleAlloc_dbg (uArrayFinalise, handle, sizeof (struct ArrayStruct), hfname, hlineno) ; if (!reportArray) { reportArray = (Array)1 ; /* prevents looping */ reportArray = arrayCreate (512, Array) ; } if (size <= 0) messcrash("negative size %d in uArrayCreate", size) ; if (n < 1) n = 1 ; totalAllocatedMemory += n * size ; /* base-mem isn't allocated upon handle, it's free'd by finalisation */ new->base = halloc_dbg (n*size, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; new->dim = n ; new->max = 0 ; new->size = size ; new->id = ++id ; new->magic = ARRAY_MAGIC ; totalNumberActive++ ; if (reportArray != (Array)1) { if (new->id < 20000) array (reportArray, new->id, Array) = new ; else { Array aa = reportArray ; reportArray = (Array)1 ; /* prevents looping */ arrayDestroy (aa) ; } } return new ; } /**************/ int arrayReportMark (void) { return reportArray != (Array)1 ? arrayMax(reportArray) : 0 ; } /**************/ void arrayReport (int j) { int i ; Array a ; if (reportArray == (Array)1) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\n %d active arrays, %d created, %d kb allocated\n\n ", totalNumberActive, totalNumberCreated , totalAllocatedMemory/1024) ; return ; } fprintf(stderr,"\n\n") ; i = arrayMax (reportArray) ; while (i-- && i > j) { a = arr (reportArray, i, Array) ; if (arrayExists(a)) fprintf (stderr, "Array %d size=%d max=%d\n", i, a->size, a->max) ; } } /**************/ void arrayStatus (int *nmadep, int *nusedp, int *memAllocp, int *memUsedp) { int i ; Array a, *ap ; *nmadep = totalNumberCreated ; *nusedp = totalNumberActive ; *memAllocp = totalAllocatedMemory ; *memUsedp = 0 ; if (reportArray == (Array)1) return ; i = arrayMax(reportArray) ; ap = arrp(reportArray, 0, Array) - 1 ; while (ap++, i--) if (arrayExists (*ap)) { a = *ap ; *memUsedp += a->max * a->size ; } } /**************/ Array uArrayReCreate_dbg (Array a, int n, int size, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { if (!arrayExists(a)) return uArrayCreate_dbg(n, size, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; if(a->size != size) uMessSetErrorOrigin(hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash ("Type missmatch in arrayReCreate, you should always " "call recreate using the same type") ; if (n < 1) n = 1 ; if (a->dim < n || (a->dim - n)*size > (1 << 19) ) /* free if save > 1/2 meg */ { totalAllocatedMemory -= a->dim * size ; messfree (a->base) ; a->dim = n ; totalAllocatedMemory += a->dim * size ; /* base-mem isn't alloc'd on handle, it's free'd by finalisation */ a->base = halloc_dbg (a->dim*size, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; } memset(a->base,0,(mysize_t)(a->dim*size)) ; a->max = 0 ; return a ; } /**************/ void uArrayDestroy_dbg (Array a, const char *hfname, int hlineno) /* Note that the finalisation code attached to the memory does the work, see below */ { if (!a) return; if (a->magic != ARRAY_MAGIC) uMessSetErrorOrigin(hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash ("arrayDestroy received corrupt array->magic"); messfree(a); } static void uArrayFinalise (void *cp) { Array a = (Array)cp; totalAllocatedMemory -= a->dim * a->size ; if (!finalCleanup) messfree (a->base) ; a->magic = 0 ; totalNumberActive-- ; if (!finalCleanup && reportArray != (Array)1) arr(reportArray, a->id, Array) = 0 ; return; } /* uArrayFinalise */ /******************************/ void arrayExtend_dbg (Array a, int n, const char *hfname,int hlineno) { char *new ; if (!a || n < a->dim) return ; totalAllocatedMemory -= a->dim * a->size ; if (a->dim*a->size < 1 << 23) /* 2 megs of keys, or 8 megs of ram */ a->dim *= 2 ; else a->dim += 1024 + ((1 << 23) / a->size) ; if (n >= a->dim) a->dim = n + 1 ; totalAllocatedMemory += a->dim * a->size ; /* base-mem isn't allocated upon handle, it's free'd by finalisation */ new = halloc_dbg (a->dim*a->size, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; memcpy (new,a->base,a->size*a->max) ; messfree (a->base) ; a->base = new ; return; } /* arrayExtend_dbg */ /***************/ char *uArray_dbg (Array a, int i, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { if (i < 0) uMessSetErrorOrigin(hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash ("referencing array element %d < 0", i) ; if (!a) uMessSetErrorOrigin(hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash ("uArray called with NULL Array struc"); if (i >= a->max) { if (i >= a->dim) arrayExtend (a,i) ; a->max = i+1 ; } return a->base + i*a->size ; } /***************/ char *uArrayCheck_dbg (Array a, int i, const char *hfname,int hlineno) { if (i < 0) uMessSetErrorOrigin(hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash ("referencing array element %d < 0", i) ; return uArray_dbg(a, i, hfname, hlineno) ; } /***************/ char *uArrCheck_dbg (Array a, int i, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { if (i >= a->max || i < 0) uMessSetErrorOrigin(hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash ("array index %d out of bounds [0,%d]", i, a->max - 1) ; return a->base + i*a->size ; } /**************/ Array arrayCopy_dbg(Array old, STORE_HANDLE handle, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { Array new ; if (arrayExists (old) && old->size) { new = uArrayCreate_dbg (old->dim, old->size, handle, hfname, hlineno) ; memcpy(new->base, old->base, old->dim * old->size); new->max = old->max ; return new; } return (Array)0 ; } /* arrayCopy_dbg */ /**************/ Array arrayTruncatedCopy_dbg (Array a, int x1, int x2, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { Array b = 0 ; if (x1 < 0 || x2 < x1 || x2 > a->max) messcrash ("Bad coordinates x1 = %d, x2 = %d in arrayTruncatedCopy", x1, x2) ; if (arrayExists (a) && a->size) { if (x2 - x1) { b = uArrayCreate_dbg (x2 - x1, a->size, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; b->max = x2 - x1 ; memcpy(b->base, a->base + x1, b->max * b->size); } else b = uArrayCreate_dbg (10, a->size, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; } return b; } /**************/ void arrayCompress(Array a) { int i, j, k , as ; char *x, *y, *ab ; if (!a || !a->size || arrayMax(a) < 2 ) return ; ab = a->base ; as = a->size ; for (i = 1, j = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; i++) { x = ab + i * as ; y = ab + j * as ; for (k = a->size ; k-- ;) if (*x++ != *y++) goto different ; continue ; different: if (i != ++j) { x = ab + i * as ; y = ab + j * as ; for (k = a->size ; k-- ;) *y++ = *x++ ; } } arrayMax(a) = j + 1 ; } /****************/ /* 31.7.1995 dok408 added arraySortPos() - restricted sorting to tail of array */ void arraySort(Array a, int (*order)(void*, void*)) { arraySortPos(a, 0, order) ; } void arraySortPos (Array a, int pos, int (*order)(void*, void*)) { typedef int (*CONSTORDER)(const void*, const void*) ; unsigned int n = a->max - pos, s = a->size ; void *v = a->base + pos * a->size ; if (pos < 0) messcrash("arraySortPos: pos = %d", pos); if (n > 1) #if defined(THINK_C) || defined(metrowerks) /* THINK C & Metrowerks quicksorts suck */ { extern void qcksrt (char *base, int n, int size, int (*comp)(void*, void*)) ; qcksrt (v, n, s, order) ; } #else qsort(v, n, s, (CONSTORDER)order) ; #endif } /***********************************************************/ BOOL arrayIsEntry_dbg (Array a, int i, void *s, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { char *cp = uArray_dbg(a,i, hfname, hlineno), *cq = s ; int j = a->size; while (j--) if (*cp++ != *cq++) return FALSE ; return TRUE; } /***********************************************/ /* Finds Entry s from Array a * sorted in ascending order of order() * If found, returns TRUE and sets *ip * if not, returns FALSE and sets *ip one step left */ BOOL arrayFind(Array a, void *s, int *ip, int (* order)(void*, void*)) { int ord; int i = 0 , j = arrayMax(a), k; if(!j || (ord = order(s,uArray_dbg(a,0, __FILE__, __LINE__)))<0) { if (ip) *ip = -1; return FALSE; } /* not found */ if (ord == 0) { if (ip) *ip = 0; return TRUE; } if ((ord = order(s,uArray_dbg(a,--j, __FILE__, __LINE__)))>0 ) { if (ip) *ip = j; return FALSE; } if (ord == 0) { if (ip) *ip = j; return TRUE; } while(TRUE) { k = i + ((j-i) >> 1) ; /* midpoint */ if ((ord = order(s, uArray_dbg(a,k, __FILE__, __LINE__))) == 0) { if (ip) *ip = k; return TRUE; } if (ord > 0) (i = k); else (j = k) ; if (i == (j-1) ) break; } if (ip) *ip = i ; return FALSE; } /**************************************************************/ /* Removes Entry s from Array a * sorted in ascending order of order() */ BOOL arrayRemove (Array a, void * s, int (* order)(void*, void*)) { int i; if (arrayFind(a, s, &i,order)) { /* memcpy would be faster but regions overlap * and memcpy is said to fail with some compilers */ char *cp = uArray_dbg(a,i, __FILE__, __LINE__), *cq = cp + a->size ; int j = (arrayMax(a) - i)*(a->size) ; while(j--) *cp++ = *cq++; arrayMax(a) --; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /**************************************************************/ /* Insert Segment s in Array a * in ascending order of s.begin */ BOOL arrayInsert(Array a, void * s, int (*order)(void*, void*)) { int i, j; if (arrayFind(a, s, &i,order)) return FALSE; /* no doubles */ j = arrayMax(a) + 1; uArray_dbg(a,j-1,__FILE__,__LINE__) ; /* to create space */ /* avoid memcpy for same reasons as above */ { char* cp = uArray_dbg(a,j - 1,__FILE__,__LINE__) + a->size - 1, *cq = cp - a->size ; int k = (j - i - 1)*(a->size); while(k--) *cp-- = *cq--; cp = uArray_dbg(a,i+1,__FILE__,__LINE__); cq = (char *) s; k = a->size; while(k--) *cp++ = *cq++; } return TRUE; } /******** Stack : arbitrary Stack class - inherits from Array *********/ static void uStackFinalise (void *cp) ; Stack stackHandleCreate_dbg (int n, /* n is initial size */ STORE_HANDLE handle, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { Stack s = (Stack) handleAlloc_dbg (uStackFinalise, handle, sizeof (struct StackStruct), hfname, hlineno) ; s->magic = STACK_MAGIC ; /* array is not allocated upon handle, it's free'd by finalisation */ s->a = arrayCreate (n,char) ; s->pos = s->ptr = s->a->base ; s->safe = s->a->base + s->a->dim - 16 ; /* safe to store objs up to size 8 */ s->textOnly = FALSE; return s ; } /* stackHandleCreate_dbg */ void stackTextOnly(Stack s) { if (!stackExists(s)) messcrash("StackTextOnly given non-exisant stack."); s->textOnly = TRUE; } Stack stackReCreate_dbg (Stack s, int n, /* n is initial size */ const char *hfname, int hlineno) { if (!stackExists(s)) return stackHandleCreate_dbg(n, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; /* array is not allocated upon handle, it's free'd by finalisation */ s->a = uArrayReCreate_dbg (s->a,n,sizeof(char), hfname, hlineno) ; s->pos = s->ptr = s->a->base ; s->safe = s->a->base + s->a->dim - 16 ; /* safe to store objs up to size 8 */ return s ; } /* stackReCreate_dbg */ Stack stackCopy_dbg (Stack old, STORE_HANDLE handle, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { Stack new ; int ptr, pos; if (!stackExists(old)) return 0 ; ptr = old->ptr - old->a->base; pos = old->pos - old->a->base; new = (Stack) handleAlloc_dbg (uStackFinalise, handle, sizeof (struct StackStruct), hfname, hlineno) ; new->magic = STACK_MAGIC; /* array is not allocated upon handle, it's free'd by finalisation */ new->a = arrayCopy_dbg (old->a, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; new->ptr = new->a->base + ptr; new->pos = new->a->base + pos; new->safe = new->a->base + new->a->dim - 16 ; new->textOnly = old->textOnly; return new ; } /* stackCopy_dbg */ #ifdef FW_990519_NOT_DECLARED_OR_USED_ANYWHERE Stack arrayToStack (Array a) { Stack s ; int n ; if (!arrayExists(a) || a->size != 1 ) return 0 ; n = arrayMax(a) ; s = stackCreate(n + 32) ; memcpy(s->a->base, a->base, n) ; s->pos = s->a->base ; s->ptr = s->a->base + n ; s->safe = s->a->base + s->a->dim - 16 ; /* safe to store objs up to size 8 */ while ((long)s->ptr % STACK_ALIGNMENT) *(s->ptr)++ = 0 ; return s ; } #endif /* FW_990519_NOT_DEFINE_OR_USED_ANYWHERE */ void uStackDestroy(Stack s) { if (s && s->magic == STACK_MAGIC) messfree(s); } /* the rest is done below as a consequence */ static void uStackFinalise (void *cp) { Stack s = (Stack)cp; if (!finalCleanup) arrayDestroy (s->a) ; s->magic = 0 ; } void stackExtend_dbg (Stack s, int n, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { int ptr, pos; if (!stackExists(s)) uMessSetErrorOrigin (hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash("stackExtend() - called with invalid stack"); ptr = s->ptr - s->a->base; pos = s->pos - s->a->base ; s->a->max = s->a->dim ; /* since only up to ->max copied over */ arrayExtend_dbg (s->a,ptr+n+16, hfname, hlineno); /* relies on arrayExtend mechanism */ s->ptr = s->a->base + ptr ; s->pos = s->a->base + pos ; s->safe = s->a->base + s->a->dim - 16 ; return; } /* stackExtend_dbg */ int stackMark (Stack s) { int mark; if (!stackExists(s)) messcrash("stackMark() - received invalid stack"); mark = (s->ptr - s->a->base); return mark; } /* stackMark */ int stackPos (Stack s) { int pos; if (!stackExists(s)) messcrash("stackPos() - received invalid stack"); pos = (s->pos - s->a->base); return pos; } /* stackPos */ void stackCursor (Stack s, int mark) { if (!stackExists(s)) messcrash("stackCursor() - received invalid stack"); s->pos = s->a->base + mark ; return; } /* stackCursor */ char *stackText_dbg (Stack s, int mark, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { char *text; if (!stackExists(s)) uMessSetErrorOrigin (hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash("stackText() - called with invalid stack"); text = (char*)(s->a->base + mark); return text; } /* stackText */ /************************************************************/ /* access doubles on the stack by steam on systems where we don't align the stack strictly enough, this code assumes that ints are 32bits and doubles 64 */ union mangle { double d; struct { int i1; int i2; } i; }; void uStackDoublePush(Stack stk, double x) { union mangle m; m.d = x; push(stk, m.i.i1, int); push(stk, m.i.i2, int); } double uStackDoublePop(Stack stk) { union mangle m; m.i.i2 = pop(stk, int); m.i.i1 = pop(stk, int); return m.d; } double uStackDoubleNext(Stack stk) { union mangle m; m.i.i1 = stackNext(stk, int); m.i.i2 = stackNext(stk, int); return m.d; } void pushText (Stack s, char* text) { while (s->ptr + strlen(text) > s->safe) stackExtend (s,strlen(text)+1) ; while ((*(s->ptr)++ = *text++)) ; if (!s->textOnly) while ((long)s->ptr % STACK_ALIGNMENT) *(s->ptr)++ = 0 ; } char* popText (Stack s) { char *base = s->a->base ; while (s->ptr > base && !*--(s->ptr)) ; while (s->ptr >= base && *--(s->ptr)) ; return ++(s->ptr) ; } void catText (Stack s, char* text) { while (s->ptr + strlen(text) > s->safe) stackExtend (s,strlen(text)+1) ; *s->ptr = 0 ; while (s->ptr >= s->a->base && *s->ptr == 0) s->ptr -- ; s->ptr ++ ; while ((*(s->ptr)++ = *text++)) ; if (!s->textOnly) while ((long)s->ptr % STACK_ALIGNMENT) *(s->ptr)++ = 0 ; } void catBinary (Stack s, char* data, int size) { int total; total = size + 1; while (s->ptr + total > s->safe) stackExtend (s,size+1) ; *s->ptr = 0 ; while (s->ptr >= s->a->base && *s->ptr == 0) s->ptr -- ; s->ptr ++ ; memcpy(s->ptr,data,size); s->ptr += size; /* end with a newline to prevent truncation by next cat */ *(s->ptr)++ = '\n'; if (!s->textOnly) while ((long)s->ptr % STACK_ALIGNMENT) *(s->ptr)++ = 0 ; } char* stackNextText (Stack s) { char *text = s->pos ; if (text>= s->ptr) return 0 ; /* JTM, so while stackNextText makes sense */ while (*s->pos++) ; if (!s->textOnly) while ((long)s->pos % STACK_ALIGNMENT) ++s->pos ; return text ; } /*********/ /* Push text in stack s, after breaking it on delimiters */ /* You can later access the tokens with command while (token = stackNextText(s)) work on your tokens ; */ void stackTokeniseTextOn(Stack s, char *text, char *delimiters) { char *cp, *cq , *cend, *cd, old, oldend ; int i, n ; if(!stackExists(s) || !text || !delimiters) messcrash("stackTextOn received some null parameter") ; n = strlen(delimiters) ; cp = cq = text ; while(TRUE) { while(*cp == ' ') cp++ ; cq = cp ; old = 0 ; while(*cq) { for (cd = delimiters, i = 0 ; i < n ; cd++, i++) if (*cd == *cq) { old = *cq ; *cq = 0 ; goto found ; } cq++ ; } found: cend = cq ; while(cend > cp && *--cend == ' ') ; if (*cend != ' ') cend++ ; oldend = *cend ; *cend = 0 ; if (*cp && cend > cp) pushText(s,cp) ; *cend = oldend ; if(!old) { stackCursor(s, 0) ; return ; } *cq = old ; cp = cq + 1 ; } } void stackClear (Stack s) { if (!s) messcrash("stackClear() - NULL stack"); if (!stackExists(s)) messcrash("stackClear() - non-magic Stack"); memset(s->a->base,0,(mysize_t)(s->a->dim*sizeof(char))) ; s->pos = s->ptr = s->a->base; s->a->max = 0; return; } /* stackClear */ /****************** routines to set text into lines ***********************/ static char *linesText ; static Array lines ; static Array textcopy ; static int kLine, popLine ; /**********/ int uLinesText (char *text, int width) { char *cp,*bp ; int i ; int nlines = 0 ; int length = strlen (text) ; int safe = length + 2*(length/(width > 0 ? width : 1) + 1) ; /* mieg: avoid zero divide */ static int isFirst = TRUE ; if (isFirst) { isFirst = FALSE ; lines = arrayCreate(16,char*) ; textcopy = arrayCreate(128,char) ; } linesText = text ; array(textcopy,safe,char) = 0 ; /* ensures textcopy is long enough */ if (!*text) { nlines = popLine = kLine = 0 ; array(lines,0,char*) = 0 ; return 0 ; } cp = textcopy->base ; nlines = 0 ; for (bp = text ; *bp ; ++bp) { array(lines,nlines++,char*) = cp ; for (i = 0 ; (*cp = *bp) && *cp != '\n' ; ++i, ++cp, ++bp) if (i == width) /* back up to last space */ { while (i--) { --bp ; --cp ; if (*cp == ' ' || *cp == ',' || *cp == ';') goto eol ; } cp += width ; /* no coma or spaces in whole line ! */ bp += width ; break ; } eol: if (!*cp) break ; if (*cp != '\n') ++cp ; *cp++ = 0 ; } kLine = 0 ; /* reset for uNextLine() */ popLine = nlines ; array(lines,nlines,char*) = 0 ; /* 0 terminate */ return nlines ; } char *uNextLine (char *text) { if (text != linesText) messout ("Warning : uNextLine being called with bad context") ; return array(lines,kLine++,char*) ; } char *uPopLine (char *text) { if (text != linesText) messout ("Warning : uPopLine being called with bad context") ; if (popLine) return array(lines,--popLine,char*) ; else return 0; } char **uBrokenLines (char *text, int width) { uLinesText (text,width) ; return (char**)lines->base ; } char *uBrokenText (char *text, int width) { char *cp ; uLinesText (text,width) ; uNextLine (text) ; while ((cp = uNextLine (text))) *(cp-1) = '\n' ; return arrp(textcopy,0,char) ; } /*************************************************************/ /* perfmeters */ int assBounce = 0, assFound = 0, assNotFound = 0, assInserted = 0, assRemoved = 0 ; /* Associator package is for associating pairs of pointers. Assumes that an "in" item is non-zero and non -1. Implemented as a hash table of size 2^m. Originally grabbed from Steve Om's sather code by Richard Durbin. Entirelly rewritten by mieg, using bouncing by relative primes and deletion flagging. User has access to structure member ->n = # of pairs */ #define VSIZE (sizeof(void*)) #define VS5 (VSIZE/5) #define VS7 (VSIZE/7) #define moins_un ((void*) (-1)) #define HASH(_xin) { register long z = VS5, x = (char*)(_xin) - (char*)0 ; \ for (hash = x, x >>= 5 ; z-- ; x >>= 5) hash ^= x ; \ hash &= a->mask ; \ } #define DELTA(_xin) { register long z = VS7, x = (char*)(_xin) - (char*)0 ; \ for (delta = x, x >>= 7 ; z-- ; x >>= 7) delta ^= x ; \ delta = (delta & a->mask) | 0x01 ; \ } /* delta odd is prime relative to 2^m */ /**************** Destruction ****************************/ static void assFinalise(void *cp) { Associator a = (Associator)cp; a->magic = 0 ; if (!finalCleanup) { messfree(a->in) ; messfree(a->out); } } void uAssDestroy (Associator a) { if (assExists(a)) messfree (a) ; /* calls assFinalise */ } /**************** Creation *******************************/ static Associator assDoCreate_dbg (int nbits, STORE_HANDLE handle, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { static int nAss = 0 ; Associator a ; int size = 1 << nbits, /* size must be a power of 2 */ vsize = size * VSIZE ; a = (Associator) handleAlloc_dbg(assFinalise, handle, sizeof (struct AssStruct), hfname, hlineno) ; a->in = (void**) halloc_dbg(vsize, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; a->out = (void**) halloc_dbg(vsize, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; a->magic = ASS_MAGIC ; a->id = ++nAss ; a->n = 0 ; a->i = 0 ; /* start up position for recursive calls */ a->m = nbits ; a->mask = size - 1 ; return a ; } /*******************/ Associator assBigCreate_dbg(int size, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { int n = 2 ; /* make room, be twice as big as needed */ if (size <= 0) uMessSetErrorOrigin(hfname, hlineno), uMessCrash ("assBigCreate called with size = %d <= 0", size) ; --size ; while (size >>= 1) n++ ; /* number of left most bit + 1 */ return assDoCreate_dbg(n, 0, hfname, hlineno) ; } /*******************/ Associator assHandleCreate_dbg(STORE_HANDLE handle, const char *hfname,int hlineno) { return assDoCreate_dbg(5, handle, hfname, hlineno) ; } /*******************/ void assClear (Associator a) { mysize_t sz ; if (!assExists(a)) return ; a->n = 0 ; sz = ( 1 << a->m) * VSIZE ; memset(a->in, 0, sz) ; memset(a->out, 0, sz) ; } /********************/ Associator assReCreate_dbg (Associator a, const char *hfname, int hlineno) { if (!assExists(a)) return assHandleCreate_dbg(0, hfname, hlineno) ; else { assClear (a) ; return a ; } } /********************/ static void assDouble (Associator a) { int oldsize, newsize, nbits ; register int hash, delta ; void **old_in = a->in, **old_out = a->out, **xin, **xout ; int i ; nbits = a->m ; oldsize = 1 << nbits ; newsize = oldsize << 1 ; /* size must be a power of 2 */ a->n = 0 ; a->i = 0 ; /* start up position for recursive calls */ a->m = nbits + 1 ; a->mask = newsize - 1 ; a->in = (void**) messalloc (newsize * VSIZE) ; a->out = (void**) messalloc (newsize * VSIZE) ; for (i = 0, xin = old_in, xout = old_out ; i < oldsize ; i++, xin++, xout++) if (*xin && *xin != moins_un) { HASH(*xin) ; while (TRUE) { if (!a->in[hash]) /* don't need to test moins_un */ { a->in[hash] = *xin ; a->out[hash] = *xout ; ++a->n ; assInserted++ ; break ; } assBounce++ ; DELTA(*xin) ; /* redo each time - cheap overall */ hash = (hash + delta) & a->mask ; } } messfree (old_in) ; messfree (old_out) ; } /************************ Searches ************************************/ BOOL uAssFind (Associator a, void* xin, void** pout) /* if found, updates *pout and returns TRUE, else returns FALSE */ { int hash, delta = 0 ; void* test ; if (!assExists(a)) messcrash ("assFind received corrupted associator") ; if (!xin || xin == moins_un) return FALSE ; HASH(xin) ; while (TRUE) { test = a->in[hash] ; if (test == xin) { if (pout) *pout = a->out[hash] ; assFound++ ; a->i = hash ; return TRUE ; } if (!test) break ; assBounce++ ; if (!delta) DELTA(xin) ; hash = (hash + delta) & a->mask ; } assNotFound++ ; return FALSE ; } /********************/ /* Usage: if(uAssFind()){while (uAssFindNext()) ... } */ BOOL uAssFindNext (Associator a, void* xin, void** pout) /* if found, updates *pout and returns TRUE, else returns FALSE */ { int hash, delta ; void* test ; if (!assExists(a)) messcrash ("assFindNext received corrupted associator") ; if (!xin || xin == moins_un || !a->in[a->i]) return FALSE ; if (a->in[a->i] != xin) messcrash ("Non consecutive call to assFindNext") ; hash = a->i ; DELTA(xin) ; while (TRUE) { test = a->in[hash] ; if (test == xin) { if (pout) *pout = a->out[hash] ; while (TRUE) /* locate on next entry */ { hash = (hash + delta) & a->mask ; test = a->in[hash] ; if (!test || test == xin) break ; assBounce++ ; } a->i = hash ; /* points to next entry or zero */ assFound++ ; return TRUE ; } if (!test) break ; assBounce++ ; hash = (hash + delta) & a->mask ; } assNotFound++ ; return FALSE ; } /************************ Insertions ************************************/ /* if already there returns FALSE, else inserts and returns TRUE */ static BOOL assDoInsert (Associator a, void* xin, void* xout, BOOL noMultiples) { int hash, delta = 0 ; void* test ; if (!assExists(a)) messcrash ("assInsert received corrupted associator") ; if (!xin || xin == moins_un) messcrash ("assInsert received forbidden value xin == 0") ; if (a->n >= (1 << (a->m - 1))) /* reaching floating line */ assDouble (a) ; HASH (xin) ; while (TRUE) { test = a->in[hash] ; if (!test || test == moins_un) /* reuse deleted slots */ { a->in[hash] = xin ; a->out[hash] = xout ; ++a->n ; assInserted++ ; return TRUE ; } if (noMultiples && test == xin) /* already there */ return FALSE ; assBounce++ ; if (!delta) DELTA (xin) ; hash = (hash + delta) & a->mask ; } } /*****************/ /* This one does not allow multiple entries in one key. */ BOOL assInsert (Associator a, void* xin, void* xout) { return assDoInsert (a, xin, xout, TRUE) ; } /*****************/ void assMultipleInsert (Associator a, void* xin, void* xout) /* This one allows multiple entries in one key. */ { assDoInsert (a, xin, xout, FALSE) ; } /************************ Removals ************************************/ /* if found, removes entry and returns TRUE, else returns FALSE */ /* No a->n--, because the entry is blanked but not actually removed */ BOOL assRemove (Associator a, void* xin) { if (assExists(a) && uAssFind (a, xin, 0)) { a->in[a->i] = moins_un ; assRemoved++ ; return TRUE ; } else return FALSE ; } /*******************/ /* if found, removes entry and returns TRUE, else returns FALSE */ /* Requires both xin and xout to match */ BOOL assPairRemove (Associator a, void* xin, void* xout) { if (!assExists(a) || !xin || xin == moins_un) return FALSE ; if (uAssFind (a, xin, 0)) while (uAssFindNext (a, xin, 0)) if (a->out[a->i] == xout) { a->in[a->i] = moins_un ; assRemoved++ ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } /************************ dumpers ********************************/ /* lets you step through all members of the table */ BOOL uAssNext (Associator a, void* *pin, void* *pout) { int size ; void *test ; if (!assExists(a)) messcrash("uAssNext received a non existing associator") ; size = 1 << a->m ; if (!*pin) a->i = -1 ; else if (*pin != a->in[a->i]) { messerror ("Non-consecutive call to assNext()") ; return FALSE ; } while (++a->i < size) { test = a->in[a->i] ; if (test && test != moins_un) /* not empty or deleted */ { *pin = a->in[a->i] ; if (pout) *pout = a->out[a->i] ; return TRUE ; } } return FALSE ; } /*******************/ void assDump (Associator a) { int i ; void **in, **out ; char *cp0 = 0 ; if (!assExists(a)) return ; i = 1 << a->m ; in = a->in - 1 ; out = a->out - 1 ; /* keep stderr here since it is for debugging */ fprintf (stderr,"Associator %lx : %d pairs\n",(unsigned long)a,a->n) ; while (in++, out++, i--) if (*in && *in != moins_un) /* not empty or deleted */ fprintf (stderr,"%lx - %lx\n", (long)((char*)(*in) - cp0),(long)( (char *)(*out) - cp0)) ; } /************************ end of file ********************************/ /**********************************************************************/