/* File: utils.c * Author: Ed Griffiths (edgrif@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (c) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1999 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Contains utility functions that are "one-offs" and not * really part of any other package. * Exported functions: getLogin * HISTORY: * Last edited: Mar 25 14:31 2002 (edgrif) * * Mar 22 14:42 1999 (edgrif): Added getSystemName(). * * Jan 27 09:20 1999 (edgrif): Add inokedebugger/regExpMatch from messubs. * * Jan 25 16:05 1999 (edgrif): Add getLogin from session.c * Created: Thu Jan 21 15:46:49 1999 (edgrif) * CVS info: $Id: utils.c,v 1.31 2002/03/28 16:50:56 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #ifdef SGI #include /* work around SGI library bug */ #endif #include #include /* For UT_ macros. */ #ifdef IBM /* I can't believe this is still required for IBM machines...sigh.. */ struct passwd { char *pw_name; char *pw_passwd; long pw_uid; long pw_gid; char *pw_gecos; char *pw_dir; char *pw_shell; } ; extern struct passwd *getpwuid (long uid) ; extern struct passwd *getpwnam (const char *name) ; #else /* !IBM */ #include #endif /* !IBM */ /* This is all pretty unsafe at the moment, it relies on the user having */ /* called getLogin to initialise the below two globals before using them.. */ /* These globals are also separately set by session.c using the system */ /* calls getuid() and geteuid(), this is not optimal. */ /* */ uid_t ruid = -1, euid = -1; #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE /* Currently unused, there should be a unified interface to uids but this */ /* requires more understanding of how they are used in the code before */ /* implementing. */ uid_t utGetRuid(void) { return ruid ; } void utSetRuid(uid_t newRuid) { ruid = newRuid ; } uid_t utGetEuid(void) { return euid ; } void utSetEuid(uid_t newEuid) { euid = newEuid ; } #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ /*************************************************************/ /****************** getLogin() *******************************/ /**** getLogin() for real/effective user names ***** original by 03.05.1992 kocab DKFZ *****/ char *getLogin (BOOL isReal) /* general public function */ { /* isReal for real or effective can't fail */ #if defined(MACINTOSH) return "acedb" ; #elif defined (WIN32) char *name = NULL; if ((name = getenv("USERNAME")) != NULL ) return name ; /* Windows NT has usernames */ else return "acedb" ; #else /* all UNIX */ static char *rname = 0 ; static char *ename = 0 ; /* RD 980417: changed so getlogin() was last resort. It can return "root" inappropriately where getpwuid(ruid)->pw_name returns the right answer (ddts problem SANgc02099) */ if (!ename) { if (ruid == -1) { ruid = getuid() ; euid = geteuid () ; } if (!rname) if (ruid) if (getpwuid(ruid)) rname = strnew(getpwuid(ruid)->pw_name, 0) ; if (!rname) if (getlogin()) rname = strnew(getlogin(), 0) ; if (!rname) rname = "getLoginFailed" ; if (!ename) if (getpwuid(euid)) ename = strnew(getpwuid(euid)->pw_name, 0) ; if (!ename) ename = rname ; /* mieg: jan5 99, new problem on my dec alpha, if i run as a daemon, getLogin fails totally printf ("rname=%s ename =%s",rname?rname:"null",ename ? ename:"null") ; */ } return isReal ? rname : ename ; #endif /* UNIX */ } /* getLogin */ /* Get the system name using the POSIX uname call. */ char *getSystemName(void) { static char *sysname = NULL ; if (sysname == NULL) { struct utsname sys_details ; if (uname(&sys_details) != 0) { /* POSIX failed... */ sysname = messalloc(101); if (gethostname(sysname, 100) == -1) messcrash("cannot retrieve system name.") ; } else sysname = strnew(sys_details.nodename, 0) ; } return sysname ; } char *getUserHomeDir (char *user_name, STORE_HANDLE h) { struct passwd *pwd; char *homedir = NULL; if ((pwd = getpwnam (user_name))) homedir = strnew (pwd->pw_dir, h); else messerror ("Unknown user: %s", user_name); return homedir; } /* getUserHomeDir */ /*****************************/ #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE /* Some command line stuff..... */ /* */ /* I'd like to make use of the gnu stuff for command lines which uses */ /* getopt.c and getopt1.c and have a package like Xt for handling options */ /* uniformly. */ /* */ /* Basic idea is not to overdesign this, in theory we could have subsystems */ /* registering their options and then possibly having them rejected etc. etc.*/ /* but this is overkill. We can just have one place for options, a main */ /* table looked after by this code. We'll use the table to contruct the args */ /* to the getopt routines and also to construct the "usage" text. This way */ /* the usage strings will stay up to date and it will be easier to add new */ /* options. */ typedef enum UtOptArgType_ {UT_OPTARG_NONE, UT_OPTARG_OPTIONAL, UT_OPTARG_MANDATORY} UtOptArgType ; typedef struct UtCmdLineOptions_ { char short_form ; char *long_form ; char *option_title ; char *usage_text ; UtOptArgType arg_type ; } UtCmdLineOption ; /* Potential problem: Can we make getopts only look for the args that it */ /* knows about ???? i.e. can we leave gtk args alone ?? */ void utGetCmdLineOptions(UtCmdLineOption options[], int num_options) { int i ; struct option *getopt_options = NULL ; char *short_options = NULL ; getopt_options = messalloc((num_options + 1), option) ; /* Need null terminating entry */ short_options = messalloc(((num_options * 2) + 1), char) ; /* Can't be more than * 2 */ for (i = 0, j = 0 ; i < num_options ; i++) { getopt_options[i].name = options[i].long_form ; short_options[j++] = options[i].short_form ; switch(options[i].arg_type) { case UT_OPTARG_NONE: getopt_options[i].has_arg = no_argument ; break ; case UT_OPTARG_OPTIONAL: getopt_options[i].has_arg = optional_argument ; short_options[j++] = ':' ; break ; case UT_OPTARG_MANDATORY: getopt_options[i].has_arg = required_argument ; short_options[j++] = ':' ; break ; } getopt_options[i].flag = NULL ; getopt_options[i].val = options[i].short_form ; } getopt_options[i].name = NULL, getopt_options[i].has_arg = 0, getopt_options[i].flag = NULL, getopt_options[i].val = 0 ; short_options[j] = '\0' ; return ; } #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ /*****************************/ BOOL getCmdLineOption (int *argcp, char **argv, char *arg_name, char **arg_val) /* call with (&argc, argv, "-option", &string) * for options with value (e.g. -display ) * or with (&argc, argv, "-option", NULL) * for options that are simple switches (e.g. -help) * RETURNS: * TRUE if option was found (will set *arg_val if non-NULL) * SIDE-EFFECT: * The option (and possibly its value) will be removed from * the aguments (argc,argv). Call only once per option. */ { int i, num; BOOL isFound = FALSE; for (i = 1; i < *argcp; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], arg_name) == 0) { if (arg_val) { if ((*argcp - i) < 2) messExit ("No argument specified for %s option", arg_name); *arg_val = strnew(argv[i+1], 0); num = 2; } else num = 1; /* clear argument(s) from the list */ for (i += num; i < *argcp; i++) argv[i - num] = argv[i]; argv[*argcp - num] = 0; (*argcp) -= num; isFound = TRUE; break; } } return isFound; } /* getCmdLineOption */ /*****************************/ /* Check to see if user supplied the "-sleep secs" option, this is useful */ /* for debugging when the acedb program is called from within a script. It */ /* means that you can make the acedb program sleep until you can attach a */ /* debugger to see what its doing. */ /* */ /* This routine is not perfect but its only intended for debugging use. */ /* */ void checkCmdLineForSleep(int *argcp, char **argv) { char *secs_str = NULL ; if (getCmdLineOption(argcp, argv, "-sleep", &secs_str)) { int secs = 0 ; if (secs_str != NULL) secs = atoi(secs_str) ; if (secs == 0) /* atoi returns 0 on error. */ secs = 60 ; sleep(secs) ; } return ; } /*****************************/ /* This routine tries to set various process resource limits to their max */ /* values. We especially need this for acedb which certainly requires lots */ /* of memory and sometimes a large stack as well. */ /* */ /* The routine reports on any resources that cannot be increased to a */ /* reasonable level and gives the user the choice of whether to continue. */ /* */ /* The routine will be a noop for machines that don't support the required */ /* get/setrlimit calls. */ /* */ void utUnlimitResources(BOOL allow_user_abort) { #if defined(RLIMIT_DATA) && defined(RLIMIT_STACK) /* Usually in sys/resource.h */ typedef struct ResourceLimit_ { int resource ; /* resource id from sys/resource.h */ char *resource_str ; /* Stringified resource id. */ char *resname ; /* our string name for resource. */ int min_limit ; /* our required minimum. */ } ResourceLimit ; ResourceLimit our_limits[] = {{RLIMIT_DATA, UT_PUTSTRING(RLIMIT_DATA), "heap size", 52428800}, {RLIMIT_STACK, UT_PUTSTRING(RLIMIT_STACK), "stack size", 4194304}} ; int num_resources = UtArraySize(our_limits) ; struct rlimit reslimits ; Stack errors = NULL ; int i ; /* Check the hard limits.... */ for (i = 0 ; i < num_resources ; i++) { if (getrlimit(our_limits[i].resource, &reslimits) != 0) messcrash("Unable to retrieve current limits for %s (%s), reason was %s", our_limits[i].resource_str, our_limits[i].resname, messSysErrorText()) ; else { if (reslimits.rlim_max < our_limits[i].min_limit) { char *resource = NULL ; if (errors == NULL) { errors = stackCreate(20) ; pushText(errors, "Your environment has the following user process \"hard\" limits" " which are sufficiently low that they may cause acedb to crash" " (NOTE that you need root permission to raise them): ") ; } else catText(errors, ", ") ; resource = hprintf(0, "%s (%d bytes)", our_limits[i].resname, reslimits.rlim_max) ; catText(errors, resource) ; messfree(resource) ; } else { if (reslimits.rlim_cur < reslimits.rlim_max) { reslimits.rlim_cur = reslimits.rlim_max ; if (setrlimit (our_limits[i].resource, &reslimits) != 0) messcrash("Unable to increase current limit for %s, reason was %s", our_limits[i].resname, messSysErrorText()) ; } } } } if (errors != NULL) { if (allow_user_abort) { if (!messQuery("%s. Do you you want to continue ?", popText(errors))) messExit("User initiated exit.") ; } else { /* n.b. this may be a noop if the messdump context has not been */ /* initialised yet. */ messdump("%s", popText(errors)) ; } } #endif /* defined(RLIMIT_DATA) && defined(RLIMIT_STACK) */ return ; } /************************************************************/ /* put "break invokeDebugger" in your favourite debugger init file */ void invokeDebugger (void) { static BOOL reentrant = FALSE ; if (!reentrant) { reentrant = TRUE ; messalloccheck() ; reentrant = FALSE ; } } /*****************************/ /* match to reg expression returns 0 if not found 1 + pos of first sigificant match (i.e. not a *) if found */ int regExpMatch (char *cp,char *tp) { char *c=cp, *t=tp; char *ts=0, *cs=0, *s = 0 ; int star=0; while (TRUE) switch(*t) { case '\0': if(!*c) return ( s ? 1 + (s - cp) : 1) ; if (!star) return 0 ; /* else not success yet go back in template */ t=ts; c=cs+1; if(ts == tp) s = 0 ; break ; case '?' : if (!*c) return 0 ; if(!s) s = c ; t++ ; c++ ; break; case '*' : ts=t; while( *t == '?' || *t == '*') t++; if (!*t) return s ? 1 + (s-cp) : 1 ; while (freeupper(*c) != freeupper(*t)) if(*c) c++; else return 0 ; star=1; cs=c; if(!s) s = c ; break; #ifdef CRAZY_TEST case 'A' : if (!*c || (*c < 'A' || *c > 'Z')) return 0 ; if(!s) s = c ; t++ ; c++ ; break; #endif default : if (freeupper(*t++) != freeupper(*c++)) { if(!star) return 0 ; t=ts; c=cs+1; if(ts == tp) s = 0 ; } else if(!s) s = c - 1 ; break; } } /* This SGI workaround make the comiler crash! I've disabled it for now, pending determination if it is still needed, or fixes a long-lost library bug. - srk */ #if 0 /* work around SGI library bug */ #ifdef SGI double log10 (double x) { return log(x) / 2.3025851 ; } #endif #endif /*************************************************************/ /* calling utilsInit will initialise all the statics makeing later calls to getLogin and getSystemName effectively threadsafe */ void utilsInit (void) { static int n = 0 ; if (n) messcrash ("utilsInit is not thread safe, it should be called only once") ; n = 1 ; getSystemName () ; getLogin (TRUE) ; } /****************** little string routines ************************/ /* Translates newlines into escaped newlines, i.e. '\n' becomes '\''n' */ char *utCleanNewlines(char *s, STORE_HANDLE handle) { int n = 0 ; char *cp, *cq ; char *copy = NULL ; for (cp = s ; *cp ; ++cp) if (*cp == '\n') ++n ; if (n == 0) copy = s ; else { copy = halloc (cp-s+n+1, handle) ; for (cp = s, cq = copy ; *cp ; ++cp) if (*cp == '\n') { *cq++ = '\\' ; *cq++ = 'n' ; } else *cq++ = *cp ; *cq = 0 ; } return copy ; } /****************** little arithmetic routines ************************/ int utArrondi (float x) /* 1.3 -> 1 ; 1.7 -> 2 * -1.3 -> -1 ; -1.7 -> -2 */ { if (x >= 0) return (int) (x + 0.5) ; else return (int) (x - 0.5) ; } /********************************************/ int utMainPart (float p) /* returns 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc * in absolute value the returned number is smaller than p * 19 -> 10 ; -19 -> -10 */ { register int i = 1, sign = 1; if (!p) return 0 ; if (p < 0) { sign = -1 ; p = -p ; } while(i <= p + .00001) i = 10 * i; i /= 10 ; if (2 * i > p) return i * sign; if(5 * i > p) return 2 * i * sign; return 5*i*sign; } /********************************************/ int utMainRoundPart (float p) /* returns 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc * but the returned number may be a bit bigger than p * 19 -> 20 ; -19 -> -20 */ { register int i = 1, sign = 1; if (!p) return 0 ; if (p < 0) {sign = -1 ; p = -p ; } /* RD: ambiguous without spaces on SGI */ while (i < p + .1) i = 10 * i; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i /= 2; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i = (2 * i) / 5; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i = i/2; return i * sign; } /*********************************************************/ double utDoubleMainPart (double p) /* returns 1 , 2 , 5 ,10 , 20, 50 ,100 etc */ { register double i = 1, sign = 1; if (!p) return 0.; if(p < 0) {sign = -1; p = -p;} i = (double) exp(log((double)10.0) * (double)(1 + (int)(log10((double)p)))) ; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i /= 2; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i = (2 * i) / 5; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i*sign; i = i/2; return i*sign; } /*********************************************************/ /* Some of the unix number conversion routines are arcane to put it mildly, */ /* here are some that (hopefully) work in a more straightforward way.... */ /* N.B. these should be integrated with the code in freesubs.c for freeint() */ /* etc. at some time. */ /* Given a string will attempt to convert it to an int, the whole string */ /* must be a valid integer: [+-]?[0-9]* */ /* */ /* returns TRUE if the number could be converted and sets num_out to the */ /* number, FALSE otherwise. */ /* */ BOOL utStr2Int(char *num_str, int *num_out) { BOOL result = FALSE ; long int retval = 0 ; if ((result = utStr2LongInt(num_str, &retval))) { if (retval >= INT_MIN && retval <= INT_MAX) { result = TRUE ; *num_out = (int)retval ; } } return result ; } /* Given a string will attempt to convert it to a long int, the whole string */ /* must be a valid integer: [+-]?[0-9]* */ /* */ /* returns TRUE if the number could be converted and sets num_out to the */ /* number, FALSE otherwise. */ /* */ BOOL utStr2LongInt(char *num_str, long int *num_out) { BOOL result = FALSE ; long int retval = 0 ; char *cp = NULL, *endptr = NULL ; int i, num_len, translation ; /* It is not possible to detect invalid numbers of the form "1232rubbish" */ /* because strtol() will convert as much as it can ("1232" in this case) */ /* and return as though everything is OK....sigh... */ /* So here I check that the string is all digits... */ num_len = strlen(num_str) ; cp = num_str ; if (*cp == '-' || *cp == '+') { cp++ ; num_len-- ; } for (i = 0, translation = 1 ; i < num_len && translation != 0 ; i++, cp++) { translation = isdigit(*cp) ; } if (translation != 0) { errno = 0; retval = strtol(num_str, &endptr, 10) ; if (retval == 0 && (errno != 0 || num_str == endptr)) { result = FALSE ; } else if (errno !=0 && (retval == LONG_MAX || retval == LONG_MIN)) { result = FALSE ; } else { result = TRUE ; *num_out = retval ; } } return result ; } /************************************************************/ /********************* eof ***********************************/