/* File: blxparser.c * Author: Erik Sonnhammer * Copyright (c) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 2001 *------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt *------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: blxparser - parses MSPcrunch output for blixem * Exported functions: See blxview.h * HISTORY: * Last edited: Nov 28 15:53 2001 (edgrif) * * 94-01-29 Added SEQBL format support. * * 94-01-30 Added proper option parsing and pipe'ability. * * 94-03-27 Added (fudged) Tblastn support. * * 95-02-06 Added (fudged) Tblastx support. * * Added autmatic mode detection. * * 95-06-21 Query sequence parsing that allows spaces and '*'. * * 98-02-19 Changed MSP parsing to handle all SFS formats. * * 99-07-29 Added support for SFS type=HSP and GFF. * Created: 93-05-17 * CVS info: $Id: blxparser.c,v 1.31 2001/11/29 12:32:34 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE #include #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ #include #include #include #include static int maxseqlen, readseqcount; static char **readseq; static char *colorNames[NUM_TRUECOLORS] = { "WHITE", "BLACK", "LIGHTGRAY", "DARKGRAY", "RED", "GREEN", "BLUE", "YELLOW", "CYAN", "MAGENTA", "LIGHTRED", "LIGHTGREEN", "LIGHTBLUE", "DARKRED", "DARKGREEN", "DARKBLUE", "PALERED", "PALEGREEN", "PALEBLUE", "PALEYELLOW", "PALECYAN", "PALEMAGENTA", "BROWN", "ORANGE", "PALEORANGE", "PURPLE", "VIOLET", "PALEVIOLET", "GRAY", "PALEGRAY", "CERISE", "MIDBLUE" }; static int HSPgaps=0, type=FSSEG; static char sname[MAXLINE+1], seq[MAXLINE+1]; char *readFastaSeq(FILE *seqfile, char *qname) { char line[MAXLINE+1]; char *q, *c, *cp, *cq, ch, *pipe1, *pipe2; /* Read in seqfile */ if (seqfile == stdin) { Array arr = arrayCreate(5000, char); int i=0; if (!fgets(line, MAXLINE, seqfile)) fatal("Error reading seqFile");; sscanf(line, "%s", qname); while ((ch = fgetc(seqfile)) != '\n') { if (isalpha(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '*') array(arr, i++, char) = ch; } q = messalloc(arrayMax(arr)+1); cq = q; for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(arr);) *cq++ = arr(arr, i++, char); arrayDestroy(arr); } else { fseek(seqfile, 0, SEEK_END); q = messalloc(ftell(seqfile)+1); cq = q; fseek(seqfile, 0, SEEK_SET); while (!feof(seqfile)) { if (!fgets(line, MAXLINE, seqfile)) break; while (strchr(line, '>')) { strncpy(qname, line+1, 255); qname[255]=0; if (c = (char *)strchr(qname, ' ')) *c = 0; if (c = (char *)strchr(qname, '\n')) *c = 0; if (!fgets(line, MAXLINE, seqfile)) break; } for (cp = line; *cp; cp++) if (isalpha(*cp) || *cp == '*') *cq++ = *cp; /* Allow stops in query sequence */ *cq = 0; } } return q; } int isAlnRes (char ch) { if (isalpha(ch) || ch == '*' || (HSPgaps && isdigit(ch)) ) return 1; else return 0; } int isAlnNonres (char ch) { if (ch == '.') return 1; else return 0; } static int parseColor(char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRUECOLORS; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(colorNames[i], s)) break; } return i; } static int parseShape(char *s) { if (!strcasecmp(s, "interpolate")) return XY_INTERPOLATE; else if (!strcasecmp(s, "partial")) return XY_PARTIAL; else return XY_BADSHAPE; } static void parseLook(MSP *msp, char *s) { char *cp, *s2; /* Make copy of string to mess up */ s2 = messalloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(s2, s); cp = strtok(s2, "," ); while (cp) { if (parseColor(cp) != NUM_TRUECOLORS) { msp->color = parseColor(cp); } else if (parseShape(cp) != XY_BADSHAPE) { msp->shape = parseShape(cp); } else messout("Unrecognised Look: %s", cp); cp = strtok(0, "," ); } messfree(s2); } /* Copy 'remainder of s1 after word s2' into msp->desc */ static void getDesc(MSP *msp, char *s1, char *s2) { char *cp; if (!(cp = strstr(s1, s2))) { messout("Can't find back %s in %s", s2, s1); return; } cp += strlen(s2)+1; msp->desc = messalloc(strlen(cp)+1); strcpy(msp->desc, cp); } static void prepSeq(MSP *msp, char *seq, char *opts) { if (*opts == 'T' || *opts == 'L') { msp->sseq = messalloc(strlen(seq)+1); strcpy(msp->sseq, seq); } else { if (msp->sstart > msp->send) messcrash("Reversed subjects are not allowed in modes blastp, blastn, or blastx"); msp->sseq = messalloc(msp->sstart+strlen(seq)+1); memset(msp->sseq, '-', msp->sstart); /* Fill up with dashes */ strcpy(msp->sseq + msp->sstart - 1, seq); } } /* This routine parses MSP files that have either the exblx or seqbl format. */ /* */ static void parseOLD(MSP *msp, char *opts, char *line) { int i, qlen, slen; char *c, *cp; if (sscanf(line, "%d%s%d%d%d%d%s", &msp->score, msp->qframe, &msp->qstart, &msp->qend, &msp->sstart, &msp->send, sname) != 7) messcrash("Error parsing MSPs"); /* MSPcrunch gives sframe for tblastn - restore qframe */ if (*opts == 'T') strcpy(msp->qframe, "(+1)"); msp->sname = messalloc(strlen(sname)+1); strcpy(msp->sname, sname); /* Convert to upper case (necessary?) */ for (i=0; msp->sname[i]; i++) { msp->sname[i] = freeupper(msp->sname[i]); } /* Convert subject names to fetchable ones if from NCBI server Rule 1: If there is a gi, use that. Rule 2: If no gi, use the first and last non-blank field as db:id. */ if (strchr(msp->sname, '|')) { char *p, *src; src = messalloc(strlen(msp->sname)+1); strcpy(src, msp->sname); p = strtok(src, "|"); if (!strcasecmp(p, "GI")) { /* Use only GI number */ p = strtok(0, "|"); strcpy(msp->sname, "gi"); strcat(msp->sname, ":"); strcat(msp->sname, p); } else { /* Try to make a proper db:name. Use last non-blank field */ char *db=p, *last; p = strtok(0, "|"); while (p) { if (*p && *p != ' ') last = p; p = strtok(0, "|"); } strcpy(msp->sname, db); strcat(msp->sname, ":"); strcat(msp->sname, last); } messfree(src); } qlen = abs(msp->qend - msp->qstart)+1; slen = abs(msp->send - msp->sstart)+1; if (*opts == ' ') { /* Guess mode from prefix or from coordinates */ if (qlen == slen) { /* Could be blastp, blastn or tblastx */ if (strchr(msp->sname, '_')) *opts = 'P'; else if (strstr(msp->sname, "PIR:")) *opts = 'P'; else if (strstr(msp->sname, "EM:")) *opts = 'N'; else *opts = 'N'; /* Could be P or L just as well */ } else if (qlen > slen) *opts = 'X'; else if (qlen < slen) *opts = 'T'; } if (type == EXBLX) { opts[5] = ' '; /* Don't use full zoom default */ } else if (type == SEQBL) { int allocated, nchar=0, nres=0; if (*opts == 'L') { slen = (abs(msp->send - msp->sstart) + 1)/3; } if (!(cp = strstr(line, sname))) { messcrash("Error parsing %s", line); } if (sscanf(cp+strlen(sname), "%s", seq) != 1) { messcrash("Error parsing %s", line); } prepSeq(msp, seq, opts); if (*opts == 'N') opts[3] = 'R'; } return; } static int fsnrorder(FEATURESERIES *x, FEATURESERIES *y) { if (x->nr < y->nr) return -1; else if (x->nr > y->nr) return 1; else return 0; } static int fsorder(FEATURESERIES *x, FEATURESERIES *y) { /*printf("%s - %s : %d\n", x->name, y->name, strcmp(x->name, y->name));*/ return strcmp(x->name, y->name); } void insertFS(MSP *msp, char *series) { FEATURESERIES fs; int i; static int curnr=0; if (!fsArr) fsArr = arrayCreate(50, FEATURESERIES); fs.on = 1; fs.y = 0.0; fs.xy = (msp->type == XY ? 1 : 0); fs.name = messalloc(strlen(series)+1); strcpy(fs.name, series); if (arrayFind(fsArr, &fs, &i, (void*)fsorder)) { msp->fs = arrp(fsArr, i, FEATURESERIES)->nr; messfree(fs.name); } else { msp->fs = fs.nr = curnr++; arrayInsert(fsArr, &fs, (void*)fsorder); } } /* Function: parse a stream of SFS data Assumptions: *seq1 and *seq2 may or may not be allocated. *seq1name and *seq2name are allocated at least 255 bytes */ void parseFS(MSP **MSPlist, FILE *file, char *opts, char **seq1, char *seq1name, char **seq2, char *seq2name) { char line[MAXLINE+1], *cp, series[MAXLINE+1], qname[MAXLINE+1], look[MAXLINE+1]; MSP *msp; int i; if (!fsArr) fsArr = arrayCreate(50, FEATURESERIES); else arraySort(fsArr, (void*)fsorder); if (*MSPlist) { msp = *MSPlist; while(msp->next) msp = msp->next; } while (!feof(file)) { if (!fgets(line, MAXLINE, file)) break; if (cp = strchr(line, '\n')) *cp = 0; if (!strlen(line)) continue; if (!strncasecmp(line, "# seqbl", 7)) { /* Only for backwards compatibility */ type = SEQBL ; continue ; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# exblx", 7)) { /* Only for backwards compatibility */ type = EXBLX ; continue ; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# FS type=HSP", 13) || !strncasecmp(line, "# SFS type=HSP", 14)) { type = HSP; continue; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# FS type=GSP", 13) || !strncasecmp(line, "# SFS type=GSP", 14)) { type = GSP; continue; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# dotter feature format 2", 25) || !strncasecmp(line, "# FS type=SEG", 13) || !strncasecmp(line, "# SFS type=SEG", 14)) { type = FSSEG; continue; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# FS type=GFF", 13) || !strncasecmp(line, "# SFS type=GFF", 14)) { type = GFF; continue; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# FS type=XY", 12) || !strncasecmp(line, "# SFS type=XY", 13)) { type = XY; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# FS type=SEQ", 13) || !strncasecmp(line, "# SFS type=SEQ", 14)) { type = SEQ; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# FS type=", 10) || !strncasecmp(line, "# SFS type=", 11)) { messcrash("Unrecognised SFS type: %s\n", line); } else if (*line == '#') { /* Very ugly; only for backwards compatibility */ /* Changed to soft parsing (unknown labels ignored) so that any comment can be used */ if (!strncasecmp(line, "# blastp" , 8)) *opts = 'P'; else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# tblastn", 9)) *opts = 'T'; else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# tblastx", 9)) *opts = 'L'; else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# blastn" , 8)) *opts = 'N'; else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# blastx" , 8)) *opts = 'X'; else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# hspgaps", 9)) { HSPgaps = 1; opts[7] = 'G'; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "# DESC ", 7) && (type == HSP || type == GSP || type == SEQBL)) { if (msp) getDesc(msp, line, sname); } continue; } /* Data that don't go into a new MSP */ if (type == XYdata) { int x, y; if (sscanf(line, "%d%d", &x, &y) != 2) { messcrash("Error parsing data file, type XYdata: \"%s\"\n", line); } array(msp->xy, x-1, int) = y; continue; } else if (type == SEQdata) { /* Realloc if necessary */ if (readseqcount + strlen(line) > maxseqlen) { char *tmp; maxseqlen += MAXLINE + strlen(line); tmp = messalloc(maxseqlen+1); strcpy(tmp, *readseq); messfree(*readseq); *readseq = tmp; } strcpy(*readseq+readseqcount, line); readseqcount += strlen(line); continue; } else if (type == SEQ) { if (sscanf(line+14, "%s%s", qname, series) != 2) { messcrash("Error parsing data file, type SEQ: \"%s\"\n", line); } if (!strcmp(qname, "@1")) { readseq = seq1; strcpy(seq1name, series); } else if (!strcmp(qname, "@2")) { readseq = seq2; strcpy(seq2name, series); } maxseqlen = MAXLINE; *readseq = messalloc(maxseqlen+1); readseqcount = 0; type = SEQdata; continue; } /* Allocate a new MSP */ if (!*MSPlist) { msp = *MSPlist = (MSP *)messalloc(sizeof(MSP)); } else { msp->next = (MSP *)messalloc(sizeof(MSP)); msp = msp->next; } /* Data that do go into a new MSP */ if (type == SEQBL || type == EXBLX) { parseOLD(msp, opts, line); continue; } if (type == HSP) { msp->type = HSP; /* [annotation] */ if (sscanf(line, "%d%s%s%d%d%s%s%d%d%s", &msp->score, qname, msp->qframe+1, &msp->qstart, &msp->qend, sname, msp->sframe+1, &msp->sstart, &msp->send, seq) != 10) { messcrash("Error parsing data, type HSP: \"%s\"\n", line); } msp->qname = messalloc(strlen(qname)+1); strcpy(msp->qname, qname); msp->sname = messalloc(strlen(sname)+1); strcpy(msp->sname, sname); *msp->qframe = *msp->sframe = '('; msp->qframe[3] = msp->sframe[3] = ')'; /* Too lazy to change code... */ prepSeq(msp, seq, opts); } if (type == GSP) { msp->type = GSP; /* Will write this as soon as MSPcrunch generates it */ type = GSPdata; } else if (type == FSSEG) { msp->type = FSSEG; /* [annotation] */ if (sscanf(line, "%d%s%s%d%d%s", &msp->score, qname, series, &msp->qstart, &msp->qend, look) != 6) { messcrash("Error parsing data, type FSSEG: \"%s\"\n", line); } msp->sstart = msp->qstart; msp->send = msp->qend; msp->qname = messalloc(strlen(qname)+1); strcpy(msp->qname, qname); msp->sname = messalloc(strlen(series)+1); strcpy(msp->sname, series); strcpy(msp->qframe, "(+1)"); parseLook(msp, look); getDesc(msp, line, look); insertFS(msp, series); } else if (type == GFF) { char scorestring[256]; msp->type = FSSEG; /* [annotation] */ if (sscanf(line, "%s%s%s%d%d%s%s%s", qname, series, look, &msp->qstart, &msp->qend, scorestring, msp->qframe+1, msp->qframe+2) != 8) { messcrash("Error parsing data, type GFF: \"%s\"\n", line); } if (!strcmp(scorestring, ".")) msp->score = 100; else msp->score = 50.0*atof(scorestring); msp->qframe[0] = '('; msp->qframe[3] = ')'; msp->sstart = msp->qstart; msp->send = msp->qend; msp->qname = messalloc(strlen(qname)+1); strcpy(msp->qname, qname); msp->sname = messalloc(strlen(series)+1); strcpy(msp->sname, series); msp->desc = messalloc(strlen(series)+1); strcpy(msp->desc, series); msp->color = 6; /* Blue */ insertFS(msp, series); } else if (type == XY) { int i, seqlen; msp->type = XY; /* # FS type=XY [annotation] */ if (sscanf(line+13, "%s%s%s", qname, series, look) != 3) { messcrash("Error parsing data, type XY: \"%s\"\n", line); } if (!seq1name || !seq2name) messcrash("Sequencenames not provided"); if (!strcasecmp(qname, seq1name) || !strcmp(qname, "@1")) { if (!seq1 || !*seq1) messcrash("Sequence for %s not provided", qname); seqlen = strlen(*seq1); } else if (!strcasecmp(qname, seq2name) || !strcmp(qname, "@2")) { if (!seq2 || !*seq2) messcrash("Sequence for %s not provided", qname); seqlen = strlen(*seq2); } else messcrash("Invalid sequence name: %s", qname); if (!seqlen) messcrash("Sequence for %s is empty", qname); msp->xy = arrayCreate(seqlen, int); for (i = 0; i < seqlen; i++)array(msp->xy, i, int) = XY_NOT_FILLED; msp->shape = XY_INTERPOLATE; /* default */ type = XYdata; /* Start parsing XY data */ msp->qname = messalloc(strlen(qname)+1); strcpy(msp->qname, qname); msp->sname = messalloc(strlen(series)+1); strcpy(msp->sname, series); strcpy(msp->qframe, "(+1)"); parseLook(msp, look); getDesc(msp, line, look); insertFS(msp, series); } } fclose(file); /* Sort feature segment array by number */ arraySort(fsArr, (void*)fsnrorder); return ; } /* Call an external shell command and print output in a text_scroll window from Erik Sonnhammer, 92-01-12. From w6/external.c */ void externalCommand (char *command) { #if !defined(MACINTOSH) FILE *pipe ; char text[MAXLINE+1], *cp ; int line=0, len, maxlen=0; static Stack stack ; Graph old = graphActive() ; stack = stackReCreate (stack, 50) ; pipe = popen (command, "r") ; while (!feof (pipe)) { if (!fgets (text, MAXLINE, pipe)) break; len = strlen (text) ; if (len) { if (text[len-1] == '\n') text[len-1] = '\0'; pushText (stack, text) ; line++; if (len > maxlen) maxlen = len; } } pclose (pipe); graphCreate (TEXT_SCROLL, command, 0, 0, 0.7, 0.5); graphTextFormat(FIXED_WIDTH); graphTextBounds (maxlen, line); stackCursor(stack, 0) ; line = 0 ; while (cp = stackNextText (stack)) graphText (cp, 0, line++); graphRedraw() ; graphActivate (old) ; #endif } /* This was once 'lost'. Should be in messubs.c void messStatus(char * text) { } */ /* match to template with wildcards. Authorized wildchars are * ? # ? represents any single char * represents any set of chars case-insensitive. Example: *Nc*DE# fits abcaNchjDE23 returns 0 if not found 1 + pos of first sigificant match (i.e. not a *) if found */ int pickMatch (char *cp, char *tp) { /* cp = Text to search in * tp = Search string */ char *c=cp, *t=tp; char *ts, *cs, *s = 0 ; int star=0; while (1) switch(*t) { case '\0': /* return (!*c ? ( s ? 1 + (s - cp) : 1) : 0) ; */ if(!*c) return ( s ? 1 + (s - cp) : 1) ; if (!star) return 0 ; /* else not success yet go back in template */ t=ts; c=cs+1; if(ts == tp) s = 0 ; break ; case '?' : if (!*c) return 0 ; if(!s) s = c ; t++ ; c++ ; break; case '*' : ts=t; while( *t == '?' || *t == '*') t++; if (!*t) return s ? 1 + (s-cp) : 1 ; while (freeupper(*c) != freeupper(*t)) if(*c) c++; else return 0 ; star=1; cs=c; if(!s) s = c ; break; default : if (freeupper(*t++) != freeupper(*c++)) { if(!star) return 0 ; t=ts; c=cs+1; if(ts == tp) s = 0 ; } else if(!s) s = c - 1 ; break; } }