/* Last edited: Nov 7 13:11 2001 (edgrif) */ /* $Id: blxselect.c,v 1.23 2001/11/07 13:13:49 edgrif Exp $ */ /* BLXSELECT - select seqbl/exblx files for blixem in a user-friendly way * * Erik Sonnhammer, 940329 * Date Modification -------- --------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * --------------------------------------------------- 95-05-31 Got rid of popen reading of ls output (Mac unfriendly) 95-06-21 Got rid of fixed nr of boxes; changed to names array Added keyboard control. 96-08-29 [1.2] Added automatic dottering of first match. 96-09-01 [1.2] Added selection of queries. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXLENGTH 1000 #define boxColor LIGHTGRAY static char qname[FULLNAMESIZE+1], dummyseqname[FULLNAMESIZE+1], *qseq, *dummyseq=0, EXT[128]=".seqbl", SEQEXT[128]=".seq", list[128], **gargv, blixelectVersion[] = "1.3", zeroString[] = "with at least one match ", opts[32]=" M d"; static int zeroOK=1, lastbox=0, items=0, itemsPerLine, itemsPerCol, *gargc, backgColor = LIGHTGRAY, dotter_first = 1; static Graph g; static Array names, selected; static MSP *MSPlist; static void Help(void); static void doselect(void); static void unselect(void); static void printSelected(void); static void exchangeSelected(void); static MENU Menu ; static MENUOPT menu[] = { graphDestroy, "Quit" , doselect, "Select this query", unselect, "Unselect this query", printSelected, "Print selected queries", exchangeSelected, "Exchange selected set", Help, "Help", graphPrint, "Print", graphCleanUp, "Clean up", 0, 0 } ; static void Help(void) { if (zeroOK) *zeroString = 0; graphMessage (messprintf("\ Blixelect - the Blixem file chooser.\n\ \n\ Version %s\n\ Copyright (C) Erik Sonnhammer, 1995\n\ \n\ \n\ Each sequence %sis listed with the number of matches to it.\n\ \n\ LEFT MOUSE BUTTON:\n\ Double click on sequence to view in Blixem.\n\ \n\ MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON:\n\ Use to drag scrollbars.\n\ \n\ RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON:\n\ Menu.\n\ \n\n\ KEYSTROKES:\n\ Arrow keys: Go to next sequence to view in Blixem.", blixelectVersion, zeroString)); } static void callBlixem(box) { char *name, seqfilename[MAXLINE+1], HSPfilename[MAXLINE+1]; FILE *seqfile, *HSPfile; if (box > arrayMax(names)) return; box--; name = arr(names, box, char*); strncpy(seqfilename, name, MAXLINE); strcat(seqfilename, SEQEXT); strncpy(HSPfilename, name, MAXLINE); strcat(HSPfilename, EXT); strncpy(qname, name, MAXLINE); if (!(HSPfile = fopen(HSPfilename, "r"))) { messdump("Cannot open HSP file %s\n", HSPfilename); return; } if (!(seqfile = fopen(seqfilename, "r"))) { messdump("Cannot open sequence file %s\n", seqfilename); return; } qseq = readFastaSeq(seqfile, qname); fclose(seqfile); MSPlist = 0; /* The list is freed in blxview.c */ parseFS(&MSPlist, HSPfile, opts, &qseq, qname, &dummyseq, dummyseqname); fclose(HSPfile); blxview (qseq, qname, 1, 0, MSPlist, opts, NULL); } static void boxPick (int box) { if (!box) return; if (box == lastbox) callBlixem(box); else { /* Turn last box off */ if (lastbox) { if (array(selected, lastbox, int)) graphBoxDraw(lastbox, BLACK, RED); else graphBoxDraw(lastbox, BLACK, boxColor); } /* Turn this box on */ graphBoxDraw(box, WHITE, BLACK); lastbox = box; } } static void keypressed (int key) { int box; if (!lastbox) return; switch (key) { case UP_KEY: box = lastbox-1; break; case DOWN_KEY: box = lastbox+1; break; case LEFT_KEY: box = lastbox-itemsPerCol; break; case RIGHT_KEY: box = lastbox+itemsPerCol; break; default: return; } if (box < 1 || box > arrayMax(names)) return; /* Turn last box off */ if (array(selected, lastbox, int)) graphBoxDraw(lastbox, BLACK, RED); else graphBoxDraw(lastbox, BLACK, boxColor); /* Turn this box on */ graphBoxDraw(box, WHITE, BLACK); lastbox = box; callBlixem(box); } int countHSP(char *filename) { FILE *HSPfile; int n=0; char line[MAXLENGTH+1], realname[MAXLINE+1]; strcpy(realname, filename); strcat(realname, EXT); if (!(HSPfile = fopen(realname, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open HSP file %s\n", realname); return 0; } while (!feof(HSPfile)) { if (!fgets(line, MAXLENGTH, HSPfile)) break; if (*line != '#') n++; } fclose(HSPfile); return n; } /* SEQBLMENU generates a menu of seqbl files */ static void seqblmenu(FILE *file) { char text[MAXLINE+1], *cp, *c; int i, x, y, len, maxLen=0, n, box; Array counts; float nx, ny; names = arrayCreate(10, char*); counts = arrayCreate(10, int); while (!feof (file)) { if (!fgets (text, MAXLINE, file)) break; if ((c = (char *)strchr(text, '\n'))) *c = 0; len = strlen(text); n = countHSP(text); if (len && (n || zeroOK)) { if (len > maxLen) maxLen = len; array(names, items, char*) = messalloc(len+1); strcpy(array(names, items, char*), text); array(counts, items, int) = n; items++; } } fclose (file); g = graphCreate (TEXT_FULL_SCROLL, messprintf("Blixelect - the Blixem file chooser (File: %s, %d seqs)", list, items), 0, 0, 0.7, 0.5); graphRegister (PICK, boxPick); graphRegister (KEYBOARD, keypressed); Menu = menuInitialise ("blixelect", (MENUSPEC*)menu) ; graphNewMenu (Menu); /* Make square shaped chooser. 1.5 typical character height/width ratio */ itemsPerCol = (int)(sqrt((double)(items*(maxLen+6)))/1.5); nx = (maxLen+6)*ceil((float)items/itemsPerCol)+2; ny = itemsPerCol+2; graphTextBounds (nx, ny); graphClear(); graphBoxDraw(0, backgColor, backgColor); graphColor(backgColor); graphRectangle(0, 0, nx+100, ny+100); graphColor(BLACK); x = y = 0; for (i = 0; i < items; i++) { if (y && !(y % itemsPerCol)) { /* Go to next column */ x++; y = 0; /* Print column separator */ graphColor(DARKGRAY); graphLine(x*(maxLen+6), 1.5, x*(maxLen+6), 1.5+itemsPerCol); graphColor(BLACK); } box = graphBoxStart(); graphText (messprintf("%3d %s", arr(counts, i, int), arr(names, i, char*)), 1+x*(maxLen+6), 1.5+y); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, boxColor); y++; } graphButton("Help", Help, 0.5, 0.1); selected = arrayCreate(items+1, int); graphRedraw() ; } void main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *file; int optc; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; char *optstring="q:s:zD"; static char *cc_date = #if defined(__DATE__) __DATE__ #else "" #endif ; char *usage; static char usageText[] = "\ \n\ Blixelect - select files to view in Blixem.\n\ \n\ Reference: Sonnhammer ELL & Durbin R (1994). A workbench for Large Scale\n\ Sequence Homology Analysis. Comput. Applic. Biosci. 10:301-307.\n\ \n\ Usage: blixelect [options] \n\ \n\ Options:\n\ -s sequence filename extension (default .seq).\n\ -q seqbl filename extension (default .seqbl).\n\ -z Don't display sequences with 0 matches.\n\ -D Don't automatically dotter first sequence.\n\ \n\ o Each sequence-filename must have a corresponding seqbl file.\n\ o To make the seqbl files from blast output, run MSPcrunch with option -q.\n\ o The file_of_sequence-filenames should not contain the .seq extensions.\n\ \n\ by Erik.Sonnhammer@cgr.ki.se\n\ Version "; usage = messalloc(strlen(usageText) + strlen(blixelectVersion) + strlen(cc_date) + 20); sprintf(usage, "%s%s, compiled %s\n", usageText, blixelectVersion, cc_date); while ((optc = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) != -1) switch (optc) { case 'q': strcpy(EXT, optarg); break; case 's': strcpy(SEQEXT, optarg); break; case 'z': zeroOK = 0; break; case 'D': opts[8] = ' '; break; } if (argc - optind == 1) { if (!(file = fopen(argv[argc-1], "r"))) fatal("Cannot open exbl file %s\n", argv[argc-1]); strcpy(list, argv[argc-1]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", usage); exit(1); } gargc = &argc; gargv = argv; /* Add -install for private colormaps */ argvAdd(&argc, &argv, "-install"); graphInit (&argc, argv) ; gexInit(&argc, argv); seqblmenu(file); graphLoop(FALSE); graphFinish (); } void doselect(void) { if (!lastbox) return; array(selected, lastbox, int) = 1; graphBoxDraw(lastbox, BLACK, RED); } void unselect(void) { if (!lastbox) return; array(selected, lastbox, int) = 0; graphBoxDraw(lastbox, BLACK, boxColor); } void printSelected(void) { int i; for (i = 1; i < arrayMax(selected); i++) if (arr(selected, i, int)) printf("%s\n", arr(names, i-1, char*)); } void exchangeSelected(void) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= items; i++) { if (arr(selected, i, int)) { arr(selected, i, int) = 0; graphBoxDraw(i, BLACK, boxColor); } else { arr(selected, i, int) = 1; graphBoxDraw(i, BLACK, RED); } } }