/* File dotterMain.c * Author: esr * Copyright (c) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1999 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Mar 25 17:57 2002 (esr) * Created: Thu Aug 26 17:17:30 1999 (fw) * CVS info: $Id: dotterMain.c,v 1.59 2002/03/26 15:47:50 esr Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include "regular.h" #include "graph.h" #include "gex.h" #include "dotter_.h" static void strNamecpy(char *dest, char *src) { char *cp; while (*src && *src == ' ') src++; strcpy(dest, src); if (cp = (char *)strchr(dest, ' ')) *cp = 0; if (cp = (char *)strchr(dest, '\n')) *cp = 0; } static char *stringUnprotect(char **textp, char *target) { char *cp, *cpd; int count = 0; redo: cp = *textp; cpd = target; while (*cp != '"' && *cp) cp++; cp++; /* skip quote */ while (*cp != '"' && *cp) { if (*cp == '$') cp++; if (cpd) *cpd++ = *cp; else count++; cp++; } if (!target) { target = messalloc(count+1); goto redo; } *cp = NULL; *textp = cp+1; /* skip quote */ return target; } static void addBreakline (MSP **MSPlist, char *name, char *desc, int pos, char seq) { MSP *msp; char *cp; if (!*MSPlist) { *MSPlist = (MSP *)messalloc(sizeof(MSP)); msp = *MSPlist; } else { msp = *MSPlist; while(msp->next) msp = msp->next; msp->next = (MSP *)messalloc(sizeof(MSP)); msp = msp->next; } msp->qname = messalloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(msp->qname, name); msp->desc = messalloc(strlen(desc)+1); strcpy(msp->desc, desc); if (cp = (char *)strchr(msp->desc, ' ')) *cp = 0; if (cp = (char *)strchr(msp->desc, '\n')) *cp = 0; msp->qstart = msp->qend = pos; *msp->sframe = seq; msp->color = DARKGREEN; msp->type = FSSEG; msp->score = 100; insertFS(msp, "chain_separator"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { int l, qoffset=0, soffset=0, selfcall=0, qlen, slen, revcompq = 0, dotterZoom = 0, count, install = 1, pixelFacset = 0, seqInSFS=0; char *qseq=0, *sseq=0, line[MAXLINE+1], *qname, *sname, *cp, *cc, *cq, type, *firstdesc, *qfilename, *sfilename, *savefile = 0, *loadfile = 0, *FSfilename = 0, *mtxfile = 0, opts[] = "D ", /* D display mirror image W only watson strand C only crick strand H only HSPs S start with swapped greyramptool */ *winsize = 0, text[MAXLINE+1]; FILE *qfile, *sfile; float memoryLimit=0; MSP *MSPlist=0, *msp; int optc; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; char *optstring="b:cDf:F:Hil:M:m:p:q:Rrs:SW:wz:"; extern char *dotterVersion, *dotterBinary; static char *cc_date = #if defined(__DATE__) __DATE__ #else "" #endif ; char *usage; static char usageText[] = "\ \n\ Dotter - Sequence dotplots with image enhancement tools.\n\ \n\ Reference: Sonnhammer ELL & Durbin R (1995). A dot-matrix program\n\ with dynamic threshold control suited for genomic DNA and protein\n\ sequence analysis. Gene 167(2):GC1-10.\n\ \n\ Usage: dotter [options] [X options]\n\ \n\ Allowed types: Protein - Protein\n\ DNA - DNA\n\ DNA - Protein\n\ \n\ Options:\n\ \n\ -b Batch mode, write dotplot to \n\ -l Load dotplot from \n\ -m Memory usage limit in Mb (default 0.5)\n\ -z Set zoom (compression) factor\n\ -p Set pixel factor manually (ratio pixelvalue/score)\n\ -W Set sliding window size. (K => Karlin/Altschul estimate)\n\ -M Read in score matrix from (Blast format; Default: Blosum62).\n\ -F Read in sequences and data from (replaces sequencefiles).\n\ -f Read feature segments from \n\ -H Do not calculate dotplot at startup.\n\ -R Reversed Greyramp tool at start.\n\ -r Reverse and complement horizontal_sequence (DNA vs Protein)\n\ -D Don't display mirror image in self comparisons\n\ -w For DNA: horizontal_sequence top strand only (Watson)\n\ -c For DNA: horizontal_sequence bottom strand only (Crick)\n\ -q Horizontal_sequence offset\n\ -s Vertical_sequence offset\n\ \n\ Some X options:\n\ -acefont Main font.\n\ -font Menu font.\n\ \n\ See http://www.cgb.ki.se/cgb/groups/sonnhammer/Dotter.html for more info.\n\ \n\ by Erik.Sonnhammer@cgb.ki.se\n\ Version "; usage = messalloc(strlen(usageText) + strlen(dotterVersion) + strlen(cc_date) + 20); sprintf(usage, "%s%s, compiled %s\n", usageText, dotterVersion, cc_date); while ((optc = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) != EOF) switch (optc) { case 'b': savefile = messalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strcpy(savefile, optarg); break; case 'c': opts[1] = 'C'; break; case 'D': opts[0] = ' '; break; case 'f': FSfilename = messalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strcpy(FSfilename, optarg); break; case 'F': seqInSFS = 1; FSfilename = messalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strcpy(FSfilename, optarg); break; case 'H': opts[2] = 'H'; break; case 'i': install = 0; break; case 'l': loadfile = messalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strcpy(loadfile, optarg); break; case 'M': mtxfile = messalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strcpy(mtxfile, optarg); break; case 'm': memoryLimit = atof(optarg); break; case 'p': pixelFacset = atoi(optarg); break; case 'q': qoffset = atoi(optarg); break; case 'R': opts[3] = 'S'; break; case 'r': revcompq = 1; break; case 's': soffset = atoi(optarg); break; case 'S': selfcall = 1; qname = messalloc(strlen(argv[optind])+1); strcpy(qname, argv[optind]); qlen = atoi(argv[optind+1]); sname = messalloc(strlen(argv[optind+2])+1); strcpy(sname, argv[optind+2]); slen = atoi(argv[optind+3]); dotterBinary = messalloc(strlen(argv[optind+4])+1); strcpy(dotterBinary, argv[optind+4]); break; case 'W': winsize = messalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strcpy(winsize, optarg); break; case 'w': opts[1] = 'W'; break; case 'z': dotterZoom = atoi(optarg); break; default : fatal("Illegal option"); } if (!savefile) { graphInit(&argc, argv); gexInit(&argc, argv); } /* Store X options for zooming in */ { int i, len=0; extern char *Xoptions; for (i = optind+2; i < argc; i++) len += strlen(argv[i])+1; Xoptions = messalloc(len+1); for (i = optind+2; i < argc; i++) { strcat(Xoptions, argv[i]); strcat(Xoptions, " "); } } if (selfcall) /* Dotter calling dotter */ { qseq = (char *)messalloc(qlen+1); sseq = (char *)messalloc(slen+1); if ((l=fread(qseq, 1, qlen, stdin)) != qlen) fatal("Only read %d chars to qseq, expected %d", l, qlen); qseq[qlen] = 0; if ((l=fread(sseq, 1, slen, stdin)) != slen) fatal("Only read %d chars to sseq, expected %d", l, slen); sseq[slen] = 0; /* Read in MSPs */ while (!feof (stdin)) { char *cp; if (!fgets (text, MAXLINE, stdin) || (unsigned char)*text == (unsigned char)EOF ) break; if (!MSPlist) { MSPlist = (MSP *)messalloc(sizeof(MSP)); msp = MSPlist; } else { msp->next = (MSP *)messalloc(sizeof(MSP)); msp = msp->next; } cp = text; while (*cp == ' ') cp++; msp->type = strtol(cp, &cp, 10); while (*cp == ' ') cp++; msp->score = strtol(cp, &cp, 10); while (*cp == ' ') cp++; msp->color = strtol(cp, &cp, 10); while (*cp == ' ') cp++; msp->qstart = strtol(cp, &cp, 10); while (*cp == ' ') cp++; msp->qend = strtol(cp, &cp, 10); while (*cp == ' ') cp++; msp->fs = strtol(cp, &cp, 10); msp->sname = stringUnprotect(&cp, NULL); stringUnprotect(&cp, msp->sframe); msp->qname = stringUnprotect(&cp, NULL); stringUnprotect(&cp, msp->qframe); msp->desc = stringUnprotect(&cp, NULL); /* really horrible hack */ if (msp->type == FSSEG) { insertFS(msp, "chain_separator"); opts[4] = 'L'; } } fclose(stdin); } else if (!seqInSFS) { if (argc - optind < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", usage); exit(1); } else if(!(qfile = fopen(argv[optind], "r"))) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n", argv[optind]); exit(1); } qfilename = argv[optind]; fseek(qfile, 0, SEEK_END); qlen = ftell(qfile); qseq = (char *)messalloc(qlen+1); fseek(qfile, 0, SEEK_SET); if (!(cp = (char *)strrchr(argv[optind], '/'))) cp = argv[optind]-1; qname = messalloc(strlen(cp)+2); strcpy(qname, cp+1); if (!(sfile = fopen(argv[optind+1], "r"))) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n", argv[optind+1]); exit(1); } sfilename = argv[optind+1]; fseek(sfile, 0, SEEK_END); slen = ftell(sfile); sseq = (char *)messalloc(slen+1); fseek(sfile, 0, SEEK_SET); if (!(cp = strrchr(argv[optind+1], '/'))) cp = argv[optind+1]-1; sname = messalloc(strlen(cp)+2); strcpy(sname, cp+1); /* Read in the sequences */ l = count = 0; cc = qseq; while (!feof(qfile)) { if (!fgets(line, MAXLINE, qfile)) break; if (cq = (char *)strchr(line, '\n')) *cq = 0; /* Name headers */ if ((cq = (char *)strchr(line, '>'))) { cq++; if (++l == 1) { qname = messalloc(strlen(cq)+1); strNamecpy(qname, cq); firstdesc = messalloc(strlen(cq)+1); strcpy(firstdesc, cq); } else { /* Multiple sequences - add break lines */ if (l == 2) { opts[4] = 'L'; /* Second sequence - add break line to mark first sequence */ addBreakline (&MSPlist, qfilename, firstdesc, 0, '1'); /* change sequence name to filename */ qname = messalloc(strlen(qfilename)+1); strcpy(qname, qfilename); } addBreakline (&MSPlist, qfilename, cq, count, '1'); } } else { for (cq = line; *cq; cq++) if (isalpha(*cq)) { *cc++ = *cq; count++; } } } *cc = 0; l = count = 0; cc = sseq; while (!feof(sfile)) { if (!fgets(line, MAXLINE, sfile)) break; if (cq = (char *)strchr(line, '\n')) *cq = 0; /* Name headers */ if ((cq = (char *)strchr(line, '>'))) { cq++; if (++l == 1) { sname = messalloc(strlen(cq)+1); strNamecpy(sname, cq); firstdesc = messalloc(strlen(cq)+1); strcpy(firstdesc, cq); } else { /* Multiple sequences - add break lines */ if (l == 2) { opts[4] = 'L'; /* Second sequence - add break line to mark first sequence */ addBreakline (&MSPlist, sfilename, firstdesc, 0, '2'); /* change sequence name to filename */ sname = messalloc(strlen(sfilename)+1); strcpy(sname, sfilename); } addBreakline (&MSPlist, sfilename, cq, count, '2'); } } else { for (cq = line; *cq; cq++) if (isalpha(*cq)) { *cc++ = *cq; count++; } } } *cc = 0; } if (FSfilename) { char dummyopts[32]; /* opts have different meaning in blixem */ FILE *file; if (!strcmp(FSfilename, "-")) { file = stdin; } else if(!(file = fopen(FSfilename, "r"))) messcrash("Cannot open %s\n", FSfilename); parseFS(&MSPlist, file, dummyopts, &qseq, qname, &sseq, sname); } /* Determine sequence types */ if (Seqtype(qseq) == 'P' && Seqtype(sseq) == 'P') { printf("\nDetected sequence types: Protein vs. Protein\n"); type = 'P'; } else if (Seqtype(qseq) == 'N' && Seqtype(sseq) == 'N') { printf("\nDetected sequence types: DNA vs. DNA\n"); type = 'N'; } else if (Seqtype(qseq) == 'N' && Seqtype(sseq) == 'P') { printf("\nDetected sequence types: DNA vs. Protein\n"); type = 'X'; } else fatal("Illegal sequence types: Protein vs. DNA - turn arguments around!\n\n%s", usage); if (revcompq) { if (type != 'X') fatal("Revcomp'ing horizontal_sequence only needed in DNA vs. Protein"); else { cc = messalloc(qlen+1); revcomp(cc, qseq); messfree(qseq); qseq = cc; } } /* Add -install for private colormaps */ if (install) argvAdd(&argc, &argv, "-install"); if (!savefile) { graphLoop(dotter(type, opts, qname, qseq, qoffset, sname, sseq, soffset, 0, 0, savefile, loadfile, mtxfile, memoryLimit, dotterZoom, MSPlist, 0, winsize, pixelFacset)); graphFinish () ; } else { /* stop graphical dialog boxes in batch mode. */ struct messContextStruct nullContext = { NULL, NULL }; messOutRegister(nullContext); messErrorRegister (nullContext); messExitRegister(nullContext); messCrashRegister (nullContext); dotter(type, opts, qname, qseq, qoffset, sname, sseq, soffset, 0, 0, savefile, loadfile, mtxfile, memoryLimit, dotterZoom, MSPlist, 0, winsize, pixelFacset); } }