/* File: embl.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: creates an EMBL submission file from ACEDB data authors for submission obtained from From_Author field current assumptions (not necessarily valid): - all CDS's are one level down, i.e. not recursive - start and end are found for all embedded sequences - start < end for general features: promoters etc. * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jun 19 14:29 2001 (rd) * * May 31 13:12 1999 (edgrif): Add embl include file. * * May 18 13:50 1999 (edgrif): Fixed recursion in getDumpObjects, see SANgc04355. * * May 5 13:57 1999 (edgrif): Added code to emblDumpKey to popdown * the help dialog posted by emblDump. * * Jun 28 21:06 1992 (rd): added stuff for cDNA's, and keyset dumps * * Feb 23 01:27 1992 (rd): order() -> join() * Created: Sun Feb 23 01:26:18 1992 (rd) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: embl.c,v 1.58 2002/10/14 14:37:23 srk Exp $ */ #include "acedb.h" #include "bs.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "dna.h" #include "lex.h" #include "peptide.h" #include "embl.h" #include "display.h" /* Error handling... */ /* */ /* Useful stuff for error messages: */ #define EMBL_HEADER " EMBL Dump - " /* It's possible for us to detect a recursion in the database at a deeply */ /* nested level and need to just pop out of the 'loop' essentially. We use */ /* the C setjmp/longjmp mechanism for this (C++ exceptions would have been */ /* perfect...). */ static jmp_buf errorJumpBuf ; typedef enum EmblExitCodes_ {EMBL_RECURSION = 1} EmblExitCodes ; /* Local globals */ /* */ static STORE_HANDLE handle = 0 ; static FILE *dumpFile ; /* file being written to */ static FILE *logFile ; /* log file for errors/warnings */ static int nLog ; /* number of log messages */ static Stack text = 0 ; /* utility buffer */ static Array a = 0 ; /* work array for bsFlatten */ static BSMARK mark1, mark2, mark3, mark4, mark5, mark6, mark7, mark8 ; static BOOL isDumpKeyFromDisplay = FALSE ; /* Was emblDumpKey called from a mouse selection on a display ? */ /**** tags *****/ static KEY emblKey ; static KEY _scRNA, _misc_RNA, _Database, _Feature, _AC_number ; static KEY _EMBL_dump, _EMBL_feature, _EMBL_threshold, _EMBL_qualifier ; static KEY _EMBL_dump_method, _EMBL_dump_info, _gene_from_name ; static KEY _ID_template, _ID_division, _DE_format ; static KEY _OS_line, _OC_line, _RL_submission, _EMBL_reference ; static KEY _CC_line, _EMBL_chromosome, _source_organism ; static KEY _EMBL_dump_YES, _EMBL_dump_NO ; static KEY _Secondary_accession ; /*******************************/ static void initialise (void) { static int isFirst = TRUE ; if (isFirst) { KEY databaseClassKey ; lexaddkey ("scRNA", &_scRNA, 0) ; lexaddkey ("misc_RNA", &_misc_RNA, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Database", &_Database, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Feature", &_Feature, 0) ; lexaddkey ("AC_number", &_AC_number, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Secondary_accession", &_Secondary_accession, 0) ; /* for features */ lexaddkey ("EMBL_dump", &_EMBL_dump, 0) ; lexaddkey ("EMBL_feature", &_EMBL_feature, 0) ; lexaddkey ("EMBL_threshold", &_EMBL_threshold, 0) ; lexaddkey ("EMBL_qualifier", &_EMBL_qualifier, 0) ; /* for the sequence dump method */ lexaddkey ("EMBL_dump_info", &_EMBL_dump_info, 0) ; lexaddkey ("EMBL_dump_method", &_EMBL_dump_method, 0) ; lexaddkey ("ID_template", &_ID_template, 0) ; lexaddkey ("ID_division", &_ID_division, 0) ; lexaddkey ("DE_format", &_DE_format, 0) ; lexaddkey ("OS_line", &_OS_line, 0) ; lexaddkey ("OS_line", &_OS_line, 0) ; lexaddkey ("OC_line", &_OC_line, 0) ; lexaddkey ("RL_submission", &_RL_submission, 0) ; lexaddkey ("EMBL_reference", &_EMBL_reference, 0) ; lexaddkey ("CC_line", &_CC_line, 0) ; lexaddkey ("source_organism", &_source_organism, 0) ; lexaddkey ("gene_from_name", &_gene_from_name, 0) ; /* for Map objects */ lexaddkey ("EMBL_chromosome", &_EMBL_chromosome, 0) ; /* for Feature_info */ lexaddkey ("EMBL_dump_YES", &_EMBL_dump_YES, 0) ; lexaddkey ("EMBL_dump_NO", &_EMBL_dump_NO, 0) ; /* the key for EMBL itself */ lexaddkey ("Database", &databaseClassKey, _VMainClasses) ; lexaddkey ("EMBL", &emblKey, KEYKEY(databaseClassKey)) ; isFirst = FALSE ; } } /*******************************/ static char* emblifyName (KEY key) { static char work[128] ; char *cp = work ; char *nam = name(key) ; OBJ obj ; if ((obj = bsCreate (key))) { if (bsGetData (obj, str2tag("EMBL_name"), _Text, &cp)) { bsDestroy (obj) ; return cp ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } while (*nam && *nam != ' ') *cp++ = *nam++ ; while (*nam && *nam == ' ') ++nam ; if (*nam) /* initial */ { *cp++ = ' ' ; while (*nam) { *cp++ = *nam++ ; *cp++ = '.' ; } } *cp = 0 ; return work ; } static void emblifyReference (KEY ref) { OBJ obj ; int i, ix, year ; KEY key, journal ; char **cpp, *volume, *p1, *p2, *cp ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (ref))) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * Can't open paper object %s\n", name(ref)) ; return ; } /* RA */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Author) && bsFlatten (obj, 1, a)) { if (arrayMax(a) && strstr (name(arr(a,0,BSunit).k), "Consortium")) { fprintf (dumpFile, "RC %s;\n", name(arr(a,0,BSunit).k)) ; fprintf (dumpFile, "RA none;\n") ; } else { ix = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; i += 1) { cp = emblifyName (arr(a,i,BSunit).k) ; if (ix + strlen (cp) > 70) { fprintf (dumpFile, ",\n") ; ix = 0 ; } if (ix) { fprintf (dumpFile, ", ") ; ix += 2 ; } else { fprintf (dumpFile, "RA ") ; ix += 5 ; } fprintf (dumpFile, cp) ; ix += strlen(cp) ; } fprintf (dumpFile, ";\n") ; } } else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * No authors for reference %s\n", name(ref)) ; /* RT */ if (bsGetKey (obj, _Title, &key)) { stackClear (text) ; catText (text, "\"") ; catText (text, name(key)) ; catText (text, "\";") ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(text,0), 67) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "RT %s\n", *cpp) ; } else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * No title for reference %s\n", name(ref)) ; /* RL */ if (bsGetKey (obj, _Journal, &journal) && bsGetData (obj, _Volume, _Text, &volume) && bsGetData (obj, _Year, _Int, &year) && bsGetData (obj, _Page, _Text, &p1) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, &p2)) fprintf (dumpFile, "RL %s %s:%s-%s (%d).\n", name(journal), volume, p1, p2, year) ; else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * Bad RL info for reference %s\n", name(ref)) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } /*************************************/ static char *emblDate (mytime_t dat) { char *cp ; static char buf[1000] ; timeShowFormat (dat, "%d-%b-%Y", buf, 1000) ; for (cp = buf ; *cp ; ++cp) *cp = freeupper(*cp) ; return buf ; } /*************************************/ char *getAccession (KEY key) { OBJ obj ; char *acc = 0 ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (key))) return 0 ; if (!bsGetData (obj, _AC_number, _Text, &acc)) if (bsFindKey (obj, _Database, emblKey) && bsGetKeyTags (obj, _bsRight, 0)) bsGetText (obj, _bsRight, &acc) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return acc ; } /*******************************/ /* coordinate transformation variables */ static KEY dumpKey ; /* key for sequence object being dumped */ static int length ; /* length of sequence being dumped */ static int offset ; /* start of dumped seq in superseq coords */ static BOOL offForward ; /* is dumpseq codirectional with superseq */ static Array pieceLeft = 0 ; /* used to build location info */ static Array pieceRight = 0 ; /* used to build location info */ static Array piecePrefix = 0 ; /* for the accession numbers */ /********** convert current super seq coords to dumped seq coords *******/ static void offAdjust (int *x1, int *x2) { if (offForward) { *x1 -= offset - 1 ; *x2 -= offset - 1 ; } else { *x1 = offset + 1 - *x1 ; *x2 = offset + 1 - *x2 ; } } /************ stuff to maintain map of accnos for DNA fragments *********/ typedef struct { KEY key ; char *accColon ; /* accession number followed by colon, if not self */ int start ; int end ; } ACCMAP ; static Array accMap ; /* this code assumes that all participating accessions are (i) colinear, i.e. not reverse-complemented wrt each other (ii) children of an ancestor of dumpKey OK for one-deep LINK structures as at Sanger and St Louis */ static void buildAccMap (KEY key, int start, int end) { ACCMAP *am ; if (!key) /* initialise */ { accMap = arrayHandleCreate (16, ACCMAP, handle) ; am = arrayp (accMap, 0, ACCMAP) ; am->key = dumpKey ; am->accColon = "" ; am->start = 1 ; am->end = length ; } else { offAdjust (&start, &end) ; if (end > start) /* don't handle reversed DNA */ { am = arrayp (accMap, arrayMax(accMap), ACCMAP) ; am->key = key ; am->accColon = 0 ; /* defer finding accession number */ am->start = start ; am->end = end ; } } } static ACCMAP *findInAccMap (int x) { ACCMAP *am ; int i ; char *acc ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (accMap) ; ) { am = arrp (accMap, i, ACCMAP) ; if (x >= am->start && x <= am->end) { if (am->accColon) return am ; if ((acc = getAccession (am->key))) { am->accColon = strnew (messprintf ("%s:", acc), handle) ; return am ; } /* if no acc number, throw out of accMap */ if (arrayMax(accMap)) { arr (accMap, i, ACCMAP) = arr (accMap, arrayMax(accMap)-1, ACCMAP) ; --arrayMax(accMap) ; } } else ++i ; } return 0 ; } /***** stuff to use accMap to make location info, and write it out *****/ static BOOL makePieces (int x1, int x2) { ACCMAP *am ; if (!(am = findInAccMap (x1))) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * can't find accession number for coord %d\n", x1) ; return FALSE ; } if (x2 <= am->end) { array (pieceLeft, arrayMax(pieceLeft), int) = x1 - am->start + 1 ; array (pieceRight, arrayMax(pieceRight), int) = x2 - am->start + 1 ; array (piecePrefix, arrayMax(piecePrefix), char*) = am->accColon ; return TRUE ; /* done! */ } else return (makePieces (x1, am->end) && makePieces (am->end+1, x2)) ; } static void writeLocation (BOOL isComp, BOOL startNotFound, BOOL endNotFound) { int i ; char **cpp ; /* transfer piece info to text */ stackClear (text) ; if (isComp) catText (text, "complement(") ; if (arrayMax(pieceLeft) > 1) catText (text, "join(") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(pieceLeft) ; ++i) { if (i) catText (text, ",") ; if (startNotFound && !i) catText (text, "<") ; catText (text, arr(piecePrefix,i,char*)) ; catText (text, messprintf ("%d", arr(pieceLeft,i,int))) ; if (arr(pieceLeft,i,int) < arr(pieceRight,i,int)) { catText (text, "..") ; if (endNotFound && i == arrayMax(pieceLeft)-1) catText (text, ">") ; catText (text, messprintf ("%d", arr(pieceRight,i,int))) ; } } if (arrayMax(pieceLeft) > 1) catText (text, ")") ; if (isComp) catText (text, ")") ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(text,0), 56) ; *cpp ; ) { fprintf (dumpFile, "%s\n", *cpp) ; if (*++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT ") ; } } /***********************************************************************/ /********** a little package to get dump method information ************/ static OBJ lastGetDumpObj = 0 ; /* It's possible for us to hit an error while parsing the embl data from */ /* the database, if the database is messed up we can end up recursing in the */ /* 'while' loop in this routine. We detect this and then longjmp back up to */ /* emblDoDump (the routine controlling the embl dumping). We need to do this */ /* to avoid a lot of passing around of parsing errors. */ static Array getDumpObjects (KEY seq) { KEY key ; OBJ obj ; static KEY lastSeq = 0 ; KEY tmp_key ; static Array a = NULL ; int i ; if (seq != lastSeq) { if (a) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (a) ; ++i) { bsDestroy (arr(a, i, OBJ)) ; } } a = arrayReCreate (a, 16, OBJ) ; key = seq ; tmp_key = 0 ; while ((obj = bsCreate (key))) { if (!bsFindTag (obj, _EMBL_dump_info) || !bsPushObj (obj)) { bsDestroy (obj) ; break ; } array (a, arrayMax(a), OBJ) = obj ; if (!bsGetKey (obj, _EMBL_dump_method, &key)) break ; else { /* If the keys are the same we are recursing and must bomb out.*/ if (tmp_key == key) { messerror(EMBL_HEADER "The EMBL_dump_method tag is pointing to itself in the database. " "Attempts to dump will cause the program to loop until the machine runs out " "of memory so the embl dump has been aborted. " "The database administrator should be informed so that they can fix " "the database.") ; longjmp(errorJumpBuf, EMBL_RECURSION) ; } tmp_key = key ; } } lastSeq = seq ; } return a ; } static BOOL getDumpText (KEY seq, KEY tag, char **cpp) { Array a = getDumpObjects (seq) ; int i ; lastGetDumpObj = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; ++i) if (bsGetData (arr(a, i, OBJ), tag, _Text, cpp)) { lastGetDumpObj = arr(a, i, OBJ) ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } static BOOL getDumpKey (KEY seq, KEY tag, KEY *kp) { Array a = getDumpObjects (seq) ; int i ; lastGetDumpObj = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; ++i) if (bsGetKey (arr(a, i, OBJ), tag, kp)) { lastGetDumpObj = arr(a, i, OBJ) ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } static BOOL getDumpFlag (KEY seq, KEY tag) { Array a = getDumpObjects (seq) ; int i ; lastGetDumpObj = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; ++i) if (bsFindTag (arr(a, i, OBJ), tag)) { lastGetDumpObj = arr(a, i, OBJ) ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } /********* main subroutine to dump a sub sequence (e.g. CDS) *************/ static BOOL isGeneFromName ; static void subseqFeatures (KEY key, int start, int end) { OBJ obj ; BOOL isComp ; int i, pos ; KEY method, predMethod, remark, cdna, gene ; char **cpp, *cp ; char *rnaText, featText[16] ; char *protid ; BOOL pseudo = FALSE, isCDS = FALSE ; int miss1, miss2 ; offAdjust (&start, &end) ; isComp = (start > end) ; if ((!isComp && (end < 1 || start > length)) || (isComp && (start < 1 || end > length))) return ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (key))) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * can't open subobject %s\n", name(key)) ; return ; } if (!bsGetKey (obj, str2tag("Method"), &method)) goto finish ; { OBJ obj2 = bsCreate (method) ; if (!obj2) goto finish ; if (!bsGetData (obj2, _EMBL_feature, _Text, &cp)) { bsDestroy (obj2) ; goto finish ; } strncpy (featText, cp, 15) ; /* RD 010619 - to avoid shared buffer problems */ bsDestroy (obj2) ; } isCDS = FALSE ; if (!strcmp (featText, "CDS")) { if (bsFindTag (obj, _CDS)) isCDS = TRUE ; else if (bsFindTag (obj, _Pseudogene)) pseudo = TRUE ; else { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * %s does not have CDS set when method requires that\n", name(key)) ; goto finish ; } } if (isCDS) { Array p ; signed char stop = pepEncodeChar[(int)'*'] ; int i ; if ((p = peptideGet (key))) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(p) ; ++i) if (arr(p,i,signed char) == stop) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * %s made a pseudogene because contains stop codon\n", name(key)) ; pseudo = TRUE ; break ; } arrayDestroy (p) ; } else { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * %s made a pseudogene because can't get peptide sequence\n", name(key)) ; pseudo = TRUE ; } } /* make the location info in piece Arrays */ pieceLeft = arrayHandleCreate (32, int, handle) ; pieceRight = arrayHandleCreate (32, int, handle) ; piecePrefix = arrayHandleCreate (16, char*, handle) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Source_Exons) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, a)) { dnaExonsSort (a) ; if (isComp) for (i = arrayMax(a)-1 ; i > 0 ; i -= 2) { if (!makePieces (start + 1 - arr(a,i,BSunit).i, start + 1 - arr(a,i-1,BSunit).i)) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * makePieces failed for %s when dumping %s\n", name(key), name(dumpKey)) ; goto finish ; } } else for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(a) ; i += 2) { if (!makePieces (start - 1 + arr(a,i,BSunit).i, start - 1 + arr(a,i+1,BSunit).i)) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * makePieces failed for %s when dumping %s\n", name(key), name(dumpKey)) ; goto finish ; } } } else if (isComp) { if (!makePieces (end, start)) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * makePieces failed for %s when dumping %s\n", name(key), name(dumpKey)) ; goto finish ; } } else { if (!makePieces (start, end)) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * makePieces failed for %s when dumping %s\n", name(key), name(dumpKey)) ; goto finish ; } } /* check start and end found */ miss1 = miss2 = 0 ; if (!isComp) { if (!miss1 && bsFindTag (obj, _Start_not_found)) { if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &i)) miss1 = 2 + i ; else miss1 = 3 ; /* no frame change */ } if (!miss2 && bsFindTag (obj, _End_not_found)) miss2 = 3 ; } else { if (!miss2 && bsFindTag (obj, _Start_not_found)) { if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &i)) miss2 = 2 + i ; else miss2 = 3 ; /* no frame change */ } if (!miss1 && bsFindTag (obj, _End_not_found)) miss1 = 3 ; } /* write feature key and location */ fprintf (dumpFile, "FT %-16s", featText) ; writeLocation (isComp, (miss1 > 0), (miss2 > 0)) ; /* write qualifiers */ if (bsGetData (obj, str2tag("tRNA"), _Text, &rnaText)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /note=\"%s-tRNA\"\n", rnaText) ; else if (bsGetData (obj, str2tag("rRNA"), _Text, &rnaText) || bsGetData (obj, str2tag("snRNA"), _Text, &rnaText) || bsGetData (obj, str2tag("scRNA"), _Text, &rnaText) || bsGetData (obj, str2tag("misc_RNA"), _Text, &rnaText)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /note=\"%s-RNA\"\n", rnaText) ; /* pseudo */ if (pseudo) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /pseudo\n") ; /* prediction method */ if (bsGetKey (obj, _CDS_predicted_by, &predMethod)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /note=\"predicted using %s\"\n", name(predMethod)) ; /* 970214 extra note for preliminary genes (.a etc.) */ { char *cp ; for (cp = name(key) ; *cp ; ++cp) if (*cp == '.') break ; if (*cp == '.' && *++cp >= 'a' && *cp <= 'z') fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /note=\"preliminary prediction\"\n") ; } /* Locus info */ if (bsGetKey (obj, _Locus, &gene)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /gene=\"%s\"\n", name(gene)) ; if (isGeneFromName) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /gene=\"%s\"\n", name(key)) ; /* Protein_id info - always dump as .1 (requested by EBI) */ /* 000124 require ?Sequence to match dumpkey, followed by protein_id */ if (bsFindKey (obj, str2tag("Protein_id"), dumpKey) && bsGetText (obj, _bsRight, &protid)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /protein_id=\"%s.1\"\n", protid) ; /* DB_remark or brief_id info */ stackClear (text) ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _DB_remark, &remark)) { catText (text, messprintf ("/note=\"%s", name(remark))) ; while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &remark)) catText (text, messprintf (", %s", name(remark))) ; } else if (bsGetKey (obj, _Brief_identification, &remark)) catText (text, messprintf ("/note=\"similar to %s", name(remark))) ; if (stackMark(text)) { catText (text, "\"") ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines(stackText(text,0), 56) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT %s\n", *cpp) ; } /* codon start for partial CDS genes */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _CDS)) { if (miss1 && !isComp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /codon_start=%d\n", 3 - ((miss1 - 1) % 3)) ; /* was 1 + (miss1%3) */ else if (miss2 && isComp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /codon_start=%d\n", 3 - ((miss2 - 1) % 3)) ; /* RMD 950703 - as above */ } /* matching cDNAs */ if (bsGetKey (obj, _Matching_cDNA, &cdna)) { int nEST = 0, nClump, n ; char *acc ; do ++nEST ; while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &cdna)) ; nClump = 1 + nEST/40 ; n = 0 ; bsGetKey (obj, _Matching_cDNA, &cdna) ; /* restart at first cDNA */ do { fprintf (dumpFile, "FT ") ; if (!(n % nClump)) fprintf (dumpFile, "/note=\"") ; #if 0 /* removed this a Dan's request. 14/10/02 - srk */ if ((acc = getAccession(cdna))) fprintf (dumpFile, "cDNA EST EMBL:%s comes from this gene", acc) ; else #endif { fprintf (dumpFile, "cDNA EST %s comes from this gene", name(cdna)) ; /* RD 970815: sjj request because of new Yuji cDNAs if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * no accession number for EST %s\n", name(cdna)) ; */ } ++n ; if (n == nEST || !(n % nClump)) fprintf (dumpFile, "\"\n") ; else fprintf (dumpFile, ";\n") ; } while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &cdna)) ; } /* TSLs */ if (bsGetData (obj, _TSL_site, _Int, &pos)) { ACCMAP *am ; pos = isComp?start+1-pos:start-1+pos ; if ((am = findInAccMap (pos))) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /note=\"Possible trans-spliced leader site at %s%d\"\n", am->accColon, pos - am->start) ; } finish: bsDestroy (obj) ; } /**********************************************/ typedef struct { char *feature ; float threshold ; BOOL isThreshold ; Array quals ; /* of QUALIFIER */ } METHOD_DUMP ; typedef struct { char *text ; char *arg ; } QUALIFIER ; static Associator methodAss ; static STORE_HANDLE massHandle = 0 ; static METHOD_DUMP *methodDumpInfo (KEY method) { void *v ; if (!massHandle) { massHandle = handleCreate() ; methodAss = assHandleCreate (massHandle) ; } if (assFind (methodAss, assVoid(method), &v)) { if (v == assVoid(1)) return 0 ; else return (METHOD_DUMP*) v ; } /* if get here, a new method */ { OBJ obj = bsCreate(method) ; METHOD_DUMP *md = assVoid(1) ; char *cp ; static BSMARK mark = 0 ; if (obj) { md = (METHOD_DUMP*) messalloc (sizeof(METHOD_DUMP)) ; if (!bsGetData (obj, _EMBL_feature, _Text, &md->feature)) { messfree (md) ; md = assVoid(1) ; goto done ; } md->isThreshold = bsGetData (obj, _EMBL_threshold, _Float, &md->threshold) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _EMBL_qualifier, _Text, &cp)) { QUALIFIER *q ; md->quals = arrayHandleCreate (8, QUALIFIER, massHandle) ; do { q = arrayp(md->quals, arrayMax(md->quals), QUALIFIER) ; q->text = strnew (cp, massHandle) ; mark = bsMark (obj, mark) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, &cp)) q->arg = strnew (cp, massHandle) ; else q->arg = 0 ; bsGoto (obj, mark) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Text, &cp)) ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } done: assInsert (methodAss, assVoid(method), md) ; if ((void*)md == assVoid(1)) return 0 ; else return md ; } } static void dumpFeatureHomol (OBJ obj, BOOL isFeature, KEY method, int start, int end, KEY target, float score, int y1, int y2) { BOOL isComp ; char *note ; BOOL hasScore ; BOOL hasNote ; BOOL hasSubObj ; METHOD_DUMP *md ; md = methodDumpInfo (method) ; /* already checked this exists */ if (isFeature) /* a Feature line */ { if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &score)) { hasScore = TRUE ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, ¬e)) hasNote = TRUE ; else hasNote = FALSE ; } else hasScore = hasNote = FALSE ; } else /* a Homol line */ { hasScore = TRUE ; hasNote = FALSE ; } hasSubObj = bsPushObj (obj) ; if (hasSubObj && bsFindTag (obj, _EMBL_dump_NO)) return ; /* check score limit */ if (md->isThreshold && !(hasSubObj && bsFindTag (obj, _EMBL_dump_YES))) if (!hasScore || score < md->threshold) return ; /* adjust offsets, return if out of bounds */ offAdjust (&start, &end) ; isComp = (start > end) ; if (isComp) { int tmp ; tmp = start ; start = end ; end = tmp ; tmp = y1 ; y1 = y2 ; y2 = tmp ; } if (end < 1 || start > length) return ; /* write primary line */ fprintf (dumpFile, "FT %-16s", md->feature) ; if (isComp) fprintf (dumpFile, "complement(") ; if (start >= 1) fprintf (dumpFile, "%d..", start) ; else fprintf (dumpFile, "<1..") ; if (end <= length) fprintf (dumpFile, "%d", end) ; else fprintf (dumpFile, ">%d", length) ; if (isComp) fprintf (dumpFile, ")") ; fprintf (dumpFile, "\n") ; /* qualifiers */ /* first from the Method */ if (md->quals) { int i ; QUALIFIER *q ; char **cpp ; static Stack qualStack = 0 ; qualStack = stackReCreate (qualStack, 128) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (md->quals) ; ++i) { q = arrp(md->quals,i, QUALIFIER) ; if (*q->text == '/' && *stackText(qualStack,0)) { for (cpp = uBrokenLines(stackText(qualStack,0), 56) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT %s\n", *cpp) ; stackClear (qualStack) ; } if (!q->arg) /* the simple case */ catText (qualStack, q->text) ; else if (!strcmp (q->arg, "score")) { if (!hasScore) continue ; catText (qualStack, messprintf(q->text, score)) ; } else if (!strcmp (q->arg, "note")) { if (!hasNote) continue ; catText (qualStack, messprintf(q->text, note)) ; } else if (!strcmp (q->arg, "target")) { if (isFeature) continue ; catText (qualStack, messprintf(q->text, name(target))) ; } else if (!strcmp (q->arg, "y1")) { if (isFeature) continue ; catText (qualStack, messprintf(q->text, y1)) ; } else if (!strcmp (q->arg, "y2")) { if (isFeature) continue ; catText (qualStack, messprintf(q->text, y2)) ; } else { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * bad EMBL_qualifier arg %s\n", q->arg) ; q->arg = "note" ; /* prevent reoccurence */ } #ifdef BAD_IDEA else if (hasSubObj && bsGetData (obj, str2tag(q->arg), _Text, &cp)) do { for (cpp = uBrokenLines(messprintf (q->text, cp), 56) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT %s\n", *cpp) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Text, &cp)) ; #endif } if (*stackText(qualStack,0)) { for (cpp = uBrokenLines(stackText(qualStack,0), 56) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT %s\n", *cpp) ; stackClear (qualStack) ; } } /* then from the object */ { char *cp, **cpp ; if (hasSubObj && bsGetData (obj, _EMBL_qualifier, _Text, &cp)) do { for (cpp = uBrokenLines(cp, 56) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT %s\n", *cpp) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Text, &cp)) ; } } /**********************************************/ /* This routine calls a number of other static routines to do some elements */ /* of the embl data parsing. getDumpObjects can fail if it discovers that */ /* it is recursing (i.e. there is an error in the database), if this happens */ /* getDumpObjects does a longjmp back to here. */ static void emblDoDump (KEY seq) { KEY key, clone = 0 ; OBJ Seq = 0, obj ; Array dna = 0 ; char *translate ; char *message = 0, *cp, *cq, **cpp ; int i, ix, freq[5] ; BOOL isRNA ; #define xxout fprintf (dumpFile, "XX\n") /* If there is an error deep down in the parsing of the databases embl */ /* dump data we jump back here, otherwise we just carry on as normal. */ if (setjmp(errorJumpBuf) != 0) { ; /* Currently we do nothing but could check the value returned to take different action for different errors. */ } else { initialise() ; handle = handleCreate() ; a = arrayReCreate (a, 32, BSunit) ; text = stackReCreate (text, 256) ; dumpKey = seq ; fprintf (logFile, "%s\n", name(seq)) ; if (class(seq) != _VSequence || !(Seq = bsCreate(seq))) { message = "Sequence object missing" ; goto finish ; } if (!(dna = dnaGet(seq))) { message = "No DNA attached to Sequence object" ; goto finish ; } if (!bsGetKey (Seq, _Clone, &clone)) if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * No clone for sequence %s\n", name(seq)) ; isRNA = bsFindTag (Seq, _RNA) ; length = arrayMax(dna) ; /* start dumping! */ /* ID */ fprintf (dumpFile, "ID ") ; if (bsFindKey (Seq, _Database, emblKey) && bsGetText (Seq, _bsRight, &cq)) /* ID is text */ fprintf (dumpFile, "%-10s", cq) ; else if (getDumpText (seq, _ID_template, &cp)) fprintf (dumpFile, cp, name(seq)) ; else fprintf (dumpFile, name(seq)) ; fprintf (dumpFile, " standard; %s;", isRNA ? "RNA" : "DNA") ; if (getDumpText (seq, _ID_division, &cp)) fprintf (dumpFile, " %s;", cp) ; else { fprintf (dumpFile, " XXX;") ; if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * division unknown for ID line - missing from method\n") ; } fprintf (dumpFile, " %d BP.\n", length) ; xxout ; /* AC */ { BOOL foundAC = FALSE ; if (bsFindKey (Seq, _Database, emblKey) && bsGetKeyTags (Seq, _bsRight, 0) && bsGetText (Seq, _bsRight, &cp)) { fprintf (dumpFile, "AC %s;\n", cp) ; foundAC = TRUE ; } if (!foundAC && (cp = getAccession (seq))) /* maybe under _AC_number */ { fprintf (dumpFile, "AC %s;\n", cp) ; foundAC = TRUE ; } if (foundAC) { if (bsGetText (Seq, _Secondary_accession, &cp)) { do fprintf (dumpFile, "AC %s;\n", cp) ; while (bsGetText (Seq, _bsDown, &cp)) ; } xxout ; } } /* DE */ if (getDumpText (seq, _DE_format, &cp)) { for (cpp = uBrokenLines(messprintf (cp, clone ? name(clone) : name(seq)), 67) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "DE %s\n", *cpp) ; xxout ; } /* KW */ stackClear (text) ; if (bsGetKey (Seq, _Keyword, &key)) do { if (strlen(name(key)) > 60) { messout ("Keyword too long: %s", name(key)) ; continue ; } if (strlen(stackText (text,0)) + strlen(name(key)) + 3 > 65) { fprintf (dumpFile, "KW %s;\n", stackText(text,0)) ; stackClear (text) ; catText (text, name(key)) ; } else { if (stackMark (text)) catText (text, "; ") ; catText (text, name(key)) ; } } while (bsGetKey (Seq, _bsDown, &key)) ; fprintf (dumpFile, "KW %s.\n", stackText(text,0)) ; xxout ; /* OS */ if (getDumpText (seq, _OS_line, &cp)) fprintf (dumpFile, "OS %s\n", cp) ; /* OC */ if (getDumpText (seq, _OC_line, &cp)) { do fprintf (dumpFile, "OC %s\n", cp) ; while (bsGetData (lastGetDumpObj, _bsDown, _Text, &cp)) ; } xxout ; /* references */ { int nref = 0 ; /* submission reference */ if (getDumpText (seq, _RL_submission, &cp)) { fprintf (dumpFile, "RN [%d]\n", ++nref) ; fprintf (dumpFile, "RP 1-%d\n", length) ; ix = 0 ; if (bsGetKey (Seq, _From_Author, &key)) { do { cp = emblifyName (key) ; if (ix + strlen (cp) > 70) { fprintf (dumpFile, ",\n") ; ix = 0 ; } if (ix) { fprintf (dumpFile, ", ") ; ix += 2 ; } else { fprintf (dumpFile, "RA ") ; ix += 5 ; } fprintf (dumpFile, cp) ; ix += strlen(cp) ; } while (bsGetKey (Seq, _bsDown, &key)) ; } if (bsGetKey (Seq, str2tag("Previous_Author"), &key)) { do { cp = emblifyName (key) ; if (ix + strlen (cp) > 70) { fprintf (dumpFile, ",\n") ; ix = 0 ; } if (ix) { fprintf (dumpFile, ", ") ; ix += 2 ; } else { fprintf (dumpFile, "RA ") ; ix += 5 ; } fprintf (dumpFile, cp) ; ix += strlen(cp) ; } while (bsGetKey (Seq, _bsDown, &key)) ; } if (ix) fprintf (dumpFile, ";\n") ; else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * No authors for submission reference\n") ; fprintf (dumpFile, "RT ;\n") ; /* substitute DD-MMM-YYYY in RL line by date */ { mytime_t date ; char *dateString ; if (!bsGetData (Seq, _Submitted, _DateType, &date)) date = timeParse ("today") ; dateString = emblDate(date) ; if (getDumpText (seq, _RL_submission, &cp)) { do { cp = strnew (cp, 0) ; /* edit copy! */ for (cq = cp ; *cq ; ++cq) if (!strncmp (cq, "DD-MMM-YYYY", 11)) strncpy (cq, dateString, 11) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines(cp,67) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "RL %s\n", *cpp) ; messfree (cp) ; } while (bsGetData (lastGetDumpObj, _bsDown, _Text, &cp)) ; } } xxout ; } /* standard refs from Method */ if (getDumpKey (seq, _EMBL_reference, &key)) do { fprintf (dumpFile, "RN [%d]\n", ++nref) ; emblifyReference (key) ; xxout ; } while (bsGetKey (lastGetDumpObj, _bsDown, &key)) ; } /* CC */ if (getDumpText (seq, _CC_line, &cp)) do { for (cpp = uBrokenLines(messprintf (cp, clone?name(clone):name(seq)), 67) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC %s\n", *cpp) ; xxout ; } while (bsGetData (lastGetDumpObj, _bsDown, _Text, &cp)) ; /* left and right ends of clone */ if (clone && (obj = bsCreate (clone))) { KEY sseq, cclone ; OBJ Sseq ; if ((bsFindKey (Seq, _Clone_left_end, clone) || bsFindKey (Seq, _Clone_left_end, seq)) && bsGetData (Seq, _bsRight, _Int, &ix) && ix == 1 && (bsFindKey (Seq, _Clone_right_end, clone)|| bsFindKey (Seq, _Clone_right_end, seq)) && bsGetData (Seq, _bsRight, _Int, &ix) && ix == length) { fprintf (dumpFile, "CC This sequence is the entire insert of clone %s.\n", name(clone)) ; } else { fprintf (dumpFile, "CC IMPORTANT: This sequence is not the entire insert of clone %s.\n", name(clone)) ; fprintf (dumpFile, "CC It may be shorter because we only sequence overlapping\n") ; fprintf (dumpFile, "CC sections once, or longer because we arrange for a small\n") ; fprintf (dumpFile, "CC overlap between neighbouring submissions.\n") ; /* left end of this clone */ if (bsFindKey (Seq, _Clone_left_end, clone) && bsGetData (Seq, _bsRight, _Int, &ix)) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true left end of clone %s is at %d in this sequence.\n", name(clone), ix) ; else if (bsGetKey (obj, _Clone_left_end, &sseq) && (Sseq = bsCreate (sseq))) { if (bsFindKey (Sseq, _Clone_left_end, clone) && bsGetData (Sseq, _bsRight, _Int, &ix)) { if ((cp = getAccession (sseq))) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true left end of clone %s is at %d in\n" "CC sequence %s.\n", name(clone), ix, cp) ; else { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * no accession for left-end containing sequence %s\n", name(sseq)) ; } } bsDestroy (Sseq) ; } /* right end of this clone */ if (bsFindKey (Seq, _Clone_right_end, clone) && bsGetData (Seq, _bsRight, _Int, &ix)) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true right end of clone %s is at %d in this sequence.\n", name(clone), ix) ; else if (bsGetKey (obj, _Clone_right_end, &sseq) && (Sseq = bsCreate (sseq))) { if (bsFindKey (Sseq, _Clone_right_end, clone) && bsGetData (Sseq, _bsRight, _Int, &ix)) { if ((cp = getAccession (sseq))) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true right end of clone %s is at %d in\n" "CC sequence %s.\n", name(clone), ix, cp) ; else { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * no accession for right-end containing sequence %s\n", name(sseq)) ; } } bsDestroy (Sseq) ; } } /* now report other clone ends */ if (bsFindTag (Seq, _Clone_left_end) && bsFlatten (Seq, 2, a)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; i += 2) if (arr(a, i, BSunit).k != clone && arr(a, i, BSunit).k != seq && arr(a, i+1, BSunit).i) { if ((Sseq = bsCreate(arr(a, i, BSunit).k)) && bsGetKey (Sseq, _Clone, &cclone)) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true left end of clone %s is at %d in this sequence.\n", name(cclone), arr(a, i+1, BSunit).i) ; else fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true left end of clone %s is at %d in this sequence.\n", name(arr(a, i, BSunit).k), arr(a, i+1, BSunit).i) ; if (Sseq) bsDestroy (Sseq) ; } if (bsFindTag (Seq, _Clone_right_end) && bsFlatten (Seq, 2, a)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; i += 2) if (arr(a, i, BSunit).k != clone && arr(a, i, BSunit).k != seq && arr(a, i+1, BSunit).i) { if ((Sseq = bsCreate(arr(a, i, BSunit).k)) && bsGetKey (Sseq, _Clone, &cclone)) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true right end of clone %s is at %d in this sequence.\n", name(cclone), arr(a, i+1, BSunit).i) ; else fprintf (dumpFile, "CC The true right end of clone %s is at %d in this sequence.\n", name(arr(a, i, BSunit).k), arr(a, i+1, BSunit).i) ; if (Sseq) bsDestroy (Sseq) ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } /* left and right sequence overlaps */ if (bsGetKey (Seq, _Overlap_left, &key)) { if ((cp = getAccession (key))) { stackClear (text) ; catText (text, "The start of this sequence ") ; if ((obj = bsCreate (key))) { int len, off ; KEY dna ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _DNA, &dna) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &len) && bsFindKey (obj, _Overlap_right, seq) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &off)) catText (text, messprintf ("(1..%d) ", len - off + 1)) ; else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * no Overlap_right data for left neighbour %s\n", name(key)) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } catText (text, messprintf ("overlaps with the end of sequence %s.", cp)) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(text,0), 67) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC %s\n", *cpp) ; } else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * no accession for left overlap sequence %s\n", name(key)) ; } if (bsGetKey (Seq, _Overlap_right, &key)) { if ((cp = getAccession (key))) { stackClear (text) ; catText (text, "The end of this sequence ") ; if (bsGetData (Seq, _bsRight, _Int, &ix)) catText (text, messprintf ("(%d..%d) ", ix, length)) ; else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * no Overlap_right amount to right neighbour %s\n", name(key)) ; catText (text, messprintf ("overlaps with the start of sequence %s.", cp)) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(text,0), 67) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC %s\n", *cpp) ; } else if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * no accession for right overlap sequence %s\n", name(key)) ; xxout ; } /* explicit DB remarks */ if (bsFindTag (Seq, _DB_remark) && bsFlatten (Seq, 1, a)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; ++i) { for (cpp = uBrokenLines(name(arr(a,i,BSunit).k),67) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) fprintf (dumpFile, "CC %s\n", *cpp) ; xxout ; } /* feature table */ fprintf (dumpFile, "FH Key Location/Qualifiers\n") ; fprintf (dumpFile, "FH\n") ; /* source */ fprintf (dumpFile, "FT source 1..%d\n", length) ; if (getDumpText (seq, _source_organism, &cp)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /organism=\"%s\"\n", cp) ; if (clone) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /clone=\"%s\"\n", name(clone)) ; if (getDumpText (seq, str2tag("EMBL_chromosome"), &cp)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /chromosome=\"%s\"\n", cp) ; else if (bsGetKey (Seq, _Map, &key) && (obj = bsCreate (key))) { if (bsGetData (obj, _EMBL_chromosome, _Text, &cp)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /chromosome=\"%s\"\n", cp) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } if (getDumpText (seq, str2tag("EMBL_map"), &cp)) fprintf (dumpFile, "FT /map=\"%s\"\n", cp) ; /* subseqs and features: recurse up through parents */ /* first obj is Seq */ key = seq ; obj = bsCreate (key) ; dumpKey = seq ; offset = 1 ; offForward = TRUE ; isGeneFromName = getDumpFlag (seq, _gene_from_name) ; buildAccMap (0,0,0) ; /* initialise */ while (TRUE) /* see below for exit point */ { KEY new ; int x1, x2 ; Array aa = arrayHandleCreate (1024, BSunit, handle) ; /* do the work */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Subsequence) && bsFlatten (obj, 3, aa)) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(aa) ; i += 3) buildAccMap (arr(aa,i,BSunit).k, arr(aa,i+1,BSunit).i, arr(aa,i+2,BSunit).i) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(aa) ; i += 3) subseqFeatures (arr(aa,i,BSunit).k, arr(aa,i+1,BSunit).i, arr(aa,i+2,BSunit).i) ; } /* Features - use marks because there may be a subobj */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Feature)) { KEY method ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _bsRight, &method)) do { /* check if method is dumpable at all */ if (methodDumpInfo (method)) { mark1 = bsMark (obj, mark1) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x1)) do { mark2 = bsMark (obj, mark2) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) do { mark3 = bsMark (obj, mark3) ; dumpFeatureHomol (obj, TRUE, method, x1, x2, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; bsGoto (obj, mark3) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &x2)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark2) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &x1)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark1) ; } } while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &method)) ; } /* Homols - like features but worse! */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Homol)) { KEY target, method ; float score ; int y1, y2 ; if (bsGetKeyTags (obj, _bsRight, 0)) do { /* the tag2 */ mark1 = bsMark (obj, mark1) ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _bsRight, &target)) do { mark2 = bsMark (obj, mark2) ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _bsRight, &method)) do { /* check if method is dumpable at all */ if (methodDumpInfo (method)) { mark3 = bsMark (obj, mark3) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &score)) do { mark4 = bsMark (obj, mark4) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x1)) do { mark5 = bsMark (obj, mark5) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) do { mark6 = bsMark (obj, mark6) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &y1)) do { mark7 = bsMark (obj, mark7) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &y2)) do { mark8 = bsMark (obj, mark8) ; dumpFeatureHomol (obj, FALSE, method, x1, x2, target, score, y1, y2) ; bsGoto (obj, mark8) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &y2)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark7) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &y1)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark6) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &x2)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark5) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &x1)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark4) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Float, &score)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark3) ; } /* end of the if(methodDumpInfo (method)) */ } while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &method)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark2) ; } while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &target)) ; bsGoto (obj, mark1) ; } while (bsGetKeyTags (obj, _bsDown, 0)) ; } /* look for a parent */ if (!bsGetKey (obj, _Source, &new)) { bsDestroy (obj) ; break ; /* exit point of loop */ } bsDestroy (obj) ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (new))) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * Expected source not found for %s\n", name(key)) ; break ; } if (!bsFindKey (obj, _Subsequence, key) || !bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x1) || !bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) { if (logFile) ++nLog, fprintf (logFile, " * Can't find coord of %s in parent\n", name (key)) ; break ; } if (x2 > x1) offset += x1 - 1 ; else { offForward = !offForward ; offset = x1 + 1 - offset ; } key = new ; } xxout ; /* SQ */ for (i = 5 ; i-- ; ) freq[i] = 0 ; for (i = arrayMax(dna) ; i-- ; ) switch (arr(dna,i,char)) { case A_: ++freq[0] ; break ; case C_: ++freq[1] ; break ; case G_: ++freq[2] ; break ; case T_: ++freq[3] ; break ; default: ++freq[4] ; break ; } fprintf (dumpFile, "SQ Sequence %d BP; %d A; %d C; %d G; %d %c; %d other;", length, freq[0], freq[1], freq[2], freq[3], isRNA ? 'U' : 'T', freq[4]) ; /* the sequence itself! */ translate = isRNA ? rnaDecodeChar : dnaDecodeChar ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(dna) ; ++i) if (!(i%60)) fprintf (dumpFile, "\n %c", translate[(int)arr(dna,i,char)]) ; else if (!(i%10)) fprintf (dumpFile, " %c", translate[(int)arr(dna,i,char)]) ; else fputc (translate[(int)arr(dna,i,char)], dumpFile) ; fprintf (dumpFile, "\n//\n") ; finish: if (message) messout ("emblDump error with %s: %s", name(seq), message) ; bsDestroy (Seq) ; arrayDestroy (dna) ; handleDestroy (handle) ; } return ; } /*******************************/ static char dname[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE], fname[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE] ; void emblDumpKey (KEY key) { /* If the dump is from a display we need to pop down the original dialog. */ if (isDumpKeyFromDisplay) { displayUnBlock() ; isDumpKeyFromDisplay = FALSE ; } handleDestroy (massHandle) ; if ((dumpFile = filqueryopen (dname, fname, "embl", "w", "EMBL format file"))) { logFile = filopen (messprintf ("%s/%s", dname, fname), "emblLog", "w") ; nLog = 0 ; emblDoDump (key) ; if (nLog) messout ("EMBL dump: %d errors/warnings written to %d/%d.emblLog\n", nLog, dname, fname) ; filclose (dumpFile) ; filclose (logFile) ; } } void emblDumpKeySet (KEYSET kset) { int i ; handleDestroy (massHandle) ; if ((dumpFile = filqueryopen (dname, fname, "embl", "w", "EMBL format file"))) { logFile = filopen (messprintf ("%s/%s", dname, fname), "emblLog", "w") ; nLog = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (kset) ; ++i) emblDoDump (keySet (kset,i)) ; if (nLog) messout ("EMBL dump: %d errors/warnings written to %d/%d.emblLog\n", nLog, dname, fname) ; filclose (dumpFile) ; filclose (logFile) ; } } void emblDumpKeySetFile (KEYSET kset, char *fileName) { int i ; handleDestroy (massHandle) ; if ((dumpFile = filopen (fileName, "embl", "w"))) { logFile = filopen (fileName, "emblLog", "w") ; nLog = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (kset) ; ++i) emblDoDump (keySet (kset,i)) ; filclose (dumpFile) ; if (nLog) { char *cp ; messout ("EMBL dump: %d errors/warnings written to %s\n", nLog, cp = filGetName (fileName, "emblLog", "a", 0)) ; messfree(cp) ; } filclose (logFile) ; } } /*******************************/ void emblDump (void) { isDumpKeyFromDisplay = TRUE ; /* Record that this dump is from display. */ displayBlock (emblDumpKey, "I will embl dump the corresponding sequence ") ; } /********************** end of file **************************/