/* File: geneannot.c * Author: Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1993 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Display cDNA * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 16 14:58 2002 (edgrif) * Created: Thu Jan 9 00:01:50 1999 (mieg) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* %W% %G% */ #include "display.h" #include "bs.h" #include "lex.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "dna.h" #include "dnaalign.h" #include "query.h" #include "bindex.h" #include "cdna.h" #include "acembly.h" #include "annot.h" #include "cdna.h" /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ typedef struct SegStruct *SEG ; typedef struct LookStruct* LOOK ; typedef BOOL (*GASAVEFUNC) (LOOK look, SEG seg) ; typedef void (*GACHECKFUNC) (char *text) ; typedef void (*GADRAWFUNC) (LOOK look, SEG seg, int x, int *yp) ; typedef struct SegStruct { SEG right ; SEG down ; BOOL open, fixedFont ; int dx ; /* skip dx char to the right */ KEY tag, tag2 ; char *title, *tagName, *buf ; char *title2, *tagName2, *buf2 ; int nn, nn2 ; /* length of tag text entry */ GADRAWFUNC draw ; GACHECKFUNC check ; GASAVEFUNC save ; } ; typedef struct LookStruct { void *magic; /* == &GENEANNOT__MAGIC */ KEY key, tg ; Array boxes ; Array box2segs ; int activeBox ; Graph graph ; STORE_HANDLE handle ; int openAll ; SEG seg ; } ; #define LOOKGET(name) LOOK look ; \ if (!graphAssFind (&GENEANNOT_MAGIC,&look)) \ messcrash ("geneannot-graph not found in %s",name) ; \ if (!look) \ messcrash ("%s received a null look",name) ; \ if (look->magic != &GENEANNOT_MAGIC) \ messcrash ("%s received a non-magic look",name) #define HOOK(_s0,_s2,_s) {if (_s2) {(_s2)->down = _s; _s2=(_s2)->down;} \ else {(_s0)->right=(_s2)=_s;} \ while ((_s2)->down) _s2 = (_s2)->down ;\ (_s)->open=TRUE;} /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ static void lookDestroy (void) ; static void lookPick (int box) ; static void lookRedraw (void) ; static void lookKbd (int k) ; static void lookDraw (LOOK look) ; static BOOL gaConvert (LOOK look) ; /********** end of file **********/ #ifdef JUNK static ANNOTATION notes[] = { { 1, "Ready for submission", "Ready_for_submission", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 1, "Fully edited", "Fully_edited", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 1, "Alias", "Alias", 0, _Text, 1000, {0}}, { 1, "Genefinder", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Identical to predicted gene", "Identical_prediction", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Similar to predicted gene", "Compatible_prediction", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Different", "Different", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "cDNA covers several predicted genes", "cDNA_covers_several_predicted_genes", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Predicted covers several genes", "Predicted_covers_several_genes", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 1, "Approximate genetic position", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Chromosome", "Chromosome", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Position:", "Genetic_position", 0, 'f', 0, {0}}, { 1, "Spread over genomic", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "from sequence", "from", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "popsition", "from:2", 0, 'i', 0, {0}}, { 4, "to sequence", "to_sequence", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "to sequence", "to_sequence:2", 0, 'i', 0, {0}}, { 1, "Alternative products", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Possibly more", "Possibly_more", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 1, "Sequencing error in genomic DNA", "Sequencing_error_in_genomic_dna", 0, _Text, 1000, {0}}, { 4, "No Gap", "No_Gap", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Gap in single open exon", "Single_gap", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Gap", "Gaps", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Single clone", "Single_clone", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "5-prime", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "SL1", "SL1", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "SL2", "SL2", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "gccgtgctc", "gccgtgctc", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "5p motif", "5p_motif", 0, _Text, 1000, {0}}, { 8, "Many clones start here", "Many_clones_start_here", 0, 'i', 0, {0}}, { 8, "5p alternatif", "Alternative_5prime", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Splicing", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "Alternative splicing", "Alternative_splicing", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 12, "Coupled to alt 3p", "coupled_to_alt_3p", 0, 'i', 0, {0}}, { 12, "Alternative exon", "Alternative_exon", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 12, "Overlapping alternative exons", "Overlapping_alternative_exons", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 12, "3_6_9 splice variations", "3_6_9_splice_variations", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "Confirmed non gt_ag", "Confirmed_non_gt_ag", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "3-prime", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, /* { 8, "Poly A seen in 5p read", "Poly_A_seen_in_5p_read", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, */ { 8, "Alternative poly A", "Alternative_poly_A", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "No Alternative poly A", "No_Alternative_poly_A", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 8, "Fake_internal poly A", "Fake_internal_poly_A", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, /* { 1, "Translation", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Open from first to last exon", "Open_from_first_to_last_exon", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Nb introns after stop", "Nb_introns_after_stop", 0, _Int, 0, {0}}, */ { 1, "Problem", 0, 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Cosmid boundary", "Cosmid_boundary", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Lost reads_Bug", "Lost_reads", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Jack Pot Bug", "Jack_Pot_Bug", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Tag Bug", "Tag_Bug", 0, 'k', 0, {0}}, { 4, "Other Program Bug", "Other_Bug", 0, _Text, 1000, {0}}, /* */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0}} } ; #endif static void* GENEANNOT_MAGIC ; static MENUOPT gaMenu[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {graphPrint, "Print"}, {displayPreserve, "Preserve"}, {0, 0} } ; KEY _VGeneAnnot ; static void geneAnnotInit (void) { int i ; KEY key ; if (_Hit) return ; i = 256 ; while (i--) B2[i] = 0 ; B2[A_] = 0x0 ; B2[T_] = 0x3 ; B2[G_] = 0x1 ; B2[C_] = 0x2 ; lexaddkey ("Gene_annotation", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VGeneAnnot = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Transcribed_gene", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VTranscribed_gene = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("cDNA_clone", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VcDNA_clone = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Clone_Group", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VClone_Group = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Annotation", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VAnnotation = KEYKEY(key) ; _Transcribed_gene = str2tag ("Transcribed_gene") ; _From_gene = str2tag ("From_gene") ; _cDNA_clone = str2tag ("cDNA_clone") ; _Hit = str2tag ("Hit") ; _Forward = str2tag ("Forward") ; _Reverse = str2tag ("Reverse") ; _Confirmed_intron = str2tag ("Confirmed_intron") ; _Confirmed_exon = str2tag ("Confirmed_exon") ; _First_exon = str2tag ("First_exon") ; _Last_exon = str2tag ("Last_exon") ; _Splicing = str2tag ("Splicing") ; _Read = str2tag ("Read") ; _Clone_Group = str2tag ("Clone_Group") ; _Nb_possible_exons = str2tag ("Nb_possible_exons") ; _Nb_alternative_exons = str2tag ("Nb_alternative_exons") ; _Nb_confirmed_introns = str2tag ("Nb_confirmed_introns") ; _Nb_confirmed_alternative_introns = str2tag ("Nb_confirmed_alternative_introns") ; _Intron = str2tag ("Intron") ; _Exon = str2tag ("Exon") ; _Gap = str2tag ("Gap") ; _Alternative_exon = str2tag ("Alternative_exon") ; _Alternative_intron = str2tag ("Alternative_intron") ; _Partial_exon = str2tag ("Partial_exon") ; _Alternative_partial_exon = str2tag ("Alternative_partial_exon") ; _Begin_not_found = str2tag ("Begin_not_found") ; /* _End_not_found = str2tag ("End_not_found") ; in tags.h */ _Total_length = str2tag ("Total_length") ; _Total_intron_length = str2tag ("Total_intron_length") ; _Total_gap_length = str2tag ("Total_gap_length") ; _Transpliced_to = str2tag ("Transpliced_to") ; _Transcribed_from = str2tag ("Transcribed_from") ; _Genomic_sequence = str2tag ("Genomic_sequence") ; _PolyA_after_base = str2tag ("PolyA_after_base") ; _Intron_boundaries = str2tag ("Intron_boundaries") ; _Discarded_cDNA = str2tag ("Discarded_cDNA") ; _Discarded_from = str2tag ("Discarded_from") ; _CTF_File = str2tag ("CTF_File") ; /* _ = str2tag ("") ; */ } /********************************************************************/ static SEG gaNewSeg (LOOK look) { return (SEG) halloc (sizeof (struct SegStruct),look->handle) ; } /********************************************************************/ BOOL geneAnnotDisplay (KEY key, KEY from, BOOL isOldGraph) { LOOK look= (LOOK) messalloc(sizeof(struct LookStruct)); look->magic = &GENEANNOT_MAGIC ; look->key = key; geneAnnotInit () ; if (key && class(key) != _VTranscribed_gene) goto abort ; if (!key && (!from || class(from) != _VTranscribed_gene)) goto abort ; if (!from && !bIndexGetKey (key, _Transcribed_gene, &from)) goto abort ; look->tg = from ; if (isOldGraph) { messfree (look->handle) ; graphClear () ; graphGoto (0,0) ; } else { displayCreate ("TREE"); graphRegister (DESTROY, lookDestroy) ; graphRegister (PICK, lookPick) ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, lookKbd) ; graphRegister (RESIZE, lookRedraw) ; graphMenu (gaMenu) ; } look->handle = handleCreate () ; look->graph = graphActive() ; graphAssociate (&GENEANNOT_MAGIC, look) ; look->box2segs = arrayHandleCreate (256, SEG, look->handle) ; graphRetitle (messprintf("%s: %s", className(from),name (from))) ; if (gaConvert (look)) { look->boxes = 0 ; look->activeBox = 0 ; look->openAll = 0 ; lookDraw (look) ; return TRUE ; } abort: lookDestroy () ; return FALSE ; } /************************************************************/ static void lookDestroy (void) { LOOKGET("lookDestroy") ; if (look && look->magic == GENEANNOT_MAGIC) { messfree (look->handle) ; look->magic = 0 ; messfree (look) ; } graphAssRemove (&GENEANNOT_MAGIC) ; } /************************************************************/ static void gaDrawTriangle (SEG seg, int x, int yp, BOOL global) { Array aa = 0 ; int i, box ; int dx = 0, dy; float d1x = 0, d2x = 0, e1y = 0, e2y = 0 ; float width = 0, height = 0, aspect = 1.625; LOOKGET("gaDrawTriangle") ; if(graphActive()) { graphTextInfo(&dx, &dy, &width, &height); if(dx) aspect = ((float) dy)/dx; } /* triangle equilateral de cote 0.8 hauteur de caractere */ d1x = (global ? 1.6 : 0.8) * aspect ; e1y = (1 - 0.866 * d1x / aspect) * 0.5 ; d2x = d1x * 0.866 ; e2y = (1 - d1x / aspect) * 0.5 ; array(look->box2segs, box = graphBoxStart(), SEG) = seg ; aa = arrayCreate (8, float) ; i = 0 ; if (seg->open) { array (aa, i++, float) = x ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + e1y ; array (aa, i++, float) = x + d1x * 0.5 ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + 1 - e1y ; array (aa, i++, float) = x + d1x ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + e1y ; array (aa, i++, float) = x ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + e1y ; } else { array (aa, i++, float) = x ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + e2y; array (aa, i++, float) = x ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + 1 - e2y; array (aa, i++, float) = x + d2x ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + 0.5 ; array (aa, i++, float) = x ; array (aa, i++, float) = yp + e2y ; } graphColor (RED) ; graphPolygon (aa) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; arrayDestroy (aa) ; graphBoxEnd(); } static void gaDrawSeg (LOOK look, SEG seg, int x, int *yp) { if (look->openAll == 1) seg->open = FALSE ; else if (look->openAll == 2) seg->open = TRUE ; if (seg == look->seg) gaDrawTriangle (seg, x - 2, *yp, TRUE) ; if (seg->right) gaDrawTriangle (seg, x - 2, *yp, FALSE) ; if (seg->draw) (*seg->draw)(look, seg, x, yp) ; if (seg->right && seg->open) gaDrawSeg (look, seg->right, x + (seg->dx ? seg->dx : 2), yp) ; if (seg->down) gaDrawSeg (look, seg->down, x, yp) ; } /*******************/ static void lookDraw (LOOK look) { int x = 3, y = 1 ; if (!graphActivate (look->graph)) return ; graphClear () ; gaDrawSeg (look, look->seg, x, &y) ; look->openAll = 0 ; graphTextBounds (80, y) ; graphRedraw () ; } /*******************/ static void lookRedraw (void) { LOOKGET("lookRedraw") ; look->box2segs = arrayReCreate (look->box2segs, 256, SEG) ; lookDraw(look) ; } /*****************/ static void lookKbd (int k) { LOOKGET("lookKbd") ; if (isDisplayBlocked()) return ; if (!look->activeBox) return ; switch (k) { case LEFT_KEY: break ; case RIGHT_KEY: break ; case DOWN_KEY: break ; case UP_KEY: break ; default: break ; } } /*********************************************************/ static void lookPick (int box) { SEG seg ; LOOKGET("lookPick") ; /* if (!box || !look->boxes) { look->activeBox = 0 ; return ; } else if (box >= arrayMax (look->boxes)) { messerror("LookPick received a wrong box number"); return ; }*/ if (!box || (box >= arrayMax (look->box2segs))) return ; else if ((seg = array(look->box2segs, box, SEG)) && seg) { seg->open = !seg->open ; if (seg == look->seg) look->openAll = seg->open ? 2 : 1 ; lookRedraw() ; } } /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ static void gaDrawHeader (LOOK look, SEG seg, int x, int *yp) { KEYSET ks = queryKey (look->tg, ">Derived_sequence") ; graphText (messprintf ("Transcript: %s %d mRNA", name(look->tg), keySetMax(ks)), x, *yp) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; *yp += 2 ; } /*********************************************************/ static void gaDrawTag (LOOK look, SEG seg, int x, int *yp) { int box ; /*mhmp*/ if (seg->title) { graphText (seg->title, x, *yp) ; x += strlen(seg->title) + 3 ; } else x += 3 ; if (seg->fixedFont) graphTextFormat (FIXED_WIDTH) ; box = graphBoxStart() ; if (seg->nn && seg->save) graphTextEntry (seg->buf, seg->nn - 1, x, *yp, seg->check) ; else graphText (seg->buf, x, *yp) ; if (!seg->dx) (*yp)++ ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, TRANSPARENT) ; graphTextFormat (PLAIN_FORMAT) ; } /*********************************************************/ static void gaDrawDouble (LOOK look, SEG seg, int x, int *yp) { if (seg->title) { graphText (seg->title, x, *yp) ; x += strlen(seg->title) + 3 ; } else x += 3 ; if (seg->nn && seg->save) graphTextEntry (seg->buf, seg->nn - 1, x, *yp, seg->check) ; else if (seg->nn) graphText (seg->buf, x, *yp) ; x += seg->nn + 4 ; if (seg->title2) { graphText (seg->title2, x, *yp) ; x += strlen(seg->title2) + 3 ; } else x += 3 ; if (seg->nn2 && seg->save) graphTextEntry (seg->buf2, seg->nn2 - 1, x, *yp, seg->check) ; else if (seg->nn2) graphText (seg->buf2, x, *yp) ; (*yp)++ ; } /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ static BOOL gaCheckTrivial (char *text) { return TRUE ; } /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ static BOOL gaSaveTrivial (LOOK look, SEG seg) { return TRUE ; } /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertGenomic (LOOK look) { SEG seg, seg2 ; KEY tag, cosmid = 0 ; OBJ obj = 0 ; BOOL ok = FALSE ; int a1, a2, len ; seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->buf = halloc (12, look->handle) ; seg->title = "Begins in genomic sequence" ; seg->title2 = "at or before base" ; seg->nn = 12; seg->buf2 = halloc (12, look->handle) ; seg->draw = gaDrawDouble ; seg->save = 0 ; seg->nn2 = 12 ; seg2 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg2->buf = halloc (12, look->handle) ; seg2->title = "Ends in genomic sequence" ; seg2->title2 = "around base" ; seg2->nn = 12; seg2->buf2 = halloc (12, look->handle) ; seg2->draw = gaDrawDouble ; seg2->save = 0 ; seg2->nn2 = 12 ; seg->down = seg2 ; tag = str2tag ("Genomic_sequence") ; if ((obj = bsCreate (look->tg))) { if (bsGetKey (obj, tag, &cosmid) && bsGetData (obj, str2tag("Covers"), _Int, &len) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, 0) && /* jump from */ bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &a1) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &a2)) ok = TRUE ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } if (ok) { seg->nn = strlen (name (cosmid) + 2) ; seg->buf = halloc (seg->nn+1, look->handle) ; strcpy (seg->buf, name(cosmid)) ; strcpy (seg->buf2, messprintf("%d", a1)) ; seg2->nn = strlen (name (cosmid) + 2) ; seg2->buf = halloc (seg2->nn+1, look->handle) ; strcpy (seg2->buf, name(cosmid)) ; strcpy (seg2->buf2, messprintf("%d", a2)) ; } return seg ; /* return seg2 because this si vetical column */ } /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertPG (LOOK look) { SEG seg0, segb, seg ; KEYSET ks = 0 ; KEY gf = KEY_UNDEFINED, tmp ; bIndexGetKey (look->tg, str2tag("Matching_genefinder_gene"), &gf) ; seg0 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg0->title = "Observed transcript" ; seg0->open = TRUE ; seg0->draw = gaDrawTag ; segb= 0 ; seg = gaConvertGenomic (look) ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; ks = queryKey (look->tg, ">Annotations Compatible_prediction") ; if (keySetMax(ks)) { seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->tag = str2tag ("Identical_prediction") ; seg->title = strnew (messprintf("Compatible to predicted gene %s", name(gf)), look->handle) ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg->save = 0 ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; } else if (bIndexGetKey (look->tg, str2tag ("Compatible_prediction"), &tmp)) { seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->tag = str2tag ("Compatible_prediction") ; seg->title = strnew (messprintf("Compatible to predicted gene %s", name(gf)), look->handle) ; seg->nn = 20 ; seg->buf = halloc (seg->nn, look->handle) ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg->save = 0 ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; } return seg0 ; } /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertGmap (LOOK look) { SEG seg ; KEY tag, cosmid ; char *cp, *cq, *cr, cc ; OBJ obj = 0 ; seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->buf = halloc (4, look->handle) ; seg->title = "Chromosome" ; seg->title2 = "Position" ; seg->nn = 4 ; seg->buf2 = halloc (12, look->handle) ; seg->draw = gaDrawDouble ; seg->save = 0 ; seg->nn2 = 12 ; tag = str2tag ("Genomic_sequence") ; cq = 0 ; if (bIndexGetKey (look->tg, tag, &cosmid) && (obj = bsCreate (cosmid))) { if (bsGetData (obj, str2tag("Full_name"), _Text, &cp)) cq = strnew(cp, 0) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } if (cq) { cp = cq ; while (*cp && *cp != '(') cp++ ; if (*cp == '(') { cr = cp + 1 ; while (*cp && *cp != ':') cp++ ; cc = *cp ; *cp = 0 ; strcpy (seg->buf, cr) ; if (cc == ':') { cp++ ; cr = cp ; while (*cp && *cp != ')') cp++ ; cc = *cp ; *cp = 0 ; if (cc == ')') strcpy (seg->buf2, cr) ; } } } return seg ; } /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertClones (LOOK look) { SEG seg0, segb, seg ; KEY clone = 0 ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEYSET ks = queryKey (look->tg, ">cdNA_clone") ; seg0 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg0->title = strnew(messprintf("Constructed from %d cDNA clone%s", keySetMax(ks), (keySetMax(ks) ? "s" : "")), look->handle) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; seg0->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg0->save = 0 ; segb = 0 ; obj = bsCreate (look->tg) ; if (!obj) return seg0 ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _cDNA_clone, &clone)) do { seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->title = "" ; seg->nn = strlen(name(clone)) ; seg->buf = strnew (name(clone), look->handle) ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg->save = 0 ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; } while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &clone)) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return seg0 ; } /*********************************************************/ #ifdef JUNK static SEG gaConvertLongestClone (LOOK look) { SEG seg ; int len ; KEY clone = 0 ; OBJ obj = 0 ; seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->title = "Longest length covered on genomic sequence:" ; seg->nn2 = 6 ; seg->buf2 = halloc (7, look->handle) ; obj = bsCreate (look->tg) ; if (!obj) return seg ; if (bsGetKey (obj, str2tag("Longest_cDNA_clone"), &clone)) { seg->nn = strlen(name(clone)) ; seg->buf = strnew(name(clone),look->handle) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &len)) strcpy (seg->buf2, messprintf("%d bp", len)) ; seg->draw = gaDrawDouble ; } return seg ; } #endif /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertSplicing (LOOK look) { SEG seg0, segb, seg ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int x1, x2 ; char *cp, *cq ; KEY tag ; BSMARK mark = 0 ; seg0 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg0->title = "Splicing" ; seg0->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg0->save = 0 ; seg0->open = FALSE ; segb = 0 ; if ((obj = bsCreate (look->tg))) if (bsGetData (obj, _Splicing, _Int, &x1)) do { tag = 0 ; cp = 0 ; mark = bsHandleMark (obj, mark, 0) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) { if (bsPushObj (obj) && bsGetKeyTags (obj, _bsRight, &tag)) bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, &cp) ; seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->title = "" ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg->save = 0 ; seg->dx = 0 ; cq = messprintf("%d %d %s %s ", x1, x2, (tag ? name(tag) : ""), (cp ? cp : "")) ; seg->nn = strlen (cq) + 4 ; seg->buf = halloc (seg->nn + 1, look->handle) ; strcpy (seg->buf, cq) ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; } bsGoto (obj, mark) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &x1)) ; bsMarkFree (mark) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return seg0 ; } /*********************************************************/ static Array myaa = 0 ; static int mycol ; static int gaCloneLengthOrder(void *va, void *vb) { int ia = *(int*) va, ib = *(int*)vb ; return -arr(myaa,7*ia+mycol,BSunit).i + arr(myaa,7*ib+mycol,BSunit).i ; } static SEG gaConvertCloneLengths (LOOK look, KEY seq) { SEG seg0, segb, seg ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int i = 0, nn, iaa ; Array aa = arrayCreate (700, BSunit), zz = arrayCreate (64, int) ; BSunit *up ; Stack s = stackCreate (60) ; char *blank = " " ; seg0 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg0->title = "Clone Lengths" ; seg0->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg0->save = 0 ; seg0->open = FALSE ; segb = 0 ; /* seg0->right = segb = gaConvertLongestClone (look) ; */ seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; if (!i) seg->title = "Calculated lengths by alignment to the mRNA" ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; if (seq && (obj = bsCreate (seq)) && bsGetArray (obj, str2tag("Clone_lengths"), aa, 7)) { i = arrayMax(aa)/7 ; while (i--) array(zz,i,int) = i ; myaa = aa ; mycol = 2 ; arraySort (zz, gaCloneLengthOrder) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(zz) ; i++) { iaa = 7 * keySet(zz,i) ; up = arrp (aa, iaa, BSunit) ; seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg->save = 0 ; seg->dx = 0 ; stackClear (s) ; pushText (s, name(up[0].k)) ; nn = strlen (stackText (s, 0)) % 4 ; if (nn) catText (s, blank + nn) ; catText (s, messprintf (" calculated %d bp measured %g kb ", up[2].i, up[5].f)) ; seg->nn = strlen (stackText (s, 0)) ; seg->buf = strnew (stackText (s, 0), look->handle) ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; } keySetDestroy (zz) ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; arrayDestroy (aa) ; arrayDestroy (zz) ; stackDestroy (s) ; return seg0 ; } /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertDnaMessager (LOOK look, KEY seq) { SEG seg0, segb, seg ; int i = 0, len = 50 ; char *cp = 0 ; Array dna = 0 ; seg0 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg0->title = "DNA" ; seg0->open = FALSE ; seg0->draw = 0 ; segb = 0 ; dna = dnaGet (seq) ; if (dna) { seg0->title = strnew (messprintf("Messenger RNA %d base pairs", arrayMax(dna)), look->handle) ; rnaDecodeArray (dna) ; do { cp = arrp (dna, i, char) ; seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->buf = halloc (len + 10, look->handle) ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg->save = 0 ; seg->nn = len + 10 ; seg->fixedFont = TRUE ; strncpy (seg->buf, cp, len) ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; i += len ; } while (i < arrayMax(dna)); arrayDestroy (dna) ; seg0->draw = gaDrawTag ; } else seg0->title = "Messenger RNA not determined" ; return seg0 ; } /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertDnaCodant (LOOK look, KEY seq) { SEG seg0 ; Array aa = arrayCreate (12, BSunit) ; BSunit *up ; int iaa, a1, a2 ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEY kk ; seg0 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg0->open = FALSE ; seg0->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg0->save = 0 ; if ((obj = bsCreate (seq))) { bsGetArray (obj, str2tag("Subsequence"), aa, 3) ; if (arrayMax(aa)) for (iaa = 0 ; iaa < 3 && iaa < arrayMax(aa) ; iaa += 3) { up = arrp (aa, iaa, BSunit) ; kk = up[0].k ; a1 = up[1].i ; a2 = up[2].i ; seg0->title = strnew (messprintf("Coding Region of %s base %d to %d, length %d bp", name(seq), a1, a2, a2 - a1 + 1), look->handle) ; } else seg0->title = "Coding Region not determined" ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } arrayDestroy (aa) ; return seg0 ; } /*********************************************************/ static SEG gaConvertTrans (LOOK look, KEY seq) { SEG seg0, segb, seg ; int i = 0, j = 0, len = 50 ; char *cp, *cq, *cr ; Array dna = 0 ; KEY subseq = KEY_UNDEFINED ; seg0 = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg0->title = "Protein length %d aa (including the stop)" ; seg0->open = TRUE ; seg0->draw = 0 ; segb = 0 ; if (bIndexGetKey (seq, str2tag("Subsequence"), &subseq)) dna = dnaGet (subseq) ; if (dna) { cr = halloc(arrayMax(dna)/3 + 2, look->handle) ; cp = cr ; cq = arrp (dna, 0, char) ; for (j = 0; j < arrayMax(dna); j +=3, cq +=3) *cp++ = codon (cq) ; seg0->title = messprintf ("Protein length %d aa (%c to %c included)", cp - cr, *cr, *(cp-1)); j = 0 ; do { seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->buf = halloc (len + 10, look->handle) ; seg->draw = gaDrawTag ; seg->fixedFont = TRUE ; seg->nn = len + 10 ; strncpy (seg->buf, cr + j, len) ; j += len ; HOOK (seg0, segb, seg) ; i += len * 3 ; } while (i < arrayMax(dna)); arrayDestroy (dna) ; seg0->draw = gaDrawTag ; } return seg0 ; } /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ static BOOL gaConvert (LOOK look) { SEG seg ; int i ; KEYSET ks = queryKey (look->tg, ">Derived_Sequence") ; seg = look->seg = gaNewSeg (look) ; seg->draw = gaDrawHeader ; seg->save = 0 ; seg->down = gaConvertGmap (look) ; seg = seg->down ; seg->down = gaConvertPG (look) ; seg = seg->down ; seg->down = gaConvertClones (look) ; seg = seg->down ; seg->down = gaConvertSplicing (look) ; seg = seg->down ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(ks) ; i++) { KEY messenger = keySet (ks, i) ; seg->down = gaConvertDnaMessager (look, messenger) ; seg = seg->down ; seg->down = gaConvertCloneLengths (look, messenger) ; seg = seg->down ; seg->down = gaConvertDnaCodant (look, messenger) ; seg = seg->down ; seg->down = gaConvertTrans (look, messenger) ; seg = seg->down ; } return TRUE ; } /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/