/* File: aql.c * Author: Richard Durbin (Durbin@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1997 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * SCCS: $Id: aql.c,v 1.35 2002/05/16 14:14:54 srk Exp $ * Description: * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: May 23 13:44 2001 (edgrif) * * Aug 14 12:25 1998 (fw): finished context-var stuff * * Aug 3 15:00 1998 (fw): use of debugLevel * * Jul 31 14:59 1998 (fw): accept context variable values * * Jul 8 17:23 1998 (fw): completed as a test platform. * Created: Thu Aug 7 08:41:22 1997 (Durbin) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /**********************************************************************/ #include "acedb.h" #include "aceio.h" #include "waql/aql_.h" /******************************************************************/ AQL aqlCreate (char *queryText, ACEOUT dump_out, char beauty, int parseDebugLevel, int evalDebugLevel, ...) { va_list args; AQL aql; char *varName; int dictIndex=0; AqlLoc *varLoc; if (!queryText) return (AQL)0; /* allocate storage for this object - cleaned up in aqlDestroy */ aql = messalloc(sizeof(struct AqlStruct)); /* initialise aql object */ aql->IsError = FALSE; aql->errorNumber = 0; aql->parseDebugLevel = parseDebugLevel; aql->evalDebugLevel = evalDebugLevel; aql->dump_out = dump_out; aql->beauty = beauty; aql->result_keyset = NULL; aql->result_keyset_handle = 0; /* this handle is used for the ->query object */ aql->handle = handleCreate(); aql->debug_out = aceOutCreateToStderr (aql->handle); /* creates the query object with a cleaned up query string */ aql->query = aqlQueryCreate (queryText, aql->handle); aql->errorJmpEnv = (jmp_buf*)halloc (sizeof(jmp_buf), aql->handle); /*************************************************/ /* exception handler setup */ if (setjmp (*(aql->errorJmpEnv))) /* coming back with an error from somewhere in aqlParse() or aqlCheck1() */ { if (aql->parseDebugLevel >= 2) { aqlNodeOut (aql->debug_out, aql->query->root, 1, "query after preprocess-error", FALSE); aceOutPrint (aql->debug_out, "\n\n"); } /* clear the memory, the query has used up so far */ handleDestroy (aql->query->handle) ; return aql; } /* lex/yacc parsing of the string into basic parsetree */ aqlParse (aql) ; if (aql->parseDebugLevel >= 2) { aqlNodeOut (aql->debug_out, aql->query->root, 0, "parsed query", FALSE); aceOutPrint (aql->debug_out, "\n\n"); } /* insert the names of the context variables into the scopes of the query */ aql->query->tableScope = aqlScopeCreate (aql->query->handle); aql->query->scalarScope = aqlScopeCreate (aql->query->handle); va_start (args, evalDebugLevel); while ((varName = va_arg(args, char*)) != (char *) 0) { /* create a locator, the value and type will be set when the actual value is passed to aqlExecute */ varLoc = (AqlLoc*) halloc (sizeof(AqlLoc), aql->query->handle) ; if (varName[0] == '@') { varName++; /* skip the @ */ if (!(dictAdd(aql->query->tableScope->dict, varName, &dictIndex))) aqlError (aql, 850, 0, "Multiple declaration of table variable %s in context scope", varName); /* add the loc to the tableScope */ array (aql->query->tableScope->loc, dictIndex, AqlLoc*) = varLoc ; } else if (varName[0] == '$') { varName++; /* skip the $ */ if (!(dictAdd(aql->query->scalarScope->dict, varName, &dictIndex))) aqlError (aql, 852, 0, "Multiple declaration of scalar variable %s in context scope", varName); /* add the loc to the scalarScope */ array (aql->query->scalarScope->loc, dictIndex, AqlLoc*) = varLoc ; } else messcrash ("aql.c:aqlCreate() - invalid context variable name (has to start with @ or $)"); /* we need to signal to aqlCheck1(), that this is a context-var and isn't defined in the query itself, the checking then becomes less fussy */ varLoc->isContext = TRUE; } va_end(args); /* first pass query processing into executable form */ aqlCheck1 (aql) ; if (aql->parseDebugLevel >= 2) { aceOutPrint (aql->debug_out, "\n\n"); aqlNodeOut (aql->debug_out, aql->query->root, 0, "processed after check1", FALSE); aceOutPrint (aql->debug_out, "\n\n"); } return aql; } /* aqlCreate */ /**********************************************************************/ TABLE* aqlExecute(AQL aql, STORE_HANDLE tableHandle, KEYSET *result_keyset, STORE_HANDLE result_keyset_handle, ...) /* if tableHandle is a valid handle and non-null, the returned table is created on that handle and can be cleared by destroying that handle if tableHandle is NULL, the table has to be explicitly destroyed using tableDestroy() after the table generated by this call is no longer needed */ { va_list args; int dictIndex; AqlLoc *varLoc; char *param; char *varType; char *varName; char *cp; TABLE *resultTable; TABLE *tmpTable; if (!aql) return (TABLE*)0; if (aql->IsError) return (TABLE*)0; /* do nothing if pre-processing failed already */ aql->result_keyset = result_keyset; aql->result_keyset_handle = result_keyset_handle; /* Process the argument list to this function - We can call this function to bind values to context variables that have been registered in aqlCreate() Such argument come in PAIRS of the following form : "Table @t", TABLE *t "Int $i", int i "Float $f", float i "Text $s", char *s "DateType $t", mytime_t t NOTE : the last parameter has to be a null pointer */ va_start (args, result_keyset_handle); while ((param = va_arg(args, char*)) != (char *) 0) { varType = strdup(param); /* make our own copy to mess around with */ for (cp = varType; *cp && *cp != ' '; cp++); /* find the space */ if (!*cp) /* ran past end of string, i.e. no space in it */ messcrash ("aql.c:aqlExecute() - passed invalid context var string"); *cp = '\0'; /* terminates varType at the space char */ varName = ++cp; /* start the name after the space */ if (varName[0] == '@' || varName[0] == '$') varName++; /* skip leading @ or $ in name */ /* we've already created the AqlLoc's for these variables, we now set their values */ if (strcasecmp(varType, "Table")==0) { if (!(dictFind(aql->query->tableScope->dict, varName, &dictIndex))) messcrash ("aql.c:aqlExecute() - context variable binding of undeclared table var"); varLoc = arr (aql->query->tableScope->loc, dictIndex, AqlLoc*); varLoc->type = 'T'; varLoc->value.T = va_arg(args, TABLE*); } else /* all other value types use the scalar scope */ { if (!(dictFind(aql->query->scalarScope->dict, varName, &dictIndex))) messcrash ("aql.c:aqlExecute() - context variable binding of undeclared scalar var"); varLoc = arr (aql->query->scalarScope->loc, dictIndex, AqlLoc*); if (strncasecmp(varType, "Int", 3)==0) /* also accepts Integer */ { varLoc->type = 'i'; varLoc->value.i = va_arg(args, int); } else if (strcasecmp(varType, "Float")==0) { varLoc->type = 'f'; varLoc->value.f = (float)va_arg(args, double); } else if (strncasecmp(varType, "DateType", 4)==0) /* allow "DateType" and "Date" */ { varLoc->type = 't'; varLoc->value.t = va_arg(args, mytime_t); } else if ((strcasecmp(varType, "Text")==0) || (strcasecmp(varType, "String")==0)) { varLoc->type = 's'; varLoc->value.s = strnew (va_arg(args, char*), aql->query->handle); } else messcrash ("aql.c:aqlExecute() - invalid value type of context variable"); } free(varType); } va_end (args); /* exception handler setup */ if (setjmp (*(aql->errorJmpEnv))) /* coming back with an error from somewhere in aqlCheck2() */ { if (aql->errorNumber == 0) /* interrupted... */ { AqlNode *tableNode = aql->query->root; AqlNode *resultNode = NULL; TABLE *t = NULL; while (tableNode) { resultNode = tableNode; tableNode = tableNode->nxt; } if (resultNode && resultNode->value.T) t = tableCopy(resultNode->value.T, tableHandle); /* clear the memory, the query has used up so far */ handleDestroy (aql->query->handle) ; return t; } else { /* clear the memory, the query has used up so far */ handleDestroy (aql->query->handle) ; if (aql->parseDebugLevel >= 2) { aqlNodeOut (aql->debug_out, aql->query->root, 1, "query after execution-error", FALSE); aceOutPrint (aql->debug_out, "\n\n"); } return (TABLE*)0; } } /* database specific query processing */ aqlCheck2 (aql) ; if (aql->parseDebugLevel >= 2) { aceOutPrint (aql->debug_out, "\n\n"); aqlNodeOut (aql->debug_out, aql->query->root, 0, "processed after check2", FALSE); aceOutPrint (aql->debug_out, "\n\n"); } if (aql->parseDebugLevel >= 1) { aqlQueryOut (aql->debug_out, aql->query); } /* pretty parsetree print after check2 */ /* run the query against the database */ tmpTable = aqlEval (aql) ; /* the tmpTable has been created on the query's internal store-handle and will be destroyed soon, so we must make a copy to return to the caller */ resultTable = tableCopy(tmpTable, tableHandle); /* no harm if tableHandle==NULL */ /* the results table was created on the query->resultHandle store and therefore won't vanish, but we clean up all the other space allocated during processing */ handleDestroy (aql->query->handle) ; return resultTable; } /* aqlExecute */ /******************************************************************/ void aqlDestroy(AQL aql) { if (!aql) return; /* we assume query->handle has been cleared already */ /* clear all memory within this object */ handleDestroy (aql->handle); /* kill the actual object-structure */ messfree(aql); return; } /* aqlDestroy */ /******************************************************************/ TABLE* aqlTable (char *queryText, ACEOUT error_out, STORE_HANDLE handle) /* simple wrapper-function to create a table from a query text * errors are written to error_out, which may be NULL */ { AQL aql = aqlCreate(queryText, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); TABLE *result = aqlExecute(aql, handle, 0, 0, 0); if (aqlIsError(aql)) { if (error_out) aceOutPrint (error_out, "%s", aqlGetErrorReport(aql)); result = (TABLE*)0; } aqlDestroy (aql) ; return result; } /* aqlTable */ void aqlQuick (char *queryText) /* quick all-in-one function */ { ACEOUT fo = aceOutCreateToStdout (0); TABLE *result = aqlTable(queryText, fo, 0); if (result) { tableOut (fo, result, '\t', 'a'); tableDestroy (result); } aceOutDestroy (fo); return; } /* aqlQuick */ /****************************************************/ /* */ /* Access to error information in the AQL object */ /* after execution, the IsError should be checked, */ /* the program can then decide to enquire further */ /* information about the error and display it */ /* in any way it likes. */ /* */ /****************************************************/ BOOL aqlIsError (AQL aql) { if (aql) return aql->IsError; return TRUE; } int aqlGetErrorNumber (AQL aql) { if (aql) return aql->errorNumber; return 0; } char *aqlGetErrorMessage (AQL aql) { if (aql) return aql->errorMessage; return NULL; } char *aqlGetErrorReport (AQL aql) { if (aql) return aql->errorReport; return NULL; } /******************* end of file *****************************/