/* File: bs.h * Author: J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin * Copyright (c) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1999 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Public functions of the bs package * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 16 14:17 2002 (edgrif) * Created: Thu Aug 26 17:54:10 1999 (fw) * CVS info: $Id: bs.h,v 1.50 2002/04/16 14:40:26 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef ACEDB_BS_H #define ACEDB_BS_H #include "acedb.h" #include "aceiotypes.h" /************************************************************/ typedef struct ObjStruct *OBJ ; /* public opaque type */ /************************************************************/ /* classType 'B' : BS Trees, public functions. */ /************************************************************/ typedef union /* structure for unknown types */ { int i ; float f ; KEY k ; char* s ; mytime_t time ; } BSunit ; KEY bsKey (OBJ obj) ; /* return the key of the object */ /* 4 functions to grab or release a BS tree in the object cache */ OBJ bsCreate(KEY key) ; /* read only */ OBJ bsCreateCopy(KEY key) ; /* temporary read/write without possibility of saving */ OBJ bsUpdate(KEY key) ; /* read write * If you write priviledged code using bs__.h * please call objMark() before touching * to prevent read only access by another * window */ OBJ bsClone(KEY key, OBJ source); /* like update, but replace data with a copy from source */ /* disregard recent updates */ void bsDoDestroy(OBJ obj) ; #define bsDestroy(obj) (bsDoDestroy(obj) , (obj) = 0 ) /* validates the latest update */ /* provided a call to objMark was made */ void bsDoSave (OBJ obj) ; #define bsSave(obj) (bsDoSave(obj) , (obj) = 0 ) /* Zero and object and lexSets EMPTYSTATUS */ /* obj must be grabbed bsUpdate() */ void bsDoKill (OBJ obj) ; #define bsKill(obj) (bsDoKill(obj) , (obj) = 0 ) void keySetKill (KEYSET ks) ; /* kills all 'A' and 'B' members of ks */ /* Fuse two objects into one, the effect is that old is thrown away, and new */ /* becomes old overlaid with new. */ BOOL bsFuseObjects (KEY old, KEY new) ; /* Several sorts of dumps */ void bsDump (OBJ obj) ; /* dumps on stdout in debug format */ void bsAceDump (OBJ obj, ACEOUT dump_out, BOOL isInternal) ; /* ace dump a B Tree */ /* functions for local manipulations of branches and leaves */ /* when you start a series of operations on a BS never start with a _bsDown, _bsRight. */ BOOL bsFindTag (OBJ obj, KEY tag) ; /* locates curr at tag */ #define bsFindKey(obj,tag,key) bsGetData(obj, tag, key,0) /* BOOL, locates curr at key */ BOOL bsFindKey2 (OBJ obj, KEY tag, KEY key, KEY *ptag2) ; BOOL bsGetKey (OBJ obj, KEY target, KEY *found) ; /* Just keys */ BOOL bsGetKeyTags (OBJ obj, KEY target, KEY *found) ; /* Also tags */ BOOL bsGetData (OBJ obj, KEY target, KEY type, void *x) ; BOOL bsGetText (OBJ obj, KEY target, char **cpp) ; /* converts all into text, including Int, Float, DateType and KEYs - text is readonly! */ BOOL bsGetArray (OBJ obj, KEY target, Array units, int width) ; /* fills array(units, BSunit) */ BOOL bsPushObj (OBJ obj) ; /* Gets a #Class sub tree */ int bsLocalClass (OBJ obj) ; /* current class, differs from class(key) after a bsPushObj */ BOOL bsFlatten (OBJ obj, int n, Array units) ; /* flattens tree n deep */ KEY bsParentKey (OBJ obj) ; /* first key/class != 0 up from obj->curr */ KEYSET bsTagsInClass (int classe) ; /* Collects all tags in class */ BOOL bsIsTagInClass (int class, KEY tag) ; /* true if tag belongs to model of this class */ BOOL bsIsTagInObj (OBJ obj, KEY key, KEY tag) ; /* looks for tag in obj */ BOOL bsIsClassInClass (int c1, int maClasse) ; /* looks for maclassein neighbours of c1 */ KEYSET bsKeySet (KEY key) ; /* Collects all keys in object bsCreate(key) */ KEYSET bsGetPath (int classe, KEY tag) ; /* returns path to given tag */ BOOL bsAddTag (OBJ obj, KEY tag) ; BOOL bsAddKey (OBJ obj, KEY target, KEY new) ; BOOL bsAddData (OBJ obj, KEY target, KEY type, void *data) ; BOOL bsAddComment (OBJ obj, char* text, char type) ; #define bsAddArray(obj,target,units,width) bsAddTruncatedArray (obj, target, units, width, width) BOOL bsAddTruncatedArray (OBJ obj, KEY target, Array units, int arrWidth, int objWidth) ; /* reciprocal to GetArray */ void bsCoordShift (OBJ obj, KEY tag, float x, float dx, BOOL isAfter) ; /* shift all nodes for which COORD is set in model with value greater or less than x (according to isAfter) by dx - for coordinate editing */ void bsCoordIndex (OBJ obj, int *index) ; /* same but apply index[] to remap the coords (for assemblies) */ KEY bsType (OBJ obj, KEY target) ; /* what if we add to curr ? */ BOOL bsRemove (OBJ obj) ; /* removes curr and subtree to right */ BOOL bsPrune (OBJ obj) ; /* prunes back unique branch to curr */ typedef void* BSMARK ; /* private handle */ BSMARK bsMark (OBJ obj, BSMARK mark) ; /* preserve's current tree position */ BSMARK bsHandleMark (OBJ obj, BSMARK mark, STORE_HANDLE hh) ; /* allocates mark on hh */ char *bsGetMarkAsString (BSMARK mark); /* for debugging */ void bsGoto (OBJ obj, BSMARK mark) ; /* returns to mark */ #define bsMarkFree(x) messfree(x) /* the following act on the current node */ KEY bsGetTimeStamp (OBJ obj) ; mytime_t bsGetNodeTime(OBJ obj); void bsSetTimeStamp (OBJ obj, KEY stamp) ; int cacheSaveAll(void) ; int cacheStatus (int *used, int *locked, int*known, int *modified, int *nc2rp, int *nc2wp, int *nccr, int *nccw) ; void BSstatus (int *used, int *alloc, int *mem) ; /* for status */ void BTstatus (int *used, int *alloc, int *mem) ; /******************************************************************/ /* globals defined in bssubs.c */ extern BOOL XREF_DISABLED_FOR_UPDATE ; extern BOOL isTimeStamps; #endif /* !ACEDB_BS_H */ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/