/********************************************************************** * File: graph.h * Authors: Richard Durbin plus * Jean Thierry-Mieg * and Christopher Lee * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991-97 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Public header file for the graph package, this package * is independent of the acedb database code but requires * the array and messubs packages. * * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jun 20 10:10 2002 (edgrif) * * Feb 8 16:34 1999 (edgrif): Add calls to support sprdmap.c * * Jan 27 20:31 1999 (edgrif): Remove WIN32 specific graphTextAlign. * * Jan 27 10:32 1999 (edgrif): Remove type definitions for menu stuff (!!) * * Jan 21 14:43 1999 (edgrif): Added new prototype for graphPS, * graphPSDefaults, graphGIF. * * Jan 20 16:25 1999 (edgrif): Changed funcdef for graphPS/graphPrint * * Jan 8 11:31 1999 (edgrif): Add correct func. dec. for graphPS. * * Dec 16 15:10 1998 (edgrif): Removed waitCursor calls, now done internally. * * Nov 19 15:02 1998 (edgrif): : Fixed callback func. dec. for * graphTextScrollEditor. * * Oct 22 14:15 1998 (edgrif): Added message output functions that are * independent of device level (X Windows etc), e.g. graphOut. * Removed isGraphics flag. * * Oct 13 14:22 1998 (edgrif): Removed some acedb specific functions that * do not belong here. * * May 14 08:00 1997 (rbrusk): * - introduced GRAPH_FUNC_DCL symbol; see mystdlib.h * - added graphSysBeep(), extern int menuBox * - added an extra void* parameter to graphInit() to help * provide for other program initialization data (in WIN32) * - help() & helpOn() moved from acedb.h to graph.h w/ GRAPH_FUNC_DCL * * Oct 21 16:54 1996 (il) * Created: Jan 1992 (rd) * CVS info: $Id: graph.h,v 1.123 2002/06/20 10:26:40 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef DEF_GRAPH_H #define DEF_GRAPH_H #include /* libutil header */ #include #include /* for enum Colour{..} */ #include /**********************************************************************/ /******* be nice to C++ - patch from Steven Ness **********************/ /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* library EXPORT/IMPORT symbols */ /* Applications refer to graphs by Graph ids which hide the actual graph */ /* structure from the caller. */ /* A Graph id may be safely initialised to GRAPH_NULL as no graphs are */ /* created with this id. */ /* (developers: you should _not_ change the value of GRAPH_NULL without */ /* searching through the source code extensively as just about all of it */ /* uses "0" rather than GRAPH_NULL) */ typedef int Graph ; enum {GRAPH_NULL = 0} ; extern int graphContrastLookup[]; #define graphContrast(x) (graphContrastLookup[(x)]) enum TextFormat { PLAIN_FORMAT, BOLD, ITALIC, GREEK, FIXED_WIDTH} ; /* The implementation is machine dependant */ #define BACK_COLOR WHITE #define FORE_COLOR BLACK /* max 256 colours (box->fcol, bcol are unsigned char) */ /* GraphEvent note the mouse events are required to be continuous in this way. Can't touch the order. DESTROY must be last event and no values must be assigned to the enums so that they are contiguous. */ enum GraphEvent {LEFT_DOWN, LEFT_DRAG, LEFT_UP, MIDDLE_DOWN, MIDDLE_DRAG, MIDDLE_UP, RIGHT_DOWN, RIGHT_DRAG, RIGHT_UP, PICK, KEYBOARD, RESIZE, MESSAGE_DESTROY, RAMP_CHANGE, DESTROY } ; typedef void (*GraphFunc)(void) ; typedef void (*MouseFunc)(double x, double y) ; typedef void (*PickFunc)(int box, double x, double y) ; typedef void (*EntryFunc)(char*) ; typedef BOOL (*ToggleFunc)(BOOL) ; typedef void (*ColouredButtonFunc)(void *arg) ; typedef int (*GraphCompletionFunc)(char *text, int len) ; /* return # */ typedef char* (*GraphRemoteHandlerFunc)(char *command) ; /* return textual result */ enum GraphType { PLAIN, TEXT_SCROLL, TEXT_FIT, MAP_SCROLL, PIXEL_SCROLL, TEXT_FULL_SCROLL, PIXEL_FIT, TEXT_FULL_EDIT, PIXEL_VSCROLL, PIXEL_HSCROLL, TEXT_HSCROLL, NUMGRAPHTYPES } ; /* always last */ typedef enum { PAPERTYPE_A4, PAPERTYPE_LETTER, PAPERTYPE_LEGAL, PAPERTYPE_EXECUTIVE } PaperType; extern float graphEventX, graphEventY ; extern FREEOPT graphColors[] ; /* defined in graphDevSubs.c */ /**********************************************************/ /************ functions used only by the Kernel ***********/ /**********************************************************/ /* register a handler routine that deals with remote-control commands, * before graphInit, which can dispatch actions, if a -remote arg * was detected in the command-line arguments. */ GraphRemoteHandlerFunc graphRemoteRegister (GraphRemoteHandlerFunc func); void graphInit (int *argcptr, char **argv) ; void graphFinish (void) ; void graphProcessEvents (void) ; /* process events in queue */ /* NB should use graphLoop instead */ /* graphSelect can either show selections in a scrolled subwindow (default) */ /* or in plain window, graphSetSelectDisplayMode() is used to set the mode. */ /* */ typedef enum _GraphSelectDisplayMode {GRAPH_SELECT_SCROLLED, GRAPH_SELECT_PLAIN} GraphSelectDisplayMode ; void graphSetSelectDisplayMode(GraphSelectDisplayMode mode) ; BOOL graphSelect (KEY *kpt, FREEOPT *options) ; /**********************************************************/ /********** functions used by the applications ************/ /**********************************************************/ Graph graphCreate (int type, /* of enum graphType */ char *name, /* used on title bar */ float x, float y, float w, float h) ; Graph graphNakedCreate (int type, /* of enum graphType */ char *name, float w, float h, BOOL focusOnMouseOver) ; Graph graphVirtualCreate(int type, char *name, float w, float h) ; /* x,y,w,h are in units of screen height = 1.0 or may be negative, in which case they are in units of -1 char or pixel */ BOOL graphActivate (Graph graph) ; /* returns graphExists() */ BOOL graphActivateChild (void) ; /* retruns graphActivate gActive->children */ Graph graphActive (void) ; /* returns active graph */ BOOL graphExists (Graph g) ; /* is g a valid graph? */ /* Graphs can be of three types for purposes of user interactions: */ /* GRAPH_BLOCKABLE - normal window (default), input blocked when a */ /* modal dialog is posted. */ /* GRAPH_NON_BLOCKABLE - normal window but input is not blocked when a */ /* modal dialog is posted. */ /* GRAPH_BLOCKING - modal dialog window, cannot itself be blocked, */ /* there can only be one of these at a time. */ /* */ typedef enum _GraphWindowBlockMode {GRAPH_BLOCKABLE, GRAPH_NON_BLOCKABLE, GRAPH_BLOCKING} GraphWindowBlockMode ; void graphSetBlockMode(GraphWindowBlockMode mode) ; /************** subgraphs ***************/ Graph graphSubCreate (int type, float ux, float uy, float uw, float uh) ; Graph graphParent (void) ; /* 0 if not a subgraph */ BOOL graphContainedIn (Graph parent) ; /***************************************************************/ /******** everything from here on acts on active graph *********/ void graphDestroy (void) ; int graphLoop (BOOL isBlock) ; /* X event loop - now reentrant */ BOOL graphLoopReturn (int retval) ; /* returns */ /* old names for these functions */ #define graphStart(g) graphLoop(FALSE) #define graphBlock() graphLoop(TRUE) #define graphUnBlock(x) graphLoopReturn(x) STORE_HANDLE graphHandle (void) ; /* gets freed when graph is freed */ STORE_HANDLE graphClearHandle (void) ; /* freed when graph is cleared */ void graphCleanUp (void) ; /* kills all but the active graph */ BOOL uGraphAssociate (void* in, void* out) ; #define graphAssociate(xin,xout) uGraphAssociate((void*)(xin),(void*)(xout)) BOOL uGraphAssFind (void *in, void* *out) ; #define graphAssFind(xin,pxout) uGraphAssFind(xin,(void**)(pxout)) BOOL graphAssRemove (void *in) ; void graphPlainBounds (float ux, float uy, float uw, float uh, float aspect) ; void graphMapBounds (float ux, float uy, float uw, float uh, float aspect) ; void graphTextBounds (int nx, int ny) ; void graphPixelBounds (int nx, int ny) ; float graphFakeBounds (float ny) ; /* in lines, to prepare a long print on a virtual window */ void graphFitBounds (int *nx, int *ny) ; /* no scroll - in text coords */ void graphTextInfo (int *dx, int *dy, float *cw, float *ch) ; void graphScreenSize (float *sx, float *sy, float *fx, float *fy, int *px, int *py) ; /* screen size in graphCreate units, TEXT units, pixels */ BOOL graphWindowSize (float *xp, float *yp, float *wp, float *hp) ; /* window position and size in graphCreate units */ void graphGoto (float x, float y) ; /* tries to center (x,y) in screen */ void graphWhere (float *x1, float *y1, float *x2, float *y2) ; /* coords of visible section (when scrollbars) */ /* whole window manipulations */ void graphRedraw (void) ; /* complete redraw. */ void graphClear (void) ; /* Clear a window. */ void graphWhiteOut (void) ; /* Set window to background colour. */ void graphRetitle (char *name) ; void graphPop (void) ; void graphEvent (int action, float x, float y) ; /* posts an event */ void graphSetGreyMap(unsigned char *map, BOOL isDrag); BOOL graphSetInstallMap(BOOL arg); int graphGreyRampPixelIntensity(int weight); unsigned char *graphGreyRampGetMap(void); /* in the GTK version the greyramp tool is provided by the gex-package (see wh/gex.h) */ /* Non blocking messages, applications generally use displayBlock */ void graphMessage (char *text) ; void graphUnMessage (void) ; /* Interface to message list code which displays messout/messerror messages */ /* in a scrolled list, this is set up by graphSetMessList() routine which */ /* sets messout/messerror callbacks to point to mesgListAdd(). There is a */ /* maximum number of messages after which old messages are lost off the top. */ /* Get the default number of messages for the list. */ int mesgListGetDefaultListSize(int curr_value) ; /* Check the message list size. */ BOOL mesgListCheckListSize(int curr_value) ; /* Create a new list or refresh an existing one, you _must_ call this before */ /* calling any of the below routines, behaviour is undefined if you don't. */ void mesgListCreate(void) ; /* Set the maximum number of messages that the list can hold before it starts*/ /* throwing away messages off the top. */ void mesgListSetSize(int size) ; /* Add a new message to the list of displayed messages. */ void mesgListAdd(char *msg, void *user_pointer) ; /* Reset the list to empty. */ void mesgListReset(void) ; /* Get rid of the message list window. */ void mesgListDestroy(void) ; void graphSysBeep(void) ; /* Box manipulations */ int graphLastBox(void); int graphBoxStart(void) ; /* returns box number */ void graphBoxEnd (void) ; BOOL graphBoxClear (int box) ; BOOL graphBoxMarkAsClear (int box) ; void graphBoxDim(int box, float *x1, float *y1, float *x2, float *y2) ; void graphBoxSetDim(int k, float *x1, float *y1, float *x2, float *y2) ; int graphBoxAt (float x, float y, float *rx, float *ry); void graphBoxDraw (int box, int fcol, int bcol) ; void graphClipDraw (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); /* expose action */ void graphBoxDrag (int box, void (*clientRoutine)(float*,float*,BOOL)) ; void graphBoxShift (int box, float xbase, float ybase) ; void graphBoxSetPick (int box, BOOL pick) ; void graphBoxSetMenu (int k, BOOL menu) ; void graphLine (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) ; void graphRectangle (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) ; void graphFillRectangle (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) ; void graphPolygon (Array pts) ; /* filled polygon */ void graphLineSegs (Array pts) ; /* line segment */ void graphCircle (float xcen, float ycen, float rad) ; void graphArc (float xcen, float yxen, float rad, float ang, float angDiff) ; /* degrees anticlockwise from 3 o'clock */ void graphFillArc (float xcen, float yxen, float rad, float ang, float angDiff) ; /* degrees anticlockwise from 3 o'clock */ void graphPoint (float x, float y) ; void graphText (char *text, float x0, float y0) ; void graphTextUp (char *text, float x0, float y0) ; /* updatable text - length is length to extend the box */ void graphTextPtr (char *text, float x0, float y0, int length) ; void graphTextPtrPtr (char **text, float x0, float y0, int length) ; void graphColorSquares (char *cols, float x0, float y0, int length, int skip, int *tints) ; void graphPixels (unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int lineWidth, float x0, float y0, unsigned int *colors, int ncols) ; void graphPixelsRaw (unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int lineWidth, float x0, float y0) ; BOOL graphRawMaps (unsigned char *forward, int *reverse) ; /* forward[] maps [0,255] -> PixelsRaw values, reverse[] inverts, giving max value so can test for 255 return FALSE if pixel images do not exist */ void graphColorMaps (float *red, float *green, float *blue) ; /* colormap values are real in [0,1], and map from [0,255] */ BOOL graphSetColorMaps (unsigned char *red, unsigned char *green, unsigned char *blue) ; /* set colors with the given maps */ /* arrays are 128 bytes long */ /* the next routines does not add to the box : used for cursors */ void graphXorLine (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) ; void graphXorBox (int kbox, float x, float y) ; /* The following routines all return the old value, and just return the current value if given a negative argument (except graphRegister). */ float graphPointsize (float x) ; float graphLinewidth (float x) ; float graphTextHeight (float height) ; /* if 0 then standard text */ int graphTextFormat(int format) ; typedef enum {GRAPH_LINE_SOLID = 0, GRAPH_LINE_DASHED} GraphLineStyle ; GraphLineStyle graphLineStyle(GraphLineStyle style) ; /* Negative arg: just returns current value */ /* Specifies the location of the alignment origin for x,y coordinates of text. LEFT, CENTRE or RIGHT, and TOP or BOTTOM are permitted alignment values. Note: Logical OR ("|") can be used to combine flags: LEFT, CENTRE or RIGHT can be combined with either TOP or BOTTOM The default alignment is "TOP|LEFT" */ enum TextAlignment { GRAPH_TEXT_LEFT = 0, GRAPH_TEXT_CENTRE = 1, GRAPH_TEXT_RIGHT = 2, GRAPH_TEXT_TOP = 4, GRAPH_TEXT_BOTTOM = 8 } ; int graphTextAlign (int textAlignment) ; int graphColor (int color) ; /* color is a GraphColor */ #define graphRegister(k,f) uGraphRegister(k, (GraphFunc)(f)) GraphFunc uGraphRegister (int k, GraphFunc) ; /* k is a GraphEvent */ char* graphHelp (char* item) ; BOOL graphWebBrowser (char* link); /* remote-controlled netscape via X-atoms */ /************************************************************/ typedef struct colouropt { void (*f)(void *arg); void *arg; int fg; int bg; char *text; struct colouropt *next; } COLOUROPT; /* Menu types and functions. */ /* */ /* Base menu ptr. for all menu functions and */ /* typecast for MenuFunction's => struct menuopt x->f VoidRoutine's */ typedef void (*MenuBaseFunction)(void) ; #define MENU_FUNC_CAST (MenuBaseFunction) #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE #define MENU_FUNC_CAST (void(*)(void)) #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ typedef void (*MenuRoutine)(KEY) ; typedef void (*MenuFunction)(int) ; typedef void (*FreeMenuFunction)(KEY, int) ; typedef struct menuopt { MenuBaseFunction f ; char *text ; } MENUOPT ; extern int menuBox ; /* Global used by menu routines. */ void graphBoxFreeMenu (int box, FreeMenuFunction proc, FREEOPT *options) ; #define graphFreeMenu(x,y) graphBoxFreeMenu(0,(FreeMenuFunction)(x),(y)) void graphBoxMenu (int box, MENUOPT *menu) ; #define graphMenu(x) graphBoxMenu(0,(x)) int graphMenuTriangle (BOOL filled, float x, float y) ; /* graphics routine for drawing a pulldown symbol */ void graphBoxInfo (int box, KEY key, char *text) ; void graphBoxInfoFile (ACEOUT info_out) ; void graphBoxInfoWrite (void) ; int graphButton (char* text, VoidRoutine func, float x, float y) ; int graphColouredButton (char *text, ColouredButtonFunc func, void *arg, int fg, int bg, float x, float y); int graphButtons (MENUOPT *buttons, float x0, float y0, float xmax) ; int graphColouredButtons (COLOUROPT *buttons, float x0, float y0, float xmax) ; /**************** new menus ***********/ void graphNewBoxMenu (int box, MENU menu) ; #define graphNewMenu(x) graphNewBoxMenu(0,(x)) #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE /* These routines appear not to be coded or referenced anywhere.... */ /* */ int graphNewButton (MENUITEM item, float x, float y) ; int graphNewButtons (MENU menu, float x0, float y0, float xmax) ; /* graphics routine for drawing a pulldown symbol - moved from menu.c/h */ int menuDownSelTriangle (BOOL filled, float x, float y) ; #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ /************** text entry ***************/ typedef void (*GraphEntryFunc)(char*) ; int graphTextEntry (char* cp, int len, float x, float y, GraphEntryFunc fn) ; int graphTextScrollEntry (char* text, int len, int wlen, float x, float y, GraphEntryFunc fn) ; int graphCompletionEntry (GraphCompletionFunc f, char* text, int len, float x, float y, GraphEntryFunc fn) ; int graphCompScrollEntry (GraphCompletionFunc f, char* text, int len, int wlen, float x, float y, GraphEntryFunc fn) ; void graphEntryDisable (void) ; /* disables TextEntries */ #define TEXT_ENTRY_FUNC_CAST (void (*)(char*)) /******** interaction with rest of workspace *******/ void graphBusyCursorAll (void) ; BOOL graphInterruptCalled(void) ; /* use messIsInterruptCalled */ void graphResetInterrupt(void) ; /* use messResetInterrupt */ void graphForceInterrupt(void) ; /* set flag for interruptCalled */ void graphPostBuffer (char *text) ; /* write to screen cut/paste buffer */ void graphPasteBuffer (void (*callback)(char *)); /******** editors - single item labelled textEntry boxes *********/ void editorToggleChange(int box); void graphToggleEditor (char *label, BOOL *p, float x, float y); void graphAddRadioEditor(char *text, int tag, int index, float x, float y); void graphSetRadioEditor(int tag,int index); int graphRadioCreate(char *text,int *p,float x, float y); void graphColourEditor(char *label, char *text, int *p,float x, float y); int graphIntEditor (char *label, int *p, float x, float y, BOOL (*checkFunc)(int)) ; int graphFloatEditor (char *label, float *p, float x, float y, BOOL (*checkFunc)(float)) ; int graphWordEditor (char *label, char *text, int len, float x, float y, BOOL (*checkFunc)(char*)) ; int graphTextEditor (char *label, char *text, int len, float x, float y, BOOL (*checkFunc)(char*)) ; int graphTextScrollEditor (char *label, char *text, int len, int wlen, float x, float y, BOOL (*checkFunc)(char* text, int box)) ; BOOL graphCheckEditors (Graph graph, BOOL callCheckFunctions) ; BOOL graphUpdateEditors (Graph graph) ; /***** PostScript images ******/ int graphPS (Graph gId, ACEOUT fo, char *title, BOOL doColor, BOOL isEPSF, BOOL isRotate, PaperType paper, float fac, int pages); void graphPSdefaults (Graph gId, PaperType paper, BOOL *pRot, float *pFac, int *pPage); /* Get defaults for PostScript image. */ /***** GIF images, using Tim Boutell's gd package (c) Cold Spring Harbor *****/ /* */ int graphGIF (Graph gId, ACEOUT out, BOOL do_size) ; void graphGIFLeftDown (int x, int y) ; /***** Image printing ******/ /* */ void graphPrint(void); /* Image print dialog. */ void graphBoundsPrint (float uw, float uh, void (*draw)(void)) ; /* to cheat the graph size for multipage prints */ /* Use of the following routines is severely deprecated, they are just for */ /* an incursion by sprdmap.c into graph internals. These routines will be */ /* withdrawn when possible. */ void graphGetSprdmapData(int *h, float *uh, int *type, float *yfac) ; void graphSetSprdmapCoords(int h, float uh) ; void graphSetSprdmapType(int type) ; /********* help function prototypes ******/ /* this void-void function is used in menustructures or for graphButtons to bring up the help-topic currently registered for this window */ /* all other help-system stuff is in help.h (not graph-specific) */ void help (void) ; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* !defined DEF_GRAPH_H */