/* File: lex.h * Author: Fred Wobus (fw@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1998 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: public function header for lexsubs4.c * for everything dealing with the lexique * HISTORY: * Last edited: Dec 6 21:42 2000 (edgrif) * Created: Mon Nov 23 12:06:50 1998 (fw) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: lex.h,v 1.25 2000/12/07 11:12:09 edgrif Exp $ */ #ifndef _LEX_H #define _LEX_H /************************************************************/ #include "disk.h" /* for DISK type */ /************************************************************/ int lexMax(int t) ; /* Numbers of entries in the lexique */ int lexi2Max(int t) ; /* Numbers of cached entries of the t lexique */ int vocMax(int t) ; void lex2clear (KEY key) ; /* call this function to clear the lex2 array */ int iskey(KEY kk); /* Returns 0 if kk is unknown, * 1 if kk is just a vocabulary entry * 2 if kk corresponds to a full object */ BOOL iskeyold(KEY kk); /* TRUE if key is on disk or in first cache */ BOOL lexReClass(KEY key,KEY *kp, int t); BOOL lexIsInClass(KEY key, KEY classe) ; /* Valid also for sub classes */ BOOL lexClassKey(char *cp,KEY *kp) ; /* Recognises class:name */ BOOL lexword2key(char *cp,KEY *kp, KEY classe); /*given a word *cp, sets its key *kp */ /* search done in t lexique */ /*returns TRUE if found, FALSE if not */ BOOL nextName(KEY key, char **cpp) ; /* Runs along tha aliases of key, * on first call *cpp should be null */ /* lexAlias() cleans up newName and modify the lexique return TRUE if newName is accepted FALSE if error or newName corresponds to some other object. lexDoAlias() is the same but if err_msg_out is non-NULL an error msg will be returned if the function fails, caller must messfree err_msg_out. */ BOOL lexAlias(KEY key, char *newName, BOOL doAsk, BOOL keepBothNames) ; BOOL lexDoAlias(KEY key, char* newName, BOOL doAsk, BOOL keepOldName, char **err_msg_out) ; KEY lexAliasOf(KEY key) ; /* Returns the end of the alias list */ BOOL lexDestroyAlias (KEY key); /* removes an aliased key and relinks the alias list */ BOOL lexIsKeyVisible(KEY key); /* returns false if key does not exist, has aliasstatus or emptystatus, or is a KEYKEY 0 model */ /* cannot use lexGetStatus for this as it follows the alias list */ BOOL lexaddkey(char *cp,KEY *kp, KEY classe); /*add to the t lexique the word *cp */ /*returns TRUE if added, FALSE if known, crashes if Full */ char *lexcleanup(char *cp, STORE_HANDLE h) ; /* Remove leadind and trailing spaces */ BOOL lexIsGoodName(char *name); /* Check that name non-blank */ int lexstrcmp(char *a,char *b); /*returns 1 if *a>*b or 0 or -1 as strcmp but is case unsensitive*/ /*This is used to better the presentation, yet avoid doubles*/ BOOL lexNext(KEY classe, KEY *p); /*gives the next KEY in table n*/ KEY lexLastKey(int classe) ; void lexkill(KEY key); /*deallocates a key*/ void lexshow (void) ; /* RMD 6/19/90, for debugging */ void lexInit(void); /*Called at beginning of program*/ void lexRead(void); /*Called at beginning of program*/ void lexSave(void) ; void lexavail(unsigned long *vocnum, unsigned long *lex1num, unsigned long *lex2num, unsigned long *vocspace, unsigned long *hspace, unsigned long *totalspace ) ; #define LOCKSTATUS (unsigned char)1 /* bits 1 and 2 are reset to 0 by lexiread */ #define CALCULSTATUS (unsigned char)2 /* all bits are reset by lexAlias */ #define EMPTYSTATUS (unsigned char)4 #define ALIASSTATUS (unsigned char)8 #define TOUCHSTATUS (unsigned char)16 /* key touched this session */ #define ALPHASTATUS (unsigned char)32 /* reserved for the alphabetic sorter */ #define SERVERSTATUS (unsigned char)64 /* reserved for xclient */ #define LEXPRIVATESTATUS (unsigned char) 9 /* bits 1 8 are protected in lexsetstatus */ void lexSetStatus(KEY key, unsigned char c) ; void lexUnsetStatus(KEY key, unsigned char c) ; void lexClearClassStatus(KEY classe, unsigned char c) ; unsigned char lexGetStatus(KEY key) ; void lexunlock(KEY key) ; /* these 2 check for double locking */ BOOL lexlock(KEY key) ; #define lexiskeylocked(key) (lexGetStatus(key) & LOCKSTATUS) void lexSetIsA(KEY key, unsigned char c); void lexSetCreationUserSession(KEY key, KEY timeStamp); KEY lexCreationUserSession(KEY key); KEY lexUpdateUserSession(KEY key); mytime_t lexCreationStamp(KEY key); mytime_t lexUpdateStamp(KEY key); /************ in lexalpha.c ****************/ void lexAlphaMark (int c) ; void lexAlphaMakeAll (void) ; void lexAlphaSaveAll (void) ; void lexAlphaClear (void) ; int lexMaxVisible (int c) ; /* Fairly grim, global used only by the client version of xace. */ /* DON'T use this anywhere else...PLEASE... */ extern BOOL X_CLIENT_PARSING ; #endif /* _LEX_H */ /***************************** eof ****************************/