/* File: oxhomlist * Written by Jo Dicks (jld@bioch.ox.ac.uk) * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACeDB comparative mapping package, * written by Jo Dicks and Michelle Kirby * The original ACeDB system was written by : * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * * Description: to display lists of homology data from an Oxford Grid cell * HISTORY: * Created: January 1994 * Last edited: Apr 21 10:11 1999 (fw) *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: oxhomlist.c,v 1.8 1999/09/13 08:54:24 srk Exp $ */ #include "acedb.h" #include "display.h" #include "oxgrid.h" #include "keysetdisp.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" static void hlDraw (void) ; static void hlPick (int box) ; static void hlSelect (OX ox, int box) ; static void hlFollow (OX ox) ; static void showTree (void) ; static void hlKeyboard (int k) ; static void hlExportAll (void) ; static void hlExportM1 (void) ; static void hlExportM2 (void) ; enum BoxNames { BACKGROUND=0, EXPORT_BOX, MIN_BOX } ; static MENUOPT homlistMenu[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {showTree, "Show as Text"}, {graphPrint, "Print"}, {displayPreserve, "Preserve"}, {0, 0} } ; static MENUOPT exportMenu[] = { {hlExportAll, "Export all loci"}, {hlExportM1, "Export map 1 loci"}, {hlExportM2, "Export map 2 loci"}, {0, 0} } ; /*********************************/ void oxhomlist (void) { int i, box, count ; SEG *seg ; OXGET ("oxhomlist") ; count = 0 ; ox->list = 0 ; box = ox->stayBox = ox->listBox = ox->gridBox ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; if ((seg->box == box) && !(seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE)) count++ ;} /* Check if the cell is empty - if not, start a graph */ if (count == 0) {messout ("No homologies within this cell") ; if (graphExists (ox->hlGraph)) {graphActivate (ox->hlGraph) ; graphDestroy () ;} } else {if (graphExists (ox->hlGraph)) {graphActivate (ox->hlGraph) ; graphPop () ;} else {if (!(ox->hlGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_SCROLL, "Homology List", .5, .15, .5, .7))) return ; ox->hlGraph = graphActive () ; graphAssociate (&OX_MAGIC, ox) ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, displayUnBlock) ; graphRegister (PICK, (GraphFunc) hlPick) ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, (GraphFunc) hlKeyboard) ; graphMenu (homlistMenu) ; graphTextBounds (40, 100) ; } hlDraw () ; } } static void hlDraw (void) { int i, h, x, y, box, c1, c2, count ; int wmax, wmax1 = 0 , wmax2 = 0 ; KEY m1, m2 ; SEG *seg ; OXGET("hlDraw") ; graphClear () ; m1 = m2 = 0 ; box = ox->stayBox ; if (graphButton ("Export...", hlExportAll, 3, 3) != EXPORT_BOX) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in hlDraw", EXPORT_BOX) ; graphBoxMenu (EXPORT_BOX, exportMenu) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; seg->hbox = 0 ; if (seg->box == box && !(seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE)) {wmax = strlen (name (seg->gene1)) ; if (wmax > wmax1) wmax1 = wmax ; wmax = strlen (name (seg->gene2)) ; if (wmax > wmax2) wmax2 = wmax ; m1 = seg->map1 ; m2 = seg->map2 ; } } wmax = strlen (name (ox->s1)) + 4 ; if (wmax > wmax1) wmax1 = wmax ; wmax = strlen (name (m1)) ; if (wmax > wmax1) wmax1 = wmax ; wmax = strlen (name (ox->s2)) + 4 ; if (wmax > wmax2) wmax2 = wmax ; wmax = strlen (name (m2)) ; if (wmax > wmax2) wmax2 = wmax ; wmax1 += 4 ; wmax2 += 4 ; /* Draw the homology boxes */ count = 0 ; x = 5 ; y = 11 ; h = MIN_BOX ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == box && !(seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE)) {if (h != graphBoxStart ()) messcrash ("problems with homlist %d", h) ; graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; graphText (name (seg->gene1), 5, y); graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (h, BLACK, WHITE) ; if ((h+1) != graphBoxStart ()) messcrash ("problems with homlist") ; graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; graphText (name (seg->gene2), 5 + wmax1, y); graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (h + 1, BLACK, WHITE) ; seg->hbox = h ; h += 2 ; y += 1 ; count += 1 ; c1 = seg->x ; c2 = seg->y ; m1 = seg->map1 ; m2 = seg->map2 ; } } graphTextFormat(PLAIN_FORMAT); /* Draw the headings */ ox->list = count ; if (count == 1) graphText ("1 homology found", 3, 1) ; else {graphText (messprintf ("%d homologies found", count), 3, 1) ;} graphText (messprintf ("%s map", name (ox->s1)), 5, 7) ; graphText (messprintf ("%s map", name (ox->s2)), 5+wmax1, 7) ; graphText (messprintf ("%s", name(m1)), 5, 8) ; graphText (messprintf ("%s", name(m2)), 5+wmax1, 8) ; /* Draw a box around the data */ graphColor (BLUE) ; graphLine (3, 6, 3+wmax1+wmax2, 6) ; graphLine (3, 10, 3+wmax1+wmax2, 10) ; graphLine (3+wmax1, 6, 3+wmax1, y+1) ; graphLine (3, y+1, 3+wmax1+wmax2, y+1) ; graphLine (3, 6, 3, y+1) ; graphLine (3+wmax1+wmax2, 6, 3+wmax1+wmax2, y+1) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; ox->listBox = 0 ; graphRedraw () ; } static void hlKeyboard (int k) { int box = 0, box2 ; OXGET ("hlKeyboard") ; if (!ox->listBox) return ; if (k == RETURN_KEY && (ox->listBox >= MIN_BOX && ox->listBox <= MIN_BOX + (ox->list)*2)) {hlFollow (ox) ; return ; } if (ox->listBox >= MIN_BOX && ox->listBox <= MIN_BOX + (ox->list)*2) { switch (k) { case LEFT_KEY: if (ox->listBox >= MIN_BOX-1 + 2) box = ox->listBox - 1 ; else box = ox->listBox ; break ; case RIGHT_KEY: if (ox->listBox <= (MIN_BOX-1 + (ox->list)*2 - 1)) box = ox->listBox + 1 ; else box = ox->listBox ; break ; case UP_KEY: if (ox->listBox >= MIN_BOX-1 + 3) box = ox->listBox - 2 ; else box = ox->listBox ; break ; case DOWN_KEY: if (ox->listBox <= (MIN_BOX-1 + (ox->list)*2 - 2)) box = ox->listBox + 2 ; else box = ox->listBox ; break ; } box2 = ox->listBox ; ox->listBox = box ; hlFollow (ox) ; graphActivate (ox->hlGraph) ; if (ox->listBox) graphBoxDraw (box2, BLACK, WHITE) ; if (box) graphBoxDraw (box, WHITE, MAGENTA) ; } } static void hlPick (int box) { OXGET ("hlPick") ; /* Usual Pick routine */ if (box >= 2 && box <= 2*arrayMax (ox->segs)) /* a seg */ { if (box == ox->listBox) hlFollow (ox) ; graphActivate (ox->hlGraph) ; hlSelect (ox, box) ; } } static void hlSelect (OX ox, int box) { /* Usual Select routine */ if (ox->listBox == box) return ; if (ox->listBox) graphBoxDraw (ox->listBox, BLACK, WHITE) ; ox->listBox = box ; graphBoxDraw (ox->listBox, WHITE, MAGENTA) ; } static void hlFollow (OX ox) { int i ; KEY hit = 0 ; SEG *seg ; for (i=0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; i++) { seg = arrayp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->stayBox && seg->hbox == ox->listBox) hit = seg->gene1 ; if (seg->box == ox->stayBox && !(seg->hbox == 0) && seg->hbox + 1 == ox->listBox ) hit = seg->gene2 ; } if (hit) display (hit, 0, 0) ; } static void showTree (void) { int i ; KEY hit = 0 ; SEG *seg ; OXGET ("showTree") ; /* Display a box as Text */ if (!(ox->listBox)) messout ("You have not selected a cell") ; else { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->stayBox && seg->hbox == ox->listBox) hit = seg->gene1 ; if (seg->box == ox->stayBox && seg->hbox + 1 == ox->listBox) hit = seg->gene2 ; } if (hit) display (hit, 0, "TREE") ; } } static void hlExportAll (void) { int i, j = 0 ; SEG *seg ; static KEYSET kset = 0 ; OXGET ("hlExportAll"); kset = keySetReCreate (kset) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->stayBox && !(seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE)) {keySet (kset, j++) = seg->gene1 ; keySet (kset, j++) = seg->gene2 ; } } keySetSort (kset) ; keySetCompress (kset) ; keySetNewDisplay (kset, "Ox") ; } static void hlExportM1 (void) { int i, j = 0 ; SEG *seg ; static KEYSET kset = 0 ; OXGET ("hlExportM1") ; kset = keySetReCreate (kset) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->stayBox && !(seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE)) keySet (kset, j++) = seg->gene1 ; } keySetSort (kset) ; keySetCompress (kset) ; keySetNewDisplay (kset, "Ox") ; } static void hlExportM2 (void) { int i, j = 0 ; SEG *seg ; static KEYSET kset = 0 ; OXGET ("hlExportM2") ; kset = keySetReCreate (kset) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp (ox->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->stayBox && !(seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE)) keySet (kset, j++) = seg->gene2 ; } keySetSort (kset) ; keySetCompress (kset) ; keySetNewDisplay (kset, "Ox") ; }