#!/bin/ksh # # MAKE_INSTALL # # A tool to make install files for to go on the ftp site. # # NOTE, you cannot use this script to make tar files for the # the server for acedb versions earlier than 4_8 because it # only produces archives of the socket server binaries. # # ################################################################### # # # All download files should be of the pattern: # # ACEDB-..tar.gz # # where # is currently binary | source | docs | help | tools | demo # # is of the form "version"_"release""update", e.g. 4_8d # # e.g. ACEDB-source.4_8d.tar.gz # ACEDB-binaryALPHA.4_7l.tar.gz # # The INSTALL script in wtools expects that the files will have this # naming pattern and will probably break if this is not so. # # # NOTES: # 1) -q option doesn't do anything at the moment. # # 2) When this is thoroughly tested the "-v" option needs to be # removed from the tar commands to cut down on output. # # 3) script calls wtools/aceGetVersion # # # # Set to non-NULL to turn on debug in whole script. debug="" #-------------------------- functions ------------------------------- function print_usage { if [[ -n $1 ]] then print print "Warning: $1" fi print print "Usage: MAKE_INSTALL [-b|-e|-d|-h|-k|-l|-s|-t|-w] [-q] [-a ] " print print " -b|-e|-d|-h|-k|-l|-s specifies type of archive (-b is default), where:" print print " -b ALPHA | LINUX | SGI | SOLARIS makes a non-server binary archive for named platform" print " -c ALPHA | LINUX | SGI | SOLARIS makes a dotter & blixem binary archive for the named platform" print " -e ALPHA | LINUX | SGI | SOLARIS makes a server binary archive for named platform" print " -d makes a documents archive" print " -h makes an acedb help files archive" print " -k ALPHA | LINUX | SGI | SOLARIS makes a non-server static binary archive for named platform" print " -l ALPHA | LINUX | SGI | SOLARIS makes a server static binary archive for named platform" print " -o ALPHA | LINUX | SGI | SOLARIS makes a dotter & blixem static binary archive for the named platform" print " -s makes a source code archive" print " -t makes a tools code archive" print " -w makes a demo database archive" print print " -q MAKE_INSTALL will without asking any questions and will just fail" print " if there is any doubt about overwriting files etc." print print " -a specifies directory where archive should be placed, default is PWD" print print " specifies directory from which archive is to be made," print " directory should be one of the standard acedb build directories" print " named RELEASE.nnn. Program will then construct archive either" print " from RELEASE.nnn or RELEASE.nnn.BUILD" print exit 1 } function bomb_out { print print "Fatal Error : $1" print exit 1 } function print_divider { print print '=====================================================================' print } #------------------------- main routine ------------------------------- # filenames prefix='ACEDB' srcname='source' srcpattern='./makefile ./w*' binname='binary' staticbinname='STATIC_binary' binpattern='./acediff ./dotter ./giface ./tace ./tagcount ./taql ./xace ./xremote' servername='server' staticservername='STATIC_server' serverpattern='./makeUserPasswd ./saceclient ./saceserver ./sgifaceserver ./sxaceclient' blixemname='blixem' staticblixemname='STATIC_blixem' blixempattern='./dotter ./blixem' helpname='help' helppattern='./*' docname='doc' docpattern='./*' toolsname='tools' toolspattern='./*' demoname='demo' demopattern='./*' tarprog='gtar' suffix='tar' gzsuffix='gz' # machine architectures alpha='ALPHA' linux='LINUX' sgi='SGI' sun='SOLARIS' # set some defaults tar_type=$binname pattern=$binpattern architecture=$alpha target_dir=$PWD work_dir='/tmp' quiet="" currdir=$PWD # Do the flags... (see usage string for description of switches/arguments) while getopts :b:c:e:dhk:l:o:stwqa: arguments do case $arguments in 'b') case $OPTARG in $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun) architecture=$OPTARG ;; *) print_usage "-$arguments must be followed by: $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun" esac tar_type=$binname pattern=$binpattern ;; 'c') case $OPTARG in $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun) architecture=$OPTARG ;; *) print_usage "-$arguments must be followed by: $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun" esac tar_type=$blixemname pattern=$blixempattern ;; 'e') case $OPTARG in $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun) architecture=$OPTARG ;; *) print_usage "-$arguments must be followed by: $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun" esac tar_type=$servername pattern=$serverpattern ;; 'd') tar_type=$docname pattern=$docpattern ;; 'h') tar_type=$helpname pattern=$helppattern ;; 'k') case $OPTARG in $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun) architecture=$OPTARG ;; *) print_usage "-$arguments must be followed by: $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun" esac tar_type=$staticbinname pattern=$binpattern ;; 'l') case $OPTARG in $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun) architecture=$OPTARG ;; *) print_usage "-$arguments must be followed by: $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun" esac tar_type=$staticservername pattern=$serverpattern ;; 'o') case $OPTARG in $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun) architecture=$OPTARG ;; *) print_usage "-$arguments must be followed by: $alpha | $linux | $sgi | $sun" esac tar_type=$staticblixemname pattern=$blixempattern ;; 's') tar_type=$srcname pattern=$srcpattern ;; 't') tar_type=$toolsname pattern=$toolspattern ;; 'w') tar_type=$demoname pattern=$demopattern ;; 'q') quiet="yes" ;; 'a') if [[ -d $OPTARG ]] then target_dir=$OPTARG else bomb_out "argument to -$arguments ($OPTARG) is not a directory." fi ;; # garbage input '?') print_usage "-$OPTARG is not a valid switch" ;; ':') print_usage "You forgot the argument for switch -$OPTARG" ;; esac done # Now do the remaining args... ((args_left = OPTIND - 1)) shift $args_left if [[ -z $1 ]] then print_usage "You did not specify a directory from which to make the install file" elif [[ -n $2 ]] then print_usage "Too many command line arguments: $*" else source_dir=$1 fi # check source directory that is to be archived. if [[ ! -d $source_dir || ! -d $source_dir'.BUILD' ]] then bomb_out "Both $source_dir & $source_dir.BUILD are required to make the archive." fi # Get the release number using wtools script. verprog=$source_dir'.BUILD/wtools/aceGetVersion' vertarget=$source_dir'.BUILD/wnq' if [[ ! -d $vertarget || ! -f $verprog || ! -x $verprog ]] then bomb_out "Can't find out acedb release version, need $verprog and $vertarget" fi release=$($verprog $vertarget) if [[ -n $debug ]] then print "startup values:" print "tar_type=$tar_type, pattern=$pattern, architecture=$architecture" print "source_dir=$source_dir, target_dir=$target_dir, release=$release" fi print_divider print " ACEDB build of $tar_type installation file starting..." print_divider # check for directory and try to cd to it. if [[ $tar_type != $binname && $tar_type != $servername && $tar_type != $staticbinname && $tar_type != $staticservername && $tar_type != $blixemname && $tar_type != $staticblixemname ]] then source_dir=$source_dir'.BUILD' fi if [[ -d $source_dir ]] then print "Using $source_dir to make $tar_type installation file" print else bomb_out "$source_dir is not a directory" fi cd $source_dir || bomb_out "cannot cd to $source_dir" # construct file names for archives. if [[ $tar_type = $binname || $tar_type = $servername || $tar_type = $staticbinname || $tar_type = $staticservername || $tar_type = $blixemname || $tar_type = $staticblixemname ]] then archive_name=$prefix'-'$tar_type$architecture'.'$release'.'$suffix else archive_name=$prefix'-'$tar_type'.'$release'.'$suffix fi short_name=$archive_name long_name=$archive_name'.'$gzsuffix archive_name="$target_dir/$archive_name" print "Archive will be created as $long_name" print # For some archives we need to cd to a specific directory to make the archive, # a bit mucky for the bin dir, where more is required than I thought... case $tar_type in $binname) tar_dir=$(ls | grep -i 'bin.'$architecture) ;; $servername) tar_dir=$(ls | grep -i 'bin.'$architecture) ;; $staticbinname) tar_dir=$(ls | grep -i 'bin-STATIC.'$architecture) ;; $staticservername) tar_dir=$(ls | grep -i 'bin-STATIC.'$architecture) ;; $blixemname) tar_dir=$(ls | grep -i 'bin.'$architecture) ;; $staticblixemname) tar_dir=$(ls | grep -i 'bin-STATIC.'$architecture) ;; $helpname) tar_dir='whelp' ;; $docname) tar_dir='wdoc' ;; $toolsname) tar_dir='wtools' ;; $demoname) tar_dir='wdemo' ;; *) tar_dir='./' ;; esac cd $tar_dir || bomb_out "Can't cd to $tar_dir" # OK, tar up the files... print "Creating tar file archive $short_name" $tarprog -cvf$archive_name $pattern >/dev/null || bomb_out "tar of $tar_type files failed." print # For the binary archive we need to stick some extra stuff on the end of the # archive. if [[ $tar_type = $binname || $tar_type = $staticbinname ]] then tar_dir=$source_dir'.BUILD' cd $currdir || bomb_out "Can't return to intial directory $currdir" cd $tar_dir || bomb_out "Can't cd to $tar_dir to finish $tar_type tar." pattern="./wspec ./wdoc ./wquery ./wscripts ./wgf ./wtools" $tarprog -rvf$archive_name $pattern >/dev/null || bomb_out "tar of $tar_type files failed." fi # Now check that the archive got made successfully using tar -t $tarprog -tf$archive_name >/dev/null || bomb_out "check of tar file integrity failed." # do the gzip... print "Compressing $short_name into $short_name.$gzsuffix" gzip $archive_name || bomb_out "could not run compress $archive_name" print archive_name=$archive_name'.'$gzsuffix print "The installation file is stored as $archive_name" print_divider exit 0