/****************************************************************** Copyright 2010 by Michael Farrar. All rights reserved. This program may not be sold or incorporated into a commercial product, in whole or in part, without written consent of Michael Farrar. For further information regarding permission for use or reproduction, please contact: Michael Farrar at farrar.michael@gmail.com. *******************************************************************/ /* Written by Michael Farrar, 2010. Please send bug reports and/or suggestions to farrar.michael@gmail.com. */ #ifndef INCLUDE_GLOCAL_SSE2_H #define INCLUDE_GLOCAL_SSE2_H #define SHORT_BIAS 32768 #define OVERFLOW_SCORE 0x7f000000 int glocal_sse2_word(int queryLength, unsigned short *profile, const unsigned char *dbSeq, int dbLength, unsigned short gapOpen, unsigned short gapExtend, unsigned short ceiling, struct f_struct *f_str); int glocal_sse2_byte(int queryLength, unsigned char *profile, const unsigned char *dbSeq, int dbLength, unsigned short gapOpen, unsigned short gapExtend, unsigned short ceiling, unsigned short bias, struct f_struct *f_str); #endif /* INCLUDE_GLOCAL_SSE2_H */