/****************************************************************** Copyright 2006 by Michael Farrar. All rights reserved. This program may not be sold or incorporated into a commercial product, in whole or in part, without written consent of Michael Farrar. For further information regarding permission for use or reproduction, please contact: Michael Farrar at farrar.michael@gmail.com. *******************************************************************/ /* Written by Michael Farrar, 2006. Please send bug reports and/or suggestions to farrar.michael@gmail.com. */ #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "param.h" #include "dropgsw2.h" #include "smith_waterman_sse2.h" #ifdef __SUNPRO_C #include #else #include #endif #ifdef SW_SSE2 int smith_waterman_sse2_word(const unsigned char * query_sequence, unsigned short * query_profile_word, const int query_length, const unsigned char * db_sequence, const int db_length, unsigned short gap_open, unsigned short gap_extend, struct f_struct * f_str) { int i, j, k; short score; int cmp; int iter = (query_length + 7) / 8; __m128i *p; __m128i *workspace = (__m128i *) f_str->workspace; __m128i E, F, H; __m128i v_maxscore; __m128i v_gapopen; __m128i v_gapextend; __m128i v_min; __m128i v_minimums; __m128i v_temp; __m128i *pHLoad, *pHStore; __m128i *pE; __m128i *pScore; /* Load gap opening penalty to all elements of a constant */ v_gapopen = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Apple Devel */ v_gapopen = _mm_insert_epi16 (v_gapopen, gap_open, 0); v_gapopen = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (v_gapopen, 0); v_gapopen = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (v_gapopen, 0); /* Load gap extension penalty to all elements of a constant */ v_gapextend = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Apple Devel */ v_gapextend = _mm_insert_epi16 (v_gapextend, gap_extend, 0); v_gapextend = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (v_gapextend, 0); v_gapextend = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (v_gapextend, 0); /* load v_maxscore with the zeros. since we are using signed */ /* math, we will bias the maxscore to -32768 so we have the */ /* full range of the short. */ v_maxscore = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Apple Devel */ v_maxscore = _mm_cmpeq_epi16 (v_maxscore, v_maxscore); v_maxscore = _mm_slli_epi16 (v_maxscore, 15); v_minimums = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (v_maxscore, 0); v_min = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (v_maxscore, 0); v_min = _mm_srli_si128 (v_min, 14); /* Zero out the storage vector */ k = 2 * iter; p = workspace; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { _mm_store_si128 (p++, v_maxscore); } pE = workspace; pHStore = pE + iter; pHLoad = pHStore + iter; for (i = 0; i < db_length; ++i) { /* fetch first data asap. */ pScore = (__m128i *) query_profile_word + db_sequence[i] * iter; /* bias all elements in F to -32768 */ F = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Apple Devel */ F = _mm_cmpeq_epi16 (F, F); F = _mm_slli_epi16 (F, 15); /* load the next h value */ H = _mm_load_si128 (pHStore + iter - 1); H = _mm_slli_si128 (H, 2); H = _mm_or_si128 (H, v_min); p = pHLoad; pHLoad = pHStore; pHStore = p; for (j = 0; j < iter; j++) { /* load E values */ E = _mm_load_si128 (pE + j); /* add score to H */ H = _mm_adds_epi16 (H, *pScore++); /* Update highest score encountered this far */ v_maxscore = _mm_max_epi16 (v_maxscore, H); /* get max from H, E and F */ H = _mm_max_epi16 (H, E); H = _mm_max_epi16 (H, F); /* save H values */ _mm_store_si128 (pHStore + j, H); /* subtract the gap open penalty from H */ H = _mm_subs_epi16 (H, v_gapopen); /* update E value */ E = _mm_subs_epi16 (E, v_gapextend); E = _mm_max_epi16 (E, H); /* update F value */ F = _mm_subs_epi16 (F, v_gapextend); F = _mm_max_epi16 (F, H); /* save E values */ _mm_store_si128 (pE + j, E); /* load the next h value */ H = _mm_load_si128 (pHLoad + j); } /* reset pointers to the start of the saved data */ j = 0; H = _mm_load_si128 (pHStore + j); /* the computed F value is for the given column. since */ /* we are at the end, we need to shift the F value over */ /* to the next column. */ F = _mm_slli_si128 (F, 2); F = _mm_or_si128 (F, v_min); v_temp = _mm_subs_epi16 (H, v_gapopen); v_temp = _mm_cmpgt_epi16 (F, v_temp); cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (v_temp); while (cmp != 0x0000) { E = _mm_load_si128 (pE + j); H = _mm_max_epi16 (H, F); /* save H values */ _mm_store_si128 (pHStore + j, H); /* update E in case the new H value would change it */ H = _mm_subs_epi16 (H, v_gapopen); E = _mm_max_epi16 (E, H); _mm_store_si128 (pE + j, E); /* update F value */ F = _mm_subs_epi16 (F, v_gapextend); j++; if (j >= iter) { j = 0; F = _mm_slli_si128 (F, 2); F = _mm_or_si128 (F, v_min); } H = _mm_load_si128 (pHStore + j); v_temp = _mm_subs_epi16 (H, v_gapopen); v_temp = _mm_cmpgt_epi16 (F, v_temp); cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (v_temp); } } /* find largest score in the v_maxscore vector */ v_temp = _mm_srli_si128 (v_maxscore, 8); v_maxscore = _mm_max_epi16 (v_maxscore, v_temp); v_temp = _mm_srli_si128 (v_maxscore, 4); v_maxscore = _mm_max_epi16 (v_maxscore, v_temp); v_temp = _mm_srli_si128 (v_maxscore, 2); v_maxscore = _mm_max_epi16 (v_maxscore, v_temp); /* extract the largest score */ score = _mm_extract_epi16 (v_maxscore, 0); /* return largest score biased by 32768 */ /* fix for Mac OSX clang 4.1 */ /* #ifdef __clang__ if (score < 0) score += 32768; return score; #else */ return score + 32768; /* #endif */ } int smith_waterman_sse2_byte(const unsigned char * query_sequence, unsigned char * query_profile_byte, const int query_length, const unsigned char * db_sequence, const int db_length, unsigned char bias, unsigned char gap_open, unsigned char gap_extend, struct f_struct * f_str) { int i, j, k; int score; int dup; int cmp; int iter = (query_length + 15) / 16; __m128i *p; __m128i *workspace = (__m128i *) f_str->workspace; __m128i E, F, H; __m128i v_maxscore; __m128i v_bias; __m128i v_gapopen; __m128i v_gapextend; __m128i v_temp; __m128i v_zero; __m128i *pHLoad, *pHStore; __m128i *pE; __m128i *pScore; /* Load the bias to all elements of a constant */ dup = ((short) bias << 8) | bias; v_bias = _mm_setzero_si128(); v_bias = _mm_insert_epi16 (v_bias, dup, 0); v_bias = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (v_bias, 0); v_bias = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (v_bias, 0); /* Load gap opening penalty to all elements of a constant */ dup = ((short) gap_open << 8) | gap_open; v_gapopen = _mm_setzero_si128(); v_gapopen = _mm_insert_epi16 (v_gapopen, dup, 0); v_gapopen = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (v_gapopen, 0); v_gapopen = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (v_gapopen, 0); /* Load gap extension penalty to all elements of a constant */ dup = ((short) gap_extend << 8) | gap_extend; v_gapextend = _mm_setzero_si128(); v_gapextend = _mm_insert_epi16 (v_gapextend, dup, 0); v_gapextend = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (v_gapextend, 0); v_gapextend = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (v_gapextend, 0); /* initialize the max score */ /* v_maxscore = _mm_xor_si128 (v_maxscore, v_maxscore); - Apple Devel*/ v_maxscore = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Apple Devel */ /* create a constant of all zeros for comparison */ /* v_zero = _mm_xor_si128 (v_zero, v_zero); - Apple Devel */ v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Apple Devel */ /* Zero out the storage vector */ k = iter * 2; p = workspace; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { _mm_store_si128 (p++, v_maxscore); } pE = workspace; pHStore = pE + iter; pHLoad = pHStore + iter; for (i = 0; i < db_length; ++i) { /* fetch first data asap. */ pScore = (__m128i *) query_profile_byte + db_sequence[i] * iter; /* zero out F value. */ /* F = _mm_xor_si128 (F, F); -Apple Devel */ F = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Apple Devel */ /* load the next h value */ H = _mm_load_si128 (pHStore + iter - 1); H = _mm_slli_si128 (H, 1); p = pHLoad; pHLoad = pHStore; pHStore = p; for (j = 0; j < iter; j++) { /* load values E. */ E = _mm_load_si128 (pE + j); /* add score to H */ H = _mm_adds_epu8 (H, *pScore++); H = _mm_subs_epu8 (H, v_bias); /* Update highest score encountered this far */ v_maxscore = _mm_max_epu8 (v_maxscore, H); /* get max from H, E and F */ H = _mm_max_epu8 (H, E); H = _mm_max_epu8 (H, F); /* save H values */ _mm_store_si128 (pHStore + j, H); /* subtract the gap open penalty from H */ H = _mm_subs_epu8 (H, v_gapopen); /* update E value */ E = _mm_subs_epu8 (E, v_gapextend); E = _mm_max_epu8 (E, H); /* update F value */ F = _mm_subs_epu8 (F, v_gapextend); F = _mm_max_epu8 (F, H); /* save E values */ _mm_store_si128 (pE + j, E); /* load the next h value */ H = _mm_load_si128 (pHLoad + j); } /* reset pointers to the start of the saved data */ j = 0; H = _mm_load_si128 (pHStore + j); /* the computed F value is for the given column. since */ /* we are at the end, we need to shift the F value over */ /* to the next column. */ F = _mm_slli_si128 (F, 1); v_temp = _mm_subs_epu8 (H, v_gapopen); v_temp = _mm_subs_epu8 (F, v_temp); v_temp = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (v_temp, v_zero); cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (v_temp); while (cmp != 0xffff) { E = _mm_load_si128 (pE + j); H = _mm_max_epu8 (H, F); /* save H values */ _mm_store_si128 (pHStore + j, H); /* update E in case the new H value would change it */ H = _mm_subs_epu8 (H, v_gapopen); E = _mm_max_epu8 (E, H); _mm_store_si128 (pE + j, E); /* update F value */ F = _mm_subs_epu8 (F, v_gapextend); j++; if (j >= iter) { j = 0; F = _mm_slli_si128 (F, 1); } H = _mm_load_si128 (pHStore + j); v_temp = _mm_subs_epu8 (H, v_gapopen); v_temp = _mm_subs_epu8 (F, v_temp); v_temp = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (v_temp, v_zero); cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (v_temp); } } /* find largest score in the v_maxscore vector */ v_temp = _mm_srli_si128 (v_maxscore, 8); v_maxscore = _mm_max_epu8 (v_maxscore, v_temp); v_temp = _mm_srli_si128 (v_maxscore, 4); v_maxscore = _mm_max_epu8 (v_maxscore, v_temp); v_temp = _mm_srli_si128 (v_maxscore, 2); v_maxscore = _mm_max_epu8 (v_maxscore, v_temp); v_temp = _mm_srli_si128 (v_maxscore, 1); v_maxscore = _mm_max_epu8 (v_maxscore, v_temp); /* store in temporary variable */ score = _mm_extract_epi16 (v_maxscore, 0); score = score & 0x00ff; /* check if we might have overflowed */ if (score + bias >= 255) { score = 255; } /* return largest score */ return score; } #else /* No SSE2 support. Avoid compiler complaints about empty object */ int sw_dummy; #endif