**Changes with release 20u5 - May 1996 This version of the FASTA package includes FASTX - a program that compares a DNA sequence with a protein sequence library by translating the DNA sequence in three frames and finding the best match, with frame-shifts, between the translated DNA and protein sequence. (unlike BLASTX, FASTX only does a three-frame translation. To search all six frames, do a second search with the "-i" option). The code for aligning a three-frame protein sequence with a normal protein sequence was provided by Zheng Zhang and W. Miller of the Pennsylvania State University. A third gap parameter, the frameshifts penalty, is provided with the '-h' option. The default gap penalties are -15 for the first residue in a gap, -3 for each additional residue, and -30 for a frameshift. The '-h' option used to prevent the histogram display, that option is now invoked with '-H'. Much of the FASTX code is new and has not been tested nearly as extensively as the other fasta programs. Please inform me of bugs as you find them. ================ **Changes with release 20u51 - June, 1996 Fixes to showalign for SHOWALL. Fixes to routines that read fasta format files for long DNA sequences. ================ **Changes with release 20u52 - July, 1996 Fixes to lalign/plalign for setting gap penalties on DNA Fixes to fastx to correct bug in alignment routine. ================ **Changes with release 20u53 - July, 1996 Another fix to fastx Added flalign, a version of plalign that produces a GCG fig file for local aligment graphics. Increased the size of sequences that can be aligned by lalign to 120,000 residues with BIGMEM. First release of Mac version with FASTX. ================ Bill Pearson wrp@virginia.edu