Minor release notes: (Major changes are documented in the readme.v16 file) October, 1992 Modified align.c to correctly display alignments with short sequence labels. Modified nxgetaa.c to strip ^M from pir files on CD-ROM. November, 1992 -> 16c22 Corrected urdf.c (rdf2) to use pamfact properly with DNA sequence files. December, 1992 -> 16c23 Added -h option to omit histogram. Made descriptive line a function of line length (-w). December, 1992 -> 16c24 Added -e option to scale similarity scores by the ln(n0)/ln(n1) where n0, n1 are the lengths of the query and library sequence. May, 1993 (rdf2,rss) -> 16c1 Fixed bug in local shuffle routine that allowed shuffle to become global. August, 1993 (fasta,tfasta) -> 16c30 Added support for NCBI Search-CD, BLAST format libraries. For DNA library sequences with ambiguity codes, the scores will be slightly different from the correct score, because the default FASTA scoring matrix gives a score of '0' to an 'N' mismatch, but '-3' to a A-T mismatch. Since FASTA does not read the original ambiguous file, it does not see the "correct" sequence. Sequences with ambiguity codes are marked with an '*' at the start of the locus name, e.g. *BOVPRL. November, 1993 -> 16c31a Changes to nxgetaa.c to accomodate changes in embl library format. Changes to ncbl_lib.c to work on DNA sequences