## ## updated 13-Nov-2022 to correct extended options in initfa.c doinit.c case 'B': m_msg->z_bits = 0; case 'C': m_msg->nmlen case 'D': ppst->debug_lib = 1; case 'F': m_msg->e_low case 'H': m_msg->nohist = 0 case 'i': m_msg->revcomp = 1 case 'l': m_msg->flstr case 'L': m_msg->long_info = 1 case 'm': m_msg->markx case 'N': m_msg->maxn case 'O': m_msg->outfile case 'q': case 'Q': m_msg->quiet = 1; case 'R': m_msg->dfile case 'T': max_workers PCOMPLIB: worker_1,worker_n case 'v': ppst->zs_win case 'w': m_msg->aln.llen case 'W': m_msg->aln.llcntx case 'z': ppst->zsflag case 'v': ppst->zs_win case 'V': m_msg->ann_arr case 'Z': ppst->zdb_size initfa.c case '3': m_msg->nframe = 3; /* TFASTA */ m_msg->nframe = 1; /* for TFASTXY */ m_msg->qframe = 1; /* for FASTA, FASTX */ case 'a': m_msg->aln.showall = 1; case 'A': ppst->sw_flag= 1; case 'b': m_msg->mshow case 'c': ppst->param_u.fa.optcut case 'd': m_msg->ashow; case 'E': m_msg->e_cut, m_msg->e_cut_r case 'f': ppst->gdelval case 'g': ppst->ggapval case 'h': help /ppst->gshift (-USHOW_HELP) case 'I': m_msg->self = 1 case 'j': ppst->gshift, ppst->gsubs case 'k': m_msg->shuff_max case 'K': ppst->max_repeat case 'M': m_msg->n1_low,&m_msg->n1_high case 'n': m_msg->qdnaseq = SEQT_DNA (1) case 'p': m_msg->qdnaseq = SEQT_PROT (0); case 'r': ppst->p_d_mat,&ppst->p_d_mis case 's': standard_pam(smstr); ppst->pamoff=atoi(bp+1); case 'S': ppst->ext_sq_set = 1; /* treat upper/lower case residues differently */ case 't': ppst->tr_type case 'X': initfa.c/parse_ext_opts() /* extended options */ 'X1' : ppst->param_u.fa.initflag = 1 /* sort by init1 */ 'Xa' : m_msg->m8_show_annot = 1 'XB' : m_msp->blast_ident = 1 /* count identities like BLAST (gaps not in divisor) */ 'Xb' : m_msp->z_bits = 0 /* show z-scores, not bit-scores in best score list */ 'Xg' : m_msp->gi_save = 1 /* do not remove gi|12345 from output */ 'XI' : m_msp->tot_ident = 1 /* do not round 99.999% identity to 100% */ 'XM' : m_msp->max_memK = l_arg /* specify maximum amount of memory for library */ 'XN/XX' : ppst->pam_x_id_sim = 1/-1 /* modify treatment of N:N or X:X in identities */ 'Xo' : ppst->param_u.fa.optflag = 0 /* do not calculate opt score */ 'Xx' : ppst->pam_xx, ppst->pam_xm /* modify score for match to X */ 'Xy' : ppst->param_u.fa.optwid /* modify width of fasta optimization window for opt score */