# $Name: $ - $Id: Makefile.pLinux_sql 488 2011-01-21 17:38:53Z wrp $ # # makefile for fasta3, fasta3_t. Use makefile.pvm for pvcompxx. # this file works for DEC Alphas # # this file supports mmap()'ed databases in BLAST2 format use -DUSE_MMAP # for mmap()ed BLAST2 format. # the -DDEBUG option provides additional debugging information, particularly # with -D on the command line. # use -DBIG_LIB64 to generate and use 64-bit offsets in map_db .xin # files # for Tru64 4.0F, no "" 4.0G has inttypes.h CC= xlc_r #CC= cc -g3 -O -std1 #CC= insure -g -DDEBUG #CC= cc -g -DDEBUG -std1 #CC= gcc -g -Wall # CFLAGS= -O3 -qtune=auto -qarch=auto -DUNIX -DTIMES -DBIGMEM -DMAX_WORKERS=4 -DSFCHAR="':'" -DTHR_EXIT=pthread_exit -DUSE_MMAP -DIS_BIG_ENDIAN -DSAMP_STATS -DPGM_DOC -D_LARGE_FILES -DHAS_INTTYPES -D__pLinux__ -DFASTA_HOST='"fasta.bioch.virginia.edu/fasta/cgi"' -I/usr/include/mysql -DMYSQL_DB # #(-DMYSQL_DB for mySQL databases) (also requires change to Makefile35.common) # special options for SUPERFAMLIES #CFLAGS= -DM10_CONS -DUNIX -DTIMES -DHZ=60 -DBIGMEM -DSFCHAR="'|'" -DMAX_WORKERS=4 -DTHR_EXIT=pthread_exit -DPROGRESS -DSUPERFAMNUM -DIS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DUSE_MMAP -DMAXBEST=200000 #LIB_M = -lm LIB_M = -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lm # for mySQL databases HFLAGS= #for DEC Unix V4.0 #THR_SUBS = pthr_subs2 #THR_LIBS = -threads #THR_CC = #for Sun #THR_SUBS = uthr_subs #THR_LIBS = -lthread #THR_CC = # # for SGI with current pthreads #THR_SUBS = pthr_subs #THR_LIBS = -lpthreads #THR_CC = # # for IBM with current pthreads #CC= xlc_r -v -g #THR_SUBS = ibm_pthr_subs #THR_LIBS = -lpthreads #THR_CC = # for IBM Linux with current pthreads THR_SUBS = pthr_subs2 THR_LIBS = -lpthread BIN = ../bin XDIR = /seqprg/slib/bin # set up files for SSE2/Altivec acceleration # include ../make/Makefile.sse_alt # no acceleration # DROPGSW_O = $(DROPGSW_NA_O) DROPLAL_O = $(DROPLAL_NA_O) DROPGNW_O = $(DROPGNW_NA_O) DROPLNW_O = $(DROPLNW_NA_O) # renamed (fasta34) programs include ../make/Makefile36m.common_sql