/* $Id: comp_lib9.c 1291 2014-08-28 18:32:58Z wrp $ */ /* copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2014 by William R. Pearson and The Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WRRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* * Jan 17, 2007 - remove #ifdef PRSS - begin better statistics in place * for small libraries, related libraries * * Concurrent read version * * Feb 20, 1998 modifications for prss3 * * December, 1998 - DNA searches are now down with forward and reverse * strands */ /* (22-Jan-2011) comp_lib7.c is an extension of comp_lib6.c. Both programs read the library in its entirety before doing the search. comp_lib7.c provides full seqr_chain buffers of results, while comp_lib6.c works with individual seq_records */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef UNIX #include #include #include #endif #ifdef MPI_SRC #include "mpi.h" #endif #include "defs.h" #include "structs.h" /* mngmsg, libstruct */ #include "mm_file.h" #include "best_stats.h" /* defines beststr */ #include "thr_buf_structs.h" #include "drop_func.h" #define XTERNAL #include "uascii.h" char *mp_verstr=""; /********************************/ /* extern variable declarations */ /********************************/ extern int fa_max_workers; extern char *prog_func; /* function label */ extern char *verstr, *iprompt0, *iprompt1, *iprompt2, *refstr; /********************************/ /*extern function declarations */ /********************************/ struct lmf_str *open_lib(struct lib_struct *lib_p, int dnaseq, int *sascii, int quiet); void close_lib_list(struct lib_struct *lib_list_p, int free_flag, int mm_force); int closelib(struct lmf_str *m_fptr, int force); void *my_srand(); unsigned int my_nrand(int, void *); struct seqr_chain * new_seqr_chain(int max_chain_seqs, int aa1b_size, struct seqr_chain *old_chain, int maxn, long *lost_memK, int alloc_buf_flg); void end_seqr_chain(struct seqr_chain *last_seqr); void free_seqr_chain(struct seqr_chain *this_seqr); struct getlib_str * init_getlib_info(struct lib_struct *lib_list_p, int maxn, long max_memK); /* void free_getlib_info(struct getlib_str *); */ struct seqr_chain * next_seqr_chain(const struct mng_thr *m_bufi, struct getlib_str *getlib_info, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, struct mngmsg *m_msp, const struct pstruct *ppst); struct seq_record * next_sequence_p(struct mseq_record **cur_mseq_p, struct seq_record *prev_seq_p, struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr_chain, int maxn); void reset_seqr_chain(struct seqr_chain *seqr_base); void seqr_chain_work(unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa0s, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, struct getlib_str *getlib_info, const struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst, void *pstat_void, struct db_str *ldb, struct hist_str *histp, struct score_count_s *s_info, #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) unsigned char *aa1shuff, void *f_str, void *qf_str, #endif struct seq_record *best_seqs, struct mseq_record *best_mseqs, struct beststr *best, FILE *fdata); void init_aa0(unsigned char **aa0, int n0, int nm0, unsigned char **aa0s, unsigned char **aa1s, int qframe, int qshuffle_flg, int max_tot, struct pstruct *ppst, void **f_str, void **qf_str, void *my_rand_state); extern int ann_scan(unsigned char *, int, unsigned char **, int); extern int get_annot(char *sname, struct mngmsg *m_msp, char *bline, long q_offset, int n1, struct annot_str **annot_p, int target, int debug); extern int scanseq(unsigned char *seq, int n, char *str); extern void re_ascii(int *qascii, int *sascii, int max_ann_arr); extern int recode(unsigned char *seq, int n, int *qascii, int nsq); extern void revcomp(unsigned char *seq, int n, int *c_nt); extern void init_ascii(int is_ext, int *sascii, int nsq, int is_dna); extern void validate_novel_aa(int *sascii, int nsq, int is_dna); extern void qshuffle(unsigned char *aa0, int n0, int nm0, void *); extern void free_pam2p(int **); #ifdef DEBUG void check_rbuf(struct buf_head *cur_buf); int check_seq_range(unsigned char *aa1b, int n1, int nsq, char *); unsigned long adler32(unsigned long, const unsigned char *, unsigned int); #endif /* initialize environment (doinit.c) */ extern void initenv (int argc, char **argv, struct mngmsg *m_msg, struct pstruct *ppst, unsigned char **aa0); void fset_vars(struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst); /* print timing information */ extern void ptime (FILE *, long); #ifdef COMP_MLIB #define QGETLIB (q_file_p->getlib) #endif #define GETLIB (m_file_p->getlib) extern void upper_seq(unsigned char *aa0, int n0, int *xascii, unsigned char *sqx); int samp_stats_idx (int *pre_nstats, int nstats, void *rand_state); void save_best(struct buf_head *lib_buf, const struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *ppst, struct db_str *, FILE *fdata, struct hist_str *, void **, struct score_count_s *); void save_best2(struct buf_head *lib_buf, const struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *ppst, struct db_str *, FILE *fdata, struct hist_str *, void **, struct score_count_s *); void save_shuf(struct buf_head *lib_buf, int nitt, int shuff_max, int score_ix, struct score_count_s *); int save_align(struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, struct beststr **bestp_arr); void init_beststats(struct beststr **best, struct beststr ***bestp_arr, struct seq_record **best_seqs, struct mseq_record **best_mseqs, struct stat_str **stats, struct stat_str **rstats, int shuff_max, int link_flag); void preserve_seq(struct buf2_data_s *, struct seq_record *, struct mseq_record *, struct beststr *); void preserve_seq2(struct beststr *, struct seq_record *, struct mseq_record *, struct beststr *); void buf_do_work(unsigned char **aa0, int n0, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, int max_frame, struct pstruct *ppst, void **f_str); void buf_qshuf_work(unsigned char *aa0s, int n0, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, int max_frame, struct pstruct *ppst, void *qf_str, int score_ix); void buf_shuf_work(unsigned char **aa0, int n0, unsigned char *aa1s, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, int max_frame, struct pstruct *ppst, void **f_str, int score_ix, void *rand_state); void buf_shuf_seq(unsigned char **aa0, int n0, unsigned char **aa1_shuff_b, unsigned char *aa1save, int maxn, struct beststr **bestp_arr, int nbest, struct pstruct *pst, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct mng_thr *m_thr_p #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) , void **f_str #endif , struct score_count_s *s_info); void buf_align_seq(unsigned char **aa0, int n0, struct beststr **bestp_arr, int nbest, struct pstruct *ppst, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) , void **f_str #endif ); void buf_do_align(unsigned char **aa0, int n0, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, struct pstruct *ppst, const struct mngmsg *m_msp, void **f_str); struct buf_head * alloc_comp_bufs (struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p, struct mngmsg *m_msp, int ave_seq_len); /* statistics functions */ extern int process_hist(struct stat_str *sptr, int nstats, const struct mngmsg *m_msg, struct pstruct *ppst, struct hist_str *hist, void **pstat_void, struct score_count_s *s_info, int do_hist); extern double find_z(int score, double escore, int length, double comp,void *); extern double zs_to_E(double zs,int n1, int dnaseq, long entries, struct db_str db); void last_stats(const unsigned char *, int, struct stat_str *sptr, int nstats, struct beststr **bestp_arr, int nbest, const struct mngmsg *m_msg, struct pstruct *ppst, struct hist_str *histp, void *); int last_calc( unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa1, int maxn, struct beststr **bestp_arr, int nbest, const struct mngmsg *m_msg, struct pstruct *ppst, void **f_str, void *rs_str); void scale_scores(struct beststr **bestp_arr, int nbest, struct db_str,struct pstruct *ppst, void *); int E1_to_s(double e_val, int n0, int n1, int db_size, void *pu); extern void pstat_info(char *, int, char *, void *); extern int shuffle(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, void *); extern int shuffle3(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, void *); extern int rshuffle(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int); extern int wshuffle(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, void *); extern void set_db_size(int, struct db_str *, struct hist_str *); extern void /* pre-alignment */ pre_load_best(unsigned char *aa1, int maxn,struct beststr **bbp_arr, int nbest, struct mngmsg *m_msp, int debug); extern char * /* run a command to produce a fasta file */ build_lib_db(char *script_file); extern char * /* run link file */ build_link_data(char **, struct mngmsg *, struct beststr **, int); /* display functions */ extern void showbest (FILE *fp, unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa1, int maxn, struct beststr **bestp_arr, int nbest, int qlib, struct mngmsg *m_msg,struct pstruct *ppst, struct db_str db, char **gstring2p, void **f_str); extern void showalign (FILE *fp, unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa1, int maxn, struct beststr **bestp_arr, int nbest, int qlib, const struct mngmsg *m_msg, const struct pstruct *ppst, char **gstring2p, void **f_str, struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p); /* misc functions */ void h_init(struct pstruct *, struct mngmsg *, char *); /* doinit.c */ void last_init(struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *); /* initfa/sw.c */ void last_params(unsigned char *, int, struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *); int validate_params(const unsigned char *, int, const struct mngmsg *, const struct pstruct *, const int *lascii, const int *pascii); void s_abort(char *, char *); /* compacc.c */ /* initfa/sw.c */ void resetp(struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *); void gettitle(char *, char *, int); /* nxgetaa.c */ void lib_choice(char *lname, int nln, char *flstr, int ldnaseq); /* lib_sel.c */ struct lib_struct * lib_select(char *lname, char *ltitle, const char *flstr, int ldnaseq); /* lib_sel.c */ void query_parm(struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *); /* initfa/sw.c */ /* doinit.c */ void markx_to_m_msp(struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct markx_str *markx); void m_msp_to_markx(struct markx_str *markx, struct mngmsg *m_msp); /* compacc.c */ void print_header1(FILE *fd, const char *argv_line, const struct mngmsg *m_msp, const struct pstruct *ppst); void print_header2(FILE *fd, int qlib, char *info_qlabel, unsigned char **aa0, const struct mngmsg *m_msp, const struct pstruct *ppst, char *info_lib_range_p); void print_header3(FILE *fd, int qlib, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst); void print_header4(FILE *fd, char *info_qlabel, char *argv_line, char *info_gstring3, char *info_hstring_p[2], struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst); void print_header4a(FILE *fd, struct mngmsg *m_msp); void print_header5(FILE *fd, int qlib, struct db_str *qtt, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst, int in_mem, long tot_memK); void print_annot_header(FILE *fd, struct mngmsg *m_msp); void prhist(FILE *, const struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *, struct hist_str hist, int nstats, int sstats, struct db_str, char *, char *, char **, char **, long); void print_sum(FILE *, struct db_str *qtt, struct db_str *ntt, int in_mem, long tot_memK); int reset_maxn(struct mngmsg *, int, int); /* set m_msg.maxt, maxn from maxl */ int count_not_seg(unsigned char *aa0, int n0, struct pstruct *pst); FILE *outfd; /* Output file */ /* this information is global for fsigint() */ extern long s_time(); /* fetches time */ long tstart, tscan, tprev, tdone; /* Timing */ #ifdef COMP_MLIB long ttscan, ttdisp; #endif time_t tdstart, tddone; static struct db_str qtt = {0l, 0l, 0}; #ifdef DEBUG char ext_qtitle[MAX_STR]; #endif #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) /***************************************/ /* thread global variable declarations */ /***************************************/ /* functions for getting/sending buffers to threads (thr_sub.c) */ #ifndef PCOMPLIB extern void init_thr(int , struct thr_str *, const struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *, unsigned char *, struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p); extern void start_thr(void); #define RESULTS_BUF reader_buf #else extern void init_thr(int , char *, const struct mngmsg *, struct pstruct *, unsigned char *, struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p); extern void work_comp(int); #define RESULTS_BUF worker_buf #endif extern void get_rbuf(struct buf_head **lib_buf, int max_work_buf); extern void put_rbuf(struct buf_head *lib_buf, int max_work_buf); extern void wait_rbuf(int max_work_buf); extern void rbuf_done(int nthreads); extern void put_rbuf_done(int nthreads, struct buf_head *lib_buf, int max_work_buf); #ifndef PCOMPLIB #undef XTERNAL #include "thr_bufs2.h" #else #include "pcomp_bufs.h" #endif #endif struct buf_head *lib_buf2_list; /* these variables must be global for comp_thr.c so that save_best() can use them */ struct beststr **bestp_arr; /* array of pointers */ int nbest; /* number of best scores */ struct stat_str *stats; /* array of scores for statistics from real (or shuffled) sequences*/ struct stat_str *qstats; /* array of scores for shuffled query stats */ struct stat_str *rstats; /* array of scores from shuffled library */ /* these variables are global so they can be set both by the main() program and save_best() in threaded mode. */ int nstats, nqstats, nrstats, pre_nstats, kstats, shuff_tot, sstats; double zbestcut; /* cut off for best z-score */ int bestfull; /* index for selectbest() */ int stats_done=0; /* flag for z-value processing */ void *rand_state; static int seq_index=0; void fsigint(); /* **************************************************************** */ /* start of main() program */ /* **************************************************************** */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char *aa0[6], *aa0s=NULL; unsigned char *aa1save; /* aa1shuff and aa1save must be distinct */ unsigned char *aa1shuff, *aa1shuff_b=NULL; /* for new unthreaded version */ char *lib_db_file; char tmp_str[MAX_SSTR]; char link_title[MAX_LSTR]; char *link_lib_str; char *link_lib_file; double zs_off_save; int n_sig; struct a_res_str *next_ares_p, *cur_ares_p; /* used to free-up old a_res */ /* status/parameter information */ char info_lib_range[MAX_SSTR]; char *info_lib_range_p; char info_pgm_abbr[MAX_SSTR]; char info_qlabel[MAX_STR]; char *info_gstring2p[2]; char info_gstring3[MAX_STR]; char *info_hstring_p[2]; char fdata_pstat_info[MAX_STR]; #ifdef COMP_MLIB fseek_t qseek; int qlib; struct lib_struct *q_lib_p; struct lmf_str *q_file_p; int sstart, sstop, is; #endif long next_q_offset; int id; struct lib_struct *lib_list_p, *link_lib_list_p; struct getlib_str *getlib_info, *link_getlib_info; struct db_str link_ldb={0,0,0}; struct score_count_s link_s_info={0,0,0,0}; int utmp; /* user input tmp */ struct pstruct pst; void *f_str[6]; /* different f_str[]'s for forward,reverse */ void *qf_str; int have_f_str=0; /* these variables track buffers of library sequences */ struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p; struct mng_thr m_bufi; /* has max_work_buf, max_buf2_res, max_chain_seqs, nframe */ int ave_seq_len; /* int empty_reader_bufs; */ #ifdef COMP_THR /* int t_reader_buf_readp; */ struct thr_str *work_info; #endif #ifdef MPI_SRC int mpi_tid; #endif /* end of library sequence buffers */ struct mngmsg m_msg; /* saves most non-param information about library alignment */ struct markx_str markx_save; /* saves m_msg values for markx */ struct markx_str *cur_markx; /* follow m_msg.markx_list */ struct hist_str hist2; /* hist str for zsflag > 2 */ int zsflag_save; /* save zsflag > 20 */ char rline[MAX_FN]; char argv_line[MAX_LSTR]; int t_quiet; int i; FILE *fdata=NULL; /* file for full results */ struct beststr *best, *bbp; /* array of best scores */ /* save sequence meta info for sequences that are not currently available */ struct seq_record *best_seqs; struct mseq_record *best_mseqs; int leng; /* leng is length of the descriptive line */ int maxn; /* size of the library sequence examined */ int qlcont; /* continued query sequence */ char *bp; /* general purpose string ptr */ /* this is necessary because of an SGI Irix 64 issue */ info_gstring2p[0] = calloc(MAX_STR,sizeof(char)); info_gstring2p[1] = calloc(MAX_STR,sizeof(char)); info_hstring_p[0] = calloc(MAX_STR,sizeof(char)); info_hstring_p[1] = calloc(MAX_STR,sizeof(char)); if ((bp = strrchr(argv[0],'/'))!=NULL) { strncpy(m_msg.pgm_name,bp+1,sizeof(m_msg.pgm_name)); } else { strncpy(m_msg.pgm_name,argv[0],sizeof(m_msg.pgm_name)); } /* Initialization */ m_msg.s_info.s_cnt[0] = m_msg.s_info.s_cnt[1] = m_msg.s_info.s_cnt[2] = m_msg.s_info.tot_scores = 0; m_msg.ss_info.s_cnt[0] = m_msg.ss_info.s_cnt[1] = m_msg.ss_info.s_cnt[2] = m_msg.ss_info.tot_scores = 0; #ifndef SHOW_HELP #if defined(UNIX) m_msg.quiet= !isatty(1); #else m_msg.quiet = 0; #endif #else m_msg.quiet = 1; #endif #ifdef MPI_SRC MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&mpi_tid); if (mpi_tid > 0) { work_comp(mpi_tid); MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); } #endif #ifdef PGM_DOC /* document command line */ argv_line[0]='\0'; for (i=0; i= 1) s_abort("Query sequence undefined",""); l1: fputs(iprompt1, stdout); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(m_msg.tname, MAX_FN, stdin) == NULL) s_abort("Unable to read query library name",""); m_msg.tname[MAX_FN-1]='\0'; if ((bp=strchr(m_msg.tname,'\n'))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; if (m_msg.tname[0] == '\0') goto l1; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* (1) open the query library; (2) get a sequence; (3) check for annotations */ /* we need a q_lib_p before opening the library */ if ((q_lib_p = (struct lib_struct *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct lib_struct)))==NULL) { s_abort(" cannot allocate q_lib_p",""); } else { q_lib_p->file_name = m_msg.tname; } /* Open query library */ if ((q_file_p= open_lib(q_lib_p, m_msg.qdnaseq,qascii,(m_msg.quiet==0)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot open library %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, m_msg.tname); exit(1); /* s_abort(" cannot open library ",m_msg.tname); */ } /* Fetch first sequence */ qlib = 0; m_msg.q_offset = next_q_offset = 0l; qlcont = 0; m_msg.n0 = QGETLIB (aa0[0], MAXTST, m_msg.qtitle, sizeof(m_msg.qtitle), &qseek, &qlcont,q_file_p,&m_msg.q_off); if ((bp=strchr(m_msg.qtitle,' '))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; strncpy(info_qlabel,m_msg.qtitle,sizeof(info_qlabel)); #ifdef DEBUG SAFE_STRNCPY(ext_qtitle, m_msg.qtitle,sizeof(ext_qtitle)); #endif if (bp != NULL) *bp = ' '; info_qlabel[sizeof(info_qlabel)-1]='\0'; /* if annotations are included in sequence, remove them */ if (m_msg.ann_flg) { m_msg.n0 = ann_scan(aa0[0],m_msg.n0,&m_msg.aa0a,m_msg.qdnaseq); /* cannot do get_annot() here because lascii not initialized */ } /* if protein and ldb_info.term_code set, add '*' if not there */ if (m_msg.ldb_info.term_code && !(m_msg.qdnaseq==SEQT_DNA || m_msg.qdnaseq==SEQT_RNA) && aa0[0][m_msg.n0-1]!=aascii['*']) { aa0[0][m_msg.n0++]=aascii['*']; aa0[0][m_msg.n0]=0; } /* if ends with ESS, remove terminal ESS */ if (aa0[0][m_msg.n0-1] == ESS) { m_msg.n0--; aa0[0][m_msg.n0]= '\0';} /* check for subset */ if (q_file_p->opt_text[0]!='\0') { if (q_file_p->opt_text[0]=='-') { sstart=0; sscanf(&q_file_p->opt_text[1],"%d",&sstop); } else { sstart = 0; sstop = -1; sscanf(&q_file_p->opt_text[0],"%d-%d",&sstart,&sstop); sstart--; if (sstop <= 0 ) sstop = BIGNUM; } for (id=0,is=sstart; is MAXTST) { if (m_msg.quiet < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning [%s:%d] sequence truncated to %d\n %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,MAXTST,m_msg.sqnam); } aa0[0][MAXTST]='\0'; m_msg.n0=MAXTST; } /* check for protein/DNA alphabet type */ if (m_msg.qdnaseq == SEQT_UNK) { /* cannot change the alphabet mapping if a matrix has been set */ /* do automatic sequence recognition,but only for sequences > 20 residues */ if ( !pst.pam_set && m_msg.n0 > 20 && (float)scanseq(aa0[0],m_msg.n0,"ACGTUNacgtun")/(float)m_msg.n0 >0.85) { pascii = nascii; m_msg.qdnaseq = SEQT_DNA; } else { /* its protein */ pascii = aascii; m_msg.qdnaseq = SEQT_PROT; } /* modify qascii to use encoded version cannot use memcpy() because it loses annotations */ re_ascii(qascii,pascii,strlen((char *)&m_msg.ann_arr[1])); init_ascii(pst.ext_sq_set,qascii,pst.nsq,m_msg.qdnaseq); validate_novel_aa(qascii, pst.nsq, m_msg.qdnaseq); m_msg.n0 = recode(aa0[0],m_msg.n0,qascii, pst.nsqx); } /* check sequence length -- cannot do before now because query alphabet may change */ if (m_msg.n0 <= 0) s_abort ("Query sequence length <= 0: ", m_msg.tname); /* reset algorithm parameters for alphabet */ resetp (&m_msg, &pst); if (count_not_seg(aa0[0],m_msg.n0, &pst) == 0) { /* if no un-seg'ed query residues, convert to upper case */ upper_seq(aa0[0],m_msg.n0,qascii,pst.sqx); if (m_msg.quiet < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"+++ warning [%s:%d] - all lower-case query converted to upper case: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, info_qlabel); } } #ifndef COMP_MLIB gettitle(m_msg.tname,m_msg.qtitle,sizeof(m_msg.qtitle)); if (m_msg.tname[0]=='-' || m_msg.tname[0]=='@') { strncmp(m_msg.tname,m_msg.qtitle,sizeof(m_msg.tname)); if ((bp=strchr(m_msg.tname,' '))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; } #endif /* get library file names from argv[2] or by prompting */ if (strlen(m_msg.lname) == 0) { if (m_msg.quiet >= 1) s_abort("Library name undefined",""); lib_choice(m_msg.lname,sizeof(m_msg.lname),m_msg.flstr, m_msg.ldb_info.ldnaseq); } if (m_msg.lname[0] == '!') { if ((lib_db_file = build_lib_db(&m_msg.lname[1]))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] Cannot open/execute %s script\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,&m_msg.lname[1]); exit(1); } /* get a list of files to search */ lib_list_p = lib_select(lib_db_file, m_msg.ltitle, m_msg.flstr, m_msg.ldb_info.ldnaseq); } else { /* get a list of files to search */ lib_list_p = lib_select(m_msg.lname, m_msg.ltitle, m_msg.flstr, m_msg.ldb_info.ldnaseq); } /* Get additional parameters here */ if (m_msg.quiet==0) query_parm (&m_msg, &pst); /* set up zsflag, labels for output, thr_fact, shuffle params, pam matrix */ last_init(&m_msg, &pst); /* allocate beststr best, beststr **bestp_arr, best_seqs/mseqs structures for preserving seq_records, stats structures, */ init_beststats(&best, &bestp_arr, &best_seqs, &best_mseqs, &stats, &rstats, m_msg.shuff_max, m_msg.link_lname[0]); #ifdef UNIX /* set up signals now that input is done */ signal(SIGHUP,SIG_IGN); #endif /* **************************************************************** */ /* begin setting things up for threads */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* This section defines m_bufi.max_chain_seqs, the average number of entries per buffer, and m_bufi.max_work_buf, the total number of buffers Use a 2 Mbyte (DEF_WORKER_BUF) buffer for each worker. For proteins, that means 5,000 sequences of length 400 (average). For DNA, that means 2,000 sequences of length 1000. To accommodate larger libraries in memory, use more buffers, not bigger buffers. Once m_bufi.max_chain_seqs/max_work_buf and ave_seq_len are set, allocate all the communication buffers with alloc_comp_bufs(); */ if (m_msg.ldb_info.ldnaseq== SEQT_DNA) { ave_seq_len = AVE_NT_LEN; m_bufi.max_chain_seqs = DEF_WORKER_BUF/AVE_NT_LEN; } else { ave_seq_len = AVE_AA_LEN; m_bufi.max_chain_seqs = DEF_WORKER_BUF/AVE_AA_LEN; } m_bufi.max_chain_seqs /= m_msg.thr_fact; /* make certain all buffers have at least 600 sequences */ m_bufi.max_chain_seqs = max(m_bufi.max_chain_seqs,600); /* max_work_buf is the number of buffers - if the worker buffers are small, then make lots more buffers */ #ifdef PCOMPLIB /* PCOMPLIB -- one buffer per worker */ m_bufi.max_work_buf = fa_max_workers; #else /* !PCOMPLIB */ m_bufi.max_work_buf = (DEF_WORKER_BUF * 2 * fa_max_workers)/(ave_seq_len * m_bufi.max_chain_seqs); if (m_bufi.max_work_buf < 2*fa_max_workers) m_bufi.max_work_buf = 2*fa_max_workers; if (m_bufi.max_work_buf > 4*fa_max_workers) m_bufi.max_work_buf = 4*fa_max_workers; m_bufi.max_work_buf -= (m_bufi.max_work_buf%fa_max_workers); #ifndef COMP_THR /* if not threaded, only one (larger) buffer */ m_bufi.max_chain_seqs *= m_bufi.max_work_buf; m_bufi.max_work_buf = 1; #endif /* !COMP_THR */ #endif m_bufi.max_buf2_res = m_bufi.max_chain_seqs * (m_msg.nitt1+1 - m_msg.revcomp); /* allocate lib_buf2_lib[] and the associated data and results buffers, as well as reader_buf[] and worker_buf[] */ lib_buf2_list = alloc_comp_bufs(&m_bufi, &m_msg, ave_seq_len); /* initialization of global variables for threads/buffers */ #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) #ifdef DEBUG /* fprintf(stderr," max_work_buf: %d\n", m_bufi.max_work_buf); */ #endif num_reader_bufs = m_bufi.max_work_buf; #endif #ifdef COMP_THR num_worker_bufs = 0; reader_done = 0; worker_buf_workp = 0; worker_buf_readp = 0; reader_buf_workp = 0; reader_buf_readp = 0; start_thread = 1; /* keeps threads from starting */ #endif /* Label the output */ if ((bp = (char *) strchr (m_msg.lname, ' ')) != NULL) *bp = '\0'; if (m_msg.ltitle[0] == '\0') { strncpy(m_msg.ltitle,m_msg.lname,sizeof(m_msg.ltitle)); m_msg.ltitle[sizeof(m_msg.ltitle)-1]='\0'; } if (m_msg.dfile[0]) { fdata=fopen(m_msg.dfile,"w"); fprintf(fdata, "#%s\n",argv_line); } /* pre-load the library into a [m]seq_record array */ /* initialize outside while(1) { query loop } */ m_msg.db.length = 0l; m_msg.db.entries = m_msg.db.carry = 0; /* also sets ldb_info.l_overlap, use a fixed 150 residue overlap */ m_msg.ldb_info.maxn = maxn = reset_maxn(&m_msg, 150, m_msg.max_tot); pst.maxlen = maxn; seq_index = 0; outfd = stdout; /* in comp_lib9.c, getlib_info saves all the state information required to read the next sequence from the library. */ getlib_info = init_getlib_info(lib_list_p, m_msg.ldb_info.maxn,m_msg.max_memK); m_msg.cur_seqr_cnt = 0; /* main loop for doing a search, getting the next query */ while(1) { /* Initialize bestp_arr */ for (nbest = 0; nbest < MAX_BEST; nbest++) bestp_arr[nbest] = &best[nbest]; nbest = 0; qlib++; stats_done = 0; zbestcut = -FLT_MAX; nstats = nrstats = pre_nstats = shuff_tot = sstats = 0; /* ensure that link_list is NULL for no result */ link_lib_list_p = NULL; /* get the last parameters */ last_params(aa0[0],m_msg.n0, &m_msg, &pst); if (!validate_params(aa0[0],m_msg.n0, &m_msg, &pst, lascii, pascii)) { fprintf(stderr," *** ERROR [%s:%d] - validate_params() failed:\n -- %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, argv_line); exit(1); } /* When approx. E()-scores are calculated (FASTS,FASTM), we still need statistics structures; get them immediately. In this case, find_z() must produce a z_score (large positive is good) from an e_score. */ if (m_msg.escore_flg) { pst.zsflag_f = process_hist(stats,nstats,&m_msg,&pst, &m_msg.hist,&m_msg.pstat_void,&m_msg.s_info,0); stats_done=1; } #ifdef COMP_THR init_thr(fa_max_workers, work_info, &m_msg, &pst, aa0[0], &m_bufi); #endif #ifdef PCOMPLIB info_lib_range_p = &info_lib_range[0]; init_thr(fa_max_workers, info_lib_range_p, &m_msg, &pst, aa0[0], &m_bufi); #endif /* always have qstats available; allocate space for shuffled query scores (if needed) */ if (m_msg.qshuffle && qstats==NULL) { if ((qstats = (struct stat_str *)calloc(m_msg.shuff_max+1,sizeof(struct stat_str)))==NULL) s_abort ("Cannot allocate qstats struct",""); } nqstats = 0; /* format query title */ leng = (int)strlen(m_msg.qtitle); if (!(m_msg.markx & MX_M9SUMM) && leng > m_msg.aln.llen) leng -= 10; if (leng > sizeof(m_msg.qtitle)-20) leng -= 20; if (!(m_msg.markx & MX_MBLAST2)) { if (m_msg.nm0 <= 1) { sprintf(tmp_str," - %d %s", m_msg.n0, m_msg.sqnam); } else { sprintf(tmp_str," - %d %s in %d fragments", m_msg.n0 - (m_msg.nm0-1), m_msg.sqnam, m_msg.nm0); } if (strlen(tmp_str) + leng + 1> sizeof(m_msg.qtitle)) { leng = sizeof(m_msg.qtitle) - strlen(tmp_str) - 1; SAFE_STRNCAT((m_msg.qtitle+leng), tmp_str, sizeof(m_msg.qtitle)); } else {SAFE_STRNCAT(m_msg.qtitle, tmp_str, sizeof(m_msg.qtitle));} } if (fdata) { fprintf(fdata,">>>%ld %3d\t%-50s\n",qtt.entries,m_msg.n0,m_msg.qtitle); } tprev = s_time(); qtt.length += m_msg.n0; qtt.entries++; #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) have_f_str=1; /* allocates aa0 arrays, calls init_work, only for non-threaded */ init_aa0(aa0, m_msg.n0, m_msg.nm0, &aa0s, &aa1shuff, m_msg.qframe, m_msg.qshuffle, m_msg.max_tot, &pst, &f_str[0], &qf_str, rand_state); aa1shuff_b = aa1shuff-1; /* label library size limits -- must be called after init_aa0(), which calls init_work(), which can reset the n1_high/n1_low limits */ if (pst.n1_low > 0 && pst.n1_high < BIGNUM) sprintf(info_lib_range," (range: %d-%d)",pst.n1_low,pst.n1_high); else if (pst.n1_low > 0) sprintf(info_lib_range," (range: >%d)",pst.n1_low); else if (pst.n1_high < BIGNUM) sprintf(info_lib_range," (range: <%d)",pst.n1_high); else info_lib_range[0]='\0'; info_lib_range[sizeof(info_lib_range)-1]='\0'; info_lib_range_p = info_lib_range; #endif #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) lib_bhead_p = lib_buf2_list; /* equivalent to un-threaded get_rbuf() */ #else /* COMP_THR/PCOMPLIB */ #ifndef PCOMPLIB start_thr(); #endif /* now open the library and start reading */ /* get a buffer and fill it up */ get_rbuf(&lib_bhead_p,m_bufi.max_work_buf); #endif /* **************************************************************** */ /* do the sequence comparison library scan */ /* **************************************************************** */ seqr_chain_work(aa0, aa0s, lib_bhead_p, getlib_info, &m_bufi, &m_msg, &pst, &m_msg.pstat_void, &m_msg.ldb, &m_msg.hist, &m_msg.s_info, #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) aa1shuff, f_str, qf_str, #endif best_seqs, best_mseqs, best, fdata); /* the initial search is done, do statistics, possible expansion, and alignments */ #if defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) info_lib_range_p = work_info[0].info_lib_range; #endif m_msg.nbr_seq = m_msg.db.entries; get_param(&pst, info_gstring2p,info_gstring3, &m_msg.s_info); /* *************************** */ /* analyze the last results */ /* *************************** */ #ifndef SAMP_STATS if (!stats_done && nstats > 0) { #endif /* we ALWAYS do this if SAMP_STATS, because the statistics may have changed */ /* the new incremental sampling produces an nstats that is much too large */ zsflag_save = pst.zsflag; if (pst.zsflag > 20) { pst.zsflag -= 20; } pst.zsflag_f = process_hist(stats,nstats,&m_msg, &pst,&m_msg.hist, &m_msg.pstat_void, &m_msg.s_info, stats_done); pst.zsflag = zsflag_save; if (m_msg.pstat_void != NULL) { stats_done = 1; for (i = 0; i < nbest; i++) { bestp_arr[i]->zscore = find_z(bestp_arr[i]->rst.score[pst.score_ix], bestp_arr[i]->rst.escore, bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1, bestp_arr[i]->rst.comp, m_msg.pstat_void); } #ifndef SAMP_STATS } else pst.zsflag = -1; #endif } /* **************************************************************** */ /* do shuffles if too few library sequences or for second estimate */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* if there are not many scores, produce better statistics by shuffling */ /* but only if statistics are enabled (7-July-2008) */ if (pst.zsflag != 3 && pst.zsflag > -1 && nbest > 0 && nbest < m_msg.shuff_max) { buf_shuf_seq(aa0, m_msg.n0, &aa1shuff_b, aa1save, maxn, bestp_arr, nbest, &pst, &m_msg, &m_bufi #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) , f_str #endif , &m_msg.ss_info); /* (4) analyze rstats */ if (pst.zsflag < 10) pst.zsflag += 10; if (pst.zsflag > 20) pst.zsflag -= 10; pst.zsflag_f = process_hist(rstats,nrstats,&m_msg, &pst,&m_msg.hist, &m_msg.pstat_void,&m_msg.ss_info,0); } /* **************************************************************** */ /* done with shuffling for small sample size */ /* **************************************************************** */ if (!pst.zdb_size_set) pst.zdb_size = m_msg.ldb.entries; #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) /* before I call last_calc/showbest/showalign, I need init_work() to get an f_str. This duplicates some code above, which is used in the non-threaded version. I have tried to get an f_str from one of the threads, but on some architectures, that f_str is not available to the main thread. */ if (!have_f_str) { init_work(aa0[0],m_msg.n0,&pst,&f_str[0]); /* f_str[0] = work_info[0].f_str_ap[0]; */ have_f_str = 1; f_str[5] = f_str[4] = f_str[3] = f_str[2] = f_str[1] = f_str[0]; if (m_msg.qframe == 2) { if ((aa0[1]=(unsigned char *)calloc((size_t)m_msg.n0+2+SEQ_PAD, sizeof(unsigned char)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning [%s:%d] cannot allocate aa0[1][%d] for alignments\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,m_msg.n0+2+SEQ_PAD); } *aa0[1]='\0'; aa0[1]++; memcpy(aa0[1],aa0[0],m_msg.n0+1); /* for ALTIVEC/SSE2, must pad with 16 NULL's, but not necessary after calloc() */ for (id=0; idn1 != bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1) { fprintf(stderr," *** ERROR [%s:%d] *** n1 conflict[%d]: n1: %d != seq->n1: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i, bestp_arr[i]->n1, bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1); } } #endif /* For large databases, we have good zscores for all the MAX_BEST sequences. Thus, we can sort the scores, and get a list of all sequences with scores better than the E() threshold. If zsflag > 20, then we should shuffle those guys to get an alternative estimate of lambda and K */ if (pst.zsflag > 20 && nbest >= m_msg.shuff_max) { n_sig = nbest; for (i=0; irst.escore > pst.e_cut) { n_sig = i; break; } } /* if there are no significant hits, shuffle the top 10 */ if (n_sig < 10) n_sig = 10; /* check to see how many significant sequences there are, and ensure that every sequence is shuffled at least 5 times */ if (n_sig * 5 > m_msg.shuff_max) { m_msg.shuff_max = n_sig*5; if (m_msg.shuff_max > MAX_BEST/2) m_msg.shuff_max = MAX_BEST/2; if ((rstats = (struct stat_str *)realloc(rstats, m_msg.shuff_max * sizeof(struct stat_str)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " *** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot reallocate rstats[%d] ***\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,m_msg.shuff_max); exit(1); } } buf_shuf_seq(aa0, m_msg.n0, &aa1shuff_b, aa1save, maxn, bestp_arr, n_sig, &pst, &m_msg, &m_bufi #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) , f_str #endif , &m_msg.ss_info); zs_off_save = pst.zs_off; /* ensure that hist2.hist_a is initialized properly */ hist2.hist_a = NULL; pst.zsflag_f = process_hist(rstats,nrstats,&m_msg, &pst,&hist2, &m_msg.pstat_void2,&m_msg.ss_info, 0); pst.zs_off = zs_off_save; for (i=0; izscore2 = find_z(bestp_arr[i]->rst.score[pst.score_ix], bestp_arr[i]->rst.escore, bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1, bestp_arr[i]->rst.comp,m_msg.pstat_void2); } } get_param(&pst, info_gstring2p,info_gstring3, &m_msg.s_info); /* **************************************************************** */ /* label Library: output */ /* **************************************************************** */ tscan = s_time(); /* get query annotations here, before print_header2() */ if (m_msg.annot0_sname[0]) { if (get_annot(m_msg.annot0_sname, &m_msg, m_msg.qtitle, m_msg.q_offset+m_msg.q_off-1,m_msg.n0, &m_msg.annot_p, 0, pst.debug_lib) < 0) { if (m_msg.quiet > 1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning [%s:%d] - %s did not produce annotations\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg.annot0_sname); } m_msg.annot0_sname[0] = '\0'; } if (m_msg.annot_p && m_msg.annot_p->n_annot > 0) { m_msg.aa0a = m_msg.annot_p->aa1_ann; } if (!m_msg.ann_arr[0]) {m_msg.ann_arr[0] = ' '; m_msg.ann_arr[1] = '\0';} } /* header2 print Query:, Annotation:, Library: */ print_header2(stdout, qlib, info_qlabel, aa0, &m_msg, &pst, info_lib_range_p); if (m_msg.std_output) { prhist (stdout, &m_msg, &pst, m_msg.hist, nstats, sstats, m_msg.ldb, (pst.zsflag > 20? hist2.stat_info:NULL),info_lib_range_p, info_gstring2p, info_hstring_p, tscan-tprev) ; /* print annot header if it cannot be changed by script */ if (!(m_msg.markx & (MX_MBLAST2+MX_M8OUT)) && !(m_msg.annot1_sname[0] || m_msg.annot0_sname[0])) print_annot_header(stdout, &m_msg); } #ifdef COMP_MLIB ttscan += tscan-tprev; #endif /* check to see if there are alternate output files */ l3: if (m_msg.quiet==0) { printf("Enter filename for results [%s]: ", m_msg.outfile); fflush(stdout); rline[0]='\0'; if (fgets(rline,sizeof(rline),stdin)==NULL) goto end_l; else { /* parse rline input */ if ((bp=strchr(rline,'\n'))!=NULL) *bp = '\0'; if (rline[0]!='\0') strncpy(m_msg.outfile,rline,sizeof(m_msg.outfile)); } } if (m_msg.outfile[0]!='\0') { /* have an output file name */ if ((outfd=fopen(m_msg.outfile,"w"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning [%s:%d] could not open %s\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg.outfile); if (m_msg.quiet==0) goto l3; else goto l4; /* skip output file */ } if (m_msg.markx_list==NULL) { /* no -m 9 options, need one */ if ((m_msg.markx_list = (struct markx_str *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct markx_str)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning [%s:%d] cannot allocate m_msg.markx_list\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); goto l4; } else { m_msp_to_markx(m_msg.markx_list, &m_msg); } } m_msg.markx_list->out_file = m_msg.outfile; m_msg.markx_list->out_fd = m_msg.outfd = outfd; /* save permanent m_msg marks info */ } l4: m_msp_to_markx(&markx_save, &m_msg); /* for each entry in markx_list */ for (cur_markx = m_msg.markx_list; cur_markx; cur_markx = cur_markx->next) { if (cur_markx->out_file && cur_markx->out_file[0] && cur_markx->out_fd == NULL) { if ((cur_markx->out_fd=fopen(cur_markx->out_file,"w"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] could not open %s\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, cur_markx->out_file); } } if (cur_markx->out_fd == NULL) continue; markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg, cur_markx); if (qlib==1) print_header1(cur_markx->out_fd, argv_line, &m_msg, &pst); print_header2(cur_markx->out_fd, qlib, info_qlabel, aa0, &m_msg, &pst, info_lib_range_p); if (m_msg.std_output) { prhist(cur_markx->out_fd, &m_msg, &pst,m_msg.hist, nstats, sstats, m_msg.db, (pst.zsflag > 20? hist2.stat_info:NULL), info_lib_range_p, info_gstring2p, info_hstring_p, tscan-tprev); /* print annot header if it cannot be changed by script */ if (!(m_msg.markx & (MX_MBLAST2+MX_M8OUT)) && !(m_msg.annot1_sname[0] || m_msg.annot0_sname[0])) print_annot_header(cur_markx->out_fd, &m_msg); } /* done with this output, restore m_msg */ } markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg,&markx_save); /* find the lowest scoring alignment to be displayed */ /* m_msg.nshow always provides the number of alignments to be displayed in quiet mode */ /* skip entries if -F e_low specified */ if (pst.zsflag >= 0) { for (i=0; irst.escore < m_msg.e_low; i++) {}; m_msg.nskip = i; } else { m_msg.nskip = 0; } if (m_msg.quiet || m_msg.tot_markx & MX_M9SUMM) { /* to determine how many sequences to re-align (either for do_opt() or calc_id() we need to set m_msg.nshow based on e_cut, m_msg.mshow to display the correct number of alignments */ /* the logic in this section is: -b '$' - show all the results in the database after -F e_top -b "123" - show min(123, e_cut_count) -b "=123" - show min(123,nbest) -b ">123" - show max(123,e_cut_count) m_msg.mshow_set==1 -- has a value been entered "-b 123", "-b =123", "-b >123" m_msg.mshow_min==1 -- the mshow value is the mininum number to display, set with "-b =,>123" */ if (pst.zsflag >= 0) { /* do we have E()-values? */ for (i=m_msg.nskip; irst.escore < m_msg.e_cut; i++) {} if (m_msg.mshow_set <= 0) { /* no -b 123 */ m_msg.nshow = min(i - m_msg.nskip, nbest-m_msg.nskip); } else { /* mshow_set>0 */ if (m_msg.mshow_min == 1) { /* -b '=123" must show exactly m_msg.mshow results */ m_msg.nshow = m_msg.mshow; } else if (m_msg.mshow_min == 2 ) { /* -b '>123' show 123 unless e_cut > 123 */ m_msg.nshow = max(m_msg.mshow, i-m_msg.nskip); } else { /* -b '123' show no more than 123, limited by e_cut */ if (m_msg.mshow >= 0) m_msg.nshow = min(m_msg.mshow, i-m_msg.nskip); else { m_msg.nshow = nbest-m_msg.nskip;} /* -b '$' sets m_msg.mshow == -1 */ } } } else { /* we do not have E()-values */ if (m_msg.mshow >= 0) { m_msg.nshow = min(m_msg.mshow,nbest); } else { m_msg.nshow = nbest;} } if (m_msg.nshow <= 0) { /* no results to display */ if (m_msg.std_output) fprintf(outfd,"!! No sequences with E() < %0.5g\n",m_msg.e_cut); m_msg.nshow = 0; goto end_l; } } m_msg.pre_load_done = 0; /* ******************************************************************/ /* check for additional expansion sequences via link script */ /* **************************************************************** */ if (m_msg.link_lname[0]) { /* guarantee that we have the bline's for the best sequences */ pre_load_best(aa1save, maxn, &bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip], m_msg.nshow, &m_msg, pst.debug_lib); if ((link_lib_str = build_link_data(&link_lib_file, &m_msg, bestp_arr,pst.debug_lib))==NULL) { goto no_links; }; /* get a list of files */ link_lib_list_p = lib_select(link_lib_str, link_title, m_msg.flstr, m_msg.ldb_info.ldnaseq); if (link_lib_str != NULL) free(link_lib_str); link_getlib_info = init_getlib_info(link_lib_list_p, m_msg.ldb_info.maxn,m_msg.max_memK/16); m_msg.cur_seqr_cnt = 0; /* before searching with another getlib_info, we need to be certain that all the best_str entries that will be used after the link search have been saved (only necessary if buffers may be reused) */ if (getlib_info->use_memory <= 0 && getlib_info->lib_list_p->m_file_p->get_mmap_chain==NULL) { for (i=0; i < m_msg.nshow; i++) { if (bestp_arr[i]->seq->aa1b != NULL) { preserve_seq2(bestp_arr[i],best_seqs, best_mseqs, best); if (bestp_arr[i]->n1 != bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] -n1:%d != seq->n1:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, bestp_arr[i]->n1, bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1); } } } } /* calculate scores for the sequences */ #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) for (i=0; in1 != bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] : n1 conflict[%d]: n1: %d != seq->n1: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i, bestp_arr[i]->n1, bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1); } } #endif /* need to resort results, and re-check how many should be displayed */ scale_scores(bestp_arr,nbest,m_msg.db, &pst,m_msg.pstat_void); #ifdef DEBUG /* check for bestp_arr corruption */ for (i=0; in1 != bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] : n1 conflict[%d]: n1: %d != seq->n1: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i, bestp_arr[i]->n1, bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1); } } #endif if (pst.zsflag >= 0) { /* skip entries if -F e_low specified */ for (i=0; irst.escore < m_msg.e_low; i++) {}; m_msg.nskip = i; } else { /* no statistics, just use the same score */ m_msg.nskip = 0; } if (m_msg.quiet || m_msg.tot_markx & MX_M9SUMM) { /* to determine how many sequences to re-align (either for do_opt() or calc_id() we need to modify m_msg.mshow to get the correct number of alignments */ if (pst.zsflag >= 0) { /* do we have e_values? */ for (i=m_msg.nskip; irst.escore < m_msg.e_cut; i++) {} if (m_msg.mshow_set != 1) { m_msg.nshow = min(i - m_msg.nskip, nbest-m_msg.nskip); } else { if (m_msg.mshow_min) { /* must show at least m_msg.mshow results */ m_msg.nshow = max(m_msg.mshow, i-m_msg.nskip); } else { /* limit by e_cut */ m_msg.nshow = min(m_msg.mshow, i-m_msg.nskip); } } } } } /* done with -e link_lname */ no_links: /* **************************************************************** */ /* if we need alignment info now, pre-load and pre-calculate it */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* the list of conditions is greatly expanded to allow for variant scores */ if (m_msg.quiet > 0 && ((m_msg.stages > 1) || m_msg.annot0_sname[0] || m_msg.annot1_sname[0] || (m_msg.tot_markx & (MX_M9SUMM + MX_MBLAST + MX_MBLAST2 + MX_M8OUT + MX_M8COMMENT)))) { /* pre-load sequence data for alignments for showbest, showalign */ pre_load_best(aa1save, maxn, &bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip], m_msg.nshow, &m_msg, pst.debug_lib); /* must calculate repeat_thresh before buf_align_seq */ if (pst.do_rep) { if (pst.zsflag >= 0) { for (i=m_msg.nskip; i < m_msg.nskip + m_msg.nshow; i++) { if (bestp_arr[i]->rst.escore > pst.e_cut_r) { bestp_arr[i]->repeat_thresh = bestp_arr[i]->rst.score[pst.score_ix] * 10; } else { bestp_arr[i]->repeat_thresh = min(E1_to_s(pst.e_cut_r, m_msg.n0, bestp_arr[i]->seq->n1, pst.zdb_size, m_msg.pstat_void), bestp_arr[i]->rst.score[pst.score_ix]); } } } else { for (i=m_msg.nskip; i < nbest; i++) { bestp_arr[i]->repeat_thresh = bestp_arr[i]->rst.score[pst.score_ix]; } } } buf_align_seq(aa0, m_msg.n0, &bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip], m_msg.nshow, &pst, &m_msg, &m_bufi #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) , f_str #endif ); /* buf_align_seq can produce higher a_res->rst.score[]s, partly because of variation but also because of a wider optimization band. In earlier versions, the original rst.score was always displayed and sorted on. With variant re-scoring, the alignment score can improve the rst.score, so the rst.score must be updated, and the scores re-sorted */ for (i=m_msg.nskip; i < m_msg.nskip + m_msg.nshow; i++) { bbp = bestp_arr[i]; if (bbp->a_res == NULL) continue; if (bbp->a_res->score_delta > 0) { bbp->rst.score[0] += bbp->a_res->score_delta; bbp->rst.score[1] += bbp->a_res->score_delta; bbp->rst.score[2] += bbp->a_res->score_delta; } } scale_scores(&bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip],m_msg.nshow,m_msg.db, &pst,m_msg.pstat_void); } if (!(m_msg.markx & (MX_MBLAST2+MX_M8OUT)) && (m_msg.annot1_sname[0] || m_msg.annot0_sname[0])) print_annot_header(stdout, &m_msg); /* **************************************************************** */ /* BLAST header ouput: Database:\n %ld sequences; %ld total letters */ /* Query: %s length=%d */ /* **************************************************************** */ print_header3(stdout, qlib, &m_msg, &pst); showbest(stdout, aa0, aa1save, maxn, &bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip], nbest-m_msg.nskip, qtt.entries, &m_msg, &pst,m_msg.db, info_gstring2p, f_str); m_msp_to_markx(&markx_save, &m_msg); t_quiet = m_msg.quiet; m_msg.quiet = -1; /* should guarantee 1..m_msg.nshow shown */ /* set copies of showbest to alternative files */ for (cur_markx = m_msg.markx_list; cur_markx; cur_markx = cur_markx->next) { if (cur_markx->out_fd == NULL) continue; markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg, cur_markx); if (!(m_msg.markx & (MX_MBLAST2+MX_M8OUT)) && (m_msg.annot1_sname[0] || m_msg.annot0_sname[0])) print_annot_header(cur_markx->out_fd, &m_msg); print_header3(cur_markx->out_fd, qlib, &m_msg, &pst); showbest(cur_markx->out_fd, aa0, aa1save, maxn, &bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip], nbest-m_msg.nskip, qtt.entries, &m_msg, &pst, m_msg.db, info_gstring2p, f_str); } m_msg.quiet = t_quiet; markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg, &markx_save); /* m_msg.ashow can be -1 or > 0 to show results */ if (m_msg.nshow > 0 && m_msg.ashow != 0) { rline[0]='N'; if (m_msg.quiet==0){ printf(" Display alignments also? (y/n) [n] "); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(rline,sizeof(rline),stdin)==NULL) goto end_l; } else rline[0]='Y'; if (toupper((int)rline[0])=='Y') { if (m_msg.quiet==0 && m_msg.do_showbest) { printf(" number of alignments [%d]? ",m_msg.nshow); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(rline,sizeof(rline),stdin)==NULL) goto end_l; if (rline[0]!=0) sscanf(rline,"%d",&utmp); if (utmp == 0) utmp = -1; m_msg.ashow=min(utmp,m_msg.nshow); } } /* **************************************************************** */ /* print_header4() : showalign alignment transition */ /* >>>query vs library for -m 9, -m 10 */ /* "\n" for MX_MBLAST */ /* ; pg_name, other info for -m 10 */ /* not sent to stdout if outfile specified */ /* **************************************************************** */ print_header4(outfd, info_qlabel, argv_line, info_gstring3, info_hstring_p, &m_msg, &pst); showalign (outfd, aa0, aa1save, maxn, &bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip], nbest-m_msg.nskip, qtt.entries, &m_msg, &pst, info_gstring2p, f_str, &m_bufi); fflush(outfd); } m_msp_to_markx(&markx_save, &m_msg); for (cur_markx = m_msg.markx_list; cur_markx; cur_markx=cur_markx->next) { if (cur_markx->out_fd == NULL) continue; if (cur_markx->out_fd == outfd) continue; markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg, cur_markx); print_header4(cur_markx->out_fd, info_qlabel, argv_line, info_gstring3, info_hstring_p, &m_msg, &pst); showalign (cur_markx->out_fd, aa0, aa1save, maxn, &bestp_arr[m_msg.nskip], nbest-m_msg.nskip, qtt.entries, &m_msg, &pst, info_gstring2p, f_str, &m_bufi); fflush(cur_markx->out_fd); } markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg, &markx_save); end_l: if (m_msg.nshow==0 && m_msg.markx & MX_M8COMMENT) { fprintf(outfd,"# %d hits found\n",m_msg.nshow); } /* print >>><<< for correct -m 9 */ print_header4a(outfd, &m_msg); for (cur_markx = m_msg.markx_list; cur_markx; cur_markx=cur_markx->next) { if (cur_markx->out_fd == NULL) continue; if (cur_markx->out_fd == outfd) continue; if (m_msg.nshow==0 && cur_markx->markx & MX_M8COMMENT) { fprintf(cur_markx->out_fd,"# %d hits found\n",m_msg.nshow); } print_header4a(cur_markx->out_fd, &m_msg); } /* display info, statistics parameters for fdata res file */ if (fdata) { fprintf(fdata,"#Algorithm : %s\n",info_gstring2p[0]); fprintf(fdata,"#Parameters : %s\n",info_gstring2p[1]); fprintf(fdata,"#Query: %ld>>> q_len: %d; %-50s\n",qtt.entries-1,m_msg.n0,m_msg.qtitle); fprintf(fdata,"#Library: n_seq: %ld; %-50s\n",m_msg.db.entries,m_msg.ltitle); pstat_info(fdata_pstat_info, sizeof(fdata_pstat_info), "#Stat:",m_msg.pstat_void); fputs(fdata_pstat_info,fdata); fflush(fdata); } #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) rbuf_done(fa_max_workers); #endif /* **************************************************************** */ /* completely finished with previous query */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* clean up/reinitialize the threads buffers */ #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) for (i=0; ihdr.buf2[0].seq, .mseq */ memset(lib_bhead_p->buf2_data,0,(size_t)(m_bufi.max_buf2_res+1)*sizeof(struct buf2_data_s)); /* replace it */ lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_results = 0; } /* re-initialize library counts */ m_msg.ldb.length = 0l; m_msg.ldb.entries = m_msg.ldb.carry = 0; /* **************************************************************** */ /* free allocated alignment encodings associated with bestp_arr[] */ /* needs to deallocate aln_code, ann_code */ /* bestp_arr[i]->a_res is a pointer, so it must be free()'d */ /* **************************************************************** */ for (i=m_msg.nskip; i < m_msg.nskip+m_msg.nshow; i++) { if (bestp_arr[i]->have_ares & 0x2) { cur_ares_p = bestp_arr[i]->a_res; while (cur_ares_p) { if (cur_ares_p->aln_code) free(cur_ares_p->aln_code); if (cur_ares_p->annot_code) free(cur_ares_p->annot_code); if (cur_ares_p->annot_var_s) free(cur_ares_p->annot_var_s); if (cur_ares_p->annot_var_id) free(cur_ares_p->annot_var_id); if (cur_ares_p->annot_var_idd) free(cur_ares_p->annot_var_idd); if (bestp_arr[i]->have_ares & 0x1 && cur_ares_p->res) free(cur_ares_p->res); next_ares_p = cur_ares_p->next; free(cur_ares_p); cur_ares_p = next_ares_p; } bestp_arr[i]->a_res = NULL; } bestp_arr[i]->have_ares = 0; bestp_arr[i]->mseq->bline = NULL; bestp_arr[i]->mseq->bline_max = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG /* check to see if there are ANY un-reset have_ares */ for (i=0; i< nbest; i++) { if (bestp_arr[i]->have_ares) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s;%d] : Un-reset have_ares[%d]: %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, i,bestp_arr[i]->have_ares); bestp_arr[i]->have_ares = 0; } } #endif /* reset align_done flag for next search */ m_msg.align_done = 0; if (m_msg.qframe == 2) free(aa0[1]-1); if (have_f_str) { have_f_str = 0; if (f_str[1]!=f_str[0]) { close_work (aa0[1], m_msg.n0, &pst, &f_str[1]); } close_work (aa0[0], m_msg.n0, &pst, &f_str[0]); } #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) if (m_msg.qshuffle) close_work (aa0s, m_msg.n0, &pst, &qf_str); #endif if (pst.pam_pssm) { free_pam2p(pst.pam2p[0]); free_pam2p(pst.pam2p[1]); } if (aa1shuff_b != NULL) { free(aa1shuff_b); aa1shuff_b = NULL; } if (m_msg.aa1save_buf_b != NULL) { free(m_msg.aa1save_buf_b); m_msg.aa1save_buf_b = NULL; } if (m_msg.bline_buf_b != NULL) { free(m_msg.bline_buf_b); m_msg.bline_buf_b = NULL; } if (link_lib_list_p) { close_lib_list(link_lib_list_p,1,1); free_seqr_chain(link_getlib_info->start_seqr_chain); /* delete the library file */ if (!pst.debug_lib) { #ifdef UNIX unlink(link_lib_file); #else _unlink(link_lib_file); #endif } if (link_lib_file) free(link_lib_file); } tddone = time(NULL); tdone = s_time(); fflush(outfd); ttdisp += tdone-tscan; /* reset pst parameters to original */ pst.zsflag = m_msg.zsflag; pst.zsflag2 = m_msg.zsflag2; pst.n1_low = m_msg.n1_low; pst.n1_high = m_msg.n1_high; /* **************************************************************** */ /* start the next query */ /* **************************************************************** */ next_query: m_msg.q_offset = next_q_offset; m_msg.n0 = QGETLIB (aa0[0], MAXTST, m_msg.qtitle, sizeof(m_msg.qtitle), &qseek, &qlcont,q_file_p,&m_msg.q_off); if (m_msg.n0 < 0) break; if (m_msg.n0 == 0) { next_q_offset = 0; goto next_query; } if ((bp=strchr(m_msg.qtitle,' '))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; strncpy(info_qlabel, m_msg.qtitle,sizeof(info_qlabel)); #ifdef DEBUG SAFE_STRNCPY(ext_qtitle, m_msg.qtitle,sizeof(ext_qtitle)); #endif if (bp != NULL) *bp=' '; info_qlabel[sizeof(info_qlabel)-1]='\0'; if (m_msg.ann_flg) { m_msg.n0 = ann_scan(aa0[0],m_msg.n0,&m_msg.aa0a,m_msg.qdnaseq); } if (m_msg.ldb_info.term_code && m_msg.qdnaseq==SEQT_PROT && aa0[0][m_msg.n0-1]!=m_msg.ldb_info.term_code) { aa0[0][m_msg.n0++]=m_msg.ldb_info.term_code; aa0[0][m_msg.n0]=0; } /* if ends with ESS, remove terminal ESS */ if (aa0[0][m_msg.n0-1] == ESS) { m_msg.n0--; aa0[0][m_msg.n0]= '\0';} if (count_not_seg(aa0[0],m_msg.n0, &pst) == 0) { /* if no un-seg'ed query residues, convert to upper case */ upper_seq(aa0[0],m_msg.n0, qascii, pst.sqx); if (m_msg.quiet < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning [%s:%d] : all lower-case query converted to upper case: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, info_qlabel); } } if (m_msg.outfd) {fputc('\n',stdout);} if (qlcont) { next_q_offset = m_msg.q_offset + m_msg.n0 - m_msg.q_overlap; } else { next_q_offset = 0l; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* have the query, reset the seqr_chain for another scan */ /* **************************************************************** */ if (getlib_info->use_memory <= 0) { /* re-use the buffer, but re-open the library */ getlib_info->eof = 0; getlib_info->lib_list_p = lib_list_p; close_lib_list(getlib_info->lib_list_p,0,0); m_msg.db.length = m_msg.ldb.length = 0l; m_msg.db.entries = m_msg.db.carry = m_msg.ldb.entries = m_msg.ldb.carry = qtt.entries = qtt.carry = 0; } else { reset_seqr_chain(getlib_info->start_seqr_chain); } } /* end of while(1) for multiple queries */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* ALL done -- all queries read, all results shown, clean up */ /* **************************************************************** */ #ifdef PCOMPLIB /* tell workers to quit */ init_thr(fa_max_workers, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); #endif close_lib_list(lib_list_p,1,1); if (m_msg.lname[0] == '!' && !pst.debug_lib) { #ifdef UNIX unlink(lib_db_file); #else _unlink(lib_db_file); #endif } tdone = s_time(); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"[*** comp_lib9.c***] seqr_chains: %d [%d]; aa1b_buffer: %ld [%ld] blocks (lost: %ld); using memory:%d\n", m_msg.cur_seqr_cnt, m_bufi.max_work_buf, getlib_info->tot_memK,getlib_info->max_memK, getlib_info->lost_memK, getlib_info->use_memory); #endif /* **************************************************************** */ /* final summary text */ /* 218 residues in 1 query sequences */ /* 5190103 residues in 13351 library sequences */ /* Tcomplib [36.3.5 Apr, 2011(preload7)] (2 proc) */ /* goes to stdout regardless of outfd */ /* **************************************************************** */ print_header5(stdout, qlib, &qtt, &m_msg, &pst, getlib_info->use_memory, getlib_info->tot_memK); m_msp_to_markx(&markx_save, &m_msg); for (cur_markx = m_msg.markx_list; cur_markx; cur_markx=cur_markx->next) { if (cur_markx->out_fd == NULL) continue; markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg, cur_markx); print_header5(cur_markx->out_fd, qlib, &qtt, &m_msg, &pst, getlib_info->use_memory, getlib_info->tot_memK); fflush(cur_markx->out_fd); fclose(cur_markx->out_fd); } markx_to_m_msp(&m_msg, &markx_save); #ifdef PCOMPLIB #ifdef MPI_SRC MPI_Finalize(); #endif #endif exit(0); } /* **************************************************************** */ /* end of main() program */ /* **************************************************************** */ void fsigint() { struct db_str db; db.entries = db.length = db.carry = 0; tdone = s_time(); tddone = time(NULL); printf(" /*** interrupted ***/\n"); if (outfd!=stdout) fprintf(outfd,"/*** interrupted ***/\n"); fprintf(stderr,"/*** interrupted ***/\n"); print_sum(stdout,&qtt, &db,0,0); if (outfd!=stdout) print_sum(outfd,&qtt, &db,0,0); exit(1); } /* ******************************************************************* */ /* alloc_comp_bufs() allocate thread buffers */ /* a thread buffer can hold all the results from a seqr_chain buffer: */ /* m_bufi_p->max_buf2_res = nframe * m_bufi_p->max_chain_seqs (preset) */ /* ******************************************************************* */ struct buf_head * alloc_comp_bufs (struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p, struct mngmsg *m_msp, int ave_seq_len) { struct buf_head *lib_buf2_list, *lib_buf2_ptr; int i, buf_siz, buf2_rsize; /* m_msp->cur_seqr_cnt tracks the number of seqr chains allocated. There must be at least max_work_buf seqr_chains. */ m_msp->cur_seqr_cnt = 0; if ((lib_buf2_list = (struct buf_head *)calloc((size_t)(m_bufi_p->max_work_buf), sizeof(struct buf_head))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate lib_buf2_list[%d]\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, m_bufi_p->max_work_buf); exit(1); } #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) if ((worker_buf = (struct buf_head **)calloc((size_t)(m_bufi_p->max_work_buf), sizeof(struct buf_head *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate **worker_buf[%d]\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, m_bufi_p->max_work_buf); exit(1); } #endif #ifdef COMP_THR if ((reader_buf = (struct buf_head **)calloc((size_t)(m_bufi_p->max_work_buf), sizeof(struct buf_head *))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate **reader_buf[%d]\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, m_bufi_p->max_work_buf); exit(1); } #endif /* **************************************************************** */ /* allocate space for library buffers and results */ /* there are four structures/buffers used to keep track of */ /* sequences/results: */ /* (1) lib_buf2_list[] is a buf_head array, with: */ /* buf2_hdr_s hdr - */ /* that stores whether the results are ready, number of results */ /* available, and information about the seq_record buffer and */ /* aa1b buffer */ /* (2) buf2_data[] -> seq_record/mseq_record arrays */ /* (3) buf2_res[] -> score results */ /* (4) buf2_ares[] -> alignment results */ /* **************************************************************** */ buf_siz = max(m_bufi_p->max_chain_seqs*ave_seq_len, m_msp->max_tot * 2); if (buf_siz < m_msp->max_tot) buf_siz = m_msp->max_tot; m_bufi_p->seq_buf_size = buf_siz; buf2_rsize = m_bufi_p->max_buf2_res+1; /* allocate max_buf2_res buf2_str's into each buf2 */ for (i=0; imax_work_buf; i++) { lib_buf2_ptr = &lib_buf2_list[i]; if ((lib_buf2_ptr->buf2_ares = (struct buf2_ares_s *) calloc(buf2_rsize,sizeof(struct buf2_ares_s)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate ares buffer struct %d %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i,m_bufi_p->max_buf2_res+1); exit(1); } if ((lib_buf2_ptr->buf2_res = (struct buf2_res_s *) calloc(buf2_rsize,sizeof(struct buf2_res_s)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate res buffer struct %d %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i,m_bufi_p->max_buf2_res+1); exit(1); } if ((lib_buf2_ptr->buf2_data = (struct buf2_data_s *) calloc(buf2_rsize,sizeof(struct buf2_data_s)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate buffer struct %d %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i,m_bufi_p->max_buf2_res+1); exit(1); } lib_buf2_ptr->hdr.seq_record_continuous = 0; /* should be 1 */ /* these values are not used with seqr_chains */ lib_buf2_ptr->hdr.aa1b_used = 0; lib_buf2_ptr->hdr.aa1b_size = 0; lib_buf2_ptr->hdr.have_results=0; lib_buf2_ptr->hdr.my_id = i; #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) RESULTS_BUF[i] = lib_buf2_ptr; #endif } return lib_buf2_list; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* new_seqr_chain() allocates space for: struct seq_record seqr_base[max_chain_seqs]; struct mseq_record mseqr_base[max_chain_seqs]; if buffer required, unsigned char aa1b_base[aa1b_size] comp_lib9.c tracks how much space is being used, and, if the space is too large, reuses existing buffers. */ /* **************************************************************** */ struct seqr_chain * new_seqr_chain(int max_chain_seqs, int aa1b_size, struct seqr_chain *old_seqr_chain, int maxn, long *lost_memK, int alloc_buf_flg) { struct seqr_chain *my_seqr_chain; int this_aa1b_size; /* allocate the chain */ if ((my_seqr_chain = (struct seqr_chain *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct seqr_chain)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] Cannot allocate library seqr_chain\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); exit(1); } this_aa1b_size = aa1b_size; if (old_seqr_chain) { old_seqr_chain->next = my_seqr_chain; if (old_seqr_chain->aa1b_size > 0) { this_aa1b_size = old_seqr_chain->aa1b_size; } } else { *lost_memK = 0l; } my_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs = max_chain_seqs; my_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt = 0; /* now allocate the seq_record, mseq_record buffers, and the space for the sequences */ if ((my_seqr_chain->seqr_base = (struct seq_record *) calloc((size_t)max_chain_seqs,sizeof(struct seq_record))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate seq_record buffer %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, max_chain_seqs); exit(1); } if ((my_seqr_chain->mseqr_base = (struct mseq_record *) calloc((size_t)max_chain_seqs,sizeof(struct mseq_record))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate mseq_record buffer %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, max_chain_seqs); exit(1); } if (alloc_buf_flg) { /* try to adjust aa1b_size to a sensible value based on past history */ if (old_seqr_chain != NULL && (old_seqr_chain->aa1b_size > 0)) { *lost_memK += ((old_seqr_chain->aa1b_size - old_seqr_chain->aa1b_next)>>10); /* if sequences are shorter than expected */ /* if ((old_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt >= (max_chain_seqs-10)) && max(old_seqr_chain->aa1b_next,maxn) < old_seqr_chain->aa1b_size/2) { this_aa1b_size -= (this_aa1b_size/4); this_aa1b_size = max(this_aa1b_size, maxn * 2); } */ /* if not enough sequence slots are being used (sequences longer than expected) */ if (old_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt < old_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs/4) { this_aa1b_size *= 2; } } /* finally, we need a big sequence buffer */ if ((my_seqr_chain->aa1b_base = (unsigned char *)calloc((size_t)(this_aa1b_size+1),sizeof(unsigned char))) ==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d]: cannot allocate buffer %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, this_aa1b_size+1); exit(1); } my_seqr_chain->aa1b_base++; my_seqr_chain->aa1b_size = this_aa1b_size; } return my_seqr_chain; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* re-initialize seqr_chain so it can be filled with new sequences */ /* **************************************************************** */ void reinit_seqr_chain(struct seqr_chain *my_seqr_chain, int max_chain_seqs) { memset(my_seqr_chain->seqr_base, 0, my_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs*sizeof(struct seq_record)); memset(my_seqr_chain->mseqr_base, 0, my_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs*sizeof(struct mseq_record)); memset(my_seqr_chain->aa1b_base-1, 0, my_seqr_chain->aa1b_size+1); /* this is possible because every seqr_chain has max_chain_seqs seq_records; some have a smaller my_seqr_chain->aa1b_size */ my_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs = max_chain_seqs; my_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt = 0; my_seqr_chain->contiguous = 0; my_seqr_chain->aa1b_next = 0; /* cannot reset my_seqr_chain->next because it is needed for chain */ } /* **************************************************************** */ /* end_seqr_chain() -- cleans up cur_seq_cnt, max_chain_seqs when a seqr_chain is full. inputs: *last_seqr (the finished seqr_chain) modifies: max_chain_seqs (sets max_chain_seqs to cur_chain_seqs so that future will have the correct number of seq_records */ /* **************************************************************** */ void end_seqr_chain(struct seqr_chain *last_seqr) { /* the last seqrecord_p is always one too far */ last_seqr->cur_seq_cnt--; last_seqr->max_chain_seqs = last_seqr->cur_seq_cnt; /* prevent other threads from using this link */ } /* **************************************************************** */ /* free_seqr_chain() -- deallocates space allocated in seqr_chain. frees, seq_records, mseq_records, and aa1b buffer inputs: seqr_chain */ /* **************************************************************** */ void free_seqr_chain(struct seqr_chain *this_seqr_chain) { struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr_chain_p, *next_seqr_chain_p; for (cur_seqr_chain_p = this_seqr_chain; cur_seqr_chain_p != NULL; cur_seqr_chain_p = next_seqr_chain_p) { next_seqr_chain_p = cur_seqr_chain_p->next; /* with get_mmap_chain, not all chains have aa1b_base allocation */ if (cur_seqr_chain_p->aa1b_base) {free(--cur_seqr_chain_p->aa1b_base);} free(cur_seqr_chain_p->mseqr_base); free(cur_seqr_chain_p->seqr_base); free(cur_seqr_chain_p); } } /* **************************************************************** */ /* next_sequence_p() returns a new seq_p and mseq_p from a seqr_chain, or returns NULL if none are available or no space is available in the buffer inputs: *cur_seqr_chain, **cur_mseq_p, *old_seq_p (*cur_seqr_chain provides sequence buffer space) modifies: **cur_mseq_p returns: cur_seq_p */ /* **************************************************************** */ struct seq_record * next_sequence_p(struct mseq_record **cur_mseq_p, struct seq_record *old_seq_p, struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr_chain, int maxn) { struct seq_record *new_seq_p; /* if we have a previous sequence (which we do for all but the first), use it to update aa1b_next */ if (old_seq_p) cur_seqr_chain->aa1b_next += old_seq_p->n1+1; /* is there room in cur_seqr_chain (countcur_seq_cnt < cur_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs && cur_seqr_chain->aa1b_next + maxn < cur_seqr_chain->aa1b_size) { /* update mseq_p */ *cur_mseq_p = cur_seqr_chain->mseqr_base + cur_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt; /* update seq_p */ new_seq_p = cur_seqr_chain->seqr_base + cur_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt; /* update aa1b for seq_p */ new_seq_p->aa1b = cur_seqr_chain->aa1b_base + cur_seqr_chain->aa1b_next; /* update counter */ cur_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt++; return new_seq_p; } else { cur_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt++; /* out of room in seqr_chain or aa1b_base */ return NULL; } } /* **************************************************************** */ /* getlib_info(): inputs: lib_list_p - the list of library files maxn -- max size of sequence read max_memK -- memory block counter max output: struct getlib_str *getlib_info maintain state information required for successive, asynchronous getlib() calls */ /* **************************************************************** */ struct getlib_str * init_getlib_info(struct lib_struct *lib_list_p, int maxn, long max_memK) { struct getlib_str *my_getlib_info; unsigned char *aa1save; if ((my_getlib_info=(struct getlib_str *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct getlib_str)))==NULL) { s_abort ("Unable to allocate getlib_info", ""); } if ((aa1save = (unsigned char *)calloc((maxn+1),sizeof (char))) == NULL) { s_abort ("Unable to allocate library overlap", ""); } *aa1save= '\0'; aa1save++; my_getlib_info->aa1save = aa1save; my_getlib_info->lib_list_p = lib_list_p; my_getlib_info->use_memory = 0; my_getlib_info->max_memK = max_memK; my_getlib_info->n_libstr=sizeof(my_getlib_info->libstr); my_getlib_info->loffset = 0l; my_getlib_info->ocont = 0; my_getlib_info->lcont = 0; return my_getlib_info; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* next_seqr_chain reads a library in seqr_cnt chunks, returning when a chunk is full. 8-July-2011 -- modified to directly return memory mapped encoded sequences (BLASTDB) next_seqr_chain saves enough of the getlib() state to be able to continue reading in getlib_str *getlib_info, which also keeps the information about the current seqr_chain record being used. (1) get data structure to save one seq_chain buffer new_seqr_chain(number of buffers= max_chain_seqs, seq_buf_size+1,...) thus, a single seqr_chain() is guaranteed to be contiguous (2) then get a current_seq_p, current_mseq_p (3) getlib() to put the stuff in the current_seq_p (and current_mseq_p) (4) keep doing this until the seq_chain buffer is filled */ /* **************************************************************** */ struct seqr_chain * next_seqr_chain(const struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p, struct getlib_str *getlib_info, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, struct mngmsg *m_msp, const struct pstruct *ppst) { struct seqr_chain *my_seqr_chain=NULL; struct lib_struct *cur_lib_p; struct seq_record *current_seq_p, *old_seq_p; struct mseq_record *current_mseq_p; struct lmf_str *m_fd; int maxt; /* continued sequence */ int sstart, sstop, is, id, i; struct lmf_str *m_file_p; unsigned char *aa1ptr, *aa1; char *bp; int n1; /* int cont, ocont; */ /* long loffset; */ /* Are the sequences are in memory? if so, just return the next one. */ if (getlib_info->use_memory>0) { my_seqr_chain = getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain; if (my_seqr_chain == NULL) { goto return_null; } else { getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain = getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain->next; #ifdef DEBUG lib_bhead_p->hdr.my_chain = my_seqr_chain; #endif return my_seqr_chain; } } /* we do not have complete seqr_chains, so we must do things one record/sequence at a time */ current_seq_p = old_seq_p = NULL; /* check for eof on current library; return NULL if EOF, or start next library in chain */ if (getlib_info->eof) { if (getlib_info->use_memory < 0) { closelib(getlib_info->lib_list_p->m_file_p,1); } if (getlib_info->lib_list_p->next == NULL) { /* finished with everything, use memory next time */ if (getlib_info->use_memory >= 0) getlib_info->use_memory = 1; goto return_null; /* ensures that cur_seqr_chain is reset */ } else { getlib_info->eof = 0; getlib_info->lib_list_p = getlib_info->lib_list_p->next; } } if (getlib_info->lib_list_p == NULL) goto return_null; /* check to see if a library is open; if not get one and open it */ if (getlib_info->lib_list_p->m_file_p == NULL) { next_lib: cur_lib_p = getlib_info->lib_list_p; if ((cur_lib_p->m_file_p = open_lib(cur_lib_p, m_msp->ldb_info.ldnaseq, lascii, !m_msp->quiet)) ==NULL) { if (m_msp->quiet < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning [%s:%d] cannot open library %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,cur_lib_p->file_name); } getlib_info->lib_list_p = getlib_info->lib_list_p->next; if (getlib_info->lib_list_p == NULL) { goto return_null; } else { goto next_lib; } } /* these values must be reset for new databases, but otherwise should not be reset, because a sequence can span more than one seqr_chain */ getlib_info->loffset = 0l; getlib_info->ocont = 0; } /* here we have an open library */ /* if the library is NCBIBL20 and memory mapped, simply return pointers to the memory map */ m_fd = getlib_info->lib_list_p->m_file_p; if (m_fd->get_mmap_chain && getlib_info->use_memory>=0) { /* get a new seqr_chain */ my_seqr_chain = new_seqr_chain(m_bufi_p->max_chain_seqs,(m_bufi_p->seq_buf_size+1), getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain, m_msp->ldb_info.maxn, &getlib_info->lost_memK, 0); /* keep track of number of seqr_chains */ m_msp->cur_seqr_cnt++; /* fill it with memory mapped pointers */ if (m_fd->get_mmap_chain(my_seqr_chain, m_fd, &m_msp->db)==EOF) { getlib_info->eof = 1; } lib_bhead_p->hdr.my_chain = my_seqr_chain; getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain = my_seqr_chain; if (getlib_info->start_seqr_chain == NULL) { getlib_info->start_seqr_chain = my_seqr_chain; } my_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs = my_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt; return my_seqr_chain; } /* a seqr_chain contains an array for seq_records, mseq_records, and the aa1b_base buffer for sequences */ /* this section transitions between the comp_lib6,7 strategy, which kept all the sequence database in memory, simply allocating additional seqr_chains's as required, and the comp_lib5 strategy, which did not use seqr_chains, but linked the sequence buffers with the thread buffers seqr_chain buffers are allocated while memory is available and there are fewer than max_work_buf (thread_buf) seqr chains. In addition, each seqr_chain is associated with the thread buffer that will use it. If the memory limit is hit, then getlib_info->use_memory is set negative, AND the seqr_chains linked to the thread buffers are used -- each thread buffer is permanently associated with the last seqr_chain that it used. Linking seqr_chains to thread buffers (as is effectively done in comp_lib5) ensures that the same seqr_chain is never used by more than one thread simultaneously. */ /* if (a) we don't have m_bufi_p->max_work_buf chains or (b) memory is still available, then get a new_seqr_chain */ if ((getlib_info->use_memory >= 0) && (getlib_info->start_seqr_chain == NULL || m_msp->cur_seqr_cnt < m_bufi_p->max_work_buf || getlib_info->tot_memK + ((m_bufi_p->seq_buf_size+1)>>10) < getlib_info->max_memK) /* memK is in 1024 bytes thus >>10 */ ) { my_seqr_chain = new_seqr_chain(m_bufi_p->max_chain_seqs,(m_bufi_p->seq_buf_size+1), getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain, m_msp->ldb_info.maxn, &getlib_info->lost_memK, 1); getlib_info->tot_memK += (my_seqr_chain->aa1b_size >> 10); m_msp->cur_seqr_cnt++; lib_bhead_p->hdr.my_chain = my_seqr_chain; } /* if the memory limit has been reached, then keep using the first one (after re-initializing) */ else { my_seqr_chain = lib_bhead_p->hdr.my_chain; if (!my_seqr_chain) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s/next_seqr_chain] lib_bhead_p->hdr.my_chain==NULL\n",prog_func); exit(1); } reinit_seqr_chain(my_seqr_chain,m_bufi_p->max_chain_seqs); getlib_info->use_memory = -1; } getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain = my_seqr_chain; if (getlib_info->start_seqr_chain == NULL) { getlib_info->start_seqr_chain = my_seqr_chain; } /* (re-)initialize variables from getlib_info */ m_file_p = getlib_info->lib_list_p->m_file_p; /* then we can count through the seq_records in the seqr_chain and get a getlib() sequence for each one */ while ((current_seq_p = next_sequence_p(¤t_mseq_p, old_seq_p, my_seqr_chain, m_msp->ldb_info.maxn))) { aa1 = current_seq_p->aa1b; if (getlib_info->lcont) { maxt = m_msp->ldb_info.maxt3; memcpy(aa1,getlib_info->aa1save,m_msp->ldb_info.l_overlap); aa1ptr= &aa1[m_msp->ldb_info.l_overlap]; /* aa1ptr is where the next GETLIB sequence goes */ current_mseq_p->lseek = getlib_info->lseek; } else { maxt = m_msp->ldb_info.maxn; aa1ptr = aa1; } n1=GETLIB(aa1ptr, maxt, getlib_info->libstr, getlib_info->n_libstr, &(current_mseq_p->lseek), &getlib_info->lcont, m_file_p, &(current_seq_p->l_off)); /* if the library is empty, check for another library */ if (n1 < 0) { /* set EOF for this file */ getlib_info->eof = 1; /* reduce the seqr_chain count */ end_seqr_chain(my_seqr_chain); return my_seqr_chain; } old_seq_p = current_seq_p; #ifdef DEBUG /* check for out of range sequence */ /* for (id=0; id ppst->nsq_e) { fprintf(stderr," *** ERROR *** %s[%d] = %d > %d out of range\n",libstr, id, aa1[id], ppst->nsq_e); aa1[id] = 1; } } */ #endif /* which sequence is it in the entire library? used for debugging */ current_seq_p->index = seq_index; current_mseq_p->index = seq_index++; current_mseq_p->m_file_p = (void *)m_file_p; current_mseq_p->cont = getlib_info->ocont+1; current_seq_p->l_offset = getlib_info->loffset; if ((bp=strchr(getlib_info->libstr,' '))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; strncpy(current_mseq_p->libstr,getlib_info->libstr,MAX_UID); /* get old libstr for lcont>0 */ /* add termination code for FASTX/FASTY if necessary */ if (m_msp->ldb_info.term_code && !getlib_info->lcont && m_msp->ldb_info.ldnaseq==SEQT_PROT && aa1ptr[n1-1]!=m_msp->ldb_info.term_code) { aa1ptr[n1++]=m_msp->ldb_info.term_code; aa1ptr[n1]=0; } /* check for subset */ if (m_file_p->opt_text[0]!='\0') { if (m_file_p->opt_text[0]=='-') { sstart=0; sscanf(&m_file_p->opt_text[1],"%d",&sstop); } else { sstart = 0; sstop = -1; sscanf(&m_file_p->opt_text[0],"%d-%d",&sstart,&sstop); sstart--; if (sstop <= 0 ) sstop = BIGNUM; } n1 = min(n1, sstop); for (id=0,is=sstart; isl_off += sstart; } /* update n1 after possible changes */ current_seq_p->n1 = n1; #ifdef DEBUG if (getlib_info->n_libstr <= MAX_UID) { if ((bp=strchr(current_mseq_p->libstr,' '))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; } if (aa1[-1]!='\0' || aa1ptr[n1]!='\0') { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] %s: aa1[%d] at %ld:%lld missing NULL boundaries: %d %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, current_mseq_p->libstr,n1, m_msp->db.entries+1,current_mseq_p->lseek, aa1[-1],aa1ptr[n1]); } #endif /* check for a continued sequence and provide a pointer to the n1_tot array if lcont || ocont */ getlib_info->n1tot_v += n1; if (getlib_info->lcont && !getlib_info->ocont) { /* get a new pointer */ if (getlib_info->n1tot_cnt <= 0) { if ((getlib_info->n1tot_ptr=calloc(1000,sizeof(int)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] cannot allocate n1tot_ptr\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); exit(1); } else {getlib_info->n1tot_cnt=1000;} } getlib_info->n1tot_cnt--; getlib_info->n1tot_cur = getlib_info->n1tot_ptr++; } current_mseq_p->n1tot_p = getlib_info->n1tot_cur; m_msp->db.entries++; m_msp->db.length += n1; if (m_msp->db.length > LONG_MAX) { m_msp->db.length -= LONG_MAX; m_msp->db.carry++; } /* don't count long sequences more than once */ if (aa1!=aa1ptr) { /* this is a continuation */ current_seq_p->n1 = n1 += m_msp->ldb_info.l_overlap; /* corrected 28-June-2008 */ m_msp->db.entries--; } #ifdef DEBUG current_seq_p->adler32_crc = current_mseq_p->adler32_crc = adler32(1L,current_seq_p->aa1b,current_seq_p->n1); /* This finds most reasons for core dumps */ if (ppst->debug_lib) for (i=0; ippst->nsqx || aa1[i] <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] : %s residue[%d/%d] %d range (%d) lcont/ocont: %d/%d\n%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, current_mseq_p->libstr,i,current_seq_p->n1,aa1[i],ppst->nsq, getlib_info->lcont,getlib_info->ocont,aa1ptr+i); aa1[i]=0; n1=i-1; break; } } #endif if ( n1 <= 1) {goto loop2;} if (getlib_info->lcont) { memcpy(getlib_info->aa1save,&aa1[n1-m_msp->ldb_info.l_overlap],m_msp->ldb_info.l_overlap); } /* all done with the previous getlib(), now get a new current_seq_p (current_mseq_p) and reset aa1 */ /* next_sequence_p knows if there is space in the aa1b buffer */ loop2: if (getlib_info->lcont) { /* this must be n1, which is the old value, not current_seq_p->n1 */ getlib_info->loffset += n1 - m_msp->ldb_info.l_overlap; /* ocont must be preserved across seqr_chains */ getlib_info->ocont = getlib_info->lcont; /* if lcont>0, then lseek must be preserved; getlib() functions do not set lseek (loffset) if lcont>0 */ getlib_info->lseek = current_mseq_p->lseek; } else { if (getlib_info->ocont) { *getlib_info->n1tot_cur = getlib_info->n1tot_v; } getlib_info->ocont = 0; getlib_info->loffset = 0l; getlib_info->n1tot_v = 0; getlib_info->n1tot_cur = NULL; } } /* end cur_lib_p */ end_seqr_chain(my_seqr_chain); return my_seqr_chain; return_null: getlib_info->cur_seqr_chain = getlib_info->start_seqr_chain; return NULL; } /* reset_seqr_chain() prepares the seqr_chain (in memory) for another search by setting cur_seq_cnt to max_chain_seqs */ void reset_seqr_chain(struct seqr_chain *seqr_base) { struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr; for (cur_seqr = seqr_base; cur_seqr; cur_seqr = cur_seqr->next) { cur_seqr->cur_seq_cnt = cur_seqr->max_chain_seqs; } } void close_lib_list(struct lib_struct *lib_list_p, int free_flag, int mm_force) { struct lib_struct *cur_lib_p, *next_lib_p; for (cur_lib_p=lib_list_p; cur_lib_p != NULL; cur_lib_p = next_lib_p) { next_lib_p = cur_lib_p->next; if (cur_lib_p->m_file_p !=NULL) { closelib(cur_lib_p->m_file_p,mm_force); if (mm_force || cur_lib_p->m_file_p->libf == NULL) { free(cur_lib_p->m_file_p->lline); free(cur_lib_p->m_file_p); cur_lib_p->m_file_p = NULL; } } if (free_flag) { free(cur_lib_p->file_name); free(cur_lib_p); } } } /* save the seq/m_seq data from the thread buffer in best_seq/best_mseq so that the thread buffer seq/m_seq can be re-used. */ void preserve_seq(struct buf2_data_s *lib_buf2_dp, struct seq_record *best_seqs, struct mseq_record *best_mseqs, struct beststr *best) { struct seq_record *dest_seq_p, *saved_seq_p; struct mseq_record *dest_mseq_p, *saved_mseq_p; struct beststr *next_bbp; saved_seq_p = lib_buf2_dp->best_save->seq; saved_mseq_p = lib_buf2_dp->best_save->mseq; /* the thread buffer ptr lib_buf2_dp knows where its results are saved in beststr */ dest_seq_p = &best_seqs[lib_buf2_dp->best_save - best]; dest_mseq_p = &best_mseqs[lib_buf2_dp->best_save - best]; lib_buf2_dp->best_save->seq = dest_seq_p; lib_buf2_dp->best_save->mseq = dest_mseq_p; for (next_bbp = lib_buf2_dp->best_save->bbp_link; (next_bbp != NULL) && (next_bbp->seq == saved_seq_p) && (next_bbp->n1 == saved_seq_p->n1); next_bbp = next_bbp->bbp_link) { next_bbp->seq = dest_seq_p; next_bbp->mseq = dest_mseq_p; } memcpy(dest_seq_p,lib_buf2_dp->seq,sizeof(struct seq_record)); memcpy(dest_mseq_p,lib_buf2_dp->mseq,sizeof(struct mseq_record)); dest_seq_p->aa1b = NULL; } /* save the seq/m_seq data from the best_str buffer in best_seq/best_mseq so that the thread buffer seq/m_seq can be re-used. */ void preserve_seq2(struct beststr *bbp, struct seq_record *best_seqs, struct mseq_record *best_mseqs, struct beststr *best) { struct seq_record *dest_seq_p, *saved_seq_p; struct mseq_record *dest_mseq_p, *saved_mseq_p; struct beststr *next_bbp; saved_seq_p = bbp->seq; saved_mseq_p = bbp->mseq; /* the thread buffer ptr lib_buf2_dp knows where its results are saved in beststr */ dest_seq_p = &best_seqs[bbp - best]; dest_mseq_p = &best_mseqs[bbp - best]; for (next_bbp = bbp->bbp_link; (next_bbp != NULL) && (next_bbp->seq == saved_seq_p) && (next_bbp->n1 == saved_seq_p->n1); next_bbp = next_bbp->bbp_link) { next_bbp->seq = dest_seq_p; next_bbp->mseq = dest_mseq_p; } memcpy(dest_seq_p,bbp->seq,sizeof(struct seq_record)); memcpy(dest_mseq_p,bbp->mseq,sizeof(struct mseq_record)); dest_seq_p->aa1b = NULL; bbp->seq = dest_seq_p; bbp->mseq = dest_mseq_p; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* seqr_chain_work() (comp_lib8/9.c, comp_lib7e.c) corresponds to */ /* comp_lib5e.c/getlib_buf_work() */ /* in current versions, these functions do all the initial library */ /* sequence similarity scan -- they exist to be used with expansion */ /* link libraries */ /* **************************************************************** */ void seqr_chain_work(unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa0s, struct buf_head *lib_bhead_p, struct getlib_str *getlib_info, const struct mng_thr *m_bufi_p, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst, void *pstat_void, struct db_str *ldb, struct hist_str *histp, struct score_count_s *s_info, #if !defined(COMP_THR) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) unsigned char *aa1shuff, void *f_str, void *qf_str, #endif struct seq_record *best_seqs, struct mseq_record *best_mseqs, struct beststr *best, FILE *fdata) { struct seqr_chain *current_seqr_chain_p; struct buf2_data_s *lib_buf2_dp; struct seq_record *current_seq_p; struct mseq_record *current_mseq_p; int i, itt, jstats; int seqr_rec_cnt; /* count through sequences in seqr_chain */ int buf2_shuff_mask; /* pre-calculate when shuffles requested */ /* set shuffle mask for -z > 10 */ buf2_shuff_mask = 0; if (ppst->zsflag >= 10 && ppst->zsflag < 20) { buf2_shuff_mask = BUF2_DOSHUF; } /* must have a valid lib_bhead_p starting into this loop */ /* start the search */ while ((current_seqr_chain_p = next_seqr_chain(m_bufi_p, getlib_info, lib_bhead_p, m_msp, ppst))) { /* to enable the transition from everything in memory (comp_lib7e) to buffers read as neeed (comp_lib5e), comp_lib9.c requires that lib_bhead_p accommodate a full seqr_chain */ lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_cnt = 0; lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_results = 0; lib_bhead_p->hdr.stop_work = 0; lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_type= (BUF2_DOWORK | buf2_shuff_mask); lib_buf2_dp = lib_bhead_p->buf2_data; lib_bhead_p->hdr.aa1b_start = current_seqr_chain_p->aa1b_base; lib_bhead_p->hdr.aa1b_used = 0; lib_bhead_p->hdr.seqr_cnt = 0; lib_bhead_p->hdr.seq_b = current_seqr_chain_p->seqr_base; current_seq_p = current_seqr_chain_p->seqr_base; current_mseq_p = current_seqr_chain_p->mseqr_base; seqr_rec_cnt = current_seqr_chain_p->cur_seq_cnt; while (seqr_rec_cnt-- > 0) { lib_buf2_dp->seq = current_seq_p; lib_buf2_dp->mseq = current_mseq_p; lib_bhead_p->hdr.aa1b_used += current_seq_p->n1+1; #ifdef DEBUG if (current_seq_p->aa1b[-1] != '\0') { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] invalid current_seq_p->aa1b[-1] = %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, current_seq_p->aa1b[-1]); } #endif /* check to see whether this score (or a shuff score) should be included in statistics */ jstats = samp_stats_idx(&pre_nstats, nstats, rand_state); #ifdef PCOMPLIB lib_buf2_dp->seq_dup = 0; /* mark first ->seq as original, not duplicate */ #endif for (itt=m_msp->revcomp; itt<=m_msp->nitt1; itt++) { lib_buf2_dp->frame = itt; lib_buf2_dp->stats_idx = jstats; lib_buf2_dp++; /* point to next buf2 */ lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_cnt++; /* point to the current sequence */ #ifdef PCOMPLIB lib_buf2_dp->seq_dup = 1; /* mark duplicates */ #endif lib_buf2_dp->seq = current_seq_p; lib_buf2_dp->mseq = current_mseq_p; } /* for (itt .. */ lib_bhead_p->hdr.seqr_cnt++; current_seq_p++; /* ready for the next seq_p, necessary to re-initialize lib_bhead_p->aa1b_base */ current_mseq_p++; } /* now I have a full lib_bhead_p buffer, which corresponds to a seqr_chain; send it off and get a new one */ #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) /* if COMP_THR/PCOMPLIB - fill and empty buffers */ /* provide filled buffer to workers */ lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_data = 1; lib_bhead_p->hdr.seq_record_continuous = 1; put_rbuf(lib_bhead_p,m_bufi_p->max_work_buf); get_rbuf(&lib_bhead_p,m_bufi_p->max_work_buf); /* get an empty buffer to fill */ #else /* just do the searches */ if (lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_type & BUF2_DOWORK) { buf_do_work(aa0, m_msp->n0, lib_bhead_p, m_msp->nitt1, ppst, f_str); if (m_msp->qshuffle) buf_qshuf_work(aa0s,m_msp->n0, lib_bhead_p, m_msp->nitt1, ppst, qf_str, ppst->score_ix); } if (lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_type & BUF2_DOSHUF) { buf_shuf_work(aa0,m_msp->n0, aa1shuff, lib_bhead_p, m_msp->nitt1, ppst, f_str, ppst->score_ix,rand_state); } #endif /* "empty" buffers have results that must be processed */ if (lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_cnt && lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_results) { save_best2(lib_bhead_p,m_msp, ppst, ldb, fdata, histp, pstat_void, s_info); if (getlib_info->use_memory <= 0 && getlib_info->lib_list_p->m_file_p->get_mmap_chain==NULL) { /* this section of code is only used for re-cycled buffers */ if (lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_best_save) { lib_buf2_dp = lib_bhead_p->buf2_data; while (lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_cnt--) { if (lib_buf2_dp->best_save != NULL) { preserve_seq(lib_buf2_dp, best_seqs, best_mseqs, best); } lib_buf2_dp->best_save = NULL; lib_buf2_dp++; } lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_best_save = 0; } } } lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_cnt = 0; lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_data=0; } /* end seqr_chain loop */ #if defined(COMP_THR) || defined(PCOMPLIB) /* send off the final data buffer */ lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_data = 1; /* ignored if buf2_cnt <= 0 */ put_rbuf(lib_bhead_p,m_bufi_p->max_work_buf); /* wait for the threads to finish */ wait_rbuf(m_bufi_p->max_work_buf); /* wait_rbuf(m_bufi_p->max_work_buf - empty_reader_bufs); */ /* save the final results */ /* this loop assumes that the seq_record/mseq_record buffers pointed to by RESULTS_BUF[i] are independent; thus there must be at least num_reader_bufs/m_bufi.max_work_buf seqr chains. */ for (i=0; i < num_reader_bufs; i++) { save_best2(RESULTS_BUF[i],m_msp, ppst, ldb, fdata, histp, pstat_void, s_info); if (getlib_info->use_memory <= 0 && getlib_info->lib_list_p && getlib_info->lib_list_p->m_file_p->get_mmap_chain==NULL) { /* this section of code is only used for re-cycled buffers */ if (lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_best_save) { lib_buf2_dp = lib_bhead_p->buf2_data; while (lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_cnt--) { if (lib_buf2_dp->best_save != NULL) { preserve_seq(lib_buf2_dp, best_seqs, best_mseqs, best); } lib_buf2_dp->best_save = NULL; lib_buf2_dp++; } lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_best_save = 0; } } RESULTS_BUF[i]->hdr.buf2_cnt = RESULTS_BUF[i]->hdr.have_results = 0; } #else /* !defined(COMP_THR || PCOMPLIB) */ if (lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_type & BUF2_DOWORK) { buf_do_work(aa0, m_msp->n0, lib_bhead_p, m_msp->nitt1, ppst, f_str); if (m_msp->qshuffle) buf_qshuf_work(aa0s,m_msp->n0, lib_bhead_p, m_msp->nitt1, ppst, qf_str, ppst->score_ix); } if (lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_type & BUF2_DOSHUF) { buf_shuf_work(aa0, m_msp->n0, aa1shuff, lib_bhead_p, m_msp->nitt1, ppst, f_str, ppst->score_ix, rand_state); } save_best2(lib_bhead_p,m_msp, ppst, ldb, fdata, histp, pstat_void, s_info); lib_bhead_p->hdr.buf2_cnt = lib_bhead_p->hdr.have_results = 0; #endif } /* **************************************************************** */ /* display_result() allows more flexible definitions of whether a result is displayed. Orginally, it was simply bbp->rst.escorerst.escore <= m_msp->e_cut) return 1; else return 0; } else { if (bbp->rst.escore > m_msp->e_low) return 1; else return 0; } } /* **************************************************************** */ /* fset_vars() is similar to initenv(), but sets some m_msp, ppst values based on threaded/unthreaded variables initfa.c and doinit.c do not know about COMP_THR/PCOMPLIB. MAX_MEMK varies depending on COMP_THR in defs.h */ /* **************************************************************** */ void fset_vars(struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst) { long l_tmp; char *cptr, ctmp; m_msp->max_memK = MAX_MEMK; if ((cptr=getenv("LIB_MEMK"))!=NULL) { ctmp = '\0'; sscanf(cptr,"%ld%c",&l_tmp, &ctmp); if (l_tmp <= 0) m_msp->max_memK = BIGNUM; else { l_tmp *= 1024; if (ctmp == 'G') l_tmp *= 1024; m_msp->max_memK = l_tmp; } } } /* **************************************************************** */ /* one-time initialization of best, bestp_arr, best_seq, best_mseq, stats, rstats */ /* **************************************************************** */ void init_beststats(struct beststr **best, struct beststr ***bestp_arr, struct seq_record **best_seqs, struct mseq_record **best_mseqs, struct stat_str **stats, struct stat_str **rstats, int shuff_max, int link_flag) { /* Allocate space for saved scores */ if ((*best = (struct beststr *)calloc((MAX_BEST+1),sizeof(struct beststr)))==NULL) { s_abort("Cannot allocate best struct",""); } if ((*bestp_arr = (struct beststr **)malloc((MAX_BEST+1)*sizeof(struct beststr *)))==NULL) { s_abort("Cannot allocate bestp_arr",""); } /* initialize high score boundary */ (*bestp_arr)[0] = *best; (*best)[0].rst.score[0]=(*best)[0].rst.score[1]=(*best)[0].rst.score[2]= INT_MAX; (*best)[0].rst.escore=FLT_MIN; /* for E()-values, lower is best */ (*best)[0].zscore=FLT_MAX; /* for Z-scores, bigger is best */ (*best)++; (*bestp_arr)++; /* ensures that the 0-th value is extreme */ /* save best score sequence info -- used if there is not enough memory for library */ if ((*best_seqs = (struct seq_record *)calloc((MAX_BEST+1),sizeof(struct seq_record)))==NULL) { s_abort("Cannot allocate best_seqs",""); } if ((*best_mseqs = (struct mseq_record *)calloc((MAX_BEST+1),sizeof(struct mseq_record)))==NULL) { s_abort("Cannot allocate best_seqs",""); } /* allocate space for sampled scores */ if ((*stats = (struct stat_str *)calloc(MAX_STATS,sizeof(struct stat_str)))==NULL) { s_abort ("Cannot allocate stats struct",""); } /* allocate space for shuffled library scores */ if ((*rstats = (struct stat_str *)calloc(shuff_max,sizeof(struct stat_str)))==NULL) { s_abort ("Cannot allocate rstats struct",""); } } #ifdef DEBUG void check_rbuf(struct buf_head *cur_buf) { int buf_cnt, index; struct buf2_data_s *cur_buf2_dp; index = 0; buf_cnt = cur_buf->hdr.buf2_cnt; cur_buf2_dp = cur_buf->buf2_data; while (buf_cnt-- > 0) { if (cur_buf2_dp->seq == NULL || cur_buf2_dp->seq->aa1b == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s/check_rbuf] NULL buffer->seq entry: at %d\n",prog_func, index); } if (cur_buf2_dp->seq->adler32_crc != adler32(1L,cur_buf2_dp->seq->aa1b, cur_buf2_dp->seq->n1)) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s/check_rbuf] CRC mismatch at %d (%d)\n",prog_func, index,cur_buf2_dp->seq->n1); } cur_buf2_dp++; index++; } } #endif