# # makefile for fasta3, fasta3_t. Use makefile.pvm for pvcompxx. # # options for Intel C compiler (v9.1) # # must be compiled/linked with /MT (or /MTd for debugging) to ensure # multi-threaded staticly linked executables. /MD uses dynamic # linking to DLL's, which may not be available on the users machine CC= icl /O2 /MT /W1 #CC= icl /Zi /MTd /W1 CL= icl /O2 /MT #CL= icl /Zi /MTd # standard options CFLAGS= -DSHOW_HELP -DSHOWSIM -DWIN32 -DHZ=100 -DSAMP_STATS -DPGM_DOC -DTHR_EXIT=pthread_exit -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1 -DMAX_WORKERS=2 BIN = ../bin XDIR = /seqprg/bin THR_SUBS = pthr_subs2 THR_LIBS= pthreadVC2.lib DROPGSW_SSE2_O = dropgsw2_sse2.obj smith_waterman_sse2.obj wm_align.obj calcons_sw.obj DROPGSW_O = dropgsw2.obj wm_align.obj calcons_sw.obj DROPLAL_SSE2_O = droplal_sse2.obj smith_waterman_sse2.obj lsim4.obj calcons_la.obj DROPLAL_O = droplal.obj lsim4.obj calcons_la.obj # # renamed (fasta36) programs include ../make/Makefile36.nmk_com # conventional (fasta3) names # include ../make/Makefile.common