/* ncbl2_lib.c functions to read ncbi-blast format files from formatdb (blast2.0 format files) */ /* copyright (c) 2006, 2014 by William R. Pearson and The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WRRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* Updated 22-Aug-2014 to include ambiguity-decoding code from Ralf Jost, Dipl.-Inform. Director, Technical Bioinformatics Biomax Informatics AG ralf.jost@biomax.com using code from NCBI Blast distribution */ /* $Name: $ - $Id: ncbl2_mlib.c 1291 2014-08-28 18:32:58Z wrp $ */ /* to turn on mmap()ing for Blast2 files: */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef UNIX #include #endif #include /* **************************************************************** 17-May-2006 Modified to read NCBI .[np]al and .msk files. The .nal or .pal file provides a way to read sequences from a list of files. The .msk file provides a compact way of indicating the subset of sequences in a larger database (typically nr or nt) that comprise a smaller database (e.g. swissprot or pdbaa). A .pal file (e.g. swissprot.00.pal) that uses a .msk file has the form: # Alias file generated by genmask # Date created: Mon Apr 10 11:24:05 2006 # TITLE Non-redundant SwissProt sequences DBLIST nr.00 OIDLIST swissprot.00.msk LENGTH 74351250 NSEQ 198346 MAXOID 2617347 MEMB_BIT 1 # end of the file To work with this file, we must first load the nr.00 file, and then read the swissprot.00.msk file, and then scan all the entries in the swissprot.00.msk file (which are packed 32 mask-bit to an int) to determine whether a specific libpos index entry is present in the subset database. **************************************************************** */ /* **************************************************************** This code reads NCBI Blast2 format databases from formatdb version 3 -- 5 (From NCBI) This section describes the format of the databases. Formatdb creates three main files for proteins containing indices, sequences, and headers with the extensions, respectively, of pin, psq, and phr (for nucleotides these are nin, nsq, and nhr). A number of other ISAM indices are created, but these are described elsewhere. FORMAT OF THE INDEX FILE ------------------------ 1.) formatdb version number [4 bytes]. 2.) protein dump flag (1 for a protein database, 0 for a nucleotide database) [4 bytes]. 3.) length of the database title in bytes [4 bytes]. 4.) the database title [length given in 3.)]. 5.) length of the date/time string [4 bytes]. 6.) the date/time string [length given in 5.)]. 7.) the number of sequences in the database [4 bytes]. 8.) the total length of the database in residues/basepairs [4 bytes]. 9.) the length of the longest sequence in the database [4 bytes]. 10.) a list of the offsets for definitions (one for each sequence) in the header file. There are num_of_seq+1 of these, where num_of_seq is the number of sequences given in 7.). 11.) a list of the offsets for sequences (one for each sequence) in the sequence file. There are num_of_seq+1 of these, where num_of_seq is the number of sequences given in 7.). 12.) a list of the offsets for the ambiguity characters (one for each sequence) in the sequence file. This list is only present for nucleotide databases and, since the database is compressed 4/1 for nucleotides, allows the ambiguity characters to be restored when the sequence is generated. There are num_of_seq+1 of these, where num_of_seq is the number of sequences given in 7.). FORMAT OF THE SEQUENCE FILE --------------------------- There are different formats for the protein and nucleotide sequence files. The protein sequence files is quite simple. The first byte in the file is a NULL byte, followed by the sequence in ncbistdaa format (described in the NCBI Software Development Toolkit documentation). Following the sequence is another NULL byte, followed by the next sequence. The file ends with a NULL byte, following the last sequence. The nucleotide sequence file contains the nucleotide sequence, with four basepairs compressed into one byte. The format used is NCBI2na, documented in the NCBI Software Development Toolkit manual. Any ambiguity characters present in the original sequence are replaced at random by A, C, G or T. The true value of ambiguity characters are stored at the end of each sequence to allow true reproduction of the original sequence. FORMAT OF THE HEADER FILE (formatdb version 3) ------------------------- The format of the header file depends on whether or not the identifiers in the original file were parsed or not. For the case that they were not, then each entry has the format: gnl|BL_ORD_ID|entry_number my favorite yeast sequence... Here entry_number gives the ordinal number of the sequence in the database (with zero offset). The identifier gnl|BL_ORD_ID|entry_number is used by the BLAST software to identify the entry, if the user has not provided another identifier. If the identifier was parsed, then gnl|BL_ORD_ID|entry_number is replaced by the correct identifier, as described in ftp://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/README . There are no separators between these deflines. For formatdb version 4, the header file contains blast ASN.1 binary deflines, which can parsed with parse_fastadl_asn(). FORMAT OF THE .MSK FILE ----------------------- The .msk file is simply a packed list of masks for formatdb "oids" for some other file (typically nr). The first value is the last oid available; the remainder are packed 32 oids/mask, so that the number of masks is 1/32 the number of sequences in the file. **************************************************************** */ #ifdef USE_MMAP #include #include #include #ifdef IBM_AIX #include #else #include #endif #endif #ifdef USE_MMAP #ifndef MAP_FILE #define MAP_FILE 0 #endif #endif #ifdef UNIX #define RBSTR "r" #else #define RBSTR "rb" #endif #ifdef WIN32 #define SLASH_CHAR '\\' #define SLASH_STR "\\" #else #define SLASH_CHAR '/' #define SLASH_STR "/" #endif #define XTERNAL #include "uascii.h" #define XTERNAL #include "upam.h" #include "ncbl2_head.h" #include "defs.h" #include "structs.h" #include "mm_file.h" #define MAX_FADL_ACC_LEN 64 unsigned long adler32(unsigned long, const unsigned char *, unsigned int); unsigned int bl2_uint4_cvt(unsigned int); unsigned int bl2_long4_cvt(long); uint64_t bl2_long8_cvt(uint64_t); void src_int4_read(FILE *fd, int *valp); void src_uint4_read(FILE *fd, unsigned int *valp); void src_long4_read(FILE *fd, long *valp); void src_long8_read(FILE *fd, int64_t *val); void ncbi_long8_read(FILE *fd, int64_t *valp); void src_char_read(FILE *fd, char *valp); unsigned char *parse_fastadl_asn(unsigned char *asn_buff, unsigned char *asn_max, int *gi_p, int *db, char *acc, size_t acc_len, char *name, size_t name_len, char *title, size_t t_len, int *taxid); /* nt_btoa maps from blast 2bit format to ascii characters */ static char nt_btoa[5] = {"ACGT"}; static char *aa_b2toa= "-ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWXYZU*OJ"; /* NCBIstdaa */ static int aa_btof[32]; /* maps to fasta alphabet */ static int aa_btof_null = 0; static int dbtype, dbformat, amb_cnt; #define NCBIBL20 12 struct lmf_str *load_ncbl2(struct lmf_str *m_fptr, FILE *ifile, int dbformat, int dbtype); int ncbl2_get_mmap_chain_o(struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr_chain, struct lmf_str *m_fd, struct db_str *db); int ncbl2_get_mmap_chain(struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr_chain, struct lmf_str *m_fd, struct db_str *db); int ncbl2_getliba(unsigned char *, int, char *, int, fseek_t *, int *, struct lmf_str *, long *); int ncbl2_getlibn(unsigned char *, int, char *, int, fseek_t *, int *, struct lmf_str *, long *); int ncbl2_getliba_o(unsigned char *, int, char *, int, fseek_t *, int *, struct lmf_str *, long *); int ncbl2_getlibn_o(unsigned char *, int, char *, int, fseek_t *, int *, struct lmf_str *, long *); void newname(char *, char *, char *, int); void parse_pal(char *, char *, int *, int *, FILE *); int readMFILE (void *buffer, size_t size, int nitems, struct lmf_str *m_fd); void ncbl2_ranlib(char *, int, fseek_t, char *, struct lmf_str *m_fd); /* ncbl2_openlib() is used to open (and memory map) a BLAST2.0 format file. Ifdef USE_MMAP, then ncbl2_openlib returns a structure that can be used to read the database. */ struct lmf_str * ncbl2_openlib(struct lib_struct *lib_p, int ldnaseq) { char lname[256]; /* .pal, .nal file name */ char dname[256]; /* .pin, .nin file for files included from .msk files */ char msk_name[256]; /* .msk file name */ char hname[256]; /* .phr, .nhr */ char sname[256]; /* .psq, .nsq */ char tname[256]; /* .pin, .nin file */ char db_dir[256]; /* directory where all the files live */ int pref_db= -1; /* right now, only swissprot.pal, pdbaa.pal are used for masked OID files */ char *bp; int oid_seqs, max_oid, have_oid_list; int oid_cnt, oid_len; unsigned int *oid_list, o_max; int tmp; int i; #ifdef USE_MMAP struct stat statbuf; #endif FILE *ifile; /* index offsets, also DB info */ struct lmf_str *m_fptr; /* this function should be reorganized (1) check to see if there is a .nal/.pal file before doing things with names, since the names might be wrong. (2) if there is a .nal/.pal file, check to see if it has a DBLIST (later), if it does, then modify the lib_p->next chain if it does not, then generate the appropriate file names, and read the oid list (3) otherwise (no .nal/.pal file), generate the file names */ if (ldnaseq==SEQT_PROT) { newname(lname,lib_p->file_name,AA_LIST_EXT,(int)sizeof(lname)); /* .pal */ } else { newname(lname,lib_p->file_name,NT_LIST_EXT,(int)sizeof(lname)); /* .nal */ } /* check for a .nal/.pal OID list file */ max_oid = oid_seqs = 0; oid_list = NULL; /* here, we check for a .pal/.nal file by trying to open it */ if ((ifile = fopen(lname,"r"))!=NULL) { if ((bp = strrchr(lib_p->file_name,SLASH_CHAR))!=NULL) { *bp = '\0'; SAFE_STRNCPY(db_dir,lib_p->file_name,sizeof(db_dir)); SAFE_STRNCAT(db_dir,SLASH_STR,sizeof(db_dir)); *bp = SLASH_CHAR; } else { db_dir[0]='\0'; } /* we have a list file, we need to parse it */ parse_pal(dname, msk_name, &oid_seqs, &max_oid, ifile); fclose(ifile); pref_db = -1; if (oid_seqs > 0) { have_oid_list = 1; /* get the pref_db before adding the directory */ if (strncmp(msk_name,"swissprot",9)==0) { pref_db = 7; } else if (strncmp(msk_name,"pdbaa",5)==0) { pref_db = 14; } /* need to add directory to both dname and msk_name */ SAFE_STRNCPY(tname,db_dir,sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCAT(tname,msk_name, sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCPY(msk_name, tname, sizeof(msk_name)); SAFE_STRNCPY(tname,db_dir,sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCAT(tname,dname, sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCPY(dname,tname,sizeof(dname)); if (ldnaseq == SEQT_PROT) { newname(tname,dname,AA_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); newname(hname,dname,AA_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); newname(sname,dname,AA_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); } else { /* reading DNA library */ newname(tname,dname,NT_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); newname(hname,dname,NT_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); newname(sname,dname,NT_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); } /* now load the oid file */ if ((ifile = fopen(msk_name,RBSTR))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot load %s file\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,msk_name); return NULL; } else { src_uint4_read(ifile,&o_max); if (o_max != max_oid) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - oid count mismatch %d != %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,max_oid, o_max); } oid_len = (max_oid/32+1); if ((oid_list=(unsigned int *)calloc(oid_len,sizeof(int)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate oid_list[%d]\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,oid_len); return NULL; } if ((oid_cnt=fread(oid_list,sizeof(int),oid_len,ifile))==0) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot read oid_list[%d]\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,oid_len); return NULL; } fclose(ifile); } } #ifdef DEBUG else { /* we had a .msk file, but there are no oid's in it. */ fprintf(stderr," *** WARNING [%s:%d] -- found .pal/.nal file %s with no OIDs\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,lname); return NULL; } #endif } else { /* else no OID/.msk file -- generate the names */ have_oid_list = 0; /* initialize file names */ if (ldnaseq==SEQT_PROT) { /* read a protein database */ newname(tname,lib_p->file_name,AA_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); /* .pin */ newname(hname,lib_p->file_name,AA_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); /* .phr */ newname(sname,lib_p->file_name,AA_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); /* .psq */ } else { /* reading DNA library */ newname(tname,lib_p->file_name,NT_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); /* .nin */ newname(hname,lib_p->file_name,NT_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); /* .nhr */ newname(sname,lib_p->file_name,NT_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); /* .nsq */ } } if (ldnaseq == SEQT_PROT) { /* initialize map of BLAST2 amino acids to FASTA amino acids */ for (i=0; aa_b2toa[i]; i++) { if ((tmp=aascii[aa_b2toa[i]])file_name); perror("..."); return NULL; } src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned *)&dbformat); /* get format DB version number */ src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned *)&dbtype); /* get 1 for protein/0 DNA */ if (dbformat != FORMATDBV3 && dbformat!=FORMATDBV4 && dbformat!=FORMATDBV5) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - %s wrong formatdb version (%d/%d)\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tname,dbformat,FORMATDBV3); return NULL; } if ((ldnaseq==SEQT_PROT && dbtype != AAFORMAT) || (ldnaseq==SEQT_DNA && dbtype!=NTFORMAT)) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - %s wrong format (%d/%d)\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tname,dbtype,(ldnaseq ? NTFORMAT: AAFORMAT)); return NULL; } /* the files are there - allocate lmf_str */ if ((m_fptr=(struct lmf_str *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct lmf_str)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate lmf_str\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); return NULL; } m_fptr->lib_aa = (ldnaseq == 0); m_fptr->tmp_buf_max = 4096; if ((m_fptr->tmp_buf= (char *)calloc(m_fptr->tmp_buf_max,sizeof(char)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate lmf_str->tmp_buffer\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); return NULL; } /* load the oid info */ m_fptr->have_oid_list = have_oid_list; m_fptr->max_oid = max_oid; m_fptr->oid_seqs = oid_seqs; m_fptr->oid_list = oid_list; m_fptr->pref_db= pref_db; m_fptr->get_mmap_chain = NULL; /* open the header file */ if ((m_fptr->hfile = fopen(hname,RBSTR))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot open %s header file\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,hname); goto error_r; } /* ncbl2_ranlib is used for all BLAST2.0 access */ m_fptr->ranlib = ncbl2_ranlib; m_fptr->bl_format_ver = dbformat; m_fptr->lb_type = NCBIBL20; m_fptr->libf = NULL; if (ldnaseq==SEQT_DNA) { if (oid_seqs > 0) { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getlibn_o; } else { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getlibn; } m_fptr->sascii = nascii; } else { if (oid_seqs > 0) { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getliba_o; m_fptr->get_mmap_chain = ncbl2_get_mmap_chain_o; } else { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getliba; m_fptr->get_mmap_chain = ncbl2_get_mmap_chain; } m_fptr->sascii = aascii; } m_fptr->lb_name = lib_p->file_name; /* open the sequence file */ #if defined (USE_MMAP) m_fptr->mm_flg=((m_fptr->mmap_fd=open(sname,O_RDONLY))>=0); if (!m_fptr->mm_flg) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot open %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,sname); perror("..."); } else { if(fstat(m_fptr->mmap_fd, &statbuf) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot fstat %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,sname); perror("..."); m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; } else { m_fptr->st_size = statbuf.st_size; if((m_fptr->mmap_base = mmap(NULL, m_fptr->st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, m_fptr->mmap_fd, 0)) == (char *) -1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot mmap %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,sname); perror("..."); m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; } else { m_fptr->mmap_addr = m_fptr->mmap_base; m_fptr->mm_flg = 1; } } /* regardless, close the open()ed version */ close(m_fptr->mmap_fd); } #else m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; #endif if (!m_fptr->mm_flg) { if ((m_fptr->libf = fopen(sname,RBSTR))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot open %s sequence file",__FILE__,__LINE__,sname); perror("..."); goto error_r; } } /* all files should be open -- the rest of the work can be done by a function common to ncbl2_openlib() and ncbl2_reopen() */ return load_ncbl2(m_fptr, ifile, dbformat, dbtype); error_r: /* here if failure after m_fptr allocated */ free(m_fptr); return NULL; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* re-open an already opened library file using information in m_fptr a valid m_fptr guarantees that the necessary files exist, and we know whether there is an OID file. m_fptr's are NEVER used for file lists, only for files with sequence data */ /* **************************************************************** */ struct lmf_str *ncbl2_reopen(struct lmf_str *m_fptr) { char lname[256]; /* .pal, .nal file name */ char dname[256]; /* .pin, .nin file for files included from .msk files */ char msk_name[256]; /* .msk file name */ char hname[256]; /* .phr, .nhr */ char sname[256]; /* .psq, .nsq */ char tname[256]; /* .pin, .nin file */ char db_dir[256]; /* directory where all the files live */ int pref_db= -1; /* right now, only swissprot.pal, pdbaa.pal are used for masked OID files */ char *bp; int oid_seqs, max_oid, have_oid_list; int oid_cnt, oid_len; unsigned int *oid_list, o_max; #ifdef USE_MMAP struct stat statbuf; #endif FILE *ifile; /* index offsets, also DB info */ /* its not open, but its being re-used, so re-initialize things */ m_fptr->libf = NULL; m_fptr->mmap_fd = -1; m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; /* if we have an oid list, open it, read it, and use it to get the file names */ /* check for a .nal/.pal OID list file */ max_oid = oid_seqs = 0; oid_list = NULL; if (m_fptr->have_oid_list) { if (m_fptr->lib_aa==1) { newname(lname,m_fptr->lb_name,AA_LIST_EXT,(int)sizeof(lname)); /* .pal */ } else { newname(lname,m_fptr->lb_name,NT_LIST_EXT,(int)sizeof(lname)); /* .nal */ } ifile = fopen(lname,"r"); /* it has to open, it did before */ if ((bp = strrchr(m_fptr->lb_name,SLASH_CHAR))!=NULL) { *bp = '\0'; SAFE_STRNCPY(db_dir,m_fptr->lb_name,sizeof(db_dir)); SAFE_STRNCAT(db_dir,SLASH_STR,sizeof(db_dir)); *bp = SLASH_CHAR; } else { db_dir[0]='\0'; } /* we have a list file, we need to parse it */ parse_pal(dname, msk_name, &oid_seqs, &max_oid, ifile); fclose(ifile); /* we have read the .pal/.nal file, now deal with the .msk file */ pref_db = -1; /* get the pref_db before adding the directory */ if (strncmp(msk_name,"swissprot",9)==0) { pref_db = 7; } else if (strncmp(msk_name,"pdbaa",5)==0) { pref_db = 14; } /* need to add directory to both dname and msk_name */ SAFE_STRNCPY(tname,db_dir,sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCAT(tname,msk_name, sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCPY(msk_name, tname, sizeof(msk_name)); SAFE_STRNCPY(tname,db_dir,sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCAT(tname,dname, sizeof(tname)); SAFE_STRNCPY(dname,tname,sizeof(dname)); if (m_fptr->lib_aa) { newname(tname,dname,AA_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); newname(hname,dname,AA_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); newname(sname,dname,AA_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); } else { /* reading DNA library */ newname(tname,dname,NT_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); newname(hname,dname,NT_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); newname(sname,dname,NT_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); } ifile = fopen(msk_name,RBSTR); src_uint4_read(ifile,&o_max); oid_len = (max_oid/32+1); if ((oid_list=(unsigned int *)calloc(oid_len,sizeof(int)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate oid_list[%d]\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,oid_len); return NULL; } if ((oid_cnt=fread(oid_list,sizeof(int),oid_len,ifile))==0) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot read oid_list[%d]\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,oid_len); return NULL; } fclose(ifile); } else { /* else no OID/.msk file -- generate the names */ /* initialize file names */ if (m_fptr->lib_aa) { /* read a protein database */ newname(tname,m_fptr->lb_name,AA_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); /* .pin */ newname(hname,m_fptr->lb_name,AA_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); /* .phr */ newname(sname,m_fptr->lb_name,AA_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); /* .psq */ } else { /* reading DNA library */ newname(tname,m_fptr->lb_name,NT_INDEX_EXT,(int)sizeof(tname)); /* .nin */ newname(hname,m_fptr->lb_name,NT_HEADER_EXT,(int)sizeof(hname)); /* .nhr */ newname(sname,m_fptr->lb_name,NT_SEARCHSEQ_EXT,(int)sizeof(sname)); /* .nsq */ } } /* now we have all the file names, open the files and read the data */ /* open the index/header file, and read the sequence type info */ if ((ifile = fopen(tname,RBSTR))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot open %s (%s) INDEX file",__FILE__,__LINE__,tname,m_fptr->lb_name); perror("..."); return NULL; } src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned *)&dbformat); /* get format DB version number */ src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned *)&dbtype); /* get 1 for protein/0 DNA */ m_fptr->tmp_buf_max = 4096; if ((m_fptr->tmp_buf= (char *)calloc(m_fptr->tmp_buf_max,sizeof(char)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate lmf_str->tmp_buffer\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); return NULL; } /* load the oid info */ m_fptr->max_oid = max_oid; m_fptr->oid_seqs = oid_seqs; m_fptr->oid_list = oid_list; m_fptr->pref_db= pref_db; m_fptr->get_mmap_chain = NULL; /* open the header file */ m_fptr->hfile = fopen(hname,RBSTR); /* ncbl2_ranlib is used for all BLAST2.0 access */ m_fptr->ranlib = ncbl2_ranlib; m_fptr->bl_format_ver = dbformat; if (!m_fptr->lib_aa) { if (oid_seqs > 0) { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getlibn_o; } else { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getlibn; } m_fptr->sascii = nascii; } else { if (oid_seqs > 0) { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getliba_o; } else { m_fptr->getlib = ncbl2_getliba; } m_fptr->sascii = aascii; } /* open the sequence file */ #if defined (USE_MMAP) m_fptr->mm_flg=((m_fptr->mmap_fd=open(sname,O_RDONLY))>=0); if(fstat(m_fptr->mmap_fd, &statbuf) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot fstat %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,sname); perror("..."); m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; } else { m_fptr->st_size = statbuf.st_size; if((m_fptr->mmap_base = mmap(NULL, m_fptr->st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, m_fptr->mmap_fd, 0)) == (char *) -1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot mmap %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,sname); perror("..."); m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; } else { m_fptr->mmap_addr = m_fptr->mmap_base; m_fptr->mm_flg = 1; } } /* regardless, close the open()ed version */ close(m_fptr->mmap_fd); #else m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; #endif if (!m_fptr->mm_flg) { m_fptr->libf = fopen(sname,RBSTR); if (!m_fptr->libf) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot open %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,sname); return NULL; } m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; } return load_ncbl2(m_fptr, ifile, dbformat, dbtype); } struct lmf_str *load_ncbl2(struct lmf_str *m_fptr, FILE *ifile, int dbformat, int dbtype) { int title_len; char *title_str=NULL; int date_len; char *pdb_title_str=NULL; int pdb_title_len; char *date_str=NULL; long ltmp; int64_t l8tmp; int i, tmp; unsigned int *f_pos_arr; if (dbformat == FORMATDBV5) { src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned int *)<mp); } src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned *)&title_len); if (title_len > 0) { if ((title_str = calloc((size_t)title_len+1,sizeof(char)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate title string (%d)\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,title_len); goto error_r; } fread(title_str,(size_t)1,(size_t)title_len,ifile); } if (dbformat == FORMATDBV5) { src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned int *)&pdb_title_len); if (pdb_title_len > 0) { if ((pdb_title_str = calloc((size_t)pdb_title_len+1,sizeof(char)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate pdb_title string (%d)\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,pdb_title_len); goto error_r; } fread(pdb_title_str,(size_t)1,(size_t)pdb_title_len,ifile); } } src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned *)&date_len); if (date_len > 0) { if ((date_str = calloc((size_t)date_len+1,sizeof(char)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate date string (%d)\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,date_len); goto error_r; } fread(date_str,(size_t)1,(size_t)date_len,ifile); } m_fptr->lpos = 0; src_uint4_read(ifile,(unsigned *)&m_fptr->max_cnt); if (dbformat == FORMATDBV3) { src_long4_read(ifile,<mp); m_fptr->tot_len = ltmp; } else { ncbi_long8_read(ifile,&l8tmp); m_fptr->tot_len = l8tmp; } src_long4_read(ifile,<mp); m_fptr->max_len = ltmp; /* currently we are not using this information, but perhaps later */ if (title_str!=NULL) free(title_str); if (date_str!=NULL) free(date_str); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"*** INFO [%s:%d] - %s format: BL2 (%s) max_cnt: %d, totlen: %lld, maxlen %ld\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, m_fptr->lb_name,m_fptr->mm_flg ? "mmap" : "fopen", m_fptr->max_cnt,m_fptr->tot_len,m_fptr->max_len); #endif /* allocate and read hdr indexes */ if ((f_pos_arr=(unsigned int *)calloc((size_t)m_fptr->max_cnt+1,sizeof(int)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate tmp header pointers\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); goto error_r; } if ((m_fptr->d_pos_arr=(MM_OFF *)calloc((size_t)m_fptr->max_cnt+1,sizeof(MM_OFF)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate header pointers\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); goto error_r; } /* allocate and read sequence offsets */ if ((m_fptr->s_pos_arr=(MM_OFF *)calloc((size_t)m_fptr->max_cnt+1,sizeof(MM_OFF)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate sequence pointers\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); goto error_r; } if (fread(f_pos_arr,(size_t)4,m_fptr->max_cnt+1,ifile)!=m_fptr->max_cnt+1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - error reading hdr offsets: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,m_fptr->lb_name); goto error_r; } for (i=0; i<=m_fptr->max_cnt; i++) #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN m_fptr->d_pos_arr[i] = f_pos_arr[i]; #else m_fptr->d_pos_arr[i] = bl2_uint4_cvt(f_pos_arr[i]); #endif if (fread(f_pos_arr,(size_t)4,m_fptr->max_cnt+1,ifile)!=m_fptr->max_cnt+1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - error reading seq offsets: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,m_fptr->lb_name); goto error_r; } for (i=0; i<=m_fptr->max_cnt; i++) { #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN m_fptr->s_pos_arr[i] = f_pos_arr[i]; #else m_fptr->s_pos_arr[i] = bl2_uint4_cvt(f_pos_arr[i]); #endif } if (dbtype == NTFORMAT) { /* allocate and ambiguity offsets */ if ((m_fptr->a_pos_arr=(MM_OFF *)calloc((size_t)m_fptr->max_cnt+1,sizeof(MM_OFF)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate sequence pointers\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); goto error_r; } /* for (i=0; i<=m_fptr->max_cnt; i++) src_uint4_read(ifile,&m_fptr->a_pos_arr[i]); */ if (fread(f_pos_arr,(size_t)4,m_fptr->max_cnt+1,ifile)!=m_fptr->max_cnt+1) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - error reading seq offsets: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,m_fptr->lb_name); goto error_r; } for (i=0; i<=m_fptr->max_cnt; i++) { #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN m_fptr->a_pos_arr[i] = f_pos_arr[i]; #else m_fptr->a_pos_arr[i] = bl2_uint4_cvt(f_pos_arr[i]); #endif } } /* for (i=0; i < min(m_fptr->max_cnt,10); i++) { fprintf(stderr,"%d: %d %d %d\n",i,m_fptr->s_pos_arr[i],m_fptr->a_pos_arr[i],m_fptr->d_pos_arr[i]); } */ /* all done with ifile, close it */ fclose(ifile); free(f_pos_arr); if (!m_fptr->mm_flg) { tmp = fgetc(m_fptr->libf); if (tmp!=NULLB) fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - phase error: %d:%d found\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,0,tmp); } m_fptr->bl_lib_pos = 1; amb_cnt = 0; return m_fptr; error_r: /* here if failure after m_fptr allocated */ free(m_fptr); return NULL; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* close the library, free s_pos_arr, a_pos_arr, but save file info */ /* **************************************************************** */ void ncbl2_closelib(struct lmf_str *m_fptr) { if (m_fptr->tmp_buf != NULL) { free(m_fptr->tmp_buf); m_fptr->tmp_buf = NULL; m_fptr->tmp_buf_max = 0; } if (m_fptr->s_pos_arr !=NULL) { free(m_fptr->s_pos_arr); m_fptr->s_pos_arr = NULL; } if (m_fptr->a_pos_arr!=NULL) { free(m_fptr->a_pos_arr); m_fptr->a_pos_arr = NULL; } if (m_fptr->hfile !=NULL ) { fclose(m_fptr->hfile); m_fptr->hfile=NULL; free(m_fptr->d_pos_arr); m_fptr->d_pos_arr = NULL; } if (m_fptr->oid_list != NULL) { free(m_fptr->oid_list); m_fptr->oid_list = NULL; m_fptr->oid_seqs = m_fptr->max_oid = 0; } #ifdef use_mmap if (m_fptr->mm_flg) { munmap(m_fptr->mmap_base,m_fptr->st_size); m_fptr->mmap_fd = -1; } else #endif if (m_fptr->libf !=NULL ) { fclose(m_fptr->libf); m_fptr->libf=NULL; } m_fptr->mm_flg = 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* read a protein sequence using OID offsets */ /* **************************************************************** */ int ncbl2_getliba_o(unsigned char *seq, int maxs, char *libstr, int n_libstr, fseek_t *libpos, int *lcont, struct lmf_str *m_fd, long *l_off) { int tpos; unsigned int t_mask, t_shift, oid_mask; /* get to the next valid pointer */ for ( tpos = m_fd->lpos ;tpos <= m_fd->max_oid; tpos++) { t_mask = tpos / 32; t_shift = 31 - (tpos % 32); if ((oid_mask = m_fd->oid_list[t_mask])==0) { continue; } if ((bl2_uint4_cvt(oid_mask) & 0x1 << t_shift)) { if (!m_fd->mm_flg) fseek(m_fd->libf,m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos],0); m_fd->lpos = tpos; /* already bumped up */ m_fd->bl_lib_pos = m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos]; return ncbl2_getliba(seq, maxs, libstr, n_libstr, libpos, lcont, m_fd, l_off); } } return -1; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* read a protein sequence */ /* **************************************************************** */ int ncbl2_getliba(unsigned char *seq, int maxs, char *libstr, int n_libstr, fseek_t *libpos, int *lcont, struct lmf_str *m_fd, long *l_off) { unsigned char *sptr, *dptr; int s_chunk, d_len, lib_cnt; long seqcnt; long tmp; static long seq_len; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PCOMPLIB) int gi, my_db, taxid; char acc[MAX_FADL_ACC_LEN], title[MAX_UID], name[MAX_FADL_ACC_LEN]; #endif *l_off = 1; lib_cnt = m_fd->lpos; *libpos = (fseek_t)m_fd->lpos; if (*lcont==0) { if (lib_cnt >= m_fd->max_cnt) return -1; /* no more sequences */ seq_len = m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt+1] - m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; /* value is +1 off to get the NULL */ if (m_fd->mm_flg) m_fd->mmap_addr = m_fd->mmap_base+m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; #if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) libstr[0]='\0'; #else /* get the name from the header file */ fseek(m_fd->hfile,m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt],0); if (m_fd->bl_format_ver == FORMATDBV3) { d_len = min(n_libstr-1,m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt+1]-m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt]-1); fread(libstr,(size_t)1,(size_t)d_len,m_fd->hfile); libstr[d_len]='\0'; } else { d_len = min(m_fd->tmp_buf_max,m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt+1]-m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt]-1); fread(m_fd->tmp_buf,(size_t)1,(size_t)d_len,m_fd->hfile); parse_fastadl_asn((unsigned char *)m_fd->tmp_buf, (unsigned char *)m_fd->tmp_buf+d_len, &gi, &my_db, acc, sizeof(acc), name, sizeof(name), title, sizeof(title), &taxid); sprintf(m_fd->tmp_buf,"gi|%d",gi); SAFE_STRNCPY(libstr,m_fd->tmp_buf,n_libstr); } libstr[n_libstr-1]='\0'; #endif } if (seq_len <= maxs) { /* sequence fits */ seqcnt = seq_len; m_fd->lpos++; *lcont = 0; } else { /* doesn't fit */ seqcnt = maxs-1; (*lcont)++; } if (m_fd->mm_flg) sptr = (unsigned char *)m_fd->mmap_addr; else { if ((tmp=fread(seq,(size_t)1,(size_t)seq_len,m_fd->libf))!=(size_t)seq_len) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - could not read sequence record: %lld %ld != %ld\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, *libpos,tmp,seq_len); goto error; } sptr = seq; } if (seq_len <= maxs) {seqcnt = --seq_len;} /* everything is ready, set up dst. pointer, seq_len */ if (aa_b2toa[sptr[seq_len-1]]=='*') seq_len--; if (aa_btof_null) { memcpy(seq,sptr,seq_len); } else { dptr = seq; s_chunk = seqcnt/16; while (s_chunk-- > 0) { *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; } while (dptr < seq+seqcnt) *dptr++ = aa_btof[*sptr++]; } if (m_fd->mm_flg) m_fd->mmap_addr = (char *)sptr; /* we didn't get it all, so reset for more */ if (*lcont) seq_len -= seqcnt; seq[seqcnt]= EOSEQ; return (seqcnt); error: fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - error reading %s at %lld\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,libstr,*libpos); fflush(stderr); return (-1); } /* ncbl2_mmap_getchain_o fills cur_seqr_chain with sequence pointers from the memory mapped file at *m_fd, based on oid coordinates (not contiguous) requires NCBIstdaa core encoding */ int ncbl2_get_mmap_chain_o(struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr_chain, struct lmf_str *m_fd, struct db_str *db) { int i; struct seq_record *seq_a, *seq_p; struct mseq_record *mseq_a, *mseq_p; int tpos; unsigned int t_mask, t_shift, oid_mask; tpos = m_fd->lpos; if (tpos > m_fd->max_oid) return EOF; seq_a = cur_seqr_chain->seqr_base; mseq_a = cur_seqr_chain->mseqr_base; for (i=0; i < cur_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs; i++) { if (tpos > m_fd->max_oid) { break; } seq_p = &seq_a[i]; mseq_p = &mseq_a[i]; /* now get the next valid pointer */ while (tpos <= m_fd->max_oid) { t_mask = tpos / 32; t_shift = 31 - (tpos % 32); if ((oid_mask = m_fd->oid_list[t_mask])==0) { tpos++; continue; } /* have a valid entry */ if ((bl2_uint4_cvt(oid_mask) & 0x1 << t_shift)) { m_fd->bl_lib_pos = m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos]; seq_p->n1 = m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos+1] - m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos]-1; /* value is +1 off to get the NULL */ seq_p->aa1b = (unsigned char *)(m_fd->mmap_base + m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos]); seq_p->l_offset = 0; seq_p->l_off = 1; db->entries++; db->length += seq_p->n1; if (db->length > LONG_MAX) { db->length -= LONG_MAX; db->carry++; } mseq_p->m_file_p = m_fd; mseq_p->n1tot_p=NULL; mseq_p->cont = 0; seq_p->index = mseq_p->index = mseq_p->lseek = tpos++; #ifndef DEBUG mseq_p->libstr[0] = '\0'; #else #endif #if DEBUG seq_p->adler32_crc = mseq_p->adler32_crc = adler32(1L,seq_p->aa1b,seq_p->n1); #endif break; } else { tpos++; } } } if (i==0 && tpos > m_fd->max_oid) return EOF; m_fd->lpos = tpos; cur_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt = i; if (i >= m_fd->max_cnt) return EOF; else return i; } /* ncbl2_mmap_getchain fills cur_seqr_chain with sequence pointers from the memory mapped file at *m_fd because the database is opened read-only, this code only works with an amino acid mapping identical to that used by blastdbcmd, aa_b2toa[] */ int ncbl2_get_mmap_chain(struct seqr_chain *cur_seqr_chain, struct lmf_str *m_fd, struct db_str *db) { int i, lib_cnt; struct seq_record *seq_a, *seq_p; struct mseq_record *mseq_a, *mseq_p; lib_cnt = m_fd->lpos; if (lib_cnt >= m_fd->max_cnt) return EOF; seq_a = cur_seqr_chain->seqr_base; mseq_a = cur_seqr_chain->mseqr_base; for (i=0; i < cur_seqr_chain->max_chain_seqs; i++) { if (lib_cnt >= m_fd->max_cnt) break; seq_p = &seq_a[i]; mseq_p = &mseq_a[i]; seq_p->n1 = m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt+1] - m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt]-1; /* value is +1 off to get the NULL */ db->entries++; db->length += seq_p->n1; if (db->length > LONG_MAX) { db->length -= LONG_MAX; db->carry++; } mseq_p->m_file_p = m_fd; mseq_p->n1tot_p=NULL; mseq_p->cont = 0; seq_p->index = mseq_p->index = mseq_p->lseek = lib_cnt; #ifndef DEBUG mseq_p->libstr[0] = '\0'; #else #endif seq_p->aa1b = (unsigned char *)(m_fd->mmap_base + m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt++]); seq_p->l_offset = 0; seq_p->l_off = 1; #if DEBUG seq_p->adler32_crc = mseq_p->adler32_crc = adler32(1L,seq_p->aa1b,seq_p->n1); #endif } m_fd->lpos = lib_cnt; cur_seqr_chain->cur_seq_cnt = i; return i; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* read a DNA sequence using OID offsets */ /* **************************************************************** */ int ncbl2_getlibn_o(unsigned char *seq, int maxs, char *libstr, int n_libstr, fseek_t *libpos, int *lcont, struct lmf_str *m_fd, long *l_off) { int tpos; unsigned int t_mask, t_shift, oid_mask; /* get to the next valid pointer */ for (tpos = m_fd->lpos; tpos <= m_fd->max_oid; tpos++) { t_mask = tpos / 32; t_shift = 31 - (tpos % 32); if ((oid_mask = m_fd->oid_list[t_mask])==0) { continue; } if ((bl2_uint4_cvt(oid_mask) & 0x1 << t_shift)) { if (!m_fd->mm_flg) fseek(m_fd->libf,m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos],0); m_fd->lpos = tpos; /* already bumped up */ m_fd->bl_lib_pos = m_fd->s_pos_arr[tpos]; return ncbl2_getlibn(seq, maxs, libstr, n_libstr, libpos, lcont, m_fd, l_off); } } return -1; } static char tmp_amb[4096]; /* **************************************************************** */ /* read a DNA sequence */ /* **************************************************************** */ int ncbl2_getlibn(unsigned char *seq, int maxs, char *libstr, int n_libstr, fseek_t *libpos, int *lcont, struct lmf_str *m_fd, long *l_off) { unsigned char *sptr, *tptr, stmp; long seqcnt; int s_chunk, lib_cnt; size_t tmp; char ch; static long seq_len; static int c_len,c_pad; int c_len_set, d_len; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PCOMPLIB) int gi, my_db, taxid; char acc[MAX_FADL_ACC_LEN], title[MAX_UID], name[MAX_FADL_ACC_LEN]; #endif /* ambiguity code adapted from NCBI Blast sources by: Ralf Jost, Dipl.-Inform. Director, Technical Bioinformatics Biomax Informatics AG ralf.jost@biomax.com */ int amb_lower = *lcont * maxs; /* int amb_upper = (*lcont + 1) * maxs - 1; */ /* not used */ unsigned long x; unsigned long soff, eoff; int index; unsigned int amb_cnt = 0; unsigned int large_amb = 0; unsigned int start; unsigned int end; unsigned int amb_start; const char str_2bit[] = "ACGT"; const char str_4bit[] = "-ACMGRSVTWYHKDBN"; unsigned int *amb_ptr = NULL; long filepos = 0; char *mmap_pos = NULL; unsigned int i; unsigned char res; int row_len; int j, position = 0; *l_off = 1; lib_cnt = m_fd->lpos; *libpos = (fseek_t)lib_cnt; if (*lcont==0) { /* not a continuation of previous */ if (lib_cnt >= m_fd->max_cnt) return (-1); c_len = m_fd->a_pos_arr[lib_cnt]- m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; if (!m_fd->mm_flg) { /* fseek over amb_ray */ fseek(m_fd->libf,m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt],0); m_fd->bl_lib_pos = m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; } else m_fd->mmap_addr = m_fd->mmap_base + m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; #if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(PCOMPLIB) libstr[0]='\0'; #else /* get the name from the header file */ fseek(m_fd->hfile,m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt],0); if (m_fd->bl_format_ver == FORMATDBV3) { d_len = min(n_libstr-1,m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt+1]-m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt]-1); fread(libstr,(size_t)1,(size_t)d_len,m_fd->hfile); } else { d_len = min(m_fd->tmp_buf_max,m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt+1]-m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt]-1); fread(m_fd->tmp_buf,(size_t)1,(size_t)d_len,m_fd->hfile); parse_fastadl_asn((unsigned char *)m_fd->tmp_buf, (unsigned char *)m_fd->tmp_buf+d_len, &gi, &my_db, acc, sizeof(acc), name, sizeof(name), title, sizeof(title), &taxid); sprintf(m_fd->tmp_buf,"gi|%d",gi); SAFE_STRNCPY(libstr,m_fd->tmp_buf,n_libstr); } libstr[n_libstr-1]='\0'; #endif } /* end of *lcont==0 */ /* To avoid the situation where c_len <= 1; we must anticipate what c_len will be after this pass. If it will be <= 64, back off this time so next time it will be > 64 */ seq_len = c_len*4; if ((seq_len+4 > maxs) && (seq_len+4 - maxs <= 256)) { /* we won't be done but we will have less than 256 to go */ c_len -= 64; seq_len -= 256; c_len_set = 1; maxs -= 256;} else c_len_set = 0; /* fprintf(stderr," lib_cnt: %d %d %d %d\n",lib_cnt,c_len,seq_len,maxs); */ /* does the rest of the sequence fit? */ if (seq_len <= maxs-4 && !c_len_set) { seqcnt = c_len; if (!m_fd->mm_flg) { if ((tmp=fread(seq,(size_t)1,(size_t)seqcnt,m_fd->libf))!=(size_t)seqcnt) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - could not read sequence record: %s %lld %ld != %ld: %d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,libstr, *libpos,tmp,seqcnt,*seq); goto error; } m_fd->bl_lib_pos += tmp; sptr = seq + seqcnt; } else sptr = (unsigned char *)(m_fd->mmap_addr+seqcnt); *lcont = 0; /* this is the last chunk */ // lib_cnt++; /* increment to the next sequence */ /* the last byte is either '0' (no remainder) or the last 1-3 chars and the remainder */ c_pad = *(sptr-1); c_pad &= 0x3; /* get the last (low) 2 bits */ seq_len -= (4 - c_pad); /* if the last 2 bits are 0, its a NULL byte */ } else { /* get the next chunk, but more to come */ seqcnt = ((maxs+3)/4)-1; if (!m_fd->mm_flg) { if ((tmp=fread(seq,(size_t)1,(size_t)(seqcnt),m_fd->libf))!=(size_t)(seqcnt)) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - could not read sequence record: %lld %ld/%ld\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, *libpos,tmp,seqcnt); goto error; } m_fd->bl_lib_pos += tmp; sptr = seq + seqcnt; } else { sptr = (unsigned char *)(m_fd->mmap_addr+seqcnt); m_fd->mmap_addr += seqcnt; } seq_len = 4*seqcnt; c_len -= seqcnt; /* if (c_len_set) {c_len += 64; maxs += 256;} */ (*lcont)++; /* hopefully we don't need this because of c_len -= 64. */ /* if (c_len == 1) { #if !defined (USE_MMAP) c_pad = fgetc(m_fd->libf); *sptr=c_pad; #else c_pad = *m_fd->mmap_addr++; sptr = m_fd->mmap_addr; #endif c_pad &= 0x3; seq_len += c_pad; seqcnt++; lib_cnt++; *lcont = 0; } */ } /* point to the last packed byte and to the end of the array seqcnt is the exact number of bytes read tptr points to the destination, use multiple of 4 to simplify math sptr points to the source, note that the last byte will be read 4 cycles before it is written */ tptr = seq + 4*seqcnt; s_chunk = seqcnt/8; while (s_chunk-- > 0) { stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; } while (tptr>seq) { stmp = *--sptr; *--tptr = (stmp&3) +1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; *--tptr = ((stmp >>= 2)&3)+1; } /* * Ambiguity-Decoding code from Ralf Jost, Dipl.-Inform. Director, Technical Bioinformatics Biomax Informatics AG ralf.jost@biomax.com using code from NCBI Blast distribution */ amb_start = m_fd->a_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; end = m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt + 1]; if (amb_start != end) { if (!m_fd->mm_flg) { filepos = ftell(m_fd->libf); /* find the size of the ambiguity table */ if (fseek(m_fd->libf, amb_start, SEEK_SET) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - Seek amb start 0x%08x error %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, amb_start, ferror(m_fd->libf)); } if (fread(&amb_cnt, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, m_fd->libf) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - Read amb count error %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ferror(m_fd->libf)); } } else { mmap_pos = m_fd->mmap_addr; m_fd->mmap_addr = m_fd->mmap_base + amb_start; if (readMFILE((void *)&amb_cnt, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, m_fd) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - Read amb count error %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ferror(m_fd->libf)); } } amb_cnt = bl2_uint4_cvt(amb_cnt); /* if the most significant bit is set on the count, then each * correction will take two entries in the table. the layout * is described below. */ large_amb = amb_cnt >> 31; amb_cnt = amb_cnt & 0x7fffffff; /* allocate enough space for the ambiguity table */ amb_ptr = (unsigned int *) malloc(amb_cnt * sizeof(unsigned int)); if (amb_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] malloc amb table error size %ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, amb_cnt * sizeof(unsigned int)); } /* read the table */ if (!m_fd->mm_flg) { if (fread((unsigned char *) amb_ptr, sizeof(unsigned int), amb_cnt, m_fd->libf) != amb_cnt) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - Read amb table %d error %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, amb_cnt, ferror(m_fd->libf)); } } else { if (readMFILE((void *) amb_ptr, sizeof(unsigned int), amb_cnt, m_fd) != amb_cnt) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - Read amb table %d error %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, amb_cnt, ferror(m_fd->libf)); } } for (index=0; index < amb_cnt; index++) { amb_ptr[index] = bl2_uint4_cvt(amb_ptr[index]); } for (i = 0; i < amb_cnt; i++) { if (large_amb) { res = (unsigned char) (amb_ptr[i] >> 28); row_len = (int) (amb_ptr[i] >> 16) & 0xFFF; position = amb_ptr[i + 1]; } else { res = (unsigned char) (amb_ptr[i] >> 28); row_len = (int) ((amb_ptr[i] >> 24) & 0xF); position = amb_ptr[i] & 0xFFFFFF; } for (index = position, j = 0; j <= row_len; j++) { if ((index + j >= amb_lower) && (index + j < amb_lower + 4 * seqcnt)) seq[index + j - amb_lower] = nascii[str_4bit[res]]; } if (large_amb) i++; } if (amb_ptr != NULL) free(amb_ptr); if (!m_fd->mm_flg) { fseek(m_fd->libf, filepos, SEEK_SET); } else { m_fd->mmap_addr = mmap_pos; } } /* * End of ambiguity-decoding. */ if ( *lcont == 0) lib_cnt++; /* for (sptr=seq; sptr < seq+seq_len; sptr++) { printf("%c",nt[*sptr]); if ((int)(sptr-seq) % 60 == 59) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); */ m_fd->lpos = lib_cnt; if (seqcnt*4 >= seq_len) { /* there was enough room */ seq[seq_len]= EOSEQ; /* printf("%d\n",seq_len); */ return seq_len; } else { /* not enough room */ seq[seqcnt*4]=EOSEQ; seq_len -= 4*seqcnt; return (4*seqcnt); } error: fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - reading %s at %lld\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,libstr,*libpos); fflush(stderr); return (-1); } /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 */ static char *db_type_arr[] = {"lcl","gib","gim","gii","gb","emb","pir","sp", "pat","ref","gnl","gi","dbj","prf","pdb","tpg", "tpe","tpd"}; /* **************************************************************** */ /* read a description, position for sequence */ /* **************************************************************** */ void ncbl2_ranlib(char *str, int cnt, fseek_t libpos, char *libstr, struct lmf_str *m_fd) { int llen, lib_cnt; char *bp; unsigned char *my_buff=NULL; char descr[2048]; unsigned char *abp; int gi, taxid; int my_db; char db[5], acc[MAX_FADL_ACC_LEN], name[MAX_FADL_ACC_LEN]; char title[2048]; int have_my_buff=0; int have_descr = 0; lib_cnt = (int)libpos; llen = m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt+1]-m_fd->d_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; fseek(m_fd->hfile,m_fd->d_pos_arr[libpos],0); if (m_fd->bl_format_ver == FORMATDBV3) { if (llen >= cnt) llen = cnt-1; fread(str,(size_t)1,(size_t)(llen),m_fd->hfile); } else { if (llen >= m_fd->tmp_buf_max) { if ((my_buff=(unsigned char *)calloc(llen,sizeof(char)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot allocate ASN.1 buffer: %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,llen); my_buff = (unsigned char *)m_fd->tmp_buf; llen = m_fd->tmp_buf_max; } else have_my_buff = 1; } else { my_buff = (unsigned char *)m_fd->tmp_buf; } abp = my_buff; fread(my_buff,(size_t)1,llen,m_fd->hfile); do { abp = parse_fastadl_asn(abp, my_buff+llen, &gi, &my_db, acc, sizeof(acc), name, sizeof(name), title, sizeof(title), &taxid); if (gi > 0) { sprintf(descr,"gi|%d|%s|%s|%s ",gi,db_type_arr[my_db],acc,name); } else { if (acc[0] != '\0') sprintf(descr,"%s ",acc); else descr[0] = '\0'; if (name[0] != '\0' && strcmp(name,"BL_ORD_ID")!=0) sprintf(descr+strlen(descr),"%s ", name); } if (my_db == 0 || m_fd->pref_db < 0) { if (!have_descr) { SAFE_STRNCPY(str,descr,cnt); have_descr = 1; } else { SAFE_STRNCAT(str,"\001",cnt); SAFE_STRNCAT(str,descr,cnt); } SAFE_STRNCAT(str,title,cnt); if (strlen(str) >= cnt-1) break; } else if (m_fd->pref_db == my_db) { have_descr = 1; SAFE_STRNCPY(str,descr,cnt); SAFE_STRNCAT(str,title,cnt); break; } } while (abp); if (!have_descr) { SAFE_STRNCPY(str,descr,cnt); SAFE_STRNCAT(str,descr,cnt); } if (have_my_buff) free(my_buff); } str[cnt-1]='\0'; bp = str; while((bp=strchr(bp,'\001'))!=NULL) {*bp++=' ';} if (!m_fd->mm_flg) fseek(m_fd->libf,m_fd->s_pos_arr[libpos],0); m_fd->lpos = lib_cnt; m_fd->bl_lib_pos = m_fd->s_pos_arr[lib_cnt]; } unsigned int bl2_uint4_cvt(unsigned int val) { unsigned int res; #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN return val; #else /* it better be LITTLE_ENDIAN */ res = ((val&255)*256)+ ((val>>8)&255); res = (res<<16) + (((val>>16)&255)*256) + ((val>>24)&255); return res; #endif } unsigned int bl2_long4_cvt(long val) { int val4; unsigned int res; #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN val4 = val; return val4; #else /* it better be LITTLE_ENDIAN */ res = ((val&255)*256)+ ((val>>8)&255); res = (res<<16) + (((val>>16)&255)*256) + ((val>>24)&255); return res; #endif } uint64_t bl2_long8_cvt(uint64_t val) { uint64_t res; #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN return val; #else /* it better be LITTLE_ENDIAN */ res = ((val&255)*256)+ ((val>>8)&255); res = (res<<16) + (((val>>16)&255)*256) + ((val>>24)&255); #ifdef BIG_LIB64 res = (res<<16) + (((val>>32)&255)*256) + ((val>>40)&255); res = (res<<16) + (((val>>48)&255)*256) + ((val>>56)&255); #else fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - cannot use bl2_long8_cvt without 64-bit longs\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); exit(1); #endif return res; #endif } void src_int4_read(FILE *fd, int *val) { #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN fread((char *)val,(size_t)4,(size_t)1,fd); #else unsigned char b[4]; fread((char *)&b[0],(size_t)1,(size_t)4,fd); *val = 0; *val = (int)(((((b[0]<<8)+b[1])<<8)+b[2])<<8)+b[3]; #endif } void src_long4_read(FILE *fd, long *valp) { int val4; #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN fread(&val4,(size_t)4,(size_t)1,fd); *valp = val4; #else unsigned char b[4]; fread((char *)&b[0],(size_t)1,(size_t)4,fd); val4 = (int)(((((b[0]<<8)+b[1])<<8)+b[2])<<8)+b[3]; *valp = val4; #endif } void src_uint4_read(FILE *fd, unsigned int *valp) { #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN fread(valp,(size_t)4,(size_t)1,fd); #else unsigned char b[4]; fread((char *)&b[0],(size_t)1,(size_t)4,fd); *valp = 0; *valp = (unsigned int)(((((b[0]<<8)+b[1])<<8)+b[2])<<8)+b[3]; #endif } void src_long8_read(FILE *fd, int64_t *val) { #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN fread((void *)val,(size_t)8,(size_t)1,fd); #else int val_h; unsigned int val_l; unsigned char b[8]; fread((char *)&b[0],(size_t)1,(size_t)8,fd); /* modified to work with both 32-bit and 64-bit native ints */ val_h = (((((b[0]<<8)+b[1])<<8)+b[2])<<8)+b[3]; val_l = (((((b[4]<<8)+b[5])<<8)+b[6])<<8)+b[7]; *val = val_h * 4294967296LL + val_l; /* *val = 0; *val = (long)(((((((b[0]<<8)+b[1]<<8)+b[2]<<8) +b[3]<<8)+b[4]<<8)+b[5]<<8) +b[6]<<8)+b[7]; */ #endif } void ncbi_long8_read(FILE *fd, int64_t *val) { unsigned char b[8]; fread((char *)&b[0],(size_t)1,(size_t)8,fd); *val = 0; *val = (long)(((((((((((((b[7]<<8)+b[6])<<8)+b[5])<<8)+b[4])<<8)+b[3])<<8)+b[2])<<8)+b[1])<<8)+b[0]; } void src_char_read(FILE *fd, char *val) { fread(val,(size_t)1,(size_t)1,fd); } void src_fstr_read(FILE *fd, char *val, int slen) { fread(val,(size_t)slen,(size_t)1,fd); } void newname(char *nname, char *oname, char *suff, int maxn) { SAFE_STRNCPY(nname,oname,maxn); SAFE_STRNCAT(nname,".",maxn); SAFE_STRNCAT(nname,suff,maxn); } #define ASN_SEQ 0x30 #define ASN_IS_BOOL 1 #define ASN_IS_INT 2 #define ASN_IS_STR 26 #define ASN_TYPE_MASK 31 unsigned char * get_asn_int(unsigned char *abp, int *val) { int v_len, v; v = 0; if (*abp++ != ASN_IS_INT) { /* check for int */ fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] -- int missing\n",__FILE__, __LINE__); } else { v_len = *abp++; while (v_len-- > 0) { v *= 256; v += *abp++; } abp += 2; /* skip over null's */ } *val = v; return abp; } unsigned char * get_asn_text(unsigned char *abp, char *text, int t_len) { int tch, at_len; text[0] = '\0'; if (*abp++ != ASN_IS_STR) { /* check for str */ fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - str missing\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); } else { if ((tch = *abp++) > 128) { /* string length is in next bytes */ tch &= 0x7f; /* get number of bytes for len */ at_len = 0; while (tch-- > 0) { at_len = (at_len << 8) + *abp++;} } else { at_len = tch; } if ( at_len < t_len-1) { memcpy(text, abp, at_len); text[at_len] = '\0'; } else { memcpy(text, abp, t_len-1); text[t_len-1] = '\0'; } abp += at_len + 2; } return abp; } /* something to try to skip over stuff we don't want */ unsigned char * get_asn_junk(unsigned char *abp) { int seq_cnt = 0; int tmp; char string[256]; while (*abp) { if ( *abp == ASN_SEQ) { abp += 2; seq_cnt++;} else if ( *abp == ASN_IS_BOOL ) {abp = get_asn_int(abp, &tmp);} else if ( *abp == ASN_IS_INT ) {abp = get_asn_int(abp, &tmp);} else if ( *abp == ASN_IS_STR ) {abp = get_asn_text(abp, string, sizeof(string)-1);} else { abp += 2;} } while (seq_cnt-- > 0) abp += 2; return abp; } #define ASN_FADL_TITLE 0xa0 /* \240 160 */ #define ASN_FADL_SEQID 0xa1 /* \241 161 */ #define ASN_FADL_TAXID 0xa2 /* \242 162 */ #define ASN_FADL_MEMBERS 0xa3 /* \243 163 */ #define ASN_FADL_LINKS 0xa4 /* \244 164 */ #define ASN_FADL_OTHER 0xa5 /* \245 165 */ #define ASN_FADL_GI 171 #define ASN_FADL_TEXTSEQ_ID 0xa4 /* \244 164 */ #define ASN_FADL_OTHERSEQ_ID 0xa5 /* \245 164 */ /* from seq.asn::Textseq-id/Textannot-id */ #define ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_NAME 0xa0 /* \240 160 */ #define ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_ACC 0xa1 /* \241 161 */ #define ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_REL 0xa2 /* \242 162 */ #define ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_VER 0xa3 /* \243 163 */ unsigned char * get_asn_textseq_id(unsigned char *abp, char *name, size_t name_len, char *acc, size_t acc_len) { char release[20], ver_str[10]; int version; int seqcnt = 0; ver_str[0]='\0'; if (*abp == ASN_SEQ) { abp += 2; seqcnt++;} while (*abp) { switch (*abp) { case ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_NAME : abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, name, name_len); break; case ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_ACC : abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, acc, acc_len); break; case ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_REL : abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, release, sizeof(release)); break; case ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_VER : abp = get_asn_int(abp+2, &version); sprintf(ver_str,".%d",version); break; default: abp += 2; } } while (seqcnt-- > 0) abp += 4; strncat(acc,ver_str,acc_len-strlen(acc)); acc[19]='\0'; return abp; /* skip 2 NULL's */ } unsigned char * get_asn_local_id(unsigned char *abp, char *acc, size_t acc_len) { int seqcnt = 0; if (*abp == ASN_SEQ) { abp += 2; seqcnt++;} abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, acc, acc_len); while (seqcnt-- > 0) abp += 4; acc[acc_len-1]='\0'; return abp+2; /* skip 2 NULL's */ } unsigned char * get_asn_dbtag(unsigned char *abp, char *name, size_t name_len, char *str, size_t str_len, int *id_p) { if (*abp == ASN_SEQ) { abp += 2;} if (*abp == 0xa0) { /* get db */ abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, name, name_len); } else { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - missing dbtag:db %d %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, abp[0],abp[1]); abp += 2; } if (*abp == 0xa1) { /* get tag */ abp += 2; abp += 2; /* skip over id */ if (*abp == 2) abp = get_asn_int(abp,id_p); else abp = get_asn_text(abp, str, str_len); } else { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] - missing dbtag:tag %2x %2x\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, abp[0],abp[1]); abp += 2; } return abp+2; /* skip 2 NULL's */ } #define ASN_DATE_STR 0xa0 #define ASN_DATE_STD 0xa1 #define ASN_DATE_STD_YR 0xa0 #define ASN_DATE_STD_MO 0xa1 #define ASN_DATE_STD_DAY 0xa2 unsigned char * get_asn_date_std(unsigned char *abp, char *date) { int seq_cnt=0; int year, month, day; year = month = day = 0; while (*abp == ASN_SEQ) { abp+=2; seq_cnt++;} while (*abp) { switch (*abp) { case ASN_DATE_STD_YR : abp = get_asn_int(abp+2, &year); break; case ASN_DATE_STD_MO : abp = get_asn_int(abp+2, &month); break; case ASN_DATE_STD_DAY : abp = get_asn_int(abp+2, &day); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - incorrect date-std code: %0x1 %0x1\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, abp[0], abp[1]); } } sprintf(date, "%02d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day); while (seq_cnt-- > 0) { abp += 4;} return abp+2; } unsigned char * get_asn_date(unsigned char *abp, char *date, size_t date_len) { if (*abp == ASN_DATE_STR) { abp = get_asn_text(abp, date, date_len); } else if (*abp == ASN_DATE_STD) { abp = get_asn_date_std(abp+2, date); } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - incorrect date code: %0x1 %0x1\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, abp[0], abp[1]); } return abp+2; } unsigned char * get_asn_pdb_id(unsigned char *abp, char *acc, size_t acc_len, char *chain, size_t chain_len) { int ichain, seq_cnt=0; char dummy[40]; if (*abp == ASN_SEQ) { abp += 2; seq_cnt++;} while (*abp) { switch (*abp) { case 0: abp += 2; break; case 0xa0: /* mol */ abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, acc, 20); break; case 0xa1: /* chain */ abp = get_asn_int(abp+2, &ichain); chain[0] = ichain; chain[1] = '\0'; break; case 0xa2: /* release */ abp = get_asn_date(abp+2, dummy, sizeof(dummy)); break; default: abp+=2; } } while (seq_cnt-- > 0) {abp += 4;} return abp; } unsigned char * get_asn_seqid_ori(unsigned char *abp, int *gi_p, int *db, char *acc, size_t acc_len, char *name, size_t name_len) { int db_type, itmp, seq_cnt=0; *gi_p = 0; if (*abp != ASN_SEQ) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - seqid - missing SEQ 1: %2x %2x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, abp[0], abp[1]); return abp; } else { abp += 2; seq_cnt++;} db_type = (*abp & ASN_TYPE_MASK); if (db_type == 11) { /* gi */ abp = get_asn_int(abp+2,gi_p); } while (*abp == ASN_SEQ) {abp += 2; seq_cnt++;} db_type = (*abp & ASN_TYPE_MASK); if (db_type > 17) {db_type = 0;} *db = db_type; switch(db_type) { case 0: abp = get_asn_local_id(abp, acc, acc_len); break; case 1: case 2: abp = get_asn_int(abp+2,&itmp); abp += 2; break; case 11: abp = get_asn_int(abp+2,&itmp); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 9: case 12: case 13: case 15: case 16: case 17: abp = get_asn_textseq_id(abp,name,name_len, acc, acc_len); break; case 10: abp = get_asn_dbtag(abp+2,name,name_len, acc, acc_len, &itmp); case 14: abp = get_asn_pdb_id(abp,acc,acc_len,name,name_len); break; default: abp += 2; } while (seq_cnt-- > 0) { abp += 4;} return abp; /* skip over 2 NULL's */ } unsigned char * get_asn_db_info(unsigned char *abp, int db_type, int *gi_p, char *name, size_t name_len, char *acc, size_t acc_len) { int seq_cnt = 0, itmp; if (db_type == 11) { abp = get_asn_int(abp, gi_p); return abp; } while (*abp == ASN_SEQ) {abp += 2; seq_cnt++;} switch(db_type) { case 0: abp = get_asn_local_id(abp, acc, acc_len); break; case 1: case 2: abp = get_asn_int(abp,gi_p); break; case 11: abp = get_asn_int(abp+2,gi_p); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 9: case 12: case 13: case 15: case 16: case 17: abp = get_asn_textseq_id(abp,name,name_len, acc, acc_len); break; case 10: abp = get_asn_dbtag(abp,name,name_len, acc, acc_len, &itmp); break; case 14: abp = get_asn_pdb_id(abp,acc,acc_len,name,name_len); break; default: abp += 2; } while (seq_cnt-- > 0) { abp += 4;} return abp; /* skip over 2 NULL's */ } unsigned char * get_asn_seqid(unsigned char *abp, int *gi_p, int *db, char *acc, size_t acc_len, char *name, size_t name_len) { int db_type, itmp, seq_cnt=0; *gi_p = 0; if (*abp != ASN_SEQ) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - get_asn_seqid - missing SEQ 1: %2x %2x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, abp[0], abp[1]); return abp; } else { abp += 2; seq_cnt++;} while (*abp) { if (*abp == ASN_FADL_TEXTSEQ_ID) { abp = get_asn_textseq_id(abp+2, name, name_len, acc, acc_len ); } else if (*abp == ASN_FADL_OTHERSEQ_ID) { abp = get_asn_textseq_id(abp+2, name, name_len, acc, acc_len ); } else if ((db_type = (*abp & ASN_TYPE_MASK)) < 17) { abp = get_asn_db_info(abp+2, db_type, gi_p, name, name_len, acc, acc_len); *db = db_type; } else { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] -- get_asn_seqid not TEXTSEQ/not GI: %2x %2x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,abp[0], abp[1]); return abp; } } while (seq_cnt-- > 0) { abp += 4;} return abp; /* skip over 2 NULL's */ } unsigned char * get_asn_seqid_other(unsigned char *abp, int *gi_p, char *acc, size_t acc_len, char *name, size_t name_len) { int db_type, itmp, seq_cnt=0; *gi_p = 0; name[0] = acc[0] = '\0'; if (*abp != ASN_SEQ) { fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR [%s:%d] - get_asn_seqid - missing SEQ 1: %2x %2x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, abp[0], abp[1]); return abp; } else { abp += 2; seq_cnt++;} while (*abp) { if (*abp == ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_ACC) { abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, acc, acc_len ); } if (*abp == ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_VER) { abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, acc, acc_len ); } else if (*abp == ASN_TEXTSEQ_ID_NAME) { abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, name, name_len ); } else if (*abp == ASN_IS_INT) { abp = get_asn_int(abp, &itmp ); } else { fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR [%s:%d] -- get_asn_seqid not SEQID_ACC: %2x %2x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,abp[0], abp[1]); return abp; } } if (*abp == ASN_FADL_GI) { abp = get_asn_int(abp+2, gi_p); } while (seq_cnt-- > 0) { abp += 4;} return abp; /* skip over 2 NULL's */ } unsigned char * parse_fastadl_asn(unsigned char *asn_buff, unsigned char *asn_max, int *gi_p, int *db, char *acc, size_t acc_len, char *name, size_t name_len, char *title, size_t t_len, int *taxid_p) { unsigned char *abp; int this_db, itmp; int seq_cnt = 0; acc[0] = name[0] = db[0] = title[0] = '\0'; abp = asn_buff; while ( abp < asn_max && *abp) { if (*abp == ASN_SEQ) { abp += 2; seq_cnt++; } else if (*abp == ASN_FADL_TITLE) { abp = get_asn_text(abp+2, title, t_len); } else if (*abp == ASN_FADL_SEQID ) { abp = get_asn_seqid(abp+2, gi_p, db, acc, acc_len, name, name_len); } else if (*abp == ASN_FADL_TAXID ) { abp = get_asn_int(abp+2, taxid_p); } else if (*abp == ASN_FADL_MEMBERS) { abp = get_asn_junk(abp+2); break; } else if (*abp == ASN_FADL_LINKS ) { abp = get_asn_junk(abp+2); break; } else if (*abp == ASN_FADL_OTHER ) { /* possibly here for seqid without name */ abp = get_asn_seqid_other(abp+2, gi_p, acc, acc_len, name, name_len); } else { /* fprintf(stderr, " Error - missing ASN.1 %2x:%2x:%2x:%2x\n", abp[-2],abp[-1],abp[0],abp[1]); */ abp = get_asn_junk(abp); /* something is broken, give up */ break; } } while (abp < asn_max && *abp == '\0' ) abp++; if (abp >= asn_max) return NULL; else return abp; } void parse_pal(char *dname, char *msk_name, int *oid_seqs, int *max_oid, FILE *fd) { char line[MAX_STR]; while (fgets(line,sizeof(line),fd)) { if (line[0] == '#') continue; if (strncmp(line, "DBLIST", 6)==0) { sscanf(line+7,"%s",dname); } else if (strncmp(line, "OIDLIST", 7)==0) { sscanf(line+8,"%s",msk_name); } else if (strncmp(line, "NSEQ", 4)==0) { sscanf(line+5,"%d",oid_seqs); } else if (strncmp(line, "MAXOID", 6)==0) { sscanf(line+7,"%d",max_oid); } } } /* part of new ambiguity code */ int readMFILE (void *buffer, size_t size, int nitems, struct lmf_str *m_fd) { register size_t diff, len; if (m_fd == NULL) return 0; if (m_fd->mm_flg) { len = size * nitems; memcpy((void *) buffer, (void *) m_fd->mmap_addr, len); m_fd->mmap_addr += len; return nitems; } else { return fread((unsigned char *)buffer, size, nitems, m_fd->libf); } }