#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2016, Daehwan Kim # # This file is part of HISAT 2. # # HISAT 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # HISAT 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with HISAT 2. If not, see . # import os, sys, subprocess, re import inspect from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType import hisatgenotype_typing_common as typing_common, hisatgenotype_gene_typing as gene_typing """ """ def read_clnsig(fname): clnsig_dic = {} for line in open(fname): var_id, gene, clnsig = line.strip().split('\t') clnsig_dic[var_id] = [gene, clnsig] return clnsig_dic """ """ def build_genotype_genome(base_fname, inter_gap, intra_gap, threads, database_list, use_clinvar, use_commonvar, verbose): # Download HISAT2 index HISAT2_fnames = ["grch38", "genome.fa", "genome.fa.fai"] if not typing_common.check_files(HISAT2_fnames): typing_common.download_genome_and_index() # Load genomic sequences chr_dic, chr_names, chr_full_names = typing_common.read_genome(open("genome.fa")) genotype_vars, genotype_haplotypes, genotype_clnsig = {}, {}, {} if use_clinvar: # Extract variants from the ClinVar database CLINVAR_fnames = ["clinvar.vcf.gz", "clinvar.snp", "clinvar.haplotype", "clinvar.clnsig"] if not typing_common.check_files(CLINVAR_fnames): if not os.path.exists("clinvar.vcf.gz"): os.system("wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/clinvar/vcf_GRCh38/archive/2017/clinvar_20170404.vcf.gz") assert os.path.exists("clinvar.vcf.gz") extract_cmd = ["hisat2_extract_snps_haplotypes_VCF.py"] extract_cmd += ["--inter-gap", str(inter_gap), "--intra-gap", str(intra_gap), "--genotype-vcf", "clinvar.vcf.gz", "genome.fa", "/dev/null", "clinvar"] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "\tRunning:", ' '.join(extract_cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(extract_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not typing_common.check_files(CLINVAR_fnames): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: extract variants from clinvar failed!" sys.exit(1) # Read variants to be genotyped genotype_vars = typing_common.read_variants("clinvar.snp") # Read haplotypes genotype_haplotypes = typing_common.read_haplotypes("clinvar.haplotype") # Read information about clinical significance genotype_clnsig = typing_common.read_clnsig("clinvar.clnsig") if use_commonvar: # Extract variants from dbSNP database commonvar_fbase = "snp144Common" commonvar_fnames = ["%s.snp" % commonvar_fbase, "%s.haplotype" % commonvar_fbase] if not typing_common.check_files(commonvar_fnames): if not os.path.exists("%s.txt.gz" % commonvar_fbase): os.system("wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/%s.txt.gz" % commonvar_fbase) assert os.path.exists("%s.txt.gz" % commonvar_fbase) os.system("gzip -cd %s.txt.gz | awk 'BEGIN{OFS=\"\t\"} {if($2 ~ /^chr/) {$2 = substr($2, 4)}; if($2 == \"M\") {$2 = \"MT\"} print}' > %s.txt" % (commonvar_fbase, commonvar_fbase)) extract_cmd = ["hisat2_extract_snps_haplotypes_UCSC.py", "--inter-gap", str(inter_gap), "--intra-gap", str(intra_gap), "genome.fa", "%s.txt" % commonvar_fbase, commonvar_fbase] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "\tRunning:", ' '.join(extract_cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(extract_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not typing_common.check_files(commonvar_fnames): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: extract variants from clinvar failed!" sys.exit(1) # Read variants to be genotyped genotype_vars = typing_common.read_variants("%s.snp" % commonvar_fbase) # Read haplotypes genotype_haplotypes = typing_common.read_haplotypes("%s.haplotype" % commonvar_fbase) # Genes to be genotyped genotype_genes = {} # Read genes or genomics regions for database_name in database_list: # Extract HLA variants, backbone sequence, and other sequeces typing_common.extract_database_if_not_exists(database_name, [], # locus_list inter_gap, intra_gap, True, # partial? verbose) locus_fname = "%s.locus" % database_name assert os.path.exists(locus_fname) for line in open(locus_fname): HLA_name, chr, left, right, length, exon_str, strand = line.strip().split() left, right = int(left), int(right) length = int(length) if chr not in chr_names: continue if chr not in genotype_genes: genotype_genes[chr] = [] genotype_genes[chr].append([left, right, length, HLA_name, database_name, exon_str, strand]) # Write genotype genome var_num, haplotype_num = 0, 0 genome_out_file = open("%s.fa" % base_fname, 'w') locus_out_file = open("%s.locus" % base_fname, 'w') var_out_file = open("%s.snp" % base_fname, 'w') index_var_out_file = open("%s.index.snp" % base_fname, 'w') haplotype_out_file = open("%s.haplotype" % base_fname, 'w') link_out_file = open("%s.link" % base_fname, 'w') coord_out_file = open("%s.coord" % base_fname, 'w') clnsig_out_file = open("%s.clnsig" % base_fname, 'w') for c in range(len(chr_names)): chr = chr_names[c] chr_full_name = chr_full_names[c] assert chr in chr_dic chr_seq = chr_dic[chr] chr_len = len(chr_seq) if chr in genotype_genes: chr_genes = genotype_genes[chr] def gene_cmp(a, b): a_left, a_right, a_length = a[:3] b_left, b_right, b_length = b[:3] if a_left != b_left: return a_left - b_left if a_right != b_right: return a_right - b_right return a_lenght - b_length chr_genes = sorted(chr_genes, cmp=gene_cmp) else: chr_genes = [] chr_genotype_vars, chr_genotype_vari = [], 0 if chr in genotype_vars: chr_genotype_vars = genotype_vars[chr] chr_genotype_haplotypes, chr_genotype_hti = [], 0 if chr in genotype_haplotypes: chr_genotype_haplotypes = genotype_haplotypes[chr] def add_vars(left, right, chr_genotype_vari, chr_genotype_hti, haplotype_num): # Output variants with clinical significance while chr_genotype_vari < len(chr_genotype_vars): var_left, var_type, var_data, var_id = chr_genotype_vars[chr_genotype_vari] var_right = var_left if var_type == "deletion": var_right += var_data if var_right > right: break if var_right >= left: chr_genotype_vari += 1 continue out_str = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s" % (var_id, var_type, chr, var_left + off, var_data) print >> var_out_file, out_str print >> index_var_out_file, out_str if var_id in genotype_clnsig: var_gene, clnsig = genotype_clnsig[var_id] print >> clnsig_out_file, "%s\t%s\t%s" % \ (var_id, var_gene, clnsig) chr_genotype_vari += 1 # Output haplotypes while chr_genotype_hti < len(chr_genotype_haplotypes): ht_left, ht_right, ht_vars = chr_genotype_haplotypes[chr_genotype_hti] if ht_right > right: break if ht_right >= left: chr_genotype_hti += 1 continue print >> haplotype_out_file, "ht%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s" % \ (haplotype_num, chr, ht_left + off, ht_right + off, ','.join(ht_vars)) chr_genotype_hti += 1 haplotype_num += 1 return chr_genotype_vari, chr_genotype_hti, haplotype_num out_chr_seq = "" off = 0 prev_right = 0 for gene in chr_genes: left, right, length, name, family, exon_str, strand = gene chr_genotype_vari, chr_genotype_hti, haplotype_num = add_vars(left, right, chr_genotype_vari, chr_genotype_hti, haplotype_num) # Read HLA backbone sequences allele_seqs = typing_common.read_allele_sequences("%s_backbone.fa" % family) # Read HLA variants allele_vars = typing_common.read_variants("%s.snp" % family) allele_index_vars = typing_common.read_variants("%s.index.snp" % family) # Read HLA haplotypes allele_haplotypes = typing_common.read_haplotypes("%s.haplotype" % family) # Read HLA link information between haplotypes and variants links = typing_common.read_links("%s.link" % family) if name not in allele_seqs or \ name not in allele_vars or \ name not in allele_haplotypes: continue allele_seq = allele_seqs[name] vars, index_vars = allele_vars[name], allele_index_vars[name] index_var_ids = set() for _, _, _, var_id in index_vars: index_var_ids.add(var_id) haplotypes = allele_haplotypes[name] assert length == len(allele_seq) assert left < chr_len and right < chr_len # Skipping overlapping genes if left < prev_right: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: skipping %s ..." % (name) continue varID2htID = {} assert left < right prev_length = right - left + 1 assert prev_length <= length if prev_right < left: out_chr_seq += chr_seq[prev_right:left] # Output gene (genotype_genome.gene) print >> locus_out_file, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s" % \ (family.upper(), name, chr, len(out_chr_seq), len(out_chr_seq) + length - 1, exon_str, strand) # Output coord (genotype_genome.coord) print >> coord_out_file, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d" % \ (chr, len(out_chr_seq), left, right - left + 1) out_chr_seq += allele_seq # Output variants (genotype_genome.snp and genotype_genome.index.snp) for var in vars: var_left, var_type, var_data, var_id = var new_var_id = "hv%d" % var_num varID2htID[var_id] = new_var_id new_var_left = var_left + left + off assert var_type in ["single", "deletion", "insertion"] assert new_var_left < len(out_chr_seq) if var_type == "single": assert out_chr_seq[new_var_left] != var_data elif var_type == "deletion": assert new_var_left + var_data <= len(out_chr_seq) else: assert var_type == "insertion" out_str = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s" % (new_var_id, var_type, chr, new_var_left, var_data) print >> var_out_file, out_str if var_id in index_var_ids: print >> index_var_out_file, out_str var_num += 1 # Output haplotypes (genotype_genome.haplotype) for haplotype in haplotypes: ht_left, ht_right, ht_vars = haplotype new_ht_left = ht_left + left + off assert new_ht_left < len(out_chr_seq) new_ht_right = ht_right + left + off assert new_ht_left <= new_ht_right assert new_ht_right <= len(out_chr_seq) new_ht_vars = [] for var_id in ht_vars: assert var_id in varID2htID new_ht_vars.append(varID2htID[var_id]) print >> haplotype_out_file, "ht%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s" % \ (haplotype_num, chr, new_ht_left, new_ht_right, ','.join(new_ht_vars)) haplotype_num += 1 # Output link information between alleles and variants (genotype_genome.link) for link in links: var_id, allele_names = link if var_id not in varID2htID: continue new_var_id = varID2htID[var_id] print >> link_out_file, "%s\t%s" % (new_var_id, allele_names) off += (length - prev_length) prev_right = right + 1 # Write the rest of the Vars chr_genotype_vari, chr_genotype_hti, haplotype_num = add_vars(sys.maxint, sys.maxint, chr_genotype_vari, chr_genotype_hti, haplotype_num) print >> coord_out_file, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d" % \ (chr, len(out_chr_seq), prev_right, len(chr_seq) - prev_right) out_chr_seq += chr_seq[prev_right:] assert len(out_chr_seq) == len(chr_seq) + off # Output chromosome sequence print >> genome_out_file, ">%s" % (chr_full_name) line_width = 60 for s in range(0, len(out_chr_seq), line_width): print >> genome_out_file, out_chr_seq[s:s+line_width] genome_out_file.close() locus_out_file.close() var_out_file.close() index_var_out_file.close() haplotype_out_file.close() link_out_file.close() coord_out_file.close() clnsig_out_file.close() partial_out_file = open("%s.partial" % base_fname, 'w') for database in database_list: for line in open("%s.partial" % database): allele_name = line.strip() print >> partial_out_file, "%s\t%s" % (database.upper(), allele_name) partial_out_file.close() # Index genotype_genome.fa index_cmd = ["samtools", "faidx", "%s.fa" % base_fname] subprocess.call(index_cmd) # Build HISAT-genotype graph indexes based on the above information hisat2_index_fnames = ["%s.%d.ht2" % (base_fname, i+1) for i in range(8)] build_cmd = ["hisat2-build", "-p", str(threads), "--snp", "%s.index.snp" % base_fname, "--haplotype", "%s.haplotype" % base_fname, "%s.fa" % base_fname, "%s" % base_fname] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "\tRunning:", ' '.join(build_cmd) subprocess.call(build_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) if not typing_common.check_files(hisat2_index_fnames): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: indexing failed! Perhaps, you may have forgotten to build hisat2 executables?" sys.exit(1) """ """ if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( description="Build genotype genome") parser.add_argument("--base", "--base-fname", dest="base_fname", type=str, default="genotype_genome", help="base filename for genotype genome (default: genotype_genome)") parser.add_argument("-p", "--threads", dest="threads", type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads") parser.add_argument("--database-list", dest="database_list", type=str, default="", help="A comma-separated list of databases (default: hla,codis,cyp)") parser.add_argument("--commonvar", dest="use_commonvar", action="store_true", help="Include common variants from dbSNP") parser.add_argument("--clinvar", dest="use_clinvar", action="store_true", help="Include variants from ClinVar database") parser.add_argument("--inter-gap", dest="inter_gap", type=int, default=30, help="Maximum distance for variants to be in the same haplotype") parser.add_argument("--intra-gap", dest="intra_gap", type=int, default=50, help="Break a haplotype into several haplotypes") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="also print some statistics to stderr") args = parser.parse_args() if args.inter_gap > args.intra_gap: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: --inter-gap (%d) must be smaller than --intra-gap (%d)" % (args.inter_gap, args.intra_gap) sys.exit(1) if args.database_list == "": database_list = [] else: database_list = args.database_list.split(',') if args.use_clinvar and args.use_commonvar: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: both --clinvar and --commonvar cannot be used together." sys.exit(1) build_genotype_genome(args.base_fname, args.inter_gap, args.intra_gap, args.threads, database_list, args.use_clinvar, args.use_commonvar, args.verbose)