#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015, Daehwan Kim # # This file is part of HISAT 2. # # HISAT 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # HISAT 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with HISAT 2. If not, see . # import sys, os, subprocess, re import inspect, random import math from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType """ """ def simulate_reads(HLAs, test_HLA_list, simulate_interval): HLA_reads_1, HLA_reads_2 = [], [] for test_HLA_names in test_HLA_list: gene = test_HLA_names[0].split('*')[0] # ref_allele = refHLAs[gene] # ref_seq = HLAs[gene][ref_allele] # Simulate reads from two HLA alleles def simulate_reads_impl(seq, simulate_interval = 1, frag_len = 250, read_len = 100): comp_table = {'A':'T', 'C':'G', 'G':'C', 'T':'A'} reads_1, reads_2 = [], [] for i in range(0, len(seq) - frag_len + 1, simulate_interval): reads_1.append(seq[i:i+read_len]) tmp_read_2 = reversed(seq[i+frag_len-read_len:i+frag_len]) read_2 = "" for s in tmp_read_2: if s in comp_table: read_2 += comp_table[s] else: read_2 += s reads_2.append(read_2) return reads_1, reads_2 for test_HLA_name in test_HLA_names: HLA_seq = HLAs[gene][test_HLA_name] tmp_reads_1, tmp_reads_2 = simulate_reads_impl(HLA_seq, simulate_interval) HLA_reads_1 += tmp_reads_1 HLA_reads_2 += tmp_reads_2 # Write reads into a fasta read file def write_reads(reads, idx): read_file = open('hla_input_%d.fa' % idx, 'w') for read_i in range(len(reads)): print >> read_file, ">%d" % (read_i + 1) print >> read_file, reads[read_i] read_file.close() write_reads(HLA_reads_1, 1) write_reads(HLA_reads_2, 2) """ Align reads, and sort the alignments into a BAM file """ def align_reads(ex_path, base_fname, aligner, index_type, read_fname, fastq, threads, verbose): if aligner == "hisat2": hisat2 = os.path.join(ex_path, "hisat2") aligner_cmd = [hisat2, "--no-unal", "--mm"] if index_type == "linear": aligner_cmd += ["-k", "10"] aligner_cmd += ["-x", "%s.%s" % (base_fname, index_type)] elif aligner == "bowtie2": aligner_cmd = [aligner, "--no-unal", "-k", "10", "-x", base_fname] else: assert False assert len(read_fname) in [1,2] aligner_cmd += ["-p", str(threads)] if not fastq: aligner_cmd += ["-f"] if len(read_fname) == 1: aligner_cmd += ["-U", read_fname[0]] else: aligner_cmd += ["-1", "%s" % read_fname[0], "-2", "%s" % read_fname[1]] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, ' '.join(aligner_cmd) align_proc = subprocess.Popen(aligner_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) sambam_cmd = ["samtools", "view", "-bS", "-"] sambam_proc = subprocess.Popen(sambam_cmd, stdin=align_proc.stdout, stdout=open("hla_input_unsorted.bam", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) sambam_proc.communicate() if index_type == "graph": bamsort_cmd = ["samtools", "sort", "hla_input_unsorted.bam", "-o", "hla_input.bam"] bamsort_proc = subprocess.Popen(bamsort_cmd, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) bamsort_proc.communicate() bamindex_cmd = ["samtools", "index", "hla_input.bam"] bamindex_proc = subprocess.Popen(bamindex_cmd, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) bamindex_proc.communicate() os.system("rm hla_input_unsorted.bam") else: os.system("mv hla_input_unsorted.bam hla_input.bam") """ """ def normalize(prob): total = sum(prob.values()) for allele, mass in prob.items(): prob[allele] = mass / total """ """ def prob_diff(prob1, prob2): diff = 0.0 for allele in prob1.keys(): if allele in prob2: diff += abs(prob1[allele] - prob2[allele]) else: diff += prob1[allele] return diff """ """ def HLA_prob_cmp(a, b): if a[1] != b[1]: if a[1] < b[1]: return 1 else: return -1 assert a[0] != b[0] if a[0] < b[0]: return -1 else: return 1 """ """ def single_abundance(HLA_cmpt, HLA_length): def normalize2(prob, length): total = 0 for allele, mass in prob.items(): assert allele in length total += (mass / length[allele]) for allele, mass in prob.items(): assert allele in length prob[allele] = mass / length[allele] / total HLA_prob, HLA_prob_next = {}, {} for cmpt, count in HLA_cmpt.items(): alleles = cmpt.split('-') for allele in alleles: if allele not in HLA_prob: HLA_prob[allele] = 0.0 HLA_prob[allele] += (float(count) / len(alleles)) # normalize2(HLA_prob, HLA_length) normalize(HLA_prob) def next_prob(HLA_cmpt, HLA_prob, HLA_length): HLA_prob_next = {} for cmpt, count in HLA_cmpt.items(): alleles = cmpt.split('-') alleles_prob = 0.0 for allele in alleles: assert allele in HLA_prob alleles_prob += HLA_prob[allele] for allele in alleles: if allele not in HLA_prob_next: HLA_prob_next[allele] = 0.0 HLA_prob_next[allele] += (float(count) * HLA_prob[allele] / alleles_prob) # normalize2(HLA_prob_next, HLA_length) normalize(HLA_prob_next) return HLA_prob_next diff, iter = 1.0, 0 while diff > 0.0001 and iter < 1000: HLA_prob_next = next_prob(HLA_cmpt, HLA_prob, HLA_length) diff = prob_diff(HLA_prob, HLA_prob_next) HLA_prob = HLA_prob_next iter += 1 for allele, prob in HLA_prob.items(): allele_len = HLA_length[allele] HLA_prob[allele] /= float(allele_len) normalize(HLA_prob) HLA_prob = [[allele, prob] for allele, prob in HLA_prob.items()] HLA_prob = sorted(HLA_prob, cmp=HLA_prob_cmp) return HLA_prob """ """ def joint_abundance(HLA_cmpt, HLA_length): allele_names = set() for cmpt in HLA_cmpt.keys(): allele_names |= set(cmpt.split('-')) HLA_prob, HLA_prob_next = {}, {} for cmpt, count in HLA_cmpt.items(): alleles = cmpt.split('-') for allele1 in alleles: for allele2 in allele_names: if allele1 < allele2: allele_pair = "%s-%s" % (allele1, allele2) else: allele_pair = "%s-%s" % (allele2, allele1) if not allele_pair in HLA_prob: HLA_prob[allele_pair] = 0.0 HLA_prob[allele_pair] += (float(count) / len(alleles)) if len(HLA_prob) <= 0: return HLA_prob # Choose top allele pairs def choose_top_alleles(HLA_prob): HLA_prob_list = [[allele_pair, prob] for allele_pair, prob in HLA_prob.items()] HLA_prob_list = sorted(HLA_prob_list, cmp=HLA_prob_cmp) HLA_prob = {} best_prob = HLA_prob_list[0][1] for i in range(len(HLA_prob_list)): allele_pair, prob = HLA_prob_list[i] if prob * 2 <= best_prob: break HLA_prob[allele_pair] = prob normalize(HLA_prob) return HLA_prob HLA_prob = choose_top_alleles(HLA_prob) def next_prob(HLA_cmpt, HLA_prob): HLA_prob_next = {} for cmpt, count in HLA_cmpt.items(): alleles = cmpt.split('-') prob = 0.0 for allele in alleles: for allele_pair in HLA_prob.keys(): if allele in allele_pair: prob += HLA_prob[allele_pair] for allele in alleles: for allele_pair in HLA_prob.keys(): if not allele in allele_pair: continue if allele_pair not in HLA_prob_next: HLA_prob_next[allele_pair] = 0.0 HLA_prob_next[allele_pair] += (float(count) * HLA_prob[allele_pair] / prob) normalize(HLA_prob_next) return HLA_prob_next diff, iter = 1.0, 0 while diff > 0.0001 and iter < 1000: HLA_prob_next = next_prob(HLA_cmpt, HLA_prob) diff = prob_diff(HLA_prob, HLA_prob_next) HLA_prob = HLA_prob_next HLA_prob = choose_top_alleles(HLA_prob) iter += 1 HLA_prob = [[allele_pair, prob] for allele_pair, prob in HLA_prob.items()] HLA_prob = sorted(HLA_prob, cmp=HLA_prob_cmp) return HLA_prob """ """ def HLA_typing(ex_path, base_fname, simulation, reference_type, hla_list, partial, refHLAs, HLAs, HLA_names, HLA_lengths, refHLA_loci, Vars, Var_list, Links, exclude_allele_list, aligners, num_mismatch, fastq, read_fname, alignment_fname, threads, enable_coverage, best_alleles, verbose): def lower_bound(Var_list, pos): low, high = 0, len(Var_list) while low < high: m = (low + high) / 2 m_pos = Var_list[m][0] if m_pos < pos: low = m + 1 elif m_pos > pos: high = m else: assert m_pos == pos while m > 0: if Var_list[m-1][0] < pos: break m -= 1 return m return low if simulation: test_passed = {} for aligner, index_type in aligners: if index_type == "graph": print >> sys.stderr, "\n\t\t%s %s on %s" % (aligner, index_type, reference_type) else: print >> sys.stderr, "\n\t\t%s %s" % (aligner, index_type) if alignment_fname == "": # Align reads, and sort the alignments into a BAM file align_reads(ex_path, base_fname, aligner, index_type, read_fname, fastq, threads, verbose) for test_HLA_names in hla_list: if simulation: gene = test_HLA_names[0].split('*')[0] else: gene = test_HLA_names ref_allele = refHLAs[gene] ref_seq = HLAs[gene][ref_allele] ref_exons = refHLA_loci[gene][-1] # Read alignments alignview_cmd = ["samtools", "view"] if alignment_fname == "": alignview_cmd += ["hla_input.bam"] else: if not os.path.exists(alignment_fname + ".bai"): os.system("samtools index %s" % alignment_fname) alignview_cmd += [alignment_fname] base_locus = 0 if index_type == "graph": if reference_type == "gene": alignview_cmd += ["%s" % ref_allele] else: assert reference_type in ["chromosome", "genome"] _, chr, left, right, _ = refHLA_loci[gene] base_locus = left alignview_cmd += ["%s:%d-%d" % (chr, left + 1, right + 1)] bamview_proc = subprocess.Popen(alignview_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) sort_read_cmd = ["sort", "-k", "1", "-n"] alignview_proc = subprocess.Popen(sort_read_cmd, stdin=bamview_proc.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) else: alignview_proc = subprocess.Popen(alignview_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) # Count alleles HLA_counts, HLA_cmpt = {}, {} coverage = [0 for i in range(len(ref_seq) + 1)] num_reads, total_read_len = 0, 0 prev_read_id = None prev_exon = False if index_type == "graph": # Cigar regular expression cigar_re = re.compile('\d+\w') for line in alignview_proc.stdout: cols = line.strip().split() read_id, flag, chr, pos, mapQ, cigar_str = cols[:6] read_seq, qual = cols[9], cols[10] num_reads += 1 total_read_len += len(read_seq) flag, pos = int(flag), int(pos) pos -= (base_locus + 1) if pos < 0: continue if flag & 0x4 != 0: continue NM, Zs, MD = "", "", "" for i in range(11, len(cols)): col = cols[i] if col.startswith("Zs"): Zs = col[5:] elif col.startswith("MD"): MD = col[5:] elif col.startswith("NM"): NM = int(col[5:]) if NM > num_mismatch: continue # daehwan - for debugging purposes debug = False if read_id in ["2339"] and False: debug = True print "read_id: %s)" % read_id, pos, cigar_str, "NM:", NM, MD, Zs print " ", read_seq vars = [] if Zs: vars = Zs.split(',') assert MD != "" MD_str_pos, MD_len = 0, 0 read_pos, left_pos = 0, pos right_pos = left_pos cigars = cigar_re.findall(cigar_str) cigars = [[cigar[-1], int(cigar[:-1])] for cigar in cigars] cmp_list = [] for i in range(len(cigars)): cigar_op, length = cigars[i] if cigar_op == 'M': # Update coverage if enable_coverage: if right_pos + length < len(coverage): coverage[right_pos] += 1 coverage[right_pos + length] -= 1 elif right_pos < len(coverage): coverage[right_pos] += 1 coverage[-1] -= 1 first = True MD_len_used = 0 while True: if not first or MD_len == 0: if MD[MD_str_pos].isdigit(): num = int(MD[MD_str_pos]) MD_str_pos += 1 while MD_str_pos < len(MD): if MD[MD_str_pos].isdigit(): num = num * 10 + int(MD[MD_str_pos]) MD_str_pos += 1 else: break MD_len += num # Insertion or full match followed if MD_len >= length: MD_len -= length cmp_list.append(["match", right_pos + MD_len_used, length - MD_len_used]) break first = False read_base = read_seq[read_pos + MD_len] MD_ref_base = MD[MD_str_pos] MD_str_pos += 1 assert MD_ref_base in "ACGT" cmp_list.append(["match", right_pos + MD_len_used, MD_len - MD_len_used]) cmp_list.append(["mismatch", right_pos + MD_len, 1]) MD_len_used = MD_len + 1 MD_len += 1 # Full match if MD_len == length: MD_len = 0 break elif cigar_op == 'I': cmp_list.append(["insertion", right_pos, length]) elif cigar_op == 'D': if MD[MD_str_pos] == '0': MD_str_pos += 1 assert MD[MD_str_pos] == '^' MD_str_pos += 1 while MD_str_pos < len(MD): if not MD[MD_str_pos] in "ACGT": break MD_str_pos += 1 cmp_list.append(["deletion", right_pos, length]) elif cigar_op == 'S': cmp_list.append(["soft", right_pos, length]) else: assert cigar_op == 'N' cmp_list.append(["intron", right_pos, length]) if cigar_op in "MND": right_pos += length if cigar_op in "MIS": read_pos += length exon = False for exon in ref_exons: exon_left, exon_right = exon if right_pos <= exon_left or pos > exon_right: continue else: exon = True break if right_pos > len(ref_seq): continue def add_stat(HLA_cmpt, HLA_counts, HLA_count_per_read, exon = True): max_count = max(HLA_count_per_read.values()) cur_cmpt = set() for allele, count in HLA_count_per_read.items(): if count < max_count: continue if allele in exclude_allele_list: continue cur_cmpt.add(allele) if not allele in HLA_counts: HLA_counts[allele] = 1 else: HLA_counts[allele] += 1 if len(cur_cmpt) == 0: return # daehwan - for debugging purposes alleles = ["", ""] # alleles = ["B*40:304", "B*40:02:01"] allele1_found, allele2_found = False, False for allele, count in HLA_count_per_read.items(): if count < max_count: continue if allele == alleles[0]: allele1_found = True elif allele == alleles[1]: allele2_found = True if allele1_found != allele2_found: print alleles[0], HLA_count_per_read[alleles[0]] print alleles[1], HLA_count_per_read[alleles[1]] if allele1_found: print ("%s\tread_id %s - %d vs. %d]" % (alleles[0], prev_read_id, max_count, HLA_count_per_read[alleles[1]])) else: print ("%s\tread_id %s - %d vs. %d]" % (alleles[1], prev_read_id, max_count, HLA_count_per_read[alleles[0]])) print read_seq cur_cmpt = sorted(list(cur_cmpt)) cur_cmpt = '-'.join(cur_cmpt) add = 1 if partial and not exon: add *= 0.2 if not cur_cmpt in HLA_cmpt: HLA_cmpt[cur_cmpt] = add else: HLA_cmpt[cur_cmpt] += add if read_id != prev_read_id: if prev_read_id != None: add_stat(HLA_cmpt, HLA_counts, HLA_count_per_read, prev_exon) HLA_count_per_read = {} for HLA_name in HLA_names[gene]: if HLA_name.find("BACKBONE") != -1: continue HLA_count_per_read[HLA_name] = 0 def add_count(var_id, add): assert var_id in Links alleles = Links[var_id] for allele in alleles: if allele.find("BACKBONE") != -1: continue HLA_count_per_read[allele] += add # daehwan - for debugging purposes if debug: if allele in ["DQA1*05:05:01:01", "DQA1*05:05:01:02"]: print allele, add, var_id # Decide which allele(s) a read most likely came from # also sanity check - read length, cigar string, and MD string for var_id, data in Vars[gene].items(): var_type, var_pos, var_data = data if var_type != "deletion": continue if left_pos >= var_pos and right_pos <= var_pos + int(var_data): add_count(var_id, -1) ref_pos, read_pos, cmp_cigar_str, cmp_MD = left_pos, 0, "", "" cigar_match_len, MD_match_len = 0, 0 for cmp in cmp_list: type = cmp[0] length = cmp[2] if type == "match": var_idx = lower_bound(Var_list[gene], ref_pos) while var_idx < len(Var_list[gene]): var_pos, var_id = Var_list[gene][var_idx] if ref_pos + length <= var_pos: break if ref_pos <= var_pos: var_type, _, var_data = Vars[gene][var_id] if var_type == "insertion": if ref_pos < var_pos and ref_pos + length > var_pos + len(var_data): add_count(var_id, -1) # daehwan - for debugging purposes if debug: print cmp, var_id, Links[var_id] elif var_type == "deletion": del_len = int(var_data) if ref_pos < var_pos and ref_pos + length > var_pos + del_len: # daehwan - for debugging purposes if debug: print cmp, var_id, Links[var_id], -1, Vars[gene][var_id] # Check if this might be one of the two tandem repeats (the same left coordinate) cmp_left, cmp_right = cmp[1], cmp[1] + cmp[2] test1_seq1 = ref_seq[cmp_left:cmp_right] test1_seq2 = ref_seq[cmp_left:var_pos] + ref_seq[var_pos + del_len:cmp_right + del_len] # Check if this happens due to small repeats (the same right coordinate - e.g. 19 times of TTTC in DQA1*05:05:01:02) cmp_left -= read_pos cmp_right += (len(read_seq) - read_pos - cmp[2]) test2_seq1 = ref_seq[cmp_left+int(var_data):cmp_right] test2_seq2 = ref_seq[cmp_left:var_pos] + ref_seq[var_pos+int(var_data):cmp_right] if test1_seq1 != test1_seq2 and test2_seq1 != test2_seq2: add_count(var_id, -1) else: if debug: print cmp, var_id, Links[var_id], -1 add_count(var_id, -1) var_idx += 1 read_pos += length ref_pos += length cigar_match_len += length MD_match_len += length elif type == "mismatch": read_base = read_seq[read_pos] var_idx = lower_bound(Var_list[gene], ref_pos) while var_idx < len(Var_list[gene]): var_pos, var_id = Var_list[gene][var_idx] if ref_pos < var_pos: break if ref_pos == var_pos: var_type, _, var_data = Vars[gene][var_id] if var_type == "single": if var_data == read_base: # daehwan - for debugging purposes if debug: print cmp, var_id, 1, var_data, read_base, Links[var_id] # daehwan - for debugging purposes if False: read_qual = ord(qual[read_pos]) add_count(var_id, (read_qual - 60) / 60.0) else: add_count(var_id, 1) # daehwan - check out if this routine is appropriate # else: # add_count(var_id, -1) var_idx += 1 cmp_MD += ("%d%s" % (MD_match_len, ref_seq[ref_pos])) MD_match_len = 0 cigar_match_len += 1 read_pos += 1 ref_pos += 1 elif type == "insertion": ins_seq = read_seq[read_pos:read_pos+length] var_idx = lower_bound(Var_list[gene], ref_pos) # daehwan - for debugging purposes if debug: print left_pos, cigar_str, MD, vars print ref_pos, ins_seq, Var_list[gene][var_idx], Vars[gene][Var_list[gene][var_idx][1]] # sys.exit(1) while var_idx < len(Var_list[gene]): var_pos, var_id = Var_list[gene][var_idx] if ref_pos < var_pos: break if ref_pos == var_pos: var_type, _, var_data = Vars[gene][var_id] if var_type == "insertion": if var_data == ins_seq: # daehwan - for debugging purposes if debug: print cmp, var_id, 1, Links[var_id] add_count(var_id, 1) var_idx += 1 if cigar_match_len > 0: cmp_cigar_str += ("%dM" % cigar_match_len) cigar_match_len = 0 read_pos += length cmp_cigar_str += ("%dI" % length) elif type == "deletion": del_len = length # Deletions can be shifted bidirectionally temp_ref_pos = ref_pos while temp_ref_pos > 0: last_bp = ref_seq[temp_ref_pos + del_len - 1] prev_bp = ref_seq[temp_ref_pos - 1] if last_bp != prev_bp: break temp_ref_pos -= 1 var_idx = lower_bound(Var_list[gene], temp_ref_pos) while var_idx < len(Var_list[gene]): var_pos, var_id = Var_list[gene][var_idx] if temp_ref_pos < var_pos: first_bp = ref_seq[temp_ref_pos] next_bp = ref_seq[temp_ref_pos + del_len] if first_bp == next_bp: temp_ref_pos += 1 continue else: break if temp_ref_pos == var_pos: var_type, _, var_data = Vars[gene][var_id] if var_type == "deletion": var_len = int(var_data) if var_len == length: if debug: print cmp, var_id, 1, Links[var_id] print ref_seq[var_pos - 10:var_pos], ref_seq[var_pos:var_pos+int(var_data)], ref_seq[var_pos+int(var_data):var_pos+int(var_data)+10] add_count(var_id, 1) var_idx += 1 if cigar_match_len > 0: cmp_cigar_str += ("%dM" % cigar_match_len) cigar_match_len = 0 cmp_MD += ("%d" % MD_match_len) MD_match_len = 0 cmp_cigar_str += ("%dD" % length) cmp_MD += ("^%s" % ref_seq[ref_pos:ref_pos+length]) ref_pos += length elif type == "soft": if cigar_match_len > 0: cmp_cigar_str += ("%dM" % cigar_match_len) cigar_match_len = 0 read_pos += length cmp_cigar_str += ("%dS" % length) else: assert type == "intron" if cigar_match_len > 0: cmp_cigar_str += ("%dM" % cigar_match_len) cigar_match_len = 0 cmp_cigar_str += ("%dN" % length) ref_pos += length if cigar_match_len > 0: cmp_cigar_str += ("%dM" % cigar_match_len) cmp_MD += ("%d" % MD_match_len) if read_pos != len(read_seq) or \ cmp_cigar_str != cigar_str or \ cmp_MD != MD: print >> sys.stderr, "Error:", cigar_str, MD print >> sys.stderr, "\tcomputed:", cmp_cigar_str, cmp_MD print >> sys.stderr, "\tcmp list:", cmp_list assert False prev_read_id = read_id prev_exon = exon if num_reads <= 0: continue if prev_read_id != None: add_stat(HLA_cmpt, HLA_counts, HLA_count_per_read) # Coverage # it is not used by the default if enable_coverage: assert num_reads > 0 read_len = int(total_read_len / float(num_reads)) coverage_sum = 0 for i in range(len(coverage)): if i > 0: coverage[i] += coverage[i-1] coverage_sum += coverage[i] coverage_avg = coverage_sum / float(len(coverage)) assert len(ref_seq) < len(coverage) for i in range(len(ref_seq)): coverage_threshold = 1.0 * coverage_avg if i < read_len: coverage_threshold *= ((i+1) / float(read_len)) elif i + read_len > len(ref_seq): coverage_threshold *= ((len(ref_seq) - i) / float(read_len)) if coverage[i] >= coverage_threshold: continue pseudo_num_reads = (coverage_threshold - coverage[i]) / read_len var_idx = lower_bound(Var_list[gene], i + 1) if var_idx >= len(Var_list[gene]): var_idx = len(Var_list[gene]) - 1 cur_cmpt = set() while var_idx >= 0: var_pos, var_id = Var_list[gene][var_idx] var_type, _, var_data = Vars[gene][var_id] if var_type == "deletion": del_len = int(var_data) if i < var_pos: break if i + read_len < var_pos + int(var_data): assert var_id in Links cur_cmpt = cur_cmpt.union(set(Links[var_id])) var_idx -= 1 if cur_cmpt: cur_cmpt = '-'.join(list(cur_cmpt)) if not cur_cmpt in HLA_cmpt: HLA_cmpt[cur_cmpt] = 0 HLA_cmpt[cur_cmpt] += pseudo_num_reads else: assert index_type == "linear" def add_alleles(alleles): if not allele in HLA_counts: HLA_counts[allele] = 1 else: HLA_counts[allele] += 1 cur_cmpt = sorted(list(alleles)) cur_cmpt = '-'.join(cur_cmpt) if not cur_cmpt in HLA_cmpt: HLA_cmpt[cur_cmpt] = 1 else: HLA_cmpt[cur_cmpt] += 1 prev_read_id, prev_AS = None, None alleles = set() for line in alignview_proc.stdout: cols = line[:-1].split() read_id, flag, allele = cols[:3] flag = int(flag) if flag & 0x4 != 0: continue if not allele.startswith(gene): continue if allele.find("BACKBONE") != -1: continue AS = None for i in range(11, len(cols)): col = cols[i] if col.startswith("AS"): AS = int(col[5:]) assert AS != None if read_id != prev_read_id: if alleles: if aligner == "hisat2" or \ (aligner == "bowtie2" and len(alleles) < 10): add_alleles(alleles) alleles = set() prev_AS = None if prev_AS != None and AS < prev_AS: continue prev_read_id = read_id prev_AS = AS alleles.add(allele) if alleles: add_alleles(alleles) HLA_counts = [[allele, count] for allele, count in HLA_counts.items()] def HLA_count_cmp(a, b): if a[1] != b[1]: return b[1] - a[1] assert a[0] != b[0] if a[0] < b[0]: return -1 else: return 1 HLA_counts = sorted(HLA_counts, cmp=HLA_count_cmp) for count_i in range(len(HLA_counts)): count = HLA_counts[count_i] if simulation: found = False for test_HLA_name in test_HLA_names: if count[0] == test_HLA_name: print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t*** %d ranked %s (count: %d)" % (count_i + 1, test_HLA_name, count[1]) found = True """ if count_i > 0 and HLA_counts[0][1] > count[1]: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: %s ranked first (count: %d)" % (HLA_counts[0][0], HLA_counts[0][1]) assert False else: test_passed += 1 """ if count_i < 5 and not found: print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t\t%d %s (count: %d)" % (count_i + 1, count[0], count[1]) else: print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t\t%d %s (count: %d)" % (count_i + 1, count[0], count[1]) if count_i >= 9: break print >> sys.stderr HLA_prob = single_abundance(HLA_cmpt, HLA_lengths[gene]) success = [False for i in range(len(test_HLA_names))] found_list = [False for i in range(len(test_HLA_names))] for prob_i in range(len(HLA_prob)): prob = HLA_prob[prob_i] found = False if simulation: for name_i in range(len(test_HLA_names)): test_HLA_name = test_HLA_names[name_i] if prob[0] == test_HLA_name: rank_i = prob_i while rank_i > 0: if prob == HLA_prob[rank_i - 1][1]: rank_i -= 1 else: break print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t*** %d ranked %s (abundance: %.2f%%)" % (rank_i + 1, test_HLA_name, prob[1] * 100.0) if rank_i < len(success): success[rank_i] = True found_list[name_i] = True found = True if not False in found_list: break if not found: print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t\t%d ranked %s (abundance: %.2f%%)" % (prob_i + 1, prob[0], prob[1] * 100.0) if best_alleles and prob_i < 2: print >> sys.stdout, "SingleModel %s (abundance: %.2f%%)" % (prob[0], prob[1] * 100.0) if not simulation and prob_i >= 9: break print >> sys.stderr if len(test_HLA_names) == 2 or not simulation: HLA_prob = joint_abundance(HLA_cmpt, HLA_lengths[gene]) if len(HLA_prob) <= 0: continue success = [False] for prob_i in range(len(HLA_prob)): allele_pair, prob = HLA_prob[prob_i] allele1, allele2 = allele_pair.split('-') if best_alleles and prob_i < 1: print >> sys.stdout, "PairModel %s (abundance: %.2f%%)" % (allele_pair, prob * 100.0) if simulation: if allele1 in test_HLA_names and allele2 in test_HLA_names: rank_i = prob_i while rank_i > 0: if HLA_prob[rank_i-1][1] == prob: rank_i -= 1 else: break print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t*** %d ranked %s (abundance: %.2f%%)" % (rank_i + 1, allele_pair, prob * 100.0) if rank_i == 0: success[0] = True break print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t\t%d ranked %s (abundance: %.2f%%)" % (prob_i + 1, allele_pair, prob * 100.0) if not simulation and prob_i >= 9: break print >> sys.stderr # Li's method """ li_hla = os.path.join(ex_path, "li_hla/hla") if os.path.exists(li_hla): li_hla_cmd = [li_hla, "hla", "hla_input.bam", "-b", "%s*BACKBONE" % gene] li_hla_proc = subprocess.Popen(li_hla_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) # read in the result of Li's hla for line in li_hla_proc.stdout: allele1, allele2, score = line.strip().split() score = float(score) if simulation: if allele1 in test_HLA_names and allele2 in test_HLA_names: print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t*** 1 ranked %s-%s (score: %.2f)" % (allele1, allele2, score) success[0] = True else: print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\tLiModel fails" if best_alleles: print >> sys.stdout, "LiModel %s-%s (score: %.2f)" % (allele1, allele2, score) li_hla_proc.communicate() """ if simulation and not False in success: aligner_type = "%s %s" % (aligner, index_type) if not aligner_type in test_passed: test_passed[aligner_type] = 1 else: test_passed[aligner_type] += 1 if simulation: return test_passed def read_HLA_alleles(fname, HLAs): for line in open(fname): if line.startswith(">"): HLA_name = line.strip().split()[0][1:] HLA_gene = HLA_name.split('*')[0] if not HLA_gene in HLAs: HLAs[HLA_gene] = {} if not HLA_name in HLAs[HLA_gene]: HLAs[HLA_gene][HLA_name] = "" else: HLAs[HLA_gene][HLA_name] += line.strip() return HLAs """ """ def genotyping(base_fname, reference_type, hla_list, partial, aligners, read_fname, alignment_fname, threads, simulate_interval, enable_coverage, best_alleles, exclude_allele_list, default_allele_list, num_mismatch, verbose, daehwan_debug): # Current script directory curr_script = os.path.realpath(inspect.getsourcefile(genotyping)) ex_path = os.path.dirname(curr_script) # Clone a git repository, IMGTHLA if not os.path.exists("IMGTHLA"): os.system("git clone https://github.com/jrob119/IMGTHLA.git") # Clone hisat2 genotype database, hisat_genotype_db """ if not os.path.exists("hisat_genotype_db"): os.system("git clone https://github.com/infphilo/hisat_genotype_db.git") """ simulation = (read_fname == [] and alignment_fname == "") def check_files(fnames): for fname in fnames: if not os.path.exists(fname): return False return True # Download HISAT2 index HISAT2_fnames = ["grch38", "genome.fa", "genome.fa.fai"] if not check_files(HISAT2_fnames): os.system("wget ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/infphilo/hisat2/data/grch38.tar.gz; tar xvzf grch38.tar.gz; rm grch38.tar.gz") hisat2_inspect = os.path.join(ex_path, "hisat2-inspect") os.system("%s grch38/genome > genome.fa" % hisat2_inspect) os.system("samtools faidx genome.fa") # Check if the pre-existing files (hla*) are compatible with the current parameter setting if os.path.exists("%s.ref" % base_fname): left = 0 HLA_genes = set() BACKBONE = False for line in open("%s.ref" % base_fname): HLA_name = line.strip().split()[0] if HLA_name.find("BACKBONE") != -1: BACKBONE = True HLA_gene = HLA_name.split('*')[0] HLA_genes.add(HLA_gene) delete_hla_files = False if reference_type == "gene": if not BACKBONE: delete_hla_files = True elif reference_type in ["chromosome", "genome"]: if BACKBONE: delete_hla_files = True else: assert False if not set(hla_list).issubset(HLA_genes): delete_hla_files = True if base_fname == "hla": if delete_hla_files: os.system("rm %s*" % base_fname) # Extract HLA variants, backbone sequence, and other sequeces HLA_fnames = [base_fname+"_backbone.fa", base_fname+"_sequences.fa", base_fname+".ref", base_fname+".snp", base_fname+".haplotype", base_fname+".link", base_fname+"_alleles_excluded.txt"] # Check if excluded alleles in current files match excluded_alleles_match = False if(os.path.exists(HLA_fnames[6])): afile = open(HLA_fnames[6],'r') afile.readline() lines = afile.read().split() excluded_alleles_match = (set(exclude_allele_list) == set(lines)) afile.close() elif len(exclude_allele_list) == 0: excluded_alleles_match = True try: temp_name = HLA_fnames[6] HLA_fnames.remove(HLA_fnames[6]) os.remove(temp_name) except OSError: pass if not excluded_alleles_match: print("Creating Allele Exclusion File.\n") afile = open(HLA_fnames[6],'w') afile.write("Alleles excluded:\n") afile.write("\n".join(exclude_allele_list)) afile.close() if (not check_files(HLA_fnames)) or (not excluded_alleles_match) : extract_hla_script = os.path.join(ex_path, "hisatgenotype_extract_vars.py") extract_cmd = [extract_hla_script, "--base", base_fname, "--reference-type", reference_type] if base_fname == "hla": extract_cmd += ["--hla-list", ','.join(hla_list)] if len(exclude_allele_list) > 0: print exclude_allele_list extract_cmd += ["--exclude-allele-list", ",".join(exclude_allele_list)] if len(base_fname) > 3: extract_cmd += ["--base", base_fname] if partial: extract_cmd += ["--partial"] extract_cmd += ["--inter-gap", "30", "--intra-gap", "50"] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "\tRunning:", ' '.join(extract_cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(extract_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not check_files(HLA_fnames): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: extract_HLA_vars failed!" sys.exit(1) for aligner, index_type in aligners: # Build HISAT2 graph indexes based on the above information if aligner == "hisat2" and index_type == "graph": HLA_hisat2_graph_index_fnames = ["%s.graph.%d.ht2" % (base_fname, i+1) for i in range(8)] if not check_files(HLA_hisat2_graph_index_fnames) or (not excluded_alleles_match): hisat2_build = os.path.join(ex_path, "hisat2-build") build_cmd = [hisat2_build, "-p", str(threads), "--snp", HLA_fnames[3], "--haplotype", HLA_fnames[4] , HLA_fnames[0], "%s.graph" % base_fname] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "\tRunning:", ' '.join(build_cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(build_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not check_files(HLA_hisat2_graph_index_fnames): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: indexing HLA failed! Perhaps, you may have forgotten to build hisat2 executables?" sys.exit(1) # Build HISAT2 linear indexes based on the above information elif aligner == "hisat2" and index_type == "linear": HLA_hisat2_linear_index_fnames = ["%s.linear.%d.ht2" % (base_fname, i+1) for i in range(8)] if reference_type == "gene" and (not check_files(HLA_hisat2_linear_index_fnames) or (not excluded_alleles_match)): hisat2_build = os.path.join(ex_path, "hisat2-build") build_cmd = [hisat2_build, "%s,%s"%(HLA_fnames[0],HLA_fnames[1]), "%s.linear" % base_fname] proc = subprocess.Popen(build_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not check_files(HLA_hisat2_linear_index_fnames): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: indexing HLA failed!" sys.exit(1) # Build Bowtie2 indexes based on the above information else: assert aligner == "bowtie2" and index_type == "linear" HLA_bowtie2_index_fnames = ["%s.%d.bt2" % (base_fname, i+1) for i in range(4)] HLA_bowtie2_index_fnames += ["%s.rev.%d.bt2" % (base_fname, i+1) for i in range(2)] if reference_type == "gene" and (not check_files(HLA_bowtie2_index_fnames) or (not excluded_alleles_match)): build_cmd = ["bowtie2-build", "%s,%s"%(HLA_fnames[0],HLA_fnames[1]), base_fname] proc = subprocess.Popen(build_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not check_files(HLA_bowtie2_index_fnames): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: indexing HLA failed!" sys.exit(1) # Read partial alleles from hla.data (temporary) partial_alleles = set() if base_fname == "hla": for line in open("IMGTHLA/hla.dat"): if not line.startswith("DE"): continue allele_name = line.split()[1][4:-1] gene = allele_name.split('*')[0] if line.find("partial") != -1: partial_alleles.add(allele_name) if len(default_allele_list) != 0: #print os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists("./Default-HLA/hla_backbone.fa"): #current_path = os.getcwd() try: os.mkdir("./Default-HLA") except: pass #os.chdir(current_path + "/Default-HLA") extract_hla_script = os.path.join(ex_path, "hisat2_extract_HLA_vars.py") extract_cmd = [extract_hla_script, "--reference-type", reference_type, "--hla-list", ','.join(hla_list), "--base", "./Default-HLA/hla"] if partial: extract_cmd += ["--partial"] extract_cmd += ["--inter-gap", "30", "--intra-gap", "50"] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "\tRunning:", ' '.join(extract_cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(extract_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not os.path.exists("./Default-HLA/hla_backbone.fa"): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: extract_HLA_vars (Default) failed!" sys.exit(1) # Read HLA alleles (names and sequences) refHLAs, refHLA_loci = {}, {} for line in open("%s.ref" % base_fname): HLA_name, chr, left, right, length, exon_str = line.strip().split() HLA_gene = HLA_name.split('*')[0] assert not HLA_gene in refHLAs refHLAs[HLA_gene] = HLA_name left, right = int(left), int(right) exons = [] for exon in exon_str.split(','): exon_left, exon_right = exon.split('-') exons.append([int(exon_left), int(exon_right)]) refHLA_loci[HLA_gene] = [HLA_name, chr, left, right, exons] HLAs = {} if reference_type == "gene": read_HLA_alleles(HLA_fnames[0], HLAs) read_HLA_alleles(HLA_fnames[1], HLAs) # HLA gene alleles HLA_names = {} for HLA_gene, data in HLAs.items(): HLA_names[HLA_gene] = list(data.keys()) # HLA gene allele lengths HLA_lengths = {} for HLA_gene, HLA_alleles in HLAs.items(): HLA_lengths[HLA_gene] = {} for allele_name, seq in HLA_alleles.items(): HLA_lengths[HLA_gene][allele_name] = len(seq) # Construct excluded alleles (Via default backbone data) custom_allele_check = False if len(default_allele_list) > 0: custom_allele_check = True HLAs_default = {} read_HLA_alleles("./Default-HLA/hla_backbone.fa",HLAs_default) read_HLA_alleles("./Default-HLA/hla_sequences.fa",HLAs_default) for HLA_gene, HLA_alleles in HLAs_default.items(): for allele_name, seq in HLA_alleles.items(): if allele_name in default_allele_list: HLA_lengths[HLA_gene][allele_name] = len(seq) # Read HLA variants, and link information Vars, Var_list = {}, {} for line in open("%s.snp" % base_fname): var_id, var_type, allele, pos, data = line.strip().split('\t') pos = int(pos) if reference_type != "gene": allele, dist = None, 0 for tmp_gene, values in refHLA_loci.items(): allele_name, chr, left, right, exons = values if allele == None: allele = allele_name dist = abs(pos - left) else: if dist > abs(pos - left): allele = allele_name dist = abs(pos - left) gene = allele.split('*')[0] if not gene in Vars: Vars[gene] = {} assert not gene in Var_list Var_list[gene] = [] assert not var_id in Vars[gene] left = 0 if reference_type != "gene": _, _, left, _, _ = refHLA_loci[gene] Vars[gene][var_id] = [var_type, pos - left, data] Var_list[gene].append([pos - left, var_id]) for gene, in_var_list in Var_list.items(): Var_list[gene] = sorted(in_var_list) Links = {} for line in open("%s.link" % base_fname): var_id, alleles = line.strip().split('\t') alleles = alleles.split() assert not var_id in Links Links[var_id] = alleles # Test HLA typing test_list = [] if simulation: basic_test, pair_test = True, False if daehwan_debug: if "basic_test" in daehwan_debug: basic_test, pair_test = True, False else: basic_test, pair_test = False, True test_passed = {} test_list = [] if base_fname == "hla": genes = list(set(hla_list) & set(HLA_names.keys())) else: genes = HLA_names.keys() if basic_test: for gene in genes: HLA_gene_alleles = HLA_names[gene] for HLA_name in HLA_gene_alleles: if HLA_name.find("BACKBONE") != -1: continue test_list.append([[HLA_name]]) if pair_test: test_size = 500 allele_count = 2 for test_i in range(test_size): test_pairs = [] for gene in genes: HLA_gene_alleles = [] for allele in HLA_names[gene]: if allele.find("BACKBONE") != -1: continue HLA_gene_alleles.append(allele) # DK - temporary if len(HLA_gene_alleles) < 2: continue nums = [i for i in range(len(HLA_gene_alleles))] random.shuffle(nums) test_pairs.append(sorted([HLA_gene_alleles[nums[i]] for i in range(allele_count)])) test_list.append(test_pairs) for test_i in range(len(test_list)): if "test_id" in daehwan_debug: daehwan_test_ids = daehwan_debug["test_id"].split('-') if str(test_i + 1) not in daehwan_test_ids: continue print >> sys.stderr, "Test %d" % (test_i + 1) test_HLA_list = test_list[test_i] # daehwan - for debugging purposes # test_HLA_list = [["A*11:50Q", "A*11:01:01:01", "A*01:01:01:01"]] for test_HLA_names in test_HLA_list: for test_HLA_name in test_HLA_names: if custom_allele_check: gene = test_HLA_name.split('*')[0] test_HLA_seq = HLAs_default[gene][test_HLA_name] seq_type = "partial" if test_HLA_name in partial_alleles else "full" print >> sys.stderr, "\t%s - %d bp (%s sequence)" % (test_HLA_name, len(test_HLA_seq), seq_type) continue gene = test_HLA_name.split('*')[0] test_HLA_seq = HLAs[gene][test_HLA_name] seq_type = "partial" if test_HLA_name in partial_alleles else "full" print >> sys.stderr, "\t%s - %d bp (%s sequence)" % (test_HLA_name, len(test_HLA_seq), seq_type) if custom_allele_check: simulate_reads(HLAs_default, test_HLA_list, simulate_interval) else: simulate_reads(HLAs, test_HLA_list, simulate_interval) if "test_id" in daehwan_debug: read_fname = ["hla_input_1.fa"] else: read_fname = ["hla_input_1.fa", "hla_input_2.fa"] fastq = False tmp_test_passed = HLA_typing(ex_path, base_fname, simulation, reference_type, test_HLA_list, partial, refHLAs, HLAs, HLA_names, HLA_lengths, refHLA_loci, Vars, Var_list, Links, exclude_allele_list, aligners, num_mismatch, fastq, read_fname, alignment_fname, threads, enable_coverage, best_alleles, verbose) for aligner_type, passed in tmp_test_passed.items(): if aligner_type in test_passed: test_passed[aligner_type] += passed else: test_passed[aligner_type] = passed print >> sys.stderr, "\t\tPassed so far: %d/%d (%.2f%%)" % (test_passed[aligner_type], test_i + 1, (test_passed[aligner_type] * 100.0 / (test_i + 1))) for aligner_type, passed in test_passed.items(): print >> sys.stderr, "%s:\t%d/%d passed (%.2f%%)" % (aligner_type, passed, len(test_list), passed * 100.0 / len(test_list)) else: # With real reads or BAMs if base_fname == "hla": gene_list = hla_list else: gene_list = Vars.keys() print >> sys.stderr, "\t", ' '.join(gene_list) fastq = True HLA_typing(ex_path, base_fname, simulation, reference_type, gene_list, partial, refHLAs, HLAs, HLA_names, HLA_lengths, refHLA_loci, Vars, Var_list, Links, exclude_allele_list, aligners, num_mismatch, fastq, read_fname, alignment_fname, threads, enable_coverage, best_alleles, verbose) """ """ if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( description='genotyping') parser.add_argument("--base", dest="base_fname", type=str, default="hla", help="base filename for backbone HLA sequence, HLA variants, and HLA linking info") parser.add_argument("--default-list", dest = "default_allele_list", type=str, default="", help="A comma-separated list of HLA alleles to be tested. Alleles are retrieved from default backbone data (all alleles included in backbone).") parser.add_argument("--reference-type", dest="reference_type", type=str, default="gene", help="Reference type: gene, chromosome, and genome (default: gene)") parser.add_argument("--hla-list", dest="hla_list", type=str, default="A,B,C,DQA1,DQB1,DRB1", help="A comma-separated list of HLA genes (default: A,B,C,DQA1,DQB1,DRB1)") parser.add_argument('--partial', dest='partial', action='store_true', help='Include partial alleles (e.g. A_nuc.fasta)') parser.add_argument("--aligner-list", dest="aligners", type=str, default="hisat2.graph,hisat2.linear,bowtie2.linear", help="A comma-separated list of aligners (default: hisat2.graph,hisat2.linear,bowtie2.linear)") parser.add_argument("--reads", dest="read_fname", type=str, default="", help="Fastq read file name") parser.add_argument("--alignment", dest="alignment_fname", type=str, default="", help="BAM file name") parser.add_argument("-p", "--threads", dest="threads", type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads") parser.add_argument("--simulate-interval", dest="simulate_interval", type=int, default=1, help="Reads simulated at every these base pairs (default: 1)") parser.add_argument("--coverage", dest="coverage", action='store_true', help="Experimental purpose (assign reads based on coverage)") parser.add_argument("--best-alleles", dest="best_alleles", action='store_true', help="") parser.add_argument("--exclude-allele-list", dest="exclude_allele_list", type=str, default="", help="A comma-separated list of alleles to be excluded. Enter a number N to randomly select N alleles for exclusion and N non-excluded alleles for testing (2N tested in total).") parser.add_argument("--num-mismatch", dest="num_mismatch", type=int, default=0, help="Maximum number of mismatches per read alignment to be considered (default: 0)") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='also print some statistics to stderr') parser.add_argument("--debug", dest="debug", type=str, default="", help="e.g., test_id:10,read_id:10000,basic_test") parser.add_argument("--novel_allele_detection", dest="novel_allele_detection", action='store_true', help="Change test to detection of new alleles. Report sensitivity and specificity rate at the end.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.reference_type in ["gene", "chromosome", "genome"]: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: --reference-type (%s) must be one of gene, chromosome, and genome." % (args.reference_type) sys.exit(1) args.hla_list = args.hla_list.split(',') if args.aligners == "": print >> sys.stderr, "Error: --aligners must be non-empty." sys.exit(1) args.aligners = args.aligners.split(',') for i in range(len(args.aligners)): args.aligners[i] = args.aligners[i].split('.') if args.read_fname: args.read_fname = args.read_fname.split(',') else: args.read_fname = [] if args.alignment_fname != "" and \ not os.path.exists(args.alignment_fname): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: %s doesn't exist." % args.alignment_fname sys.exit(1) if len(args.default_allele_list) > 0: args.default_allele_list = args.default_allele_list.split(',') if len(args.exclude_allele_list) > 0: if args.exclude_allele_list.strip().isdigit(): num_alleles = int(args.exclude_allele_list) if not os.path.exists("./Default-HLA/hla_backbone.fa"): try: os.mkdir("./Default-HLA") except: pass extract_hla_script = os.path.join(ex_path, "hisat2_extract_HLA_vars.py") extract_cmd = [extract_hla_script, "--reference-type", reference_type, "--hla-list", ','.join(hla_list), "--base", "./Default-HLA/hla"] if partial: extract_cmd += ["--partial"] extract_cmd += ["--inter-gap", "30", "--intra-gap", "50"] if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "\tRunning:", ' '.join(extract_cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(extract_cmd, stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'), stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) proc.communicate() if not os.path.exists("./Default-HLA/hla_backbone.fa"): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: extract_HLA_vars (Default) failed!" sys.exit(1) HLAs_default = {} #read_HLA_alleles("./Default-HLA/hla_backbone.fa",HLAs_default) read_HLA_alleles("./Default-HLA/hla_sequences.fa",HLAs_default) allele_names = list(HLAs_default['A'].keys()) random.shuffle(allele_names) args.exclude_allele_list = allele_names[0:num_alleles] args.default_allele_list = allele_names[num_alleles:2*num_alleles] args.default_allele_list = args.default_allele_list + args.exclude_allele_list else: args.exclude_allele_list = args.exclude_allele_list.split(',') debug = {} if args.debug != "": for item in args.debug.split(','): if ':' in item: key, value = item.split(':') debug[key] = value else: debug[item] = 1 random.seed(1) genotyping(args.base_fname, args.reference_type, args.hla_list, args.partial, args.aligners, args.read_fname, args.alignment_fname, args.threads, args.simulate_interval, args.coverage, args.best_alleles, args.exclude_allele_list, args.default_allele_list, args.num_mismatch, args.verbose, debug)