/***** This code was generated by Yaggo. Do not edit ******/ /* This file is part of Jellyfish. Jellyfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Jellyfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jellyfish. If not, see . */ #ifndef __MERGE_MAIN_CMDLINE_HPP__ #define __MERGE_MAIN_CMDLINE_HPP__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class merge_main_cmdline { // Boiler plate stuff. Conversion from string to other formats static bool adjust_double_si_suffix(double &res, const char *suffix) { if(*suffix == '\0') return true; if(*(suffix + 1) != '\0') return false; switch(*suffix) { case 'a': res *= 1e-18; break; case 'f': res *= 1e-15; break; case 'p': res *= 1e-12; break; case 'n': res *= 1e-9; break; case 'u': res *= 1e-6; break; case 'm': res *= 1e-3; break; case 'k': res *= 1e3; break; case 'M': res *= 1e6; break; case 'G': res *= 1e9; break; case 'T': res *= 1e12; break; case 'P': res *= 1e15; break; case 'E': res *= 1e18; break; default: return false; } return true; } static double conv_double(const char *str, ::std::string &err, bool si_suffix) { char *endptr = 0; errno = 0; double res = strtod(str, &endptr); if(endptr == str) { err.assign("Invalid floating point string"); return (double)0.0; } if(errno) { err.assign(strerror(errno)); return (double)0.0; } bool invalid = si_suffix ? !adjust_double_si_suffix(res, endptr) : *endptr != '\0'; if(invalid) { err.assign("Invalid character"); return (double)0.0; } return res; } static int conv_enum(const char* str, ::std::string& err, const char* const strs[]) { int res = 0; for(const char* const* cstr = strs; *cstr; ++cstr, ++res) if(!strcmp(*cstr, str)) return res; err += "Invalid constant '"; err += str; err += "'. Expected one of { "; for(const char* const* cstr = strs; *cstr; ++cstr) { if(cstr != strs) err += ", "; err += *cstr; } err += " }"; return -1; } template static bool adjust_int_si_suffix(T &res, const char *suffix) { if(*suffix == '\0') return true; if(*(suffix + 1) != '\0') return false; switch(*suffix) { case 'k': res *= (T)1000; break; case 'M': res *= (T)1000000; break; case 'G': res *= (T)1000000000; break; case 'T': res *= (T)1000000000000; break; case 'P': res *= (T)1000000000000000; break; case 'E': res *= (T)1000000000000000000; break; default: return false; } return true; } template static T conv_int(const char *str, ::std::string &err, bool si_suffix) { char *endptr = 0; errno = 0; long long int res = strtoll(str, &endptr, 0); if(endptr == str) { err.assign("Invalid signed int string"); return (T)0; } if(errno) { err.assign(strerror(errno)); return (T)0; } bool invalid = si_suffix ? !adjust_int_si_suffix(res, endptr) : *endptr != '\0'; if(invalid) { err.assign("Invalid character"); return (T)0; } if(res > ::std::numeric_limits::max() || res < ::std::numeric_limits::min()) { err.assign("Value out of range"); return (T)0; } return (T)res; } template static T conv_uint(const char *str, ::std::string &err, bool si_suffix) { char *endptr = 0; errno = 0; while(isspace(*str)) { ++str; } if(*str == '-') { err.assign("Negative value"); return (T)0; } unsigned long long int res = strtoull(str, &endptr, 0); if(endptr == str) { err.assign("Invalid unsigned int string"); return (T)0; } if(errno) { err.assign(strerror(errno)); return (T)0; } bool invalid = si_suffix ? !adjust_int_si_suffix(res, endptr) : *endptr != '\0'; if(invalid) { err.assign("Invalid character"); return (T)0; } if(res > ::std::numeric_limits::max()) { err.assign("Value out of range"); return (T)0; } return (T)res; } template static ::std::string vec_str(const std::vector &vec) { ::std::ostringstream os; for(typename ::std::vector::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) { if(it != vec.begin()) os << ","; os << *it; } return os.str(); } class string : public ::std::string { public: string() : ::std::string() {} explicit string(const ::std::string &s) : std::string(s) {} explicit string(const char *s) : ::std::string(s) {} int as_enum(const char* const strs[]) { ::std::string err; int res = conv_enum((const char*)this->c_str(), err, strs); if(!err.empty()) throw ::std::runtime_error(err); return res; } uint32_t as_uint32_suffix() const { return as_uint32(true); } uint32_t as_uint32(bool si_suffix = false) const { ::std::string err; uint32_t res = conv_uint((const char*)this->c_str(), err, si_suffix); if(!err.empty()) { ::std::string msg("Invalid conversion of '"); msg += *this; msg += "' to uint32_t: "; msg += err; throw ::std::runtime_error(msg); } return res; } uint64_t as_uint64_suffix() const { return as_uint64(true); } uint64_t as_uint64(bool si_suffix = false) const { ::std::string err; uint64_t res = conv_uint((const char*)this->c_str(), err, si_suffix); if(!err.empty()) { ::std::string msg("Invalid conversion of '"); msg += *this; msg += "' to uint64_t: "; msg += err; throw ::std::runtime_error(msg); } return res; } int32_t as_int32_suffix() const { return as_int32(true); } int32_t as_int32(bool si_suffix = false) const { ::std::string err; int32_t res = conv_int((const char*)this->c_str(), err, si_suffix); if(!err.empty()) { ::std::string msg("Invalid conversion of '"); msg += *this; msg += "' to int32_t: "; msg += err; throw ::std::runtime_error(msg); } return res; } int64_t as_int64_suffix() const { return as_int64(true); } int64_t as_int64(bool si_suffix = false) const { ::std::string err; int64_t res = conv_int((const char*)this->c_str(), err, si_suffix); if(!err.empty()) { ::std::string msg("Invalid conversion of '"); msg += *this; msg += "' to int64_t: "; msg += err; throw ::std::runtime_error(msg); } return res; } int as_int_suffix() const { return as_int(true); } int as_int(bool si_suffix = false) const { ::std::string err; int res = conv_int((const char*)this->c_str(), err, si_suffix); if(!err.empty()) { ::std::string msg("Invalid conversion of '"); msg += *this; msg += "' to int_t: "; msg += err; throw ::std::runtime_error(msg); } return res; } long as_long_suffix() const { return as_long(true); } long as_long(bool si_suffix = false) const { ::std::string err; long res = conv_int((const char*)this->c_str(), err, si_suffix); if(!err.empty()) { ::std::string msg("Invalid conversion of '"); msg += *this; msg += "' to long_t: "; msg += err; throw ::std::runtime_error(msg); } return res; } double as_double_suffix() const { return as_double(true); } double as_double(bool si_suffix = false) const { ::std::string err; double res = conv_double((const char*)this->c_str(), err, si_suffix); if(!err.empty()) { ::std::string msg("Invalid conversion of '"); msg += *this; msg += "' to double_t: "; msg += err; throw ::std::runtime_error(msg); } return res; } }; public: const char * output_arg; bool output_given; uint64_t lower_count_arg; bool lower_count_given; uint64_t upper_count_arg; bool upper_count_given; ::std::vector input_arg; typedef ::std::vector::iterator input_arg_it; typedef ::std::vector::const_iterator input_arg_const_it; enum { START_OPT = 1000, USAGE_OPT }; merge_main_cmdline() : output_arg("mer_counts_merged.jf"), output_given(false), lower_count_arg(0), lower_count_given(false), upper_count_arg(0), upper_count_given(false), input_arg() { } merge_main_cmdline(int argc, char* argv[]) : output_arg("mer_counts_merged.jf"), output_given(false), lower_count_arg(0), lower_count_given(false), upper_count_arg(0), upper_count_given(false), input_arg() { parse(argc, argv); } void parse(int argc, char* argv[]) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"output", 1, 0, 'o'}, {"lower-count", 1, 0, 'L'}, {"upper-count", 1, 0, 'U'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"usage", 0, 0, USAGE_OPT}, {"version", 0, 0, 'V'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; static const char *short_options = "hVo:L:U:"; ::std::string err; #define CHECK_ERR(type,val,which) if(!err.empty()) { ::std::cerr << "Invalid " #type " '" << val << "' for [" which "]: " << err << "\n"; exit(1); } while(true) { int index = -1; int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &index); if(c == -1) break; switch(c) { case ':': ::std::cerr << "Missing required argument for " << (index == -1 ? ::std::string(1, (char)optopt) : std::string(long_options[index].name)) << ::std::endl; exit(1); case 'h': ::std::cout << usage() << "\n\n" << help() << std::endl; exit(0); case USAGE_OPT: ::std::cout << usage() << "\nUse --help for more information." << std::endl; exit(0); case 'V': print_version(); exit(0); case '?': ::std::cerr << "Use --usage or --help for some help\n"; exit(1); case 'o': output_given = true; output_arg = optarg; break; case 'L': lower_count_given = true; lower_count_arg = conv_uint((const char*)optarg, err, false); CHECK_ERR(uint64_t, optarg, "-L, --lower-count=uint64") break; case 'U': upper_count_given = true; upper_count_arg = conv_uint((const char*)optarg, err, false); CHECK_ERR(uint64_t, optarg, "-U, --upper-count=uint64") break; } } // Parse arguments if(argc - optind < 2) error("Requires at least 2 arguments."); for( ; optind < argc; ++optind) { input_arg.push_back(argv[optind]); } } static const char * usage() { return "Usage: jellyfish merge [options] input:string+"; } class error { int code_; std::ostringstream msg_; // Select the correct version (GNU or XSI) version of // strerror_r. strerror_ behaves like the GNU version of strerror_r, // regardless of which version is provided by the system. static const char* strerror__(char* buf, int res) { return res != -1 ? buf : "Invalid error"; } static const char* strerror__(char* buf, char* res) { return res; } static const char* strerror_(int err, char* buf, size_t buflen) { return strerror__(buf, strerror_r(err, buf, buflen)); } struct no_t { }; public: static no_t no; error(int code = EXIT_FAILURE) : code_(code) { } explicit error(const char* msg, int code = EXIT_FAILURE) : code_(code) { msg_ << msg; } error(const std::string& msg, int code = EXIT_FAILURE) : code_(code) { msg_ << msg; } error& operator<<(no_t) { char buf[1024]; msg_ << ": " << strerror_(errno, buf, sizeof(buf)); return *this; } template error& operator<<(const T& x) { msg_ << x; return (*this); } ~error() { ::std::cerr << "Error: " << msg_.str() << "\n" << usage() << "\n" << "Use --help for more information" << ::std::endl; exit(code_); } }; static const char * help() { return "Merge jellyfish databases\n\n" "Options (default value in (), *required):\n" " -o, --output=string Output file (mer_counts_merged.jf)\n" " -L, --lower-count=uint64 Don't output k-mer with count < lower-count\n" " -U, --upper-count=uint64 Don't output k-mer with count > upper-count\n" " --usage Usage\n" " -h, --help This message\n" " -V, --version Version"; } static const char* hidden() { return ""; } void print_version(::std::ostream &os = std::cout) const { #ifndef PACKAGE_VERSION #define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.0.0" #endif os << PACKAGE_VERSION << "\n"; } void dump(::std::ostream &os = std::cout) { os << "output_given:" << output_given << " output_arg:" << output_arg << "\n"; os << "lower_count_given:" << lower_count_given << " lower_count_arg:" << lower_count_arg << "\n"; os << "upper_count_given:" << upper_count_given << " upper_count_arg:" << upper_count_arg << "\n"; os << "input_arg:" << vec_str(input_arg) << "\n"; } }; #endif // __MERGE_MAIN_CMDLINE_HPP__"