First, I would like to thank you for making MAFFT available to the research community. I have several comments regarding MAFFT: 1) It should be a high priority to update the manual page to include all options, clarifying the meaning of the aliases. This would make a huge difference in knowing how to implement MAFFT as part of a larger bioinformatics system. 2) It would be useful if the actual commands used in the online version were documented somewhere. 3) Why are the symbolic links such as einsi, linsi etc. not included in mafftdir/bin directory, in the binary distributions? It is unusual to have a single script (ie. mafft) called by different aliases, to give different functions. I was only able to figure this out after looking at the mafft script, and also looking at the Makefile in the source version. 4) There should be a separate output file with a report on the particulars of a given alignment. These might include the parameters, the algorithms, information about the alignment such as length, number of sequences. In particular, it would be very useful to have the alignment score for an alignment, so that alignments can be compared. 5) In the Online version, theree are 3 choices for the scoring matrix for nucleotide sequences: 200PAM/k=2, 20PAM/k=2, 1PAM/k=2. How can these be specified at the command line? I am planning on including MAFFT in the next release of my BIRCH bioinformatics system. MAFFT would be run from our BioLegato graphical interface: A Development version of BIRCH including MAFFT can be downloaded for Linux or MacOSX using the GetBirch installer, Advanced install, at