#include "mltaln.h" #define DEBUG 0 #define IODEBUG 0 void arguments( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int c; calledByXced = 0; devide = 0; use_fft = 0; fftscore = 1; fftRepeatStop = 0; fftNoAnchStop = 0; weight = 3; utree = 1; tbutree = 1; refine = 0; check = 1; cut = 0.0; disp = 0; outgap = 1; alg = 'C'; mix = 0; tbitr = 0; scmtd = 5; tbweight = 0; tbrweight = 3; checkC = 0; treemethod = 'x'; contin = 0; ppenalty = NOTSPECIFIED; ppenalty_ex = NOTSPECIFIED; poffset = NOTSPECIFIED; kimuraR = NOTSPECIFIED; pamN = NOTSPECIFIED; geta2 = GETA2; scoremtx = NOTSPECIFIED; while( --argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-' ) { while ( (c = *++argv[0]) ) { switch( c ) { case 'f': ppenalty = (int)( atof( *++argv ) * 1000 - 0.5 ); fprintf( stderr, "ppenalty = %d\n", ppenalty ); --argc; goto nextoption; case 'g': ppenalty_ex = (int)( atof( *++argv ) * 1000 - 0.5 ); fprintf( stderr, "ppenalty_ex = %d\n", ppenalty_ex ); --argc; goto nextoption; case 'h': poffset = (int)( atof( *++argv ) * 1000 - 0.5 ); fprintf( stderr, "poffset = %d\n", poffset ); --argc; goto nextoption; case 'D': scoremtx = -1; break; case 'P': scoremtx = 0; break; case 'i': contin = 1; break; case 'e': fftscore = 0; break; case 'O': fftNoAnchStop = 1; break; case 'R': fftRepeatStop = 1; break; case 'Q': calledByXced = 1; break; case 's': treemethod = 's'; break; case 'x': treemethod = 'x'; break; case 'p': treemethod = 'p'; break; case 'a': alg = 'a'; break; case 'A': alg = 'A'; break; case 'S': alg = 'S'; break; case 'C': alg = 'C'; break; case 'F': use_fft = 1; break; case 'v': tbrweight = 3; break; case 'd': disp = 1; break; case 'o': outgap = 0; break; /* Modified 01/08/27, default: user tree */ case 'J': tbutree = 0; break; /* modification end. */ case 'Z': checkC = 1; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "illegal option %c\n", c ); argc = 0; break; } } nextoption: ; } if( argc == 1 ) { cut = atof( (*argv) ); argc--; } if( argc != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "options: Check source file !\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if( tbitr == 1 && outgap == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "conflicting options : o, m or u\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if( alg == 'C' && outgap == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "conflicting options : C, o\n" ); exit( 1 ); } readOtherOptions( &ppid, &fftThreshold, &fftWinSize ); } void treebase( char **name, int nlen[M], char **seq, char **aseq, char **mseq1, char **mseq2, double **mtx, int ***topol, double **len, double **eff, int alloclen ) { int i, j, l; int clus1, clus2; int s1, s2, r1, r2; double pscore; static char *indication1, *indication2; static char **name1, **name2; static double **partialmtx = NULL; static int ***partialtopol = NULL; static double **partiallen = NULL; static double **partialeff = NULL; static double *effarr = NULL; static double *effarr1 = NULL; static double *effarr2 = NULL; #if 0 char pair[njob][njob]; #else static char **pair; #endif if( partialtopol == NULL ) { partialmtx = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob ); partialtopol = AllocateIntCub( njob, 2, njob ); partialeff = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob ); partiallen = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, 2 ); effarr = AllocateDoubleVec( njob ); effarr1 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob ); effarr2 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob ); indication1 = AllocateCharVec( njob*3+100 ); indication2 = AllocateCharVec( njob*3+100 ); name1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, B+1 ); name2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, B+1 ); #if 0 #else pair = AllocateCharMtx( njob, njob ); #endif } if( checkC ) for( i=0; i-1; i++ ) if( pair[s1][r1] != 1 ) exit( 1 ); s2 = topol[l][1][0]; for( i=0; (r2=topol[l][1][i])>-1; i++ ) if( pair[s2][r2] != 1 ) exit( 1 ); clus1 = conjuction( pair, s1, aseq, mseq1, effarr1, effarr, name, name1, indication1 ); clus2 = conjuction( pair, s2, aseq, mseq2, effarr2, effarr, name, name2, indication2 ); fprintf( trap_g, "\nSTEP-%d\n", l ); fprintf( trap_g, "group1 = %s\n", indication1 ); fprintf( trap_g, "group2 = %s\n", indication2 ); fprintf( stderr, "STEP %d /%d\n", l+1, njob-1 ); fprintf( stderr, "group1 = %.66s", indication1 ); if( strlen( indication1 ) > 66 ) fprintf( stderr, "..." ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "group2 = %.66s", indication2 ); if( strlen( indication2 ) > 66 ) fprintf( stderr, "..." ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); if( checkC ) for( i=0; i-1; i++ ) { pair[s1][r2] = 1; pair[s2][r2] = 0; } writePre( njob, name, nlen, aseq, 0 ); if( disp ) display( aseq, njob ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } } static void WriteOptions( FILE *fp ) { fprintf( fp, "tree-base method\n" ); if( tbrweight == 0 ) fprintf( fp, "unweighted\n" ); else if( tbrweight == 3 ) fprintf( fp, "clustalw-like weighting\n" ); if( tbitr || tbweight ) { fprintf( fp, "iterate at each step\n" ); if( tbitr && tbrweight == 0 ) fprintf( fp, " unweighted\n" ); if( tbitr && tbrweight == 3 ) fprintf( fp, " reversely weighted\n" ); if( tbweight ) fprintf( fp, " weighted\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } if ( scoremtx == 0 ) fprintf( fp, "JTT %dPAM\n", pamN ); else if( scoremtx == 1 ) fprintf( fp, "Dayhoff( machigai ga aru )\n" ); else if( scoremtx == 2 ) fprintf( fp, "M-Y\n" ); else if( scoremtx == -1 ) fprintf( fp, "DNA\n" ); if( scoremtx == 0 || scoremtx == -1 ) fprintf( fp, "Gap Penalty = %+5.2f, %+5.2f, %+5.2f\n", (double)ppenalty/1000, (double)ppenalty_ex/1000, (double)poffset/1000 ); else fprintf( fp, "Gap Penalty = %+5.2f\n", (double)ppenalty/1000 ); if( alg == 'a' ) fprintf( fp, "Algorithm A\n" ); else if( alg == 'A' ) fprintf( fp, "Apgorithm A+\n" ); else if( alg == 'S' ) fprintf( fp, "Apgorithm S\n" ); else if( alg == 'C' ) fprintf( fp, "Apgorithm A+/C\n" ); else fprintf( fp, "Unknown algorithm\n" ); if( treemethod == 'x' ) fprintf( fp, "Tree = UPGMA (3).\n" ); else if( treemethod == 's' ) fprintf( fp, "Tree = UPGMA (2).\n" ); else if( treemethod == 'p' ) fprintf( fp, "Tree = UPGMA (1).\n" ); else fprintf( fp, "Unknown tree.\n" ); if( use_fft ) { fprintf( fp, "FFT on\n" ); if( scoremtx == -1 ) fprintf( fp, "Basis : 4 nucleotides\n" ); else { if( fftscore ) fprintf( fp, "Basis : Polarity and Volume\n" ); else fprintf( fp, "Basis : 20 amino acids\n" ); } fprintf( fp, "Threshold of anchors = %d%%\n", fftThreshold ); fprintf( fp, "window size of anchors = %dsites\n", fftWinSize ); } else fprintf( fp, "FFT off\n" ); fflush( fp ); } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { static int nlen[M]; static char **name, **seq; static char **mseq1, **mseq2; static char **aseq; static char **bseq; static double **pscore; static double **eff; static double **node0, **node1; int i, j; static int ***topol; static double **len; FILE *prep; char c; int alloclen; arguments( argc, argv ); getnumlen( stdin ); rewind( stdin ); name = AllocateCharMtx( njob, B+1 ); seq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlenmax*5+1 ); aseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlenmax*5+1 ); bseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlenmax*5+1 ); mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 ); mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 ); alloclen = nlenmax*5; topol = AllocateIntCub( njob, 2, njob ); len = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, 2 ); pscore = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob ); eff = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob ); node0 = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob ); node1 = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob ); #if 0 Read( name, nlen, seq ); #else readData_pointer( stdin, name, nlen, seq ); #endif constants( njob, seq ); #if 0 fprintf( stderr, "params = %d, %d, %d\n", penalty, penalty_ex, offset ); #endif initSignalSM(); initFiles(); WriteOptions( trap_g ); c = seqcheck( seq ); if( c ) { fprintf( stderr, "Illeagal character %c\n", c ); exit( 1 ); } writePre( njob, name, nlen, seq, 0 ); if( tbutree == 0 ) { for( i=1; i