Write-Host; Write-Host Preparing environment to run MAFFT on Windows. Write-Host This may take a while, if real-time scanning by anti-virus software is on. Set-Item Env:Path "/usr/bin;$Env:Path" Set-Item Env:MAFFT_BINARIES "/usr/lib/mafft" Set-Item Env:TMPDIR "$Env:TMP" Set-Item Env:MAFFT_TMPDIR "$Env:TMP" Set-Item Env:mafft_working_dir "$PWD" #Set-Item Env:TMPDIR "/tmp" #Set-Item Env:MAFFT_TMPDIR "/tmp" # If you do not have write permission for standard temporary folder # (typically C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\), then # uncomment (remove #) the above two lines to use an alternative # temporary folder. #$ROOTDIR=$PSScriptRoot # not supported by powershell versions <= 2 $ROOTDIR=Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $proc = Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "$ROOTDIR\usr\bin\bash.exe" -ArgumentList "'/usr/bin/mafft' $args" exit $proc.ExitCode