Resource ICON "icons\drawtree.ico" AboutDlg DIALOG FIXED 6, 21, 300, 140 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "About Drawtree" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "&OK", IDOK, 130, 120, 40, 14 LTEXT "Drawtree unrooted tree plotting program", 104, 30, 14, 250, 8 LTEXT "PHYLIP version 3.6 (c) Copyright 1986-2004 by the University of Washington.", 105, 30, 30, 250, 8 LTEXT "Written by Joseph Felsenstein and Christopher A. Meacham.", 106, 30, 45, 250, 8 LTEXT "Additional code written by Sean Lamont, Andrew Keefe, Hisashi Horino,", 107, 30, 55, 250, 8 LTEXT "Akiko Fuseki, Doug Buxton and Michal Palczewski.", 108, 30, 65, 250, 8 LTEXT "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and modify this program", 109, 30, 75, 250, 8 LTEXT "provided that" , 109, 30 , 85, 250, 8 LTEXT "(1) This copyright message is not removed and" , 109, 30 , 95, 250, 8 LTEXT "(2) no fee i charged for this program." , 109, 30 , 105, 250, 8 END GenericAppMenu MENU { POPUP "&File" { MENUITEM "&Plot", 1001 MENUITEM "&Change Parameters", 1002 MENUITEM "&Quit", 1003 } POPUP "&Help" { MENUITEM "&About", 1000 } }