import sys from fasta import Fasta, complement, DuplicateHeaderException from records import * from split_fasta import split import optparse def main(): help = """ available actions: `extract`: extract sequences from a fasta file `info`: show info about the fasta file and exit. `split`: split a large fasta file into separate files and/or into K-mers. `flatten`: flatten a fasta file inplace so that later command-line (and programmattic) access via pyfasta will use the inplace flattened version rather than creating another .flat copy of the sequence. to view the help for a particular action, use: pyfasta [action] --help e.g.: pyfasta extract --help """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: print help sys.exit() action = sys.argv[1] sglobals = globals() if not action in sglobals: print "%s not a valid action" % action print help sys.exit() globals()[action](sys.argv[2:]) def info(args): """ >>> info(['tests/data/three_chrs.fasta']) tests/data/three_chrs.fasta =========================== >chr3 length:3600 >chr2 length:80 >chr1 length:80 3760 basepairs in 3 sequences """ parser = optparse.OptionParser("""\ print headers and lengths of the given fasta file in order of length. e.g.: pyfasta info --gc some.fasta""") parser.add_option("-n", "--n", type="int", dest="nseqs", help="max number of records to print. use -1 for all", default=20) parser.add_option("--gc", dest="gc", help="show gc content", action="store_true", default=False) options, fastas = parser.parse_args(args) if not (fastas): sys.exit(parser.print_help()) import operator for fasta in fastas: f = Fasta(fasta) info = [(k, len(seq)) for k, seq in f.iteritems()] total_len = sum(l for k, l in info) nseqs = len(f) if options.nseqs > -1: info = sorted(info, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) info = info[:options.nseqs] else: info.sort() print "\n" + fasta print "=" * len(fasta) for k, l in info: gc = "" if options.gc: seq = str(f[k]).upper() g = seq.count('G') c = seq.count('C') gc = 100.0 * (g + c) / float(l) gc = "gc:%.2f%%" % gc print (">%s length:%i " % (k, l)) + gc if total_len > 1000000: total_len = "%.3fM" % (total_len / 1000000.) print print "%s basepairs in %i sequences" % (total_len, nseqs) def flatten(args): """ >>> flatten(['tests/data/three_chrs.fasta']) """ parser = optparse.OptionParser("""flatten a fasta file *inplace* so all later access by pyfasta will use that flattend (but still viable) fasta file""") _, fasta = parser.parse_args(args) for fa in fasta: f = Fasta(fa, flatten_inplace=True) def extract(args): """ >>> extract(['--fasta', 'tests/data/three_chrs.fasta', 'chr2']) TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT """ parser = optparse.OptionParser("""extract some sequences from a fasta file. e.g.: pyfasta extract --fasta some.fasta --header at2g26540 at3g45640""") parser.add_option("--fasta", dest="fasta", help="path to the fasta file") parser.add_option("--header", dest="header", help="include headers", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("--exclude", dest="exclude", help="extract all sequences EXCEPT those listed", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("--file", dest="file", help=\ "if this flag is used, the sequences to extract" \ " are read from the file specified in args" , action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("--space", dest="space", action="store_true", help=\ "use the fasta identifier only up to the space as the key", default=False) options, seqs = parser.parse_args(args) if not (options.fasta and len(seqs)): sys.exit(parser.print_help()) key_fn = (lambda k: k.split()[0]) if else None f = Fasta(options.fasta, key_fn=key_fn) if options.file: seqs = (x.strip() for x in open(seqs[0])) if options.exclude: seqs = sorted(frozenset(f.iterkeys()).difference(seqs)) for seqname in seqs: seq = f[seqname] if options.header: print ">%s" % seqname print seq if __name__ == "__main__": main()