import cPickle import numpy as np import sys import os __all__ = ['FastaRecord', 'NpyFastaRecord', 'MemoryRecord'] MAGIC = "@flattened@" def is_up_to_date(a, b): return os.path.exists(a) and os.stat(a).st_mtime >= os.stat(b).st_mtime def ext_is_flat(ext): fh = open(ext) t = fh.close() return MAGIC == t class FastaRecord(object): __slots__ = ('fh', 'start', 'stop') ext = ".flat" idx = ".gdx" @classmethod def is_current(klass, fasta_name): utd = is_up_to_date(fasta_name + klass.idx, fasta_name) if not utd: return False return is_up_to_date(fasta_name + klass.ext, fasta_name) def __init__(self, fh, start, stop): self.fh = fh self.stop = stop self.start = start def __len__(self): return self.stop - self.start @classmethod def prepare(klass, fasta_obj, seqinfo_generator, flatten_inplace): """ returns the __getitem__'able index. and the thing to get the seqs from. """ f = fasta_obj.fasta_name if klass.is_current(f): fh = open(f + klass.idx, 'rb') idx = cPickle.load(fh) fh.close() if flatten_inplace or ext_is_flat(f + klass.ext): flat = klass.modify_flat(f) else: flat = klass.modify_flat(f + klass.ext) if flatten_inplace and not ext_is_flat(f + klass.ext): del flat else: return idx, flat idx = {} flatfh = open(f + klass.ext, 'wb') for i, (seqid, seq) in enumerate(seqinfo_generator): if flatten_inplace: if i == 0: flatfh.write('>%s\n' % seqid) else: flatfh.write('\n>%s\n' % seqid) start = flatfh.tell() flatfh.write(seq) stop = flatfh.tell() idx[seqid] = (start, stop) flatfh.close() if flatten_inplace: klass.copy_inplace(, f) fh = open(f + klass.idx, 'wb') cPickle.dump(idx, fh, -1) fh.close() return idx, klass.modify_flat(f) fh = open(f + klass.idx, 'wb') cPickle.dump(idx, fh, -1) fh.close() return idx, klass.modify_flat(f + klass.ext) @classmethod def copy_inplace(klass, flat_name, fasta_name): """ so they requested flatten_inplace, so we overwrite the .fasta file with the .fasta.flat file and save something in the .flat as a place-holder. """ os.rename(flat_name, fasta_name) # still need the flattend file to show # it's current. flatfh = open(fasta_name + klass.ext, 'wb') flatfh.write(MAGIC) flatfh.close() @classmethod def modify_flat(klass, flat_file): return open(flat_file, 'rb') def _adjust_slice(self, islice): l = len(self) if not islice.start is None and islice.start < 0: istart = self.stop + islice.start else: if islice.start is None: istart = self.start else: istart = self.start + islice.start if not islice.stop is None and islice.stop < 0: istop = self.stop + islice.stop else: istop = islice.stop is None and self.stop or (self.start + islice.stop) # this will give empty string if istart > self.stop: return self.stop, self.stop if istart < self.start: istart = self.start if istop < self.start: istop = self.start elif istop > self.stop: istop = self.stop return istart, istop def __getitem__(self, islice): fh = self.fh if isinstance(islice, (int, long)): if islice < 0: if -islice > self.stop - self.start: raise IndexError + islice) else: + islice) return # [:] if islice.start in (0, None) and islice.stop in (None, sys.maxint): if islice.step in (1, None): return - self.start) return - self.start)[::islice.step] istart, istop = self._adjust_slice(islice) if istart is None: return "" l = istop - istart if l == 0: return "" if islice.step in (1, None): return return[::islice.step] def __str__(self): return self[:] def __repr__(self): return "%s('%s', %i..%i)" % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.start, self.stop) @property def __array_interface__(self): return { 'shape': (len(self), ), 'typestr': '|S1', 'version': 3, 'data': buffer(self) } class NpyFastaRecord(FastaRecord): __slots__ = ('start', 'stop', 'mm', 'as_string') def __init__(self, mm, start, stop, as_string=True): = mm self.start = start self.stop = stop self.as_string = as_string def __repr__(self): return "%s(%i..%i)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.start, self.stop) @classmethod def modify_flat(klass, flat_file): mm = np.memmap(flat_file, dtype="S1", mode="r") return mm def getdata(self, islice): if isinstance(islice, (int, long)): if islice >= 0: islice += self.start else: islice += self.stop if islice < 0: raise IndexError return[islice] start, stop = self._adjust_slice(islice) return[start:stop:islice.step] def __getitem__(self, islice): d = self.getdata(islice) return d.tostring() if self.as_string else d @property def __array_interface__(self): return { 'shape': (len(self), ), 'typestr': '|S1', 'version': 3, 'data': self[:] } class MemoryRecord(FastaRecord): """ dont write anything to disk, just read the whole thing into memory """ @classmethod def prepare(klass, fasta_obj, seqinfo_generator, flatten_inplace=False): f = fasta_obj.fasta_name seqs = {} idx = {} for seqid, seq in seqinfo_generator: seqs[seqid] = (seq, None) return seqs, seqs def __init__(self, _, seq, _none): self.seq = seq def __getitem__(self, slice): return self.seq.__getitem__(slice) def __len__(self): return len(self.seq) try: import tc class HDB(tc.HDB): def __getitem__(self, k): return cPickle.loads(tc.HDB.get(self, k)) def __setitem__(self, k, v): tc.HDB.put(self, k, cPickle.dumps(v, -1)) def __del__(self): tc.HDB.close(self) class TCRecord(NpyFastaRecord): idx = ".tct" @classmethod def prepare(klass, fasta_obj, seqinfo_generator, flatten_inplace): f = fasta_obj.fasta_name if klass.is_current(f): idx = HDB() + klass.idx, tc.HDBOREADER) if flatten_inplace or ext_is_flat(f + klass.ext): flat = klass.modify_flat(f) else: flat = klass.modify_flat(f + klass.ext) return idx, flat db = HDB(f + klass.idx, tc.HDBOWRITER | tc.HDBOCREAT) flatfh = open(f + klass.ext, 'wb') for i, (seqid, seq) in enumerate(seqinfo_generator): if flatten_inplace: if i == 0: flatfh.write('>%s\n' % seqid) else: flatfh.write('\n>%s\n' % seqid) start = flatfh.tell() flatfh.write(seq) stop = flatfh.tell() db[seqid] = (start, stop) db.sync() flatfh.close() if flatten_inplace: klass.copy_inplace(, f) return db, klass.modify_flat(f) return db, klass.modify_flat(f + klass.ext) __all__.append('TCRecord') except ImportError: pass