/*! \file access.hpp \brief Access control and default construction */ /* Copyright (c) 2014, Randolph Voorhies, Shane Grant All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef CEREAL_ACCESS_HPP_ #define CEREAL_ACCESS_HPP_ #include #include #include #include #include "cereal/macros.hpp" #include "cereal/specialize.hpp" #include "cereal/details/helpers.hpp" namespace cereal { // ###################################################################### //! A class that allows cereal to load smart pointers to types that have no default constructor /*! If your class does not have a default constructor, cereal will not be able to load any smart pointers to it unless you overload LoadAndConstruct for your class, and provide an appropriate load_and_construct method. You can also choose to define a member static function instead of specializing this class. The specialization of LoadAndConstruct must be placed within the cereal namespace: @code{.cpp} struct MyType { MyType( int x ); // note: no default ctor int myX; // Define a serialize or load/save pair as you normally would template void serialize( Archive & ar ) { ar( myX ); } }; // Provide a specialization for LoadAndConstruct for your type namespace cereal { template <> struct LoadAndConstruct { // load_and_construct will be passed the archive that you will be loading // from as well as a construct object which you can use as if it were the // constructor for your type. cereal will handle all memory management for you. template static void load_and_construct( Archive & ar, cereal::construct & construct ) { int x; ar( x ); construct( x ); } // if you require versioning, simply add a const std::uint32_t as the final parameter, e.g.: // load_and_construct( Archive & ar, cereal::construct & construct, std::uint32_t const version ) }; } // end namespace cereal @endcode Please note that just as in using external serialization functions, you cannot get access to non-public members of your class by befriending cereal::access. If you have the ability to modify the class you wish to serialize, it is recommended that you use member serialize functions and a static member load_and_construct function. load_and_construct functions, regardless of whether they are static members of your class or whether you create one in the LoadAndConstruct specialization, have the following signature: @code{.cpp} // generally Archive will be templated, but it can be specific if desired template static void load_and_construct( Archive & ar, cereal::construct & construct ); // with an optional last parameter specifying the version: const std::uint32_t version @endcode Versioning behaves the same way as it does for standard serialization functions. @tparam T The type to specialize for @ingroup Access */ template struct LoadAndConstruct { }; // forward decl for construct //! @cond PRIVATE_NEVERDEFINED namespace memory_detail{ template struct LoadAndConstructLoadWrapper; } namespace boost_variant_detail{ template struct LoadAndConstructLoadWrapper; } //! @endcond //! Used to construct types with no default constructor /*! When serializing a type that has no default constructor, cereal will attempt to call either the class static function load_and_construct or the appropriate template specialization of LoadAndConstruct. cereal will pass that function a reference to the archive as well as a reference to a construct object which should be used to perform the allocation once data has been appropriately loaded. @code{.cpp} struct MyType { // note the lack of default constructor MyType( int xx, int yy ); int x, y; double notInConstructor; template void serialize( Archive & ar ) { ar( x, y ); ar( notInConstructor ); } template static void load_and_construct( Archive & ar, cereal::construct & construct ) { int x, y; ar( x, y ); // use construct object to initialize with loaded data construct( x, y ); // access to member variables and functions via -> operator ar( construct->notInConstructor ); // could also do the above section by: double z; ar( z ); construct->notInConstructor = z; } }; @endcode @tparam T The class type being serialized */ template class construct { public: //! Construct and initialize the type T with the given arguments /*! This will forward all arguments to the underlying type T, calling an appropriate constructor. Calling this function more than once will result in an exception being thrown. @param args The arguments to the constructor for T @throw Exception If called more than once */ template void operator()( Args && ... args ); // implementation deferred due to reliance on cereal::access //! Get a reference to the initialized underlying object /*! This must be called after the object has been initialized. @return A reference to the initialized object @throw Exception If called before initialization */ T * operator->() { if( !itsValid ) throw Exception("Object must be initialized prior to accessing members"); return itsPtr; } //! Returns a raw pointer to the initialized underlying object /*! This is mainly intended for use with passing an instance of a constructed object to cereal::base_class. It is strongly recommended to avoid using this function in any other circumstance. @return A raw pointer to the initialized type */ T * ptr() { return operator->(); } private: template friend struct ::cereal::memory_detail::LoadAndConstructLoadWrapper; template friend struct ::cereal::boost_variant_detail::LoadAndConstructLoadWrapper; construct( T * p ) : itsPtr( p ), itsEnableSharedRestoreFunction( [](){} ), itsValid( false ) {} construct( T * p, std::function enableSharedFunc ) : // g++4.7 ice with default lambda to std func itsPtr( p ), itsEnableSharedRestoreFunction( enableSharedFunc ), itsValid( false ) {} construct( construct const & ) = delete; construct & operator=( construct const & ) = delete; T * itsPtr; std::function itsEnableSharedRestoreFunction; bool itsValid; }; // ###################################################################### //! A class that can be made a friend to give cereal access to non public functions /*! If you desire non-public serialization functions within a class, cereal can only access these if you declare cereal::access a friend. @code{.cpp} class MyClass { private: friend class cereal::access; // gives access to the private serialize template void serialize( Archive & ar ) { // some code } }; @endcode @ingroup Access */ class access { public: // ####### Standard Serialization ######################################## template inline static auto member_serialize(Archive & ar, T & t) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar)) { return t.CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar); } template inline static auto member_save(Archive & ar, T const & t) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar); } template inline static auto member_save_non_const(Archive & ar, T & t) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar); } template inline static auto member_load(Archive & ar, T & t) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME(ar)) { return t.CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME(ar); } template inline static auto member_save_minimal(Archive const & ar, T const & t) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar); } template inline static auto member_save_minimal_non_const(Archive const & ar, T & t) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar); } template inline static auto member_load_minimal(Archive const & ar, T & t, U && u) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_LOAD_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, std::forward(u))) { return t.CEREAL_LOAD_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, std::forward(u)); } // ####### Versioned Serialization ####################################### template inline static auto member_serialize(Archive & ar, T & t, const std::uint32_t version ) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version)) { return t.CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version); } template inline static auto member_save(Archive & ar, T const & t, const std::uint32_t version ) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version); } template inline static auto member_save_non_const(Archive & ar, T & t, const std::uint32_t version ) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version); } template inline static auto member_load(Archive & ar, T & t, const std::uint32_t version ) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version)) { return t.CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version); } template inline static auto member_save_minimal(Archive const & ar, T const & t, const std::uint32_t version) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version); } template inline static auto member_save_minimal_non_const(Archive const & ar, T & t, const std::uint32_t version) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version)) { return t.CEREAL_SAVE_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, version); } template inline static auto member_load_minimal(Archive const & ar, T & t, U && u, const std::uint32_t version) -> decltype(t.CEREAL_LOAD_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, std::forward(u), version)) { return t.CEREAL_LOAD_MINIMAL_FUNCTION_NAME(ar, std::forward(u), version); } // ####### Other Functionality ########################################## // for detecting inheritance from enable_shared_from_this template inline static auto shared_from_this(T & t) -> decltype(t.shared_from_this()); // for placement new template inline static void construct( T *& ptr, Args && ... args ) { new (ptr) T( std::forward( args )... ); } // for non-placement new with a default constructor template inline static T * construct() { return new T(); } template inline static std::false_type load_and_construct(...) { return std::false_type(); } template inline static auto load_and_construct(Archive & ar, ::cereal::construct & construct) -> decltype(T::load_and_construct(ar, construct)) { T::load_and_construct( ar, construct ); } template inline static auto load_and_construct(Archive & ar, ::cereal::construct & construct, const std::uint32_t version) -> decltype(T::load_and_construct(ar, construct, version)) { T::load_and_construct( ar, construct, version ); } }; // end class access // ###################################################################### // Deferred Implementation, see construct for more information template template inline void construct::operator()( Args && ... args ) { if( itsValid ) throw Exception("Attempting to construct an already initialized object"); ::cereal::access::construct( itsPtr, std::forward( args )... ); itsEnableSharedRestoreFunction(); itsValid = true; } } // namespace cereal #endif // CEREAL_ACCESS_HPP_