/* Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // Support for GUI display for Polygon overlay demo #define VIDEO_WINMAIN_ARGS #include #include "oneapi/tbb/tick_count.h" #include "common/utility/get_default_num_threads.hpp" #include "polyover.hpp" #include "polymain.hpp" #include "pover_video.hpp" #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include void rt_sleep(int msec) { usleep(msec * 1000); } #else //_WIN32 #undef OLDUNIXTIME #undef STDTIME #include void rt_sleep(int msec) { Sleep(msec); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ bool g_next_frame() { if (++n_next_frame_calls >= frame_skips) { // the data race here is benign n_next_frame_calls = 0; return gVideo->next_frame(); } return gVideo->running; } bool g_last_frame() { if (n_next_frame_calls) return gVideo->next_frame(); return gVideo->running; } bool initializeVideo(int argc, char *argv[]) { //pover_video *l_video = new pover_video(); //gVideo = l_video; gVideo->init_console(); // don't check return code. gVideo->title = g_windowTitle; g_useGraphics = gVideo->init_window(g_xwinsize, g_ywinsize); return true; } void pover_video::on_process() { oneapi::tbb::tick_count t0, t1; double naiveParallelTime, domainSplitParallelTime; // create map1 These could be done in parallel, if the pseudorandom number generator were re-seeded. GenerateMap( &gPolymap1, gMapXSize, gMapYSize, gNPolygons, /*red*/ 255, /*green*/ 0, /*blue*/ 127); // create map2 GenerateMap( &gPolymap2, gMapXSize, gMapYSize, gNPolygons, /*red*/ 0, /*green*/ 255, /*blue*/ 127); // // Draw source maps gDrawXOffset = map1XLoc; gDrawYOffset = map1YLoc; for (int i = 0; i < int(gPolymap1->size()); i++) { (*gPolymap1)[i].drawPoly(); } gDrawXOffset = map2XLoc; gDrawYOffset = map2YLoc; for (int i = 0; i < int(gPolymap2->size()); i++) { (*gPolymap2)[i].drawPoly(); } gDoDraw = true; // run serial map generation gDrawXOffset = maprXLoc; gDrawYOffset = maprYLoc; { RPolygon *xp = new RPolygon(0, 0, gMapXSize - 1, gMapYSize - 1, 0, 0, 0); // Clear the output space delete xp; t0 = oneapi::tbb::tick_count::now(); SerialOverlayMaps(&gResultMap, gPolymap1, gPolymap2); t1 = oneapi::tbb::tick_count::now(); std::cout << "Serial overlay took " << (t1 - t0).seconds() * 1000 << " msec" << "\n"; gSerialTime = (t1 - t0).seconds() * 1000; #if _DEBUG CheckPolygonMap(gResultMap); // keep the map for comparison purposes. #else delete gResultMap; #endif if (gCsvFile.is_open()) { gCsvFile << "Serial Time," << gSerialTime << "\n"; gCsvFile << "Threads,"; if (gThreadsLow == THREADS_UNSET || gThreadsLow == utility::get_default_num_threads()) { gCsvFile << "Threads,Automatic"; } else { for (int i = gThreadsLow; i <= gThreadsHigh; i++) { gCsvFile << i; if (i < gThreadsHigh) gCsvFile << ","; } } gCsvFile << "\n"; } if (gIsGraphicalVersion) rt_sleep(2000); } // run naive parallel map generation { Polygon_map_t *resultMap; if (gCsvFile.is_open()) { gCsvFile << "Naive Time"; } NaiveParallelOverlay(resultMap, *gPolymap1, *gPolymap2); delete resultMap; if (gIsGraphicalVersion) rt_sleep(2000); } // run split map generation { Polygon_map_t *resultMap; if (gCsvFile.is_open()) { gCsvFile << "Split Time"; } SplitParallelOverlay(&resultMap, gPolymap1, gPolymap2); delete resultMap; if (gIsGraphicalVersion) rt_sleep(2000); } // split, accumulating into concurrent vector { concurrent_Polygon_map_t *cresultMap; if (gCsvFile.is_open()) { gCsvFile << "Split CV time"; } SplitParallelOverlayCV(&cresultMap, gPolymap1, gPolymap2); delete cresultMap; if (gIsGraphicalVersion) rt_sleep(2000); } // split, accumulating into ETS { ETS_Polygon_map_t *cresultMap; if (gCsvFile.is_open()) { gCsvFile << "Split ETS time"; } SplitParallelOverlayETS(&cresultMap, gPolymap1, gPolymap2); delete cresultMap; if (gIsGraphicalVersion) rt_sleep(2000); } if (gIsGraphicalVersion) rt_sleep(8000); delete gPolymap1; delete gPolymap2; #if _DEBUG delete gResultMap; #endif }