/* Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __TBB_test_common_concurrent_priority_queue_common_H #define __TBB_test_common_concurrent_priority_queue_common_H // We need to skip allocator_traits::is_always_equal tests for C++11 and C++14 #define __TBB_TEST_SKIP_IS_ALWAYS_EQUAL_CHECK (__cplusplus < 201703L) #include #include #include #include #include namespace equality_comparison_helpers { template std::vector toVector( const tbb::concurrent_priority_queue& source ) { auto cpq = source; std::vector v; v.reserve(cpq.size()); ElementType element; while(cpq.try_pop(element)) { v.emplace_back(element); } std::reverse(v.begin(), v.end()); return v; } }; // namespace equality_comparison_helpers template struct QueuePushHelper { template static void push(Q& q, T&& t) { q.push(std::forward(t)); } }; template<> template void QueuePushHelper::push( Q& q, T&& t ) { q.push(std::move(t)); } template void examine( QueueType& q1, QueueType& q2, const std::vector& vec_sorted ) { using value_type = typename QueueType::value_type; REQUIRE((!q1.empty() && q1.size() == vec_sorted.size())); value_type elem; q2.clear(); REQUIRE((q2.empty() && !q2.size() && !q2.try_pop(elem))); typename std::vector::const_reverse_iterator it1; for (it1 = vec_sorted.rbegin(); q1.try_pop(elem); ++it1) { REQUIRE(utils::IsEqual{}(elem, *it1)); if (std::distance(vec_sorted.rbegin(), it1) % 2) { QueuePushHelper::push(q2, elem); } else { QueuePushHelper::push(q2, std::move(elem)); } } REQUIRE(it1 == vec_sorted.rend()); REQUIRE((q1.empty() && !q1.size())); REQUIRE((!q2.empty() && q2.size() == vec_sorted.size())); q1.swap(q2); REQUIRE((q2.empty() && !q2.size())); REQUIRE((!q1.empty() && q1.size() == vec_sorted.size())); for (it1 = vec_sorted.rbegin(); q1.try_pop(elem); ++it1) REQUIRE(utils::IsEqual{}(elem, *it1)); REQUIRE(it1 == vec_sorted.rend()); }; template void examine( const QueueType& q, const std::vector& vec_sorted ) { QueueType q1(q), q2(q); examine(q1, q2, vec_sorted); } // TODO: consider wrapping each constructor test into separate TEST_CASE template void type_tester( const std::vector& vec, Compare comp ) { using queue_type = tbb::concurrent_priority_queue; REQUIRE_MESSAGE(vec.size() >= 5, "Array should have at least 5 elements"); std::vector vec_sorted(vec); std::sort(vec_sorted.begin(), vec_sorted.end(), comp); // Construct an empty queue queue_type q1; q1.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q1, vec_sorted); // Constructor from std::initializer_list queue_type q2({vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]}); for (auto it = vec.begin() + 3; it != vec.end(); ++it) q2.push(*it); examine(q2, vec_sorted); // Assignment operator with std::initializer_list queue_type q3; q3 = {vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]}; for (auto it = vec.begin() + 3; it != vec.end(); ++it) q3.push(*it); examine(q3, vec_sorted); // Copy ctor queue_type q4(q1); examine(q4, vec_sorted); // Copy ctor with allocator auto alloc = q1.get_allocator(); queue_type q4_alloc(q1, alloc); examine(q4_alloc, vec_sorted); // Constructor from the half-open interval queue_type q5(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q5, vec_sorted); // Constructor from the allocator object queue_type q6(alloc); q6.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q6, vec_sorted); // Constructor from the comparator and allocator object queue_type q7(comp); q7.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q7, vec_sorted); queue_type q8(comp, alloc); q8.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q8, vec_sorted); // Constructor from the initial capacity, comparator and allocator queue_type q9(100); q9.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q9, vec_sorted); queue_type q10(100, comp); q10.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q10, vec_sorted); queue_type q11(100, alloc); q11.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end()); examine(q11, vec_sorted); // Constructor from the half-open interval, compare and allocator object queue_type q12(vec.begin(), vec.end(), comp); examine(q12, vec_sorted); queue_type q13(vec.begin(), vec.end(), alloc); examine(q13, vec_sorted); // Constructor from the std::initializer_list from the half-open interval, compare and allocator object queue_type q14({vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]}, comp); for (auto it = vec.begin() + 3; it != vec.end(); ++it) q14.push(*it); examine(q14, vec_sorted); queue_type q15({vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]}, alloc); for (auto it = vec.begin() + 3; it != vec.end(); ++it) q15.push(*it); examine(q15, vec_sorted); } template void type_tester( const std::vector& vec ) { type_tester(vec, std::less{}); } struct LessForSmartPointers { template bool operator()( const T& t1, const T& t2 ) { return *t1 < *t2; } template bool operator()( const std::weak_ptr& t1, const std::weak_ptr& t2 ) { return *t1.lock().get() < *t2.lock().get(); } }; // struct LessForSmartPointers template void type_tester_unique_ptr( const std::vector& vec ) { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(vec.size() >= 5, "Array should have at least 5 elements"); using value_type = std::unique_ptr; using queue_type = tbb::concurrent_priority_queue; std::vector vec_sorted; for (auto& item : vec) { vec_sorted.push_back(value_type(new T(item))); } std::sort(vec_sorted.begin(), vec_sorted.end(), LessForSmartPointers{}); queue_type q1, q1_copy; for (auto& item : vec) { q1.push(value_type(new T(item))); q1_copy.push(value_type(new T(item))); } examine(q1, q1_copy, vec_sorted); queue_type q3_copy; q1.clear(); for (auto& item : vec) { q1.emplace(new T(item)); } queue_type q3(std::move(q1)); examine(q3, q3_copy, vec_sorted); } const std::size_t MAX_ITER = 10000; const std::size_t push_selector_variants = 3; // push, push rvalue and emplace template void push_selector(Q& q, E e, std::size_t i) { switch(i % push_selector_variants) { case 0: q.push(e); break; case 1: q.push(std::move(e)); break; case 2: q.emplace(e); break; } } static std::atomic counter; template class FillBody { std::size_t n_thread; T my_min, my_max; tbb::concurrent_priority_queue* q; public: FillBody( const FillBody& ) = delete; FillBody& operator=( const FillBody& ) = delete; FillBody( std::size_t n, T max, T min, tbb::concurrent_priority_queue* cpq ) : n_thread(n), my_min(min), my_max(max), q(cpq) {} void operator()( const std::size_t thread_id ) const { T elem = my_min + T(int(thread_id)); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ITER; ++i) { // do some pushes push_selector(*q, elem, i); if (elem == my_max) elem = my_min; elem = elem + T(int(n_thread)); } } }; // class FillBody template struct EmptyBody { T my_max; tbb::concurrent_priority_queue* q; C less_than; public: EmptyBody( const EmptyBody& ) = delete; EmptyBody& operator=( const EmptyBody& ) = delete; EmptyBody( T max, tbb::concurrent_priority_queue* cpq ) : my_max(max), q(cpq) {} void operator()( const std::size_t ) const { T elem(my_max), last; if (q->try_pop(last)) { ++counter; while(q->try_pop(elem)) { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(!less_than(last, elem), "Failed pop/priority test in EmptyBody"); last = elem; elem = my_max; ++counter; } } } }; // struct EmptyBody template class FloggerBody { tbb::concurrent_priority_queue* q; public: FloggerBody( const FloggerBody& ) = delete; FloggerBody& operator=( const FloggerBody& ) = delete; FloggerBody( tbb::concurrent_priority_queue* cpq ) : q(cpq) {} void operator()( const std::size_t thread_id ) const { T elem = T(int(thread_id + 1)); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ITER; ++i) { push_selector(*q, elem, i); q->try_pop(elem); } } }; // class FloggerBody template void test_parallel_push_pop( std::size_t n, T t_max, T t_min ) { std::size_t qsize; tbb::concurrent_priority_queue q(0); FillBody filler(n, t_max, t_min, &q); EmptyBody emptier(t_max, &q); counter = 0; utils::NativeParallelFor(n, filler); qsize = q.size(); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(q.size() == n * MAX_ITER, "Failed concurrent push size test"); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(!q.empty(), "Failed concurrent push empty test"); utils::NativeParallelFor(n, emptier); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(counter == qsize, "Failed pop size test"); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(q.size() == 0, "Failed pop empty test"); } template void test_flogger( std::size_t n ) { tbb::concurrent_priority_queue q(0); utils::NativeParallelFor(n, FloggerBody{&q}); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(q.empty(), "Failed flogger empty test"); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(!q.size(), "Failed flogger size test"); } #endif // __TBB_test_common_concurrent_priority_queue_common_H