/* Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __TBB_test_common_cpu_usertime_H_ #define __TBB_test_common_cpu_usertime_H_ #include "config.h" #include "utils_report.h" #include "utils.h" #include "oneapi/tbb/tick_count.h" #include #if _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif //! Return time (in seconds) spent by the current process in user mode. /* Returns 0 if not implemented on platform. */ inline double GetCPUUserTime() { #if __TBB_WIN8UI_SUPPORT return 0; #elif _WIN32 FILETIME my_times[4]; bool status = GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), my_times, my_times+1, my_times+2, my_times+3)!=0; CHECK( status ); LARGE_INTEGER usrtime; usrtime.LowPart = my_times[3].dwLowDateTime; usrtime.HighPart = my_times[3].dwHighDateTime; return double(usrtime.QuadPart)*1E-7; #else // Generic UNIX, including __APPLE__ // On Linux, there is no good way to get CPU usage info for the current process: // getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, ...) that is used now only returns info for the calling thread; // getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, ...) only counts for finished children threads; // tms_utime and tms_cutime got with times(struct tms*) are equivalent to the above items; // finally, /proc/self/task//stat doesn't exist on older kernels // and it isn't quite convenient to read it for every task_id. struct rusage resources; bool status = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &resources)==0; CHECK( status ); return (double(resources.ru_utime.tv_sec)*1E6 + double(resources.ru_utime.tv_usec))*1E-6; #endif } // The resolution of GetCPUUserTime is 10-15 ms or so; waittime should be a few times bigger. const double WAITTIME = 0.1; // in seconds, i.e. 100 ms const double THRESHOLD = WAITTIME/100; inline void TestCPUUserTime( std::size_t nthreads, std::size_t nactive = 1 ) { // The test will always pass on Linux; read the comments in GetCPUUserTime for details // Also it will not detect spinning issues on systems with only one processing core. std::size_t nworkers = nthreads-nactive; if( !nworkers ) return; double lastusrtime = GetCPUUserTime(); if( !lastusrtime ) return; static double minimal_waittime = WAITTIME, maximal_waittime = WAITTIME * 10; double usrtime_delta; double waittime_delta; tbb::tick_count stamp = tbb::tick_count::now(); // wait for GetCPUUserTime update while ( (usrtime_delta=GetCPUUserTime()-lastusrtime) < THRESHOLD ) { utils::doDummyWork(1000); // do fake work without which user time can stall if ( (waittime_delta = (tbb::tick_count::now()-stamp).seconds()) > maximal_waittime ) { REPORT( "Warning: %.2f sec elapsed but user mode time is still below its threshold (%g < %g)\n", waittime_delta, usrtime_delta, THRESHOLD ); break; } } lastusrtime += usrtime_delta; // Wait for workers to go sleep stamp = tbb::tick_count::now(); while ( ((waittime_delta=(tbb::tick_count::now()-stamp).seconds()) < minimal_waittime) || ((usrtime_delta=GetCPUUserTime()-lastusrtime) < THRESHOLD) ) { utils::doDummyWork(1000); // do fake work without which user time can stall if ( waittime_delta > maximal_waittime ) { REPORT("Warning: %.2f sec elapsed but GetCPUUserTime reported only %g sec\n", waittime_delta, usrtime_delta ); break; } } // Test that all workers sleep when no work. while ( nactive>1 && usrtime_delta-nactive*waittime_delta<0 ) { // probably the number of active threads was mispredicted --nactive; ++nworkers; } double avg_worker_usrtime = (usrtime_delta-nactive*waittime_delta)/nworkers; if ( avg_worker_usrtime > waittime_delta/2 ) CHECK_MESSAGE( false, "ERROR: " << nworkers << " worker threads are spinning; waittime: " << waittime_delta << "; usrtime: " << usrtime_delta << "; avg worker usrtime: " << avg_worker_usrtime); else { INFO("worker threads " << nworkers << " ; waittime: " << waittime_delta << "; usrtime: " << usrtime_delta << " ; avg worker usrtime: " << avg_worker_usrtime); } } #endif // __TBB_test_common_cpu_usertime_H_