/* Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __TBB_test_common_iterator_H #define __TBB_test_common_iterator_H #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "utils_assert.h" namespace utils { template class InputIterator { typedef std::allocator allocator_type; typedef std::allocator_traits allocator_traits_type; public: typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::pointer pointer; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::value_type& reference; InputIterator() : my_ptr(nullptr) {} explicit InputIterator ( T * ptr ) : my_ptr(ptr), my_shared_epoch(new Epoch), my_current_epoch(0) {} InputIterator( const InputIterator& it ) { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(it.my_current_epoch == it.my_shared_epoch->epoch, "Copying an invalidated iterator"); my_ptr = it.my_ptr; my_shared_epoch = it.my_shared_epoch; my_current_epoch = it.my_current_epoch; ++my_shared_epoch->refcounter; } InputIterator& operator= ( const InputIterator& it ) { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(it.my_current_epoch == it.my_shared_epoch->epoch, "Assigning an invalidated iterator"); my_ptr = it.my_ptr; my_current_epoch = it.my_current_epoch; if(my_shared_epoch == it.my_shared_epoch) return *this; destroy(); my_shared_epoch = it.my_shared_epoch; ++my_shared_epoch->refcounter; return *this; } T& operator* () const { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(my_shared_epoch->epoch == my_current_epoch, "Dereferencing an invalidated input iterator"); return *my_ptr; } InputIterator& operator++ () { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(my_shared_epoch->epoch == my_current_epoch, "Incrementing an invalidated input iterator"); ++my_ptr; ++my_current_epoch; ++my_shared_epoch->epoch; return *this; } InputIterator operator++( int ) { InputIterator it = *this; ++*this; return it; } bool operator== ( const InputIterator& it ) const { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(my_shared_epoch->epoch == my_current_epoch, "Comparing an invalidated input iterator"); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(it.my_shared_epoch->epoch == it.my_current_epoch, "Comparing with an invalidated input iterator"); return my_ptr == it.my_ptr; } ~InputIterator() { destroy(); } private: void destroy() { if(0 == --my_shared_epoch->refcounter) { delete my_shared_epoch; } } struct Epoch { typedef std::atomic Counter; Epoch() { epoch = 0; refcounter = 1; } Counter epoch; Counter refcounter; }; T * my_ptr; Epoch *my_shared_epoch; size_t my_current_epoch; }; template class ForwardIterator { T * my_ptr; typedef std::allocator allocator_type; typedef std::allocator_traits allocator_traits_type; public: typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::pointer pointer; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::value_type& reference; ForwardIterator() : my_ptr(nullptr) {} explicit ForwardIterator ( T * ptr ) : my_ptr(ptr){} ForwardIterator ( const ForwardIterator& r ) : my_ptr(r.my_ptr){} T& operator* () const { return *my_ptr; } ForwardIterator& operator++ () { ++my_ptr; return *this; } ForwardIterator operator++(int) { ForwardIterator result = *this; ++*this; return result; } bool operator== ( const ForwardIterator& r ) const { return my_ptr == r.my_ptr; } }; template class RandomIterator { T * my_ptr; typedef std::allocator allocator_type; typedef std::allocator_traits allocator_traits_type; public: typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::pointer pointer; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::value_type& reference; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::difference_type difference_type; RandomIterator() : my_ptr(nullptr) {} explicit RandomIterator ( T * ptr ) : my_ptr(ptr){} RandomIterator ( const RandomIterator& r ) : my_ptr(r.my_ptr){} T& operator* () const { return *my_ptr; } RandomIterator& operator++ () { ++my_ptr; return *this; } RandomIterator operator++(int) { RandomIterator result = *this; ++*this; return result; } RandomIterator& operator--() { --my_ptr; return *this; } RandomIterator operator--(int) { RandomIterator result = *this; --*this; return result; } bool operator== ( const RandomIterator& r ) const { return my_ptr == r.my_ptr; } bool operator!= ( const RandomIterator& r ) const { return my_ptr != r.my_ptr; } difference_type operator- (const RandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr - r.my_ptr;} RandomIterator operator+ (difference_type n) const {return RandomIterator(my_ptr + n);} bool operator< (const RandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr < r.my_ptr;} bool operator> (const RandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr > r.my_ptr;} bool operator<=(const RandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr <= r.my_ptr;} bool operator>=(const RandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr >= r.my_ptr;} RandomIterator& operator+=( difference_type n ) { my_ptr += n; return *this; } RandomIterator& operator-=( difference_type n ) { my_ptr -= n; return *this; } friend RandomIterator operator+( difference_type n, RandomIterator it ) { return RandomIterator(it.my_ptr + n); } RandomIterator operator-( difference_type n ) const { return RandomIterator(my_ptr - n); } reference operator[]( difference_type n ) const { return my_ptr[n]; } }; template class ConstRandomIterator { const T * my_ptr; typedef std::allocator allocator_type; typedef std::allocator_traits allocator_traits_type; public: typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef const T value_type; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::const_pointer pointer; typedef const typename allocator_traits_type::value_type& reference; typedef typename allocator_traits_type::difference_type difference_type; ConstRandomIterator() : my_ptr(nullptr) {} explicit ConstRandomIterator ( const T * ptr ) : my_ptr(ptr){} ConstRandomIterator ( const ConstRandomIterator& r ) : my_ptr(r.my_ptr){} const T& operator* () const { return *my_ptr; } ConstRandomIterator& operator++ () { ++my_ptr; return *this; } ConstRandomIterator operator++(int) { ConstRandomIterator result = *this; ++*this; return result; } ConstRandomIterator& operator--() { --my_ptr; return *this; } ConstRandomIterator operator--(int) { ConstRandomIterator result = *this; --*this; return result; } bool operator== ( const ConstRandomIterator& r ) const { return my_ptr == r.my_ptr; } bool operator!= ( const ConstRandomIterator& r ) const { return my_ptr != r.my_ptr; } difference_type operator- (const ConstRandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr - r.my_ptr;} ConstRandomIterator operator+ (difference_type n) const {return ConstRandomIterator(my_ptr + n);} bool operator< (const ConstRandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr < r.my_ptr;} bool operator> (const ConstRandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr > r.my_ptr;} bool operator<=(const ConstRandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr <= r.my_ptr;} bool operator>=(const ConstRandomIterator &r) const {return my_ptr >= r.my_ptr;} ConstRandomIterator& operator+=( difference_type n ) { my_ptr += n; return *this; } ConstRandomIterator& operator-=( difference_type n ) { my_ptr -= n; return *this; } friend ConstRandomIterator operator+( difference_type n, ConstRandomIterator it ) { return ConstRandomIterator(it.my_ptr + n); } ConstRandomIterator operator-( difference_type n ) const { return ConstRandomIterator(my_ptr - n); } reference operator[]( difference_type n ) const { return my_ptr[n]; } }; } // namespace utils #endif // __TBB_test_common_iterator_H