/* Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // TODO: Add overlapping put / receive tests #include "common/config.h" #include "tbb/flow_graph.h" #include "tbb/global_control.h" #include "common/test.h" #include "common/utils.h" #include "common/utils_assert.h" #include "common/checktype.h" #include "common/graph_utils.h" #include "common/test_follows_and_precedes_api.h" #include //! \file test_queue_node.cpp //! \brief Test for [flow_graph.queue_node] specification #define N 1000 #define C 10 template< typename T > void spin_try_get( tbb::flow::queue_node &q, T &value ) { int count = 0; while ( q.try_get(value) != true ) { if (count < 1000000) { ++count; } if (count == 1000000) { // Perhaps, we observe the missed wakeup. Enqueue a task to wake up threads. tbb::task_arena a(tbb::task_arena::attach{}); a.enqueue([]{}); ++count; } } } template< typename T > void check_item( T* next_value, T &value ) { int tid = value / N; int offset = value % N; CHECK_MESSAGE( next_value[tid] == T(offset), "" ); ++next_value[tid]; } template< typename T > struct parallel_puts : utils::NoAssign { tbb::flow::queue_node &my_q; parallel_puts( tbb::flow::queue_node &q ) : my_q(q) {} void operator()(int i) const { for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { bool msg = my_q.try_put( T(N*i + j) ); CHECK_MESSAGE( msg == true, "" ); } } }; template< typename T > struct touches { bool **my_touches; T **my_last_touch; int my_num_threads; touches( int num_threads ) : my_num_threads(num_threads) { my_last_touch = new T* [my_num_threads]; my_touches = new bool* [my_num_threads]; for ( int p = 0; p < my_num_threads; ++p) { my_last_touch[p] = new T[my_num_threads]; for ( int p2 = 0; p2 < my_num_threads; ++p2) my_last_touch[p][p2] = -1; my_touches[p] = new bool[N*my_num_threads]; for ( int n = 0; n < N*my_num_threads; ++n) my_touches[p][n] = false; } } ~touches() { for ( int p = 0; p < my_num_threads; ++p) { delete [] my_touches[p]; delete [] my_last_touch[p]; } delete [] my_touches; delete [] my_last_touch; } bool check( int tid, T v ) { int v_tid = v / N; if ( my_touches[tid][v] != false ) { printf("Error: value seen twice by local thread\n"); return false; } if ( v <= my_last_touch[tid][v_tid] ) { printf("Error: value seen in wrong order by local thread\n"); return false; } my_last_touch[tid][v_tid] = v; my_touches[tid][v] = true; return true; } bool validate_touches() { bool *all_touches = new bool[N*my_num_threads]; for ( int n = 0; n < N*my_num_threads; ++n) all_touches[n] = false; for ( int p = 0; p < my_num_threads; ++p) { for ( int n = 0; n < N*my_num_threads; ++n) { if ( my_touches[p][n] == true ) { CHECK_MESSAGE( ( all_touches[n] == false), "value see by more than one thread\n" ); all_touches[n] = true; } } } for ( int n = 0; n < N*my_num_threads; ++n) { if ( !all_touches[n] ) printf("No touch at %d, my_num_threads = %d\n", n, my_num_threads); //CHECK_MESSAGE( ( all_touches[n] == true), "value not seen by any thread\n" ); } delete [] all_touches; return true; } }; template< typename T > struct parallel_gets : utils::NoAssign { tbb::flow::queue_node &my_q; touches &my_touches; parallel_gets( tbb::flow::queue_node &q, touches &t) : my_q(q), my_touches(t) {} void operator()(int tid) const { for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { T v; spin_try_get( my_q, v ); my_touches.check( tid, v ); } } }; template< typename T > struct parallel_put_get : utils::NoAssign { tbb::flow::queue_node &my_q; touches &my_touches; parallel_put_get( tbb::flow::queue_node &q, touches &t ) : my_q(q), my_touches(t) {} void operator()(int tid) const { for ( int i = 0; i < N; i+=C ) { int j_end = ( N < i + C ) ? N : i + C; // dump about C values into the Q for ( int j = i; j < j_end; ++j ) { CHECK_MESSAGE( my_q.try_put( T (N*tid + j ) ) == true, "" ); } // receiver about C values from the Q for ( int j = i; j < j_end; ++j ) { T v; spin_try_get( my_q, v ); my_touches.check( tid, v ); } } } }; // // Tests // // Item can be reserved, released, consumed ( single serial receiver ) // template< typename T > int test_reservation() { tbb::flow::graph g; T bogus_value(-1); // Simple tests tbb::flow::queue_node q(g); q.try_put(T(1)); q.try_put(T(2)); q.try_put(T(3)); T v; CHECK_MESSAGE( q.reserve_item(v) == true, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( v == T(1), "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.release_reservation() == true, "" ); v = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.reserve_item(v) == true, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( v == T(1), "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.consume_reservation() == true, "" ); v = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get(v) == true, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( v == T(2), "" ); v = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.reserve_item(v) == true, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( v == T(3), "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.release_reservation() == true, "" ); v = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.reserve_item(v) == true, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( v == T(3), "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.consume_reservation() == true, "" ); v = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); return 0; } // // Tests // // multiple parallel senders, items in FIFO (relatively to sender) order // multiple parallel senders, multiple parallel receivers, items in FIFO order (relative to sender/receiver) and all items received // * overlapped puts / gets // * all puts finished before any getS // template< typename T > int test_parallel(int num_threads) { tbb::flow::graph g; tbb::flow::queue_node q(g); tbb::flow::queue_node q2(g); tbb::flow::queue_node q3(g); { Checker< T > my_check; T bogus_value(-1); T j = bogus_value; utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_puts(q) ); T *next_value = new T[num_threads]; for (int tid = 0; tid < num_threads; ++tid) next_value[tid] = T(0); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads * N; ++i ) { spin_try_get( q, j ); check_item( next_value, j ); j = bogus_value; } for (int tid = 0; tid < num_threads; ++tid) { CHECK_MESSAGE( next_value[tid] == T(N), "" ); } delete[] next_value; j = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_puts(q) ); { touches< T > t( num_threads ); utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_gets(q, t) ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( t.validate_touches(), "" ); } j = bogus_value; CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); { touches< T > t2( num_threads ); utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_put_get(q, t2) ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( t2.validate_touches(), "" ); } j = bogus_value; CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); tbb::flow::make_edge( q, q2 ); tbb::flow::make_edge( q2, q3 ); utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_puts(q) ); { touches< T > t3( num_threads ); utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_gets(q3, t3) ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( t3.validate_touches(), "" ); } j = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q2.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q3.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); // test copy constructor CHECK_MESSAGE( remove_successor( q, q2 ), "" ); utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_puts(q) ); tbb::flow::queue_node q_copy(q); j = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q_copy.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( register_successor( q, q_copy ) == true, "" ); { touches< T > t( num_threads ); utils::NativeParallelFor( num_threads, parallel_gets(q_copy, t) ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( t.validate_touches(), "" ); } j = bogus_value; CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q_copy.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); } return 0; } // // Tests // // Predecessors cannot be registered // Empty Q rejects item requests // Single serial sender, items in FIFO order // Chained Qs ( 2 & 3 ), single sender, items at last Q in FIFO order // template< typename T > int test_serial() { tbb::flow::graph g; tbb::flow::queue_node q(g); tbb::flow::queue_node q2(g); { // destroy the graph after manipulating it, and see if all the items in the buffers // have been destroyed before the graph Checker my_check; // if CheckType< U > count constructions and destructions T bogus_value(-1); T j = bogus_value; // // Rejects attempts to add / remove predecessor // Rejects request from empty Q // CHECK_MESSAGE( register_predecessor( q, q2 ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( remove_predecessor( q, q2 ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); // // Simple puts and gets // for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { bool msg = q.try_put( T(i) ); CHECK_MESSAGE( msg == true, "" ); } for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { j = bogus_value; spin_try_get( q, j ); CHECK_MESSAGE( i == j, "" ); } j = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); tbb::flow::make_edge( q, q2 ); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { bool msg = q.try_put( T(i) ); CHECK_MESSAGE( msg == true, "" ); } for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { j = bogus_value; spin_try_get( q2, j ); CHECK_MESSAGE( i == j, "" ); } j = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q2.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); tbb::flow::remove_edge( q, q2 ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_put( 1 ) == true, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q2.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == true, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == 1, "" ); tbb::flow::queue_node q3(g); tbb::flow::make_edge( q, q2 ); tbb::flow::make_edge( q2, q3 ); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { bool msg = q.try_put( T(i) ); CHECK_MESSAGE( msg == true, "" ); } for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { j = bogus_value; spin_try_get( q3, j ); CHECK_MESSAGE( i == j, "" ); } j = bogus_value; g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q2.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q3.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); tbb::flow::remove_edge( q, q2 ); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_put( 1 ) == true, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q2.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q3.try_get( j ) == false, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == bogus_value, "" ); g.wait_for_all(); CHECK_MESSAGE( q.try_get( j ) == true, "" ); CHECK_MESSAGE( j == 1, "" ); } return 0; } #if __TBB_PREVIEW_FLOW_GRAPH_NODE_SET #include #include void test_follows_and_precedes_api() { std::array messages_for_follows = { {0, 1, 2} }; std::vector messages_for_precedes = {0, 1, 2}; follows_and_precedes_testing::test_follows >(messages_for_follows); follows_and_precedes_testing::test_precedes >(messages_for_precedes); } #endif #if __TBB_CPP17_DEDUCTION_GUIDES_PRESENT void test_deduction_guides() { using namespace tbb::flow; graph g; broadcast_node br(g); queue_node q0(g); #if __TBB_PREVIEW_FLOW_GRAPH_NODE_SET queue_node q1(follows(br)); static_assert(std::is_same_v>); queue_node q2(precedes(br)); static_assert(std::is_same_v>); #endif queue_node q3(q0); static_assert(std::is_same_v>); g.wait_for_all(); } #endif //! Test serial, parallel behavior and reservation under parallelism //! \brief \ref requirement \ref error_guessing TEST_CASE("Parallel, serial test"){ for (int p = 2; p <= 4; ++p) { tbb::global_control thread_limit(tbb::global_control::max_allowed_parallelism, p); tbb::task_arena arena(p); arena.execute( [&]() { test_serial(); test_serial >(); test_parallel(p); test_parallel >(p); } ); } } //! Test reset and cancellation //! \brief \ref error_guessing TEST_CASE("Resets test"){ INFO("Testing resets\n"); test_resets >(); test_resets >(); } #if __TBB_PREVIEW_FLOW_GRAPH_NODE_SET //! Test follows and precedes API //! \brief \ref error_guessing TEST_CASE("Test follows and precedes API"){ test_follows_and_precedes_api(); } #endif #if __TBB_CPP17_DEDUCTION_GUIDES_PRESENT //! Test decution guides //! \brief \ref requirement TEST_CASE("Deduction guides"){ test_deduction_guides(); } #endif //! Test operations on a reserved queue_node //! \brief \ref error_guessing TEST_CASE("queue_node with reservation"){ tbb::flow::graph g; tbb::flow::queue_node q(g); bool res = q.try_put(42); CHECK_MESSAGE( res, "queue_node must accept input." ); int val = 1; res = q.try_reserve(val); CHECK_MESSAGE( res, "queue_node must reserve as it has an item." ); CHECK_MESSAGE( (val == 42), "queue_node must reserve once passed item." ); int out_arg = -1; CHECK_MESSAGE((q.try_reserve(out_arg) == false), "Reserving a reserved node should fail."); CHECK_MESSAGE((out_arg == -1), "Reserving a reserved node should not update its argument."); out_arg = -1; CHECK_MESSAGE((q.try_get(out_arg) == false), "Getting from reserved node should fail."); CHECK_MESSAGE((out_arg == -1), "Getting from reserved node should not update its argument."); g.wait_for_all(); }