// BooPHF library // intended to be a minimal perfect hash function with fast and low memory construction, at the cost of (slightly) higher bits/elem than other state of the art libraries once built. // should work with arbitray large number of elements, based on a cascade of "collision-free" bit arrays #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized" #ifndef _BOOPHF_H_ #define _BOOPHF_H_ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for make_shared #include namespace boomphf { inline u_int64_t printPt( pthread_t pt) { unsigned char *ptc = (unsigned char*)(void*)(&pt); u_int64_t res =0; for (size_t i=0; i class bfile_iterator : public std::iterator{ public: bfile_iterator() : _is(nullptr) , _pos(0) ,_inbuff (0), _cptread(0) { _buffsize = 10000; _buffer = (basetype *) malloc(_buffsize*sizeof(basetype)); } bfile_iterator(const bfile_iterator& cr) { _buffsize = cr._buffsize; _pos = cr._pos; _is = cr._is; _buffer = (basetype *) malloc(_buffsize*sizeof(basetype)); memcpy(_buffer,cr._buffer,_buffsize*sizeof(basetype) ); _inbuff = cr._inbuff; _cptread = cr._cptread; _elem = cr._elem; } bfile_iterator(FILE* is): _is(is) , _pos(0) ,_inbuff (0), _cptread(0) { //printf("bf it %p\n",_is); _buffsize = 10000; _buffer = (basetype *) malloc(_buffsize*sizeof(basetype)); int reso = fseek(_is,0,SEEK_SET); (void)reso; advance(); } ~bfile_iterator() { if(_buffer!=NULL) free(_buffer); } basetype const& operator*() { return _elem; } bfile_iterator& operator++() { advance(); return *this; } friend bool operator==(bfile_iterator const& lhs, bfile_iterator const& rhs) { if (!lhs._is || !rhs._is) { if (!lhs._is && !rhs._is) { return true; } else { return false; } } assert(lhs._is == rhs._is); return rhs._pos == lhs._pos; } friend bool operator!=(bfile_iterator const& lhs, bfile_iterator const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } private: void advance() { //printf("_cptread %i _inbuff %i \n",_cptread,_inbuff); _pos++; if(_cptread >= _inbuff) { int res = fread(_buffer,sizeof(basetype),_buffsize,_is); //printf("read %i new elem last %llu %p\n",res,_buffer[res-1],_is); _inbuff = res; _cptread = 0; if(res == 0) { _is = nullptr; _pos = 0; return; } } _elem = _buffer[_cptread]; _cptread ++; } basetype _elem; FILE * _is; unsigned long _pos; basetype * _buffer; // for buffered read int _inbuff, _cptread; int _buffsize; }; template class file_binary{ public: file_binary(const char* filename) { _is = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!_is) { throw std::invalid_argument("Error opening " + std::string(filename)); } } ~file_binary() { fclose(_is); } bfile_iterator begin() const { return bfile_iterator(_is); } bfile_iterator end() const {return bfile_iterator(); } size_t size () const { return 0; }//todo ? private: FILE * _is; }; inline unsigned int popcount_32(unsigned int x) { unsigned int m1 = 0x55555555; unsigned int m2 = 0x33333333; unsigned int m4 = 0x0f0f0f0f; unsigned int h01 = 0x01010101; x -= (x >> 1) & m1; /* put count of each 2 bits into those 2 bits */ x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2); /* put count of each 4 bits in */ x = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4; /* put count of each 8 bits in partie droite 4bit piece*/ return (x * h01) >> 24; /* returns left 8 bits of x + (x<<8) + ... */ } inline unsigned int popcount_64(uint64_t x) { unsigned int low = x & 0xffffffff ; unsigned int high = ( x >> 32LL) & 0xffffffff ; return (popcount_32(low) + popcount_32(high)); } ///// progress bar class Progress { public: int timer_mode; struct timeval timestamp; double heure_debut, heure_actuelle ; std::string message; uint64_t done; uint64_t todo; int subdiv ; // progress printed every 1/subdiv of total to do double partial; int _nthreads; std::vector partial_threaded; std::vector done_threaded; double steps ; //steps = todo/subidv void init(uint64_t ntasks, const char * msg,int nthreads =1) { _nthreads = nthreads; message = std::string(msg); gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL); heure_debut = timestamp.tv_sec +(timestamp.tv_usec/1000000.0); //fprintf(stderr,"| %-*s |\n",98,msg); todo= ntasks; done = 0; partial =0; partial_threaded.resize(_nthreads); done_threaded.resize(_nthreads); for (int ii=0; ii<_nthreads;ii++) partial_threaded[ii]=0; for (int ii=0; ii<_nthreads;ii++) done_threaded[ii]=0; subdiv= 1000; steps = (double)todo / (double)subdiv; if(!timer_mode) { fprintf(stderr,"[");fflush(stderr); } } void finish() { set(todo); if(timer_mode) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"]\n"); fflush(stderr); todo= 0; done = 0; partial =0; } void finish_threaded()// called by only one of the threads { done = 0; //double rem = 0; for (int ii=0; ii<_nthreads;ii++) done += (done_threaded[ii] ); for (int ii=0; ii<_nthreads;ii++) partial += (partial_threaded[ii] ); finish(); } void inc(uint64_t ntasks_done) { done += ntasks_done; partial += ntasks_done; while(partial >= steps) { if(timer_mode) { gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL); heure_actuelle = timestamp.tv_sec +(timestamp.tv_usec/1000000.0); double elapsed = heure_actuelle - heure_debut; double speed = done / elapsed; double rem = (todo-done) / speed; if(done>todo) rem=0; int min_e = (int)(elapsed / 60) ; elapsed -= min_e*60; int min_r = (int)(rem / 60) ; rem -= min_r*60; fprintf(stderr,"%c[%s] %-5.3g%% elapsed: %3i min %-2.0f sec remaining: %3i min %-2.0f sec",13, message.c_str(), 100*(double)done/todo, min_e,elapsed,min_r,rem); } else { fprintf(stderr,"-");fflush(stderr); } partial -= steps; } } void inc(uint64_t ntasks_done, int tid) //threads collaborate to this same progress bar { partial_threaded[tid] += ntasks_done; done_threaded[tid] += ntasks_done; while(partial_threaded[tid] >= steps) { if(timer_mode) { struct timeval timet; double now; gettimeofday(&timet, NULL); now = timet.tv_sec +(timet.tv_usec/1000000.0); uint64_t total_done = 0; for (int ii=0; ii<_nthreads;ii++) total_done += (done_threaded[ii] ); double elapsed = now - heure_debut; double speed = total_done / elapsed; double rem = (todo-total_done) / speed; if(total_done > todo) rem =0; int min_e = (int)(elapsed / 60) ; elapsed -= min_e*60; int min_r = (int)(rem / 60) ; rem -= min_r*60; fprintf(stderr,"%c[%s] %-5.3g%% elapsed: %3i min %-2.0f sec remaining: %3i min %-2.0f sec",13, message.c_str(), 100*(double)total_done/todo, min_e,elapsed,min_r,rem); } else { fprintf(stderr,"-");fflush(stderr); } partial_threaded[tid] -= steps; } } void set(uint64_t ntasks_done) { if(ntasks_done > done) inc(ntasks_done-done); } Progress () : timer_mode(0) {} //include timer, to print ETA ? }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - #pragma mark hasher //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef std::array hash_set_t; typedef std::array hash_pair_t; template class HashFunctors { public: /** Constructor. * \param[in] nbFct : number of hash functions to be used * \param[in] seed : some initialization code for defining the hash functions. */ HashFunctors () { _nbFct = 7; // use 7 hash func _user_seed = 0; generate_hash_seed (); } //return one hash uint64_t operator () (const Item& key, size_t idx) const { return hash64 (key, _seed_tab[idx]); } uint64_t hashWithSeed(const Item& key, uint64_t seed) const { return hash64 (key, seed); } //this one returns all the 7 hashes //maybe use xorshift instead, for faster hash compute hash_set_t operator () (const Item& key) { hash_set_t hset; for(size_t ii=0;ii<10; ii++) { hset[ii] = hash64 (key, _seed_tab[ii]); } return hset; } private: inline static uint64_t hash64 (Item key, uint64_t seed) { uint64_t hash = seed; hash ^= (hash << 7) ^ key * (hash >> 3) ^ (~((hash << 11) + (key ^ (hash >> 5)))); hash = (~hash) + (hash << 21); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 24); hash = (hash + (hash << 3)) + (hash << 8); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 14); hash = (hash + (hash << 2)) + (hash << 4); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 28); hash = hash + (hash << 31); return hash; } /* */ void generate_hash_seed () { static const uint64_t rbase[MAXNBFUNC] = { 0xAAAAAAAA55555555ULL, 0x33333333CCCCCCCCULL, 0x6666666699999999ULL, 0xB5B5B5B54B4B4B4BULL, 0xAA55AA5555335533ULL, 0x33CC33CCCC66CC66ULL, 0x6699669999B599B5ULL, 0xB54BB54B4BAA4BAAULL, 0xAA33AA3355CC55CCULL, 0x33663366CC99CC99ULL }; for (size_t i=0; i class SingleHashFunctor { public: uint64_t operator () (const Item& key, uint64_t seed=0xAAAAAAAA55555555ULL) const { return hashFunctors.hashWithSeed(key, seed); } private: HashFunctors hashFunctors; }; template class XorshiftHashFunctors { /* Xorshift128* Written in 2014 by Sebastiano Vigna (vigna@acm.org) To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. See . */ /* This is the fastest generator passing BigCrush without systematic failures, but due to the relatively short period it is acceptable only for applications with a mild amount of parallelism; otherwise, use a xorshift1024* generator. The state must be seeded so that it is not everywhere zero. If you have a nonzero 64-bit seed, we suggest to pass it twice through MurmurHash3's avalanching function. */ // uint64_t s[ 2 ]; uint64_t next(uint64_t * s) { uint64_t s1 = s[ 0 ]; const uint64_t s0 = s[ 1 ]; s[ 0 ] = s0; s1 ^= s1 << 23; // a return ( s[ 1 ] = ( s1 ^ s0 ^ ( s1 >> 17 ) ^ ( s0 >> 26 ) ) ) + s0; // b, c } public: uint64_t h0(hash_pair_t & s, const Item& key ) { s[0] = singleHasher (key, 0xAAAAAAAA55555555ULL); return s[0]; } uint64_t h1(hash_pair_t & s, const Item& key ) { s[1] = singleHasher (key, 0x33333333CCCCCCCCULL); return s[1]; } //return next hash an update state s uint64_t next(hash_pair_t & s ) { uint64_t s1 = s[ 0 ]; const uint64_t s0 = s[ 1 ]; s[ 0 ] = s0; s1 ^= s1 << 23; // a return ( s[ 1 ] = ( s1 ^ s0 ^ ( s1 >> 17 ) ^ ( s0 >> 26 ) ) ) + s0; // b, c } //this one returns all the hashes hash_set_t operator () (const Item& key) { uint64_t s[ 2 ]; hash_set_t hset; hset[0] = singleHasher (key, 0xAAAAAAAA55555555ULL); hset[1] = singleHasher (key, 0x33333333CCCCCCCCULL); s[0] = hset[0]; s[1] = hset[1]; for(size_t ii=2;ii< 10 /* it's much better have a constant here, for inlining; this loop is super performance critical*/; ii++) { hset[ii] = next(s); } return hset; } private: SingleHasher_t singleHasher; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - #pragma mark iterators //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct iter_range { iter_range(Iterator b, Iterator e) : m_begin(b) , m_end(e) {} Iterator begin() const { return m_begin; } Iterator end() const { return m_end; } Iterator m_begin, m_end; }; template iter_range range(Iterator begin, Iterator end) { return iter_range(begin, end); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - #pragma mark BitVector //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class bitVector { public: bitVector() : _size(0) { _bitArray = nullptr; } bitVector(uint64_t n) : _size(n) { _nchar = (1ULL+n/64ULL); _bitArray = (uint64_t *) calloc (_nchar,sizeof(uint64_t)); } ~bitVector() { if(_bitArray != nullptr) free(_bitArray); } //copy constructor bitVector(bitVector const &r) { _size = r._size; _nchar = r._nchar; _ranks = r._ranks; _bitArray = (uint64_t *) calloc (_nchar,sizeof(uint64_t)); memcpy(_bitArray, r._bitArray, _nchar*sizeof(uint64_t) ); } // Copy assignment operator bitVector &operator=(bitVector const &r) { if (&r != this) { _size = r._size; _nchar = r._nchar; _ranks = r._ranks; if(_bitArray != nullptr) free(_bitArray); _bitArray = (uint64_t *) calloc (_nchar,sizeof(uint64_t)); memcpy(_bitArray, r._bitArray, _nchar*sizeof(uint64_t) ); } return *this; } // Move assignment operator bitVector &operator=(bitVector &&r) { //printf("bitVector move assignment \n"); if (&r != this) { if(_bitArray != nullptr) free(_bitArray); _size = std::move (r._size); _nchar = std::move (r._nchar); _ranks = std::move (r._ranks); _bitArray = r._bitArray; r._bitArray = nullptr; } return *this; } // Move constructor bitVector(bitVector &&r) : _bitArray ( nullptr),_size(0) { *this = std::move(r); } void resize(uint64_t newsize) { //printf("bitvector resize from %llu bits to %llu \n",_size,newsize); _nchar = (1ULL+newsize/64ULL); _bitArray = (uint64_t *) realloc(_bitArray,_nchar*sizeof(uint64_t)); _size = newsize; } size_t size() const { return _size; } uint64_t bitSize() const {return (_nchar*64ULL + _ranks.capacity()*64ULL );} //clear whole array void clear() { memset(_bitArray,0,_nchar*sizeof(uint64_t)); } //clear collisions in interval, only works with start and size multiple of 64 void clearCollisions(uint64_t start, size_t size, bitVector * cc) { assert( (start & 63) ==0); assert( (size & 63) ==0); uint64_t ids = (start/64ULL); for(uint64_t ii =0; ii< (size/64ULL); ii++ ) { _bitArray[ids+ii] = _bitArray[ids+ii] & (~ (cc->get64(ii)) ); } cc->clear(); } //clear interval, only works with start and size multiple of 64 void clear(uint64_t start, size_t size) { assert( (start & 63) ==0); assert( (size & 63) ==0); memset(_bitArray + (start/64ULL),0,(size/64ULL)*sizeof(uint64_t)); } //for debug purposes void print() const { printf("bit array of size %" PRIu64 ": \n",_size); for(uint64_t ii = 0; ii< _size; ii++) { if(ii%10==0) printf(" (%" PRIu64 ") ",ii); int val = (_bitArray[ii >> 6] >> (ii & 63 ) ) & 1; printf("%i",val); } printf("\n"); printf("rank array : size %lu \n",_ranks.size()); for (uint64_t ii = 0; ii< _ranks.size(); ii++) { printf("%" PRIu64 " : %" PRIu64 ", ",ii,_ranks[ii]); } printf("\n"); } //return value at pos uint64_t operator[](uint64_t pos) const { //unsigned char * _bitArray8 = (unsigned char *) _bitArray; //return (_bitArray8[pos >> 3ULL] >> (pos & 7 ) ) & 1; return (_bitArray[pos >> 6ULL] >> (pos & 63 ) ) & 1; } //atomically return old val and set to 1 uint64_t atomic_test_and_set(uint64_t pos) { uint64_t oldval = __sync_fetch_and_or (_bitArray + (pos >> 6), (uint64_t) (1ULL << (pos & 63)) ); return ( oldval >> (pos & 63 ) ) & 1; } uint64_t get(uint64_t pos) const { return (*this)[pos]; } uint64_t get64(uint64_t cell64) const { return _bitArray[cell64]; } //set bit pos to 1 void set(uint64_t pos) { assert(pos<_size); //_bitArray [pos >> 6] |= (1ULL << (pos & 63) ) ; __sync_fetch_and_or (_bitArray + (pos >> 6ULL), (1ULL << (pos & 63)) ); } //set bit pos to 0 void reset(uint64_t pos) { //_bitArray [pos >> 6] &= ~(1ULL << (pos & 63) ) ; __sync_fetch_and_and (_bitArray + (pos >> 6ULL), ~(1ULL << (pos & 63) )); } //return value of last rank // add offset to all ranks computed uint64_t build_ranks(uint64_t offset =0) { _ranks.reserve(2+ _size/_nb_bits_per_rank_sample); uint64_t curent_rank = offset; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < _nchar; ii++) { if (((ii*64) % _nb_bits_per_rank_sample) == 0) { _ranks.push_back(curent_rank); } curent_rank += popcount_64(_bitArray[ii]); } return curent_rank; } uint64_t rank(uint64_t pos) const { uint64_t word_idx = pos / 64ULL; uint64_t word_offset = pos % 64; uint64_t block = pos / _nb_bits_per_rank_sample; uint64_t r = _ranks[block]; for (uint64_t w = block * _nb_bits_per_rank_sample / 64; w < word_idx; ++w) { r += popcount_64( _bitArray[w] ); } uint64_t mask = (uint64_t(1) << word_offset ) - 1; r += popcount_64( _bitArray[word_idx] & mask); return r; } void save(std::ostream& os) const { os.write(reinterpret_cast(&_size), sizeof(_size)); os.write(reinterpret_cast(&_nchar), sizeof(_nchar)); os.write(reinterpret_cast(_bitArray), (std::streamsize)(sizeof(uint64_t) * _nchar)); size_t sizer = _ranks.size(); os.write(reinterpret_cast(&sizer), sizeof(size_t)); os.write(reinterpret_cast(_ranks.data()), (std::streamsize)(sizeof(_ranks[0]) * _ranks.size())); } void load(std::istream& is) { is.read(reinterpret_cast(&_size), sizeof(_size)); is.read(reinterpret_cast(&_nchar), sizeof(_nchar)); this->resize(_size); is.read(reinterpret_cast(_bitArray), (std::streamsize)(sizeof(uint64_t) * _nchar)); size_t sizer; is.read(reinterpret_cast(&sizer), sizeof(size_t)); _ranks.resize(sizer); is.read(reinterpret_cast(_ranks.data()), (std::streamsize)(sizeof(_ranks[0]) * _ranks.size())); } protected: uint64_t* _bitArray; //uint64_t* _bitArray; uint64_t _size; uint64_t _nchar; // epsilon = 64 / _nb_bits_per_rank_sample bits // additional size for rank is epsilon * _size static const uint64_t _nb_bits_per_rank_sample = 512; //512 seems ok std::vector _ranks; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - #pragma mark level //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static inline uint64_t fastrange64(uint64_t word, uint64_t p) { //return word % p; return (uint64_t)(((__uint128_t)word * (__uint128_t)p) >> 64); } class level{ public: level(){ } ~level() { } uint64_t get(uint64_t hash_raw) { // uint64_t hashi = hash_raw % hash_domain; // //uint64_t hashi = (uint64_t)( ((__uint128_t) hash_raw * (__uint128_t) hash_domain) >> 64ULL); uint64_t hashi = fastrange64(hash_raw,hash_domain); return bitset.get(hashi); } uint64_t idx_begin; uint64_t hash_domain; bitVector bitset; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - #pragma mark mphf //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define NBBUFF 10000 //#define NBBUFF 2 template struct thread_args { void * boophf; Range const * range; std::shared_ptr it_p; /* used to be "Iterator it" but because of fastmode, iterator is polymorphic; TODO: think about whether it should be a unique_ptr actually */ std::shared_ptr until_p; /* to cache the "until" variable */ int level; }; //forward declaration template void * thread_processLevel(void * args); /* Hasher_t returns a single hash when operator()(elem_t key) is called. if used with XorshiftHashFunctors, it must have the following operator: operator()(elem_t key, uint64_t seed) */ template class mphf { /* this mechanisms gets P hashes out of Hasher_t */ typedef XorshiftHashFunctors MultiHasher_t ; // typedef HashFunctors MultiHasher_t; // original code (but only works for int64 keys) (seems to be as fast as the current xorshift) //typedef IndepHashFunctors MultiHasher_t; //faster than xorshift public: mphf() : _built(false) {} ~mphf() { } // allow perc_elem_loaded elements to be loaded in ram for faster construction (default 3%), set to 0 to desactivate template mphf( std::string &outdir, size_t n, Range const& input_range,int num_thread = 1, double gamma = 2.0 , bool writeEach = true, bool progress =true, float perc_elem_loaded = 0.03) : _outdir(outdir), _gamma(gamma), _hash_domain(size_t(ceil(double(n) * gamma))), _nelem(n), _num_thread(num_thread), _percent_elem_loaded_for_fastMode (perc_elem_loaded), _withprogress(progress) { if(n ==0) return; _fastmode = false; if(_percent_elem_loaded_for_fastMode > 0.0 ) _fastmode =true; if(writeEach) { _writeEachLevel =true; _fastmode = false; } else { _writeEachLevel = false; } setup(); if(_withprogress) { _progressBar.timer_mode=1; double total_raw = _nb_levels; double sum_geom_read = ( 1.0 / (1.0 - _proba_collision)); double total_writeEach = sum_geom_read + 1.0; double total_fastmode_ram = (_fastModeLevel+1) + ( pow(_proba_collision,_fastModeLevel)) * (_nb_levels-(_fastModeLevel+1)) ; printf("for info, total work write each : %.3f total work inram from level %i : %.3f total work raw : %.3f \n",total_writeEach,_fastModeLevel,total_fastmode_ram,total_raw); if(writeEach) { _progressBar.init(_nelem * total_writeEach,"Building BooPHF",num_thread); } else if(_fastmode) _progressBar.init( _nelem * total_fastmode_ram ,"Building BooPHF",num_thread); else _progressBar.init( _nelem * _nb_levels ,"Building BooPHF",num_thread); } uint64_t offset = 0; for(int ii = 0; ii< _nb_levels; ii++) { _tempBitset = new bitVector(_levels[ii].hash_domain); // temp collision bitarray for this level processLevel(input_range,ii); _levels[ii].bitset.clearCollisions(0 , _levels[ii].hash_domain , _tempBitset); offset = _levels[ii].bitset.build_ranks(offset); delete _tempBitset; } if(_withprogress) _progressBar.finish_threaded(); _lastbitsetrank = offset ; //printf("used temp ram for construction : %lli MB \n",setLevelFastmode.capacity()* sizeof(elem_t) /1024ULL/1024ULL); std::vector().swap(setLevelFastmode); // clear setLevelFastmode reallocating pthread_mutex_destroy(&_mutex); _built = true; } uint64_t lookup(elem_t elem) { if(! _built) return ULLONG_MAX; //auto hashes = _hasher(elem); uint64_t non_minimal_hp,minimal_hp; hash_pair_t bbhash; int level; uint64_t level_hash = getLevel(bbhash,elem,&level); if( level == (_nb_levels-1)) { auto in_final_map = _final_hash.find (elem); if ( in_final_map == _final_hash.end() ) { //elem was not in orignal set of keys return ULLONG_MAX; // means elem not in set } else { minimal_hp = in_final_map->second + _lastbitsetrank; //printf("lookup %llu level %i --> %llu \n",elem,level,minimal_hp); return minimal_hp; } // minimal_hp = _final_hash[elem] + _lastbitsetrank; // return minimal_hp; } else { //non_minimal_hp = level_hash % _levels[level].hash_domain; // in fact non minimal hp would be + _levels[level]->idx_begin non_minimal_hp = fastrange64(level_hash,_levels[level].hash_domain); } minimal_hp = _levels[level].bitset.rank(non_minimal_hp ); // printf("lookup %llu level %i --> %llu \n",elem,level,minimal_hp); return minimal_hp; } uint64_t nbKeys() const { return _nelem; } uint64_t totalBitSize() { uint64_t totalsizeBitset = 0; for(int ii=0; ii<_nb_levels; ii++) { totalsizeBitset += _levels[ii].bitset.bitSize(); } uint64_t totalsize = totalsizeBitset + _final_hash.size()*42*8 ; // unordered map takes approx 42B per elem [personal test] (42B with uint64_t key, would be larger for other type of elem) printf("Bitarray %12lu bits (%.2f %%) (array + ranks )\n", totalsizeBitset, 100*(float)totalsizeBitset/totalsize); printf("final hash %12lu bits (%.2f %%) (nb in final hash %lu)\n", _final_hash.size()*42*8, 100*(float)(_final_hash.size()*42*8)/totalsize, _final_hash.size() ); return totalsize; } template //typename Range, void pthread_processLevel( std::vector & buffer , std::shared_ptr shared_it, std::shared_ptr until_p, int i) { uint64_t nb_done =0; int tid = __sync_fetch_and_add (&_nb_living, 1); auto until = *until_p; uint64_t inbuff =0; uint64_t writebuff =0; std::vector< elem_t > & myWriteBuff = bufferperThread[tid]; for (bool isRunning=true; isRunning ; ) { //safely copy n items into buffer pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex); for(; inbuff= setLevelFastmode.size()) _fastmode = false; else setLevelFastmode[idxl2] = val; // create set for fast mode } //insert to level i+1 : either next level of the cascade or final hash if last level reached if(i == _nb_levels-1) //stop cascade here, insert into exact hash { uint64_t hashidx = __sync_fetch_and_add (& _hashidx, 1); pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex); //see later if possible to avoid this, mais pas bcp item vont la // calc rank de fin precedent level qq part, puis init hashidx avec ce rank, direct minimal, pas besoin inser ds bitset et rank _final_hash[val] = hashidx; pthread_mutex_unlock(&_mutex); } else { //ils ont reach ce level //insert elem into curr level on disk --> sera utilise au level+1 , (mais encore besoin filtre) if(_writeEachLevel && i > 0 && i < _nb_levels -1) { if(writebuff>=NBBUFF) { //flush buffer flockfile(_currlevelFile); fwrite(myWriteBuff.data(),sizeof(elem_t),writebuff,_currlevelFile); funlockfile(_currlevelFile); writebuff = 0; } myWriteBuff[writebuff++] = val; } //computes next hash if ( level == 0) level_hash = _hasher.h0(bbhash,val); else if ( level == 1) level_hash = _hasher.h1(bbhash,val); else { level_hash = _hasher.next(bbhash); } insertIntoLevel(level_hash,i); //should be safe } } nb_done++; if((nb_done&1023) ==0 && _withprogress) {_progressBar.inc(nb_done,tid);nb_done=0; } } inbuff = 0; } if(_writeEachLevel && writebuff>0) { //flush buffer flockfile(_currlevelFile); fwrite(myWriteBuff.data(),sizeof(elem_t),writebuff,_currlevelFile); funlockfile(_currlevelFile); writebuff = 0; } } void save(std::ostream& os) const { os.write(reinterpret_cast(&_gamma), sizeof(_gamma)); os.write(reinterpret_cast(&_nb_levels), sizeof(_nb_levels)); os.write(reinterpret_cast(&_lastbitsetrank), sizeof(_lastbitsetrank)); os.write(reinterpret_cast(&_nelem), sizeof(_nelem)); for(int ii=0; ii<_nb_levels; ii++) { _levels[ii].bitset.save(os); } //save final hash size_t final_hash_size = _final_hash.size(); os.write(reinterpret_cast(&final_hash_size), sizeof(size_t)); // typename std::unordered_map::iterator for (auto it = _final_hash.begin(); it != _final_hash.end(); ++it ) { os.write(reinterpret_cast(&(it->first)), sizeof(elem_t)); os.write(reinterpret_cast(&(it->second)), sizeof(uint64_t)); } } void load(std::istream& is) { is.read(reinterpret_cast(&_gamma), sizeof(_gamma)); is.read(reinterpret_cast(&_nb_levels), sizeof(_nb_levels)); is.read(reinterpret_cast(&_lastbitsetrank), sizeof(_lastbitsetrank)); is.read(reinterpret_cast(&_nelem), sizeof(_nelem)); _levels.resize(_nb_levels); for(int ii=0; ii<_nb_levels; ii++) { //_levels[ii].bitset = new bitVector(); _levels[ii].bitset.load(is); } //mini setup, recompute size of each level _proba_collision = 1.0 - pow(((_gamma*(double)_nelem -1 ) / (_gamma*(double)_nelem)),_nelem-1); uint64_t previous_idx =0; _hash_domain = (size_t) (ceil(double(_nelem) * _gamma)) ; for(int ii=0; ii<_nb_levels; ii++) { //_levels[ii] = new level(); _levels[ii].idx_begin = previous_idx; _levels[ii].hash_domain = (( (uint64_t) (_hash_domain * pow(_proba_collision,ii)) + 63) / 64 ) * 64; if(_levels[ii].hash_domain == 0 ) _levels[ii].hash_domain = 64 ; previous_idx += _levels[ii].hash_domain; } //restore final hash _final_hash.clear(); size_t final_hash_size ; is.read(reinterpret_cast(&final_hash_size), sizeof(size_t)); for(unsigned int ii=0; ii(&key), sizeof(elem_t)); is.read(reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(uint64_t)); _final_hash[key] = value; } _built = true; } private : void setup() { pthread_mutex_init(&_mutex, NULL); _pid = getpid() + printPt(pthread_self()) ;// + pthread_self(); //printf("pt self %llu pid %i \n",printPt(pthread_self()),_pid); _cptTotalProcessed=0; if(_fastmode) { setLevelFastmode.resize(_percent_elem_loaded_for_fastMode * (double)_nelem ); } bufferperThread.resize(_num_thread); if(_writeEachLevel) { for(int ii=0; ii<_num_thread; ii++) { bufferperThread[ii].resize(NBBUFF); } } _proba_collision = 1.0 - pow(((_gamma*(double)_nelem -1 ) / (_gamma*(double)_nelem)),_nelem-1); //double sum_geom =_gamma * ( 1.0 + _proba_collision / (1.0 - _proba_collision)); //printf("proba collision %f sum_geom %f \n",_proba_collision,sum_geom); _nb_levels = 25; _levels.resize(_nb_levels); //build levels uint64_t previous_idx =0; for(int ii=0; ii<_nb_levels; ii++) { _levels[ii].idx_begin = previous_idx; // round size to nearest superior multiple of 64, makes it easier to clear a level _levels[ii].hash_domain = (( (uint64_t) (_hash_domain * pow(_proba_collision,ii)) + 63) / 64 ) * 64; if(_levels[ii].hash_domain == 0 ) _levels[ii].hash_domain = 64 ; previous_idx += _levels[ii].hash_domain; //printf("build level %i bit array : start %12llu, size %12llu ",ii,_levels[ii]->idx_begin,_levels[ii]->hash_domain ); //printf(" expected elems : %.2f %% total \n",100.0*pow(_proba_collision,ii)); } for(int ii=0; ii<_nb_levels; ii++) { if(pow(_proba_collision,ii) < _percent_elem_loaded_for_fastMode) { _fastModeLevel = ii; //printf("fast mode level : %i \n",ii); break; } } } //compute level and returns hash of last level reached uint64_t getLevel(hash_pair_t & bbhash, elem_t val,int * res_level, int maxlevel = 100, int minlevel =0) //uint64_t getLevel(hash_pair_t & bbhash, elem_t val,int * res_level, int maxlevel = 100, int minlevel =0) { int level = 0; uint64_t hash_raw=0; for (int ii = 0; ii<(_nb_levels-1) && ii < maxlevel ; ii++ ) { //calc le hash suivant if ( ii == 0) hash_raw = _hasher.h0(bbhash,val); else if ( ii == 1) hash_raw = _hasher.h1(bbhash,val); else { hash_raw = _hasher.next(bbhash); } if( ii >= minlevel && _levels[ii].get(hash_raw) ) // //if( _levels[ii].get(hash_raw) ) // { break; } level++; } *res_level = level; return hash_raw; } //insert into bitarray void insertIntoLevel(uint64_t level_hash, int i) { // uint64_t hashl = level_hash % _levels[i].hash_domain; uint64_t hashl = fastrange64( level_hash,_levels[i].hash_domain); if( _levels[i].bitset.atomic_test_and_set(hashl) ) { _tempBitset->atomic_test_and_set(hashl); } } //loop to insert into level i template void processLevel(Range const& input_range,int i) { ////alloc the bitset for this level _levels[i].bitset = bitVector(_levels[i].hash_domain); ; //printf("---process level %i wr %i fast %i ---\n",i,_writeEachLevel,_fastmode); std::string dir= _outdir+"/temp_p%i_level_%i"; char fname_old[1000]; sprintf(fname_old,dir.c_str(),_pid,i-2); char fname_curr[1000]; sprintf(fname_curr,dir.c_str(),_pid,i); char fname_prev[1000]; sprintf(fname_prev,dir.c_str(),_pid,i-1); if(_writeEachLevel) { //file management : if(i>2) //delete previous file { unlink(fname_old); } if(i< _nb_levels-1 && i > 0 ) //create curr file { _currlevelFile = fopen(fname_curr,"w"); } } _cptLevel = 0; _hashidx = 0; _idxLevelsetLevelFastmode =0; _nb_living =0; //create threads pthread_t *tab_threads= new pthread_t [_num_thread]; typedef decltype(input_range.begin()) it_type; thread_args t_arg; // meme arg pour tous t_arg.boophf = this; t_arg.range = &input_range; t_arg.it_p = std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared(input_range.begin())); t_arg.until_p = std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared(input_range.end())); t_arg.level = i; if(_writeEachLevel && (i > 1)) { auto data_iterator_level = file_binary(fname_prev); typedef decltype(data_iterator_level.begin()) disklevel_it_type; //data_iterator_level.begin(); t_arg.it_p = std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared(data_iterator_level.begin())); t_arg.until_p = std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared(data_iterator_level.end())); for(int ii=0;ii<_num_thread;ii++) pthread_create (&tab_threads[ii], NULL, thread_processLevel, &t_arg); //&t_arg[ii] //must join here before the block is closed and file_binary is destroyed (and closes the file) for(int ii=0;ii<_num_thread;ii++) { pthread_join(tab_threads[ii], NULL); } } else { if(_fastmode && i >= (_fastModeLevel+1)) { /* we'd like to do t_arg.it = data_iterator.begin() but types are different; so, casting to (void*) because of that; and we remember the type in the template */ typedef decltype(setLevelFastmode.begin()) fastmode_it_type; t_arg.it_p = std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared(setLevelFastmode.begin())); t_arg.until_p = std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared(setLevelFastmode.end())); /* we'd like to do t_arg.it = data_iterator.begin() but types are different; so, casting to (void*) because of that; and we remember the type in the template */ for(int ii=0;ii<_num_thread;ii++) pthread_create (&tab_threads[ii], NULL, thread_processLevel, &t_arg); //&t_arg[ii] } else { for(int ii=0;ii<_num_thread;ii++) pthread_create (&tab_threads[ii], NULL, thread_processLevel, &t_arg); //&t_arg[ii] } //joining for(int ii=0;ii<_num_thread;ii++) { pthread_join(tab_threads[ii], NULL); } } //printf("\ngoing to level %i : %llu elems %.2f %% expected : %.2f %% \n",i,_cptLevel,100.0* _cptLevel/(float)_nelem,100.0* pow(_proba_collision,i) ); //printf("\ncpt total processed %llu \n",_cptTotalProcessed); if(_fastmode && i == _fastModeLevel) //shrink to actual number of elements in set { //printf("\nresize setLevelFastmode to %lli \n",_idxLevelsetLevelFastmode); setLevelFastmode.resize(_idxLevelsetLevelFastmode); } delete [] tab_threads; if(_writeEachLevel) { if(i< _nb_levels-1 && i>0) { fflush(_currlevelFile); fclose(_currlevelFile); } if(i== _nb_levels- 1) //delete last file { unlink(fname_prev); } } } private: //level ** _levels; std::vector _levels; int _nb_levels; MultiHasher_t _hasher; bitVector * _tempBitset; std::string _outdir; double _gamma; uint64_t _hash_domain; uint64_t _nelem; std::unordered_map _final_hash; Progress _progressBar; int _nb_living; int _num_thread; uint64_t _hashidx; double _proba_collision; uint64_t _lastbitsetrank; uint64_t _idxLevelsetLevelFastmode; uint64_t _cptLevel; uint64_t _cptTotalProcessed; // fast build mode , requires that _percent_elem_loaded_for_fastMode % elems are loaded in ram float _percent_elem_loaded_for_fastMode ; bool _fastmode; std::vector< elem_t > setLevelFastmode; // std::vector< elem_t > setLevelFastmode_next; // todo shrinker le set e nram a chaque niveau ? std::vector< std::vector< elem_t > > bufferperThread; int _fastModeLevel; bool _withprogress; bool _built; bool _writeEachLevel; FILE * _currlevelFile; int _pid; public: pthread_mutex_t _mutex; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - #pragma mark threading //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void * thread_processLevel(void * args) { if(args ==NULL) return NULL; thread_args *targ = (thread_args*) args; mphf * obw = (mphf *) targ->boophf; int level = targ->level; std::vector buffer; buffer.resize(NBBUFF); pthread_mutex_t * mutex = & obw->_mutex; pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); // from comment above: "//get starting iterator for this thread, must be protected (must not be currently used by other thread to copy elems in buff)" std::shared_ptr startit = std::static_pointer_cast(targ->it_p); std::shared_ptr until_p = std::static_pointer_cast(targ->until_p); pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); obw->pthread_processLevel(buffer, startit, until_p, level); return NULL; } } #endif // _BOOPHF_H_