V. 0.7.13 - m64 flag for Sparc/Solaris computing - Color space makefile - Crashing parsing bug - Crashing initialisation bug - No more stuttering of tandem repeats after Pebble resolution V 0.7.14 - Crashing bug in long read concatenation V 0.7.15 - Tiny colorspace bug in sequence expander - Crashing bug in Pebble pointers V 0.7.16 - Bug in AMOS output - Crashing bug in file parsing - Infinite loop in scaffolding V 0.7.17 - Bug in colorspace compilation - Bug in library indexing V 0.7.18 - Bug in asmbly_splitter.pl script - Bug in fastq parsing V 0.7.19 - Bug in colorspace graph construction - Removed useless output in PreGraph file - Bug in long read resolution - Useless tables removed - Bug in long read / paired-end read resolution V 0.7.20 - Bug in AMOS output of long reads V 0.7.21 - Added manual TeX source code V 0.7.22 - Corrected offset error of short reads in AMOS output V 0.7.23 - Corrected list ordering bug which produced polyA chains and crashed the AMOS output V 0.7.24 - Corrected the OCov tracking in RockBand - Removed the use of long reads to determine uniqueness - Various missassembly and crashing bugs in RockBand (long read repeat resolution) V 0.7.25 - Added total assembly length count - Crashing bug in long read repeat resolution - Updated documentation to include colorspace use of Velvet V 0.7.26 - Added read-pair error correction test to reduce misassemblies V 0.7.27 - Corrected bug in colorspace hashing V 0.7.28 - Uncaught memory exception patched - Warning message in the absence of expected coverage - Modifiable long read multiplicity cutoff V 0.7.29 - Crashing bug when scaffolding V 0.7.30 - Read numbering bug in AMOS file V 0.7.31 - Read numbering bug in AMOS file (1-indexing) - Marginal memory leaks - Updated manual V 0.7.32 - Crashing bug - Bug in AMOS format output - Memory allocation checks - Rearranged shuffling scripts - Homogenised local TourBus to use the same params as normal TB V 0.7.33 - Bug in Makefile V 0.7.34 - Added number of reads used in contigs to final stats - Yet another bug in AMOS indexing - Final stats line conserved in log file - Optional scaffolding - Multiple rounds of Pebble to allow for very different insert lengths V 0.7.35 - Patched acceleration table bug (John Marshall) - Corrected error messages (John Marshall) - Crashing bug when using -cov_cutoff - --help option - Small formatting change to error messages V 0.7.36 - K > 31 now possible - --help option corrected for velvetg V 0.7.37 - Acceleration of k-mer operations (comparable to 64bit int performance) - Fixed variable lengths - Reordered struct declaration for more efficent memory alignment V 0.7.38 - Typo in kmer.c - Updated documentation - In git release, Makefile now compiles documentation - Stream option - Original read names in Sequences file - Updated MAQ parser. - Added Simon Gladman's VelvetOptimiser script in the third-party repository V 0.7.39 - Added Torsten Seemans's estimate-exp_cov script - Amended Makefile to compile Manual - Moved code contributions to the eponymous ./contrib directory V 0.7.40 - Amended Makefile to help changing compilation time parameters - Amended Makefile to integrate documentation compilation - Corrected crashing bug in parsing V 0.7.41 - Corrected use of multiple libraries V 0.7.42 - Removed some minor memory leaks - Corrected the parsing of FastA files (crashing bug) - Added exception catchers for file reading V 0.7.43 - Added more exception catchers for file reading - Corrected parsers to allow long sequence names (crashing bug) - Inserted millions of casts to correct printf and scanf variable size inconsistency errors - Corrected bug in hashing associate to different max. kmer lengths V 0.7.44 - Corrected parameter parser for -ins_length_long and -ins_length_long_sd - Exits more gracefully when presented with an empty dataset V 0.7.45 - Crashing and parsing bug when piping zipped files - Updated Eland parser V 0.7.46 - Filetype checker to avoid confusion between FastA and FastQ - Corrected asmbly_splitter script to handle scaffolds better V 0.7.47 - Small bug in splay.c - Small bug in graphReconstruction.c - Added guide to contrib directory and within the Manual V 0.7.48 - Accelerated concatenation (pre-graph and graph) - Unlimited contig size - Bug in parsing FASTA files with very long lines - Parsing bug in snp_view.pl script V 0.7.49 - Added the optional output of unused reads - Added David Studholme's FastA -> AGP script V 0.7.50 - Added the extractContigReads script - Updated the FastA -> AGP script - Added the observed-insert-length script - Small parsing bug in simplified read import V 0.7.51 - Small parsing bug - Correction to the observed-insert-length script - Verified strncpy calls - NCBI friendly 10bp N-gaps V 0.7.52 - Crashing bug when parsing fa.gz files - Crashing bug with tiny Graph files - Bug when loading FASTA files with short lines - Corrected snp_view.pl script to write reverse strand reads in snp_view_reads file - Corrected snp_view.pl script to behave better near the edges of contigs - Updated observed_insert_length to compute the standard deviation of the set - Corrected observed_insert_length script so that it does not crash on empty libraries - Crashing bug when providing an odd number of paired reads - Mapping bug of reads during tour bus correction V 0.7.53 - Ignored reads in Pebble corrected - Added automatic measure of median coverage and median insert length - Updated manual to cover the above V 0.7.54 - Corrected insert length variance estimate bugs - Corrected observed-insert_length script for warning message - Added an extra error detection filter in Pebble - Prevented divergence of distance estimates in Pebble V 0.7.55 - Applied Jonathan Hoser's patch to the VelvetOptimiser script - Parsing bug in extractContigReads.pl - Updated the FASTA read shuffling script - Updated the Manual - Implemented strand specific sequencing - Parsing bug of the Sequences file - Added sequence shuffling scripts V 0.7.56 - Amended contrib files for Debian release - Amended inline function for C99 compatibility - Crashing NULL pointer bug - Bug in shuffling script - Updated VelvetOptimiser - Added Ken Doig's show_repeats script - Bug in estimated coverage - Bug in reading sequence lengths - Rounding error in scaffolding V 0.7.57 - Added document compilation to the README file - Patched the VelvetOptimiser copy - Added read count in stats file V 0.7.58 - Modified to asmbly_splitter script to conserve pairing information - Modified the Makefile to make the compilation of Oases safer V 0.7.59 - Correction to the asmbly_splitter script - Correction to the zipped file reading V 0.7.60 - Amended Makefile for colorspace Oases users - Measured coverage is printed in log file V 0.7.61 - Amended the extractContigReads script to produce correct fasta files - Corrected graph2.py file for python call - Synchronised some scripts on the git which were outdated - Corrected bug regarding paired strand specific RNA sequencing - Integrated SAM/BAM parser functions - Corrected bug which created extremely long poly-A stretches in scaffolding - Corrected the insert length estimateion for stability - Added a sanity check for FastA reader V 0.7.62 - Corrected crashing bug when hitting exception in insert length estimation V 0.7.63 - Added the AssemblyAssembler by Jacob Crawford - Increased the memory allocated to store gap sizes to avoid overflow errors with long insert libraries V 1.0.01 - Columbus hybrid assembly module V 1.0.02 - Crashing bug with empty graphs - Compilation bug in kmer.c - Bug in short mapped read offsets V 1.0.03 - Updated VelvetOptimiser code - Compilation error for colorspace Oases V 1.0.04 - Crashing bug with reads shorter than hash length - Colorspace SAM/BAM parser - Crashing bug when uploading empty (Pre)Graphs - Bug in correctedGraph.c - Automatic abort in debug mode V 1.0.05 - Re-set v0.7.63 change which had been accidently undone - Prevent reference sequences from being used in Pebble V 1.0.06 - gnu99 compilation warnings - Raw(.gz) read parsers - Crashing bug at specific MAXKMERLENGTH/kmer combinations - Memory optimisation by Sylvain Foret V 1.0.07 - Double free in destroyReadSet - Memory leak of PreMarker arrays V 1.0.08 - TourBus exhaustiveness bug - Crashing memory corruption bug V 1.0.09 - Strand specific transmission V 1.0.10 - Do not map unmapped reads in SAM/BAM file. - Crashing parsing bug when mixing long and short reads. - Updated AssemblyAssembler (now v. 1.2) V 1.0.11 - Prettyfied online help message - Prettyfied contig output for long k-mer values - Corrected AssemblyAssembler shebang - Updated VelvetOptimiser V 1.0.12 - Crashing bug when reconstructing the graph with no reference sequences - Avoid reading Roadmap file when unnecessary in graph reconstruction (cf. previous bug fix) - VelvetOptimiser update - Compiler warning in allocArray V 1.0.13 - Bug for polyA induced homologies in Columbus - Added select_paired.pl script - Updated AssemblyAssembler script - Long read coverage cutoff - Reporting of contigs filtered out by the coverage cutoffs V 1.0.14 - Reintroduced timed stdout messages - Extended explanation of k-mer lengths in manual - Catch failures in writing to files - Permission exceptions - Pointer arithmetic warning - Casting warning - Infinite loop with read coherency - Out of bounds bug for very long reads - -clean and -very_clean options V 1.0.15 - Updated manual - Corrected help message - Big assembly option - Long sequences options V 1.0.16 - Multiple k-mer hashing - Sequences file reuse - Sequences data reuse - Memory corruption bug - Sequences file no longer deleted with -clean option but -very_clean V 1.0.17 - Reverted working directory name in case of single k-mer mode - Bugs in multiple k-mer iteration - Correction of online help message V 1.0.18 - Consistency of hairpin arc multiplicity - Bug in reuse_Sequences option - Bug strand_specific option V 1.0.19 - -noHash option - Solaris files added - Bug in coverage cutoff - Removal of the layout script V 1.1.01 - OMP multi-threading - MetaVelvet V 1.1.02 - Corrected MetaVelvet Makefile - Reverted untested code - Updated Manual V 1.1.03 - Help message displays all compilation settings - Updated Manual on OPENMP - Crashing bug in run2 - Makefile error in bundled MetaVelvet - Bug in Columbus mappings - Merged in Sylvain's changes - Improved the allocation of blocks in allocArray V 1.1.04 - Compilation problems for k < 32 - Total node count provided in tour bus - Log is not squashed by velveth if pre-existing - Manual typo - Pairing bug - Node sequence export bug V 1.1.05 - Log file now contains compilation and version info - timersub macro - POSIX compliance in Makefile - OPENMP compilation tags standardized - Offset bug in Columbus V 1.1.06 - Corrected manual regarding multiple k-mer use - Corrected bugs in multiple k-mer user - Corrected bugs in Columbus (off-by-1, long read tracking) - Added coverage masks - Added gap mask in Columbus - Offsets used in kmerOccurenceTable to accelerate searches - Some memory leaks V 1.1.07 - Concurrency issues in Columbus - Pairing bug for odd number of reads - Variable size in reading sequence lengths - Ubuntu patch to Makefile V 1.1.08 - Negative marker bug in TourBus - Better reading of SAM/BAM files - Added conserveLong option V 1.2.01 - David Soper's create_binary option V 1.2.02 - Strict Columbus - Recast SAM/BAM parser for pattern structure - David Soper changes to conserve reference masking of gaps - David Soper changes to store multiple mappings per sequence V 1.2.03 - Comments in FastA headers are now discarded - Print reference mapping stats, and optional warning - Updated some warning printouts V 1.2.04 - Crashing bugs linked to empty readsets. - Realloc bug when a read has more then 20 mappings. V 1.2.05 - Scrubbing comments out of FastQ read names - Bug in multiple k-mer settings when kmax is equal to MAXKMERLENGTH - Bug when parsing parameters for multiple length k-mers V 1.2.06 - Added test framework - Added option '-separate' to allow reading paired reads from 2 separate files V 1.2.07 - Add file format option '-fmtAuto' to auto-detect compression (using gunzip/bunzip2) and format (only FastA or FastQ for now) - Updated MetaVelvet - Bug in unit testing - Compilation bug - Memory corruption when running multiple k-mers V 1.2.08 - Bug in multi-kmer Columbus reference masks V 1.2.09 - Bug in copying read mappings into Sequences file V 1.2.10 - Bug in multi k-mer run - Addition of contributed 'read_prepare' script - Better detection of out-of-bounds error