/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "graph.h" #include "tightString.h" #include "dfibHeap.h" #include "fibHeap.h" #include "recycleBin.h" #include "passageMarker.h" #include "concatenatedGraph.h" #include "graphStats.h" #include "utility.h" #define TICKET_BLOCK_SIZE 10000 static const Time INDEL = 0; static const Time SIM[4][4] = { {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1} }; typedef struct tkt_st Ticket; struct tkt_st { Ticket *next; IDnum id_a; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; //Global variables used throughout this procedure(internal use only !) static int MAXREADLENGTH = 100; static int MAXNODELENGTH = 200; static double MAXDIVERGENCE = 0.2; static int MAXGAPS = 3; static Time *times; static Node **previous; static DFibHeapNode **dheapNodes; static DFibHeap *dheap; static TightString *fastSequence; static TightString *slowSequence; static Node *activeNode; static Node *startingNode; static int WORDLENGTH; static Graph *graph; static IDnum dbgCounter; static PassageMarkerI fastPath; static PassageMarkerI slowPath; static IDnum *eligibleStartingPoints; static double **Fmatrix; static Coordinate *slowToFastMapping; static Coordinate *fastToSlowMapping; static RecycleBin *ticketMemory; static Ticket **todoLists; static Ticket **todo; static Ticket *done; static boolean *progressStatus; static ShortLength *sequenceLengths; static Category *sequenceCategories; //End of global variables; static void setNodeTime(Node * node, Time time) { times[getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph)] = time; } static Time getNodeTime(Node * node) { return times[getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph)]; } static void setNodePrevious(Node * previousNode, Node * node) { previous[getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph)] = previousNode; } static Node *getNodePrevious(Node * node) { return previous[getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph)]; } static void setNodeDHeapNode(Node * node, DFibHeapNode * dheapNode) { dheapNodes[getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph)] = dheapNode; } static DFibHeapNode *getNodeDHeapNode(Node * node) { return dheapNodes[getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph)]; } static Ticket *newTicket() { if (ticketMemory == NULL) ticketMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(Ticket), TICKET_BLOCK_SIZE); return (Ticket*)allocatePointer(ticketMemory); } static boolean isPreviousToNode(Node * previous, Node * target) { Node *currentNode = target; Node *previousNode = NULL; Time targetTime = getNodeTime(target); //velvetLog("Testing if %ld is previous to %ld\n", getNodeID(previous), getNodeID(target)); while (true) { if (currentNode == previous) return true; if (currentNode == previousNode) return false; if (getNodeTime(currentNode) != targetTime) return false; previousNode = currentNode; currentNode = getNodePrevious(currentNode); } } static void concatenateCommonTodoLists(Node * nodeA, Node * nodeB) { Ticket **listA = &todoLists[getNodeID(nodeA) + nodeCount(graph)]; Ticket **listB = &todoLists[getNodeID(nodeB) + nodeCount(graph)]; Ticket *head = NULL; Ticket *tail = NULL; Ticket *tmp; IDnum idA, idB; IDnum targetID = getNodeID(nodeA); IDnum indexA, indexB; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); //velvetLog("Merging todo list %ld into %ld\n", getNodeID(nodeB), // getNodeID(nodeA)); if (*listB == NULL) return; if (*listA == NULL) { *listA = *listB; *listB = NULL; return; } while (*listA != NULL && *listB != NULL) { idA = (*listA)->id_a; idB = (*listB)->id_a; indexA = idA + nodes; indexB = idB + nodes; if (previous[indexA] == nodeA) { tmp = *listA; *listA = (*listA)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); continue; } if (idB == targetID || previous[indexB] == nodeA) { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); continue; } if (idA > idB) { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; } else if (idA < idB) { tmp = *listA; *listA = (*listA)->next; } else { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); tmp = *listA; *listA = (*listA)->next; } if (tail == NULL) { tail = tmp; head = tail; } else { tail->next = tmp; tail = tail->next; } } while (*listA != NULL) { idA = (*listA)->id_a; indexA = idA + nodes; if (previous[indexA] == nodeA) { tmp = *listA; *listA = (*listA)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); } else if (tail != NULL) { tail->next = *listA; *listA = (*listA)->next; tail = tail->next; } else { head = *listA; *listA = (*listA)->next; tail = head; } } while (*listB != NULL) { idB = (*listB)->id_a; indexB = idB + nodes; if (idB == targetID || previous[indexB] == nodeA) { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); } else if (tail != NULL) { tail->next = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; tail = tail->next; } else { head = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; tail = head; } } if (tail != NULL) tail->next = NULL; *listA = head; *listB = NULL; } static void concatenateTodoListIntoActive(Node * nodeB) { Ticket **listB = &todoLists[getNodeID(nodeB) + nodeCount(graph)]; Ticket *head = NULL; Ticket *tail = NULL; Ticket *tmp; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); IDnum idA, idB; IDnum activeID = getNodeID(activeNode); IDnum indexB, indexA; //velvetLog("Merging todo list %ld into active node %ld\n", // getNodeID(nodeB), getNodeID(activeNode)); if (*listB == NULL) return; if (*todo == NULL) { *todo = *listB; *listB = NULL; return; } while (*todo != NULL && *listB != NULL) { idA = (*todo)->id_a; idB = (*listB)->id_a; indexA = idA + nodes; indexB = idB + nodes; if (previous[indexA] == activeNode || progressStatus[indexA]) { tmp = *todo; *todo = (*todo)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); continue; } if (idB == activeID || previous[indexB] == activeNode || progressStatus[indexB]) { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); continue; } if (idA > idB) { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; } else if (idA < idB) { tmp = *todo; *todo = (*todo)->next; } else { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); tmp = *todo; *todo = (*todo)->next; } if (tail == NULL) { tail = tmp; head = tail; } else { tail->next = tmp; tail = tmp; } } while (*todo != NULL) { idA = (*todo)->id_a; indexA = idA + nodes; if (previous[indexA] == activeNode || progressStatus[indexA]) { tmp = *todo; *todo = (*todo)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); } else if (tail != NULL) { tail->next = *todo; *todo = (*todo)->next; tail = tail->next; } else { head = *todo; *todo = (*todo)->next; tail = head; } } while (*listB != NULL) { idB = (*listB)->id_a; indexB = idB + nodes; if (idB == activeID || previous[indexB] == activeNode || progressStatus[indexB]) { tmp = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tmp); } else if (tail != NULL) { tail->next = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; tail = tail->next; } else { head = *listB; *listB = (*listB)->next; tail = head; } } if (tail != NULL) tail->next = NULL; *todo = head; *listB = NULL; } static void concatenateTodoLists(Node * nodeA, Node * nodeB) { if (nodeA == activeNode) concatenateTodoListIntoActive(nodeB); else concatenateCommonTodoLists(nodeA, nodeB); } static IDnum nextTodoTicket() { Ticket *tkt; IDnum index; while (*todo != NULL) { tkt = *todo; *todo = tkt->next; index = tkt->id_a + nodeCount(graph); if (previous[index] == activeNode) { deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tkt); continue; } progressStatus[index] = true; tkt->next = done; done = tkt; return tkt->id_a; } return 0; } static void freeDoneTickets() { Ticket *tkt; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); while (done != NULL) { tkt = done; done = tkt->next; progressStatus[tkt->id_a + nodes] = false; deallocatePointer(ticketMemory, tkt); } } static void updateNodeStatus(Node * node) { FibHeap *heap = newFibHeap(); Arc *arc; Node *currentNode = node; Node *destination; setNodeStatus(currentNode, true); while (currentNode != NULL) { for (arc = getArc(currentNode); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) { destination = getDestination(arc); if (getNodeStatus(destination) > 1) { setNodeStatus(destination, true); insertNodeIntoHeap(heap, getNodeID(destination), destination); } } currentNode = removeNextNodeFromHeap(heap); } destroyHeap(heap); } static void determineEligibleStartingPoints() { IDnum nodeIndex; IDnum maxmult; Node *node; Arc *arc; IDnum counter = 0; FibHeap *heap = newFibHeap(); velvetLog("Determining eligible starting points\n"); for (nodeIndex = 1; nodeIndex <= nodeCount(graph); nodeIndex++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex); if (node == NULL) continue; maxmult = 0; for (arc = getArc(node); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) if (getMultiplicity(arc) > maxmult) maxmult = getMultiplicity(arc); insertNodeIntoHeap(heap, -maxmult, node); // Same for twin node node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -nodeIndex); maxmult = 0; for (arc = getArc(node); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) if (getMultiplicity(arc) > maxmult) maxmult = getMultiplicity(arc); insertNodeIntoHeap(heap, -maxmult, node); } while ((node = removeNextNodeFromHeap(heap)) != NULL) eligibleStartingPoints[counter++] = getNodeID(node); destroyHeap(heap); velvetLog("Done listing starting nodes\n"); } static Node *nextStartingPoint() { static IDnum counter = 0; Node *result = NULL; while (result == NULL || getNodeStatus(result) > 0) { if (counter >= nodeCount(graph) * 2) return NULL; result = getNodeInGraph(graph, eligibleStartingPoints[counter++]); } return result; } static boolean extractSequence(PassageMarkerI path, TightString * sequence) { PassageMarkerI marker; Coordinate seqLength = 0; Coordinate writeIndex = 0; //velvetLog("Extracting sequence %ld ... ", pathLength); //Measure length for (marker = getNextInSequence(path); !isTerminal(marker); marker = getNextInSequence(marker)) seqLength += getNodeLength(getNode(marker)); if (seqLength > MAXREADLENGTH) return false; else setTightStringLength(sequence, seqLength); //Copy sequences for (marker = getNextInSequence(path); !isTerminal(marker); marker = getNextInSequence(marker)) { appendNodeSequence(getNode(marker), sequence, writeIndex); writeIndex += getNodeLength(getNode(marker)); } return true; } static Time max(Time A, Time B, Time C) { if (A >= B && A >= C) return A; else if (B >= C) return B; else return C; } static boolean compareSequences(TightString * sequence1, TightString * sequence2) { Coordinate i, j; Coordinate length1 = getLength(sequence1); Coordinate length2 = getLength(sequence2); Coordinate maxLength; Time Choice1, Choice2, Choice3; Time maxScore; if (length1 == 0 || length2 == 0) return false; maxLength = (length1 > length2 ? length1 : length2); if (length1 < WORDLENGTH || length2 < WORDLENGTH) { if (maxLength - length1 > MAXGAPS || maxLength - length2 > MAXGAPS) return false; if (WORDLENGTH - length1 > MAXGAPS || WORDLENGTH - length2 > MAXGAPS) return false; } for (i = 0; i <= length1; i++) Fmatrix[i][0] = 0; for (j = 0; j <= length2; j++) Fmatrix[0][j] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= length1; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= length2; j++) { Choice1 = Fmatrix[i - 1][j - 1] + SIM[(int) getNucleotide(i - 1, sequence1)] [(int) getNucleotide(j - 1, sequence2)]; Choice2 = Fmatrix[i - 1][j] + INDEL; Choice3 = Fmatrix[i][j - 1] + INDEL; Fmatrix[i][j] = max(Choice1, Choice2, Choice3); } } maxScore = Fmatrix[length1][length2]; if (maxScore < maxLength - MAXGAPS) return false; if ((1 - maxScore / maxLength) > MAXDIVERGENCE) return false; return true; } static void mapSlowOntoFast() { Coordinate slowIndex = getLength(slowSequence); Coordinate fastIndex = getLength(fastSequence); int fastn, slown; if (slowIndex == 0) { slowToFastMapping[0] = fastIndex; while (fastIndex >= 0) fastToSlowMapping[fastIndex--] = 0; return; } if (fastIndex == 0) { while (slowIndex >= 0) slowToFastMapping[slowIndex--] = 0; fastToSlowMapping[0] = slowIndex; return; } while (slowIndex > 0 && fastIndex > 0) { fastn = (int) getNucleotide(fastIndex - 1, fastSequence); slown = (int) getNucleotide(slowIndex - 1, slowSequence); if (Fmatrix[fastIndex][slowIndex] == Fmatrix[fastIndex - 1][slowIndex - 1] + SIM[fastn][slown]) { fastToSlowMapping[--fastIndex] = --slowIndex; slowToFastMapping[slowIndex] = fastIndex; } else if (Fmatrix[fastIndex][slowIndex] == Fmatrix[fastIndex - 1][slowIndex] + INDEL) fastToSlowMapping[--fastIndex] = slowIndex - 1; else if (Fmatrix[fastIndex][slowIndex] == Fmatrix[fastIndex][slowIndex - 1] + INDEL) slowToFastMapping[--slowIndex] = fastIndex - 1; else { velvetLog("Error\n"); fflush(stdout); abort(); } } while (slowIndex > 0) slowToFastMapping[--slowIndex] = -1; while (fastIndex > 0) fastToSlowMapping[--fastIndex] = -1; slowToFastMapping[getLength(slowSequence)] = getLength(fastSequence); fastToSlowMapping[getLength(fastSequence)] = getLength(slowSequence); } static void remapNodeArcsOntoTarget(Node * source, Node * target) { Arc *arc; if (source == activeNode) { activeNode = target; todo = &todoLists[getNodeID(activeNode) + nodeCount(graph)]; } concatenateTodoLists(target, source); arc = getArc(source); while (arc != NULL) { createAnalogousArc(target, getDestination(arc), arc, graph); destroyArc(arc, graph); arc = getArc(source); } } static void remapNodeArcsOntoNeighbour(Node * source, Node * target) { remapNodeArcsOntoTarget(source, target); remapNodeArcsOntoTarget(getTwinNode(source), getTwinNode(target)); } static void remapNodeMarkersOntoNeighbour(Node * source, PassageMarkerI sourceMarker, Node * target, PassageMarkerI targetMarker) { PassageMarkerI marker; Coordinate offset; IDnum sourceLength, index; ShortReadMarker *sourceArray, *shortMarker; Coordinate position; Coordinate targetStart = getPassageMarkerStart(targetMarker); Coordinate targetFinish = getPassageMarkerFinish(targetMarker); Coordinate sourceStart = getPassageMarkerStart(sourceMarker); Coordinate sourceFinish = getPassageMarkerFinish(sourceMarker); Coordinate alignedTargetLength = targetFinish - targetStart; Coordinate alignedSourceLength = sourceFinish - sourceStart; Coordinate realTargetLength = getNodeLength(target); Coordinate realSourceLength = getNodeLength(source); while (getMarker(source) != NULL_IDX) { marker = getMarker(source); extractPassageMarker(marker); transposePassageMarker(marker, target); if (realSourceLength != 0 && alignedTargetLength != 0) { if (isInitial(marker)) { offset = getStartOffset(marker); offset *= alignedSourceLength; offset /= realSourceLength; offset += sourceStart; offset = slowToFastMapping[offset]; offset -= targetStart; offset *= realTargetLength; offset /= alignedTargetLength; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (offset > realTargetLength) offset = realTargetLength; } else offset = 0; setStartOffset(marker, offset); if (isTerminal(marker)) { offset = getFinishOffset(marker); offset *= alignedSourceLength; offset /= realSourceLength; offset = sourceFinish - offset; offset = slowToFastMapping[offset]; offset = targetFinish - offset; offset *= realTargetLength; offset /= alignedTargetLength; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (offset > realTargetLength) offset = realTargetLength; } else offset = 0; setFinishOffset(marker, offset); } else { setStartOffset(marker, 0); setFinishOffset(marker, 0); } } // Short read markers if (readStartsAreActivated(graph)) { // Update Coordinates sourceArray = getNodeReads(source, graph); sourceLength = getNodeReadCount(source, graph); for (index = 0; index < sourceLength; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(sourceArray, index); position = getShortReadMarkerPosition(shortMarker); if (position > -1) { if (realSourceLength > 0 && alignedTargetLength > 0) { position *= alignedSourceLength; position /= realSourceLength; position += sourceStart; position = slowToFastMapping[position]; position -= targetStart; position *= realTargetLength; position /= alignedTargetLength; if (position < 0) position = 0; if (position > realTargetLength) position = realTargetLength; } else position = 0; } setShortReadMarkerPosition(shortMarker, position); } mergeNodeReads(target, source, graph); // Same but for symmetrical reads sourceArray = getNodeReads(getTwinNode(source), graph); sourceLength = getNodeReadCount(getTwinNode(source), graph); for (index = 0; index < sourceLength; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(sourceArray, index); position = getShortReadMarkerPosition(shortMarker); if (position > -1) { if (realSourceLength > 0 && alignedTargetLength > 0) { position = realSourceLength - position; position *= alignedSourceLength; position /= realSourceLength; position += sourceStart; position = slowToFastMapping[position]; position -= targetStart; position *= realTargetLength; position /= alignedTargetLength; position = realTargetLength - position; if (position < 0) position = 0; if (position > realTargetLength) position = realTargetLength; } else position = 0; } setShortReadMarkerPosition(shortMarker, position); } mergeNodeReads(getTwinNode(target), getTwinNode(source), graph); } // Virtual reads #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT Category cat; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) incrementVirtualCoverage(target, cat, getVirtualCoverage(source, cat)); #else incrementVirtualCoverage(target, getVirtualCoverage(source)); #endif } static void remapBackOfNodeArcsOntoNeighbour(Node * source, Node * target) { Arc *arc; remapNodeArcsOntoTarget(getTwinNode(source), getTwinNode(target)); for (arc = getArc(source); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) createAnalogousArc(target, source, arc, graph); } static Coordinate remapBackOfNodeMarkersOntoNeighbour(Node * source, PassageMarkerI sourceMarker, Node * target, PassageMarkerI targetMarker, boolean slowToFast) { PassageMarkerI marker, newMarker, previousMarker, nextMarker; Coordinate halfwayPoint, halfwayPointOffset, breakpoint, newStartOffset, newFinishOffset; Coordinate *targetToSourceMapping, *sourceToTargetMapping; ShortReadMarker *selectedShortReads, *shortRead; IDnum selectedShortReadCount, shortReadIndex; Coordinate position; Coordinate targetStart = getPassageMarkerStart(targetMarker); Coordinate targetFinish = getPassageMarkerFinish(targetMarker); Coordinate sourceStart = getPassageMarkerStart(sourceMarker); Coordinate sourceFinish = getPassageMarkerFinish(sourceMarker); Coordinate alignedTargetLength = targetFinish - targetStart; Coordinate alignedSourceLength = sourceFinish - sourceStart; Coordinate realTargetLength = getNodeLength(target); Coordinate realSourceLength = getNodeLength(source); if (slowToFast) { sourceToTargetMapping = slowToFastMapping; targetToSourceMapping = fastToSlowMapping; } else { sourceToTargetMapping = fastToSlowMapping; targetToSourceMapping = slowToFastMapping; } // Calculating source node breakpoint: if (alignedSourceLength > 0 && targetFinish > 0) { halfwayPoint = targetToSourceMapping[targetFinish - 1] - sourceStart + 1; halfwayPoint *= realSourceLength; halfwayPoint /= alignedSourceLength; } else halfwayPoint = 0; if (halfwayPoint < 0) halfwayPoint = 0; if (halfwayPoint > realSourceLength) halfwayPoint = realSourceLength; halfwayPointOffset = realSourceLength - halfwayPoint; // Complete markers for (marker = getMarker(source); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = nextMarker) { nextMarker = getNextInNode(marker); // To avoid making loops... if (getNode(getPreviousInSequence(marker)) == target) continue; // Markers which are downstream of the breakpoint if (isInitial(marker) && getStartOffset(marker) > halfwayPoint) { newStartOffset = getStartOffset(marker) - halfwayPoint; setStartOffset(marker, newStartOffset); continue; } // Markers which are upstream of the breakpoint if (isTerminal(marker) && getFinishOffset(marker) > halfwayPointOffset) { if (slowToFast) { if (realSourceLength > 0 && alignedTargetLength > 0) { newFinishOffset = getFinishOffset(marker) - halfwayPointOffset; newFinishOffset *= alignedSourceLength; newFinishOffset /= realSourceLength; newFinishOffset *= realTargetLength; newFinishOffset /= alignedTargetLength; if (newFinishOffset < 0) newFinishOffset = 0; else if (newFinishOffset > realTargetLength) newFinishOffset = realTargetLength; } else newFinishOffset = 0; } else { newFinishOffset = getFinishOffset(marker) - halfwayPointOffset; } setFinishOffset(marker, newFinishOffset); extractPassageMarker(marker); transposePassageMarker(marker, target); continue; } // Markers on both sides of the divide newMarker = addPassageMarker(getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker), getPassageMarkerStart(marker), target); setPassageMarkerStart(newMarker, getPassageMarkerStart(marker)); setPassageMarkerStatus(newMarker, getPassageMarkerStatus(marker)); if (realSourceLength - getStartOffset(marker) - getFinishOffset(marker) > 0) { breakpoint = halfwayPoint - getStartOffset(marker); breakpoint *= getPassageMarkerLength(marker); breakpoint /= realSourceLength - getStartOffset(marker) - getFinishOffset(marker); breakpoint *= passageMarkerDirection(marker); breakpoint += getPassageMarkerStart(marker); } else { breakpoint = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); } setPassageMarkerFinish(newMarker, breakpoint); setPassageMarkerStart(marker, breakpoint); if (slowToFast) { if (realSourceLength != 0 && alignedTargetLength != 0) { newStartOffset = getStartOffset(marker); newStartOffset *= alignedSourceLength; newStartOffset /= realSourceLength; newStartOffset *= realTargetLength; newStartOffset /= alignedTargetLength; if (newStartOffset < 0) newStartOffset = 0; else if (newStartOffset > realTargetLength) newStartOffset = realTargetLength; } else { newStartOffset = 0; } } else { newStartOffset = getStartOffset(marker); } setStartOffset(newMarker, newStartOffset); setFinishOffset(newMarker, 0); setStartOffset(marker, 0); previousMarker = getPreviousInSequence(marker); setNextInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setPreviousInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setPreviousInSequence(newMarker, marker); setNextInSequence(newMarker, marker); } // Read starts if (readStartsAreActivated(graph)) { selectedShortReads = extractBackOfNodeReads(source, halfwayPoint, graph, &selectedShortReadCount, sourceMarker, sequenceLengths); if (slowToFast) { if (realSourceLength > 0 && alignedTargetLength > 0) { for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < selectedShortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortRead = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex (selectedShortReads, shortReadIndex); position = getShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead); if (position > -1) { position *= alignedSourceLength; position /= realSourceLength; position += sourceStart; position = sourceToTargetMapping [position]; position -= targetStart; position *= realTargetLength; position /= alignedTargetLength; if (position < 0) position = 0; if (position > realTargetLength) position = realTargetLength; } setShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead, position); } } else { for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < selectedShortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortRead = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex (selectedShortReads, shortReadIndex); position = getShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead); if (position > -1) setShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead, 0); } } } injectShortReads(selectedShortReads, selectedShortReadCount, target, graph); selectedShortReads = extractFrontOfNodeReads(getTwinNode(source), halfwayPoint, graph, &selectedShortReadCount, sourceMarker, sequenceLengths); if (slowToFast) { if (realSourceLength > 0 && alignedTargetLength > 0) { for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < selectedShortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortRead = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex (selectedShortReads, shortReadIndex); position = getShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead); if (position > -1) { position = getShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead); position = realSourceLength - position; position *= alignedSourceLength; position /= realSourceLength; position += sourceStart; position = sourceToTargetMapping [position]; position -= targetStart; position *= realTargetLength; position /= alignedTargetLength; position = realTargetLength - position; if (position < 0) position = 0; if (position > realTargetLength) position = realTargetLength; } setShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead, position); } } else { for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < selectedShortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortRead = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex (selectedShortReads, shortReadIndex); position = getShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead); if (position > -1) setShortReadMarkerPosition (shortRead, 0); } } } injectShortReads(selectedShortReads, selectedShortReadCount, getTwinNode(target), graph); } // Virtual coverage if (alignedSourceLength != 0) { Coordinate coverage; #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT Category cat; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { coverage = getVirtualCoverage(source, cat); coverage *= halfwayPoint; coverage /= alignedSourceLength; incrementVirtualCoverage(target, cat, coverage); incrementVirtualCoverage(source, cat, -coverage); coverage = getOriginalVirtualCoverage(source, cat); coverage *= halfwayPoint; coverage /= alignedSourceLength; incrementOriginalVirtualCoverage(source, cat, -coverage); } #else coverage = getVirtualCoverage(source); coverage *= halfwayPoint; coverage /= alignedSourceLength; incrementVirtualCoverage(target, coverage); incrementVirtualCoverage(source, -coverage); #endif } return halfwayPointOffset; } static void remapNodeInwardReferencesOntoNode(Node * source, Node * target) { Arc *arc; Node *destination; for (arc = getArc(source); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) { destination = getDestination(arc); if (destination == target || destination == source) continue; if (getNodePrevious(destination) == source) setNodePrevious(target, destination); } } static void remapNodeTimesOntoTargetNode(Node * source, Node * target) { Time nodeTime = getNodeTime(source); Node *previous = getNodePrevious(source); Time targetTime = getNodeTime(target); if (nodeTime == -1) return; if (previous == source) { setNodeTime(target, nodeTime); setNodePrevious(target, target); } else if (targetTime == -1 || targetTime > nodeTime || (targetTime == nodeTime && !isPreviousToNode(target, previous))) { setNodeTime(target, nodeTime); if (previous != getTwinNode(source)) setNodePrevious(previous, target); else setNodePrevious(getTwinNode(target), target); } remapNodeInwardReferencesOntoNode(source, target); setNodePrevious(NULL, source); } static void foldSymmetricalNode(Node * node) { Node *twinNode = getTwinNode(node); Node *tmp, *destination; Arc *arc; PassageMarkerI oldMarker = getMarker(node); PassageMarkerI currentMarker, newMarker, previousMarker; Coordinate halfwayPoint; IDnum totalMult; // Reduce time complexity of damn thing if (simpleArcCount(node) < simpleArcCount(twinNode)) { tmp = twinNode; twinNode = node; node = tmp; } // Destroy link to old markers setMarker(node, NULL_IDX); // Reinsert markers properly while (oldMarker != NULL_IDX) { currentMarker = oldMarker; oldMarker = getNextInNode(currentMarker); previousMarker = getPreviousInSequence(currentMarker); if (getNode(previousMarker) != twinNode) { newMarker = addUncertainPassageMarker (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(currentMarker), twinNode); setPassageMarkerStatus(newMarker, getPassageMarkerStatus (currentMarker)); setPassageMarkerStart(newMarker, getPassageMarkerStart (currentMarker)); // For security issues: if (currentMarker == slowPath) slowPath = newMarker; else if (currentMarker == fastPath) fastPath = newMarker; halfwayPoint = (getPassageMarkerStart(currentMarker) + getPassageMarkerFinish(currentMarker)) / 2; setPassageMarkerFinish(newMarker, halfwayPoint); setPassageMarkerStart(currentMarker, halfwayPoint); setStartOffset(newMarker, getStartOffset(currentMarker)); setFinishOffset(newMarker, 0); setStartOffset(currentMarker, 0); setPreviousInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setNextInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setPreviousInSequence(newMarker, currentMarker); setNextInSequence(newMarker, currentMarker); } transposePassageMarker(currentMarker, node); } // Read start info foldSymmetricalNodeReads(node, graph); // Coverage => already balanced! // References if (getNodeTime(node) == -1 && getNodeTime(twinNode) == -1); else if (getNodeTime(node) == -1) { setNodeTime(node, getNodeTime(twinNode)); } else if (getNodeTime(twinNode) == -1) { setNodeTime(twinNode, getNodeTime(node)); setNodePrevious(getNodePrevious(node), twinNode); } else if (getNodePrevious(node) == node) { setNodeTime(twinNode, getNodeTime(node)); setNodePrevious(twinNode, twinNode); } else if (getNodeTime(node) < getNodeTime(twinNode)) { setNodeTime(twinNode, getNodeTime(node)); setNodePrevious(getNodePrevious(node), twinNode); } else if (getNodeTime(node) == getNodeTime(twinNode) && isPreviousToNode(node, twinNode)) { setNodePrevious(getNodePrevious(node), twinNode); } else { setNodeTime(node, getNodeTime(twinNode)); } setNodePrevious(twinNode, node); remapNodeInwardReferencesOntoNode(twinNode, node); // Active node if (twinNode == activeNode) { activeNode = node; todo = &todoLists[getNodeID(activeNode) + nodeCount(graph)]; } concatenateTodoLists(node, twinNode); // Remap arcs properly arc = getArc(twinNode); totalMult = 0; while (arc != NULL) { destination = getDestination(arc); if (destination != node) createAnalogousArc(node, destination, arc, graph); totalMult += getMultiplicity(arc); destroyArc(arc, graph); arc = getArc(twinNode); } arc = createArc(twinNode, node, graph); setMultiplicity(arc, totalMult); // Uniqueness setUniqueness(node, false); // Starting node if (startingNode == node) startingNode = twinNode; } static void remapNodeTimesOntoNeighbour(Node * source, Node * target) { remapNodeTimesOntoTargetNode(source, target); remapNodeTimesOntoTargetNode(getTwinNode(source), getTwinNode(target)); } static void remapNodeTimesOntoForwardMiddlePath(Node * source, PassageMarkerI path) { PassageMarkerI marker; Node *target; Time nodeTime = getNodeTime(source); Node *previousNode = getNodePrevious(source); Time targetTime; //velvetLog("Remapping times from %ld to %ld\n", getNodeID(previousNode), getNodeID(source)); for (marker = path; getNode(marker) != source; marker = getNextInSequence(marker)) { target = getNode(marker); targetTime = getNodeTime(target); //velvetLog("Through %ld\n", getNodeID(target)); if (targetTime == -1 || targetTime > nodeTime || (targetTime == nodeTime && !isPreviousToNode(target, previousNode))) { setNodeTime(target, nodeTime); setNodePrevious(previousNode, target); } previousNode = target; } setNodePrevious(previousNode, source); } static void remapNodeTimesOntoTwinMiddlePath(Node * source, PassageMarkerI path) { PassageMarkerI marker; Node *target; Node *previousNode = getTwinNode(source); Time targetTime; PassageMarkerI limit = getTwinMarker(getPreviousInSequence(path)); Time nodeTime = getNodeTime(getNode(limit)); //velvetLog("Remapping times from twins %ld to %ld\n", getNodeID(previousNode), getNodeID(getNode(limit))); // Revving up marker = path; while (getNode(marker) != source) marker = getNextInSequence(marker); marker = getTwinMarker(marker); // Going down the path while (marker != limit) { marker = getNextInSequence(marker); target = getNode(marker); targetTime = getNodeTime(target); //velvetLog("Through %ld\n", getNodeID(target)); if (targetTime == -1 || targetTime > nodeTime || (targetTime == nodeTime && !isPreviousToNode(target, previousNode))) { setNodeTime(target, nodeTime); getNodeTime(target); setNodePrevious(previousNode, target); } previousNode = target; } } static void remapNodeFibHeapReferencesOntoNode(Node * source, Node * target) { DFibHeapNode *sourceDHeapNode = getNodeDHeapNode(source); DFibHeapNode *targetDHeapNode = getNodeDHeapNode(target); if (sourceDHeapNode == NULL) return; if (targetDHeapNode == NULL) { setNodeDHeapNode(target, sourceDHeapNode); replaceValueInDHeap(sourceDHeapNode, target); } else if (getKey(targetDHeapNode) > getKey(sourceDHeapNode)) { setNodeDHeapNode(target, sourceDHeapNode); replaceValueInDHeap(sourceDHeapNode, target); destroyNodeInDHeap(targetDHeapNode, dheap); } else destroyNodeInDHeap(sourceDHeapNode, dheap); setNodeDHeapNode(source, NULL); } static void remapNodeOntoNeighbour(Node * source, PassageMarkerI sourceMarker, Node * target, PassageMarkerI targetMarker) { //velvetLog("Remapping node %ld onto middle path %ld\n", getNodeID(source), getNodeID(target)); remapNodeMarkersOntoNeighbour(source, sourceMarker, target, targetMarker); remapNodeTimesOntoNeighbour(source, target); remapNodeArcsOntoNeighbour(source, target); remapNodeFibHeapReferencesOntoNode(getTwinNode(source), getTwinNode(target)); remapNodeFibHeapReferencesOntoNode(source, target); if (startingNode == source) startingNode = target; if (startingNode == getTwinNode(source)) startingNode = getTwinNode(target); destroyNode(source, graph); } static void remapBackOfNodeDescriptorOntoNeighbour(Node * source, PassageMarkerI sourceMarker, Node * target, PassageMarkerI targetMarker, boolean slowToFast, Coordinate offset) { //velvetLog("Splitting node descriptor %ld // %ld\n", getNodeLength(source), offset); if (slowToFast) splitNodeDescriptor(source, NULL, offset); else splitNodeDescriptor(source, target, offset); } static void remapBackOfNodeTimesOntoNeighbour(Node * source, Node * target) { Time targetTime = getNodeTime(target); Time nodeTime = getNodeTime(source); Node *twinTarget = getTwinNode(target); Node *twinSource = getTwinNode(source); Node *previous; if (nodeTime != -1) { previous = getNodePrevious(source); if (previous == source) { setNodeTime(target, nodeTime); setNodePrevious(target, target); } else if (targetTime == -1 || targetTime > nodeTime || (targetTime == nodeTime && !isPreviousToNode(target, previous))) { setNodeTime(target, nodeTime); if (previous != getTwinNode(source)) setNodePrevious(previous, target); else setNodePrevious(getTwinNode(target), target); } setNodePrevious(target, source); } targetTime = getNodeTime(twinTarget); nodeTime = getNodeTime(twinSource); if (nodeTime != -1) { if (targetTime == -1 || targetTime > nodeTime || (targetTime == nodeTime && !isPreviousToNode(twinTarget, twinSource))) { setNodeTime(twinTarget, nodeTime); setNodePrevious(twinSource, twinTarget); } } remapNodeInwardReferencesOntoNode(twinSource, twinTarget); } static void remapBackOfNodeOntoNeighbour(Node * source, PassageMarkerI sourceMarker, Node * target, PassageMarkerI targetMarker, boolean slowToFast) { Coordinate offset; //velvetLog("Remapping node %ld onto middle path\n", getNodeID(node)); offset = remapBackOfNodeMarkersOntoNeighbour(source, sourceMarker, target, targetMarker, slowToFast); remapBackOfNodeDescriptorOntoNeighbour(source, sourceMarker, target, targetMarker, slowToFast, offset); remapBackOfNodeTimesOntoNeighbour(source, target); remapBackOfNodeArcsOntoNeighbour(source, target); remapNodeFibHeapReferencesOntoNode(getTwinNode(source), getTwinNode(target)); if (getTwinNode(source) == startingNode) startingNode = getTwinNode(target); } static void remapEmptyPathArcsOntoMiddlePathSimple(PassageMarkerI emptyPath, PassageMarkerI targetPath) { PassageMarkerI pathMarker; Node *start = getNode(getPreviousInSequence(emptyPath)); Node *finish = getNode(emptyPath); Node *previousNode = start; Node *currentNode; Arc *originalArc = getArcBetweenNodes(start, finish, graph); for (pathMarker = targetPath; getNode(pathMarker) != finish; pathMarker = getNextInSequence(pathMarker)) { currentNode = getNode(pathMarker); createAnalogousArc(previousNode, currentNode, originalArc, graph); previousNode = currentNode; } createAnalogousArc(previousNode, finish, originalArc, graph); destroyArc(originalArc, graph); } static void remapEmptyPathMarkersOntoMiddlePathSimple(PassageMarkerI emptyPath, PassageMarkerI targetPath) { PassageMarkerI marker, newMarker, previousMarker, pathMarker; Node *start = getNode(getPreviousInSequence(emptyPath)); Node *finish = getNode(emptyPath); PassageMarkerI oldMarker = getMarker(finish); Coordinate markerStart; IDnum intersectionLength, twinIntersectionLength; ShortReadMarker *intersectionReads = commonNodeReads(start, finish, graph, &intersectionLength); ShortReadMarker *twinIntersectionReads = commonNodeReads(getTwinNode(start), getTwinNode(finish), graph, &twinIntersectionLength); //velvetLog("SIMPLE %ld\t%ld\t%i\t%i\n", markerCount(finish), // getNodeID(finish), arcCount(finish), // arcCount(getTwinNode(finish))); // Destroy link to old nodes setMarker(finish, NULL_IDX); while (oldMarker != NULL_IDX) { marker = oldMarker; oldMarker = getNextInNode(marker); newMarker = getPreviousInSequence(marker); if (getNode(newMarker) != start) { transposePassageMarker(marker, finish); continue; } markerStart = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); for (pathMarker = targetPath; getNode(pathMarker) != finish; pathMarker = getNextInSequence(pathMarker)) { previousMarker = newMarker; newMarker = addUncertainPassageMarker (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker), getNode(pathMarker)); setPassageMarkerStatus(newMarker, getPassageMarkerStatus (marker)); setPassageMarkerStart(newMarker, markerStart); setPassageMarkerFinish(newMarker, markerStart); setNextInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setPreviousInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setStartOffset(newMarker, 0); setFinishOffset(newMarker, 0); } setNextInSequence(newMarker, marker); setPreviousInSequence(newMarker, marker); transposePassageMarker(marker, finish); } if (readStartsAreActivated(graph)) { for (pathMarker = targetPath; getNode(pathMarker) != finish; pathMarker = getNextInSequence(pathMarker)) { // Read starts spreadReadIDs(intersectionReads, intersectionLength, getNode(pathMarker), graph); spreadReadIDs(twinIntersectionReads, twinIntersectionLength, getTwinNode(getNode(pathMarker)), graph); } } free(intersectionReads); free(twinIntersectionReads); } static boolean markerFollowsPath(PassageMarkerI marker, PassageMarkerI start, PassageMarkerI finish, Node * stopNode) { PassageMarkerI current, path; path = start; current = marker; while (true) { if (current == NULL_IDX || path == finish || path == NULL_IDX) return true; if (getNode(current) != getNode(path)) return false; current = getNextInSequence(current); path = getNextInSequence(path); } } static PassageMarkerList *getAnchors(PassageMarkerI marker, Node * nodeA, Node * nodeB) { PassageMarkerI current, next; Node *twinA = getTwinNode(nodeA); Node *twinB = getTwinNode(nodeB); PassageMarkerList *result = NULL; current = marker; while (current != NULL_IDX) { next = getNextInSequence(current); if (getNode(current) == nodeA && getNode(next) == nodeB) { result = newPassageMarkerList(next, result); } if (getNode(current) == twinB && getNode(next) == twinA) { result = newPassageMarkerList(getTwinMarker(current), result); } current = next; } return result; } static void destroyPassageMarkerList(PassageMarkerList ** list) { PassageMarkerList *ptr; while (*list != NULL) { ptr = *list; *list = ptr->next; deallocatePassageMarkerList(ptr); } } static void remapEmptyPathMarkersOntoMiddlePathDevious(PassageMarkerI emptyPath, PassageMarkerI targetPath) { PassageMarkerI marker, newMarker, previousMarker, pathMarker; Node *start = getNode(getPreviousInSequence(emptyPath)); Node *finish = getNode(emptyPath); PassageMarkerList *anchors = getAnchors(targetPath, start, finish); PassageMarkerList *currentAnchor; boolean untouchable = false; Coordinate markerStart; velvetLog("DEVIOUS %li\t%li\t%li\t%li\n", (long) markerCount(finish), (long) getNodeID(finish), (long) arcCount(finish), (long) arcCount(getTwinNode(finish))); for (marker = getMarker(finish); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { newMarker = getPreviousInSequence(marker); if (getNode(newMarker) != start) continue; for (currentAnchor = anchors; currentAnchor != NULL; currentAnchor = currentAnchor->next) if (markerFollowsPath (marker, currentAnchor->marker, targetPath, finish)) { untouchable = true; break; } if (untouchable) continue; markerStart = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); for (pathMarker = targetPath; getNode(pathMarker) != finish; pathMarker = getNextInSequence(pathMarker)) { previousMarker = newMarker; newMarker = addUncertainPassageMarker (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker), getNode(pathMarker)); setPassageMarkerStatus(newMarker, getPassageMarkerStatus (marker)); setPassageMarkerStart(newMarker, markerStart); setPassageMarkerFinish(newMarker, markerStart); setNextInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setPreviousInSequence(previousMarker, newMarker); setStartOffset(newMarker, 0); setFinishOffset(newMarker, 0); } setNextInSequence(newMarker, marker); setPreviousInSequence(newMarker, marker); } destroyPassageMarkerList(&anchors); } static boolean markerLeadsToArc(PassageMarkerI marker, Node * nodeA, Node * nodeB) { PassageMarkerI current, next; Node *twinA = getTwinNode(nodeA); Node *twinB = getTwinNode(nodeB); current = marker; while (current != NULL_IDX) { next = getNextInSequence(current); if (getNode(current) == nodeA && getNode(next) == nodeB) return true; if (getNode(current) == twinB && getNode(next) == twinA) return true; current = next; } return false; } static void remapEmptyPathOntoMiddlePath(PassageMarkerI emptyPath, PassageMarkerI targetPath) { Node *start = getNode(getPreviousInSequence(emptyPath)); Node *finish = getNode(emptyPath); // Remapping markers if (!markerLeadsToArc(targetPath, start, finish)) { remapEmptyPathArcsOntoMiddlePathSimple(emptyPath, targetPath); remapEmptyPathMarkersOntoMiddlePathSimple(emptyPath, targetPath); } else { remapEmptyPathMarkersOntoMiddlePathDevious(emptyPath, targetPath); } //Remap times and previous(if necessary) if (getNodePrevious(finish) == start) remapNodeTimesOntoForwardMiddlePath(finish, targetPath); if (getNodePrevious(getTwinNode(start)) == getTwinNode(finish)) remapNodeTimesOntoTwinMiddlePath(finish, targetPath); } static void reduceSlowNodes(PassageMarkerI slowMarker, Node * finish) { PassageMarkerI marker; for (marker = slowMarker; getNode(marker) != finish; marker = getNextInSequence(marker)) { reduceNode(getNode(marker)); } } static void destroyPaths() { PassageMarkerI marker; while (slowPath != NULL_IDX) { marker = slowPath; slowPath = getNextInSequence(marker); destroyPassageMarker(marker); } while (fastPath != NULL_IDX) { marker = fastPath; fastPath = getNextInSequence(marker); destroyPassageMarker(marker); } } static Coordinate mapDistancesOntoPaths() { PassageMarkerI marker; Coordinate totalDistance = 0; marker = slowPath; while (!isTerminal(marker)) { marker = getNextInSequence(marker); setPassageMarkerStart(marker, totalDistance); totalDistance += getNodeLength(getNode(marker)); setPassageMarkerFinish(marker, totalDistance); } totalDistance = 0; marker = fastPath; while (!isTerminal(marker)) { marker = getNextInSequence(marker); setPassageMarkerStart(marker, totalDistance); totalDistance += getNodeLength(getNode(marker)); setPassageMarkerFinish(marker, totalDistance); } return totalDistance; } static boolean markerLeadsToNode(PassageMarkerI marker, Node * node) { PassageMarkerI currentMarker; for (currentMarker = marker; currentMarker != NULL_IDX; currentMarker = getNextInSequence(currentMarker)) if (getNode(currentMarker) == node) return true; return false; } static void transferNodeData(Node * source, Node * target) { Arc *arc; Node *twinSource = getTwinNode(source); Node *twinTarget = getTwinNode(target); Node *destination; // Time & Outward references if (getNodePrevious(source) == source) { setNodeTime(target, getNodeTime(source)); setNodePrevious(target, target); } if (getNodeTime(twinSource) == -1); else if (getNodePrevious(twinSource) == twinSource) { setNodeTime(twinTarget, getNodeTime(twinSource)); setNodePrevious(twinTarget, twinTarget); } else if (getNodeTime(twinTarget) == -1 || getNodeTime(twinSource) < getNodeTime(twinTarget) || (getNodeTime(twinSource) == getNodeTime(twinTarget) && !isPreviousToNode(twinTarget, twinSource))) { setNodeTime(twinTarget, getNodeTime(twinSource)); setNodePrevious(getNodePrevious(twinSource), twinTarget); } if (getNodePrevious(twinTarget) == source) setNodePrevious(target, twinTarget); // Inward references: for (arc = getArc(source); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) { destination = getDestination(arc); if (getNodePrevious(destination) == source) setNodePrevious(target, destination); } // Fib Heap refs remapNodeFibHeapReferencesOntoNode(source, target); remapNodeFibHeapReferencesOntoNode(twinSource, twinTarget); // Starting point if (startingNode == source) startingNode = target; else if (startingNode == twinSource) startingNode = twinTarget; if (getNode(slowPath) == twinSource) slowPath = getNextInSequence(slowPath); if (getNode(fastPath) == twinSource) fastPath = getNextInSequence(fastPath); // Next node if (source == activeNode) { activeNode = target; todo = &todoLists[getNodeID(activeNode) + nodeCount(graph)]; } concatenateTodoLists(target, source); if (twinSource == activeNode) { activeNode = twinTarget; todo = &todoLists[getNodeID(activeNode) + nodeCount(graph)]; } } // Replaces two consecutive nodes into a single equivalent node // The extra memory is freed static void concatenateNodesAndVaccinate(Node * nodeA, Node * nodeB, Graph * graph) { PassageMarkerI marker, tmpMarker; Node *twinA = getTwinNode(nodeA); Node *twinB = getTwinNode(nodeB); Arc *arc; //velvetLog("Concatenating nodes %ld and %ld\n", getNodeID(nodeA), getNodeID(nodeB)); // Arc management: // Freeing useless arcs while (getArc(nodeA) != NULL) destroyArc(getArc(nodeA), graph); // Correct arcs for (arc = getArc(nodeB); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) { if (getDestination(arc) != twinB) createAnalogousArc(nodeA, getDestination(arc), arc, graph); else createAnalogousArc(nodeA, twinA, arc, graph); } // Passage marker management in node A: for (marker = getMarker(nodeA); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (isTerminal(marker)) incrementFinishOffset(marker, getNodeLength(nodeB)); // Swapping new born passageMarkers from B to A for (marker = getMarker(nodeB); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = tmpMarker) { tmpMarker = getNextInNode(marker); if (isInitial(marker)) { extractPassageMarker(marker); transposePassageMarker(marker, nodeA); incrementStartOffset(marker, getNodeLength(nodeA)); } else disconnectNextPassageMarker(getPreviousInSequence (marker), graph); } // Read starts concatenateReadStarts(nodeA, nodeB, graph); // Descriptor management appendDescriptors(nodeA, nodeB); // Update uniqueness: setUniqueness(nodeA, getUniqueness(nodeA) || getUniqueness(nodeB)); #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT Category cat; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { // Update virtual coverage incrementVirtualCoverage(nodeA, cat, getVirtualCoverage(nodeB, cat)); // Update virtual coverage incrementOriginalVirtualCoverage(nodeA, cat, getOriginalVirtualCoverage(nodeB, cat)); } #else incrementVirtualCoverage(nodeA, getVirtualCoverage(nodeB)); #endif // Freeing gobbled node destroyNode(nodeB, graph); } static void simplifyNode(Node * node) { Node *twin = getTwinNode(node); Node *destination, *twinDestination; if (!hasSingleArc(node)) return; destination = getDestination(getArc(node)); twinDestination = getTwinNode(destination); while (hasSingleArc(node) && hasSingleArc(twinDestination) && destination != twin && destination != node) { transferNodeData(destination, node); concatenateNodesAndVaccinate(node, destination, graph); if (!hasSingleArc(node)) return; destination = getDestination(getArc(node)); twinDestination = getTwinNode(destination); } } static void concatenatePathNodes(PassageMarkerI pathStart) { PassageMarkerI pathMarker; //velvetLog("Removing null loops\n"); for (pathMarker = pathStart; pathMarker != NULL_IDX; pathMarker = getNextInSequence(pathMarker)) { simplifyNode(getNode(pathMarker)); } } #define SLOW_TO_FAST true #define FAST_TO_SLOW false static void cleanUpRedundancy() { PassageMarkerI slowMarker = getNextInSequence(slowPath); PassageMarkerI fastMarker = getNextInSequence(fastPath); Coordinate slowLength, fastLength; Coordinate fastConstraint = 0; Coordinate slowConstraint = 0; Coordinate finalLength; Node *slowNode, *fastNode; //velvetLog("Correcting new redundancy\n"); mapSlowOntoFast(); finalLength = mapDistancesOntoPaths(); while (slowMarker != NULL_IDX && fastMarker != NULL_IDX) { if (isTerminal(slowMarker)) slowLength = finalLength; else { slowLength = slowToFastMapping[getPassageMarkerFinish (slowMarker) - 1]; if (slowLength < slowConstraint) slowLength = slowConstraint; } fastLength = getPassageMarkerFinish(fastMarker) - 1; if (fastLength < fastConstraint) fastLength = fastConstraint; slowNode = getNode(slowMarker); fastNode = getNode(fastMarker); if (slowNode == fastNode) { if (fastLength > slowLength) slowConstraint = fastLength; else if (fastLength < slowLength) fastConstraint = slowLength; slowMarker = getNextInSequence(slowMarker); fastMarker = getNextInSequence(fastMarker); } else if (slowNode == getTwinNode(fastNode)) { if (fastLength > slowLength) slowConstraint = fastLength; else if (fastLength < slowLength) fastConstraint = slowLength; slowMarker = getNextInSequence(slowMarker); fastMarker = getNextInSequence(fastMarker); foldSymmetricalNode(fastNode); } else if (markerLeadsToNode(slowMarker, fastNode)) { reduceSlowNodes(slowMarker, fastNode); remapEmptyPathOntoMiddlePath(fastMarker, slowMarker); while (getNode(slowMarker) != fastNode) slowMarker = getNextInSequence(slowMarker); } else if (markerLeadsToNode(fastMarker, slowNode)) { remapEmptyPathOntoMiddlePath(slowMarker, fastMarker); while (getNode(fastMarker) != slowNode) fastMarker = getNextInSequence(fastMarker); } else if (slowLength == fastLength) { remapNodeOntoNeighbour(slowNode, slowMarker, fastNode, fastMarker); slowMarker = getNextInSequence(slowMarker); fastMarker = getNextInSequence(fastMarker); } else if (slowLength < fastLength) { remapBackOfNodeOntoNeighbour(fastNode, fastMarker, slowNode, slowMarker, FAST_TO_SLOW); slowMarker = getNextInSequence(slowMarker); } else { remapBackOfNodeOntoNeighbour(slowNode, slowMarker, fastNode, fastMarker, SLOW_TO_FAST); fastMarker = getNextInSequence(fastMarker); } fflush(stdout); } //velvetLog("Done with path\n"); while (!isInitial(slowPath)) slowPath = getPreviousInSequence(slowPath); while (!isInitial(fastPath)) fastPath = getPreviousInSequence(fastPath); //velvetLog("Concatenation\n"); // Freeing up memory if (slowMarker != NULL_IDX) concatenatePathNodes(slowPath); else concatenatePathNodes(fastPath); //velvetLog("Vaccinatting\n"); destroyPaths(); // Cleaning up silly structures //vaccinatePath(&returnValue); //velvetLog("Clean up done\n"); //fflush(stdout); } static boolean pathContainsReference(PassageMarkerI path) { PassageMarkerI marker, marker2; for (marker = getNextInSequence(path); !isTerminal(marker); marker = getNextInSequence(marker)) for (marker2 = getMarker(getNode(marker)); marker2 != NULL_IDX; marker2 = getNextInNode(marker2)) if (marker2 != marker && sequenceCategories[getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker2) - 1] == REFERENCE) return true; return false; } static void comparePaths(Node * destination, Node * origin) { IDnum slowLength, fastLength; Node *fastNode, *slowNode; IDnum i; PassageMarkerI marker; //Measure lengths slowLength = fastLength = 0; fastNode = destination; slowNode = origin; while (fastNode != slowNode) { if (getNodeTime(fastNode) > getNodeTime(slowNode)) { fastLength++; fastNode = getNodePrevious(fastNode); } else if (getNodeTime(fastNode) < getNodeTime(slowNode)) { slowLength++; slowNode = getNodePrevious(slowNode); } else if (isPreviousToNode(slowNode, fastNode)) { while (fastNode != slowNode) { fastLength++; fastNode = getNodePrevious(fastNode); } } else if (isPreviousToNode(fastNode, slowNode)) { while (slowNode != fastNode) { slowLength++; slowNode = getNodePrevious(slowNode); } } else { fastLength++; fastNode = getNodePrevious(fastNode); slowLength++; slowNode = getNodePrevious(slowNode); } if (slowLength > MAXNODELENGTH || fastLength > MAXNODELENGTH) return; } if (fastLength == 0) return; //Backtracking to record actual paths fastPath = addUncertainPassageMarker(1, destination); setPassageMarkerStatus(fastPath, true); for (i = 0; i < fastLength; i++) { marker = addUncertainPassageMarker(1, getNodePrevious(getNode (fastPath))); setPassageMarkerStatus(marker, true); connectPassageMarkers(marker, fastPath, graph); fastPath = marker; } slowPath = addUncertainPassageMarker(2, destination); setPassageMarkerStatus(slowPath, true); marker = addUncertainPassageMarker(2, origin); setPassageMarkerStatus(marker, true); connectPassageMarkers(marker, slowPath, graph); slowPath = marker; for (i = 0; i < slowLength; i++) { marker = addUncertainPassageMarker(2, getNodePrevious(getNode (slowPath))); setPassageMarkerStatus(marker, true); connectPassageMarkers(marker, slowPath, graph); slowPath = marker; } // Avoid merging parallel Reference sequences if (pathContainsReference(fastPath) && pathContainsReference(slowPath)) { destroyPaths(); return; } //Extract sequences if (!extractSequence(fastPath, fastSequence) || !extractSequence(slowPath, slowSequence)) { destroyPaths(); return; } //Compare sequences if (compareSequences(fastSequence, slowSequence)) { cleanUpRedundancy(); return; } //velvetLog("\tFinished comparing paths, changes made\n"); destroyPaths(); } static void tourBusArc(Node * origin, Arc * arc, Time originTime) { Node *destination = getDestination(arc); Time arcTime, totalTime, destinationTime; IDnum nodeIndex = getNodeID(destination) + nodeCount(graph); Node *oldPrevious = previous[nodeIndex]; if (oldPrevious == origin || getNodeStatus(destination) == 1) return; arcTime = ((Time) getNodeLength(origin)) / ((Time) getMultiplicity(arc)); totalTime = originTime + arcTime; destinationTime = times[nodeIndex]; if (destinationTime == -1) { setNodeTime(destination, totalTime); dheapNodes[nodeIndex] = insertNodeIntoDHeap(dheap, totalTime, destination); previous[nodeIndex] = origin; return; } else if (destinationTime > totalTime) { if (dheapNodes[nodeIndex] == NULL) { //velvetLog("Already expanded though\n"); return; } setNodeTime(destination, totalTime); replaceKeyInDHeap(dheap, dheapNodes[nodeIndex], totalTime); previous[nodeIndex] = origin; comparePaths(destination, oldPrevious); return; } else { if (destinationTime == getNodeTime(origin) && isPreviousToNode(destination, origin)) { return; } comparePaths(destination, origin); } } static void initializeTodoLists() { IDnum index; Node *node; Arc *arc; Ticket *tkt; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); Ticket **currentList; Ticket *currentTicket, *tmp; Node *destination; velvetLog("Initializing todo lists\n"); for (index = -nodes; index <= nodes; index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node == NULL) continue; currentList = &todoLists[index + nodes]; *currentList = NULL; for (arc = getArc(node); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) { destination = getDestination(arc); if (destination == node) continue; tkt = newTicket(); tkt->id_a = getNodeID(destination); currentTicket = *currentList; if (currentTicket == NULL || currentTicket->id_a > tkt->id_a) { tkt->next = currentTicket; *currentList = tkt; continue; } while (currentTicket->next != NULL && currentTicket->next->id_a < tkt->id_a) currentTicket = currentTicket->next; tmp = currentTicket->next; currentTicket->next = tkt; tkt->next = tmp; } } velvetLog("Done with initilization\n"); } static void tourBusNode(Node * node) { Arc *arc; Node *destination; Time nodeTime = getNodeTime(node); IDnum id; dbgCounter++; if (dbgCounter % 10000 == 0) { velvetLog("%li / %li nodes visited\n", (long) dbgCounter, (long) nodeCount(graph)); fflush(stdout); } setSingleNodeStatus(node, 2); activeNode = node; todo = &todoLists[getNodeID(activeNode) + nodeCount(graph)]; done = NULL; while ((id = nextTodoTicket()) != 0) { destination = getNodeInGraph(graph, id); // Node doesn't exist anymore if (destination == NULL) continue; arc = getArcBetweenNodes(activeNode, destination, graph); // Arc does not exist for some reason (?) if (arc == NULL) continue; tourBusArc(activeNode, arc, nodeTime); } freeDoneTickets(); } static Coordinate getTipLength(Node * node) { Node *current = getTwinNode(node); Coordinate length = 0; if (simpleArcCount(current) > 1) return getNodeLength(node); while (current != NULL && simpleArcCount(getTwinNode(current)) < 2 && simpleArcCount(current) < 2) { length += getNodeLength(current); current = getDestination(getArc(current)); } return length; } void clipTipsHard(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; Node *current, *twin; boolean modified = true; int Wordlength = getWordLength(graph); PassageMarkerI marker; velvetLog("Clipping short tips off graph, drastic\n"); while (modified) { modified = false; for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { current = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (current == NULL) continue; twin = getTwinNode(current); if (getArc(current) == NULL && getTipLength(current) < 2 * Wordlength) { while ((marker = getMarker(current))) { if (!isInitial(marker) && !isTerminal(marker)) deleteNextPassageMarker (getPreviousInSequence (marker), graph); destroyPassageMarker(marker); } destroyNode(current, graph); modified = true; } else if (getArc(twin) == NULL && getTipLength(twin) < 2 * Wordlength) { while ((marker = getMarker(current))) { if (!isInitial(marker) && !isTerminal(marker)) deleteNextPassageMarker (getPreviousInSequence (marker), graph); destroyPassageMarker(marker); } destroyNode(twin, graph); modified = true; } } } concatenateGraph(graph); velvetLog("%li nodes left\n", (long) nodeCount(graph)); } static void tourBus(Node * startingPoint) { Node *currentNode = startingPoint; IDnum nodeID = getNodeID(startingPoint) + nodeCount(graph); //velvetLog("Tour bus from node %ld...\n", (long) getNodeID(startingPoint)); times[nodeID] = 0; previous[nodeID] = currentNode; while (currentNode != NULL) { dheapNodes[getNodeID(currentNode) + nodeCount(graph)] = NULL; tourBusNode(currentNode); currentNode = removeNextNodeFromDHeap(dheap); } } void correctGraph(Graph * argGraph, ShortLength * argSequenceLengths, Category * argSequenceCategories) { IDnum nodes; IDnum index; double *FmatrixMem; //Setting global params graph = argGraph; WORDLENGTH = getWordLength(graph); sequenceLengths = argSequenceLengths; sequenceCategories = argSequenceCategories; dbgCounter = 0; // Done with global params velvetLog("Correcting graph with cutoff %f\n", MAXDIVERGENCE); nodes = nodeCount(graph); // Allocating memory times = mallocOrExit(2 * nodes + 1, Time); previous = mallocOrExit(2 * nodes + 1, Node *); dheapNodes = mallocOrExit(2 * nodes + 1, DFibHeapNode *); for (index = 0; index < (2 * nodeCount(graph) + 1); index++) { times[index] = -1; previous[index] = NULL; dheapNodes[index] = NULL; } dheap = newDFibHeap(); fastSequence = newTightString(MAXREADLENGTH); slowSequence = newTightString(MAXREADLENGTH); fastToSlowMapping = callocOrExit(MAXREADLENGTH + 1, Coordinate); slowToFastMapping = callocOrExit(MAXREADLENGTH + 1, Coordinate); Fmatrix = mallocOrExit(MAXREADLENGTH + 1, double *); FmatrixMem = callocOrExit((MAXREADLENGTH + 1) * (MAXREADLENGTH + 1), double); for (index = 0; index < MAXREADLENGTH + 1; index++) Fmatrix[index] = FmatrixMem + index * (MAXREADLENGTH + 1); eligibleStartingPoints = mallocOrExit(2 * nodes + 1, IDnum); progressStatus = callocOrExit(2 * nodes + 1, boolean); todoLists = callocOrExit(2 * nodes + 1, Ticket *); //Done with memory resetNodeStatus(graph); determineEligibleStartingPoints(); initializeTodoLists(); activateArcLookupTable(graph); while ((startingNode = nextStartingPoint()) != NULL) { //velvetLog("Going through the cycle...\n"); tourBus(startingNode); updateNodeStatus(startingNode); } deactivateArcLookupTable(graph); concatenateGraph(graph); clipTipsHard(graph); //Deallocating globals free(times); free(previous); free(dheapNodes); destroyDHeap(dheap); destroyTightString(fastSequence); destroyTightString(slowSequence); free(fastToSlowMapping); free(slowToFastMapping); free(Fmatrix); free(FmatrixMem); free(eligibleStartingPoints); free(progressStatus); free(todoLists); if (ticketMemory != NULL) destroyRecycleBin(ticketMemory); free(sequenceLengths); //Done deallocating } void setMaxReadLength(int value) { if (value < 0) { velvetLog("Negative branch length %i!\n", value); velvetLog("Exiting...\n"); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } MAXREADLENGTH = value; MAXNODELENGTH = 2 * value; } void setMaxGaps(int value) { if (value < 0) { velvetLog("Negative max gap count %i!\n", value); velvetLog("Exiting...\n"); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } MAXGAPS = value; } void setMaxDivergence(double value) { if (value < 0 || value > 1) { velvetLog("Divergence rate %lf out of bounds [0,1]!\n", value); velvetLog("Exiting...\n"); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } MAXDIVERGENCE = value; }