/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "graph.h" #include "recycleBin.h" #include "tightString.h" #include "passageMarker.h" #include "utility.h" #include "kmer.h" struct arc_st { Arc *twinArc; // 64 Arc *next; // 64 Arc *previous; // 64 Arc *nextInLookupTable; // 64 Node *destination; // 64 IDnum multiplicity; // 32 } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; // 352 Total struct node_st { Node *twinNode; // 64 Arc *arc; // 64 Descriptor *descriptor; // 64 PassageMarkerI marker; // 32 IDnum length; // 32 #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT IDnum virtualCoverage[CATEGORIES]; // 32 * 2 IDnum originalVirtualCoverage[CATEGORIES]; // 32 * 2 #else IDnum virtualCoverage; // 32 * 2 #endif IDnum ID; // 32 IDnum arcCount; // 32 boolean status; // 1 boolean uniqueness; // 1 } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; // 418 Total struct shortReadMarker_st { IDnum position; IDnum readID; ShortLength offset; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; struct gapMarker_st { GapMarker *next; IDnum position; IDnum length; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; struct graph_st { Node **nodes; Arc **arcLookupTable; ShortReadMarker **nodeReads; IDnum *nodeReadCounts; GapMarker **gapMarkers; Coordinate insertLengths[CATEGORIES + 1]; double insertLengths_var[CATEGORIES + 1]; IDnum sequenceCount; IDnum nodeCount; int wordLength; boolean double_stranded; }; static RecycleBin *arcMemory = NULL; static RecycleBin *nodeMemory = NULL; static RecycleBin *gapMarkerMemory = NULL; #define BLOCKSIZE 50 #define GAPBLOCKSIZE 10000 Arc *allocateArc() { if (arcMemory == NULL) arcMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(Arc), BLOCKSIZE); return (Arc*)allocatePointer(arcMemory); } void deallocateArc(Arc * arc) { deallocatePointer(arcMemory, arc); } Node *allocateNode() { if (nodeMemory == NULL) nodeMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(Node), BLOCKSIZE); return (Node *) allocatePointer(nodeMemory); } void deallocateNode(Node * node) { deallocatePointer(nodeMemory, node); } // Returns the twin node of a given node Node *getTwinNode(Node * node) { return node->twinNode; } // Inserts new passage marker in the marker list of destination node void insertPassageMarker(PassageMarkerI marker, Node * destination) { setTopOfTheNode(marker); setNextInNode(marker, destination->marker); destination->marker = marker; } // Returns the length of the node's descriptor list Coordinate getNodeLength(Node * node) { return node->length; } // Returns the number of nodes in the graph IDnum nodeCount(Graph * graph) { return graph->nodeCount; } // returns the number of sequences used to buid the graph IDnum sequenceCount(Graph * graph) { return graph->sequenceCount; } // Creates an arc from node origin to node destination. // If this arc already exists, increments its multiplicity by 1. Arc *createArc(Node * originNode, Node * destinationNode, Graph * graph) { Arc *arc, *twinArc; Node *destinationTwin; IDnum lookupIndex; if (originNode == NULL || destinationNode == NULL) return NULL; // velvetLog("Connecting nodes %i -> %i\n", originNode->ID, destinationNode->ID); arc = getArcBetweenNodes(originNode, destinationNode, graph); if (arc != NULL) { arc->multiplicity++; arc->twinArc->multiplicity++; return arc; } // If not found #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical #endif arc = allocateArc(); arc->destination = destinationNode; arc->multiplicity = 1; arc->previous = NULL; arc->next = originNode->arc; if (originNode->arc != NULL) originNode->arc->previous = arc; originNode->arc = arc; originNode->arcCount++; destinationTwin = destinationNode->twinNode; // Hairpin case if (destinationTwin == originNode) { arc->multiplicity++; arc->twinArc = arc; if (graph->arcLookupTable != NULL) { lookupIndex = 2 * originNode->ID + destinationNode->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; arc->nextInLookupTable = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = arc; } return arc; } #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical #endif twinArc = allocateArc(); twinArc->destination = originNode->twinNode; twinArc->multiplicity = 1; twinArc->previous = NULL; twinArc->next = destinationTwin->arc; if (destinationTwin->arc != NULL) destinationTwin->arc->previous = twinArc; destinationTwin->arc = twinArc; destinationTwin->arcCount++; arc->twinArc = twinArc; twinArc->twinArc = arc; if (graph->arcLookupTable != NULL) { lookupIndex = 2 * originNode->ID + destinationNode->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; arc->nextInLookupTable = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = arc; lookupIndex = -2 * destinationNode->ID - originNode->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; twinArc->nextInLookupTable = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = twinArc; } return arc; } void createAnalogousArc(Node * originNode, Node * destinationNode, Arc * refArc, Graph * graph) { Arc *arc, *twinArc; Node *destinationTwin; IDnum lookupIndex; if (originNode == NULL || destinationNode == NULL) return; // velvetLog("Connecting nodes %i -> %i\n", originNode->ID, destinationNode->ID); arc = getArcBetweenNodes(originNode, destinationNode, graph); if (arc != NULL) { if (refArc->twinArc != refArc) { arc->multiplicity += getMultiplicity(refArc); arc->twinArc->multiplicity += getMultiplicity(refArc); } else { arc->multiplicity += getMultiplicity(refArc) / 2; arc->twinArc->multiplicity += getMultiplicity(refArc) / 2; } return; } // If not found arc = allocateArc(); arc->destination = destinationNode; arc->multiplicity = getMultiplicity(refArc); arc->previous = NULL; arc->next = originNode->arc; if (originNode->arc != NULL) originNode->arc->previous = arc; originNode->arc = arc; originNode->arcCount++; destinationTwin = destinationNode->twinNode; // Hairpin case if (destinationTwin == originNode) { arc->twinArc = arc; if (refArc->twinArc != refArc) arc->multiplicity *= 2; if (graph->arcLookupTable != NULL) { lookupIndex = 2 * originNode->ID + destinationNode->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; arc->nextInLookupTable = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = arc; } return; } twinArc = allocateArc(); twinArc->destination = originNode->twinNode; twinArc->multiplicity = getMultiplicity(refArc); twinArc->previous = NULL; twinArc->next = destinationTwin->arc; if (destinationTwin->arc != NULL) destinationTwin->arc->previous = twinArc; destinationTwin->arc = twinArc; destinationTwin->arcCount++; arc->twinArc = twinArc; twinArc->twinArc = arc; if (graph->arcLookupTable != NULL) { lookupIndex = 2 * originNode->ID + destinationNode->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; arc->nextInLookupTable = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = arc; lookupIndex = -2 * destinationNode->ID - originNode->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; twinArc->nextInLookupTable = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = twinArc; } } Arc *getArcBetweenNodes(Node * originNode, Node * destinationNode, Graph * graph) { Arc *arc; Node *twinDestination, *twinOrigin; if (originNode == NULL || destinationNode == NULL) return NULL; if (graph->arcLookupTable != NULL) { for (arc = graph->arcLookupTable[2 * originNode->ID + destinationNode->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount]; arc != NULL; arc = arc->nextInLookupTable) { if (arc->destination == destinationNode) { return arc; } } return NULL; } twinDestination = destinationNode->twinNode; if (originNode->arcCount <= twinDestination->arcCount) { for (arc = originNode->arc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->next) if (arc->destination == destinationNode) return arc; return NULL; } twinOrigin = originNode->twinNode; for (arc = twinDestination->arc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->next) if (arc->destination == twinOrigin) return arc->twinArc; return NULL; } void destroyArc(Arc * arc, Graph * graph) { Node *origin, *destination; Arc *twinArc; Arc *currentArc; IDnum lookupIndex; if (arc == NULL) return; twinArc = arc->twinArc; origin = twinArc->destination->twinNode; destination = arc->destination->twinNode; //velvetLog("Destroying arc %p\n", arc); // Removing arc from list if (origin->arc == arc) { origin->arc = arc->next; if (origin->arc != NULL) origin->arc->previous = NULL; } else { arc->previous->next = arc->previous->next; arc->next = arc->next; arc->previous->next = arc->next; if (arc->next != NULL) arc->next->previous = arc->previous; } origin->arcCount--; if (destination == origin) { if (graph->arcLookupTable != NULL) { lookupIndex = 2 * origin->ID - destination->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; currentArc = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; if (currentArc == arc) graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = arc->nextInLookupTable; else { while (currentArc->nextInLookupTable != arc) currentArc = currentArc->nextInLookupTable; currentArc->nextInLookupTable = twinArc->nextInLookupTable; } } deallocateArc(arc); return; } // Removing arc's twin from list if (destination->arc == twinArc) { destination->arc = twinArc->next; if (destination->arc != NULL) destination->arc->previous = NULL; } else { twinArc->previous->next = twinArc->next; if (twinArc->next != NULL) twinArc->next->previous = twinArc->previous; } destination->arcCount--; if (graph->arcLookupTable != NULL) { lookupIndex = 2 * origin->ID - destination->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; currentArc = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; if (currentArc == arc) graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = arc->nextInLookupTable; else { while (currentArc->nextInLookupTable != arc) currentArc = currentArc->nextInLookupTable; currentArc->nextInLookupTable = arc->nextInLookupTable; } lookupIndex = 2 * destination->ID - origin->ID + 3 * graph->nodeCount; currentArc = graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex]; if (currentArc == twinArc) graph->arcLookupTable[lookupIndex] = twinArc->nextInLookupTable; else { while (currentArc->nextInLookupTable != twinArc) currentArc = currentArc->nextInLookupTable; currentArc->nextInLookupTable = twinArc->nextInLookupTable; } } // Freeing memory deallocateArc(arc); deallocateArc(twinArc); } void destroyNode(Node * node, Graph * graph) { Node *twin = node->twinNode; IDnum ID = node->ID; IDnum index; //velvetLog("Destroying %d\n and twin %d\n", getNodeID(node), getNodeID(twin)); if (ID < 0) ID = -ID; // Node arcs: while (node->arc != NULL) destroyArc(node->arc, graph); while (twin->arc != NULL) destroyArc(twin->arc, graph); // Descriptors free(node->descriptor); free(twin->descriptor); // Passage markers while (node->marker != NULL_IDX) destroyPassageMarker(node->marker); // Reads starts if (graph->nodeReads != NULL) { index = ID + graph->nodeCount; free(graph->nodeReads[index]); graph->nodeReads[index] = NULL; graph->nodeReadCounts[index] = 0; index = -ID + graph->nodeCount; free(graph->nodeReads[index]); graph->nodeReads[index] = NULL; graph->nodeReadCounts[index] = 0; } graph->nodes[ID] = NULL; deallocateNode(node); deallocateNode(twin); } int outDegree(Node * node) { int result = 0; Arc *arc = node->arc; while (arc != NULL) { result += arc->multiplicity; arc = arc->next; } return result; } int simpleArcCount(Node * node) { return node->arcCount; } int arcCount(Node * node) { int result = 0; Arc *arc; if (node == NULL) return result; arc = node->arc; while (arc != NULL) { result++; if (arc->destination == node->twinNode) result++; arc = arc->next; } return result; } static Nucleotide getNucleotideInDescriptor(Descriptor * descriptor, Coordinate i) { Descriptor *fourMer = descriptor + i / 4; switch (i % 4) { case 0: return (*fourMer & 3); case 1: return (*fourMer & 12) >> 2; case 2: return (*fourMer & 48) >> 4; case 3: return (*fourMer & 192) >> 6; } return 0; } Nucleotide getNucleotideInNode(Node * node, Coordinate index) { return getNucleotideInDescriptor(node->descriptor, index); } PassageMarkerI getMarker(Node * node) { return node->marker; } void setMarker(Node * node, PassageMarkerI marker) { if (node == NULL) return; if (marker == NULL_IDX) { node->marker = NULL_IDX; node->twinNode->marker = NULL_IDX; return; } node->marker = marker; setTopOfTheNode(marker); node->twinNode->marker = getTwinMarker(marker); setTopOfTheNode(getTwinMarker(marker)); } void setNodeStatus(Node * node, boolean status) { node->status = status; node->twinNode->status = status; } void setSingleNodeStatus(Node * node, boolean status) { node->status = status; } boolean getNodeStatus(Node * node) { if (node == NULL) return false; return node->status; } IDnum getNodeID(Node * node) { if (node == NULL) return 0; return node->ID; } void resetNodeStatus(Graph * graph) { IDnum nodeIndex; Node *node; for (nodeIndex = 1; nodeIndex <= graph->nodeCount; nodeIndex++) { node = graph->nodes[nodeIndex]; if (node == NULL) continue; node->status = false; node->twinNode->status = false; } } Node *getNodeInGraph(Graph * graph, IDnum nodeID) { if (nodeID == 0) return NULL; else if (nodeID > 0) return graph->nodes[nodeID]; else if (graph->nodes[-nodeID] == NULL) return NULL; else return graph->nodes[-nodeID]->twinNode; } Arc *getArc(Node * node) { return node->arc; } Arc *getNextArc(Arc * arc) { return arc->next; } IDnum getMultiplicity(Arc * arc) { if (arc == NULL) return 0; return arc->multiplicity; } Node *getOrigin(Arc * arc) { if (arc == NULL) return NULL; return arc->twinArc->destination->twinNode; } Node *getDestination(Arc * arc) { if (arc == NULL) return NULL; return arc->destination; } IDnum markerCount(Node * node) { IDnum count = 0; PassageMarkerI marker; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) count++; return count; } void appendNodeSequence(Node * node, TightString * sequence, Coordinate writeIndex) { Coordinate i; Nucleotide nucleotide; //velvetLog("Getting sequence from node %d of length %d (%d)\n", getNodeID(node), getNodeLength(node), getLength(nodeLabel)); for (i = 0; i < getNodeLength(node); i++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(node->descriptor, i); writeNucleotideAtPosition(nucleotide, i + writeIndex, sequence); } } static void writeNucleotideInDescriptor(Nucleotide nucleotide, Descriptor * descriptor, Coordinate i) { Descriptor *fourMer = descriptor + i / 4; switch (i % 4) { case 3: *fourMer &= 63; *fourMer += nucleotide << 6; return; case 2: *fourMer &= 207; *fourMer += nucleotide << 4; return; case 1: *fourMer &= 243; *fourMer += nucleotide << 2; return; case 0: *fourMer &= 252; *fourMer += nucleotide; } } static inline Descriptor *mergeDescriptors(Descriptor * descr, Coordinate destinationLength, Descriptor * copy, Coordinate sourceLength, size_t arrayLength) { Descriptor *readPtr, *writePtr; Descriptor readCopy; int readOffset, writeOffset; Descriptor *_new = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); Coordinate index; readPtr = descr; readCopy = *readPtr; writePtr = _new; writeOffset = 0; for (index = 0; index < destinationLength; index++) { (*writePtr) >>= 2; (*writePtr) += (readCopy & 3) << 6; readCopy >>= 2; writeOffset++; if (writeOffset == 4) { writePtr++; readPtr++; if (index < destinationLength - 1) readCopy = *readPtr; writeOffset = 0; } } readPtr = copy; readCopy = *readPtr; readOffset = 0; for (index = 0; index < sourceLength; index++) { (*writePtr) >>= 2; (*writePtr) += (readCopy & 3) << 6; readCopy >>= 2; writeOffset++; if (writeOffset == 4) { writePtr++; writeOffset = 0; } readOffset++; if (readOffset == 4) { readPtr++; if (index < sourceLength - 1) readCopy = *readPtr; readOffset = 0; } } if (writeOffset != 0) { while (writeOffset != 4) { (*writePtr) >>= 2; writeOffset++; } } return _new; } static void addBufferToDescriptor(Node * node, Coordinate length) { Descriptor *descr; Descriptor *twinDescr; Coordinate newLength; size_t arrayLength; Node *twinNode; Coordinate index; Descriptor *old_descriptor; if (node == NULL) return; twinNode = node->twinNode; descr = node->descriptor; twinDescr = twinNode->descriptor; // Amendments for empty descriptors if (descr == NULL) { arrayLength = length / 4; if (length % 4 != 0) arrayLength++; node->descriptor = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); node->length = length; twinNode->descriptor = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); twinNode->length = length; return; } newLength = node->length + length; arrayLength = newLength / 4; if (newLength % 4 != 0) arrayLength++; // Merging forward descriptors node->descriptor = reallocOrExit(node->descriptor, arrayLength, Descriptor); for (index = node->length; index < newLength; index++) writeNucleotideInDescriptor(ADENINE, node->descriptor, index); node->length = newLength; // Merging reverse descriptors old_descriptor = twinNode->descriptor; twinNode->descriptor = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); for (index = 0; index < twinNode->length; index++) writeNucleotideInDescriptor(getNucleotideInDescriptor (old_descriptor, index), twinNode->descriptor, index + length); for (index = 0; index < length; index++) writeNucleotideInDescriptor(THYMINE, twinNode->descriptor, index); free(old_descriptor); twinNode->length = newLength; } void appendDescriptors(Node * destination, Node * source){ Descriptor *copy; Descriptor *twinCopy; Descriptor *descr; Descriptor *twinDescr; Coordinate newLength, destinationLength, sourceLength; size_t arrayLength; Descriptor *_new; Node *twinDestination; if (source == NULL || destination == NULL) return; twinDestination = destination->twinNode; descr = destination->descriptor; twinDescr = twinDestination->descriptor; copy = source->descriptor; twinCopy = source->twinNode->descriptor; // Amendments for empty descriptors if (getNodeLength(source) == 0) return; if (getNodeLength(destination) == 0) { destination->descriptor = copy; twinDestination->descriptor = twinCopy; source->descriptor = NULL; source->twinNode->descriptor = NULL; destination->length = source->length; destination->twinNode->length = source->length; source->length = 0; source->twinNode->length = 0; return; } destinationLength = destination->length; sourceLength = source->length; newLength = destinationLength + sourceLength; arrayLength = newLength / 4; if (newLength % 4 != 0) arrayLength++; // Merging forward descriptors _new = mergeDescriptors(descr, destinationLength, copy, sourceLength,arrayLength); free(descr); destination->descriptor = _new; destination->length = newLength; // Merging reverse descriptors _new = mergeDescriptors(twinCopy, sourceLength, twinDescr, destinationLength, arrayLength); free(twinDescr); twinDestination->descriptor = _new; twinDestination->length = newLength; } static void catDescriptors(Descriptor * descr, Coordinate destinationLength, Descriptor * copy, Coordinate sourceLength) { Coordinate index; Nucleotide nucleotide; for (index = 0; index < sourceLength; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(copy, index); writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, descr, index + destinationLength); } } static void reverseCatDescriptors(Descriptor * descr, Coordinate destinationLength, Descriptor * copy, Coordinate sourceLength, Coordinate totalLength) { Coordinate shift = totalLength - destinationLength - sourceLength; Coordinate index; Nucleotide nucleotide; for (index = 0; index < sourceLength; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(copy, index); writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, descr, index + shift); } } void directlyAppendDescriptors(Node * destination, Node * source, Coordinate totalLength) { Descriptor *copy; Descriptor *twinCopy; Descriptor *descr; Descriptor *twinDescr; Coordinate destinationLength, sourceLength; if (source == NULL || destination == NULL) return; descr = destination->descriptor; twinDescr = destination->twinNode->descriptor; copy = source->descriptor; twinCopy = source->twinNode->descriptor; // Amendments for empty descriptors if (getNodeLength(source) == 0) return; destinationLength = destination->length; sourceLength = source->length; // Merging forward descriptors catDescriptors(descr, destinationLength, copy, sourceLength); // Merging reverse descriptors reverseCatDescriptors(twinDescr, destinationLength, twinCopy, sourceLength, totalLength); destination->length += source->length; destination->twinNode->length += source->length; } static void copyDownDescriptor(Descriptor ** writePtr, int *writeOffset, Descriptor * source, Coordinate length) { Descriptor *readPtr = source; Descriptor readCopy = *readPtr; int readOffset = 0; Coordinate index; for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { (**writePtr) >>= 2; (**writePtr) += (readCopy & 3) << 6; readCopy >>= 2; (*writeOffset)++; if (*writeOffset == 4) { (*writePtr)++; *writeOffset = 0; } readOffset++; if (readOffset == 4) { readPtr++; if (index < length - 1) readCopy = *readPtr; readOffset = 0; } } } static void copyDownSequence(Descriptor ** writePtr, int *writeOffset, TightString * sequence, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, int WORDLENGTH) { boolean forward = (start < finish); Coordinate sourceLength = finish - start; Coordinate index; Nucleotide nucleotide; if (!forward) sourceLength *= -1; for (index = 0; index < sourceLength; index++) { if (forward) nucleotide = getNucleotide(start + WORDLENGTH - 1 + index, sequence); else nucleotide = #ifndef COLOR 3 - getNucleotide(start - index - 1, sequence); #else getNucleotide(start - index - 1, sequence); #endif (**writePtr) >>= 2; (**writePtr) += nucleotide << 6; (*writeOffset)++; if (*writeOffset == 4) { (*writePtr)++; *writeOffset = 0; } } } static Descriptor *appendSequenceToDescriptor(Descriptor * descr, Coordinate nodeLength, PassageMarkerI marker, TightString *sequences, int WORDLENGTH, size_t arrayLength, boolean downStream) { int writeOffset = 0; Descriptor *_new = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); Descriptor *writePtr = _new; TightString *sequence; IDnum sequenceID = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); Coordinate start = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); Coordinate finish = getPassageMarkerFinish(marker); if (sequenceID > 0) sequence = getTightStringInArray(sequences, sequenceID - 1); else sequence = getTightStringInArray(sequences, -sequenceID - 1); if (downStream) copyDownDescriptor(&writePtr, &writeOffset, descr, nodeLength); copyDownSequence(&writePtr, &writeOffset, sequence, start, finish, WORDLENGTH); if (!downStream) copyDownDescriptor(&writePtr, &writeOffset, descr, nodeLength); if (writeOffset != 0) { while (writeOffset != 4) { (*writePtr) >>= 2; writeOffset++; } } return _new; } void appendSequence(Node * node, TightString * reads, PassageMarkerI guide, Graph * graph) { Descriptor *descr; Descriptor *twinDescr; Coordinate newLength, nodeLength, sourceLength; size_t arrayLength; Descriptor *_new; Node *twinNode; if (node == NULL) return; twinNode = node->twinNode; descr = node->descriptor; twinDescr = twinNode->descriptor; nodeLength = node->length; sourceLength = getPassageMarkerLength(guide); // Amendments for empty descriptors if (sourceLength == 0) return; newLength = nodeLength + sourceLength; arrayLength = newLength / 4; if (newLength % 4 != 0) arrayLength++; // Merging forward descriptors _new = appendSequenceToDescriptor(descr, nodeLength, guide, reads, getWordLength(graph), arrayLength, true); free(descr); node->descriptor = _new; node->length = newLength; // Merging reverse descriptors _new = appendSequenceToDescriptor(twinDescr, nodeLength, getTwinMarker(guide), reads, getWordLength(graph), arrayLength, false); free(twinDescr); twinNode->descriptor = _new; twinNode->length = newLength; } void setMultiplicity(Arc * arc, IDnum mult) { arc->multiplicity = mult; arc->twinArc->multiplicity = mult; } // Reshuffles the graph->nodes array to remove NULL pointers // Beware that node IDs are accordingly reshuffled (all pointers remain valid though) void renumberNodes(Graph * graph) { IDnum nodeIndex; Node *currentNode; IDnum counter = 0; IDnum nodes = graph->nodeCount; IDnum newIndex; velvetLog("Renumbering nodes\n"); velvetLog("Initial node count %li\n", (long) graph->nodeCount); for (nodeIndex = 1; nodeIndex <= nodes; nodeIndex++) { currentNode = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex); if (currentNode == NULL) counter++; else if (counter != 0) { newIndex = nodeIndex - counter; currentNode->ID = newIndex; currentNode->twinNode->ID = -newIndex; graph->nodes[newIndex] = currentNode; if (graph->nodeReads != NULL) { graph->nodeReads[newIndex + nodes] = graph->nodeReads[nodeIndex + nodes]; graph->nodeReadCounts[newIndex + nodes] = graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeIndex + nodes]; graph->nodeReads[nodeIndex + nodes] = NULL; graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeIndex + nodes] = 0; graph->nodeReads[-newIndex + nodes] = graph->nodeReads[-nodeIndex + nodes]; graph->nodeReadCounts[-newIndex + nodes] = graph->nodeReadCounts[-nodeIndex + nodes]; graph->nodeReads[-nodeIndex + nodes] = NULL; graph->nodeReadCounts[-nodeIndex + nodes] = 0; } if (graph->gapMarkers != NULL) { graph->gapMarkers[newIndex] = graph->gapMarkers[nodeIndex]; graph->gapMarkers[nodeIndex] = NULL; } } } // Shitfting array to the left if (graph->nodeReads != NULL && counter != 0) { for (nodeIndex = counter; nodeIndex <= 2 * nodes - counter; nodeIndex++) { graph->nodeReads[nodeIndex - counter] = graph->nodeReads[nodeIndex]; graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeIndex - counter] = graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeIndex]; } } // Rellocating node space graph->nodeCount -= counter; graph->nodes = reallocOrExit(graph->nodes, graph->nodeCount + 1, Node *); // Reallocating short read marker arrays if (graph->nodeReads != NULL) { graph->nodeReads = reallocOrExit(graph->nodeReads, 2 * graph->nodeCount + 1, ShortReadMarker *); graph->nodeReadCounts = reallocOrExit(graph->nodeReadCounts, 2 * graph->nodeCount + 1, IDnum); } // Reallocating gap marker table if (graph->gapMarkers != NULL) graph->gapMarkers = reallocOrExit(graph->gapMarkers, graph->nodeCount + 1, GapMarker *); velvetLog("Removed %li null nodes\n", (long) counter); } void splitNodeDescriptor(Node * source, Node * target, Coordinate offset) { Coordinate originalLength = source->length; Coordinate backLength = originalLength - offset; Coordinate index; Descriptor *descriptor, *_new; size_t arrayLength; Nucleotide nucleotide; source->length = offset; source->twinNode->length = offset; if (target != NULL) { target->length = backLength; target->twinNode->length = backLength; free(target->descriptor); free(target->twinNode->descriptor); target->descriptor = NULL; target->twinNode->descriptor = NULL; } if (backLength == 0) return; descriptor = source->descriptor; arrayLength = backLength / 4; if (backLength % 4 > 0) arrayLength++; if (target != NULL) { // Target node .. forwards _new = mallocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); target->descriptor = _new; for (index = 0; index < backLength; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(descriptor, index); writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, _new, index); } } // Source node for (index = backLength; index < originalLength; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(descriptor, index); writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, descriptor, index - backLength); } if (target == NULL) return; // target node other way descriptor = source->twinNode->descriptor; _new = mallocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); target->twinNode->descriptor = _new; for (index = offset; index < originalLength; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(descriptor, index); writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, _new, index - offset); } } void reduceNode(Node * node) { free(node->descriptor); node->descriptor = NULL; node->length = 0; free(node->twinNode->descriptor); node->twinNode->descriptor = NULL; node->twinNode->length = 0; } // Allocate memory for an empty graph created with sequenceCount different sequences Graph *emptyGraph(IDnum sequenceCount, int wordLength) { Graph *newGraph = mallocOrExit(1, Graph); newGraph->sequenceCount = sequenceCount; newGraph->arcLookupTable = NULL; newGraph->nodeReads = NULL; newGraph->nodeReadCounts = NULL; newGraph->wordLength = wordLength; newGraph->gapMarkers = NULL; return newGraph; } static Descriptor *newPositiveDescriptor(IDnum sequenceID, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, TightString *sequences, int WORDLENGTH) { Coordinate index; Nucleotide nucleotide; TightString *tString = getTightStringInArray (sequences, sequenceID - 1); Coordinate length = finish - start; Descriptor *res; size_t arrayLength = length / 4; if (length % 4 > 0) arrayLength++; res = mallocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(start + index + WORDLENGTH - 1, tString); writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, res, index); } return res; } static Descriptor *newNegativeDescriptor(IDnum sequenceID, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, TightString *sequences, int WORDLENGTH) { Coordinate index; Nucleotide nucleotide; TightString *tString = getTightStringInArray (sequences, -sequenceID - 1); Coordinate length = start - finish; Descriptor *res; size_t arrayLength = length / 4; if (length % 4 > 0) arrayLength++; res = mallocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(start - index, tString); #ifndef COLOR writeNucleotideInDescriptor(3 - nucleotide, res, index); #else writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, res, index); #endif } return res; } static Descriptor *newDescriptor(IDnum sequenceID, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, TightString * sequences, int WORDLENGTH) { if (sequenceID > 0) return newPositiveDescriptor(sequenceID, start, finish, sequences, WORDLENGTH); else return newNegativeDescriptor(sequenceID, start, finish, sequences, WORDLENGTH); } // Constructor // Memory allocated Node *newNode(IDnum sequenceID, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, Coordinate offset, IDnum ID, TightString * sequences, int WORDLENGTH) { Node *newnd = allocateNode(); Node *antiNode = allocateNode(); newnd->ID = ID; newnd->descriptor = newDescriptor(sequenceID, start + offset, finish + offset, sequences, WORDLENGTH); newnd->arc = NULL; newnd->arcCount = 0; newnd->marker = NULL_IDX; newnd->status = false; #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT Category cat; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { newnd->virtualCoverage[cat] = 0; newnd->originalVirtualCoverage[cat] = 0; } #else newnd->virtualCoverage = 0; #endif antiNode->ID = -ID; antiNode->descriptor = newDescriptor(-sequenceID, finish + offset - 1, start + offset - 1, sequences, WORDLENGTH); antiNode->arc = NULL; antiNode->arcCount = 0; antiNode->marker = NULL_IDX; antiNode->status = false; #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { antiNode->virtualCoverage[cat] = 0; antiNode->originalVirtualCoverage[cat] = 0; } #else antiNode->virtualCoverage = 0; #endif newnd->twinNode = antiNode; antiNode->twinNode = newnd; if (sequenceID > 0) { newnd->length = finish - start; antiNode->length = finish - start; } else { newnd->length = start - finish; antiNode->length = start - finish; } return newnd; } void allocateNodeSpace(Graph * graph, IDnum nodeCount) { graph->nodes = callocOrExit(nodeCount + 1, Node *); graph->nodeCount = nodeCount; } boolean getUniqueness(Node * node) { return node->uniqueness; } void setUniqueness(Node * node, boolean value) { node->uniqueness = value; node->twinNode->uniqueness = value; } Node *emptyNode() { Node *newnd = allocateNode(); Node *antiNode = allocateNode(); newnd->ID = 0; newnd->descriptor = NULL; newnd->arc = NULL; newnd->arcCount = 0; newnd->marker = NULL_IDX; newnd->length = 0; newnd->uniqueness = false; #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT Category cat; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { newnd->virtualCoverage[cat] = 0; newnd->originalVirtualCoverage[cat] = 0; } #else newnd->virtualCoverage = 0; #endif antiNode->ID = 0; antiNode->descriptor = NULL; antiNode->arc = NULL; antiNode->arcCount = 0; antiNode->marker = NULL_IDX; antiNode->length = 0; antiNode->uniqueness = false; #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { antiNode->virtualCoverage[cat] = 0; antiNode->originalVirtualCoverage[cat] = 0; } #else antiNode->virtualCoverage = 0; #endif newnd->twinNode = antiNode; antiNode->twinNode = newnd; return newnd; } Node *addEmptyNodeToGraph(Graph * graph, IDnum ID) { Node *newnd = emptyNode(); newnd->ID = ID; newnd->twinNode->ID = -ID; graph->nodes[ID] = newnd; return newnd; } #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT void setVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Category category, Coordinate coverage) { node->virtualCoverage[category] = coverage; node->twinNode->virtualCoverage[category] = node->virtualCoverage[category]; } void incrementVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Category category, Coordinate coverage) { node->virtualCoverage[category] += coverage; node->twinNode->virtualCoverage[category] = node->virtualCoverage[category]; } Coordinate getVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Category category) { return node->virtualCoverage[category]; } Coordinate getTotalCoverage(Node * node) { Category cat; Coordinate coverage = 0; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) coverage += node->virtualCoverage[cat]; return coverage; } void setOriginalVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Category category, Coordinate coverage) { node->originalVirtualCoverage[category] = coverage; node->twinNode->originalVirtualCoverage[category] = node->originalVirtualCoverage[category]; } void incrementOriginalVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Category category, Coordinate coverage) { node->originalVirtualCoverage[category] += coverage; node->twinNode->originalVirtualCoverage[category] = node->originalVirtualCoverage[category]; } Coordinate getOriginalVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Category category) { return node->originalVirtualCoverage[category]; } #else void setVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Coordinate coverage) { node->virtualCoverage = coverage; node->twinNode->virtualCoverage = coverage; } void incrementVirtualCoverage(Node * node, Coordinate coverage) { node->virtualCoverage += coverage; node->twinNode->virtualCoverage += coverage; } Coordinate getVirtualCoverage(Node * node) { return node->virtualCoverage; } Coordinate getTotalCoverage(Node * node) { return node->virtualCoverage; } #endif boolean hasSingleArc(Node * node) { return node->arcCount == 1; } void activateArcLookupTable(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; Node *node; Arc *arc; IDnum nodes = graph->nodeCount; IDnum twinOriginID, destinationID, hash; Arc **table; velvetLog("Activating arc lookup table\n"); graph->arcLookupTable = callocOrExit(6 * nodes + 1, Arc *); table = graph->arcLookupTable; for (index = -nodes; index <= nodes; index++) { if (index == 0) continue; node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node == 0) continue; for (arc = getArc(node); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) { twinOriginID = arc->twinArc->destination->ID; destinationID = arc->destination->ID; hash = 3 * nodes - 2 * twinOriginID + destinationID; arc->nextInLookupTable = table[hash]; table[hash] = arc; } } velvetLog("Done activating arc lookup table\n"); } void deactivateArcLookupTable(Graph * graph) { free(graph->arcLookupTable); graph->arcLookupTable = NULL; } static void exportNode(FILE * outfile, Node * node, void *withSequence) { Coordinate index; Nucleotide nucleotide; if (node == NULL) return; velvetFprintf(outfile, "NODE\t%ld\t%lld", (long) node->ID, (long long) node->length); #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT Category cat; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%lld\t%lld", (long long) node->virtualCoverage[cat], (long long) node->originalVirtualCoverage[cat]); velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); #else velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%lld\n", (long long) node->virtualCoverage); #endif if (withSequence == NULL) return; for (index = 0; index < node->length; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(node->descriptor, index); switch (nucleotide) { case ADENINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "A"); break; case CYTOSINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "C"); break; case GUANINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "G"); break; case THYMINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "T"); break; } } velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); for (index = 0; index < node->length; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(node->twinNode->descriptor, index); switch (nucleotide) { case ADENINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "A"); break; case CYTOSINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "C"); break; case GUANINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "G"); break; case THYMINE: velvetFprintf(outfile, "T"); break; } } velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); } static void exportArc(FILE * outfile, Arc * arc) { IDnum originID, destinationID; IDnum absOriginID, absDestinationID; if (arc == NULL) return; absOriginID = originID = -arc->twinArc->destination->ID; absDestinationID = destinationID = arc->destination->ID; if (absOriginID < 0) absOriginID = -absOriginID; if (absDestinationID < 0) absDestinationID = -absDestinationID; if (absDestinationID < absOriginID) return; if (originID == destinationID && originID < 0) return; velvetFprintf(outfile, "ARC\t%li\t%li\t%li\n", (long) originID, (long) destinationID, (long) arc->multiplicity); } // Merges two lists of annotations in order of increasing position (used in mergeSort mainly) static Arc *mergeArcLists(Arc * left, Arc * right) { Arc *mergedList = NULL; Arc *tail = NULL; // Choose first element: if (left->destination->ID <= right->destination->ID) { mergedList = left; tail = left; left = left->next; } else { mergedList = right; tail = right; right = right->next; } // Iterate while both lists are still non empty while (left != NULL && right != NULL) { if (left->destination->ID <= right->destination->ID) { tail->next = left; left->previous = tail; left = left->next; } else { tail->next = right; right->previous = tail; right = right->next; } tail = tail->next; } // Concatenate the remaining list at the end of the merged list if (left != NULL) { tail->next = left; left->previous = tail; } if (right != NULL) { tail->next = right; right->previous = tail; } return mergedList; } static void arcMergeSort(Arc ** arcPtr, IDnum count) { IDnum half = count / 2; Arc *left = *arcPtr; Arc *ptr = left; Arc *right; IDnum index; if (count == 0 || count == 1) return; if (count == 2) { if ((*arcPtr)->destination->ID > (*arcPtr)->next->destination->ID) { (*arcPtr)->next->next = *arcPtr; (*arcPtr)->previous = (*arcPtr)->next; *arcPtr = (*arcPtr)->next; (*arcPtr)->next->next = NULL; (*arcPtr)->previous = NULL; } return; } for (index = 0; index < half - 1; index++) { ptr = ptr->next; if (ptr == NULL) return; } right = ptr->next; ptr->next = NULL; right->previous = NULL; arcMergeSort(&left, half); arcMergeSort(&right, count - half); *arcPtr = mergeArcLists(left, right); } static void sortNodeArcs(Node * node) { Arc *arc; IDnum count = 0; for (arc = getArc(node); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) count++; if (count == 0) return; arc = getArc(node); arcMergeSort(&arc, count); node->arc = arc; } // Merges two lists of annotations in order of increasing position (used in mergeSort mainly) static GapMarker *mergeGapMarkerLists(GapMarker * left, GapMarker * right) { GapMarker *mergedList = NULL; GapMarker *tail = NULL; // Choose first element: if (left->position <= right->position) { mergedList = left; tail = left; left = left->next; } else { mergedList = right; tail = right; right = right->next; } // Iterate while both lists are still non empty while (left != NULL && right != NULL) { if (left->position <= right->position) { tail->next = left; left = left->next; } else { tail->next = right; right = right->next; } tail = tail->next; } // Concatenate the remaining list at the end of the merged list if (left != NULL) tail->next = left; if (right != NULL) tail->next = right; return mergedList; } static void gapMergeSort(GapMarker ** gapPtr, IDnum count) { IDnum half = count / 2; GapMarker *left = *gapPtr; GapMarker *ptr = left; GapMarker *right; IDnum index; if (count == 0 || count == 1) return; if (count == 2) { if ((*gapPtr)->position > (*gapPtr)->next->position) { (*gapPtr)->next->next = *gapPtr; *gapPtr = (*gapPtr)->next; (*gapPtr)->next->next = NULL; } return; } for (index = 0; index < half - 1; index++) { ptr = ptr->next; if (ptr == NULL) return; } right = ptr->next; ptr->next = NULL; gapMergeSort(&left, half); gapMergeSort(&right, count - half); *gapPtr = mergeGapMarkerLists(left, right); } static void sortNodeGapMarkers(Node * node, Graph * graph) { GapMarker *gap; IDnum count = 0; IDnum ID = getNodeID(node); if (ID < 0) ID = -ID; for (gap = graph->gapMarkers[ID]; gap != NULL; gap = gap->next) count++; if (count == 0) return; gap = graph->gapMarkers[ID]; gapMergeSort(&gap, count); graph->gapMarkers[ID] = gap; } void sortGapMarkers(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; Node *node; if (graph->gapMarkers == NULL) return; for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node) sortNodeGapMarkers(node, graph); } } void exportGraph(char *filename, Graph * graph, TightString * sequences) { IDnum index; FILE *outfile; Node *node; Arc *arc; PassageMarkerI marker; ShortReadMarker *reads; IDnum readCount, readIndex; if (graph == NULL) { return; } outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Couldn't open file, sorry\n"); return; } else velvetLog("Writing into graph file %s...\n", filename); // General data velvetFprintf(outfile, "%li\t%li\t%i\t%i\n", (long) graph->nodeCount, (long) graph->sequenceCount, graph->wordLength, (int) graph->double_stranded); // Node info for (index = 1; index <= graph->nodeCount; index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); exportNode(outfile, node, (void *) sequences); } // Arc info for (index = 1; index <= graph->nodeCount; index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node == NULL) continue; sortNodeArcs(node); sortNodeArcs(getTwinNode(node)); for (arc = node->arc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->next) exportArc(outfile, arc); for (arc = node->twinNode->arc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->next) exportArc(outfile, arc); } // Sequence info for (index = 1; index <= graph->nodeCount; index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node == NULL) continue; for (marker = node->marker; marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) exportMarker(outfile, marker, sequences, graph->wordLength); } // Node reads if (readStartsAreActivated(graph)) { for (index = 0; index <= graph->nodeCount * 2; index++) { readCount = graph->nodeReadCounts[index]; if (readCount == 0) continue; velvetFprintf(outfile, "NR\t%li\t%li\n", (long) (index - graph->nodeCount), (long) readCount); reads = graph->nodeReads[index]; for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < readCount; readIndex++) velvetFprintf(outfile, "%ld\t%lld\t%d\n", (long) reads[readIndex].readID, (long long) reads[readIndex].position, (int) reads[readIndex].offset); } } fclose(outfile); } Graph *importGraph(char *filename) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); const int maxline = MAXLINE; char line[MAXLINE]; Graph *graph; Coordinate coverage; IDnum nodeCounter, sequenceCount; Node *node, *twin; Arc *arc; IDnum originID, destinationID, multiplicity; PassageMarkerI newMarker, marker; IDnum nodeID, seqID; Coordinate index; Coordinate start, finish; Coordinate startOffset, finishOffset; boolean finished = false; size_t arrayLength; IDnum readCount; ShortReadMarker *array; int wordLength, sCount; ShortLength length; long long_var, long_var2, long_var3; long long longlong_var, longlong_var2, longlong_var3, longlong_var4; short short_var; char c; if (file == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", filename); velvetLog("Reading graph file %s\n", filename); // First line if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Graph file incomplete"); sscanf(line, "%ld\t%ld\t%i\t%hi\n", &long_var, &long_var2, &wordLength, &short_var); nodeCounter = (IDnum) long_var; sequenceCount = (IDnum) long_var2; graph = emptyGraph(sequenceCount, wordLength); graph->double_stranded = (boolean) short_var; resetWordFilter(wordLength); allocateNodeSpace(graph, nodeCounter); velvetLog("Graph has %ld nodes and %ld sequences\n", (long) nodeCounter, (long) sequenceCount); if (nodeCounter == 0) return graph; // Read nodes if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Graph file incomplete"); while (!finished && strncmp(line, "NODE", 4) == 0) { strtok(line, "\t\n"); sscanf(strtok(NULL, "\t\n"), "%ld", &long_var); nodeID = (IDnum) long_var; node = addEmptyNodeToGraph(graph, nodeID); sscanf(strtok(NULL, "\t\n"), "%lld", &longlong_var); node->length = (Coordinate) longlong_var; #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT Category cat; Coordinate originalCoverage; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { sscanf(strtok(NULL, "\t\n"), "%lld", &longlong_var); coverage = (Coordinate) longlong_var; setVirtualCoverage(node, cat, coverage); sscanf(strtok(NULL, "\t\n"), "%lld", &longlong_var); originalCoverage = (Coordinate) longlong_var; setOriginalVirtualCoverage(node, cat, originalCoverage); } #else sscanf(strtok(NULL, "\t\n"), "%lld", &longlong_var); coverage = (Coordinate) longlong_var; setVirtualCoverage(node, coverage); #endif arrayLength = node->length / 4; if (node->length % 4 > 0) arrayLength++; node->descriptor = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); index = 0; while ((c = fgetc(file)) != '\n' && c != EOF) { if (c == 'A') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(ADENINE, node-> descriptor, index++); else if (c == 'C') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(CYTOSINE, node-> descriptor, index++); else if (c == 'G') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(GUANINE, node-> descriptor, index++); else if (c == 'T') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(THYMINE, node-> descriptor, index++); } twin = node->twinNode; twin->length = node->length; twin->descriptor = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); index = 0; while ((c = fgetc(file)) != '\n' && c != EOF) { if (c == 'A') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(ADENINE, twin-> descriptor, index++); else if (c == 'C') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(CYTOSINE, twin-> descriptor, index++); else if (c == 'G') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(GUANINE, twin-> descriptor, index++); else if (c == 'T') writeNucleotideInDescriptor(THYMINE, twin-> descriptor, index++); } if (fgets(line, maxline, file) == NULL) finished = true; } // Read arcs while (!finished && line[0] == 'A') { sscanf(line, "ARC\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\n", &long_var, &long_var2, &long_var3); originID = (IDnum) long_var; destinationID = (IDnum) long_var2; multiplicity = (IDnum) long_var3; arc = createArc(getNodeInGraph(graph, originID), getNodeInGraph(graph, destinationID), graph); setMultiplicity(arc, multiplicity); if (fgets(line, maxline, file) == NULL) finished = true; } // Read sequences while (!finished && line[0] != 'N') { sscanf(line, "SEQ\t%ld\n", &long_var); seqID = (IDnum) long_var; marker = NULL_IDX; if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Graph file incomplete"); while (!finished && line[0] != 'N' && line[0] != 'S') { sCount = sscanf(line, "%ld\t%lld\t%lld\t%lld\t%lld\n", &long_var, &longlong_var, &longlong_var2, &longlong_var3, &longlong_var4); nodeID = (IDnum) long_var; startOffset = (Coordinate) longlong_var; start = (Coordinate) longlong_var2; finish = (Coordinate) longlong_var3; finishOffset = (Coordinate) longlong_var4; if (sCount != 5) { velvetLog ("ERROR: reading in graph - only %d items read for line '%s'", sCount, line); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } newMarker = newPassageMarker(seqID, start, finish, startOffset, finishOffset); transposePassageMarker(newMarker, getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID)); connectPassageMarkers(marker, newMarker, graph); marker = newMarker; if (fgets(line, maxline, file) == NULL) finished = true; } } // Node reads while (!finished) { sscanf(line, "NR\t%ld\t%ld\n", &long_var, &long_var2); nodeID = (IDnum) long_var; readCount = (IDnum) long_var2; if (!readStartsAreActivated(graph)) activateReadStarts(graph); graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeID + graph->nodeCount] = readCount; array = mallocOrExit(readCount, ShortReadMarker); graph->nodeReads[nodeID + graph->nodeCount] = array; readCount = 0; if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Graph file incomplete"); while (!finished && line[0] != 'N') { sscanf(line, "%ld\t%lld\t%hd\n", &long_var, &longlong_var, &short_var); seqID = (IDnum) long_var; startOffset = (Coordinate) longlong_var; length = (ShortLength) short_var; array[readCount].readID = seqID; array[readCount].position = startOffset; array[readCount].offset = length; readCount++; if (fgets(line, maxline, file) == NULL) finished = true; } } //velvetLog("New graph has %d nodes\n", graph->nodeCount); fclose(file); //velvetLog("Done, exiting\n"); return graph; } Graph *readPreGraphFile(char *preGraphFilename, boolean * double_strand) { FILE *file = fopen(preGraphFilename, "r"); const int maxline = MAXLINE; char line[MAXLINE]; Graph *graph; IDnum nodeCounter, sequenceCount; Node *node, *twin; IDnum nodeID = 0; Coordinate index, nodeLength; char c; int wordLength, wordShift; size_t arrayLength; short short_var; long long_var, long_var2; long long longlong_var; if (file == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", preGraphFilename); velvetLog("Reading pre-graph file %s\n", preGraphFilename); // First line if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "PreGraph file incomplete"); sscanf(line, "%ld\t%ld\t%i\t%hi\n", &long_var, &long_var2, &wordLength, &short_var); nodeCounter = (IDnum) long_var; sequenceCount = (IDnum) long_var2; *double_strand = (boolean) short_var; wordShift = wordLength - 1; graph = emptyGraph(sequenceCount, wordLength); graph->double_stranded = *double_strand; resetWordFilter(wordLength); allocateNodeSpace(graph, nodeCounter); velvetLog("Graph has %ld nodes and %ld sequences\n", (long) nodeCounter, (long) sequenceCount); // Read nodes if (nodeCounter == 0) return graph; if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "PreGraph file incomplete"); while (line[0] == 'N') { nodeID++; node = addEmptyNodeToGraph(graph, nodeID); sscanf(line, "%*s\t%*i\t%lli\n", &longlong_var); node->length = (Coordinate) longlong_var; nodeLength = node->length; arrayLength = node->length / 4; if (node->length % 4 > 0) arrayLength++; node->descriptor = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); twin = node->twinNode; twin->length = nodeLength; twin->descriptor = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); index = 0; while ((c = getc(file)) != '\n') { if (c == 'A') { if (index - wordShift >= 0) writeNucleotideInDescriptor(ADENINE, node-> descriptor, index - wordShift); if (nodeLength - index - 1 >= 0) { #ifndef COLOR writeNucleotideInDescriptor(THYMINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #else writeNucleotideInDescriptor(ADENINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #endif } } else if (c == 'C') { if (index - wordShift >= 0) writeNucleotideInDescriptor(CYTOSINE, node-> descriptor, index - wordShift); if (nodeLength - index - 1 >= 0) { #ifndef COLOR writeNucleotideInDescriptor(GUANINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #else writeNucleotideInDescriptor(CYTOSINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #endif } } else if (c == 'G') { if (index - wordShift >= 0) writeNucleotideInDescriptor(GUANINE, node-> descriptor, index - wordShift); if (nodeLength - index - 1 >= 0) { #ifndef COLOR writeNucleotideInDescriptor(CYTOSINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #else writeNucleotideInDescriptor(GUANINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #endif } } else if (c == 'T') { if (index - wordShift >= 0) writeNucleotideInDescriptor(THYMINE, node-> descriptor, index - wordShift); if (nodeLength - index - 1 >= 0) { #ifndef COLOR writeNucleotideInDescriptor(ADENINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #else writeNucleotideInDescriptor(THYMINE, twin-> descriptor, nodeLength - index - 1); #endif } } index++; } if (fgets(line, maxline, file) == NULL) { fclose(file); return graph; } } fclose(file); return graph; } // Prints out the information relative to the topology of a node into a new file // Internal to exportDOTGraph() void DOTNode(Node * node, FILE * outfile) { IDnum ID; Arc *arc; Node *otherNode; ID = node->ID; if (ID < 0) return; velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%li [label=\"|%li|\"]\n", (long) ID, (long) ID); for (arc = node->arc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->next) { otherNode = arc->destination; if (!(otherNode->ID >= ID || otherNode->ID <= -ID)) { continue; } if (otherNode->ID > 0) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%li:right -> %li:left\n", (long) ID, (long) otherNode->ID); else velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%li:right -> %li:right\n", (long) ID, (long) -otherNode->ID); } for (arc = node->twinNode->arc; arc != NULL; arc = arc->next) { otherNode = arc->destination; if (!(otherNode->ID >= ID || otherNode->ID <= -ID)) { continue; } if (otherNode->ID > 0) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%li:left -> %li:left\n", (long) ID, (long) otherNode->ID); else velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%li:left -> %li:right\n", (long) ID, (long) -otherNode->ID); } } TightString *expandNode(Node * node, int WORDLENGTH) { Nucleotide nucleotide; Coordinate index; TightString *tString = newTightString(node->length + WORDLENGTH - 1); Node *twin = node->twinNode; Coordinate length = node->length; for (index = 0; index < WORDLENGTH; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(twin->descriptor, length - index - 1); #ifndef COLOR writeNucleotideAtPosition(3 - nucleotide, index, tString); #else writeNucleotideAtPosition(nucleotide, index, tString); #endif } for (index = 1; index < node->length; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(node->descriptor, index); writeNucleotideAtPosition(nucleotide, index + WORDLENGTH - 1, tString); } return tString; } char *expandNodeFragment(Node * node, Coordinate contigStart, Coordinate contigFinish, int wordLength) { Nucleotide nucleotide; Coordinate index; Node *twin = node->twinNode; Coordinate length = contigFinish - contigStart; int wordShift = wordLength - 1; char *string; if (length >= wordShift) { string = callocOrExit(length + wordLength, char); for (index = 0; index < wordShift; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(twin->descriptor, twin->length - contigStart - index - 1); #ifndef COLOR nucleotide = 3 - nucleotide; #endif switch (nucleotide) { case ADENINE: string[index] = 'A'; break; case CYTOSINE: string[index] = 'C'; break; case GUANINE: string[index] = 'G'; break; case THYMINE: string[index] = 'T'; break; } } for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(node->descriptor, contigStart + index); switch (nucleotide) { case ADENINE: string[index + wordShift] = 'A'; break; case CYTOSINE: string[index + wordShift] = 'C'; break; case GUANINE: string[index + wordShift] = 'G'; break; case THYMINE: string[index + wordShift] = 'T'; break; } } string[length + wordShift] = '\0'; } else { string = callocOrExit(length + 1, char); for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(node->descriptor, contigStart + index); switch (nucleotide) { case ADENINE: string[index] = 'A'; break; case CYTOSINE: string[index] = 'C'; break; case GUANINE: string[index] = 'G'; break; case THYMINE: string[index] = 'T'; break; } } string[length] = '\0'; } return string; } boolean readStartsAreActivated(Graph * graph) { return graph->nodeReads != NULL; } void activateReadStarts(Graph * graph) { graph->nodeReads = callocOrExit(2 * graph->nodeCount + 1, ShortReadMarker *); graph->nodeReadCounts = callocOrExit(2 * graph->nodeCount + 1, IDnum); } void deactivateReadStarts(Graph * graph) { free(graph->nodeReads); free(graph->nodeReadCounts); graph->nodeReads = NULL; graph->nodeReadCounts = NULL; } boolean findIDnumInArray(IDnum query, IDnum * array, IDnum arrayLength) { IDnum leftIndex = 0; IDnum rightIndex = arrayLength; IDnum middleIndex; if (arrayLength == 0) return false; while (true) { middleIndex = leftIndex + (rightIndex - leftIndex) / 2; if (array[middleIndex] == query) return true; else if (leftIndex >= rightIndex) return false; else if (array[middleIndex] > query) rightIndex = middleIndex; else if (leftIndex == middleIndex) leftIndex++; else leftIndex = middleIndex; } } static inline int compareShortReadMarkers(const void *A, const void *B) { IDnum a = ((ShortReadMarker *) A)->readID; IDnum b = ((ShortReadMarker *) B)->readID; if (a > b) return 1; if (a == b) return 0; return -1; } static inline int compareIDnums(const void *A, const void *B) { IDnum a = *((IDnum *) A); IDnum b = *((IDnum *) B); if (a > b) return 1; if (a == b) return 0; return -1; } void incrementReadStartCount(Node * node, Graph * graph) { graph->nodeReadCounts[node->ID + graph->nodeCount]++; } void createNodeReadStartArrays(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL) return; for (index = 0; index <= 2 * (graph->nodeCount); index++) { if (graph->nodeReadCounts[index] != 0) { graph->nodeReads[index] = mallocOrExit(graph->nodeReadCounts[index], ShortReadMarker); graph->nodeReadCounts[index] = 0; } else { graph->nodeReads[index] = NULL; } } } void orderNodeReadStartArrays(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL) return; for (index = 0; index <= 2 * (graph->nodeCount); index++) if (graph->nodeReadCounts[index] != 0) qsort(graph->nodeReads[index], graph->nodeReadCounts[index], sizeof(ShortReadMarker), compareShortReadMarkers); } void addReadStart(Node * node, IDnum seqID, Coordinate position, Graph * graph, Coordinate offset) { IDnum nodeIndex = getNodeID(node) + graph->nodeCount; ShortReadMarker *array = graph->nodeReads[nodeIndex]; IDnum arrayLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeIndex]; array[arrayLength].readID = seqID; array[arrayLength].position = position; array[arrayLength].offset = (ShortLength) offset; graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeIndex]++; } void blurLastShortReadMarker(Node * node, Graph * graph) { IDnum nodeIndex = getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph); IDnum index = graph->nodeReadCounts[nodeIndex] - 1; ShortReadMarker *marker; if (index >= 0) marker = &(graph->nodeReads[nodeIndex][index]); else abort(); setShortReadMarkerPosition(marker, -1); } ShortReadMarker *commonNodeReads(Node * nodeA, Node * nodeB, Graph * graph, IDnum * length) { IDnum targetID, targetLength, targetIndex, targetVal; IDnum sourceID, sourceLength, sourceIndex, sourceVal; IDnum mergeLength; ShortReadMarker *mergeArray, *targetArray, *sourceArray; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } if (nodeA == NULL || nodeB == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } targetID = getNodeID(nodeA) + graph->nodeCount; targetArray = graph->nodeReads[targetID]; targetLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID]; sourceID = getNodeID(nodeB) + graph->nodeCount; sourceArray = graph->nodeReads[sourceID]; sourceLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID]; if (sourceArray == NULL || targetArray == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } mergeArray = mallocOrExit(sourceLength + targetLength, ShortReadMarker); mergeLength = 0; sourceIndex = 0; targetIndex = 0; sourceVal = sourceArray[0].readID; targetVal = targetArray[0].readID; while (sourceIndex < sourceLength && targetIndex < targetLength) { switch (compareIDnums(&sourceVal, &targetVal)) { case -1: mergeArray[mergeLength].readID = sourceVal; mergeArray[mergeLength].position = -1; mergeArray[mergeLength].offset = -1; mergeLength++; sourceIndex++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) sourceVal = sourceArray[sourceIndex].readID; break; case 0: mergeArray[mergeLength].readID = sourceVal; mergeArray[mergeLength].position = -1; mergeArray[mergeLength].offset = -1; mergeLength++; sourceIndex++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) sourceVal = sourceArray[sourceIndex].readID; targetIndex++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) targetVal = targetArray[targetIndex].readID; break; case 1: mergeArray[mergeLength].readID = targetVal; mergeArray[mergeLength].position = -1; mergeArray[mergeLength].offset = -1; mergeLength++; targetIndex++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) targetVal = targetArray[targetIndex].readID; } } while (sourceIndex < sourceLength) { mergeArray[mergeLength].readID = sourceArray[sourceIndex].readID; mergeArray[mergeLength].position = -1; mergeArray[mergeLength].offset = -1; mergeLength++; sourceIndex++; } while (targetIndex < targetLength) { mergeArray[mergeLength].readID = targetArray[targetIndex].readID; mergeArray[mergeLength].position = -1; mergeArray[mergeLength].offset = -1; mergeLength++; targetIndex++; } *length = mergeLength; return mergeArray; } ShortReadMarker *extractFrontOfNodeReads(Node * node, Coordinate breakpoint, Graph * graph, IDnum * length, PassageMarkerI sourceMarker, ShortLength * lengths) { IDnum sourceID; IDnum mergeLength, newLength, sourceLength; IDnum sourceIndex; ShortReadMarker *mergeArray, *sourceArray, *newArray; ShortReadMarker *mergePtr, *sourcePtr, *newPtr; Coordinate finish; Coordinate revBreakpoint; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } if (node == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } if (breakpoint == 0) { return commonNodeReads(node, getTwinNode(getNode (getPreviousInSequence (sourceMarker))), graph, length); } sourceID = getNodeID(node) + graph->nodeCount; sourceArray = graph->nodeReads[sourceID]; sourceLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID]; if (sourceArray == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } revBreakpoint = node->length - breakpoint; mergeLength = 0; newLength = 0; sourcePtr = sourceArray; for (sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sourceLength; sourceIndex++) { if (sourcePtr->position == -1) { newLength++; mergeLength++; } else { finish = sourcePtr->position - sourcePtr->offset + lengths[sourcePtr->readID - 1]; if (sourcePtr->position < revBreakpoint) newLength++; if (finish > revBreakpoint) mergeLength++; } sourcePtr++; } newArray = mallocOrExit(newLength, ShortReadMarker); mergeArray = mallocOrExit(mergeLength, ShortReadMarker); mergePtr = mergeArray; newPtr = newArray; sourcePtr = sourceArray; mergeLength = 0; newLength = 0; for (sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sourceLength; sourceIndex++) { if (sourcePtr->position == -1) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr++; mergeLength++; newPtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(newPtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(newPtr, -1); newPtr++; newLength++; } else { finish = sourcePtr->position - sourcePtr->offset + lengths[sourcePtr->readID - 1]; if (sourcePtr->position < revBreakpoint) { newPtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(newPtr, sourcePtr-> position); setShortReadMarkerOffset(newPtr, sourcePtr-> offset); newPtr++; newLength++; // Saddle back reads: if (finish > revBreakpoint) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition (mergePtr, 0); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, sourcePtr-> offset + revBreakpoint - sourcePtr-> position); mergePtr++; } } else if (finish > revBreakpoint) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, sourcePtr-> position - revBreakpoint); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, sourcePtr-> offset); mergePtr++; mergeLength++; } } sourcePtr++; } free(sourceArray); graph->nodeReads[sourceID] = newArray; graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID] = newLength; *length = mergeLength; return mergeArray; } ShortReadMarker *extractBackOfNodeReads(Node * node, Coordinate breakpoint, Graph * graph, IDnum * length, PassageMarkerI sourceMarker, ShortLength * lengths) { IDnum sourceID; IDnum mergeLength, newLength, sourceLength; IDnum sourceIndex; ShortReadMarker *mergeArray, *sourceArray, *newArray; ShortReadMarker *mergePtr, *sourcePtr, *newPtr; Coordinate finish; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } if (node == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } if (breakpoint == 0) { return commonNodeReads(getNode (getPreviousInSequence(sourceMarker)), node, graph, length); } sourceID = getNodeID(node) + graph->nodeCount; sourceArray = graph->nodeReads[sourceID]; sourceLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID]; if (sourceArray == NULL) { *length = 0; return NULL; } mergeLength = 0; newLength = 0; sourcePtr = sourceArray; for (sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sourceLength; sourceIndex++) { if (sourcePtr->position == -1) { mergeLength++; newLength++; } else { finish = sourcePtr->position - sourcePtr->offset + lengths[sourcePtr->readID - 1]; if (sourcePtr->position < breakpoint) mergeLength++; if (finish > breakpoint) newLength++; } sourcePtr++; } newArray = mallocOrExit(newLength, ShortReadMarker); mergeArray = mallocOrExit(mergeLength, ShortReadMarker); mergePtr = mergeArray; newPtr = newArray; sourcePtr = sourceArray; for (sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sourceLength; sourceIndex++) { if (sourcePtr->position == -1) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr++; newPtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(newPtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(newPtr, -1); newPtr++; sourcePtr++; continue; } else { finish = sourcePtr->position - sourcePtr->offset + lengths[sourcePtr->readID - 1]; if (sourcePtr->position < breakpoint) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, sourcePtr-> position); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, sourcePtr-> offset); mergePtr++; // Saddle back reads: if (finish > breakpoint) { newPtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(newPtr, 0); setShortReadMarkerOffset(newPtr, sourcePtr-> offset + breakpoint - sourcePtr-> position); newPtr++; } } else if (finish > breakpoint) { newPtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(newPtr, sourcePtr-> position - breakpoint); setShortReadMarkerOffset(newPtr, sourcePtr-> offset); newPtr++; } } sourcePtr++; } free(sourceArray); graph->nodeReads[sourceID] = newArray; graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID] = newLength; *length = mergeLength; return mergeArray; } void spreadReadIDs(ShortReadMarker * reads, IDnum readCount, Node * node, Graph * graph) { IDnum targetID, targetLength, targetIndex, targetVal; IDnum sourceLength, sourceIndex, sourceVal; IDnum mergeLength; ShortReadMarker *sourceArray, *targetArray, *mergeArray; ShortReadMarker *sourcePtr, *targetPtr, *mergePtr; Coordinate targetPosition; //ShortLength nodeLength = (ShortLength) getNodeLength(node); ShortLength targetOffset; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL || reads == NULL || node == NULL) return; targetID = getNodeID(node) + graph->nodeCount; targetArray = graph->nodeReads[targetID]; targetLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID]; targetPtr = targetArray; sourceArray = reads; sourceLength = readCount; sourcePtr = sourceArray; if (targetArray == NULL) { mergeArray = mallocOrExit(sourceLength, ShortReadMarker); mergePtr = mergeArray; sourceIndex = 0; while (sourceIndex < sourceLength) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr++; sourcePtr++; sourceIndex++; } graph->nodeReads[targetID] = mergeArray; graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID] = sourceLength; return; } mergeArray = mallocOrExit(sourceLength + targetLength, ShortReadMarker); mergePtr = mergeArray; mergeLength = 0; sourceIndex = 0; targetIndex = 0; sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; targetVal = targetPtr->readID; targetPosition = targetPtr->position; targetOffset = targetPtr->offset; while (sourceIndex < sourceLength && targetIndex < targetLength) { if (sourceVal < targetVal) { mergePtr->readID = sourceVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); sourceIndex++; sourcePtr++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; } else if (sourceVal == targetVal) { mergePtr->readID = sourceVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); sourceIndex++; sourcePtr++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; targetIndex++; targetPtr++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) { targetVal = targetPtr->readID; targetPosition = targetPtr->position; targetOffset = targetPtr->offset; } } else { mergePtr->readID = targetVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, targetPosition); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, targetOffset); targetIndex++; targetPtr++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) { targetVal = targetPtr->readID; targetPosition = targetPtr->position; targetOffset = targetPtr->offset; } } mergeLength++; mergePtr++; } while (sourceIndex < sourceLength) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergeLength++; mergePtr++; sourceIndex++; sourcePtr++; } while (targetIndex < targetLength) { mergePtr->readID = targetPtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, targetPtr->position); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, targetPtr->offset); mergeLength++; mergePtr++; targetIndex++; targetPtr++; } free(targetArray); graph->nodeReads[targetID] = mergeArray; graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID] = mergeLength; } static inline Coordinate min(Coordinate A, Coordinate B) { return A < B ? A : B; } static inline ShortLength min_short(ShortLength A, ShortLength B) { return A < B ? A : B; } void injectShortReads(ShortReadMarker * sourceArray, IDnum sourceLength, Node * target, Graph * graph) { IDnum targetID = getNodeID(target) + graph->nodeCount; ShortReadMarker *targetArray = graph->nodeReads[targetID]; IDnum targetLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID]; ShortReadMarker *targetPtr = targetArray; ShortReadMarker *sourcePtr = sourceArray; ShortReadMarker *mergeArray, *mergePtr; IDnum mergeLength; Coordinate targetPosition, sourcePosition; ShortLength targetOffset, sourceOffset; IDnum targetIndex, targetVal, sourceIndex, sourceVal; if (sourceLength == 0) { free(sourceArray); return; } if (targetLength == 0) { free(targetArray); graph->nodeReads[targetID] = sourceArray; graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID] = sourceLength; return; } mergeArray = mallocOrExit(sourceLength + targetLength, ShortReadMarker); mergePtr = mergeArray; mergeLength = 0; sourceIndex = 0; targetIndex = 0; targetVal = targetPtr->readID; targetPosition = targetPtr->position; targetOffset = targetPtr->offset; sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; sourcePosition = sourcePtr->position; sourceOffset = sourcePtr->offset; while (sourceIndex < sourceLength && targetIndex < targetLength) { if (sourceVal < targetVal) { mergePtr->readID = sourceVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, sourcePosition); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, sourceOffset); sourceIndex++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) { sourcePtr++; sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; sourcePosition = sourcePtr->position; sourceOffset = sourcePtr->offset; } } else if (sourceVal == targetVal) { mergePtr->readID = sourceVal; if (sourcePosition == -1 && targetPosition == -1) { setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); } else if (sourcePosition == -1) { setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, targetPosition); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, targetOffset); } else if (targetPosition == -1) { setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, sourcePosition); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, sourceOffset); } else { setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, min (sourcePosition, targetPosition)); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, min_short (sourceOffset, targetOffset)); } sourceIndex++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) { sourcePtr++; sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; sourcePosition = sourcePtr->position; sourceOffset = sourcePtr->offset; } targetIndex++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) { targetPtr++; targetVal = targetPtr->readID; targetPosition = targetPtr->position; targetOffset = targetPtr->offset; } } else { mergePtr->readID = targetVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, targetPosition); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, targetOffset); targetIndex++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) { targetPtr++; targetVal = targetPtr->readID; targetPosition = targetPtr->position; targetOffset = targetPtr->offset; } } mergeLength++; mergePtr++; } while (sourceIndex < sourceLength) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, sourcePtr->position); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, sourcePtr->offset); mergeLength++; mergePtr++; sourceIndex++; sourcePtr++; } while (targetIndex < targetLength) { mergePtr->readID = targetPtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, targetPtr->position); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, targetPtr->offset); mergeLength++; mergePtr++; targetIndex++; targetPtr++; } free(targetArray); graph->nodeReads[targetID] = mergeArray; graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID] = mergeLength; free(sourceArray); } void mergeNodeReads(Node * target, Node * source, Graph * graph) { IDnum sourceID, sourceLength; ShortReadMarker *sourceArray; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL || source == NULL || target == NULL) return; sourceID = getNodeID(source) + graph->nodeCount; sourceArray = graph->nodeReads[sourceID]; sourceLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID]; if (sourceArray == NULL) return; graph->nodeReads[sourceID] = NULL; graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID] = 0; injectShortReads(sourceArray, sourceLength, target, graph); } void foldSymmetricalNodeReads(Node * node, Graph * graph) { IDnum targetID, targetLength, targetIndex; IDnum sourceID, sourceLength, sourceIndex; IDnum targetVal = 0; IDnum sourceVal = 0; IDnum mergeLength; ShortReadMarker *sourceArray, *targetArray, *mergeArray, *mergeArray2; ShortReadMarker *sourcePtr, *targetPtr, *mergePtr, *mergePtr2; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL || node == NULL) return; sourceID = getNodeID(node) + graph->nodeCount; sourceArray = graph->nodeReads[sourceID]; sourceLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID]; sourcePtr = sourceArray; targetID = -getNodeID(node) + graph->nodeCount; targetArray = graph->nodeReads[targetID]; targetLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID]; targetPtr = targetArray; if (sourceArray == NULL && targetArray == NULL) return; mergeArray = mallocOrExit(sourceLength + targetLength, ShortReadMarker); mergeArray2 = mallocOrExit(sourceLength + targetLength, ShortReadMarker); mergePtr = mergeArray; mergePtr2 = mergeArray2; mergeLength = 0; sourceIndex = 0; targetIndex = 0; if (targetIndex < targetLength) targetVal = targetPtr->readID; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; while (sourceIndex < sourceLength && targetIndex < targetLength) { if (sourceVal < targetVal) { mergePtr->readID = sourceVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr2->readID = sourceVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr2, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr2, -1); sourceIndex++; sourcePtr++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; } else if (sourceVal == targetVal) { mergePtr->readID = sourceVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr2->readID = sourceVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr2, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr2, -1); sourceIndex++; sourcePtr++; if (sourceIndex < sourceLength) sourceVal = sourcePtr->readID; targetIndex++; targetPtr++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) targetVal = targetPtr->readID; } else { mergePtr->readID = targetVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr2->readID = targetVal; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr2, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr2, -1); targetIndex++; targetPtr++; if (targetIndex < targetLength) targetVal = targetPtr->readID; } mergeLength++; mergePtr++; mergePtr2++; } while (sourceIndex < sourceLength) { mergePtr->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr2->readID = sourcePtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr2, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr2, -1); mergeLength++; mergePtr++; mergePtr2++; sourceIndex++; sourcePtr++; } while (targetIndex < targetLength) { mergePtr->readID = targetPtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr, -1); mergePtr2->readID = targetPtr->readID; setShortReadMarkerPosition(mergePtr2, -1); setShortReadMarkerOffset(mergePtr2, -1); mergeLength++; mergePtr++; mergePtr2++; targetIndex++; targetPtr++; } free(targetArray); graph->nodeReads[targetID] = mergeArray; graph->nodeReadCounts[targetID] = mergeLength; free(sourceArray); graph->nodeReads[sourceID] = mergeArray2; graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID] = mergeLength; } void shareReadStarts(Node * target, Node * source, Graph * graph) { ShortReadMarker *sourceArray; IDnum sourceLength, sourceID; if (graph->nodeReads == NULL) return; if (target == NULL || source == NULL) return; sourceID = source->ID + graph->nodeCount; sourceArray = graph->nodeReads[sourceID]; sourceLength = graph->nodeReadCounts[sourceID]; if (sourceArray == NULL) return; spreadReadIDs(sourceArray, sourceLength, target, graph); } ShortReadMarker **getNodeToReadMappings(Graph * graph) { return graph->nodeReads; } IDnum getShortReadMarkerID(ShortReadMarker * marker) { return marker->readID; } ShortLength getShortReadMarkerOffset(ShortReadMarker * marker) { return marker->offset; } void setShortReadMarkerOffset(ShortReadMarker * marker, ShortLength offset) { marker->offset = offset; } IDnum *getNodeReadCounts(Graph * graph) { return graph->nodeReadCounts; } int getWordLength(Graph * graph) { return graph->wordLength; } ShortReadMarker *getNodeReads(Node * node, Graph * graph) { IDnum id = node->ID + graph->nodeCount; return graph->nodeReads[id]; } IDnum getNodeReadCount(Node * node, Graph * graph) { IDnum id = node->ID + graph->nodeCount; return graph->nodeReadCounts[id]; } Coordinate getShortReadMarkerPosition(ShortReadMarker * marker) { return marker->position; } void setShortReadMarkerPosition(ShortReadMarker * marker, Coordinate position) { if (position < -100) return; marker->position = position; } ShortReadMarker *getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(ShortReadMarker * array, IDnum index) { return &(array[index]); } void destroyGraph(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; Node *node; for (index = 1; index <= graph->nodeCount; index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node != NULL) destroyNode(node, graph); } if (graph->gapMarkers) deactivateGapMarkers(graph); free(graph->nodes); destroyRecycleBin(nodeMemory); destroyRecycleBin(arcMemory); destroyAllPassageMarkers(); free(graph->arcLookupTable); free(graph->nodeReads); free(graph->nodeReadCounts); free(graph); } void setInsertLengths(Graph * graph, Category cat, Coordinate insertLength, Coordinate insertLength_std_dev) { graph->insertLengths[cat] = insertLength; graph->insertLengths_var[cat] = insertLength_std_dev * insertLength_std_dev; } Coordinate getInsertLength(Graph * graph, Category cat) { return graph->insertLengths[cat / 2]; } double getInsertLength_var(Graph * graph, Category cat) { return graph->insertLengths_var[cat / 2]; } void activateGapMarkers(Graph * graph) { graph->gapMarkers = callocOrExit(graph->nodeCount + 1, GapMarker *); gapMarkerMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(GapMarker), GAPBLOCKSIZE); } void deactivateGapMarkers(Graph * graph) { free(graph->gapMarkers); graph->gapMarkers = NULL; destroyRecycleBin(gapMarkerMemory); gapMarkerMemory = NULL; } static GapMarker *allocateGapMarker() { return (GapMarker *) allocatePointer(gapMarkerMemory); } void appendGap(Node * node, Coordinate length, Graph * graph) { IDnum nodeID = getNodeID(node); GapMarker *marker = allocateGapMarker(); GapMarker *tmp; marker->length = length; if (nodeID > 0) { marker->position = node->length; marker->next = graph->gapMarkers[nodeID]; graph->gapMarkers[nodeID] = marker; } else { for (tmp = graph->gapMarkers[-nodeID]; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) tmp->position += length; marker->position = 0; marker->next = graph->gapMarkers[-nodeID]; graph->gapMarkers[-nodeID] = marker; } addBufferToDescriptor(node, length); } void appendNodeGaps(Node * destination, Node * source, Graph * graph) { IDnum destinationID = getNodeID(destination); IDnum sourceID = getNodeID(source); GapMarker *marker; if (graph->gapMarkers == NULL) return; if (destinationID > 0 && sourceID > 0) { for (marker = graph->gapMarkers[sourceID]; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) marker->position += destination->length; } else if (destinationID > 0 && sourceID < 0) { sourceID = -sourceID; for (marker = graph->gapMarkers[sourceID]; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) marker->position = source->length + destination->length - marker->position - marker->length; } else if (destinationID < 0 && sourceID > 0) { destinationID = -destinationID; for (marker = graph->gapMarkers[destinationID]; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) marker->position += source->length; for (marker = graph->gapMarkers[sourceID]; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) marker->position = source->length - marker->position - marker->length; } else { destinationID = -destinationID; sourceID = -sourceID; for (marker = graph->gapMarkers[destinationID]; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) marker->position += source->length; } if (graph->gapMarkers[destinationID] == NULL) graph->gapMarkers[destinationID] = graph->gapMarkers[sourceID]; else { marker = graph->gapMarkers[destinationID]; while (marker->next != NULL) marker = marker->next; marker->next = graph->gapMarkers[sourceID]; } graph->gapMarkers[sourceID] = NULL; } GapMarker *getGap(Node * node, Graph * graph) { IDnum nodeID = getNodeID(node); if (graph->gapMarkers == NULL) return NULL; if (nodeID < 0) nodeID = -nodeID; return graph->gapMarkers[nodeID]; } GapMarker *getNextGap(GapMarker * marker) { return marker->next; } Coordinate getGapStart(GapMarker * marker) { return marker->position; } Coordinate getGapFinish(GapMarker * marker) { return marker->position + marker->length; } void reallocateNodeDescriptor(Node * node, Coordinate length) { Coordinate arrayLength, index, shift; Node * twin = node->twinNode; Descriptor * array; Nucleotide nucleotide; if (length < node->length) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Sum of node lengths smaller than first!"); shift = length - node->length; arrayLength = length / 4; if (length % 4) arrayLength++; node->descriptor = reallocOrExit(node->descriptor, arrayLength, Descriptor); array = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Descriptor); for (index = node->length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { nucleotide = getNucleotideInDescriptor(twin->descriptor, index); writeNucleotideInDescriptor(nucleotide, array, index + shift); } free(twin->descriptor); twin->descriptor = array; } boolean doubleStrandedGraph(Graph * graph) { return graph->double_stranded; }