/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #include "globals.h" #include "graph.h" #include "passageMarker.h" #include "readSet.h" #include "tightString.h" #include "recycleBin.h" #include "utility.h" #include "kmer.h" #include "kmerOccurenceTable.h" #include "roadMap.h" #define ADENINE 0 #define CYTOSINE 1 #define GUANINE 2 #define THYMINE 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Node Locking ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _OPENMP /* Array of per-node locks */ static omp_lock_t *nodeLocks = NULL; static void createNodeLocks(Graph *graph) { IDnum nbNodes; IDnum nodeIndex; nbNodes = nodeCount(graph) + 1; if (nodeLocks) free (nodeLocks); nodeLocks = mallocOrExit(nbNodes, omp_lock_t); #pragma omp parallel for for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nbNodes; nodeIndex++) omp_init_lock(nodeLocks + nodeIndex); } static inline void lockNode(Node *node) { IDnum nodeID = getNodeID(node); if (nodeID < 0) nodeID = -nodeID; omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); } /* Assumes node is already locked */ static inline void lockTwoNodes(Node *node, Node *node2) { IDnum nodeID = getNodeID(node); IDnum node2ID = getNodeID(node2); if (nodeID < 0) nodeID = -nodeID; if (node2ID < 0) node2ID = -node2ID; if (nodeID == node2ID) return; /* Lock lowest ID first to avoid deadlocks */ if (nodeID < node2ID) { omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + node2ID); } else if (!omp_test_lock (nodeLocks + node2ID)) { omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + node2ID); omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); } } static inline void unLockTwoNodes(Node *node, Node *node2) { IDnum nodeID = getNodeID(node); IDnum node2ID = getNodeID(node2); if (nodeID < 0) nodeID = -nodeID; if (node2ID < 0) node2ID = -node2ID; omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); if (nodeID != node2ID) omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + node2ID); } static inline void unLockNode(Node *node) { IDnum nodeID = getNodeID(node); if (nodeID < 0) nodeID = -nodeID; omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Node Lists ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct smallNodeList_st SmallNodeList; struct smallNodeList_st { Node *node; SmallNodeList *next; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; static RecycleBin *smallNodeListMemory = NULL; #define BLOCKSIZE 1000 #ifdef _OPENMP static void initSmallNodeListMemory(void) { int n = omp_get_max_threads(); #pragma omp critical { if (smallNodeListMemory == NULL) smallNodeListMemory = newRecycleBinArray(n, sizeof(SmallNodeList), BLOCKSIZE); } } #endif static SmallNodeList *allocateSmallNodeList() { #ifdef _OPENMP #ifdef DEBUG if (smallNodeListMemory == NULL) { velvetLog("The memory for small nodes seems uninitialised, " "this is probably a bug, aborting.\n"); abort(); } #endif return allocatePointer(getRecycleBinInArray(smallNodeListMemory, omp_get_thread_num())); #else if (smallNodeListMemory == NULL) smallNodeListMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(SmallNodeList), BLOCKSIZE); return (SmallNodeList*)allocatePointer(smallNodeListMemory); #endif } static void deallocateSmallNodeList(SmallNodeList * smallNodeList) { #ifdef _OPENMP deallocatePointer(getRecycleBinInArray(smallNodeListMemory, omp_get_thread_num()), smallNodeList); #else deallocatePointer(smallNodeListMemory, smallNodeList); #endif } static void destroySmallNodeListMemmory(void) { if (smallNodeListMemory != NULL) { #ifdef _OPENMP destroyRecycleBinArray(smallNodeListMemory); #else destroyRecycleBin(smallNodeListMemory); #endif smallNodeListMemory = NULL; } } static inline void memorizeNode(Node * node, SmallNodeList ** nodePile) { SmallNodeList *list = allocateSmallNodeList(); list->node = node; list->next = *nodePile; *nodePile = list; #ifndef _OPENMP setSingleNodeStatus(node, true); #endif } static inline boolean isNodeMemorized(Node * node, SmallNodeList * nodePile) { #ifdef _OPENMP /* SF TODO There must be a faster way to do this: bit mask, hash table, tree, ... ? */ SmallNodeList * list; for (list = nodePile; list; list = list->next) if (list->node == node) return true; return false; #else return getNodeStatus(node); #endif } static void unMemorizeNodes(SmallNodeList ** nodePile) { SmallNodeList * list; while (*nodePile) { list = *nodePile; *nodePile = list->next; #ifndef _OPENMP setSingleNodeStatus(list->node, false); #endif deallocateSmallNodeList(list); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reference Mappings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct referenceMapping_st ReferenceMapping; struct referenceMapping_st { IDnum referenceStart; IDnum nodeStart; IDnum length; IDnum referenceID; IDnum nodeID; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; static IDnum countMappings(char * preGraphFilename) { FILE *file = fopen(preGraphFilename, "r"); const int maxline = MAXLINE; char line[MAXLINE]; IDnum count = 0; // Go past NODE blocks while(fgets(line, maxline, file)) if (line[0] == 'S') break; // Count relevant lines while(fgets(line, maxline, file)) if (line[0] != 'S') count++; fclose(file); return count; } static ReferenceMapping * recordReferenceMappings(char * preGraphFilename, IDnum arrayLength) { ReferenceMapping * mappings = callocOrExit(arrayLength, ReferenceMapping); FILE *file = fopen(preGraphFilename, "r"); const int maxline = MAXLINE; char line[MAXLINE]; ReferenceMapping * current = mappings; IDnum referenceID; long long_var; long long coord1, coord2, coord3; // Go past NODE blocks while(fgets(line, maxline, file)) if (line[0] == 'S') break; sscanf(line, "SEQ\t%li\n", &long_var); referenceID = long_var; // Go relevant lines while(fgets(line, maxline, file)) { if (line[0] != 'S') { sscanf(line, "%li\t%lli\t%lli\t%lli\n", &long_var, &coord1, &coord2, &coord3); current->referenceID = referenceID; current->nodeID = long_var; current->nodeStart = coord1; current->referenceStart = coord2; current->length = coord3; current++; } else { sscanf(line, "SEQ\t%li\n", &long_var); referenceID = long_var; } } fclose(file); return mappings; } static int compareRefMaps(const void * ptrA, const void * ptrB) { ReferenceMapping * A = (ReferenceMapping *) ptrA; ReferenceMapping * B = (ReferenceMapping *) ptrB; if (A->referenceID > B->referenceID) return 1; else if (A->referenceID < B->referenceID) return -1; else { if (A->referenceStart >= B->referenceStart + B->length) return 1; else if (A->referenceStart + A->length <= B->referenceStart) return -1; else return 0; } } static ReferenceMapping * computeReferenceMappings(char * preGraphFilename, ReadSet * reads, Coordinate * referenceMappingLength, IDnum * referenceCount) { IDnum index; ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings; for(index = 0; index < reads->readCount && reads->categories[index] == 2 * CATEGORIES + 2; index++) (*referenceCount)++; if (*referenceCount == 0) { *referenceMappingLength = 0; return NULL; } *referenceMappingLength = countMappings(preGraphFilename); if (*referenceMappingLength == 0) return NULL; referenceMappings = recordReferenceMappings(preGraphFilename, *referenceMappingLength); qsort(referenceMappings, *referenceMappingLength, sizeof(ReferenceMapping), compareRefMaps); return referenceMappings; } static ReferenceMapping * findReferenceMapping(IDnum seqID, Coordinate refCoord, ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings, Coordinate referenceMappingCount) { IDnum positive_seqID; Coordinate leftIndex = 0; Coordinate rightIndex = referenceMappingCount - 1; Coordinate middleIndex; ReferenceMapping refMap; int comparison; if (seqID > 0) positive_seqID = seqID; else positive_seqID = -seqID; refMap.referenceID = positive_seqID; refMap.referenceStart = refCoord; refMap.length = 1; refMap.nodeStart = 0; refMap.nodeID = 0; if (compareRefMaps(&(referenceMappings[leftIndex]), &refMap) == 0) return &(referenceMappings[leftIndex]); if (compareRefMaps(&(referenceMappings[rightIndex]), &refMap) == 0) return &(referenceMappings[rightIndex]); while (true) { middleIndex = (rightIndex + leftIndex) / 2; comparison = compareRefMaps(&(referenceMappings[middleIndex]), &refMap); if (leftIndex >= rightIndex) return NULL; else if (comparison == 0) return &(referenceMappings[middleIndex]); else if (leftIndex == middleIndex) return NULL; else if (comparison > 0) rightIndex = middleIndex; else leftIndex = middleIndex; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Node Mask /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct nodeMask_st NodeMask; struct nodeMask_st { IDnum nodeID; IDnum start; IDnum finish; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; static int compareNodeMasks(const void * ptrA, const void * ptrB) { NodeMask * A = (NodeMask *) ptrA; NodeMask * B = (NodeMask *) ptrB; if (A->nodeID < B->nodeID) return -1; else if (A->nodeID > B->nodeID) return 1; else { if (A->start < B->start) return -1; else if (A->start > B->start) return 1; else return 0; } } static NodeMask * computeNodeMasks(ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings, Coordinate arrayLength, Graph * graph) { NodeMask * nodeMasks; NodeMask * currentMask; ReferenceMapping * currentMapping = referenceMappings; Coordinate index; if (referenceMappings == NULL) return NULL; nodeMasks = callocOrExit(arrayLength, NodeMask); currentMask = nodeMasks; for (index = 0; index < arrayLength; index++) { if (currentMapping->nodeID > 0) { currentMask->nodeID = currentMapping->nodeID; } else { currentMask->nodeID = -currentMapping->nodeID; } currentMask->start = currentMapping->nodeStart; currentMask->finish = currentMapping->nodeStart + currentMapping->length; currentMask++; currentMapping++; } qsort(nodeMasks, arrayLength, sizeof(NodeMask), compareNodeMasks); return nodeMasks; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static KmerOccurenceTable *referenceGraphKmers(char *preGraphFilename, short int accelerationBits, Graph * graph, boolean double_strand, NodeMask * nodeMasks, Coordinate nodeMaskCount) { FILE *file = fopen(preGraphFilename, "r"); const int maxline = MAXLINE; char line[MAXLINE]; char c; int wordLength; Coordinate lineLength, kmerCount; Kmer word; Kmer antiWord; KmerOccurenceTable *kmerTable; IDnum index; IDnum nodeID = 0; Nucleotide nucleotide; NodeMask * nodeMask = nodeMasks; Coordinate nodeMaskIndex = 0; if (file == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", preGraphFilename); // Count kmers velvetLog("Scanning pre-graph file %s for k-mers\n", preGraphFilename); // First line if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "PreGraph file incomplete"); sscanf(line, "%*i\t%*i\t%i\n", &wordLength); kmerTable = newKmerOccurenceTable(accelerationBits, wordLength); // Read nodes if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "PreGraph file incomplete"); kmerCount = 0; while (line[0] == 'N') { lineLength = 0; while ((c = getc(file)) != EOF && c != '\n') lineLength++; kmerCount += lineLength - wordLength + 1; if (fgets(line, maxline, file) == NULL) break; } velvetLog("%li kmers found\n", (long) kmerCount); for(nodeMaskIndex = 0; nodeMaskIndex < nodeMaskCount; nodeMaskIndex++) { kmerCount -= nodeMasks[nodeMaskIndex].finish - nodeMasks[nodeMaskIndex].start; } nodeMaskIndex = 0; fclose(file); // Create table allocateKmerOccurences(kmerCount, kmerTable); // Fill table file = fopen(preGraphFilename, "r"); if (file == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", preGraphFilename); if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "PreGraph file incomplete"); // Read nodes if (!fgets(line, maxline, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "PreGraph file incomplete"); while (line[0] == 'N') { nodeID++; // Fill in the initial word : clearKmer(&word); clearKmer(&antiWord); for (index = 0; index < wordLength - 1; index++) { c = getc(file); if (c == 'A') nucleotide = ADENINE; else if (c == 'C') nucleotide = CYTOSINE; else if (c == 'G') nucleotide = GUANINE; else if (c == 'T') nucleotide = THYMINE; else if (c == '\n') exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "PreGraph file incomplete"); else nucleotide = ADENINE; pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } } // Scan through node index = 0; while((c = getc(file)) != '\n' && c != EOF) { if (c == 'A') nucleotide = ADENINE; else if (c == 'C') nucleotide = CYTOSINE; else if (c == 'G') nucleotide = GUANINE; else if (c == 'T') nucleotide = THYMINE; else nucleotide = ADENINE; pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } // Update mask if necessary if (nodeMask) { if (nodeMask->nodeID < nodeID || (nodeMask->nodeID == nodeID && index >= nodeMask->finish)) { if (++nodeMaskIndex == nodeMaskCount) nodeMask = NULL; else nodeMask++; } } // Check if not masked! if (nodeMask) { if (nodeMask->nodeID == nodeID && index >= nodeMask->start && index < nodeMask->finish) { index++; continue; } } if (!double_strand || compareKmers(&word, &antiWord) <= 0) recordKmerOccurence(&word, nodeID, index, kmerTable); else recordKmerOccurence(&antiWord, -nodeID, getNodeLength(getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID)) - 1 - index, kmerTable); index++; } if (fgets(line, maxline, file) == NULL) break; } fclose(file); // Sort table sortKmerOccurenceTable(kmerTable); return kmerTable; } static void ghostThreadSequenceThroughGraph(TightString * tString, KmerOccurenceTable * kmerTable, Graph * graph, IDnum seqID, Category category, boolean readTracking, boolean double_strand, ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings, Coordinate referenceMappingCount, IDnum refCount, Annotation * annotations, IDnum annotationCount, boolean second_in_pair) { Kmer word; Kmer antiWord; Coordinate readNucleotideIndex; KmerOccurence *kmerOccurence; int wordLength = getWordLength(graph); Nucleotide nucleotide; IDnum refID; Coordinate refCoord; ReferenceMapping * refMap = NULL; Coordinate uniqueIndex = 0; Coordinate annotIndex = 0; IDnum annotCount = 0; boolean reversed; SmallNodeList * nodePile = NULL; Annotation * annotation = annotations; Node *node; Node *previousNode = NULL; // Neglect any read which will not be short paired if ((!readTracking && category % 2 == 0) || category / 2 >= CATEGORIES) return; // Neglect any string shorter than WORDLENGTH : if (getLength(tString) < wordLength) return; // Verify that all short reads are reasonnably short if (getLength(tString) > USHRT_MAX) { velvetLog("Short read of length %lli, longer than limit %i\n", (long long) getLength(tString), SHRT_MAX); velvetLog("You should better declare this sequence as long, because it genuinely is!\n"); exit(1); } clearKmer(&word); clearKmer(&antiWord); // Fill in the initial word : for (readNucleotideIndex = 0; readNucleotideIndex < wordLength - 1; readNucleotideIndex++) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } } // Go through sequence while (readNucleotideIndex < getLength(tString)) { // Shift word: nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex++, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } // Update annotation if necessary if (annotCount < annotationCount && annotIndex == getAnnotationLength(annotation)) { annotation = getNextAnnotation(annotation); annotCount++; annotIndex = 0; } // Search for reference mapping if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation) && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) <= refCount && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) >= -refCount) { refID = getAnnotSequenceID(annotation); if (refID > 0) refCoord = getStart(annotation) + annotIndex; else refCoord = getStart(annotation) - annotIndex; refMap = findReferenceMapping(refID, refCoord, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount); // If success if (refMap) { if (refID > 0) node = getNodeInGraph(graph, refMap->nodeID); else node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -refMap->nodeID); } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // if not.. look in table else { reversed = false; if (double_strand) { if (compareKmers(&word, &antiWord) <= 0) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } else { if (!second_in_pair) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } if (kmerOccurence) { if (!reversed) node = getNodeInGraph(graph, getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); else node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation)) annotIndex++; else uniqueIndex++; previousNode = node; // Fill in graph if (node && !isNodeMemorized(node, nodePile)) { #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(node); #endif incrementReadStartCount(node, graph); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(node); #endif memorizeNode(node, &nodePile); } } unMemorizeNodes(&nodePile); } static void threadSequenceThroughGraph(TightString * tString, KmerOccurenceTable * kmerTable, Graph * graph, IDnum seqID, Category category, boolean readTracking, boolean double_strand, ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings, Coordinate referenceMappingCount, IDnum refCount, Annotation * annotations, IDnum annotationCount, boolean second_in_pair) { Kmer word; Kmer antiWord; Coordinate readNucleotideIndex; Coordinate kmerIndex; KmerOccurence *kmerOccurence; int wordLength = getWordLength(graph); PassageMarkerI marker = NULL_IDX; PassageMarkerI previousMarker = NULL_IDX; Node *node = NULL; Node *previousNode = NULL; Coordinate coord = 0; Coordinate previousCoord = 0; Nucleotide nucleotide; boolean reversed; IDnum refID; Coordinate refCoord = 0; ReferenceMapping * refMap; Annotation * annotation = annotations; Coordinate index = 0; Coordinate uniqueIndex = 0; Coordinate annotIndex = 0; IDnum annotCount = 0; SmallNodeList * nodePile = NULL; // Neglect any string shorter than WORDLENGTH : if (getLength(tString) < wordLength) return; clearKmer(&word); clearKmer(&antiWord); // Fill in the initial word : for (readNucleotideIndex = 0; readNucleotideIndex < wordLength - 1; readNucleotideIndex++) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } } // Go through sequence while (readNucleotideIndex < getLength(tString)) { nucleotide = getNucleotide(readNucleotideIndex++, tString); pushNucleotide(&word, nucleotide); if (double_strand || second_in_pair) { #ifdef COLOR reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, nucleotide); #else reversePushNucleotide(&antiWord, 3 - nucleotide); #endif } // Update annotation if necessary if (annotCount < annotationCount && annotIndex == getAnnotationLength(annotation)) { annotation = getNextAnnotation(annotation); annotCount++; annotIndex = 0; } // Search for reference mapping if (category == REFERENCE) { if (referenceMappings) refMap = findReferenceMapping(seqID, index, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount); else refMap = NULL; if (refMap) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, refMap->nodeID); if (refMap->nodeID > 0) { coord = refMap->nodeStart + (index - refMap->referenceStart); } else { coord = getNodeLength(node) - refMap->nodeStart - refMap->length + (index - refMap->referenceStart); } } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // Search for reference-based mapping else if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation) && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) <= refCount && getAnnotSequenceID(annotation) >= -refCount) { refID = getAnnotSequenceID(annotation); if (refID > 0) refCoord = getStart(annotation) + annotIndex; else refCoord = getStart(annotation) - annotIndex; refMap = findReferenceMapping(refID, refCoord, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount); // If success if (refMap) { if (refID > 0) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, refMap->nodeID); if (refMap->nodeID > 0) { coord = refMap->nodeStart + (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart); } else { coord = getNodeLength(node) - refMap->nodeStart - refMap->length + (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart); } } else { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -refMap->nodeID); if (refMap->nodeID > 0) { coord = getNodeLength(node) - refMap->nodeStart - (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart) - 1; } else { coord = refMap->nodeStart + refMap->length - (refCoord - refMap->referenceStart) - 1; } } } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // Search in table else { reversed = false; if (double_strand) { if (compareKmers(&word, &antiWord) <= 0) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } else { if (!second_in_pair) { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&word, kmerTable); } else { kmerOccurence = findKmerInKmerOccurenceTable(&antiWord, kmerTable); reversed = true; } } if (kmerOccurence) { if (!reversed) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); coord = getKmerOccurencePosition(kmerOccurence); } else { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, -getKmerOccurenceNodeID(kmerOccurence)); coord = getNodeLength(node) - getKmerOccurencePosition(kmerOccurence) - 1; } } else { node = NULL; if (previousNode) break; } } // Increment positions if (annotCount < annotationCount && uniqueIndex >= getPosition(annotation)) annotIndex++; else uniqueIndex++; // Fill in graph if (node) { #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(node); #endif kmerIndex = readNucleotideIndex - wordLength; if (previousNode == node && previousCoord == coord - 1) { if (category / 2 >= CATEGORIES) { setPassageMarkerFinish(marker, kmerIndex + 1); setFinishOffset(marker, getNodeLength(node) - coord - 1); } else { #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT incrementVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); incrementOriginalVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); #else incrementVirtualCoverage(node, 1); #endif } #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(node); #endif } else { if (category / 2 >= CATEGORIES) { marker = newPassageMarker(seqID, kmerIndex, kmerIndex + 1, coord, getNodeLength (node) - coord - 1); transposePassageMarker(marker, node); connectPassageMarkers (previousMarker, marker, graph); previousMarker = marker; } else { if (readTracking) { if (!isNodeMemorized(node, nodePile)) { addReadStart(node, seqID, coord, graph, kmerIndex); memorizeNode(node, &nodePile); } else { blurLastShortReadMarker (node, graph); } } #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT incrementVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); incrementOriginalVirtualCoverage(node, category / 2, 1); #else incrementVirtualCoverage(node, 1); #endif } #ifdef _OPENMP lockTwoNodes(node, previousNode); #endif createArc(previousNode, node, graph); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockTwoNodes(node, previousNode); #endif } previousNode = node; previousCoord = coord; } index++; } if (readTracking && category / 2 < CATEGORIES) unMemorizeNodes(&nodePile); } static void fillUpGraph(ReadSet * reads, KmerOccurenceTable * kmerTable, Graph * graph, boolean readTracking, boolean double_strand, ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings, Coordinate referenceMappingCount, IDnum refCount, char * roadmapFilename) { IDnum readIndex; RoadMapArray *roadmap = NULL; Coordinate *annotationOffset = NULL; struct timeval start, end, diff; if (referenceMappings) { roadmap = importRoadMapArray(roadmapFilename); annotationOffset = callocOrExit(reads->readCount, Coordinate); for (readIndex = 1; readIndex < reads->readCount; readIndex++) annotationOffset[readIndex] = annotationOffset[readIndex - 1] + getAnnotationCount(getRoadMapInArray(roadmap, readIndex - 1)); } resetNodeStatus(graph); // Allocate memory for the read pairs if (!readStartsAreActivated(graph)) activateReadStarts(graph); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); #ifdef _OPENMP initSmallNodeListMemory(); createNodeLocks(graph); #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (readIndex = refCount; readIndex < reads->readCount; readIndex++) { Annotation * annotations = NULL; IDnum annotationCount = 0; Category category; boolean second_in_pair; if (readIndex % 1000000 == 0) velvetLog("Ghost Threading through reads %ld / %ld\n", (long) readIndex, (long) reads->readCount); category = reads->categories[readIndex]; second_in_pair = reads->categories[readIndex] & 1 && isSecondInPair(reads, readIndex); if (referenceMappings) { annotationCount = getAnnotationCount(getRoadMapInArray(roadmap, readIndex)); annotations = getAnnotationInArray(roadmap->annotations, annotationOffset[readIndex]); } ghostThreadSequenceThroughGraph(getTightStringInArray(reads->tSequences, readIndex), kmerTable, graph, readIndex + 1, category, readTracking, double_strand, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount, refCount, annotations, annotationCount, second_in_pair); } createNodeReadStartArrays(graph); gettimeofday(&end, NULL); timersub(&end, &start, &diff); velvetLog(" === Ghost-Threaded in %ld.%06ld s\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); #ifdef _OPENMP int threads = omp_get_max_threads(); if (threads > 32) threads = 32; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads) #endif for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < reads->readCount; readIndex++) { Annotation * annotations = NULL; IDnum annotationCount = 0; Category category; boolean second_in_pair; if (readIndex % 1000000 == 0) velvetLog("Threading through reads %li / %li\n", (long) readIndex, (long) reads->readCount); category = reads->categories[readIndex]; second_in_pair = reads->categories[readIndex] % 2 && isSecondInPair(reads, readIndex); if (referenceMappings) { annotationCount = getAnnotationCount(getRoadMapInArray(roadmap, readIndex)); annotations = getAnnotationInArray(roadmap->annotations, annotationOffset[readIndex]); } threadSequenceThroughGraph(getTightStringInArray(reads->tSequences, readIndex), kmerTable, graph, readIndex + 1, category, readTracking, double_strand, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount, refCount, annotations, annotationCount, second_in_pair); } gettimeofday(&end, NULL); timersub(&end, &start, &diff); velvetLog(" === Threaded in %ld.%06ld s\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); #ifdef _OPENMP free(nodeLocks); nodeLocks = NULL; #endif if (referenceMappings) { destroyRoadMapArray(roadmap); free (annotationOffset); } orderNodeReadStartArrays(graph); destroySmallNodeListMemmory(); destroyKmerOccurenceTable(kmerTable); } Graph *importPreGraph(char *preGraphFilename, ReadSet * reads, char * roadmapFilename, boolean readTracking, short int accelerationBits) { boolean double_strand = false; Graph *graph = readPreGraphFile(preGraphFilename, &double_strand); Coordinate referenceMappingCount = 0; IDnum referenceCount = 0; if (nodeCount(graph) == 0) return graph; // If necessary compile reference -> node ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings = computeReferenceMappings(preGraphFilename, reads, &referenceMappingCount, &referenceCount); // Node -> reference maps NodeMask * nodeMasks = computeNodeMasks(referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount, graph); // Map k-mers to nodes KmerOccurenceTable *kmerTable = referenceGraphKmers(preGraphFilename, accelerationBits, graph, double_strand, nodeMasks, referenceMappingCount); free(nodeMasks); // Map sequences -> kmers -> nodes fillUpGraph(reads, kmerTable, graph, readTracking, double_strand, referenceMappings, referenceMappingCount, referenceCount, roadmapFilename); free(referenceMappings); return graph; }