/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "graph.h" #include "graphStats.h" #include "readSet.h" #include "tightString.h" #include "passageMarker.h" #include "concatenatedGraph.h" #include "readCoherentGraph.h" #include "fibHeap.h" #include "utility.h" #include "recycleBin.h" #include "passageMarker.h" // Original #include "shortReadPairs.h" // Original static PassageMarkerList *copyMarkers(Node * node) { PassageMarkerList *list = NULL; PassageMarkerList *_new; PassageMarkerI currentMarker; for (currentMarker = getMarker(node); currentMarker != NULL_IDX; currentMarker = getNextInNode(currentMarker)) { _new = newPassageMarkerList(currentMarker, list); list = _new; } return list; } static boolean removeDead(PassageMarkerList ** list) { PassageMarkerList *current, *next; boolean removed = false; if (*list == NULL) return false; current = *list; while (current->next != NULL) { next = current->next; if (isTerminal(next->marker)) { removed = true; current->next = next->next; deallocatePassageMarkerList(next); } else current = current->next; } current = *list; if (isTerminal(current->marker)) { removed = true; *list = current->next; deallocatePassageMarkerList(current); } return removed; } static Node *chooseDestination(PassageMarkerList * list) { PassageMarkerList *current = list; Node *destination; destination = getNode(getNextInSequence(current->marker)); while (current != NULL) { if (getNode(getNextInSequence(current->marker)) != destination) return NULL; current = current->next; } return destination; } static void destroyPassageMarkerList(PassageMarkerList ** list) { PassageMarkerList *ptr; while (*list != NULL) { ptr = *list; *list = ptr->next; deallocatePassageMarkerList(ptr); } } static void updateMarkers(PassageMarkerList * list) { PassageMarkerList *current; for (current = list; current != NULL; current = current->next) current->marker = getNextInSequence(current->marker); } Coordinate computeSubsequentNodesLength(Node * node) { PassageMarkerList *list; Node *nextNode; Coordinate totalLength = 0; boolean uncertain = false; list = copyMarkers(node); while (true) { if (removeDead(&list)) uncertain = true; if (uncertain && simpleArcCount(node) > 1) { destroyPassageMarkerList(&list); return totalLength; } if (list == NULL) return totalLength; nextNode = chooseDestination(list); if (nextNode == NULL) { destroyPassageMarkerList(&list); return totalLength; } totalLength += getNodeLength(nextNode); updateMarkers(list); } // Impossible instruction return -1; } Coordinate computeVirtualNodeLength(Node * node) { Coordinate virtualLength; if (node == NULL) return 0; virtualLength = getNodeLength(node); virtualLength += computeSubsequentNodesLength(node); virtualLength += computeSubsequentNodesLength(getTwinNode(node)); return virtualLength; } // Counts the number of markers for one node int nodeGenomicMultiplicity(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { int counter = 0; PassageMarkerI marker; if (node == NULL) return 0; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) < firstStrain) counter++; return counter; } boolean isOnlyGenome(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) >= firstStrain) return false; return true; } boolean isOnlyStrain(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) < firstStrain) return false; return true; } boolean isSNP(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain, int WORDLENGTH) { IDnum sequence; Coordinate position; if (getNodeLength(node) != WORDLENGTH) return false; if (getMarker(node) == NULL_IDX) return false; if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(getMarker(node)) >= firstStrain) return false; if (getNextInNode(getMarker(node)) != NULL_IDX) return false; if (arcCount(node) != 1) return false; if (arcCount(getTwinNode(node)) != 1) return false; if (isOnlyGenome(getDestination(getArc(node)), firstStrain)) return false; if (isOnlyGenome (getDestination(getArc(getTwinNode(node))), firstStrain)) return false; sequence = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(getMarker(node)); if (sequence >= 0) position = getPassageMarkerStart(getMarker(node)); else { sequence = -sequence; position = getPassageMarkerFinish(getMarker(node)); } velvetLog("SNP\t%lld\t%ld\n", (long long) position, (long) sequence); return true; } void removeStrainMarkers(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker; PassageMarkerI tmp = NULL_IDX; marker = getMarker(node); while (marker != NULL_IDX) { tmp = getNextInNode(marker); if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) >= firstStrain) destroyPassageMarker(marker); marker = tmp; } } Coordinate commonLength(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker = getMarker(node); int orig = 0; int strain = 0; while (marker != NULL_IDX) { if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) < firstStrain) orig++; else strain++; marker = getNextInNode(marker); } if (orig == 0 || strain == 0) return 0; return (Coordinate) orig *getNodeLength(node); } boolean isMixed(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { return !isOnlyStrain(node, firstStrain) && !isOnlyGenome(node, firstStrain); } int countLocalBreakpoints(PassageMarkerI marker, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI localMarker; IDnum sequenceID = getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker); IDnum localSeqID; Coordinate start = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); Node *localNode = getNode(marker); Node *destination; Arc *arc; int arcCount = 0; int arcIndex; boolean *arcStatus; int counter = 0; if (!isMixed(localNode, firstStrain)) return 0; // Count arcs for (arc = getArc(localNode); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) arcCount++; arcStatus = callocOrExit(arcCount, boolean); // Check for other genomic markers in node for (localMarker = getMarker(localNode); localMarker != NULL_IDX; localMarker = getNextInNode(localMarker)) { localSeqID = getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(localMarker); if (localSeqID >= firstStrain) continue; if (localSeqID < sequenceID) return 0; if (localSeqID == sequenceID && getPassageMarkerStart(localMarker) < start) return 0; destination = getNode(getNextInSequence(localMarker)); // Enter into table: arcIndex = 0; for (arc = getArc(localNode); getDestination(arc) != destination; arc = getNextArc(arc)) arcIndex++; arcStatus[arcIndex] = true; } // Check other nodes arcIndex = 0; for (arc = getArc(localNode); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) { if (!arcStatus[arcIndex] && isMixed(getDestination(arc), firstStrain)) counter++; arcIndex++; } free(arcStatus); return counter; } IDnum genomeMarkerCount(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker; IDnum counter = 0; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) < firstStrain) counter++; return counter; } Coordinate readCoverage(Node * node) { PassageMarkerI marker; Coordinate sum = 0; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { if (getTwinMarker(marker) == NULL_IDX) { velvetLog("Node %li screwed up\n", (long) getNodeID(node)); velvetLog("Sequence %li\n", (long) getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker)); abort(); } sum += getPassageMarkerLength(marker); } return sum; } Coordinate refReadCoverage(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker; Coordinate sum = 0; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) < firstStrain) sum += getPassageMarkerLength(marker); return sum; } Coordinate newReadCoverage(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker; Coordinate sum = 0; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) >= firstStrain) { sum += getPassageMarkerLength(marker); if (getPassageMarkerLength(marker) < 0) velvetLog("Bizarre marker %li at node %li\n", (long) getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker), (long) getNodeID(node)); } return sum; } static void printShortCounts(FILE * outfile, Node * node, Graph * graph, ReadSet * reads) { IDnum counts[CATEGORIES]; Category cat; IDnum shortReadIndex; IDnum readID; IDnum shortReadCount; ShortReadMarker *array; ShortReadMarker *marker; if (!readStartsAreActivated(graph)) { for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tN/A"); return; } shortReadCount = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); array = getNodeReads(node, graph); for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) counts[cat] = 0; for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < shortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { marker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(array, shortReadIndex); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(marker); cat = reads->categories[readID - 1] / 2; counts[cat]++; } for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%li", (long) counts[cat]); } void displayGeneralStatistics(Graph * graph, char *filename, ReadSet * reads) { IDnum nodeIndex; Node *node; Category cat; FILE *outfile; outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Couldn't open file %s, sorry\n", filename); return; } else velvetLog("Writing into stats file %s...\n", filename); velvetFprintf(outfile, "ID\tlgth\tout\tin\tlong_cov"); #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tshort%i_cov", (int) (cat + 1)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tshort%i_Ocov", (int) (cat + 1)); } #else velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tshort_cov"); #endif velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tlong_nb"); for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tshort%i_nb", (int) (cat + 1)); } velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); for (nodeIndex = 1; nodeIndex <= nodeCount(graph); nodeIndex++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex); if (node == NULL) continue; velvetFprintf (outfile, "%ld\t%lld\t%i\t%i", (long) getNodeID(node), (long long) getNodeLength(node), arcCount(node), arcCount(getTwinNode(node))); if (getNodeLength(node) > 0) { velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%f", readCoverage(node) / (double) getNodeLength(node)); #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%f", getVirtualCoverage(node, cat) / (double) getNodeLength(node)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%f", getOriginalVirtualCoverage(node, cat) / (double) getNodeLength(node)); } #else velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%f", getVirtualCoverage(node) / (double) getNodeLength(node)); #endif } else { velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tInf"); #ifndef SINGLE_COV_CAT for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tInf\tInf"); #else velvetFprintf(outfile, "\tInf"); #endif } velvetFprintf(outfile, "\t%li", (long) markerCount(node)); printShortCounts(outfile, node, graph, reads); velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); } fclose(outfile); } void displayLocalBreakpoint(PassageMarkerI strainMarker, IDnum firstStrain, PassageMarkerI genomeMarker, Node ** genomeDestination, Node ** strainDestination, IDnum * counter, IDnum nodeCount) { boolean isTranslocation; PassageMarkerI marker; Node *destination, *destinationA; Node *destination2, *destination2A; Node *node1, *node2; IDnum localID = getNodeID(getNode(strainMarker)); // Eliminate genomic markers if (strainMarker == genomeMarker) return; destinationA = getNode(getNextInSequence(strainMarker)); if (destinationA == NULL) return; // Eliminate those that follow some local strain if (isDestinationToMarker(genomeMarker, destinationA)) { // velvetLog("Parallel paths\n"); return; } destination2A = getNode(getNextInSequence(genomeMarker)); if (destination2A == NULL) return; velvetLog("Lengths %lld %lld\n", (long long) getNodeLength(destinationA), (long long) getNodeLength(destination2A)); // Hop to another genomic node // if (getNodeLength(destinationA) > 24) { //velvetLog("wrong length %d %d\n", getNodeLength(destination) , getNodeID(destination)); // return; // } destination = getNode(getNextInSequence(getNextInSequence(strainMarker))); if (destination == NULL) return; // Eliminate those that point to uniquely strain sequences if (nodeGenomicMultiplicity(destination, firstStrain) != 1) { // velvetLog("Multiple genome reads\n"); return; } // Hop to another genomic node // if (getNodeLength(destination2A) != 24) { //velvetLog("wrong length 2\n"); // return; // } destination2 = getNode(getNextInSequence(getNextInSequence(genomeMarker))); if (destination2 == NULL) return; if (destination == destination2) return; // Eliminate those that point to uniquely strain sequences if (isOnlyGenome(destination2, firstStrain)) return; setSingleNodeStatus(getNode(strainMarker), true); strainDestination[localID + nodeCount] = destination; genomeDestination[localID + nodeCount] = destination2; // velvetLog("Assigning %p and %p to %d\n", destination, destination2, localID); velvetLog("lengths %lld\t%lld\n", (long long) getNodeLength(destinationA), (long long) getNodeLength(destination2A)); // Detect translocation isTranslocation = true; for (marker = getMarker(destination); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) == getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(genomeMarker)) { isTranslocation = false; break; } if (isTranslocation) { velvetLog("BREAK TRANS\t%ld\t%lld\t%lld\t%lld\n", (long) getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(genomeMarker), (long long) getPassageMarkerStart(genomeMarker), (long long) getNodeLength(destinationA), (long long) getNodeLength(destination2A)); counter[2]++; return; } // Detect breakpoint velvetLog("BREAK INTRA\t%ld\t%lld\t%lld\t%lld\n", (long) getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(genomeMarker), (long long) getPassageMarkerStart(genomeMarker), (long long) getNodeLength(destinationA), (long long) getNodeLength(destination2A)); counter[1]++; // Check for inversion if (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker) != -getPassageMarkerSequenceID(genomeMarker)) return; // velvetLog("potential!!\n"); node1 = getTwinNode(destination); if (getNodeStatus(node1)) { node2 = getTwinNode(genomeDestination [getNodeID(node1) + nodeCount]); if (getNodeStatus(node2)) if (strainDestination[getNodeID(node2) + nodeCount] == destination2) { // velvetLog("Safe\n"); counter[1] -= 4; counter[0]++; } else; // velvetLog("stopped 3\n"); else; // velvetLog("stopped 2\n"); } else; // velvetLog("stopped 1\n"); } PassageMarkerI genomeMarker(Node * node, IDnum firstStrain) { PassageMarkerI marker; if (genomeMarkerCount(node, firstStrain) != 1) return NULL_IDX; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) < firstStrain) return marker; return NULL_IDX; } void exportArcSequence(Arc * arc, FILE * outfile, int WORDLENGTH, TightString ** sequences) { char *str; TightString *output = newTightString(getNodeLength(getOrigin(arc)) + getNodeLength(getDestination(arc))); appendNodeSequence(getOrigin(arc), output, 0); appendNodeSequence(getDestination(arc), output, getNodeLength(getOrigin(arc))); str = readTightString(output); velvetFprintf(outfile, "> ARC from NODE %li", (long) getNodeID(getOrigin(arc))); velvetFprintf(outfile, "%s\n", str); destroyTightString(output); free(str); } // Produce sequences necessary to recreate graph elsewhere... void projectGraphToFile(Graph * graph, char *filename, int WORDLENGTH, TightString ** sequences) { FILE *outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); IDnum index; Node *currentNode; Arc *arc; if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Could not open %s, sorry\n", filename); return; } for (index = 1; index < nodeCount(graph); index++) { currentNode = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); for (arc = getArc(currentNode); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) exportArcSequence(arc, outfile, WORDLENGTH, sequences); for (arc = getArc(getTwinNode(currentNode)); arc != NULL; arc = getNextArc(arc)) exportArcSequence(arc, outfile, WORDLENGTH, sequences); } fclose(outfile); } typedef struct mask_st Mask; struct mask_st { Coordinate start; Coordinate finish; Mask* next; }; static RecycleBin * maskMemory = NULL; static Mask *allocateMask() { if (maskMemory == NULL) maskMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(Mask), 10000); return (Mask *) allocatePointer(maskMemory); } static void deallocateMask(Mask * mask) { deallocatePointer(maskMemory, mask); } static Mask * newMask(Coordinate position) { Mask * mask = allocateMask(); mask->start = position; mask->finish = position; mask->next = NULL; return mask; } static Mask * lowCoverageRegions(Coordinate * starts, Coordinate * stops, size_t length, IDnum cutoff, Coordinate nodeLength) { size_t indexStart = 0; size_t indexStop = 0; int currentValue = 0; Mask * regions = NULL; Mask * lastRegion = NULL; boolean openMask = false; while (indexStart < length && indexStop < length) { if (starts[indexStart] == stops[indexStop]) { indexStart++; indexStop++; } else if (starts[indexStart] < stops[indexStop]) { if (currentValue == cutoff - 1 && lastRegion) { lastRegion->finish = starts[indexStart] - 1; openMask = false; } currentValue++; indexStart++; } else { if (currentValue == cutoff && stops[indexStop] != nodeLength) { if (regions) { lastRegion->next = newMask(stops[indexStop]); lastRegion = lastRegion->next; } else { regions = newMask(stops[indexStop]); lastRegion = regions; } openMask = true; } currentValue--; indexStop++; } } while (indexStart < length) { if (currentValue == cutoff - 1 && lastRegion) { lastRegion->finish = starts[indexStart] - 1; openMask = false; } else if (currentValue >= cutoff) { break; } currentValue++; indexStart++; } while (indexStop < length) { if (currentValue == cutoff + 1) { if (regions) { lastRegion->next = newMask(stops[indexStop]); lastRegion = lastRegion->next; } else { regions = newMask(stops[indexStop]); lastRegion = regions; } openMask = true; } else if (currentValue < cutoff) break; currentValue--; indexStop++; } if (openMask) lastRegion->finish = nodeLength; free(starts); free(stops); return regions; } static int compareCoords(const void * A, const void * B) { Coordinate * a_p = (Coordinate *) A; Coordinate * b_p = (Coordinate *) B; Coordinate a = * a_p; Coordinate b = * b_p; if (a < b) return -1; else if (a > b) return 1; else return 0; } static void sortCoords(Coordinate * array, IDnum length) { qsort(array, (size_t) length, sizeof(Coordinate), compareCoords); } static void getShortReadCoords(Coordinate * starts, Coordinate * stops, Node * node, Graph * graph, ShortLength * readLengths) { ShortReadMarker * markers = getNodeReads(node, graph); ShortReadMarker* marker; IDnum index; for (index = 0; index < getNodeReadCount(node, graph); index++) { marker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(markers, index); starts[index] = getShortReadMarkerPosition(marker); stops[index] = starts[index] - getShortReadMarkerOffset(marker) + readLengths[getShortReadMarkerID(marker) - 1] - 1; } } static void getShortReadTwinCoords(Coordinate * starts, Coordinate * stops, Node * node, Graph * graph, ShortLength * readLengths, IDnum offset) { ShortReadMarker * markers = getNodeReads(getTwinNode(node), graph); ShortReadMarker* marker; IDnum index; for (index = 0; index < getNodeReadCount(getTwinNode(node), graph); index++) { marker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(markers, index); stops[index + offset] = getNodeLength(node) - 1 - getShortReadMarkerPosition(marker); starts[index + offset] = stops[index + offset] + getShortReadMarkerOffset(marker) - readLengths[getShortReadMarkerID(marker) - 1] + 1; } } static void getLongReadCoords(Coordinate * starts, Coordinate * stops, Node * node, Graph * graph, ReadSet * reads, IDnum offset) { PassageMarkerI marker; IDnum index = offset; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { if (reads->categories[getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) - 1] != REFERENCE) { starts[index] = getStartOffset(marker); stops[index++] = getNodeLength(node) - 1 - getFinishOffset(marker); } else { starts[index] = -5; stops[index++] = -10; } } } static Mask * findLowCoverageRegions(Node * node, Graph * graph, IDnum cutoff, ReadSet * reads, ShortLength * readLengths) { // Fill arrays IDnum nodeReads = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); IDnum twinReads = getNodeReadCount(getTwinNode(node), graph); IDnum longReads = markerCount(node); IDnum length = nodeReads + twinReads + longReads; Coordinate * starts = callocOrExit(length, Coordinate); Coordinate * stops = callocOrExit(length, Coordinate); getShortReadCoords(starts, stops, node, graph, readLengths); getShortReadTwinCoords(starts, stops, node, graph, readLengths, nodeReads); getLongReadCoords(starts, stops, node, graph, reads, nodeReads + twinReads); // Sort arrays sortCoords(starts, length); sortCoords(stops, length); // Go through array return lowCoverageRegions(starts, stops, length, cutoff, getNodeLength(node)); } static void exportLongNodeSequence(FILE * outfile, Node * node, Graph * graph, ReadSet * reads, ShortLength * readLengths, IDnum cutoff) { TightString *tString; Coordinate position; char nucleotide; int WORDLENGTH = getWordLength(graph); GapMarker *gap; IDnum nodeIndex = getNodeID(node); Mask * mask = NULL; Mask * next; if (readStartsAreActivated(graph) && cutoff > 0) mask = findLowCoverageRegions(node, graph, cutoff, reads, readLengths); tString = expandNode(node, WORDLENGTH); velvetFprintf(outfile, ">NODE_%ld_length_%lld_cov_%f\n", (long) nodeIndex, (long long) getNodeLength(node), (getTotalCoverage(node) + readCoverage(node)) / (float) getNodeLength(node)); gap = getGap(node, graph); for (position = 0; position < WORDLENGTH; position++) { if (position % 60 == 0 && position > 0) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); nucleotide = getNucleotideChar(position, tString); velvetFprintf(outfile, "%c", nucleotide); } gap = getGap(node, graph); for (; position < getLength(tString); position++) { if (position % 60 == 0) velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); while (gap && position - WORDLENGTH + 1 >= getGapFinish(gap)) gap = getNextGap(gap); while (mask && position - WORDLENGTH + 1 >= mask->finish) { next = mask->next; deallocateMask(mask); mask = next; } if (gap && position - WORDLENGTH + 1 >= getGapStart(gap)) { velvetFprintf(outfile, "N"); } else if (mask && position - WORDLENGTH + 1 >= mask->start) { nucleotide = getNucleotideChar(position, tString); velvetFprintf(outfile, "%c", tolower(nucleotide)); } else { nucleotide = getNucleotideChar(position, tString); velvetFprintf(outfile, "%c", nucleotide); } } velvetFprintf(outfile, "\n"); destroyTightString (tString); } void exportLongNodeSequences(char *filename, Graph * graph, Coordinate minLength, ReadSet * reads, ShortLength * readLengths, IDnum minCov) { FILE *outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); IDnum nodeIndex; Node *node; //double sensitivity, specificity; if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Could not write into %s, sorry\n", filename); return; } else { velvetLog("Writing contigs into %s...\n", filename); } for (nodeIndex = 1; nodeIndex <= nodeCount(graph); nodeIndex++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex); if (node == NULL || getNodeLength(node) < minLength) continue; exportLongNodeSequence(outfile, node, graph, reads, readLengths, minCov); } if (maskMemory) destroyRecycleBin(maskMemory); maskMemory = NULL; fclose(outfile); } Coordinate maxLength(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; Node *node; Coordinate max = 0; for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node != NULL && getNodeLength(node) > max) max = getNodeLength(node); } return max; } Coordinate n50(Graph * graph) { FibHeap *heap = newFibHeap(); IDnum index; Coordinate totalLength = 0; Coordinate sumLength = 0; Node *node; if (nodeCount(graph) == 0) { velvetLog("EMPTY GRAPH\n"); return 0; } for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node == NULL) continue; insertNodeIntoHeap(heap, getNodeLength(node), node); totalLength += getNodeLength(node); } totalLength /= 2; node = removeNextNodeFromHeap(heap); while (node != NULL) { sumLength += getNodeLength(node); if (sumLength >= totalLength) break; node = removeNextNodeFromHeap(heap); } destroyHeap(heap); return getNodeLength(node); } int compareNodeCovs(const void * A, const void * B) { Node * nodeA = *((Node **) A); Node * nodeB = *((Node **) B); double covA; double covB; if (getNodeLength(nodeA) == 0) nodeA = NULL; if (getNodeLength(nodeB) == 0) nodeB = NULL; // Null nodes considered to have infinite coverage if (nodeA == NULL && nodeB == NULL) return 0; if (nodeA == NULL) return 1; if (nodeB == NULL) return -1; // Deal with real coverage numbers: covA = getTotalCoverage(nodeA) / (double) getNodeLength(nodeA); covB = getTotalCoverage(nodeB) / (double) getNodeLength(nodeB); if (covA > covB) return 1; if (covA == covB) return 0; return -1; } double estimated_cov(Graph * graph, char * directory) { Node ** nodeArray = callocOrExit(nodeCount(graph), Node*); IDnum index; Coordinate halfTotalLength = 0; Coordinate sumLength = 0; Node *node; char *logFilename = mallocOrExit(strlen(directory) + 100, char); char *statsLine = mallocOrExit(5000, char); FILE *logFile; strcpy(logFilename, directory); strcat(logFilename, "/Log"); logFile = fopen(logFilename, "a"); if (logFile == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not write to %s", logFilename); //velvetLog("Measuring median coverage depth...\n"); if (nodeCount(graph) == 0) { velvetLog("EMPTY GRAPH\n"); return 0; } // Write nodes into array and compute total assembly length for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); nodeArray[index - 1] = node; if (node == NULL) continue; halfTotalLength += getNodeLength(node); } halfTotalLength /= 2; // Sort nodes qsort(nodeArray, nodeCount(graph), sizeof(Node *), compareNodeCovs); // Compute the length weighted median node coverage for (index = 0; index < nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = nodeArray[index]; sumLength += getNodeLength(node); if (sumLength >= halfTotalLength) { //velvetLog("Median coverage depth = %f\n", getTotalCoverage(node) / (double) getNodeLength(node)); //velvetFprintf(logFile, "Median coverage depth = %f\n", getTotalCoverage(node) / (double) getNodeLength(node)); free(nodeArray); fclose(logFile); free(logFilename); free(statsLine); return getTotalCoverage(node) / (double) getNodeLength(node); } } // In case something went wrong... free(nodeArray); fclose(logFile); free(logFilename); free(statsLine); return -1; } static boolean terminalReferenceMarker(Node * node, ReadSet * reads) { PassageMarkerI marker; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (reads->categories[getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) - 1] == REFERENCE && (!getNextInSequence(marker) || !getPreviousInSequence(marker))) return true; return false; } static boolean hasReferenceMarker(Node * node, ReadSet * reads) { PassageMarkerI marker; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (reads->categories[getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) - 1] == REFERENCE) return true; return false; } inline static void destroyNodePassageMarkers(Graph *graph, Node* node) { PassageMarkerI marker; while ((marker = getMarker(node)) != NULL_IDX) { if (!isInitial(marker) && !isTerminal(marker)) deleteNextPassageMarker(getPreviousInSequence(marker), graph); destroyPassageMarker(marker); } } inline static void removeNodeAndDenounceDubiousReads(Graph *graph, Node *node, boolean denounceReads, boolean *res, Coordinate minLength, FILE *outfile) { if (denounceReads) { ShortReadMarker *nodeArray; ShortReadMarker *shortMarker; IDnum maxIndex; IDnum index; IDnum readID; nodeArray = getNodeReads(node, graph); maxIndex = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); for (index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(nodeArray, index); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(shortMarker); if (readID > 0) res[readID - 1] = true; else res[-readID - 1] = true; } nodeArray = getNodeReads(getTwinNode(node), graph); maxIndex = getNodeReadCount(getTwinNode(node), graph); for (index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(nodeArray, index); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(shortMarker); if (readID > 0) res[readID - 1] = true; else res[-readID - 1] = true; } } destroyNodePassageMarkers(graph, node); if (outfile != NULL && getNodeLength(node) > minLength) exportLongNodeSequence(outfile, node, graph, NULL, NULL, -1); destroyNode(node, graph); } boolean *removeLowCoverageNodesAndDenounceDubiousReads(Graph * graph, double minCov, ReadSet * reads, boolean _export, Coordinate minLength, char *filename) { IDnum index; Node *node; boolean denounceReads = readStartsAreActivated(graph); boolean *res = NULL; FILE * outfile = NULL; velvetLog("Removing contigs with coverage < %f...\n", minCov); if (denounceReads) res = callocOrExit(sequenceCount(graph), boolean); if (_export) { outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Could not write into %s, sorry\n", filename); return res; } else { velvetLog("Writing contigs into %s...\n", filename); } } for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (getNodeLength(node) == 0) continue; if (getTotalCoverage(node) / getNodeLength(node) < minCov && !hasReferenceMarker(node, reads)) removeNodeAndDenounceDubiousReads(graph, node, denounceReads, res, minLength, outfile); } concatenateGraph(graph); for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (getNodeLength(node) == 0) continue; if (getTotalCoverage(node) / getNodeLength(node) < minCov && !terminalReferenceMarker(node, reads)) removeNodeAndDenounceDubiousReads(graph, node, denounceReads, res, minLength, outfile); } if (_export) fclose(outfile); concatenateGraph(graph); return res; } static Coordinate getLongCoverage(Node * node) { PassageMarkerI marker; Coordinate total = 0; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) total += getPassageMarkerLength(marker); return total; } void removeLowCoverageReferenceNodes(Graph * graph, double minCov, double minLongCov, ReadSet * reads) { IDnum index; Node *node; velvetLog("Removing reference contigs with coverage < %f...\n", minCov); for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (getNodeLength(node) == 0) continue; if ((getTotalCoverage(node) / getNodeLength(node) < minCov || getLongCoverage(node) / getNodeLength(node) < minLongCov) && hasReferenceMarker(node, reads)) { destroyNodePassageMarkers(graph, node); destroyNode(node, graph); } } concatenateGraph(graph); } void removeLowLongCoverageNodesAndDenounceDubiousReads(Graph * graph, double minCov, ReadSet * reads, boolean * res, boolean _export, Coordinate minLength, char *filename) { IDnum index; Node *node; boolean denounceReads = readStartsAreActivated(graph); FILE * outfile = NULL; if (minCov < 0) return; velvetLog("Removing contigs with coverage < %f...\n", minCov); if (_export) { outfile = fopen(filename, "a"); if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Could not write into %s, sorry\n", filename); return; } else { velvetLog("Writing contigs into %s...\n", filename); } } for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (getNodeLength(node) == 0) continue; if (getLongCoverage(node) / getNodeLength(node) < minCov && !hasReferenceMarker(node, reads)) removeNodeAndDenounceDubiousReads(graph, node, denounceReads, res, minLength, outfile); } concatenateGraph(graph); for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (getNodeLength(node) == 0) continue; if (getLongCoverage(node) / getNodeLength(node) < minCov && !terminalReferenceMarker(node, reads)) removeNodeAndDenounceDubiousReads(graph, node, denounceReads, res, minLength, outfile); } if (_export) fclose(outfile); concatenateGraph(graph); } void removeHighCoverageNodes(Graph * graph, double maxCov, boolean _export, Coordinate minLength, char *filename) { IDnum index; Node *node; FILE * outfile = NULL; if (maxCov < 0) return; velvetLog("Applying an upper coverage cutoff of %f...\n", maxCov); if (_export) { outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Could not write into %s, sorry\n", filename); return; } else { velvetLog("Writing contigs into %s...\n", filename); } } for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (getNodeLength(node) > 0 && getTotalCoverage(node) / getNodeLength(node) > maxCov) { destroyNodePassageMarkers(graph, node); if (_export && getNodeLength(node) > minLength) exportLongNodeSequence(outfile, node, graph, NULL, NULL, -1); destroyNode(node, graph); } } if (_export) fclose(outfile); concatenateGraph(graph); } static void exportAMOSLib(FILE * outfile, Graph * graph, Category cat) { Coordinate distance = getInsertLength(graph, cat * 2); double variance = getInsertLength_var(graph, cat * 2); if (distance == -1) return; velvetFprintf(outfile, "{LIB\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "iid:%d\n", (int) (cat + 1)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "{DST\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "mea:%lld\n", (long long) distance); velvetFprintf(outfile, "std:%lld\n", (long long) sqrt(variance)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); } static void exportAMOSMarker(FILE * outfile, PassageMarkerI marker, Coordinate nodeLength, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, int wordShift) { Coordinate sequenceStart, sequenceFinish; if (getStartOffset(marker) >= finish || getFinishOffset(marker) > nodeLength - start) return; sequenceStart = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); if (start > getStartOffset(marker)) { if (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker) > 0) sequenceStart += start - getStartOffset(marker); else sequenceStart -= start - getStartOffset(marker); } sequenceFinish = getPassageMarkerFinish(marker); if (nodeLength - finish > getFinishOffset(marker)) { if (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker) > 0) sequenceFinish -= nodeLength - finish - getFinishOffset(marker); else sequenceFinish += nodeLength - finish - getFinishOffset(marker); } if (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker) > 0) sequenceFinish += wordShift; else sequenceStart += wordShift; velvetFprintf(outfile, "{TLE\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "src:%li\n", (long) getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker)); if (getStartOffset(marker) > start) velvetFprintf(outfile, "off:%lld\n", (long long) (getStartOffset(marker) - start)); else velvetFprintf(outfile, "off:0\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "clr:%lld,%lld\n", (long long) sequenceStart, (long long) sequenceFinish); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); } static void exportAMOSShortMarker(FILE * outfile, ShortReadMarker * marker, ReadSet * reads, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish) { Coordinate offset = getShortReadMarkerPosition(marker) - getShortReadMarkerOffset(marker); TightString *sequence = getTightStringInArray (reads->tSequences, getShortReadMarkerID(marker) - 1); if (getShortReadMarkerPosition(marker) == -1) return; if (offset >= finish || offset + getLength(sequence) < start) return; velvetFprintf(outfile, "{TLE\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "src:%li\n", (long) getShortReadMarkerID(marker)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "off:%lld\n", (long long) (offset - start)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "clr:0,%lld\n", (long long) getLength(sequence)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); } static void exportAMOSReverseShortMarker(FILE * outfile, ShortReadMarker * marker, Coordinate nodeLength, int wordShift, ReadSet * reads, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish) { TightString *sequence = getTightStringInArray (reads->tSequences, getShortReadMarkerID(marker) - 1); Coordinate offset = nodeLength - getShortReadMarkerPosition(marker) + getShortReadMarkerOffset(marker) - getLength(sequence) + wordShift; if (getShortReadMarkerPosition(marker) == -1) return; if (offset >= finish || offset + getLength(sequence) < start) return; velvetFprintf(outfile, "{TLE\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "src:%li\n", (long) getShortReadMarkerID(marker)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "off:%lld\n", (long long) (offset - start)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "clr:%lld,0\n", (long long) getLength(sequence)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); } static void exportAMOSContig(FILE * outfile, ReadSet * reads, Node * node, Graph * graph, Coordinate contigStart, Coordinate contigFinish, IDnum iid, IDnum internalIndex) { Coordinate start; char str[100]; PassageMarkerI marker; ShortReadMarker *shortMarkerArray, *shortMarker; Coordinate index, maxIndex; int wordShift = getWordLength(graph) - 1; char *string = expandNodeFragment(node, contigStart, contigFinish, getWordLength(graph)); Coordinate length = contigFinish - contigStart + wordShift; velvetFprintf(outfile, "{CTG\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "iid:%li\n", (long) iid); velvetFprintf(outfile, "eid:%li-%li\n", (long) getNodeID(node), (long) internalIndex); velvetFprintf(outfile, "seq:\n"); for (start = 0; start <= length; start += 60) { strncpy(str, &(string[start]), 60); str[60] = '\0'; velvetFprintf(outfile, "%s\n", str); } velvetFprintf(outfile, ".\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "qlt:\n"); for (start = 0; start <= length; start += 60) { strncpy(str, &(string[start]), 60); str[60] = '\0'; velvetFprintf(outfile, "%s\n", str); } velvetFprintf(outfile, ".\n"); free(string); for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) exportAMOSMarker(outfile, marker, getNodeLength(node), contigStart, contigFinish, wordShift); if (readStartsAreActivated(graph)) { shortMarkerArray = getNodeReads(node, graph); maxIndex = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); for (index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(shortMarkerArray, index); exportAMOSShortMarker(outfile, shortMarker, reads, contigStart, contigFinish); } shortMarkerArray = getNodeReads(getTwinNode(node), graph); maxIndex = getNodeReadCount(getTwinNode(node), graph); for (index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(shortMarkerArray, index); exportAMOSReverseShortMarker(outfile, shortMarker, getNodeLength(node), wordShift, reads, contigStart, contigFinish); } } velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); } static void exportAMOSNode(FILE * outfile, ReadSet * reads, Node * node, Graph * graph) { Coordinate start = 0; Coordinate finish; GapMarker *gap; IDnum smallIndex = 0; static IDnum iid = 1; IDnum contigIndex = iid; int wordShift = getWordLength(graph) - 1; for (gap = getGap(node, graph); gap; gap = getNextGap(gap)) { finish = getGapStart(gap); exportAMOSContig(outfile, reads, node, graph, start, finish, iid++, smallIndex++); start = getGapFinish(gap); } finish = getNodeLength(node); exportAMOSContig(outfile, reads, node, graph, start, finish, iid++, smallIndex); if (!getGap(node, graph)) return; start = 0; velvetFprintf(outfile, "{SCF\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "eid:%li\n", (long) getNodeID(node)); for (gap = getGap(node, graph); gap; gap = getNextGap(gap)) { finish = getGapStart(gap); velvetFprintf(outfile, "{TLE\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "off:%lld\n", (long long) start); velvetFprintf(outfile, "clr:0,%lld\n", (long long) (finish - start + (long long) wordShift)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "src:%li\n", (long) contigIndex++); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); start = getGapFinish(gap); } finish = getNodeLength(node); velvetFprintf(outfile, "{TLE\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "off:%lld\n", (long long) start); velvetFprintf(outfile, "clr:0,%lld\n", (long long) (finish - start)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "src:%li\n", (long) contigIndex++); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); } static void exportAMOSRead(FILE * outfile, TightString * tString, IDnum index, IDnum frg_index) { Coordinate start, finish; char str[100]; velvetFprintf(outfile, "{RED\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "iid:%li\n", (long) index); velvetFprintf(outfile, "eid:%li\n", (long) index); if (frg_index > 0) velvetFprintf(outfile, "frg:%li\n", (long) frg_index); velvetFprintf(outfile, "seq:\n"); start = 0; while (start <= getLength(tString)) { finish = start + 60; readTightStringFragment(tString, start, finish, str); velvetFprintf(outfile, "%s\n", str); start = finish; } velvetFprintf(outfile, ".\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "qlt:\n"); start = 0; while (start <= getLength(tString)) { finish = start + 60; readTightStringFragment(tString, start, finish, str); velvetFprintf(outfile, "%s\n", str); start = finish; } velvetFprintf(outfile, ".\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); } void exportAMOSContigs(char *filename, Graph * graph, Coordinate cutoff_length, ReadSet * reads) { IDnum index; Category cat; Node *node; FILE *outfile; velvetLog("Writing into AMOS file %s...\n", filename); outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not write to AMOS file %s", filename); for (cat = 0; cat <= CATEGORIES; cat++) exportAMOSLib(outfile, graph, cat); for (index = 1; index <= reads->readCount; index++) { if (reads->categories[index - 1] % 2 != 0 && getInsertLength(graph, reads->categories[index - 1]) >= 0) { velvetFprintf(outfile, "{FRG\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "lib:%d\n", (int) ((reads->categories[index - 1] / 2) + 1)); velvetFprintf(outfile, "rds:%li,%li\n", (long) index, (long) index + 1); velvetFprintf(outfile, "eid:%li\n", (long) index); velvetFprintf(outfile, "iid:%li\n", (long) index); velvetFprintf(outfile, "typ:I\n"); velvetFprintf(outfile, "}\n"); index++; } } for (index = 1; index <= reads->readCount; index++) { if (reads->categories[index - 1] % 2 != 0 && getInsertLength(graph, reads->categories[index - 1]) >= 0) { exportAMOSRead(outfile, getTightStringInArray(reads->tSequences, index - 1), index, index); index++; exportAMOSRead(outfile, getTightStringInArray(reads->tSequences, index - 1), index, index - 1); } else { exportAMOSRead(outfile, getTightStringInArray(reads->tSequences, index - 1), index, -1); } } for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node == NULL) continue; if (getNodeLength(node) >= cutoff_length) exportAMOSNode(outfile, reads, node, graph); } fclose(outfile); } Coordinate totalAssemblyLength(Graph * graph) { IDnum index; Node *node; Coordinate total = 0; for (index = 1; index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index); if (node) total += getNodeLength(node); } return total; } IDnum usedReads(Graph * graph, Coordinate minContigLength) { IDnum res = 0; boolean * used = callocOrExit(sequenceCount(graph) + 1, boolean); IDnum nodeID, readID; Node * node; PassageMarkerI marker; ShortReadMarker * shortReadArray, * shortReadMarker; IDnum shortReadCount, shortReadIndex; for(nodeID = 1; nodeID <= nodeCount(graph); nodeID++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID); if (node == NULL || getNodeLength(node) < minContigLength) continue; // Long reads for(marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { readID = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); if (readID < 0) readID = -readID; used[readID] = true; } // Short reads if (!readStartsAreActivated(graph)) continue; shortReadArray = getNodeReads(node, graph); shortReadCount = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < shortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortReadMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(shortReadArray, shortReadIndex); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(shortReadMarker); used[readID] = true; } shortReadArray = getNodeReads(getTwinNode(node), graph); shortReadCount = getNodeReadCount(getTwinNode(node), graph); for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < shortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortReadMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(shortReadArray, shortReadIndex); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(shortReadMarker); used[readID] = true; } } for (readID = 1; readID <= sequenceCount(graph); readID++) if (used[readID]) res++; free(used); return res; } void logFinalStats(Graph * graph, Coordinate minContigKmerLength, char *directory) { char *logFilename = mallocOrExit(strlen(directory) + 100, char); char *statsLine = mallocOrExit(5000, char); FILE *logFile; strcpy(logFilename, directory); strcat(logFilename, "/Log"); logFile = fopen(logFilename, "a"); if (logFile == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not write to %s", logFilename); sprintf (statsLine, "Final graph has %ld nodes and n50 of %lld, max %lld, total %lld, using %ld/%ld reads\n", (long) nodeCount(graph), (long long) n50(graph), (long long) maxLength(graph), (long long) totalAssemblyLength(graph), (long) usedReads(graph, minContigKmerLength), (long) sequenceCount(graph)); velvetFprintf(logFile, "%s", statsLine); velvetFprintf(stdout, "%s", statsLine); fclose(logFile); free(logFilename); free(statsLine); } void exportUnusedReads(Graph* graph, ReadSet * reads, Coordinate minContigKmerLength, char* directory) { char *outFilename = mallocOrExit(strlen(directory) + 100, char); FILE * outfile; boolean * used = callocOrExit(sequenceCount(graph) + 1, boolean); IDnum nodeID, readID; Node * node; PassageMarkerI marker; ShortReadMarker * shortReadArray, * shortReadMarker; IDnum shortReadCount, shortReadIndex; strcpy(outFilename, directory); strcat(outFilename, "/UnusedReads.fa"); outfile = fopen(outFilename, "w"); velvetLog("Printing unused reads into %s\n", outFilename); for(nodeID = 1; nodeID <= nodeCount(graph); nodeID++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID); if (node == NULL || getNodeLength(node) < minContigKmerLength) continue; // Long reads for(marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { readID = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); if (readID < 0) readID = -readID; used[readID] = true; } // Short reads if (!readStartsAreActivated(graph)) continue; shortReadArray = getNodeReads(node, graph); shortReadCount = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < shortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortReadMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(shortReadArray, shortReadIndex); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(shortReadMarker); used[readID] = true; } shortReadArray = getNodeReads(getTwinNode(node), graph); shortReadCount = getNodeReadCount(getTwinNode(node), graph); for (shortReadIndex = 0; shortReadIndex < shortReadCount; shortReadIndex++) { shortReadMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(shortReadArray, shortReadIndex); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(shortReadMarker); used[readID] = true; } } for (readID = 1; readID <= sequenceCount(graph); readID++) if (!used[readID]) exportTightString(outfile, getTightStringInArray(reads->tSequences, readID - 1), readID); free(outFilename); free(used); fclose(outfile); } static IDnum getReferenceCount(ReadSet * reads) { IDnum index; for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) if (reads->categories[index] != REFERENCE) break; return index; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reference identifiers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct referenceCoord_st ReferenceCoord; struct referenceCoord_st { IDnum start; IDnum finish; char * name; boolean positive_strand; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; static ReferenceCoord * collectReferenceCoords(char * sequencesFilename, IDnum referenceCount) { FILE * file = fopen(sequencesFilename, "r"); char line[MAXLINE]; char name[5000]; Coordinate start, finish; long long longlongvar; IDnum refIndex = 0; ReferenceCoord * refCoords = callocOrExit(referenceCount, ReferenceCoord); int i; while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, file)) { if (line[0] == '>') { if (strchr(line, ':')) { sscanf(strtok(line, ":-\r\n"), ">%s", name); sscanf(strtok(NULL, ":-\r\n"), "%lli", &longlongvar); start = longlongvar; sscanf(strtok(NULL, ":-\r\n"), "%lli", &longlongvar); finish = longlongvar; refCoords[refIndex].name = callocOrExit(strlen(name) + 1, char); if (start <= finish) { strcpy(refCoords[refIndex].name, name); refCoords[refIndex].start = start; refCoords[refIndex].finish = finish; refCoords[refIndex].positive_strand = true; } else { strcpy(refCoords[refIndex].name, name); refCoords[refIndex].start = finish; refCoords[refIndex].finish = start; refCoords[refIndex].positive_strand = false; } } else { for (i = strlen(line) - 1; i >= 0 && (line[i] == '\n' || line[i] == '\r'); i--) { line[i] = '\0'; } strcpy(name, line + 1); refCoords[refIndex].name = callocOrExit(strlen(name) + 1, char); strcpy(refCoords[refIndex].name, name); refCoords[refIndex].start = 1; refCoords[refIndex].finish = -1; refCoords[refIndex].positive_strand = true; } if (++refIndex == referenceCount) break; } } fclose(file); return refCoords; } typedef struct refMap_st { IDnum start; IDnum finish; IDnum refID; IDnum refStart; IDnum refFinish; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED ReferenceMapping; static int compareReferenceMappings(const void * A, const void * B) { ReferenceMapping * refMapA = (ReferenceMapping *) A; ReferenceMapping * refMapB = (ReferenceMapping *) B; if (refMapA->start < refMapB->start) return -1; else if (refMapA->start == refMapB->start) return 0; else return 1; } static void initializeReferenceMapping(ReferenceMapping * refMap, PassageMarkerI marker, Node * node) { refMap->start = getStartOffset(marker); refMap->finish = getNodeLength(node) - getFinishOffset(marker); refMap->refID = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); refMap->refStart = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); refMap->refFinish = getPassageMarkerFinish(marker); } static void velvetFprintfReferenceMapping(FILE * file, ReferenceMapping * mapping, ReferenceCoord * refCoords, int wordLength) { ReferenceCoord * refCoord; Coordinate start, finish; if (mapping->refID > 0) refCoord = &refCoords[mapping->refID - 1]; else refCoord = &refCoords[-mapping->refID - 1]; if (mapping->refID > 0) { if (refCoord->positive_strand) { start = refCoord->start + mapping->refStart; finish = refCoord->start + mapping->refFinish + wordLength - 2; } else { start = refCoord->finish - mapping->refStart + wordLength - 1; finish = refCoord->finish - mapping->refFinish + 1; } } else { if (refCoord->positive_strand) { start = refCoord->start + mapping->refStart + wordLength - 1; finish = refCoord->start + mapping->refFinish + 1; } else { start = refCoord->finish - mapping->refStart; finish = refCoord->finish - mapping->refFinish + wordLength; } } velvetFprintf(file, "%lli\t%lli\t%s\t%lli\t%lli\n", (long long) mapping->start + 1, (long long) mapping->finish + wordLength - 1, refCoord->name, (long long) start, (long long) finish); } static void exportLongNodeMapping(FILE * outfile, Node * node, ReadSet * reads, ReferenceCoord * refCoords, int wordLength) { PassageMarkerI marker; ReferenceMapping * referenceMappings; IDnum index; IDnum referenceCount = 0; // Count reference sequences for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (reads->categories[getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) - 1] == REFERENCE) referenceCount++; // Header velvetFprintf(outfile, ">contig_%li\n", (long) getNodeID(node)); // Create table referenceMappings = callocOrExit(referenceCount, ReferenceMapping); // Initialize table referenceCount = 0; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) if (reads->categories[getAbsolutePassMarkerSeqID(marker) - 1] == REFERENCE) initializeReferenceMapping(&referenceMappings[referenceCount++], marker, node); // Sort table qsort(referenceMappings, referenceCount, sizeof(ReferenceMapping), compareReferenceMappings); // Print table for (index = 0; index < referenceCount; index++) velvetFprintfReferenceMapping(outfile, &referenceMappings[index], refCoords, wordLength); // Clean table free(referenceMappings); } void exportLongNodeMappings(char *filename, Graph * graph, ReadSet * reads, Coordinate minLength, char * sequencesFilename) { FILE * outfile; IDnum nodeIndex, refIndex; Node *node; ReferenceCoord * refCoords; IDnum referenceCount = getReferenceCount(reads); if (referenceCount == 0) return; refCoords = collectReferenceCoords(sequencesFilename, referenceCount); outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { velvetLog("Could not write into %s, sorry\n", filename); return; } else { velvetLog("Writing contigs into %s...\n", filename); } for (nodeIndex = 1; nodeIndex <= nodeCount(graph); nodeIndex++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex); if (node == NULL || getNodeLength(node) < minLength) continue; exportLongNodeMapping(outfile, node, reads, refCoords, getWordLength(graph)); } for (refIndex = 0; refIndex < referenceCount; refIndex++) free(refCoords[refIndex].name); free(refCoords); fclose(outfile); } static void removeLowArcsFromNode(Node* node, Graph * graph, double cutoff) { Arc * arc, * next; if (node == NULL) return; for (arc = getArc(node); arc; arc = next) { next = getNextArc(arc); if (getMultiplicity(arc) <= cutoff) destroyArc(arc, graph); } } void removeLowArcs(Graph * graph, double cutoff) { velvetLog("Removing single arcs\n"); IDnum index; for (index = -nodeCount(graph); index <= nodeCount(graph); index++) removeLowArcsFromNode(getNodeInGraph(graph, index), graph, cutoff); concatenateGraph(graph); }