/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #include "globals.h" #include "preGraph.h" #include "recycleBin.h" #include "roadMap.h" #include "readSet.h" #include "concatenatedPreGraph.h" #include "utility.h" #include "kmer.h" #define ADENINE 0 #define CYTOSINE 1 #define GUANINE 2 #define THYMINE 3 #ifdef _OPENMP Coordinate *annotationOffset = NULL; static omp_lock_t *nodeLocks = NULL; static void createNodeLocks(PreGraph *preGraph) { IDnum nbNodes; IDnum nodeIndex; nbNodes = preNodeCount_pg(preGraph) + 1; if (nodeLocks) free (nodeLocks); nodeLocks = mallocOrExit(nbNodes, omp_lock_t); #pragma omp parallel for for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nbNodes; nodeIndex++) omp_init_lock(nodeLocks + nodeIndex); } static void lockNode(IDnum preNodeID) { omp_set_lock(nodeLocks + preNodeID); } static void unLockNode(IDnum preNodeID) { omp_unset_lock(nodeLocks + preNodeID); } static void lockTwoNodes(IDnum preNodeID, IDnum preNode2ID) { if (preNodeID < 0) preNodeID = -preNodeID; if (preNode2ID < 0) preNode2ID = -preNode2ID; /* Lock lowest ID first to avoid deadlocks */ if (preNodeID == preNode2ID) omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + preNodeID); else if (preNodeID < preNode2ID) { omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + preNodeID); omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + preNode2ID); } else { omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + preNode2ID); omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + preNodeID); } } static void unLockTwoNodes(IDnum preNodeID, IDnum preNode2ID) { if (preNodeID < 0) preNodeID = -preNodeID; if (preNode2ID < 0) preNode2ID = -preNode2ID; omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + preNodeID); if (preNodeID != preNode2ID) omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + preNode2ID); } #endif // Internal structure used to mark the ends of an Annotation struct insertionMarker_st { Annotation *annot; boolean isStart; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; Coordinate getInsertionMarkerPosition(InsertionMarker * marker) { if (marker->isStart) return getStart(marker->annot); else return getFinish(marker->annot); } int compareInsertionMarkers(const void *A, const void *B) { Coordinate Apos = getInsertionMarkerPosition((InsertionMarker *) A); Coordinate Bpos = getInsertionMarkerPosition((InsertionMarker *) B); if (Apos < Bpos) return -1; else if (Apos == Bpos) return 0; else return 1; } // Applies mergeSort to each insertion marker list (in order of position) static void orderInsertionMarkers(InsertionMarker ** insMarkers, IDnum * markerCounters, RoadMapArray * rdmaps) { IDnum sequenceIndex; IDnum sequenceCounter = rdmaps->length; velvetLog("Ordering insertion markers\n"); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex <= sequenceCounter; sequenceIndex++) { qsort(insMarkers[sequenceIndex], markerCounters[sequenceIndex], sizeof(InsertionMarker), compareInsertionMarkers); } } // Creates insertion marker lists static void setInsertionMarkers(RoadMapArray * rdmaps, IDnum * markerCounters, InsertionMarker ** veryLastMarker, InsertionMarker ** insertionMarkers) { IDnum sequenceCounter = rdmaps->length; IDnum sequenceIndex, sequenceIndex2; Coordinate totalCount = 0; RoadMap *rdmap; Annotation *annot = rdmaps->annotations; InsertionMarker *nextMarker, *newMarker; IDnum annotIndex, lastAnnotIndex; InsertionMarker **insMarkers = callocOrExit(rdmaps->length + 1, InsertionMarker *); // Counting insertion markers for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex < sequenceCounter + 1; sequenceIndex++) { //velvetLog("Going through sequence %d\n", sequenceIndex); rdmap = getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1); lastAnnotIndex = getAnnotationCount(rdmap); // Set insertion markers in previous sequences : for (annotIndex = 0; annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex; annotIndex++) { if (getAnnotSequenceID(annot) > 0) { markerCounters[getAnnotSequenceID(annot)] += 2; } else { markerCounters[-getAnnotSequenceID(annot)] += 2; } totalCount += 2; annot = getNextAnnotation(annot); } } // Allocating space *insertionMarkers = callocOrExit(totalCount, InsertionMarker); *veryLastMarker = *insertionMarkers + totalCount; // Pointing each node to its space nextMarker = *insertionMarkers; for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex < sequenceCounter + 1; sequenceIndex++) { insMarkers[sequenceIndex] = nextMarker; nextMarker = nextMarker + markerCounters[sequenceIndex]; markerCounters[sequenceIndex] = 0; } // Filling up space with data annot = rdmaps->annotations; for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex < sequenceCounter + 1; sequenceIndex++) { //velvetLog("Going through sequence %d\n", sequenceIndex); rdmap = getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1); lastAnnotIndex = getAnnotationCount(rdmap); // Set insertion markers in previous sequences : for (annotIndex = 0; annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex; annotIndex++) { sequenceIndex2 = getAnnotSequenceID(annot); if (sequenceIndex2 > 0) { newMarker = insMarkers[sequenceIndex2] + (markerCounters[sequenceIndex2])++; newMarker->annot = annot; newMarker->isStart = true; newMarker = insMarkers[sequenceIndex2] + (markerCounters[sequenceIndex2])++; newMarker->annot = annot; newMarker->isStart = false; } else { incrementAnnotationCoordinates(annot); newMarker = insMarkers[-sequenceIndex2] + (markerCounters[-sequenceIndex2])++; newMarker->annot = annot; newMarker->isStart = true; newMarker = insMarkers[-sequenceIndex2] + (markerCounters[-sequenceIndex2])++; newMarker->annot = annot; newMarker->isStart = false; } annot = getNextAnnotation(annot); } } orderInsertionMarkers(insMarkers, markerCounters, rdmaps); free(insMarkers); } // Counts how many preNodes are to be created to allocate appropriate memory static void countPreNodes(RoadMapArray * rdmaps, PreGraph * preGraph, IDnum * markerCounters, InsertionMarker * insertionMarkers, InsertionMarker * veryLastMarker) { Annotation *annot = rdmaps->annotations; InsertionMarker *currentMarker = insertionMarkers; IDnum markerIndex, lastMarkerIndex; IDnum sequenceIndex; Coordinate currentPosition, nextStop; IDnum preNodeCounter = 0; RoadMap *rdmap; IDnum annotIndex, lastAnnotIndex; // Now that we have read all of the annotations, we go on to create the preNodes and tie them up for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex <= sequenceCount_pg(preGraph); sequenceIndex++) { rdmap = getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1); annotIndex = 0; lastAnnotIndex = getAnnotationCount(rdmap); markerIndex = 0; lastMarkerIndex = markerCounters[sequenceIndex]; currentPosition = 0; while (annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex) { if (markerIndex == lastMarkerIndex || getPosition(annot) <= getInsertionMarkerPosition(currentMarker)) nextStop = getPosition(annot); else nextStop = getInsertionMarkerPosition (currentMarker); if (currentPosition != nextStop) { preNodeCounter++; currentPosition = nextStop; } while (markerIndex < lastMarkerIndex && getInsertionMarkerPosition(currentMarker) == currentPosition) { currentMarker++; markerIndex++; } while (annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex && getPosition(annot) == currentPosition) { annot = getNextAnnotation(annot); annotIndex++; } } while (markerIndex < lastMarkerIndex) { if (currentPosition == getInsertionMarkerPosition(currentMarker)) { currentMarker++; markerIndex++; } else { preNodeCounter++; currentPosition = getInsertionMarkerPosition (currentMarker); } } } allocatePreNodeSpace_pg(preGraph, preNodeCounter); } static void convertInsertionMarkers(InsertionMarker * insertionMarkers, InsertionMarker * veryLastMarker, IDnum * chains) { InsertionMarker *marker; Annotation *annot; for (marker = insertionMarkers; marker != veryLastMarker; marker++) { annot = marker->annot; if (getAnnotSequenceID(annot) > 0) { if (marker->isStart) { if (getStartID(annot) == 0) setStartID(annot, chains [getAnnotSequenceID (annot)]); else setStartID(annot, getStartID(annot) + 1); } } else { if (marker->isStart) setStartID(annot, -getStartID(annot)); else { if (getFinishID(annot) == 0) setFinishID(annot, -chains [-getAnnotSequenceID (annot)]); else setFinishID(annot, -getFinishID(annot) - 1); } } } free(insertionMarkers); } static void convertMarker(InsertionMarker * marker, IDnum nodeID) { if (marker->isStart) setStartID(marker->annot, nodeID); else setFinishID(marker->annot, nodeID); } // Creates the preNode using insertion marker and annotation lists for each sequence static void createPreNodes(RoadMapArray * rdmaps, PreGraph * preGraph, IDnum * markerCounters, InsertionMarker * insertionMarkers, InsertionMarker * veryLastMarker, IDnum * chains, char *sequenceFilename, int WORDLENGTH) { Annotation *annot = rdmaps->annotations; IDnum latestPreNodeID; InsertionMarker *currentMarker = insertionMarkers; IDnum sequenceIndex; Coordinate currentPosition, nextStop; IDnum preNodeCounter = 1; FILE *file = fopen(sequenceFilename, "r"); char line[50000]; int lineLength = 50000; Coordinate readIndex; boolean tooShort; Kmer initialKmer; char c; RoadMap *rdmap; IDnum annotIndex, lastAnnotIndex; IDnum markerIndex, lastMarkerIndex; if (file == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not read %s", sequenceFilename); // Reading sequence descriptor in first line if (!fgets(line, lineLength, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "%s incomplete.", sequenceFilename); // Now that we have read all of the annotations, we go on to create the preNodes and tie them up for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex <= sequenceCount_pg(preGraph); sequenceIndex++) { if (sequenceIndex % 1000000 == 0) velvetLog("Sequence %li / %li\n", (long) sequenceIndex, (long) sequenceCount_pg(preGraph)); while (line[0] != '>') if (!fgets(line, lineLength, file)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "%s incomplete.", sequenceFilename); rdmap = getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1); annotIndex = 0; lastAnnotIndex = getAnnotationCount(rdmap); markerIndex = 0; lastMarkerIndex = markerCounters[sequenceIndex]; currentPosition = 0; // Reading first (k-1) nucleotides tooShort = false; clearKmer(&initialKmer); //velvetLog("Initial kmer: "); for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < WORDLENGTH - 1; readIndex++) { c = getc(file); while (c == '\n' || c == '\r') c = getc(file); if (c == '>' || c == 'M' || c == EOF) { ungetc(c, file); tooShort = true; break; } switch (c) { case 'A': case 'N': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, ADENINE); break; case 'C': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, CYTOSINE); break; case 'G': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, GUANINE); break; case 'T': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, THYMINE); break; default: velvetLog ("Irregular sequence file: are you sure your Sequence and Roadmap file come from the same source?\n"); fflush(stdout); abort(); } } if (tooShort) { //velvetLog("Skipping short read.. %d\n", sequenceIndex); chains[sequenceIndex] = preNodeCounter; if (!fgets(line, lineLength, file) && sequenceIndex < sequenceCount_pg(preGraph)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "%s incomplete.", sequenceFilename); continue; } latestPreNodeID = 0; while (annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex) { if (markerIndex == lastMarkerIndex || getPosition(annot) <= getInsertionMarkerPosition(currentMarker)) nextStop = getPosition(annot); else { nextStop = getInsertionMarkerPosition (currentMarker); } if (currentPosition != nextStop) { //if (sequenceIndex == 481) // velvetLog("Adding pre nodes from %lli to %lli\n", (long long) currentPosition, (long long) nextStop); addPreNodeToPreGraph_pg(preGraph, currentPosition, nextStop, file, &initialKmer, preNodeCounter); if (latestPreNodeID == 0) { chains[sequenceIndex] = preNodeCounter; } latestPreNodeID = preNodeCounter++; currentPosition = nextStop; } while (markerIndex < lastMarkerIndex && getInsertionMarkerPosition(currentMarker) == nextStop) { convertMarker(currentMarker, latestPreNodeID); currentMarker++; markerIndex++; } while (annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex && getPosition(annot) == nextStop) { for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < getAnnotationLength(annot); readIndex++) { c = getc(file); while (!isalpha(c)) c = getc(file); //if (sequenceIndex == 481) // velvetLog("(%c)", c); switch (c) { case 'A': case 'N': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, ADENINE); break; case 'C': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, CYTOSINE); break; case 'G': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, GUANINE); break; case 'T': pushNucleotide(&initialKmer, THYMINE); break; default: velvetLog ("Irregular sequence file: are you sure your Sequence and Roadmap file come from the same source?\n"); fflush(stdout); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } } annot = getNextAnnotation(annot); annotIndex++; } } while (markerIndex < lastMarkerIndex) { if (currentPosition == getInsertionMarkerPosition(currentMarker)) { convertMarker(currentMarker, latestPreNodeID); currentMarker++; markerIndex++; } else { nextStop = getInsertionMarkerPosition (currentMarker); //if (sequenceIndex == 481) // velvetLog("Adding pre nodes from %lli to %lli\n", (long long) currentPosition, (long long) nextStop); addPreNodeToPreGraph_pg(preGraph, currentPosition, nextStop, file, &initialKmer, preNodeCounter); if (latestPreNodeID == 0) chains[sequenceIndex] = preNodeCounter; latestPreNodeID = preNodeCounter++; currentPosition = getInsertionMarkerPosition (currentMarker); } } // End of sequence if (!fgets(line, lineLength, file) && sequenceIndex < sequenceCount_pg(preGraph)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "%s incomplete.", sequenceFilename); //velvetLog(" \n"); if (latestPreNodeID == 0) chains[sequenceIndex] = preNodeCounter; } free(markerCounters); fclose(file); } static void connectPreNodeToTheNext(IDnum * currentPreNodeID, IDnum nextPreNodeID, Coordinate * currentPosition, IDnum sequenceIndex, boolean isReference, PreGraph * preGraph) { if (nextPreNodeID == 0) return; #ifdef _OPENMP lockTwoNodes(*currentPreNodeID, nextPreNodeID); #endif if (isReference) incrementNodeReferenceMarkerCount_pg(preGraph, nextPreNodeID); if (*currentPreNodeID != 0) createPreArc_pg(*currentPreNodeID, nextPreNodeID, preGraph); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockTwoNodes(*currentPreNodeID, nextPreNodeID); #endif *currentPreNodeID = nextPreNodeID; *currentPosition += getPreNodeLength_pg(*currentPreNodeID, preGraph); } static IDnum chooseNextInternalPreNode(IDnum currentPreNodeID, IDnum sequenceIndex, PreGraph * preGraph, IDnum * chains) { if (currentPreNodeID >= preNodeCount_pg(preGraph)) return 0; if (sequenceIndex >= sequenceCount_pg(preGraph)) return currentPreNodeID + 1; if (currentPreNodeID + 1 < chains[sequenceIndex + 1]) return currentPreNodeID + 1; return 0; } static void connectAnnotation(IDnum * currentPreNodeID, Annotation * annot, Coordinate * currentPosition, IDnum sequenceIndex, boolean isReference, PreGraph * preGraph) { IDnum nextPreNodeID = getStartID(annot); connectPreNodeToTheNext(currentPreNodeID, nextPreNodeID, currentPosition, sequenceIndex, isReference, preGraph); while (*currentPreNodeID != getFinishID(annot)) { nextPreNodeID = (*currentPreNodeID) + 1; connectPreNodeToTheNext(currentPreNodeID, nextPreNodeID, currentPosition, sequenceIndex, isReference, preGraph); } } static void reConnectAnnotation(IDnum * currentPreNodeID, Annotation * annot, Coordinate * currentPosition, IDnum sequenceIndex, PreGraph * preGraph, PreMarker ** previous) { IDnum nextPreNodeID = getStartID(annot); #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif *previous = addPreMarker_pg(preGraph, nextPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, currentPosition, *previous); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif while (*currentPreNodeID != getFinishID(annot)) { nextPreNodeID = (*currentPreNodeID) + 1; #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif *previous = addPreMarker_pg(preGraph, nextPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, currentPosition, *previous); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(nextPreNodeID); #endif *currentPreNodeID = nextPreNodeID; } } static void createPreMarkers(RoadMapArray * rdmaps, PreGraph * preGraph, IDnum * chains) { IDnum sequenceIndex; IDnum referenceCount = rdmaps->referenceCount; #ifndef _OPENMP Annotation *annot = rdmaps->annotations; #endif #ifdef _OPENMP int threads = omp_get_max_threads(); if (threads > 8) threads = 8; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads) #endif for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex <= referenceCount; sequenceIndex++) { #ifdef _OPENMP Annotation *annot = getAnnotationInArray(rdmaps->annotations, annotationOffset[sequenceIndex - 1]); #endif RoadMap *rdmap; Coordinate currentPosition, currentInternalPosition; IDnum currentPreNodeID, nextInternalPreNodeID; IDnum annotIndex, lastAnnotIndex; PreMarker * previous; if (sequenceIndex % 1000000 == 0) velvetLog("Connecting %li / %li\n", (long) sequenceIndex, (long) sequenceCount_pg(preGraph)); rdmap = getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1); annotIndex = 0; lastAnnotIndex = getAnnotationCount(rdmap); nextInternalPreNodeID = chooseNextInternalPreNode (chains[sequenceIndex] - 1, sequenceIndex, preGraph, chains); previous = NULL; currentPosition = 0; currentInternalPosition = 0; currentPreNodeID = 0; // Recursion up to last annotation while (annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex || nextInternalPreNodeID != 0) { if (annotIndex == lastAnnotIndex || (nextInternalPreNodeID != 0 && currentInternalPosition < getPosition(annot))) { #ifdef _OPENMP lockNode(nextInternalPreNodeID); #endif previous = addPreMarker_pg(preGraph, nextInternalPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, ¤tPosition, previous); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockNode(nextInternalPreNodeID); #endif currentPreNodeID = nextInternalPreNodeID; nextInternalPreNodeID = chooseNextInternalPreNode (currentPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, preGraph, chains); currentInternalPosition += getPreNodeLength_pg(currentPreNodeID, preGraph); } else { reConnectAnnotation(¤tPreNodeID, annot, ¤tPosition, sequenceIndex, preGraph, &previous); annot = getNextAnnotation(annot); annotIndex++; } } } } // Threads each sequences and creates preArcs according to road map indications static void connectPreNodes(RoadMapArray * rdmaps, PreGraph * preGraph, IDnum * chains) { IDnum sequenceIndex; IDnum referenceCount = rdmaps->referenceCount; #ifdef _OPENMP annotationOffset = mallocOrExit(rdmaps->length + 1, Coordinate); annotationOffset[0] = 0; for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex <= rdmaps->length; sequenceIndex++) annotationOffset[sequenceIndex] = annotationOffset[sequenceIndex - 1] + getAnnotationCount(getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1)); #else Annotation *annot = rdmaps->annotations; #endif if (rdmaps->referenceCount > 0) allocatePreMarkerCountSpace_pg(preGraph); #ifdef _OPENMP int threads = omp_get_max_threads(); if (threads > 8) threads = 8; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads) #endif for (sequenceIndex = 1; sequenceIndex <= sequenceCount_pg(preGraph); sequenceIndex++) { #ifdef _OPENMP Annotation *annot = getAnnotationInArray(rdmaps->annotations, annotationOffset[sequenceIndex - 1]); #endif RoadMap *rdmap; Coordinate currentPosition, currentInternalPosition; IDnum currentPreNodeID, nextInternalPreNodeID; IDnum annotIndex, lastAnnotIndex; boolean isReference; if (sequenceIndex % 1000000 == 0) velvetLog("Connecting %li / %li\n", (long) sequenceIndex, (long) sequenceCount_pg(preGraph)); rdmap = getRoadMapInArray(rdmaps, sequenceIndex - 1); annotIndex = 0; lastAnnotIndex = getAnnotationCount(rdmap); nextInternalPreNodeID = chooseNextInternalPreNode (chains[sequenceIndex] - 1, sequenceIndex, preGraph, chains); isReference = (sequenceIndex <= referenceCount); currentPosition = 0; currentInternalPosition = 0; currentPreNodeID = 0; // Recursion up to last annotation while (annotIndex < lastAnnotIndex || nextInternalPreNodeID != 0) { if (annotIndex == lastAnnotIndex || (nextInternalPreNodeID != 0 && currentInternalPosition < getPosition(annot))) { connectPreNodeToTheNext(¤tPreNodeID, nextInternalPreNodeID, ¤tPosition, sequenceIndex, isReference, preGraph); nextInternalPreNodeID = chooseNextInternalPreNode (currentPreNodeID, sequenceIndex, preGraph, chains); currentInternalPosition += getPreNodeLength_pg(currentPreNodeID, preGraph); } else { connectAnnotation(¤tPreNodeID, annot, ¤tPosition, sequenceIndex, isReference, preGraph); annot = getNextAnnotation(annot); annotIndex++; } } } if (rdmaps->referenceCount > 0) { allocatePreMarkerSpace_pg(preGraph); createPreMarkers(rdmaps, preGraph, chains); } #ifdef _OPENMP free(annotationOffset); annotationOffset = NULL; #endif } // Post construction memory deallocation routine (of sorts, could certainly be optimized) static void cleanUpMemory(PreGraph * preGraph, RoadMapArray * rdmaps, IDnum * chains) { // Killing off roadmaps destroyRoadMapArray(rdmaps); // Finishing off the chain markers free(chains); } // The full monty, wrapped up in one function PreGraph *newPreGraph_pg(RoadMapArray * rdmapArray, char *sequenceFilename) { int WORDLENGTH = rdmapArray->WORDLENGTH; IDnum sequenceCount = rdmapArray->length; IDnum *markerCounters = callocOrExit(sequenceCount + 1, IDnum); IDnum *chains = callocOrExit(sequenceCount + 1, IDnum); InsertionMarker *insertionMarkers; InsertionMarker *veryLastMarker; PreGraph *preGraph = emptyPreGraph_pg(sequenceCount, rdmapArray->referenceCount, rdmapArray->WORDLENGTH, rdmapArray->double_strand); velvetLog("Creating insertion markers\n"); setInsertionMarkers(rdmapArray, markerCounters, &veryLastMarker, &insertionMarkers); velvetLog("Counting preNodes\n"); countPreNodes(rdmapArray, preGraph, markerCounters, insertionMarkers, veryLastMarker); velvetLog("%li preNodes counted, creating them now\n", (long) preNodeCount_pg(preGraph)); createPreNodes(rdmapArray, preGraph, markerCounters, insertionMarkers, veryLastMarker, chains, sequenceFilename, WORDLENGTH); velvetLog("Adjusting marker info...\n"); convertInsertionMarkers(insertionMarkers, veryLastMarker, chains); #ifdef _OPENMP createNodeLocks(preGraph); #endif velvetLog("Connecting preNodes\n"); connectPreNodes(rdmapArray, preGraph, chains); velvetLog("Cleaning up memory\n"); cleanUpMemory(preGraph, rdmapArray, chains); #ifdef _OPENMP free(nodeLocks); nodeLocks = NULL; #endif velvetLog("Done creating preGraph\n"); return preGraph; }