/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #include "globals.h" #include "graph.h" #include "concatenatedGraph.h" #include "recycleBin.h" #include "locallyCorrectedGraph.h" #include "passageMarker.h" #include "readSet.h" #include "utility.h" #include "scaffold.h" #define BLOCK_SIZE 100000 #define LN2 1.4 static int PEBBLE_ROUND_NUM = 0; static double paired_exp_fraction = 0.1; struct connection_st { Node *destination; Connection *right; Connection *left; Connection *twin; float distance; float variance; IDnum direct_count; IDnum paired_count; unsigned char clean; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; struct readOccurence_st { IDnum position; IDnum offset; IDnum nodeID; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; // Global params static IDnum UNRELIABLE_CONNECTION_CUTOFF = 5; // Global pointers static Graph *graph; static Connection **scaffold = NULL; static RecycleBin *connectionMemory = NULL; static boolean estimated[CATEGORIES + 1]; #ifdef _OPENMP #define READS_PER_LOCK 32 /* Array of reads locks */ static omp_lock_t *readsLocks = NULL; /* Array of per-node locks */ static omp_lock_t *nodeLocks = NULL; static void createReadsLocks() { Coordinate nbLocks; Coordinate lockIndex; if (readsLocks) free (readsLocks); nbLocks = 1 + sequenceCount(graph) / READS_PER_LOCK; readsLocks = mallocOrExit(nbLocks, omp_lock_t); #pragma omp parallel for for (lockIndex = 0; lockIndex < nbLocks; lockIndex++) omp_init_lock(readsLocks + lockIndex); } static inline void lockRead(IDnum readID) { omp_set_lock (readsLocks + readID / READS_PER_LOCK); } static inline void unLockRead(IDnum readID) { omp_unset_lock (readsLocks + readID / READS_PER_LOCK); } static void createNodeLocks(Graph *graph) { IDnum nbNodes; IDnum nodeIndex; nbNodes = nodeCount(graph) + 1; if (nodeLocks) free (nodeLocks); nodeLocks = mallocOrExit(nbNodes, omp_lock_t); #pragma omp parallel for for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nbNodes; nodeIndex++) omp_init_lock(nodeLocks + nodeIndex); } /* Tries to avoid deadlocking */ static inline void lockTwoNodes(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID) { if (nodeID < 0) nodeID = -nodeID; if (node2ID < 0) node2ID = -node2ID; /* Lock lowest ID first to avoid deadlocks */ if (nodeID < node2ID) { omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + node2ID); } else { omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + node2ID); omp_set_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); } } static inline void unLockTwoNodes(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID) { if (nodeID < 0) nodeID = -nodeID; if (node2ID < 0) node2ID = -node2ID; omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + nodeID); omp_unset_lock (nodeLocks + node2ID); } #endif static Connection *allocateConnection() { Connection *connect; #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical { #endif if (connectionMemory == NULL) connectionMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(Connection), BLOCK_SIZE); connect = (Connection*)allocatePointer(connectionMemory); #ifdef _OPENMP } #endif connect->destination = NULL; connect->clean = false; return connect; } static void deallocateConnection(Connection * connect) { deallocatePointer(connectionMemory, connect); } Node * getConnectionDestination(Connection * connect) { return connect->destination; } Connection * getNextConnection(Connection * connect) { return connect->right; } Connection * getTwinConnection(Connection * connect) { return connect->twin; } Coordinate getConnectionDistance(Connection * connect) { return (Coordinate) connect->distance; } double getConnectionVariance(Connection * connect) { return connect->variance; } IDnum getConnectionDirectCount(Connection * connect) { return connect->direct_count; } IDnum getConnectionPairedCount(Connection * connect) { return connect->paired_count; } Connection * getConnection(Node * node) { return scaffold[getNodeID(node) + nodeCount(graph)]; } void incrementConnectionDistance(Connection * connect, Coordinate increment) { connect->distance += increment; } static double norm(double X) { return 0.4 * exp(-X * X / 2); } static double normInt(double X, double Y) { return (erf(0.7 * Y) - erf(0.7 * X)) / 2; } static IDnum expectedNumberOfConnections(IDnum IDA, Connection * connect, IDnum ** counts, Category cat) { Node *A = getNodeInGraph(graph, IDA); Node *B = connect->destination; double left, middle, right; Coordinate longLength, shortLength, D; IDnum longCount; double M, N, O, P; Coordinate mu = getInsertLength(graph, cat); double sigma = sqrt(getInsertLength_var(graph, cat)); double result; if (mu <= 0) return 0; if (getNodeLength(A) < getNodeLength(B)) { longLength = getNodeLength(B); shortLength = getNodeLength(A); longCount = counts[cat][getNodeID(B) + nodeCount(graph)]; } else { longLength = getNodeLength(A); shortLength = getNodeLength(B); longCount = counts[cat][IDA + nodeCount(graph)]; } D = getConnectionDistance(connect) - (longLength + shortLength) / 2; M = (D - mu) / sigma; N = (D + shortLength - mu) / sigma; O = (D + longLength - mu) / sigma; P = (D + shortLength + longLength - mu) / sigma; left = ((norm(M) - norm(N)) - M * normInt(M, N)) * sigma; middle = shortLength * normInt(N, O); right = ((norm(O) - norm(P)) - P * normInt(O, P)) * (-sigma); result = (longCount * (left + middle + right)) / longLength; if (result > 0) return (IDnum) result; else return 0; } void destroyConnection(Connection * connect, IDnum nodeID) { Connection *previous, *next; //velvetLog("Destroying connection from %li to %li\n", nodeID, getNodeID(connect->destination)); if (connect == NULL) return; previous = connect->left; next = connect->right; if (previous != NULL) previous->right = next; if (next != NULL) next->left = previous; if (scaffold[nodeID + nodeCount(graph)] == connect) scaffold[nodeID + nodeCount(graph)] = next; if (connect->twin != NULL) { connect->twin->twin = NULL; destroyConnection(connect->twin, getNodeID(connect->destination)); } deallocateConnection(connect); } static boolean testConnection(IDnum IDA, Connection *connect, IDnum **counts, boolean *shadows) { IDnum total = 0; Category cat; // Spare unique -> undetermined node connections if (!getUniqueness(connect->destination)) return true; // Destroy tenuous connections if (connect->paired_count + connect->direct_count < UNRELIABLE_CONNECTION_CUTOFF) return false; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) if (!shadows[cat] || cat <= PEBBLE_ROUND_NUM) total += expectedNumberOfConnections(IDA, connect, counts, cat); // Remove inconsistent connections return connect->paired_count >= total * paired_exp_fraction; } static IDnum* computeReadToNodeCounts(Coordinate *totalCount) { IDnum nodeIndex; IDnum maxNodeIndex = 2 * nodeCount(graph) + 1; IDnum maxReadIndex = sequenceCount(graph) + 1; IDnum *readNodeCounts = callocOrExit(maxReadIndex, IDnum); unsigned char *readMarker = callocOrExit(1 + maxReadIndex / 8, unsigned char); Coordinate total = 0; velvetLog("Computing read to node mapping array sizes\n"); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total) #endif for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < maxNodeIndex; nodeIndex++) { Node *node; ShortReadMarker *nodeArray; IDnum nodeReadCount; IDnum readIndex; node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex - nodeCount(graph)); if (node == NULL) continue; nodeArray = getNodeReads(node, graph); nodeReadCount = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); // Short reads for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < nodeReadCount; readIndex++) { ShortReadMarker *shortMarker; IDnum readID; shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(nodeArray, readIndex); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(shortMarker); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp atomic #endif readNodeCounts[readID]++; total++; } } for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < maxNodeIndex; nodeIndex++) { Node *node; PassageMarkerI marker; node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex - nodeCount(graph)); if (node == NULL) continue; // Long reads for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { IDnum readIndex = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker);; if (readIndex < 0) continue; const unsigned int idx = readIndex / 8; const unsigned int mask = 1 << (readIndex & 7); if (readMarker[idx] & mask) continue; readNodeCounts[readIndex]++; total++; readMarker[idx] |= mask; } // Clean up marker array for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { IDnum readIndex = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); if (readIndex > 0) // No need to go bit-wise readMarker[readIndex / 8] = 0; } } *totalCount = total; free(readMarker); return readNodeCounts; } static ReadOccurence **allocateReadToNodeTables(IDnum * readNodeCounts, Coordinate totalCount, ReadOccurence **readNodesArray) { Coordinate offset = 0; IDnum readIndex; IDnum maxReadIndex = sequenceCount(graph) + 1; ReadOccurence **readNodes = callocOrExit(maxReadIndex, ReadOccurence *); *readNodesArray = callocOrExit(totalCount, ReadOccurence); for (readIndex = 1; readIndex < maxReadIndex; readIndex++) { if (readNodeCounts[readIndex] != 0) { readNodes[readIndex] = *readNodesArray + offset; offset += readNodeCounts[readIndex]; readNodeCounts[readIndex] = 0; } } return readNodes; } static void computePartialReadToNodeMappingShort(IDnum nodeID, ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts) { ShortReadMarker *shortMarker; IDnum index, readIndex; ReadOccurence *readArray, *readOccurence; Node *node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID); ShortReadMarker *nodeArray = getNodeReads(node, graph); IDnum nodeReadCount = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); for (index = 0; index < nodeReadCount; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(nodeArray, index); readIndex = getShortReadMarkerID(shortMarker); readArray = readNodes[readIndex]; #ifdef _OPENMP lockRead(readIndex); #endif readOccurence = &readArray[readNodeCounts[readIndex]]; readOccurence->nodeID = nodeID; readOccurence->position = getShortReadMarkerPosition(shortMarker); readOccurence->offset = getShortReadMarkerOffset(shortMarker); readNodeCounts[readIndex]++; #ifdef _OPENMP unLockRead(readIndex); #endif } } static void computePartialReadToNodeMappingLong(IDnum nodeID, ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, unsigned char *readMarker, ReadSet * reads) { IDnum readIndex; ReadOccurence *readArray, *readOccurence; Node *node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID); PassageMarkerI marker; for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { readIndex = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); if (readIndex <= 0 || reads->categories[readIndex - 1] == REFERENCE) continue; const unsigned int idx = readIndex / 8; const unsigned int mask = 1 << (readIndex & 7); if (readMarker[idx] & mask) { readArray = readNodes[readIndex]; readOccurence = &readArray[readNodeCounts[readIndex] - 1]; readOccurence->position = -1; readOccurence->offset = -1; } else { readArray = readNodes[readIndex]; readOccurence = &readArray[readNodeCounts[readIndex]]; readOccurence->nodeID = nodeID; readOccurence->position = getStartOffset(marker); readOccurence->offset = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); readNodeCounts[readIndex]++; readMarker[idx] |= mask; } } for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { readIndex = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); if (readIndex > 0) // No need to go bit-wise readMarker[readIndex / 8] = 0; } } static ReadOccurence **computeReadToNodeMappings(IDnum * readNodeCounts, ReadSet * reads, Coordinate totalCount, ReadOccurence **readNodesArray) { unsigned char *readMarker; IDnum nodeID; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); ReadOccurence **readNodes = allocateReadToNodeTables(readNodeCounts, totalCount, readNodesArray); velvetLog("Computing read to node mappings\n"); #ifdef _OPENMP createReadsLocks(); #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (nodeID = -nodes; nodeID <= nodes; nodeID++) if (nodeID != 0 && getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID)) computePartialReadToNodeMappingShort(nodeID, readNodes, readNodeCounts); #ifdef _OPENMP free(readsLocks); readsLocks = NULL; #endif readMarker = callocOrExit(1 + sequenceCount(graph) / 8, unsigned char); for (nodeID = -nodes; nodeID <= nodes; nodeID++) if (nodeID != 0 && getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID)) computePartialReadToNodeMappingLong(nodeID, readNodes, readNodeCounts, readMarker, reads); free(readMarker); return readNodes; } static unsigned char * countCoOccurences(IDnum * coOccurencesCount, ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, IDnum * readPairs, Category * cats) { IDnum readIndex, readPairIndex; IDnum readNodeCount; IDnum readOccurenceIndex, readPairOccurenceIndex; ReadOccurence * readOccurence, *readPairOccurence; unsigned char *interestingReads = callocOrExit(1 + sequenceCount(graph) / 8, unsigned char); Category libID; for (libID = 0; libID < CATEGORIES + 1; libID++) coOccurencesCount[libID] = 0; for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < sequenceCount(graph); readIndex++) { // Eliminating dodgy, unpaired, already counted or user-specified reads if ( readPairs[readIndex] < readIndex || getInsertLength(graph, cats[readIndex]) > -1){ continue; } // Check for co-occurence // We know that for each read the read occurences are ordered by increasing node ID // Therefore one list is followed by increasing index, whereas the other is followed // by decreasing index libID = cats[readIndex] / 2; readPairIndex = readPairs[readIndex]; readOccurenceIndex = 0; readOccurence = readNodes[readIndex + 1]; readNodeCount = readNodeCounts[readIndex + 1]; readPairOccurenceIndex = readNodeCounts[readPairIndex + 1] - 1; readPairOccurence = &(readNodes[readPairIndex + 1][readPairOccurenceIndex]); while (readOccurenceIndex < readNodeCount && readPairOccurenceIndex >= 0) { if (readOccurence->nodeID == -readPairOccurence->nodeID) { if (readOccurence->position > 0 && readPairOccurence->position > 0) { coOccurencesCount[libID]++; interestingReads[readIndex / 8] |= 1 << (readIndex & 7); break; } else { readOccurence++; readOccurenceIndex++; readPairOccurence--; readPairOccurenceIndex--; } } else if (readOccurence->nodeID < -readPairOccurence->nodeID) { readOccurence++; readOccurenceIndex++; } else { readPairOccurence--; readPairOccurenceIndex--; } } } return interestingReads; } static void measureCoOccurences(IDnum ** coOccurences, unsigned char * interestingReads, ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, IDnum * readPairs, Category * cats) { IDnum coOccurencesIndex[CATEGORIES + 1]; IDnum observationIndex; IDnum readIndex, readPairIndex; IDnum readNodeCount; IDnum readOccurenceIndex, readPairOccurenceIndex; ReadOccurence * readOccurence, *readPairOccurence; Category libID; for (libID = 0; libID < CATEGORIES + 1; libID++) coOccurencesIndex[libID] = 0; for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < sequenceCount(graph); readIndex++) { // Eliminating dodgy, unpaired, already counted or user-specified reads if (!(interestingReads[readIndex / 8] & (1 << (readIndex & 7)))) continue; // Find co-occurence // We know that for each read the read occurences are ordered by increasing node ID libID = cats[readIndex]/2; readPairIndex = readPairs[readIndex]; observationIndex = coOccurencesIndex[libID]; readOccurence = readNodes[readIndex + 1]; readOccurenceIndex = 0; readNodeCount = readNodeCounts[readIndex + 1]; readPairOccurenceIndex = readNodeCounts[readPairIndex + 1] - 1; readPairOccurence = &(readNodes[readPairIndex + 1][readPairOccurenceIndex]); while (readOccurenceIndex < readNodeCount && readPairOccurenceIndex >= 0) { if (readOccurence->nodeID == -readPairOccurence->nodeID) { if (readOccurence->position > 0 && readPairOccurence->position > 0) { coOccurences[libID][observationIndex] = getNodeLength(getNodeInGraph(graph, readOccurence->nodeID)) + getWordLength(graph) - 1 - (readOccurence->position - readOccurence->offset) - (readPairOccurence->position - readPairOccurence->offset); coOccurencesIndex[libID]++; break; } else { readOccurence++; readOccurenceIndex++; readPairOccurence--; readPairOccurenceIndex--; } } else if (readOccurence->nodeID < -readPairOccurence->nodeID) { readOccurence++; readOccurenceIndex++; } else { readPairOccurence--; readPairOccurenceIndex--; } } } } int compareReadOccurences(const void *A, const void * B) { IDnum * cA = (IDnum *) A; IDnum * cB = (IDnum *) B; if (*cA > *cB) return 1; if (*cA == *cB) return 0; return -1; } static void estimateLibraryInsertLength(IDnum * coOccurences, IDnum coOccurencesCount, Category libID) { Coordinate median, variance; IDnum index; int counter = 0; qsort(coOccurences, coOccurencesCount, sizeof(IDnum), compareReadOccurences); median = coOccurences[coOccurencesCount / 2]; // Modified variance around the median (proxy for expected value) // interval censoring variance = 0; for (index = 0; index < coOccurencesCount; index++) { if (coOccurences[index] > 0 && coOccurences[index] < 5 * median) { variance += (coOccurences[index] - median) * (coOccurences[index] - median); counter++; } } if (counter) variance /= counter; else { variance = 0; for (index = 0; index < coOccurencesCount; index++) variance += (coOccurences[index] - median) * (coOccurences[index] - median); variance /= coOccurencesCount; } // To avoid subsequent divisions by zero if (variance == 0) variance = 1; velvetLog("Paired-end library %i has length: %lli, sample standard deviation: %lli\n", libID + 1, (long long) median, (long long) sqrt(variance)); setInsertLengths(graph, libID, median, sqrt(variance)); estimated[libID] = true; } static void estimateLibraryInsertLengths(IDnum ** coOccurences, IDnum * coOccurencesCounts) { Category libID; for (libID = 0; libID < CATEGORIES + 1; libID++) estimated[libID] = false; for (libID = 0; libID < CATEGORIES + 1; libID++) if (coOccurencesCounts[libID] > 0) estimateLibraryInsertLength(coOccurences[libID], coOccurencesCounts[libID], libID); } static void estimateMissingInsertLengths(ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, IDnum * readPairs, Category * cats) { IDnum * coOccurences[CATEGORIES + 1]; IDnum coOccurencesCounts[CATEGORIES + 1]; Category libID; velvetLog("Estimating library insert lengths...\n"); unsigned char * interestingReads = countCoOccurences(coOccurencesCounts, readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats); for (libID = 0; libID < CATEGORIES + 1; libID++) coOccurences[libID] = callocOrExit(coOccurencesCounts[libID], IDnum); measureCoOccurences(coOccurences, interestingReads, readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats); estimateLibraryInsertLengths(coOccurences, coOccurencesCounts); for (libID = 0; libID < CATEGORIES + 1; libID++) free(coOccurences[libID]); free(interestingReads); velvetLog("Done\n"); } static void createTwinConnection(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID, Connection * connect) { Connection *newConnection = allocateConnection(); IDnum nodeIndex = nodeID + nodeCount(graph); // Fill in newConnection->distance = connect->distance; newConnection->variance = connect->variance; newConnection->direct_count = connect->direct_count; newConnection->paired_count = connect->paired_count; newConnection->destination = getNodeInGraph(graph, node2ID); // Batch to twin newConnection->twin = connect; connect->twin = newConnection; // Insert in scaffold newConnection->left = NULL; newConnection->right = scaffold[nodeIndex]; if (scaffold[nodeIndex] != NULL) scaffold[nodeIndex]->left = newConnection; scaffold[nodeIndex] = newConnection; } Connection *createNewConnection(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID, IDnum direct_count, IDnum paired_count, Coordinate distance, double variance) { Node *destination = getNodeInGraph(graph, node2ID); IDnum nodeIndex = nodeID + nodeCount(graph); Connection *connect = allocateConnection(); // Fill in connect->destination = destination; connect->direct_count = direct_count; connect->paired_count = paired_count; connect->distance = (double) distance; connect->variance = variance; // Insert in scaffold connect->left = NULL; connect->right = scaffold[nodeIndex]; if (scaffold[nodeIndex] != NULL) scaffold[nodeIndex]->left = connect; scaffold[nodeIndex] = connect; // Event. pair up to twin if (getUniqueness(destination)) createTwinConnection(node2ID, nodeID, connect); else connect->twin = NULL; return connect; } void readjustConnection(Connection * connect, Coordinate distance, double variance, IDnum direct_count, IDnum paired_count) { connect->direct_count += direct_count; connect->paired_count += paired_count; connect->distance = (variance * connect->distance + distance * connect->variance) / (variance + connect->variance); connect->variance = (variance * connect->variance) / (variance + connect->variance); if (connect->twin != NULL) { connect->twin->distance = connect->distance; connect->twin->variance = connect->variance; connect->twin->direct_count = connect->direct_count; connect->twin->paired_count = connect->paired_count; } } ////////////////////////////////////// // Splay tree function for Connections ////////////////////////////////////// /* This function can be called only if K2 has a left child */ /* Perform a rotate between a node (K2) and its left child */ /* Update heights, then return new root */ static Connection *connectionSingleRotateWithLeft(Connection * K2) { Connection *K1; K1 = K2->left; K2->left = K1->right; K1->right = K2; return K1; /* New root */ } /* This function can be called only if K1 has a right child */ /* Perform a rotate between a node (K1) and its right child */ /* Update heights, then return new root */ static Connection *connectionSingleRotateWithRight(Connection * K1) { Connection *K2; K2 = K1->right; K1->right = K2->left; K2->left = K1; return K2; /* New root */ } /* Top-down splay procedure, */ /* not requiring destination to be in tree */ static Connection *splayConnection(Connection * T, IDnum nodeID) { Connection Header; Connection *LeftTreeMax, *RightTreeMin; if (T == NULL) return NULL; Header.left = Header.right = NULL; LeftTreeMax = RightTreeMin = &Header; while (nodeID != getNodeID(T->destination)) { if (nodeID < getNodeID(T->destination)) { if (T->left == NULL) break; if (nodeID < getNodeID(T->left->destination)) T = connectionSingleRotateWithLeft(T); if (T->left == NULL) break; /* Link right */ RightTreeMin->left = T; RightTreeMin = T; T = T->left; } else { if (T->right == NULL) break; if (nodeID > getNodeID(T->right->destination)) T = connectionSingleRotateWithRight(T); if (T->right == NULL) break; /* Link left */ LeftTreeMax->right = T; LeftTreeMax = T; T = T->right; } } /* while nodeID != T->destination */ /* Reassemble */ LeftTreeMax->right = T->left; RightTreeMin->left = T->right; T->left = Header.right; T->right = Header.left; return T; } static Connection* findOrCreateConnection(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID) { Connection **T; Connection *newConnection; IDnum nodeIndex; nodeIndex = nodeID + nodeCount(graph); T = scaffold + nodeIndex; if (*T == NULL) { newConnection = allocateConnection(); newConnection->left = NULL; newConnection->right = NULL; *T = newConnection; } else { IDnum destID; *T = splayConnection(*T, node2ID); destID = getNodeID((*T)->destination); if (destID == node2ID) newConnection = *T; else { newConnection = allocateConnection(); if (node2ID < destID) { newConnection->left = (*T)->left; newConnection->right = *T; (*T)->left = NULL; } else if (node2ID > destID) { newConnection->right = (*T)->right; newConnection->left = *T; (*T)->right = NULL; } *T = newConnection; } } return newConnection; } static Connection* findConnection(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID) { Connection **T; IDnum nodeIndex; nodeIndex = nodeID + nodeCount(graph); T = scaffold + nodeIndex; if (*T == NULL) return NULL; else { IDnum destID; *T = splayConnection(*T, node2ID); destID = getNodeID((*T)->destination); if (destID == node2ID) return *T; } return NULL; } RecycleBin *connectionStackMemory = NULL; typedef struct ConnectionStack_st ConnectionStack; struct ConnectionStack_st { Connection *connection; ConnectionStack *next; }; #ifdef _OPENMP static void initConnectionStackMemory(void) { int n = omp_get_max_threads(); #pragma omp critical { if (connectionStackMemory == NULL) connectionStackMemory = newRecycleBinArray(n, sizeof(ConnectionStack), BLOCK_SIZE); } } #endif static ConnectionStack *allocateConnectionStack(void) { #ifdef _OPENMP #ifdef DEBUG if (connectionStackMemory == NULL) { velvetLog("The memory for connection stack seems uninitialised, " "this is probably a bug, aborting.\n"); abort(); } #endif return allocatePointer(getRecycleBinInArray(connectionStackMemory, omp_get_thread_num())); #else if (connectionStackMemory == NULL) connectionStackMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(ConnectionStack), BLOCK_SIZE); return (ConnectionStack*)allocatePointer(connectionStackMemory); #endif } static void deallocateConnectionStack(ConnectionStack *stack) { #ifdef _OPENMP deallocatePointer(getRecycleBinInArray(connectionStackMemory, omp_get_thread_num()), stack); #else deallocatePointer(connectionStackMemory, stack); #endif } static void destroyConnectionStackMemory(void) { #ifdef _OPENMP destroyRecycleBinArray(connectionStackMemory); #else destroyRecycleBin(connectionStackMemory); #endif connectionStackMemory = NULL; } static void pushConnectionStack(ConnectionStack **stack, Connection *connection) { ConnectionStack *newElement; newElement = allocateConnectionStack(); newElement->connection = connection; newElement->next = *stack; *stack = newElement; } static Connection *popConnectionStack(ConnectionStack **stack) { ConnectionStack *nextElement; Connection *connection; if (*stack == NULL) return NULL; nextElement = (*stack)->next; connection = (*stack)->connection; deallocateConnectionStack(*stack); *stack = nextElement; return connection; } static void splayToList(Connection **connection) { ConnectionStack *stack = NULL; Connection *current; Connection *list = NULL; if (*connection == NULL) return; for (current = *connection; current != NULL; current = popConnectionStack(&stack)) { Connection *right; Connection *left; right = current->right; if (right != NULL) pushConnectionStack(&stack, right); left = current->left; if (left != NULL) pushConnectionStack(&stack, left); if (list != NULL) list->left = current; current->right = list; list = current; } list->left = NULL; *connection = list; } static void setAllConnectionsClean(void) { IDnum nodeID; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (nodeID = 2 * nodes; nodeID >= 0; nodeID--) { ConnectionStack *stack = NULL; Connection **connect; Connection *current; connect = scaffold + nodeID; if (*connect == NULL) continue; for (current = *connect; current != NULL; current = popConnectionStack(&stack)) { Connection *right; Connection *left; current->clean = true; right = current->right; if (right != NULL) pushConnectionStack(&stack, right); left = current->left; if (left != NULL) pushConnectionStack(&stack, left); } } } static void fillNewConnectionInTree(Connection *connect, Node *destination, IDnum direct_count, IDnum paired_count, Coordinate distance, double variance) { connect->destination = destination; connect->direct_count = direct_count; connect->paired_count = paired_count; connect->distance = (double)distance; connect->variance = variance; } static void readjustConnectionInTree(Connection *connect, IDnum direct_count, IDnum paired_count, Coordinate distance, double variance) { connect->direct_count += direct_count; connect->paired_count += paired_count; connect->distance = (variance * connect->distance + distance * connect->variance) / (variance + connect->variance); connect->variance = (variance * connect->variance) / (variance + connect->variance); if (connect->twin != NULL) { connect->twin->direct_count = connect->direct_count; connect->twin->paired_count = connect->paired_count; connect->twin->distance = connect->distance; connect->twin->variance = connect->variance; } } static void createTwinConnectionInTree(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID, Connection *connect) { Connection *newConnection; newConnection = findOrCreateConnection(nodeID, node2ID); if (newConnection->destination == NULL) { fillNewConnectionInTree(newConnection, getNodeInGraph(graph, node2ID), connect->direct_count, connect->paired_count, (Coordinate)connect->distance, connect->variance); // Batch to twin newConnection->twin = connect; connect->twin = newConnection; } else readjustConnectionInTree(newConnection, connect->direct_count, connect->paired_count, (Coordinate)connect->distance, connect->variance); } static void createConnection(IDnum nodeID, IDnum node2ID, IDnum direct_count, IDnum paired_count, Coordinate distance, double variance) { Connection *connect; if (getUniqueness(getNodeInGraph(graph, node2ID)) && node2ID < nodeID) { return; } #ifdef _OPENMP lockTwoNodes(nodeID, node2ID); #endif connect = findOrCreateConnection(nodeID, node2ID); if (connect->destination == NULL) { Node *destination = getNodeInGraph(graph, node2ID); fillNewConnectionInTree(connect, destination, direct_count, paired_count, distance, variance); if (getUniqueness(destination)) createTwinConnectionInTree(node2ID, nodeID, connect); else connect->twin = NULL; } else readjustConnectionInTree(connect, direct_count, paired_count, distance, variance); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockTwoNodes(nodeID, node2ID); #endif } static void projectFromSingleRead(Node * node, ReadOccurence * readOccurence, Coordinate position, Coordinate offset, Coordinate length) { Coordinate distance = 0; Node *target = getNodeInGraph(graph, -readOccurence->nodeID); double variance = 1; if (target == getTwinNode(node) || target == node) return; if (position < 0) { variance += getNodeLength(node) * getNodeLength(node) / 16; // distance += 0; } else { // variance += 0; distance += position - getNodeLength(node) / 2; } if (readOccurence->position < 0) { variance += getNodeLength(target) * getNodeLength(target) / 16; //distance += 0; } else { // variance += 0; distance += -readOccurence->position + getNodeLength(target) / 2; } if (readOccurence->offset < 0 || offset < 0) { variance += length * length / 16; //distance += 0; } else { // variance += 0; distance += readOccurence->offset - offset; } // Relative ordering if (offset > 0 && readOccurence->offset > 0) { if (offset < readOccurence->offset) { if (distance - getNodeLength(node)/2 - getNodeLength(target)/2 < -10) ; else if (distance < getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2) createConnection(getNodeID(node), getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); else createConnection(getNodeID(node), getNodeID(target), 1, 0, distance, variance); } else if (offset > readOccurence->offset) { if (-distance - getNodeLength(node)/2 - getNodeLength(target)/2 < -10) ; else if (-distance < getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2) createConnection(-getNodeID(node), -getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2 , variance); else createConnection(-getNodeID(node), -getNodeID(target), 1, 0, -distance, variance); } } else if (offset > 0 && position > 0) { if (distance - offset > -getNodeLength(node)/2 && distance - offset + length > getNodeLength(node)/2) createConnection(getNodeID(node), getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); else if (distance - offset < -getNodeLength(node)/2 && distance - offset + length < getNodeLength(node)/2) createConnection(-getNodeID(node), -getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); else { createConnection(getNodeID(node), getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); createConnection(-getNodeID(node), -getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); } } else if (readOccurence->offset > 0 && readOccurence->position > 0) { if (-distance - readOccurence->offset > -getNodeLength(target)/2 && -distance - readOccurence->offset + length > getNodeLength(target)/2) createConnection(-getNodeID(node), -getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); if (-distance - readOccurence->offset < -getNodeLength(target)/2 && -distance - readOccurence->offset + length < getNodeLength(target)/2) createConnection(getNodeID(node), getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); else { createConnection(getNodeID(node), getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); createConnection(-getNodeID(node), -getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); } } else { createConnection(getNodeID(node), getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); createConnection(-getNodeID(node), -getNodeID(target), 1, 0, getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2, variance); } } static void projectFromReadPair(Node * node, ReadOccurence * readOccurence, Coordinate position, Coordinate offset, Coordinate insertLength, double insertVariance, boolean doMatePairs) { Coordinate distance = insertLength; Coordinate variance = insertVariance; Node *target = getNodeInGraph(graph, readOccurence->nodeID); IDnum nodeID; IDnum node2ID; if (target == getTwinNode(node) || target == node) return; nodeID = getNodeID(node); node2ID = getNodeID(target); if (getUniqueness(target) && node2ID < nodeID) return; // Check if a conflicting PE (or MP from a smaller size lib) connection // already exists if (doMatePairs) { Connection *reverseConnect; #ifdef _OPENMP lockTwoNodes(nodeID, node2ID); #endif reverseConnect = findConnection(-nodeID, -node2ID); #ifdef _OPENMP unLockTwoNodes(nodeID, node2ID); #endif if (reverseConnect != NULL && reverseConnect->clean && reverseConnect->paired_count + reverseConnect->direct_count >= UNRELIABLE_CONNECTION_CUTOFF) return; } if (position < 0) { variance += getNodeLength(node) * getNodeLength(node) / 16; // distance += 0; } else { // variance += 0; distance += position - offset - getNodeLength(node) / 2; } if (readOccurence->position < 0) { variance += getNodeLength(target) * getNodeLength(target) / 16; //distance += 0; } else { // variance += 0; distance += readOccurence->position - readOccurence->offset - getNodeLength(target) / 2; } if (distance - getNodeLength(node)/2 - getNodeLength(target)/2 < -6 * sqrt(insertVariance)) return; else if (distance < getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2) distance = getNodeLength(node)/2 + getNodeLength(target)/2; createConnection(nodeID, node2ID, 0, 1, distance, variance); } static void projectFromShortRead(Node * node, ShortReadMarker * shortMarker, IDnum * readPairs, Category * cats, ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, ShortLength * lengths, boolean * shadows, boolean doMatePairs, Category thisCat) { IDnum index; IDnum readIndex = getShortReadMarkerID(shortMarker); ReadOccurence *readArray; IDnum readPairIndex; Category cat; Coordinate position = getShortReadMarkerPosition(shortMarker); Coordinate offset = getShortReadMarkerOffset(shortMarker); Coordinate length = lengths[getShortReadMarkerID(shortMarker) - 1]; Coordinate insertLength; double insertVariance; // Going through single-read information if (!doMatePairs && readNodeCounts[readIndex] > 1) { readArray = readNodes[readIndex]; for (index = 0; index < readNodeCounts[readIndex]; index++) projectFromSingleRead(node, &readArray[index], position, offset, length); } // Going through paired read information if (readPairs == NULL) return; readPairIndex = readPairs[readIndex - 1] + 1; if (readPairIndex == 0) return; cat = cats[readIndex - 1]; insertLength = getInsertLength(graph, cat); insertVariance = getInsertLength_var(graph, cat); cat /= 2; if (shadows[cat] && cat > PEBBLE_ROUND_NUM) return; if (!shadows[cat] && !doMatePairs) { readArray = readNodes[readPairIndex]; for (index = 0; index < readNodeCounts[readPairIndex]; index++) projectFromReadPair(node, &readArray[index], position, offset, insertLength, insertVariance, false); } else if (shadows[cat] && doMatePairs && cat == thisCat) { readArray = readNodes[readPairIndex]; for (index = 0; index < readNodeCounts[readPairIndex]; index++) projectFromReadPair(node, &readArray[index], position, offset, insertLength, insertVariance, true); } } static void projectFromLongRead(Node * node, PassageMarkerI marker, IDnum * readPairs, Category * cats, ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, ShortLength * lengths) { IDnum index; IDnum readIndex = getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker); ReadOccurence *readArray; IDnum readPairIndex; Category cat; Coordinate position = getStartOffset(marker); Coordinate offset = getPassageMarkerStart(marker); Coordinate length = lengths[getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker) - 1]; Coordinate insertLength; double insertVariance; // Going through single-read information if (readNodeCounts[readIndex] > 1 && position > 0) { readArray = readNodes[readIndex]; for (index = 0; index < readNodeCounts[readIndex]; index++) projectFromSingleRead(node, &readArray[index], position, offset, length); } // Going through paired read information if (readPairs == NULL) return; readPairIndex = readPairs[readIndex - 1] + 1; if (readPairIndex == 0) return; cat = cats[readIndex - 1]; insertLength = getInsertLength(graph, cat); insertVariance = getInsertLength_var(graph, cat); readArray = readNodes[readPairIndex]; for (index = 0; index < readNodeCounts[readPairIndex]; index++) projectFromReadPair(node, &readArray[index], position, offset, insertLength, insertVariance, false); } static void projectFromNode(IDnum nodeID, ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, IDnum * readPairs, Category * cats, boolean * dubious, ShortLength * lengths, boolean * shadows, boolean doMatePairs, Category thisCat) { IDnum index; ShortReadMarker *nodeArray, *shortMarker; PassageMarkerI marker; Node *node; IDnum nodeReadCount; node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeID); if (node == NULL || !getUniqueness(node)) return; nodeArray = getNodeReads(node, graph); nodeReadCount = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); for (index = 0; index < nodeReadCount; index++) { shortMarker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(nodeArray, index); if (dubious[getShortReadMarkerID(shortMarker) - 1]) continue; projectFromShortRead(node, shortMarker, readPairs, cats, readNodes, readNodeCounts, lengths, shadows, doMatePairs, thisCat); } if (!doMatePairs) for (marker = getMarker(node); marker != NULL_IDX; marker = getNextInNode(marker)) { if (getPassageMarkerSequenceID(marker) > 0) projectFromLongRead(node, marker, readPairs, cats, readNodes, readNodeCounts, lengths); } } static Connection **computeNodeToNodeMappings(ReadOccurence ** readNodes, IDnum * readNodeCounts, IDnum * readPairs, Category * cats, boolean * dubious, boolean * shadows, ShortLength * lengths) { IDnum nodeID; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); struct timeval start, end, diff; Category cat; boolean hasShadow; scaffold = callocOrExit(2 * nodes + 1, Connection *); velvetLog("Computing direct node to node mappings\n"); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); #ifdef _OPENMP createNodeLocks(graph); int threads = omp_get_max_threads(); if (threads > 32) threads = 32; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads) #endif for (nodeID = -nodes; nodeID <= nodes; nodeID++) { if (nodeID % 10000 == 0) velvetLog("Scaffolding node %li\n", (long) nodeID); projectFromNode(nodeID, readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats, dubious, lengths, shadows, false, 0); } #ifdef _OPENMP initConnectionStackMemory(); #endif hasShadow = false; for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) if (shadows[cat]) { hasShadow = true; break; } if (hasShadow) { for (cat = 0; cat < CATEGORIES; cat++) { setAllConnectionsClean(); if (!shadows[cat]) continue; velvetLog("Scaffolding MP library %i\n", cat); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (nodeID = -nodes; nodeID <= nodes; nodeID++) projectFromNode(nodeID, readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats, dubious, lengths, shadows, true, cat); } } #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (nodeID = 2 * nodes; nodeID >= 0; nodeID--) splayToList(scaffold + nodeID); destroyConnectionStackMemory(); #ifdef _OPENMP free(nodeLocks); nodeLocks = NULL; #endif gettimeofday(&end, NULL); timersub(&end, &start, &diff); velvetLog(" === Nodes Scaffolded in %ld.%06ld s\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); PEBBLE_ROUND_NUM++; return scaffold; } static IDnum **countShortReads(Graph * graph, ReadSet * reads) { IDnum **counts = callocOrExit(CATEGORIES + 1, IDnum *); Category cat; IDnum nodeIndex; IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); Node *node; ShortReadMarker *array, *marker; IDnum readCount, readIndex, readID; // Allocate memory where needed for (cat = 0; cat <= CATEGORIES; cat++) if (getInsertLength(graph, cat) > 0) counts[cat] = callocOrExit(2 * nodeCount(graph) + 1, IDnum); // Start fillin' for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < 2 * nodes + 1; nodeIndex++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, nodeIndex - nodes); if (node == NULL || !getUniqueness(node)) continue; array = getNodeReads(node, graph); readCount = getNodeReadCount(node, graph); for (readIndex = 0; readIndex < readCount; readIndex++) { marker = getShortReadMarkerAtIndex(array, readIndex); readID = getShortReadMarkerID(marker); cat = reads->categories[readID - 1]; if (cat % 2 == 1 && counts[cat / 2] != NULL) counts[cat / 2][nodeIndex]++; } } return counts; } static void removeUnreliableConnections(ReadSet * reads, boolean *shadows) { IDnum maxNodeIndex = nodeCount(graph) * 2 + 1; IDnum index; Connection *connect, *next; Category cat; IDnum **counts = countShortReads(graph, reads); IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); for (index = 0; index < maxNodeIndex; index++) { for (connect = scaffold[index]; connect != NULL; connect = next) { next = connect->right; if (!testConnection(index - nodes, connect, counts, shadows)) destroyConnection(connect, index - nodes); } } // Free memory for (cat = 0; cat <= CATEGORIES; cat++) if (counts[cat]) free(counts[cat]); free(counts); } void printConnections(ReadSet * reads, boolean * shadows) { IDnum maxNodeIndex = nodeCount(graph) * 2 + 1; IDnum index; Connection *connect, *next; Node *node; IDnum **counts = countShortReads(graph, reads); IDnum nodes = nodeCount(graph); Category cat; puts("CONNECT IDA IDB dcount pcount dist lengthA lengthB var countA countB coordA coordB real exp distance test"); for (index = 0; index < maxNodeIndex; index++) { node = getNodeInGraph(graph, index - nodeCount(graph)); for (connect = scaffold[index]; connect != NULL; connect = next) { next = getNextConnection(connect); printf ("CONNECT %ld %ld %ld %ld %lld %lld %lld %f %ld %ld", (long) index - nodeCount(graph), (long) getNodeID(connect->destination), (long) connect->direct_count, (long) connect->paired_count, (long long) getConnectionDistance(connect), (long long) getNodeLength(node), (long long) getNodeLength(connect->destination), connect->variance, (long) getNodeReadCount(node, graph), (long) getNodeReadCount(connect->destination, graph)); if (markerCount(node) == 1 && markerCount(connect->destination) == 1) printf(" %lld %lld %lld", (long long) getPassageMarkerFinish(getMarker (node)), (long long) getPassageMarkerFinish(getMarker (connect-> destination)), (long long) (getPassageMarkerFinish (getMarker(node)) - getPassageMarkerFinish (getMarker (connect->destination)))); else printf(" ? ? ?"); printf(" %ld", (long) expectedNumberOfConnections(index - nodeCount (graph), connect, counts, 0)); printf(" %lld", (long long) (getConnectionDistance(connect) - (getNodeLength(node) + getNodeLength (connect->destination)) / 2)); if (testConnection(index - nodes, connect, counts, shadows)) puts(" OK"); else puts(" NG"); } } for (cat = 0; cat <= CATEGORIES; cat++) if (counts[cat]) free(counts[cat]); free(counts); } void buildScaffold(Graph * argGraph, ReadSet * reads, boolean * dubious, boolean * shadows) { IDnum *readPairs; Category *cats; IDnum *readNodeCounts; ReadOccurence **readNodes; ReadOccurence *readNodesArray = NULL; ShortLength *lengths = getSequenceLengths(reads, getWordLength(argGraph)); Coordinate totalCount = 0; graph = argGraph; readPairs = reads->mateReads; cats = reads->categories; // Prepare primary scaffold readNodeCounts = computeReadToNodeCounts(&totalCount); readNodes = computeReadToNodeMappings(readNodeCounts, reads, totalCount, &readNodesArray); estimateMissingInsertLengths(readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats); scaffold = computeNodeToNodeMappings(readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats, dubious, shadows, lengths); removeUnreliableConnections(reads, shadows); free(readNodesArray); free(readNodes); free(readNodeCounts); free(lengths); } //DEBUG void printScaffold(Graph * argGraph, ReadSet * reads, boolean * dubious, boolean * shadows) { IDnum *readPairs; Category *cats; IDnum *readNodeCounts; ReadOccurence **readNodes; ReadOccurence *readNodesArray = NULL; ShortLength *lengths = getSequenceLengths(reads, getWordLength(argGraph)); Coordinate totalCount = 0; graph = argGraph; readPairs = reads->mateReads; cats = reads->categories; // Prepare primary scaffold readNodeCounts = computeReadToNodeCounts(&totalCount); readNodes = computeReadToNodeMappings(readNodeCounts, reads, totalCount, &readNodesArray); estimateMissingInsertLengths(readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats); scaffold = computeNodeToNodeMappings(readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats, dubious, shadows, lengths); printConnections(reads, shadows); free(readNodesArray); free(readNodes); free(readNodeCounts); free(lengths); cleanScaffoldMemory(); } void setUnreliableConnectionCutoff(int val) { UNRELIABLE_CONNECTION_CUTOFF = (IDnum) val; } void cleanScaffoldMemory() { Category libID; for (libID = 0; libID < CATEGORIES + 1; libID++) if (estimated[libID]) setInsertLengths(graph, libID, -1, -1); destroyRecycleBin(connectionMemory); free(scaffold); connectionMemory = NULL; } void setPairedExpFraction(double x) { paired_exp_fraction = x; } void computeConnections( Graph* argGraph, ReadSet* reads, boolean* dubious, boolean* shadows ){ IDnum *readPairs; Category *cats; IDnum *readNodeCounts; ReadOccurence **readNodes; ReadOccurence *readNodesArray = NULL; ShortLength *lengths = getSequenceLengths(reads, getWordLength(argGraph)); Coordinate totalCount = 0; graph = argGraph; readPairs = reads->mateReads; cats = reads->categories; if(!readStartsAreActivated(graph)) { return; } resetNodeStatus(graph); // Prepare primary scaffold readNodeCounts = computeReadToNodeCounts(&totalCount); readNodes = computeReadToNodeMappings(readNodeCounts, reads, totalCount, &readNodesArray); estimateMissingInsertLengths(readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats); scaffold = computeNodeToNodeMappings(readNodes, readNodeCounts, readPairs, cats, dubious, shadows, lengths); removeUnreliableConnections(reads, shadows); // Clean up memory free(readNodesArray); free(readNodes); free(readNodeCounts); free(lengths); }