/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "tightString.h" #include "utility.h" typedef unsigned char Codon; struct tString_st { Codon *sequence; IDnum length; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; static const Nucleotide Adenine = 0; static const Nucleotide Cytosine = 1; static const Nucleotide Guanine = 2; static const Nucleotide Thymine = 3; // Binary 11111100 static const Codon FILTER0 = ~((Codon) 3); // Binary 11110011 static const Codon FILTER1 = ~(((Codon) 3) << 2); // Binary 11001111 static const Codon FILTER2 = ~(((Codon) 3) << 4); // Binary 00111111 static const Codon FILTER3 = (Codon) ~ ((Codon) 3 << 6); // // Adds a number into the Codon pointed to by codonPtr at the desired // position (0, 1, 2, or 3); // void writeNucleotideNumber(Nucleotide nucleotide, Codon * codonPtr, Coordinate position) { if (position == 3) { *codonPtr &= FILTER3; *codonPtr += nucleotide << 6; } else if (position == 2) { *codonPtr &= FILTER2; *codonPtr += nucleotide << 4; } else if (position == 1) { *codonPtr &= FILTER1; *codonPtr += nucleotide << 2; } else if (position == 0) { *codonPtr &= FILTER0; *codonPtr += nucleotide; } } TightString *getTightStringInArray(TightString * tString, IDnum position) { return tString + position; } // // Adds a nucleotide into the Codon pointed to by codonPtr at the desired // position (0, 1, 2, or 3); // void writeNucleotide(Nucleotide nucleotide, Codon * codonPtr, int position) { int nucleotideNum; switch (nucleotide) { case 'A': nucleotideNum = Adenine; break; case 'C': nucleotideNum = Cytosine; break; case 'G': nucleotideNum = Guanine; break; case 'T': nucleotideNum = Thymine; break; case 'N': nucleotideNum = Adenine; break; case 'a': nucleotideNum = Adenine; break; case 'c': nucleotideNum = Cytosine; break; case 'g': nucleotideNum = Guanine; break; case 't': nucleotideNum = Thymine; break; case 'n': nucleotideNum = Adenine; default: nucleotideNum = Adenine; } writeNucleotideNumber(nucleotideNum, codonPtr, position); } static void fillTightStringWithString(TightString * tString, char *sequence, Codon *newSequence) { int index; tString->sequence = newSequence; for (index = 0; index < tString->length; index++) writeNucleotide(sequence[index], &(newSequence[index / 4]), index % 4); free(sequence); } // // Creates a tightString from an array of normal strings // TightString *newTightStringArrayFromStringArray(char **sequences, IDnum sequenceCount, char **tSeqMem) { IDnum sequenceIndex; Codon *tmp; TightString *tStringArray = mallocOrExit(sequenceCount, TightString); Coordinate totalLength = 0; int arrayLength; for (sequenceIndex = 0; sequenceIndex < sequenceCount; sequenceIndex++) { tStringArray[sequenceIndex].length = strlen (sequences[sequenceIndex]); arrayLength = (tStringArray[sequenceIndex].length + 3) / 4; totalLength += arrayLength; } *tSeqMem = callocOrExit (totalLength, char); tmp = (Codon*)*tSeqMem; for (sequenceIndex = 0; sequenceIndex < sequenceCount; sequenceIndex++) { fillTightStringWithString (&tStringArray[sequenceIndex], sequences[sequenceIndex], tmp); arrayLength = (tStringArray[sequenceIndex].length + 3) / 4; tmp += arrayLength; } free(sequences); return tStringArray; } char readNucleotide(Nucleotide nucleotide) { switch (nucleotide) { case 0: return 'A'; case 1: return 'C'; case 2: return 'G'; case 3: return 'T'; } return '?'; } char *readTightString(TightString * tString) { Coordinate index, index4; char *string; Codon codon; if (tString == NULL || tString->length == 0) { string = callocOrExit(5, char); strcpy(string, "VOID"); return string; } string = callocOrExit(tString->length + 1, char); for (index = 0; index < tString->length / 4; index++) { index4 = index << 2; codon = tString->sequence[index]; string[index4] = readNucleotide(codon & 3); string[index4 + 1] = readNucleotide((codon & 12) >> 2); string[index4 + 2] = readNucleotide((codon & 48) >> 4); string[index4 + 3] = readNucleotide((codon & 192) >> 6); } index4 = index << 2; codon = tString->sequence[index]; switch (tString->length % 4) { case 3: string[index4 + 3] = readNucleotide((codon & 192) >> 6); case 2: string[index4 + 2] = readNucleotide((codon & 48) >> 4); case 1: string[index4 + 1] = readNucleotide((codon & 12) >> 2); case 0: string[index4] = readNucleotide(codon & 3); } string[tString->length] = '\0'; return string; } Nucleotide getNucleotide(Coordinate nucleotideIndex, TightString * tString) { Codon codon = tString->sequence[nucleotideIndex / 4]; switch (nucleotideIndex % 4) { case 3: return (codon & 192) >> 6; case 2: return (codon & 48) >> 4; case 1: return (codon & 12) >> 2; case 0: return (codon & 3); } return '?'; } void readTightStringFragment(TightString * tString, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, char *string) { Coordinate index; Coordinate inFinish = finish; if (start >= tString->length) { string[0] = '\0'; return; } if (inFinish > tString->length) inFinish = tString->length; for (index = start; index < inFinish; index++) { string[index - start] = readNucleotide(getNucleotide(index, tString)); } string[inFinish - start] = '\0'; } char getNucleotideChar(Coordinate nucleotideIndex, TightString * tString) { Codon codon; codon = tString->sequence[nucleotideIndex / 4]; switch (nucleotideIndex % 4) { case 3: return readNucleotide((codon & 192) >> 6); case 2: return readNucleotide((codon & 48) >> 4); case 1: return readNucleotide((codon & 12) >> 2); case 0: return readNucleotide((codon & 3)); } return '?'; } TightString *newTightString(Coordinate length) { Coordinate arrayLength = length / 4; Coordinate index; TightString *newTString = mallocOrExit(1, TightString); if (length % 4 > 0) arrayLength++; newTString->length = length; newTString->sequence = callocOrExit(arrayLength, Codon); for (index = 0; index < arrayLength; index++) newTString->sequence[index] = 0; return newTString; } void writeNucleotideAtPosition(Nucleotide nucleotide, Coordinate position, TightString * tString) { if (position >= tString->length) return; writeNucleotideNumber(nucleotide, &tString->sequence[position / 4], position % 4); } IDnum getLength(TightString * tString) { return tString->length; } void destroyTightString(TightString * tString) { free(tString->sequence); free(tString); } void setTightStringLength(TightString * tString, Coordinate length) { Coordinate arrayLength = tString->length / 4; Coordinate newArrayLength = length / 4; if (tString->length % 4 > 0) arrayLength++; if (length % 4 > 0) newArrayLength++; if (newArrayLength > arrayLength) { tString->sequence = reallocOrExit(tString->sequence, newArrayLength, Codon); arrayLength = newArrayLength; } tString->length = length; } void exportTightString(FILE * outfile, TightString * sequence, IDnum index) { Coordinate start, finish; char str[100]; if (sequence == NULL) return; velvetFprintf(outfile, ">SEQUENCE_%ld_length_%lld\n", (long) index, (long long) getLength(sequence)); start = 0; while (start <= getLength(sequence)) { finish = start + 60; readTightStringFragment(sequence, start, finish, str); velvetFprintf(outfile, "%s\n", str); start = finish; } fflush(outfile); }