CHANGELOG FOR VELVETOPTIMISER ============================= Changes since Version 2.0: 2.0.1: * Added Mikael Brandstrom Durling's code to get free_mem and num_cpus for the Mac. * Fixed a bug where if no assembly score was calculable the program crashed. It now sets the assembly score to 0 instead. 2.1.0: * Added two stage optimisation functions. First one is used to optimise for hash value and second to optimise for cov_cutoff. Both are user definable and default to "n50" for k-mer size and "Lbp" for cov_cutoff. * Above necessitated change in command line option letters to minimise confusion. first stage opt. func is -k for k-mer size and second is -c for cov_cutoff * Fixed a bug in where the exp_cov was only calculated for the first two categories and left out the rest. Now uses all short read categories. * Added a command line option -o to pass through extra commands to velvetg (such as long_mult_cutoff etc.) NB: No sanity checking here! 2.1.1: * Fixed a bug where prefixs containing '-' or '.' would cause the script to fail. 2.1.2: * Fixed a bug where estExpCov would try and incorporate columns in the stats.txt file that contained "Inf" or "N/A" into the calculation and thereby crash. 2.1.3: * Now gives a nice warning when optimisation function returns undef or 0, instead of cryptic perl error message. 2.1.4: * Fixed another bug in estExpCov in so it now doesn't count stats with coverage < 2 and contigs of less than 3 * kmer size - 1. 2.1.5: * Added support for velveth's new input file types. (bam, sam and raw) and attempted to future proof it.. 2.1.6 * Now prints Velvet calculated insert sizes and standard deviations in assembly summaries, both in the logfile and on screen 2.1.7 * Takes new velveth help format into account. Thanks to Alexie Papanicolaou - CSIRO for the patch. 2.1.8 * Fixed a bug in the file so it displays the paired end statistics for newer versions of velvet. 2.1.9 * Added a hash value search step option. * Calculates the maximum number of velvet instances to run allowing for the velvet OMP compile num threads. * Warns if compiled with velvet is OMP and optimiser threads set to more than number of cpus times OMP threads. 2.2.0 * You can choose an output folder to put final optimal results into with the -d option. * Fixed a potential bug when running as root. * Set default 'hashe' parameter to MAXKMERLENGTH that velvet was compiled with. 2.2.1 * Added an option to manually set a minimum coverage cutoff. 2.2.2 * Added an option to set the maximum coverage cutoff as a fraction of the expected coverage. 2.2.3 * Added --version option * Added LICENSE * Added INSTALL * Moved the change log from README to its own file CHANGELOG 2.2.4 * Fixed a bug when the starting and ending hash values were the same.