================== DEVELOPING WEBLOGO ================== --------------------------------------------- Procedure to Build and Release new versions --------------------------------------------- 1. Make sure local repository is up to date. The WebLogo repository is https://github.com/WebLogo/weblogo git pull origin master 2. Update changelog (weblogo/htdocs/weblogo_changelog.txt) 3. Update manual.html with the latest --help text. 4. Rebuild examples. cd weblogo/htdocs/examples bash build_examples.sh 5. Run build and test under all supported python versions. tox 6. Run webpage tests. ./weblogo --serve # then goto localhost:8080/test.html and try tests 7. Commit final changes. 8. Tag tag release on Github at https://github.com/WebLogo/weblogo/releases/new 10. Update server: login to weblogo.threeplusone.com, weblogo directory and switch branches git checkout 3.x.x 11. Check server is working correctly. Run tests at weblogo.threeplusone.com/tests.html 12. Post announcement. (http://groups.google.com/group/WebLogo)