#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2005 David D. Ding # # This software is distributed under the MIT Open Source License. # # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # """Reads Sequences in interleaved Phylip format (not sequential) and returns a list of sequences. Phylip is a very common phylogeny generating sequence type that has the following traits: 1) First line contains number of species and number of characters in a species' sequence. Options may follow, and they can be spaced or unspaced. Options are simply letters such as A and W after the number of characters. 2) Options don't have to contain U in order for a usertree to appear. 3) If there are options then options appear first, then the sequences. For the first iteration of sequences the first ten spaces are reserved for names of options and species, the rest is for sequences. 4) For the second and following iterations the names are removed, only sequence appears 4) At end of file a usertree may appear. First there is a number that indicts the number of lines the usertree will take, and then the usertrees follow. Examples: 6 50 W W 0101001111 0101110101 01011 dmras1 GTCGTCGTTG GACCTGGAGG CGTGG hschras GTGGTGGTGG GCGCCGGCCG TGTGG ddrasa GTTATTGTTG GTGGTGGTGG TGTCG spras GTAGTTGTAG GAGATGGTGG TGTTG scras1 GTAGTTGTCG GTGGAGGTGG CGTTG scras2 GTCGTCGTTG GTGGTGGTGG TGTTG 0101001111 0101110101 01011 GTCGTCGTTG GACCTGGAGG CGTGG GTGGTGGTGG GCGCCGGCCG TGTGG GTTATTGTTG GTGGTGGTGG TGTCG GTAGTTGTAG GAGATGGTGG TGTTG GTAGTTGTCG GTGGAGGTGG CGTTG GTCGTCGTTG GTGGTGGTGG TGTTG 1 ((dmras1,ddrasa),((hschras,spras),(scras1,scras2))); """ from typing import Iterator, TextIO from ..seq import Alphabet, Seq, SeqList names = ("phylip",) extensions = ("phy",) def iterseq(fin: TextIO, alphabet: Alphabet = None) -> Iterator[Seq]: """Iterate over the sequences in the file.""" # Default implementation return iter(read(fin, alphabet)) # Read takes in a phylip file name, reads it, processes it, and returns a SeqList def read(fin: TextIO, alphabet: Alphabet = None) -> SeqList: sequence: list = [] # where sequences are stored idents = [] num_seq = 0 num_total_seq = 0 # length of sequence of 1 species tracker = 0 # track what sequence the line is on usertree_tracker = 0 # track usertree lines options = "" # options num_options = 0 # number/lens of options - U line = fin.readline() while line: s_line = ( line.split() ) # for ease of use, not used in all scenarios, but easier on the eye if s_line == []: # see nothing do nothing pass elif ( s_line[0].isdigit() and len(s_line) == 1 and len(sequence) == num_seq and len(sequence[0]) == num_total_seq ): usertree_tracker = int(s_line[0]) pass elif num_options > 0: if len(sequence) < num_seq: if s_line[0][0] in options: num_options -= 1 pass else: raise ValueError( "Not an option, but it should be one" ) # pragma: no cover else: num_options -= 1 pass elif usertree_tracker > 0: # basically skip usertree if len(sequence[num_seq - 1]) == num_total_seq: usertree_tracker -= 1 # pragma: no cover else: raise ValueError("User Tree in Wrong Place") # problems parse error unexpected elif s_line[0].isdigit(): if len(s_line) >= 2 and len(sequence) == 0: # identifies first line of file num_seq = int(s_line[0]) # get number of sequences num_total_seq = int(s_line[1]) # get length of sequences if len(s_line) > 2: # takes care of the options options = "".join(s_line[2:]) num_options = len(options) - options.count("U") else: raise ValueError("parse error") # when options end, this takes care of the sequence elif num_options == 0: if num_seq == 0: raise ValueError("Empty File, or possibly wrong file") elif tracker < num_seq: if num_seq > len(sequence): sequence.append("".join(line[10:].split())) # removes species name idents.append(line[0:10].strip()) tracker += 1 else: sequence[tracker] += "".join(s_line) tracker += 1 if tracker == num_seq: tracker = 0 num_options = len(options) - options.count("U") line = fin.readline() if len(sequence) != len(idents) or len(sequence) != num_seq: raise ValueError("Number of different sequences wrong") # pragma: no cover seqs = [] for i in range(0, len(idents)): if len(sequence[i]) == num_total_seq: seqs.append(Seq(sequence[i], alphabet, idents[i])) else: raise ValueError("extra sequence in list") # pragma: no cover return SeqList(seqs)