#!/bin/sh # simple script to execute java with the appropriate options to run Jalview # Change JAVA_CMD to the location of your java binary if necessary # Change the values of the -Xms and -Xmx parameters if you are getting # out of memory errors # # JAVA8_CMD should be set before running this script. # The best place to do that is in $BIRCH/local/local.profile.source # For testing purposes, you can uncomment the line below and # modify it for the appropriate Java command on your system. #JAVA8_CMD="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-" if [ ! -z "$JAVA17_CMD" ] then JAVA_CMD="$JAVA17_CMD" else JAVA_CMD="java" fi echo "JAVA_CMD: " $JAVA_CMD # Check for Java17 JVERSION=`$JAVA_CMD -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -f2 -d'"' | cut -f1 -d"."` echo "JVERSION: "$JVERSION if [ "$JVERSION" = "17" ] then $JAVA_CMD -jar $BIRCH/java/Jalview/jalview-all- "$@" else MESSAGE="Jalview requires Java17." TITLE="Dependencies" java -jar $BIRCH/script/OkayBox2.jar "$MESSAGE" "$TITLE" chooseviewer.py $BIRCH/public_html/birchadmin/dependencies/dependencies.html fi